

by Arxsys

Chapter 23: 23. Let us burn... Let us burn... <unedited>

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23. Let us burn... Let us burn...

For the first time since our arrival, I slept deep and calmly. Waking gently from the rising daylight streaming through the windows, I realized that Rose was nowhere to be found. After our "activities" last night, I kind of expected her to be nearby when I woke, so things might be awkward instead. Yay. With an annoyed grumble, I decided to at least get a hot shower and some coffee in me before the chaos of the day started. At least I knew there was nobody on board other than Rose and myself, so I didn't even bother grabbing a flight suit on my way to the head. The first hint I got was clothes dropped next to the door. Which was slightly opened against regs for number two. Sliding the hatch fully open gave the third and final hint for where Rose was.

She was thoroughly and indecently enjoying my shower. Maybe today might start on a good note after all. Then the lights went out. So, we learned the reason why they advise AI to disconnect from shipboard functions when being naughty. Apparently it is very easy to pop system breakers if you get carried away. It's really difficult to decide if I want to be annoyed or amused by this. At least she made it up to me. Can't really say that walking naked to the engineering spaces was something on my bucket list. I'm just happy none of the ponies are allowed to fly near the ship. That would be a bunch of questions I don't want to answer.

Some time later, we were at the usual spot outside facing both Princess Brigid and Aine were enjoying their morning tea, yet Boann and the usual assortment of guards were missing. Setting the usual speaker cube on the table with a dull thud, I made sure to press the power button so they'd know it was on.

"Morning Princesses. I hope everyone has recovered from the trip yesterday. It certainly took a direction we weren't anticipating. Hopefully the Ainer... the Ainer... One moment please."

With a stupid grin on my face, I could only turn to Rose.

"It's broke. You got off so hard that you broke the translation program. Either I'm awesome, or you're easy hon."

With a bit of a scowl in my direction, Rose pulled up her 'glas as data began to rapidly scroll. Here and there, little bits of text would highlight red, before flashing green a moment later as she recoded sections of the program on the fly. After a minute or two and who knows how many lines of code, Rose looked up at me with a smile.

"Try it again. There was a weird bug that kept repeating itself and cross linking to other databases. I think I got it all. Oh, and be happy I can dial up my sensitivity. Otherwise you'd still be trying to find my 'on' switch, flyboy."

With a dull beep, the power light on the speaker flashed out and returned a second later. What came out was certainly not what I expected.

"Sorry about that, Princesses Celestia and Luna. Wait. Celestia and Luna? Is this thing broken again?"

Before I could give Rose an annoyed look, Princess Brigid reached forward and tapped the button with a hoof. After a moment of speaking, the same soft and lyrical voice came out of the speaker.

"No Alex, the device is not broken. I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister Princess Luna. We were wondering for quite some time about how our names were not correctly spoken. After a while, we just assumed the word didn't have an equivalent in your language. Is it safe to assume that we will need to redo some lessons on speaking common?"

So that bad feeling about the morning was still spot on.

<recording audio and transcribing>
Personal Log
CMDR. Alex Rodriguez
U.T.E. Corvus
2146hrs 16 June, 2463 Local

After some back and forth, it turns out that the software was only screwing up the names for some reason or another. The princesses still sounded Irish as hell, but something made the program tie into the mythology database. Rose's best thought was that it could have been one of the thousands of bugs and glitches she'd been clearing out of her AI core and ship systems since the crash. She described it similarly to trying to dust out lots of tiny cobwebs that are stuck to everything. Whenever you think all of them are gone, you find a hundred more in a corner somewhere.

It turned out that after the events yesterday, the guards were given the day off to recover. No new guards were appointed as for some crazy reason, Luna had convinced her sister that we weren't a threat. Considering we have nowhere else to go, that was kind of a given. Turns out that Boann's real name is Twilight Sparkle, and she was rather heavily affected by the video footage. According to Celestia and Luna, she'd seen some combat and even had to kill in defense of self and country before, but this was a completely different scale altogether. So, Princess Sparkle decided to take a few days home to rest and recuperate.

