
Light of a Diamond

by SirNotAppearingInThisFic

Chapter 7: (Epilogue) Hearts of Gold

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders’ cute-ceañera had been underway some time now, and all of their friends and family had congratulated them extensively for earning their cutie marks. When the enthusiasm started to die down, and the Crusaders had found themselves a moment of peace, Princess Twilight took the opportunity to ask them what they thought about their new cutie marks.

“We’ve spent an awful lot of time fussin’ and frettin’ ‘bout gettin’ our cutie marks, but when we stopped and helped Tiara, we weren’t feelin’ lost ourselves,” Apple Bloom responded.

“And we feel lost a lot…” Sweetie Belle added. “When we think about ourselves and getting our cutie marks, things tend to get frustrating.”

“That’s why we decided to help ponies like Tiara,” Scootaloo said, “instead of just thinking about ourselves.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m very proud of you girls, putting aside your self-imposed quest – and perhaps dislike – to help somepony else; some of our greatest accomplishments are realized when we help others, as you have probably noticed.” She clapped her hooves together a few times with enthusiasm. “It’s great way to make friends, too!”

“I do like having a Tiara that’s nice,” agreed Scootaloo. “All she needed was somepony to tell her that there was a better way... once she started looking for one.” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded.

“But now that Tiara’s problems are fix— well... under control, how do we help other ponies? Who do we even help?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I don’t even know where to start.”

“Well…” Twilight considered the question for just a moment. “Do you three still want to have Twilight Time? I’m sure everything you learn will help you when you’re trying to help others, and we can discuss what your cutie marks mean to each of you as well.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders chorused, “Yeah!”

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