

by RQK

Chapter 7: 6 - Manifest

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“You were not lying when you told me that it would be a tall order,” Principal Celestia finally said.

Sunset Shimmer dug her boot into the dirt and then joined Celestia in staring up at the school. A soft wind played with their hair and the morning sun warmed their skin. A few glances toward the windows revealed a few figures, with some drifting between glancing the lectures within and the two of them on the lawn.

“Personally, I was content to be a simple high school principal at this age,” Celestia continued. “Magical horses, alternate timelines, and infinite worlds was not what I had in mind.” She shrugged. “I do not claim to understand all of it, but… such is life.”

“I know, it’s a lot,” Sunset replied. “I just… I don’t know. I just wanna bring some of those unponies over here to see if it works. The portal transformed me into a human. I just figure that it will do the same for them.”

“That may be true,” Celestia countered, “but I’m not so sure they are ready for a world like ours. Or we them. Honestly, I’m not sure that I’m ready for them.”

Sunset sighed, kicking the ground. “…I know. But I can’t just let them die, either.”

Celestia crossed her arms and glanced toward the school. “No… I suppose not. Suffice it to say, you make a strong argument. Especially if all the methods you’ve tried on your side haven’t worked.”

Sunset looked up. “So… are you saying you’ll do it?”

“I suppose I am,” Celestia said with a sigh.

Sunset clasped her hands together and grinned from ear to ear. “Oh, thank you, Principal Celestia. This means a lot to me.”

“It’s not a problem, Sunset. I’m happy to allow it, of course.” Celestia scratched her chin. “I just need to figure out the logistics here…”

Sunset nodded. “Of course. I’m… sure my friends would be able to help you.”

“Oh, I am sure of that. I know my sister will agree to help as well. Eventually. But I do not think the eight of us will be enough…”

Sunset shook her head, staring at the ground.

“I suspect there will be some other students who might volunteer,” Celestia continued. “Perhaps I should put out an announcement… And I suppose we can lodge them in the library or someplace like that. We’ll find room.”

“Whatever works, Principal.”

Celestia turned. “I must warn you, Sunset… I know that I can lodge these… erm, unponies of yours for a few days. I really can’t promise anything after that.”

“That’s okay,” Sunset said, twisting her heel further into the dirt. “I have no idea what will happen after that either.” She let a few moments of silence pass, and then said, “I can have Spike bring them by. Will sometime this evening work, maybe?”

Celestia’s fingers drummed against her arms. “I think I could have at least something by then.”

A strong breeze blew through at that moment, stroking the lawn and flinging small dirt particles into the air.

“What will you do now?” Celestia asked.

Sunset glanced toward what had once been the statue of a rearing stallion behind them which had been reduced to just its base in a magical tussle. “I have to go back. They’ll need me. We’re leaving for the other timelines this afternoon.”

Celestia swallowed and straightened her jacket, almost pulling too hard. “I see.”

“I might be gone a few days.”

“I understand. I’ll take care of things over here. Don’t worry.”

Sunset nodded, turned, and walked back toward the portal. “Alright. I’ll see you later, Principal Celestia.”

Celestia listened to Sunset’s receding footsteps, but her mind occupied itself with these prospects: her ever-expanding reality full of things that boggled the mind, the powerful threats lurking about, and now a civilization on its last legs. And, most pressingly, a student of hers plunging into the dangerous and unknown.

“Sunset,” Celestia called, peering back over her shoulder.

Sunset paused and looked over her shoulder in return.

Celestia met Sunset’s gaze and said, “Be careful. Alright?”

For a few moments, Sunset remained silent, her eyes wandering in contemplation. Finally, Sunset smiled and nodded.

Sunset continued on and walked into the statue. The statue’s base swallowed her with a pool of white light and then she was gone.

Celestia’s expression remained as stoic as ever and she turned back toward her school, hanging her hands off the pockets of her jacket. She then nodded to herself and started toward the front steps.

Sunset Shimmer scraped the mud—although it looked and felt like peanut butter on closer inspection—off her hooves. She then crept toward the gap in the thicket, adjusting her saddlebag along the way, before sliding into place next to Starlight Glimmer. She took note of the crystal ball situated in Starlight’s hooves.

