
Teenlight Sparkle Is In Over Her Head And Loving It

by Violently Irrelevant

Chapter 1: Ch. 1 - The Joining Of Twilight Shimmer

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The look on Sunset's face is priceless. Not in a funny way but close. A pleasant confusion between the both of them. They stand in a loose embrace and just stare at each other for eons of time. All the hammering, slam-dancing and sweaty bodies around them shift like a roiling sea but does not even pull their attention for a second. The last band blasts through their repertoire with unbridled fury and before long, the vocalist announces they are done. Stage-divers and moshing madmen alike cheer and then it all slowly grinds to a halt.

Twilight trails a finger down the middle of Sunset's chest. She looks at her own finger while swallowing hard. She had a few moments of clarity, a shining light in the twitching darkness that fills her mind. The kiss was just a first step. She desires more. More of Sunset. The momentary courage of alcohol and the heart-thundering adrenaline of what has just transpired has her all kinds of hot and bothered.

How to take the step? A question? She has to probe Sunset with more affection. She lets her hand rest on Sunset's stomach. Locking eyes with the still speechless fire-maned girl, she lets her fingers bend around her slender waist. Sunset's first noise in forever is a surprised little yelp as Twilight pulls her close. Twilight cannot help but to let her lips curl into a sly little smile as she notices that Sunset is blushing furiously.

Twilight wastes no time now. She knows what she wants but has no idea how to get it. She is improvising and that means taking risks and failing. She leans in for another kiss and Sunset does not move at all. The mild panic in Sunset's wide-open eyes remains. Twilight does not even hesitate, she presses her lips against Sunset's. Expecting anything. The last moment of passion just cannot have been a fluke.

She gets her answer as Sunset pretty much melts onto her lips. Twilight shivers in delight as Sunset's arms snake around her. Sunset's hands first rest on her back before very, very slowly descending. They end up on Twilight's behind. A very careful touch at first but as their kiss intensifies a little, her fingers dig into the soft curve of her butt. Twilight breaks the kiss with a little wince of surprised pleasure. She chews on her lower lip for a short moment while catching a shaky breath through her nose. Her grip of the fire-haired girl also tightens as she goes for another kiss. This time awkwardly poking her tongue against Sunset's lips.

Sunset carefully touches the tip of Twilight's tongue with her own. Twilight responds by getting a bit bolder. She licks Sunset's upper lip and the other girl begins opening her mouth, ever so slight, ever so slow. Time and space around them has completely stopped now. Twilight finally gets her tongue into Sunset's mouth in a slippery little dance. This moment rivals the creation of the universe.

The deepened kiss is erratic and short but none the less the most explosive pleasure Twilight has ever felt. Her face lingers extremely close after the kiss is over. She considers going for another with every breath Sunset exhales. Their eyes are opened wide, fixed on each other.

This is when their entire universe breaks apart. An outside force invades their most intimate moment. A missing-tooth grin, intense yellow eyes and a messy red mohawk comes into view. Riot looks like she has indeed been through a riot. She is bleeding from somewhere up on her scalp and has a rather significant black eye. She radiates devilry and is eyeing them with a predatory glare.

Twilight gasps for breath. How long has Riot been standing there? What did she see? Why does it feel like it matters? Twilight is silently starting to panic, she hardly knows this person. What does she want? Surprisingly enough, it is Sunset that speaks up.

"Oh stop glaring, Riot, you kiss girls all the time."

Riot fakes annoyance, then puts on another would-be brilliant grin. Clearly enough, the kissing girls fell into her trap.

"I'd belittle you for denying your obvious lesbianism but that isn't even the trail I'm on. Look around you, lovebirds. You're the only party left in this dump. Come away with us, back to my garage!"

True enough, most others have cleared out. There are a few more people standing around or sitting on the stage, chatting with some of the bands that have not moved on to an after-party. Twilight's head spins a bit, the sudden realization that the place is almost completely quiet hits her in the face like a splash of cold water. Riots voice rings fuzzily in her ears. Lesbianism. Girls who fall in love with girls. Girls who do sex-type stuff with girls. She slowly lets her vice-like grip of Sunset slip, just a little, still refusing to fully let go.

So that's it then. She's a lesbian now. Twilight blinks a few times. No, that's just a label. Riot planted the word to define her being close to Sunset in this way. She watches Sunset's eyes flit back and forth from her own to Riots grinning visage. She hears Sunset inhale, she feels it in her grip. Finally, the fire-maned girl speaks again.