The master plan for the day is to move the repair enclosure to its new home near a town called Hollow Shades, about 35 miles from here. It should be a pretty simple sling load affair. Apparently the new spot is an unused and state owned field about a mile from the nearest house. That way we can go into town should we choose, but will be out of the way otherwise. We were even given permission and encouragement to build around the enclosure to 'dress it up' a bit, so it would blend in a bit better. While I won't complain, that does make me curious about the geopolitical climate of this planet. If it looks like our stay will be longer than anticipated, Celestia and Luna are willing to grant us the status of natural disaster refugees. Anything further and we'd get in serious trouble with UTE laws, let alone Rose having to arrest me. Apparently we, although I'm not sure if they meant me, Rose, or both, are going to be required to have some form of income while in their country. That will be interesting.

Anyhow, after we get the frames to work on securing the new location for the repair enclosure, we're going to go send the crew of the UTN Bellerophon to their final rest. The onboard frames have worked overnight on body retrieval and inventory of the hulk. From the numbers, I think it's a safe bet to say that the entire crew was lost. Considering the numbers involved, I'm not looking forward to doing this, but there simply isn't space in the airlock for a hundred and forty three bodies. The only method we can think of to reliably dispose of the bodies isn't pleasant. The frames have been placing the crew in a compartment that is open to space, but still sealed from the rest of the ship by emergency bulkheads. I hate to say it, but we're just going to pour fire from the plasma cannons into that compartment until it is molten slag.

For the hulk itself, the inventory is simply too massive to fit a significant percentage of onto the Corvus. Let alone the fact that our main guns would hardly scratch the armor of a ship this size. Since we can't find a workable method for salvage or destroying the wreck, we're going to have to keep it secured. Considering two of the fuel tanks to feed the reactors weren't punctured during the accident, Rose thinks the frames might be able to get one or two of the backup generator sets running. That would simply be to supply the onboard frames with power for themselves, whatever tools they need, and maybe a recovery beacon aimed at our satellite array. In time, they might be able to use salvage to make repairs to some sections of the ship. That might be important in case we ever outstay our welcome with the locals. Thankfully it seems to be beyond the reach of whatever weird magic or powers the ponies seem to have. Although, I'll admit that using a place where hundreds of people died as a hiding spot isn't exactly tasteful.

On a cheerier and definately personal note, when Rose said that her body was as close to human as science could get, I didn't know she meant 'THAT' human. After some... um... up close examination, I can say that every bit feels real. Thanks to whatever alloys her skeletal structure is made of, she even weighs the same as a regular person, despite being way, way stronger. Did you know that model of chassis can even sweat? Apparently it is part of their cooling system. Anything she eats or drinks gets used by the built in systems somehow or another. I'll admit that is a bit more comforting than my thoughts that she had to hose out the inside of her chassis on occasion.

I know there are regulations in the UTN about Operator Identification Syndrome with AIs. Thankfully, since this is a private ship I can just toss that out of the window. Rose is practically human as far as I'm concerned, and I'm more than okay with seeing where this goes. Plus, she's a lot better looking than the natives here. Sorry, but they are way outside my comfort zone. I'll leave the going native to the UTN Marines after they are done eating their crayons. Plus, for being synthetic, Rose's ass has the perfect amount of firm and squish to it. Then again, apparently she wasn't kidding about looking at my extranet history when ordering this body. Not sure if that's good or bad, but it is certainly enjoyable.

Btw, Rose if you are reading, watching, or listening to this log, please go fuck yourself. Not literally though. You enjoy that too much apparently.

<end recording>

Apparently the guards at the assorted camps were curious to see how the Corvus would handle a sling load that was a third of her size. Naturally, I knew it would end just fine. Either way, they were going to get a show, so might as well have fun with it. So we’d have an idea for the layout, Rose sent the scout drones out to our new “home.” In the end, it was a pleasant surprise. Sometime in the last few days, it looked like the ponies had flattened and compacted a section of earth for the enclosure to rest on. Less work leveling it so the cover would slide smoothly, so that’s a win. All in all, it looked like a nice little corner to set up in. Certainly a lot less avalanche prone than our current spot.

After making sure everything in the ship was secured, and in this case that meant Rose strapping herself into a crash seat before shutting it down, we were ready for launch. Trusting Rose to manage the little things, I gently tapped the thrust and raised the Corvus above the landing blocks. While we hovered, it was too hard not to laugh at a few of the guards staring at the ship. They were probably wondering how something the size and weight of the Corvus could just float there. It only took a minute or two for the frames to unshackle the landing gear from their posts, then make sure the lift cables were sturdily attached to both the enclosure and ship. The last thing we would need is to accidentally drop and wreck the enclosure, or have it land on one of the ponies. Somehow I don’t think we’d get off easily on that.