“That’s him alright,” Fluttershy whispered from nearby, pointing to the opening.

“Just as I knew he would be,” the crystal ball said.

Sunset glanced over, taking note of Fluttershy’s appearance; the long green stripe running down Fluttershy’s extended locks, the pink pigments in her wings, and the extra butterfly symbols on her legs. She looked further down, noting the soft glow that surrounded Applejack, the extra poof in Pinkie Pie’s mane, and the extended rainbow from Rainbow Dash.

Sunset smirked and turned her eyes forward, peering into the opening. She saw blue checkerboards where the dirt paths should have been and floating houses on the horizon. Canterlot, in the distance, was entirely detached from the mountainside. She also saw clouds made from multicolored cotton candy.

Instead, she focused on the nearby figures. The first two she recognized as ponies, both sporting large afros and clashing denim vests, topping their ensembles off with red clown noses. The smaller one stood in a delicate, ballerina-like pose on top of the other who, in turn, wobbled about on top of a large rubber ball.

And then Sunset gasped. That’s Celestia and Luna! She paused and looked again. As clowns!

Sunset took Starlight’s free foreleg in a sort-of vice grip with one hoof, while her other hoof covered her mouth.

Starlight turned, staring daggers at her.

Come on, don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. …But I want to laugh. This is so wrong. …But it’s so funny though.

Applejack gave them a brief glance and then did a double-take. “Hey, Sunset,” she hissed. “Are ya for real?”

Sunset fanned herself and swallowed it. “Sorry, sorry. I’m good.”

She turned her attention toward the third entity in the clearing. Discord the draconequus sat on his throne, watching the two of them with an amused smirk. He would lob a tennis ball at them every so often. When it inevitably bounced off and landed nearby, he would then summon it back to his paw. His claw held a cane bearing his visage and he wore a crown twice the size of his head.

Twilight Sparkle looked on, her eyes full of carefully contained fury. She snorted. “Alright, let’s go,” she said, emerging from the bush.

Fluttershy looked toward the tree behind them. “Watch out for us, okay?”

A low-lying branch on said tree curled into a hand which then formed into a thumbs-up.

The eight of them trotted down the hill and approached the scene, eyeing the draconequus all the while.

As they approached, Discord the draconequus turned to them and then finally stood up. “Oh! Lookie here!” he exclaimed. “Lookie here!”

They stopped. “Hello, Discord,” Twilight said, her tone firm.

Celestia and Luna, while they remained in their balanced pose, glanced toward them. Sunset watched the relief wash over them, noting the fading fear in their eyes.

And then she met Celestia’s gaze, and Celestia started trembling again. In response to Celestia’s forlorn frown, Sunset smiled and gave a quick “how do you do” wave.

Discord the draconequus kicked his throne onto its back, landed on it, and then propped his goat-leg onto the base. A sail sprouted out of the throne and a telescope sprouted out of his paw. He then sailed his throne over to them.

“I would introduce myself, but it looks like you already know me!” he exclaimed, laughing jovially. “What fun!”

Applejack half-smirked, half-snarled. “‘Course we do,” she said, twisting her hoof into the tiled ground. “You’re causin’ all sorts of crazy stuff ’round these parts.”

Pinkie Pie eyed a shape passing along the horizon: a cloud, spilling what looked like chocolate. A bit of drool fell from her mouth. “Like… yeah! Like chocolate rain!”

Discord the draconequus leaned forward, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, do you like chocolate rain?”

“I do!” she exclaimed, hopping in delight. “I do!”

“Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash began.

“A fan, I see!” he said, drawing up to his full height. “How rare! Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint, so have some chocolate rain!”

Pinkie Pie gasped as he snapped his fingers, summoning a large, green cloud above their heads. It rained down chocolate on everypony, even coating Discord himself. While the princesses wobbled, Pinkie Pie went to lapping it up.

Everypony else glared at Pinkie who ignored them for a few moments. When she came to, she saw them and frowned. “Whaaaat?”