"I don't know, I'm pretty partied out... I'll come if Twilight wants to though."

Twilight can feel Riot basically burning holes in the side of her skull by staring. She does not at all feel tired or done. She can party on while still closely attached to Sunset, right? That strange dark world in the garage does seem tempting. It was after all an important step on the journey of this night.

They have come a long way from a few ciders at Sunset's and the cosmic walk over the streets of their town. Twilight feels a certain thirst rise in the back of her lust-muddled mind. Cider would be nice. Another huff of those drugs would be welcome too. To sink down into one of those trashed sofas and cuddle up to Sunset is quickly becoming the best option. She ignores Riot for a bit longer and looks to Sunset.

"I wouldn't mind going... I mean, we can always leave, right?"

Sunset nods slowly and the sizzling sensation in the side of Twilight's head is suddenly gone. Riot has stopped staring and danced off across the messy floor towards the exit. She moves with a strange grace, a bloodied tribal princess amongst plastic cups and cigarette butts.

Twilight and Sunset untangle from their eternal embrace, two ancient colossi that have remained immobile since time unknown and now roused by the dance of the red mohawk. As their embrace has unfolded to just one hand in another, Sunset suddenly leans in and gives Twilight a quick kiss on the lips. When she pulls back, she is wearing the most beautiful smile Twilight has ever seen.

A thumping sound up ahead draws their reluctant attention. Riot is beating a drum solo with her hands onto the frame of the doorway.

"You can love and dove all you want when we're on our way, so come on, this girl requires more chaos!"

Twilight hears Sunset sigh but when she looks over, she is still wearing a cute little smile. They walk out of the dark, sweaty place and into the dim brightness of the streetlights outside. The night remains beautiful and the slight breeze is very welcome after the stifling murk they just spent an unknown amount of time in. Riot dances around outside, slapping shoulders and bumming cigarettes. When she sees that Twilight and Sunset has finally come out, she lets out a little war-cry. She quickly rallies her troops, a rag-tag group of perhaps ten young punks of mixed genders. A colourful group to say the least. Ripped jeans, spikes and chains. All manners of patches and prints. Someone is sporting spiked hair so tall he looks like some kind of explosion.

All and every detail just passes Twilight by as she clings onto Sunset's arm while they march down the street. Just as before, the only things drawing her focus is the flourishing colours of the night sky and, of course, Sunset. Her roiling mind has settled rather nicely, now that so many roads has become a highway through her brain. A path with a single goal; more good times with the fire-maned girl.

Their journey takes them back the way they came but nothing looks the same any more. Twilight is wearing the rose-coloured goggles of infatuation rather than the swirly specs of alcohol and weed. The mysterious outside is now just a veiled world to see her and Sunset on their way. The way toward a place that would seem unlikely for romance but that also is the most fitting place in the world for their nervous little teenage fling.

The familiar streets and buildings crawl by as the troop of punks howl, laugh and jump around while making their way. They all seem familiar with the path they have to take to the aforementioned garage. Once out in the well-manicured suburban surrounding once more, none of the group seem to slow down on the shouting and general raising hell. They are fairly close to the driveway of Riot's garage before the red mohawk halts them all. The crowd turns down their volume significantly as they trek up the short distance to the garage. The house besides lies silent and dark. Riot works the bent garage door with expertise and ushers everyone inside.

Well inside, she and the other punks start rummaging around. Some of them help each other with putting old mattresses against the inside of the door. The others disperse into the dark garage. Ciders are passed around and someone fiddles with the stereo. Riot looks at Twilight with a grin when she spots her quizzical look. She points with her entire hand to the pile of mattresses that now block the door.

"Soundproofing. Wouldn't wanna wake the dragon in the house."

Twilight's eyes go wide.

"There's a dragon in the house?!”

She can hear Sunset snicker beside her and now it is Riot's turn to look mildly confused. The confusion is swept away as she is presented by a freshly opened, ice-cold cider. The boy that brought them hands one to Twilight and one to Sunset in fine unison with the thundering of drums from the blasted speaker-system. The first taste of the cold cider along with the melodic noise that fills the room makes things tingle inside of Twilight even more than before. This feels like freedom. It reeks, it is loud and dirty but it is freedom.

Before the situation can get stale and silly, Riot has seemingly already forgotten about the dragon conversation. She merrily vaults away over the closest sofa and joins another conversation. Twilight and Sunset are left face-to-face and speechless. They both share a small smile and drink at the same time. Is this the beginning of a party or simply a following act to the theater of life they have been partaking in for quite some time now?

