
An Actual Date

by Jay David

Chapter 1: An Actual Date

As one would expect of one of Canterlot's most popular hang-out spots, Sugar Cube Corner was abuzz with activity. From students enjoying one another's company to the frequent other customers the place saw, the whole cafe had a real feeling of friendliness to it that just put a smile on the faces of all who came here. Mr and Mrs Cakes, as always, did their best to give comforting service to their patrons, and were always busy at the counter, or behind the-scenes, baking their often-demanded confectionaries. But, as pleasant as the atmosphere was of this place, there was one face that, by contrast, didn't seem all that relaxed. That person was Flash Sentry, a noted guitar player of CHS, who was sitting in a lone booth in the corner, frequently seeming to take calming breaths, muttering to himself as he did so.

"Okay, Flash, relax. There's nothing to worry about. It's just you and her...together...on your very first date."

Needless to say, such words were soon followed by a look of nervousness on his part. Oftentimes, he would look around, making note of the different people who would pop in and out of the place, but always, he seemed concerned, perhaps even a little worried, about what he knew was to come. Eventually, and after a very uncomfortable wait on his part, the doors of the cafe finally opened, it's distinctive bell informing all of a new arrival. As always, Flash turned, looking upon the new arrival, and when he did so, he finally broke out into a smile. For there she was; Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. To say that Flash was happy to see her would have been a great understatement, as he now raised his hand and waved to her, gaining her attention immediately. Seeing him, Twilight smiled right back, and before long, she moved over, sitting beside him in that booth.

"It's good to see you again, Flash. I hope you haven't been waiting too long?"

To that, Flash shook his head.

"No, not long. But, I've gotta say...I was a little surprised. Your message was kinda sudden, after all."

Looking away slightly, Twilight developed a small blush on her cheeks as she responded.

"Yeah...I've been thinking lately about your invitation. You know, from when we last saw each other? I figured now's a good time to take you up on it."

However, before Flash got a chance to say anything else, Twilight seemed thoughtful for a moment.

"So...how's everything been this side lately?"

Flash considered that, looking over his shoulder to the nearby window, looking out on the rest of the town, his face becoming serious for a moment.

"Well...some things have been better than others, but...overall...I'd say things are as good as they can be right now."

Twilight, just briefly, noted his expression, but elected not to enquire too deeply on the matter. Instead, she put on a smile as he looked back to her. And Flash, for his part, took a brief moment to look up at the nearby counter before looking back to Twilight.

"So...can I get you anything?"

Twilight considered that for a few seconds before looking to him with a small-yet-sweet smile.

"Just some tea for me, thanks."

Nodding, Flash got up from his seat and made his way over, wherein he started speaking to Mrs Cakes about their orders. While he was gone, Twilight too was starting to look a little unsure, and had begun taking a few calming breaths of her own.

"Okay, Twilight. Just relax. If you can face down dragons and monsters, you can get through this."

Not long afterwards, Flash returned, and, as instructed, he was holding a pair of still-steaming cups of tea. Smiling to him, Twilight reached out for her own, taking it when the boy offered it to her. Now only holding his own, Flash blew on it a few times to cool it off, after which he resumed his spot from before. A silence followed, during which the two youths took a few careful sips of their hot tea. When they at last looked to one another, there was a brief moment where it was clear to both of them that they had no idea what to say to the other, ultimately resulting in nervous chuckles all around. When that laughter died down at last, Flash broke the silence.

"So...our first date then."

The blush returned to Twilight's cheeks as she turned to him.

"Yeah. I'm...I'm actually not sure what I'm supposed to do."

To that, Flash let out a brief-yet-hearty laugh again before replying.

"Me neither. I mean...it's been a while since I've done this."

Another pause followed, but, after a while, Flash turned to Twilight, his face bearing a clear look of curiosity.

"You've...you've never been on a date before? Not even back home?"

Twilight cast a glance back in his direction, and while she opened her mouth to speak, she soon shut it, turning away and regaining her blush, albeit far more fierce than before.

"Well...I've always had a lot of work back in Equestria. I never really thought about stall...er...boys."

Lifting her hands slightly, she started nervously poking the ends of her fingers together.

"Can...can I tell you something?"

For a moment, Flash seemed uncertain to that request, but, not long after, his face softened and he gave her a nod. Twilight took a few deep breaths before finally turning, looking him right in the eye before speaking up.

"You're...kinda...the first boy I've ever really...well...liked."

Immediately, Flash was taken aback by that, his eyes widening slightly. Although he had clearly been dumbfounded by such a remark, he soon composed himself, clearing his throat and setting his cup of tea down, before speaking to Twilight.

"Well...erm...in that case...I'm pretty honoured."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, displaying some confusion on her part, prompting Flash to smile and start explaining himself.

"I mean, not to sound too cliche or anything, but...you're pretty special, Twilight. Any guy would be lucky to be the first to catch your interest."