“Look what you’ve gone and done, Pinkie!” Rarity growled, blowing her chocolate-soaked mane out of her face. “You’ve ruined my beautiful rainbow coiffure!”

“But,” Pinkie Pie replied, zipping up and pressing herself up against her in challenge, “you don’t say ‘no’ to chocolate rain!”

“…Pinkie, dear.”

“Seriously, Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash glowered.

Discord the draconequus fell backward in laughter. “Oh, you should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!” He then turned his cane into an umbrella and leaned in close to Pinkie Pie. “I don’t know who you are, but I like you. It’s oh so rare that anypony appreciates my beautiful chaos.” He reached out to pinch her cheek. “I mean, you are soooo ador—”

Discord the draconequus jumped backward, shoved his claw into his mouth, and sucked on it while looking down at them as he would at an offensively hot stove.

Twilight grinned, and then the others grinned along with her.

He reached back down, hesitated, tried poking Rainbow Dash, and then jerked back in pain again. “What the what!? You’re burning hot!”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “What can I say?”

“How is this possible? I don’t understand.”

“Because you can’t touch them,” a new voice said. “Really, you can’t.”

The trail turned into a stagnant gray color before a large pair of yellow eyes appeared. They blinked and then focused on Discord the draconequus, prompting him to backpedal through the air. The trail laughed and then oozed upward before settling into a tall form. And then it popped into full being.

“Hellloooo!” Discord exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air.

Celestia wobbled about and then tumbled off her ball, her sister following suit.

Discord the draconequus furrowed his brow and frowned. “Well…hello… me.”

“Discord!” Fluttershy exclaimed, her wings flaring. “You were supposed to… wait for the signal…”

“Well sooooooooorry,” Discord replied, emphasizing his tone with a swing of his hips, “if that seemed like the perfect moment to make my big entrance!”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She then turned to her friends and simply shrugged.

“You’re me,” Discord the draconequus said, pointing a shaky finger. “Hello.”

“Yes, yes,” Discord replied. “Good to see you, me.” He glanced around, took a long whiff, and then sighed with pleasure. “Ahhh, so much magnificent chaos. I really do like what you’ve done with the place.”

Discord the draconequus chuckled heartily. “Why, thank you, me!”

Discord teleported next to his other and leaned on his shoulder. “I do hate to break it to you, but as much as I like it… it’s got to go.”

The royal sisters blinked and exchanged confused glances.

“I… don’t think so?” Discord the draconequus replied.

“But it has to be so.”

“You tell him, Discord!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

Discord the draconequus reeled back out of reach. “And miss all of this glorious chaos? You must think me mad!” He paused, stroked his chin in thought, and then added, “Well, I am mad. But that’s what makes it fun!”

“Fun for you, fun for me,” Discord replied. He then teleported next to the royal sisters and wrapped his arms around them. “But trust me, me, these two don’t find it all that fun. I would imagine there are very few ponies that do.”

Discord the draconequus snorted, snapped his fingers, drank the resulting glass of water, and then spit it out. “That’s silly. I don’t care. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I am Discord! Master of chaos!”

Discord deadpanned. His eye twitched and his grip around the two sisters tightened. He then teleported next to Applejack. “Was I really that bad?” he asked.

“Yup,” Applejack replied, keeping her glare on the offending draconequus.

“Yeesh. I’m glad I agreed to help you out with this, at least. Because I’m worth it.”

At that, Discord spawned a large and poofy recliner and sat down in it. The recliner then sprouted large swan wings and took him into the air.

What the actual…? Sunset thought, her jaw hanging as she watched.

Discord broke through several high-hanging clouds and then, once at a good vantage point, he snapped his fingers. A wave of light washed over the land, engulfing many wild objects within.

Cotton candy clouds became normal white ones, and giant candy canes turned back into trees. Houses of cards reverted into houses for ponies. Birds flew through the sky, singing their songs as they went. A soft wind blew through the area.

Discord the draconequus gasped. “Oh no no no no no!” he shrieked. “We’re not having any of that!”

