
Ey B0ss!

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 4: Gibe de Pusi B0ss

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Filthy Frank and all of his friends stood inside Princess Celestia’s chambers beside Twilight and her friends, also including Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike, all of whom minus the dragon had saddlebags on their back. They, along with Celestia, Princess Luna, and the royal guards lining the way, looked up at a stained glass window with Lemon on it, and by that, I mean there was a moderately competent color-pencil drawing on a basic stained glass window held by Scotch tape. Regardless, Frank and his friends could not be more proud of their friend’s accomplishment.

“He did it,” Frank stated. “He saved this world, and he will be remembered for generations.”

The paper drawing unstuck from the wall, where it fluttered to the ground beside a guard. The guard pinned the paper beneath his boot and kicked it back toward the wall to be thrown out later.

“So,” Frank said to the princesses, “my friend has saved your world and gave his life to do so. In return, we would like a fuckton of gold for our services.”

“Are you insane?” Luna bellowed. “Your friends endangered the lives of our ponies, and you shot one of them dead before we could have helped him!”

“What, you mean Mr. Magic Man?! Fuck that guy, he’s an asshole! And Lemon was turning into a fucking weeaboo! What else was I supposed to do?”

“Enough! The fact that my sister and I haven’t returned you all to your home only serves as a testament to our patience!”

“Luna,” cooed Celestia, “that’s enough.” She then turned to face them. “While I agree with my sister that your existence here is what started this mess from the beginning…”

“Ore wa,” Chin Chin breathed under his breath.
cunt, lol

“…I still acknowledge that without your friend’s help, we indeed would have been met with a terrible fate. For that, I may grant you one reasonable favor from me.”

Pink Guy stepped up, and the princesses looked to him, awaiting his request.

“Can I…” he said meekly. “Can I…”

The princesses leaned in, unsure of when he would finally spit it out.

“Can I habe de pusi pls?”
“I want to be inside one of you, rotfl!”

“Pussy?” Fluttershy wondered. “I know, I’ll let you adopt one of my cats!”

“No!” Frank barked at her with a sharp wave of his arm.

His outburst sent all but the guards aback, and knowing what he had to do, he calmed down and went back to the princesses.

“What he meant to say was…” he said with much sincerity, “that he’d like to say goodbye to the chillins, you know what I’m sayin’, dawg?”

Celestia and Luna looked to each other crossly. It was quite informal how he addressed them, but his wish seemed harmless enough, and it would send them out of their hair once and for all.


Sweetie Belle was playing with her friends out at a mostly vacant park, only for Frank and his friends to approach them. While Apple Bloom and Scootaloo acknowledged their appearance, Sweetie Belle looked glad to see them.

“Guys,” she said, able to look them all in the eye without staring at Prometheus, “what are you doing here?”

“Look kid,” Frank said, “we have to go home now. Personally, I would have gone straight the fuck back to my crib by now and made an oil drum of ramen for dinner, but there’s someone who just wants to say goodbye before we leave.”

Pink Guy stepped forwards and knelt down to the three fillies, each of whom began to approach him. He then outstretched his arms for a big hug.

“Gibe de pusi, b0ss,” he invited with an inward motion towards himself with this fingers.
“Come here.”

The three fillies leapt into his embrace and he held them tight for as long as they would allow. The lycrans and Prometheus looked quite touched by this farewell, especially Salamander Man, who rubbed his nipples far slower than usual.

Pink Guy felt that the hug was beginning to go a bit too long, but he suddenly formed a shit-eating grin on his face and turned to Chin Chin.

“ey, b0ss!” he shouted.
“Hurry, lol, while they’re distracted!”

“Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuke,” he replied.
i thought you’d never ask!

One jumpcut later, everyone was transported to Frank’s apartment’s living room, the three fillies still in Pink Guy’s grasp confused by their new, alien surroundings.

“Hey,” Scootaloo said, “where did we go?”

Before they could get an answer, Salamander Man pulled a belt from beneath a pile of syringes on the floor and lashed Red Dick across the back as hard as he humanly could.

“Ow, motherfucker!” Red Dick screamed in fluent af English, succumbing to his knees.

Pink Guy smiled and let the fillies go, glad to be back home to play with his friends. Sweetie Bell and her two friends suddenly got frightened and backed into a moldy sofa, watching the chaos unfold again. Chin Chin spread himself on his fours and screamed otherworldly yelps with a spinning of his head while Red Dick drop kicked Salamander Man and Pink Guy dry-humped Prometheus.

“What’s going on?” cried Apple Bloom, with tears in her eyes.

Frank dove to the ground inches from their bodies and shouted, “Welcome to the rice fields, motherfuckeeeee…”

Frank’s declaration was cut off as Red Dick pulled him away so that Prometheus could swing Pink Guy down by his leg and onto Frank’s back.

“Gyaeh!” Pink Guy yelped.

“My fucking ribs!” cried Frank, his back arched in agony.

As the violence-orgy continued on, no one noticed as Creepy Dude, with his deflated head and black skin, rushed in and snatched the three screaming fillies, going straight into Frank’s bedroom where they would most likely never be seen again.

Author's Notes:

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