It took a few seconds, but soon, Twilight broke out into an affectionate smile of her own. However, it wasn't long after that when she started to seem more thoughtful, and while Flash was curious of this, he nevertheless gave her the time she needed to get her thoughts in order. When she spoke, it wasn't with the nervousness or uncertainty she'd spoken with before, but a far more thought-out tone.

"Flash...I need to tell you something. One of the reasons I decided to arrange this meeting was that...well...I know very little about you."

Becoming somewhat more serious in his own expression, Flash gave a nod in response.

"I know. I mean...I like you, Twilight. And I know we've enjoyed the time we've had together...even if there has usually been world-shattering stuff going on at the time."

Twilight stifled a giggle at that remark, but kept on listening as Flash continued.

"So...if you and me...if us is going to be a thing...what do you want to know?"

A smile crept onto Twilight's face as she heard that, and she clasped her hands together.

"Oh! I'm so glad you're okay with me asking this sort of thing! So much easier than trying to study you in secret!"

Flash's face became a brief grimace as memories of those days resurfaced in his mind.

"Yeah...please tell me you're not ever gonna do that again."

Another giggle from Twilight was followed by her placing her hand upon her chest.

"I promise. No more studies or arguably-unethical experiments on unsuspecting subjects."

Looking to her, Flash raised an eyebrow, and after a few moments of silence, Twilight rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Okay, fine. No more of those things on aware subjects either."

At last, Flash gave her a smile.

"Thanks. So...what's first?"

Twilight considered that for a moment before looking to him with a smile.

"Well...how about we do it together? I ask a question, then you ask me a question, and so on?"

To that, Flash nodded.

"Okay. Seems fair."

Clasping her hands together again, Twilight let out a little squeal of joy, although it was, admittedly, far more quiet than one given by someone like Pinkie Pie. After clearing her throat and brushing down her skirt slightly, she spoke to him in a more business-like tone.

"So, first things first...who are your friends? I mean, besides me and the girls?"

Flash turned away from her, folding his arms and appearing deep in thought.

"Well...there's Bulk, Wiz, Sandalwood and Micro. The guys in my band of course. A few others here and there."

Twilight nodded, now smiling again.

"Sounds like a fun group."

Flash chuckled.

"Yeah...I guess they are."

Turning, Flash looked to his date and regarded her carefully.

"Okay, my turn. What's your world like? It's so hard to imagine that there's a whole world of talking ponies out there somewhere."

A giggle escaped Twilight before she answered.

"You know, it's probably the first time I've ever actually been asked to describe my world before. But, if I had to, I'd say Equis and Earth are about as different as you can get. There's magic, a whole bunch of creatures you don't have here. Lifespans going on for thousands of years. But, for most ponies...I guess they can be considered pretty similar to you humans, aside from the obvious differences of course. They have ordinary lives, hold down jobs, you name it."

But, rather than seeming happy about what she'd described, Twilight actually started looking down at her drink, seeming a little down on herself, though it wasn't until she spoke again that Flash understood why.

"Are...are you bothered by it? By my being a pony?"

Again, Flash was taken aback by that, but, after thinking about it for some time, he gave her a smile.

"Does it bother you that I'm a human?"

Twilight was, for a while, rendered speechless by the counter-question, but soon composed herself enough to think it over. When she did, she offered him a smile of her own.

"If it did...I doubt we'd be having this date right now."

To that, Flash gave a nod.

"And there you have my answer."

Twilight nodded back, her own expression softening back to what it was before, along with that previous blush. Afterwards, Flash actually cracked a smile, letting out a brief laugh as he spoke up once more.

"Besides...I already dated one pony without issue. So I guess there's no real problem in doing so twice."

Twilight couldn't help but giggle at that admittedly corny line. With that done and over with, Flash scratched his chin for a few seconds before looking back to Twilight and asking his next question.

"So...what's being a princess like?"

To that, Twilight let out a dry laugh and rolled her eyes.

"It's been a long road, I'll say that much. Aside from getting used to new powers, having to learn how to fly, having everypony look to you with awe...it took some getting used to."

Flash gave a quick chuckle.

"Well, I've known quite a few girls in my time who would have just loved being in your position right now."

Looking back to him, Twilight offered him a somewhat sly smile.

"Oh yeah? Well, I promise you, Flash, they wouldn't be so eager once they start having people come to them with their problems."

Flash nodded, expressing an understanding of that sentiment, but, when Twilight looked away, her face softened and she took on a thoughtful look, before finally cracking another smile.

"Still...I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Flash smiled back to her, clearly happy that she was comfortable and content with where she was right now. But, it wasn't long before she looked to him again, asking her next question.

"So...I know what my future is going to be for some time, but what about you? Do you have any plans once you leave high school? Your music perhaps?"

Flash gave a brief laugh and took another quick sip of his tea before giving his date his answer.

"Nah. As much as I love my music, I don't plan on having it be the only thing I do with my life."