Through the armored canopy, I could see both Princess Celestia and Luna taking to the air with their guards. Knowing they would meet us at our new home, I added a little more thrust and slowly raised the Corvus, and the large enclosure into the air. Who knows, this new place might be nice. Plus I hear that Hollow Shades is a pretty tranquil and little known spot in their country.

Watching the gauges carefully for a minute as we rose above the treetops, no major extra stress was shown. Might as well get the trip going then. Slowly ramping the throttle to max maneuvering speed, the trees were still zipping below us at 100m/s. Soon enough we caught up to the ponies that had left before, although they picked up pace to match our speed. A few of them in blue flight suits had the ballsy idea to do barrel rolls around the ship and our cargo before getting yelled at. So at least I got a few chuckles out of their antics. I’m just happy none of them flew into the thruster outlets. Incinerating a pony is bad, m’kay.

Fifteen minutes later, we were hovering over the center of the new clearing that would be our home. Lowering the enclosure, all four frames jumped out when it was a meter above the ground. They immediately set to work adjusting the undercarriage of the enclosure, tweaking things here and there so it would sit level. Granted, it would be a long and boring process of setting the Corvus down on the rests to settle the enclosure, lift, rinse, and repeat. At least Rose could handle that part in her sleep.

It took a little over an hour to finish getting everything settled in and ready for the frames to get to work. Soon enough Rose and I were on our way back to the wreck of the UTN Bellerophon. As much as I wished for it to be different, when the streaming colors from the quantum drive faded, the Bellerophon was still a burnt hulk. While it might float endlessly through space, forever crewed by the damned, I could at least get rid of their bodies.

Letting Rose manage matching the speed and rotation of the ship, I was left piloting towards our designated point. The frames had marked it with a dull red strobe that cast horrifying shadows across the twisted wreckage. Lit up by the powerful spotlights, we panned past section after section of damage only to finally reveal the worst one of all. Hidden behind a series of UTE flags, lay the remains of the crew of the UTN Bellerophon. I knew that was a small grace from Rose, so I wouldn’t have to see them stacked up, frozen, like hellish cordwood waiting for the flame. It was still in my mind’s eye, as I pulled up the weapons systems while reciting the lines I’d heard far too many times.

“For so many I never knew. For so many who served with honor. Your service is complete. Your watch is done. Rest well knowing that we have the conn.”

Knowing Rose and myself were the only ones that would hear, I still recited the lines. They hurt to say, ached to know so well, but had to be said. Rose had every word echoing over the comms system throughout our empty ship.

“Atten Hut!”

Every internal and external light across the Corvus went to full power, displaying the ship and UTE markings for all to see.

“Carry Arms!”

All weapons unlimbered from under their armored covers.

“Ready Arms!”

Power flowed to each and every weapon.

“Port Arms!”

Every turret on the ship swiveled to the left and elevated to clear any background targets
Confirming the controls were set properly, I grimaced before continuing.

“Ready Arms!”

I pressed and held the firing stud for the plasma cannons for a second count, while Rose cycled the turrets. Twin beams of incandescent flame burrowed into the compartment where the Bellerophon’s crew rested.

“Ready Arms!”

Yet again, I pressed the stud and watched as sections of the hull began to glow.

“Ready Arms!”

For a final time, I pressed and held the firing stud, this time letting the miniature reactors that powered the cannons vent their entire fuel supply in one continuous beam of plasma. It scoured the bulkheads clean of any trace of the crew and burrowed deep into the empty compartments behind before losing energy. All that was left was a hole into the ship that was lit by every surface glowing like a miniature sun.

Resolved to give the crew some peace before work started inside the wreck, I asked Rose to autopilot the Corvus to refuel. Immediately after, I closed the armored shutters over the canopy, grabbed Rose by the wrist, and headed to my quarters.

Not that I’d say it out loud, but I really just wanted to lay in bed and get hugged. Nothing like having to incinerate your fellow naval crew to remind you that you are in fact the only human for god knows how many light years. If it weren’t for Rose, I’d honestly have thought about putting the ship on automatic systems and hopping in a cryo pod to wait for rescue.

At least, for all her quirks, I still had her. And I'll be damned if I was going to leave Rose on her own through all this. Next Chapter: 24. The light of a new day <unedited> Estimated time remaining: 51 Minutes

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