
Dazzling Rainbow

by VitalSpark

Chapter 3: Three Tacos Each

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Sonata gasped. "What happened?"

Rainbow blinked. "Oh, uh, it's—"

"Adagio, have you lost your mind?" Sonata asked, tilting her head. She turned to Rainbow. "Oh, were you saying something?"

Rainbow Dash waved a hand. "Never mind. Look, it's a long story. A really long story."

Aria spoke about Rainbow as if she weren't even in the room. "What is it doing here, Dagi?"

"Don't speak about her like that," Adagio snapped. "She's had an accident, and she needed my help. Let's just leave it at that."

"Oh...okay." Sonata looked up at the time. "Ah crap! We're gonna be late!" she said, picking up the bags.

"Didn't you guys just get here?" Rainbow asked, confused.

"Oh no, we arrived a while ago! We were actually wondering where Adagio was that whole time. But now we have to go again," Sonata explained simply, walking out the door.

Aria chased after her. "Sonata, you idiot!" she shouted, snatching up a sports bag as she ran out of the door. "You forgot the gas torch, drill, and Hillary Clinton masks!"

Adagio turned to Rainbow. "I don't think I even want to know."

Rainbow shrugged. "Me neither." She hopped over and sat down on the couch.

"So, do you want that coffee now, or maybe something to eat?" She walked into the kitchen and turned the oven off. Peering through the window in the oven door, she said, "those idiots would have burnt the house down! But it looks like we've got free tacos if you're hungry."

Rainbow breathed in the smell. "Well, they did a good job. I'll take both!" She grinned.

Adagio left the tacos in the oven to keep warm while she busied herself making coffee. "You're lucky. This means you won't have to taste my terrible cooking. Sonata's quite the chef — she trained under Auguste Escoffier."

She soon returned to the living room carrying a tray with two coffee mugs and two plates of tacos — three taco shells each.

"I'm surprised Sonata's the one who does everything around here. She seemed like such an airhead at school. Never expected to see her driving, cooking or dealing with money. I just saw her… well, being silly all the time," Rainbow said as she moved forward on the couch to eat.

Adagio sat down. "Oh, she is. There's just a handful of things she can do really, really well. An idiot savant, if you like."

"I see," Rainbow said and took a bite of the tacos.

Adagio took a sip of her coffee. "So you're planning on going straight back to school tomorrow as if nothing's happened? Not going to use your accident as an excuse for some time off?"

Rainbow shook her head, swallowing. "I'd rather go back to school. I mean, it'll be tiring and boring as usual, but it's better than sitting around all day. I mean, it's not like I'll be doing much else at home," she said.

"And I suppose then you get to be with your friends." Adagio took a bite of taco.

"Oh yeah. There's that… too," Rainbow said, picking up her coffee.

"Is… is something wrong?" Adagio pressed.

"Uh, nope! Everything's fine!" Rainbow said quickly, drinking her coffee to try to avoid the subject. "This is seriously really good! I wouldn't be able to make anything as good as this, haha!" She laughed awkwardly.

Adagio turned back to her food and looked at her out of the corner of her eye. She decided to drop the matter… for now. "If you'd had as much practice at making tacos as our little princess has, you sure would."

Adagio exhaled sharply. "Sheesh! I still remember when she first discovered tacos. For the next few months, she made absolutely horrible tacos. The tacos you're eating are the result of literally DECADES of practice. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten bored of them."

"Um, that's Sonata?" Rainbow said. "Seems like it, anyway."

"But… ummm… you know… she's one of my best friends. We go back so long… we got back forever. You can't let petty things like bad tacos come between you." Adagio finished the taco.

Rainbow stopped drinking and put down her coffee. Can't let petty things like bad tacos come between you… that sounds like a saying. If that's so, then what happened at the hospital on the phone… was that like a bad taco too? She sighed. Probably not, she thought, the whole time staring ahead at the wall.

Adagio started her last taco, this one containing chicken or something that looked chickeny, and watched Rainbow's reaction. Yes, that phone call at the hospital must definitely have been an argument with one of her friends, and not her father as she'd earlier assumed.

"You know," she said, taking a sip of coffee, "you could stay overnight here." She blushed at the implication. "I mean, we have a spare room you could stay in. I could take you to school in the morning." And watch how you are with your friends.

Rainbow shook out of her thoughts and looked at Adagio. "Huh? Stay here? Oh, sure! Sounds great!"

Adagio thought for a moment. "But you don't have another change of clothes." She assessed Rainbow for a few seconds. "You'd probably fit into some of Aria's things. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Well… she would, but when have I ever cared what she thought? You might be a little… bigger… on top, but we'll squeeze you into something."

"Okay," Rainbow said, finishing her meal, "sounds great!" She grinned and leaned back against the couch. "Thanks a lot."

Adagio finished the last of her coffee. "So there's still a bit of time before then. What would you like to do? Anything you want to talk about?"