Twilight raised an eyebrow at that.

"Oh? You have a career in mind?"

The boy nodded, but, as he looked to her, he started to look somewhat nervous.

"Yeah. But...promise you won't laugh?"

Twilight was confused by that, but nevertheless nodded, giving her silent promise. Flash looked over his shoulder, and then to their immediate surroundings, making sure they weren't being overheard, before finally explaining.

"Well...it's kinda always been my hope that, one day...I could join the police."

To that, Twilight looked surprised.


Again, Flash nodded.

"Yeah. I know it's sounds cheesy, but...I've always admired them. Going out there, ready to protect and serve. It...it just always appealed to me, you know?"

But, as Flash slowly looked back in Twilight's direction, he found that she did not look back to him with any hint of mockery, but rather a genuine smile.

"That sounds wonderful. You and my brother would get along well I think."

Looking to her in earnest, Flash took on a little look of surprise himself.

"You have a brother?"

Twilight's smile widened as she gave a nod.

"Yep. An older brother. Shining Armour. Back home, he was Captain of the Royal Guard, and served as Princess Celestia's right-hoof stallion for many years, until he got married and became a prince, of course."

Looking to her, Flash seemed utterly dumbfounded by those words.

"...Your world sounds pretty awesome."

As before, Twilight giggled a little.

"Yeah, I know."

But, it wasn't long before she looked back to him, taking another gulp of tea before asking another question.

"What about you? Any family you want to talk about?"

Another smile grew on Flash's face as he leaned back into his chair, looking thoughtful.

"Yeah. There's my Mom and Dad of course, and they've always been good to me. And then there's my sister."

Twilight's eyes widened with surprise, albeit a pleasant one.

"A sister?"

Flash turned to her and nodded.

"Yep! Wanna see her?"

Reaching into his jacket pocket, Flash pulled out his phone, and, after rummaging through whatever images he had stored on it, he found himself smiling at one picture in particular. Leaning closer to his date, he showed her the screen, and Twilight, naturally, was keen and curious to see this mysterious sibling. The picture in question appeared to be a birthday party of some sort, with cake and everything. In the centre was Flash, smiling and standing next to what had to be the sister in question. But, while Flash looked at the picture with nostalgia, Twilight looked at it with shock, her eyes never leaving the face of the girl.

"Is...is that...Scootaloo?!"

Nodding, Flash turned to his date.

"Yeah. You know her?"

Shaking herself out of her shocked state, Twilight chuckled nervously for a moment before giving a nod.

"I do. I mean, not that one. But the one back home, in Equestria. I used to teach her a few things, along with Sweetie and Apple Bloom. But, as far as I know, you and her...er...the pony versions of you and her, aren't related back home."

Nodding, Flash seemed interested by such knowledge, but soon looked back to his picture, cracking another smile.

"Well, we're related here, and I wouldn't give her up for anything."

Nostalgia crossed his face once again.

"You should've seen her when she was younger. Always following me around, wanting to be part of whatever I was doing. It was cute, her looking up to me like that. Her BBBFF."

Immediately, Twilight looked to him, taken aback by what he'd just said, which the boy did not miss.


But, Twilight soon shook herself out of it, giving him a small smile.

"It's nothing. Just...just remembering."

Flash watched her as she looked back to the photo, a look of affection and nostalgia upon her own face. Then, for a moment, Flash looked left and right before leaning in closer and keeping his voice hushed.

"Although, just between you and me, she's kinda disappointed that I'm seeing you and not Rainbow Dash."

But, rather than seeming offended by such words, Twilight simply let out another giggle.

"Yep. That's Scootaloo alright."

Together, the two youths shared a laugh together, and it was safe to say at this point that, whatever doubts Flash and Twilight might have had about this meeting, they were long gone at this point. Instead, they simply felt comfortable around one another, having a nice time, and in the end, that was really all they wanted of one another. When the laughter finally died down, Twilight took another sip of her tea before looking to Flash, offering him a sweet smile.

"You know...I've really enjoyed being here with you, Flash. I know our time together has been brief most of the time, but...I've still liked it."

To that, Flash looked to her, nodding and smiling in agreement.

"Me too. I know I haven't had the best track record when it comes to girls, but...well...I'm glad that I can at least make something work with you."

Twilight's smile widened at that, and she watched as Flash leaned back into his chair and afforded himself a brief chuckle.

"It's still kinda weird to think about it. I mean, a princess, from another world, and she comes all the way to our world, just to spend time with me."

While Twilight did share in the laughter for a time, it was comparatively brief, and when she stopped, she began to look deep in thought. As she did this, Flash resumed drinking his tea, and so never noticed Twilight's expression turn from thoughtfulness to worry, and then, finally, to what could only be described as sadness. Slowly, she turned to him, retaining that look, and spoke softly, so he wouldn't hear.

"Yeah...I did, didn't I?"

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