Mystery and answers blend as someone shrieks in joy over the pounding music. Sunset looks deep into Twilight's sparkling purple eyes and leans in close. Twilight can feel her heart pound wildly as Sunset's free hand creeps up her arm to her shoulder. The fire-maned girl stays still for a moment, just looking into her eyes before she speaks.

"I am so glad I called you. This is unbelievable."

Unbelievable is the word. A word that dances around Twilight's head, much as the wild pack of punks. Her ability to speak is yet again long lost. Time crawls by in irregular intervals. It is like they are in their own little universe inside of the gloomy garage. A little universe they simply cannot count on keeping to themselves. Not with such a force as Riot around. Then again, it is the existence of that force that is allowing their little cosmos to momentarily bloom.

Sunset sees the vacancy creep into Twilight's eyes and lets her own gaze slip away as she cuddles up close to the purple girl. She drinks slowly and deep, surveying the room with lazy eyes. Her eyes flit back and forth until she feels something touch her. A hand on her stomach. A purple hand. She lets her eyes fall back on Twilight. Smiles are exchanged. Twilight leans forth a bit and places her bottle on the floor, keeping her hand on Sunset. She then lets her now free hand join the first in caressing Sunset's side.

Sunset breathes in and keeps both still and quiet as Twilight touches her. She watches purple fingers trail over her flat stomach, up and down, wavering as if trying to make a decision. It takes all too long but a spark of light finally illuminates her mental root cellar. In a swift motion with her free hand, she grabs one of Twilight's and holds it up to her own chest. Smiling, no, grinning wickedly. She soon presses Twilight's hand against one of her breasts.

The look on Twilight's face is priceless. Not in a funny way but close. No confusion at all between them. Sunset's face softens significantly as purple fingers tremble against her clothed breast. She pushes a little with her own hand and murmurs softly as she feels Twilight's fingers curl into an awkward grip.

The look on Twilight's face, the nervousness, the intensity. It washes away Sunset's own hesitation and gives her a certain kind of courage. She puts the bottle back to her lips, then stops. Thinking for a second, she reaches for Twilight's other hand. As she pulls at it, Twilight shifts a bit to better be able to face Sunset. A deep blush on her face that only intensifies as Sunset places her second hand up to her chest as well. Twilight sits still for a while with both arms stretched out straight, trembling.

Sunset shifts the grip on her cider and presents it to Twilight. The purple girl just blinks. The situation keeps getting more and more absurd. In a good way? Yes...
She stares at the bottle for a few seconds. Her hands are busy, right? The bottle is too far away. She shakes her head in an attempt to clear some of her mental fog. She follows it by swallowing hard before bending her arms and leaning in. She opens her mouth while Sunset lets out a short giggle. Twilight's fingers are digging into her flesh almost cramp-like now. Her soft lips meet the cool glass of the bottle and Sunset tips it to let a little cider run into her mouth.

It spills over and a little trickle of sweet liquid runs down the side of Twilight's mouth. Sunset giggles some more and pulls the bottle back while Twilight looks down. Silly, she feels silly. They both feel silly. A good kind of silly, surely.

Locking eyes again, they share a smile before Sunset reaches up to brush away the leaked cider from Twilight's face with her thumb. Twilight closes her eyes momentarily and flicks her head to brush it against more of Sunset's hand. Sunset answers by petting her, first with folded fingers, then cupping her hand against the side of her face. Twilight is hot to the touch, or is she? Perhaps it is the fever they are sharing right now.

Twilight breathes rapidly through her nose. The feeling of Sunset's body against her hands, the sensation of Sunset's hand against her face. Her heart races just as much as when they kissed. She hardly even notices as the clatter of a bottle sounds next to them. Sunset has finished her drink, dumped the bottle and her now available hand snakes around Twilight's torso. She sits up a bit to get closer. Twilight lets out a little noise in surprise and locks eyes with Sunset again, her trembling hands still awkwardly pressed onto her soft breasts.

Twilight shifts further to get more comfortable in her position. she clumsily raises her leg up over Sunset's. Soon she sits straddling Sunset, face-to-face. A heavenly smile from Sunset and her hands on Twilight's hips. They both begin leaning in when they are interrupted by a hearty chuckle and a thick cloud of smoke.

Ice in their veins, their little bubble burst yet again. They look to the side, heads turning in unison. The grinning face of Riot greets them.

“Oh, don't stop now, it was just getting good.”

Twilight pulls her hands back and Sunset sighs in annoyance. She begins to speak but Riot interrupts her.