"I don't really have anything to say. Well, I think." Rainbow sighed. "When you left the room, my dad was talking about what happened with me, but he really only wanted to know so he could sue someone, I could tell. I didn't say anything, but who knows, he's probably trying to get the car driver arrested or something…"

"That sucks," Adagio muttered. "You know, where I come from… my kind… it's actually the male that gives birth. Doesn't mean they give a damn what happens afterwards."

"Really?" Rainbow said, and thought about it. "That might as well be what happened to me. My mom left the moment I was born, and I haven't seen her since," she said simply. "Well… who were your parents?"

"I don't know. Never knew them. Something Sonata and Aria have in common with me. That's sad about your mother though. Ever tried tracking her down?"

"Like I can. I don't know her name, or what she looks like… dad never says anything. When I was young, he just told me she left. Never why… never showed me anything either. I have no idea. If there was a way, I would. But I have a feeling mum doesn't want me to, anyway," Rainbow said.

Adagio sighed. "Well, I suppose there's nothing you could do then."

Adagio picked up the plates and cups and took them to the kitchen, depositing them and returning to her guest. "So I suppose with your mother gone, and your father… like that, that's why you fixated on the Wonderbolts. I mean… sorry if I seem to be psychoanalysing you."

"It's fine. And yeah, that's pretty much it. I mean, my dad helped… a lot. He quit smoking and drinking when I was born, and spent all his time looking after me. I guess that's why I understand the suing… he's just trying to protect me, to the point of not even thinking straight. I overreacted a little… without realising what he must have been going through. But now, things are different. I'm growing up. Heck, I can even ride my own motorcycle! But I feel like… like I'm not ready. To go out into the world, I mean. Or, at least I did feel like that. Then you came, and… yeah. You get the idea." Rainbow blushed. "But honestly, I feel like… I'm starting to rethink my dream of becoming a Wonderbolt."

"Well, that seems good of him, I suppose." Adagio sat down next to Rainbow on the couch. "I know what that's like… having to rethink your plans. After you…" Adagio paused. "After our plans had to be… abandoned, after the battle of the bands, we had to come up with a new idea. That was why I was so keen to see the Wonderbolts you see? There were these rumours of three magical amulets. They wouldn't restore our powers, but they might help us… get back home." She leaned back. "But now I don't even know about that. Maybe there's a chance for something new in this world. Something meaningful?"

"There's always a chance for something meaningful," Rainbow said with a smile. "Goddammit that sounds sappy." She bit her lip. "Uh, what I meant was…" She looked away and blushed. "I–I love you, Adagio, and I want to be with you...forever."

"I…" Adagio was lost for words. She wanted this so much, but after last time, after Joan, she didn't know if she could stand to have her heart broken another time. She jumped to her feet. "I… I should get your room ready." She ran out of the room and up the stairs to her own room, where she closed the door, leaned against it and slumped down to the floor, burying her face in her hands, not happy, nor sad, just shocked and confused.

"God… goddamit!" Rainbow yelled, pulling the ends of her hair. She resisted destroying the lounge room, since this wasn't her house. Instead, she resorted to yelling at herself. What kind of move was that?! I'm an idiot! No matter what I do, I always push people away! Maybe I should just give up on it all together, be alone forever!

After a few minutes, Adagio picked herself up and thought it best to carry out her promise. She went to the bathroom and opened the linen closet, taking out satin sheets and pillowcases, before going to prepare the rarely used guest room for Rainbow Dash… if Rainbow even still wanted to stay following her performance.

Rainbow sighed and sat back down on the couch. She placed her hands on her head and continued thinking. Now what…? I’ve ruined everything…

Adagio descended the stairs and saw that Rainbow was still on the couch. Good… she hadn't completely blown it. "Rainbow, should I… um… should I show you your room?"

Rainbow looked up. "Uh, sure," she said, part of her hoping that this whole thing would just blow away, but… she still wanted to be with her.

Adagio stood on the bottom step and gestured for Rainbow to come upstairs. Rainbow trailed after her, holding onto the rail as she walked up the stairs. Adagio stood on the landing and pointed towards the door. She took a sharp intake of breath when Rainbow brushed past her, her heart beating faster at just that small amount of contact. Rainbow bit her lip and opened the door, walking inside.

"It's great. Thanks," she said simply. "I–I mean, uh, it really is! Yeah. Don't listen to me."

"You need to get settled in… do you… do you want me to go?"

"I… I don't mind, really…" Rainbow said awkwardly, as she sat down on the bed, placing her crutches on the ground. "Your choice. Oh, can I have a shower…?" she started to ask, but then looked down at her legs, the crutches and Adagio and turned bright red. Fuck…

"Yeah, sure," Adagio answered. "Do you think a bath might be easier, in your condition?"

"You have a bath? Really?" Rainbow said excitedly. "Oh, uh, sure. Yeah, it would."