He snapped his fingers in response. A few nearby flowers, still in the process of blooming again, grew mouths and started snapping at everything within range. The once card houses sprouted legs and frolicked into the distance.

Starlight shivered and her already-worried expression deepened.

The others watched in silence as Discord the draconequus raced toward his double.

“Oh,” Discord said, raising an eyebrow, “so you’re going to be like that, hmmm?”

“You insult me! You’re trying to take away my chaos! I might expect that of those… ponies, but you…!?”

“Oh, trust me. I’ve been where you are now, and I’ve learned a thing or two since then.”

“That’s rubbish.”

Discord hopped off the swan-chair which promptly vanished in a cloud of smoke. “Well then, I can tell you this: I personally don’t have a quarrel with all this beauty. But my friends do. So… if you really want it to stay… You’ll just have to out-chaos me,” Discord said. And then he leaned in close. “And I should warn you… I’ve been deprived.”

On the ground, Celestia and Luna began vehemently shaking their heads.

“Woah, nelly…” Applejack hissed, backpedaling.

Discord the draconequus narrowed his eyes, staring his opponent down. And then he detached his claw and whacked Discord with it. “I accept your challenge.”

In a flash, both Discords disappeared. The sun dipped beneath the horizon and the stars came out. Said stars proceeded to zip through the sky, forming into faces that then blew raspberries at each other. The ground rumbled and then large beanstalks emerged, shooting into the heavens.

Spacetime itself performed a few iterations of the worm. The two draconequui reappeared, each tangled up with and clawing at the other, before disappearing again. The flowers responded by spewing fireworks into the sky.

At that, the group wandered toward the princesses. “Y’all okay over here?” Applejack asked.

Luna dusted herself off, checked her sister’s well-being, and then glared them down. “Art thou mad!?” she growled.

“Beg yer pardon?”

Luna stamped her hoof. “Thou hath brought another Discord? Nevermind where thou got him. Dost thou knowest the damage you have wrought?”

“Relax,” Rainbow Dash countered, “we know what we’re doing.”

Celestia stood up, towering over them. “You have brought a second Discord upon us. Our world… is already in ruin just from one. And you thought it would be a good idea to bring another!?”

The sky flashed through a variety of colors in rapid succession, prompting everypony to shield their eyes. The faint echoes of an upbeat and bass-heavy tune rang through the land.

“We’re from an alternate timeline, Princess Celestia,” Twilight said. “Discord’s reformed over there.”

Both Celestia and Luna raised an eyebrow, and once the strobing sky returned to daytime, they exchanged glances. Celestia then shook her head. “I very much find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true,” Sunset said.

Celestia’s other eyebrow went up and she peered over all of them to get a good glance at Sunset. Her expression shifted through multiple combinations of consideration and confusion. Sunset nervously waved in return.

“O-okay,” Celestia finally stuttered. “Uhm, hello, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset bowed. “Good to see you, Princess. I’m alternate timeline too.”

The ground quaked and rumbled and then melted into a river of vanilla pudding. Twilight threw up a large barrier; it turned the pudding inside back into solid ground. The current swept them away, rocking the bubble ever so slightly. Nearby trees danced their way across the torrent’s surface, kicking their roots about in kozachok-like movements.

Celestia swallowed, and that prompted Luna to shudder.

“V-very well,” Luna said. “But say that we believe thy tale. You have still wrought Discord upon us. …We hope that strange form you hath taken on is some way to rectify this.”

“Oh, of course it is,” Twilight said, grinning. “We’re the living embodiments of the Elements of Harmony. Right now, energy is streaming through us directly from the Tree of Harmony.”

Both sisters paused for the umpteenth time. After a quick yet thorough scan up and down their bodies, the two sisters shared a determined look and exchanged nods. “Very well,” Celestia said. “It would seem like you speak the truth. Not many know about the Tree, after all.”

“We’ve also taken Discord down before, too,” Rainbow Dash said, smirking. “If our Discord doesn’t get through to this guy, or, hay, something else goes wrong, we can just blast ’em.”

The vanilla pudding river turned into chocolate. Pinkie Pie licked her lips.

“Then we will place our trust in you,” Celestia said.