“Was just thinking you'd want a re-fill of this little badboy, make them kisses even sweeter.”

Riot holds up a long, burning cigarette-thing, smelling earthenly sweet. Twilight and Sunset share glances. Sunset is looking rather indifferent but Twilight's interest has been roused. The thought has been playing in her mind. Sure, swept aside by more alluring thought of Sunset. Now, when that act is momentarily interrupted, might as well, right? She will take full advantage of the freedom within the muggy structure they find themselves in. Her night of adventure is not over and just about all and any encouragement resounds in her head like a hurricane of great ideas.

Twilight reaches out and carefully pinches the enormous joint. Sunset and Riot watch with mixed interest as she puts it to her lips. She is slow but not apprehensive, this may only be her second time but all the events of late has definitely boosted her confidence. Sure, last time it hit like a truck but all she has to do is assume it will hit the same again. Simple logic, right?

Inhale. The smoke is rough but the taste is just as sweet as the smell. She only holds it for a second, then sharply exhales, ending in a short cough. Sunset looks a little concerned while Riot just grins her missing-tooth grin.

“You go, Twilight! One more!”

Riot snakes closer, her eyes practically flashing. Malice? No, enthusiasm. She kneels down while crossing her arms over the arm-rest of the ragged sofa. She plants her chin on the top arm and tilts her head to the side. Grin unwavering as she observes Twilight with her usual predatory gaze. Her voice is calm and collected as she speaks.

“Take a steady, looong drag, hold through the burn, count to seven. Then exhale, cough and fly into the sky.”

Twilight blinks slowly and sways a little from side to side, looking at the joint. It looks like some kind of magic wand. The fire-lit end emitting a thin, long trail of smoke. The lazily fluttering fumes catch her attention and warrants a short snicker. She puts the slim, non-burning end to her lips and goes over Riot's very simple instructions in her head.

A long inhale. She can feel the smoke filling her lungs. It claws at her throat and sends tingles jolting up and down her spine. She counts, tires to anyway. Numbers and words blend in her head. Three, four... Six? No, that's not right. Twilight looks from Riot to Sunset, confused but still holding her breath. Riot glances over to Sunset as well and finds her looking concerned. Sunset raises a hand to caress Twilight's shoulder.

“Exhale, Twilight.”

Twilight blinks at Sunset, the words alien to her. It takes her another second before she basically belches out all the smoke at once. A large, thin cloud pretty much envelops all three of the girls before dispersing into the darkness above. The brutal exhale is followed by coughing. Uncontrollable coughing, teary eyes and a big, goofy smile.

Riot shuffles to her feet and turns with a satisfied sound before stepping away. Just as abrupt as she appeared. Apparently her work is done for the moment. Sunset rubs Twilight's back and takes the large joint from her while the purple girl keeps on coughing, softer and softer with every rough breath. A tear or two rolls down her cheeks but her expression is the opposite of sad. She looks around, eyes searching around the room for a moment. Riot is off talking to someone else again. There is actually a couple in one of the other sofas in a similar position as her and Sunset. Oh, right, Sunset. Her attention snaps back to the fire-haired girl she is currently sitting on.

“Sunset... My head is full of parasprites!”

Twilight has absolutely no control over the volume she is speaking in. She is practically shouting. It earns a big smile and soft chuckle from Sunset. She should have guessed there was nothing to worry about. Twilight is keeping up surprisingly well for a first-time light-weight. Sunset lets her fingers scratch lightly at Twilight's back. They regain their earlier focus on each other and Sunset leans forward to put away the slowly dying joint on the dirty, low table between the sofas. Doing so, she brushes up against Twilight, causing the purple girl to blurt out a strange noise, quickly followed by a hoarse giggle.

Clumsily and perhaps a bit unexpected for the both of them, she tosses her arms around Sunset's neck and weighs on her. Sunset gets a faceful of Twilight's chest as they both fall back into the sofa. Twilight murmurs something about finding her centre of balance while stroking the back of Sunset's head. She tangles her fingers in Sunset's hair and nuzzles her face into her red-and-yellow mane. Sunset answers with a satisfied sound and trails her fingers up and down Twilight's back. Where were they in enjoying each other's closeness?