"Of course," Adagio said. "The bathroom's just across the hall." She bent down to retrieve Rainbow's crutches and passed them to her. "I'll show you."

Rainbow nodded and followed her down the hall. Adagio pushed open a door, revealing a large bathroom with a white tiled floor. The frosted window was open a crack, letting a slight breeze in which caused soft white the curtains to flutter. There was a bath in the corner, along with all the other usual amenities. Adagio stood in the doorway and bit her lip, waiting for Rainbow to brush past her again.

Rainbow walked in and looked around. "It's really nice!" She leaned her crutches against the bathroom sink, figuring she'd be alright in here, since there was a lot of stuff to lean on.

"Do you want me to run the bath for you? Or should I just leave you to it?" Adagio asked.

"I think I might need your help, actually," Rainbow said. "Just for the bath, I'll be fine afterwards."

"Okay," Adagio answered, walking over to the bath. She put the plug in and turned on both taps. She went to the bathroom cabinet and got out a bottle of shower-gel and some shampoo, putting them on the side of the bath while the water ran.

Rainbow turned around and watched. "Wow. It looks really inviting. Thanks a lot."

"Is there anything else?"

"No thanks, I'm good. Uh, but I'll need something to change into after…" Rainbow said. "Then I'll be good."

"I'll go and get you something then," Adagio offered, and left to go to Aria's room.

"Thanks." Rainbow said, taking off her shirt when Adagio left. She turned to the mirror and looked at her figure, like she normally did. Nope. No growth in these breasts. Goddammit.

Adagio returned carrying a change of clothes. She pushed open the bathroom door and was surprised to see Rainbow topless. For a moment, she stood there, jaw hanging open, admiring Rainbow's muscular but still feminine chest and arms. "I… umm… here are the clothes," she said, looking away, her cheeks turning the same colour as Pinkie Pie's hair.

Rainbow's face turned bright red and she turned away. "Uh, thanks," she said quickly.

Adagio left the bathroom feeling flustered. She closed the door behind her and rushed to her room, flopping down in bed.

Rainbow bit her lip and finished undressing, getting into the bath. She gasped lightly at the feel of the warm water against the skin. It was nothing like a shower; it was much more relaxing. Adagio was right, this was better. If her crutches weren't sitting on the sink next to her, Rainbow would have said she felt totally fine.

Adagio thought about Rainbow in the bath. She was so tempted to sneak back. Just a little peek wouldn't hurt, would it? No, Rainbow would never forgive her.

Rainbow moved her legs closer to the body to get a better look at the length of the bath. Honestly, it was big enough for two… her face again turned red as the image popped into her mind. "Oh God… there must be something wrong with me."

Rainbow’s hands began to wander over her body. By the time she finally climbed out of the bath and steadied herself on her crutches, she wasn’t sure she felt any cleaner, but certainly felt a lot less stressed.

Adagio meanwhile, had decided to destress as well. Wiping her hands afterwards and buckling her belt, she looked up and caught the sight of Rainbow Dash standing in the doorway. Her jaw dropped open and she fumbled for words. "I… uh… Rainbow… I didn't… I didn't expect you to be out of the bath so soon."

Rainbow gripped the back of her towel tightly and looked down. "Nice to know I wasn't the only one who got off…" she said, blushing deeply again. "Well, I'm not really sure I'm finished. I wonder how long I'm going to have to stand here on my sore legs before you get the memo," she said; pretty straightforward for someone like her. But then again, her legs hurt. A lot.

Adagio was surprised by what she'd just heard. "I just… I…" She quickly stood up, helping Rainbow onto the bed.

Rainbow sighed and looked down. "Sorry. I didn't mean to." She apologized, but wasn't really sure if she meant it. She wanted the images to come out of her head, but not drift away. No, she wanted them to become a reality. The blush on her face deepened. "Adagio…" she accidentally said out loud.

Adagio didn't know what else to do — she leaned over Rainbow and kissed her on the lips. Slowly and gently, but backed with a real feeling of love and passion. Her hand ran down Rainbow's wet hair, and caressed her shoulder.

Rainbow placed her hand up on the back of Adagio's neck, returning the kiss. Her stomach had a nervous feeling, but every time it came, it quickly disappeared with the feeling of the siren's soft, sweet lips once again pressed against her own. Even if nothing came after this night, she wanted everything from this night. Besides; what happened in here, stayed in here.


An hour later, Adagio put her arm around Rainbow and snuggled into the valley between her head and shoulder. "You must be tired," she whispered. "Why don't we forget about the guest room. You can sleep in here with me."

The two girls drifted off to sleep.

Author's Notes:

Apologies that this chapter is a little shorter than usual. It's because I had to cut out a whole chunk of stuff to keep it T-rated. :twilightsheepish:
I know what you're thinking… side story! Well, one step ahead of you… Adashio.
Next chapter will be longer to make up for it… I promise!

Next Chapter: Four Pancakes For Breakfast Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 33 Minutes
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