They remain still for a moment, only little flicks of fingers and the occasional absent-minded giggle from Twilight. The purple girl breathes deep through her nose, taking in Sunset's scent. She did smell her before, right? Is there any difference? She attempts to recall, only to realise what she is doing. Smelling someone's hair is creepy, isn't it?
She takes another deep huff before leaning back and squinting at Sunset through a messy tangle of her own hair. She licks her lips slowly, her expression rather obviously giving away the fact that she is trying to find words by raking around in the weeds of her mental garden. The cosmos they created for themselves has grown a million times larger for her. Sunset is a flaring star, a celestial body that draws her in. Everything else in the universe is floating aimlessly around her. Words, feelings, needs, wants. She hungers, she thirsts. The burning desire in her mind and body grows by the second. What was it Riot said? Something was going to be sweeter. Right now, isn't everything sweeter?

She reaches up with one hand as if to attempt to pluck something out of the air. When not able to grasp anything, she lets her hand fall on top of Sunset's head and slip down the side of her face. She lets it rest against her cheek for a while, eyes wide and words on the tip of her tongue. Words that she cannot squeeze out. Sunset looks mildly amused and clearly understanding. She knows how it feels to disappear into a cloud the way Twilight just did.

Twilight starts to look bothered about the fact that she cannot think, then changes expression completely. She shines up as if a comedic little light-bulb just lit above her head. She brings her other hand up to Sunset's face and presses her palms against each side of the orange girl's softly smiling face. It does not take her long to dive in and plant a not-so-careful kiss on Sunset's upper lip. She does not pull back more than an inch or two and hovers over Sunset, breathless in anticipation.

A shiver of delight runs up her spine as she can feel Sunset grasp her hips with both hands. Sunset stretches up and comes face-to-face to meet her, giving a better-aimed placing of lips. The sweeter kisses mentioned before are now a reality. The thought alone twists Twilight's mind. She cannot believe how true those few words ring. She is just about to go into a full-on pondering when she is pulled back into reality by Sunset's lovely lips against hers. A wet, sweet kiss that tastes ever so slight of cider. An explosion of love and lust. In her mouth, in her mind. By all things that are good, she can even feel it all the way out in her fingertips.

Twilight smooches Sunset's face over and over and Sunset does her best not to giggle or laugh. The soft assault tickles in multiple ways. Inside, outside. Sunset lets her hands trail up from Twilight's hips, over her sides and onto her chest. Her time to cope a feel.

Twilight stops as she feels Sunset's hands on her breasts. She pulls back a bit and looks down, as if to make sure her eyes can see what her body is feeling. The overheating of her brain nears completion. Sunset's touch only reminds her of what she got to experience herself before she was interrupted by the looming fog-machine that now has her spell-bound. Twilight looks to Sunset with eyes open so wide it looks like it hurts before shutting them tight and throwing her head back. She wiggles a bit from side to side and lets out a pleased hum. This is all deliciously awkward, an overpowering thrill. It is also feels like this is exactly what she had in mind when she wanted more of Sunset along with more party. It is like a higher power planned this entire evening.

While Twilight is soaring high on inter-dimensional winds, Sunset is enjoying a bit of free reign over her body. Squeezing, rubbing, stroking. She explores Twilight's tight human shapes while certain thoughts are brewing in her mind. Things that cannot be done in a garage full of punks. She would like to get even more intimate, preferably involving a particularly slow removal of clothes. Another thing she does not want to do around other people.

Lost in thought for a moment, Sunset tries to plan out whatever happens next. She does not even know what time it is. The sun could be peering over the horizon for all she knows. The garage is timeless and the unwavering intoxication of the past hours has muddled memory and time into a fine mess. The thought of time passing makes Sunset realise how tired she is. Or rather, how tired she would be if she wasn't super-charged by Twilight's close proximity.

It settles rather quick in her mind. They are done here, they need to return to their original haunt. Her would-be oppressive room, now a liberated land of free will, all under the guiding hand of the lavender goddess. Well, her hand won't be guiding much right now but the idea, the metaphor or whatever is a pleasing one. She shifts a bit beneath Twilight and embraces her tightly to speak softly in her ear.

“I'd like to go home, I think we are both partied out and I'd like to... I mean, I'd like you to... Join me in bed...”

Very pleased with herself for speaking her mind clear enough, Sunset impatiently awaits an answer. A few moments pass and she starts to wonder if Twilight did not hear her. She lets the embrace loosen and looks to Twilight's face. She is averting her gaze, nodding slightly. Her blush looks like it is about to sizzle off her face. Finally, she looks to Sunset through the corner of her eyes.

“I'd like that very much.”

Author's Notes:

One more chapter at least.
Perhaps even with the promised sex. We shall see.

Next Chapter: Ch. 2 - The Return From A Long Journey Estimated time remaining: 28 Minutes
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