They turned to gaze into the world beyond which jumped about in a jumbled manner. Once recognizable objects morphed into incoherent messes or merged with others. Laser lights of every color beamed in every direction, almost in a sort of show. The bedlam kept a steady tempo throughout, even as the chocolate stream carried them further into Ponyville.

And then everything paused. Even the river froze. The bubble stopped without so much as throwing them off balance.

The two Discords reappeared, dressed in elegant velvet robes and sporting monocles and dapper hats. Both rested in very luxurious armchairs, simple in design but lavish in material. One of them held a teacup filled with some steamy brew while staring off into the distance.

“Verily,” he said, “thine doth art forsoothed.”

The other Discord responded by blowing into his oaken pipe. A plethora of bubbles came out of the end, making several popping sounds.

They disappeared, and the bedlam resumed ten-fold. The sky flashed through several colors in rapid succession, objects spun at high velocities, several things took on indeterminate forms, and the noise reached deafening levels.

“Hold onto yer hats, everypony!” Applejack warned, pressing her stetson down.

The chaos intensified from there. Twilight’s bubble of order cracked and crumbled, and she strained to keep it up. Starlight lit her horn and added her strength to the spell. They had a few moments to calmly watch the warping reality outside before the cracks started anew. The two of them buckled under the strain.

Soon enough, Celestia and Luna added their own magics, and the cracking stalled, only for the intensifying chaos outside to eventually beat it back down. Sunset frowned and added her magic as well, but that only bought a few seconds. Eventually, the shield shattered entirely, exposing them to the outside chaos.

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In a flash, the two Discords reappeared. They promptly flopped onto the now-hardened ground and panted heavily. The bedlam had frozen once more; a few things that were never meant for the air drifted back down. Buildings, while still sporting legs, stood motionless.

Sunset grinned and stepped off the remains of the bubble-raft. Her hooves sunk into the dirt as she landed. The others followed suit with varying degrees of smiles.

“I have,” one Discord began, “never chaos’d so hard in my entire life… augh.”

The other Discord shook his head and wiped some sweat off his brow.

The first tried to stand up, wobbled on his legs, and then collapsed again, letting out several exhausted grunts. “You win… you win… you’ve out-chaos’d me.”

The other Discord smirked, flipped over, glanced over at the ponies, and then flashed a thumbs-up.

“There we go,” the crystal ball said.

Pinkie Pie sprang into the air. “Yeah, buddy!”

They, save Celestia and Luna, ran toward him. The six transformed out of their rainbow-fied states as they went. Together, the eight tossed him up and down, cheering all the while. Discord laughed heartily in return.

Discord the draconequus stumbled to his feet and gawked at the display. “What… what is all that?”

Discord chuckled, flipped over, and swept the eight into an embrace. “Oh, these are my friends, you know. They’re just… celebrating my victory with me.”

Discord the draconequus raised an eyebrow and folded his arms together. “…What?”

“Friends,” Discord repeated. “I know, you’ve never had a friend before. We’ve been there, old chap. My friends… they celebrate me, and all the things that I’m able to do.” He shrugged. “Sure, I’ve had to tone it down a little, but I have found…” he said, glancing back toward them with a smile, “that they are worth it.”

Discord the draconequus inquisitively tilted his head. “Really?”

“It was very nice,” Fluttershy offered.

“Was a tad uncomfortable for a moment there,” Rarity said, pausing to shiver. “But I agree with Fluttershy. I would suppose he’s been dying to use some of those ideas.”

Discord nodded affirmatively.

“They really do like you, huh?” Discord the draconequus said. “That sounds nice.”

“I know, I know, they’re the best. If you want, I could be your friend,” Discord said.


Discord walked over and wrapped his arm around his alternate’s neck. “Ohhh, of course! It would be oh so grand to have someone to discuss chaos with! Even if that someone is me.”

Discord the draconequus stroked his beard and hummed thoughtfully. “I might like that.”

“Why don’t you come visit Chaosville sometime?” Discord continued. “We’d have a blast there, you and I.”

“Well, that sounds stupendous, me,” Discord the draconequus said, smirking.

“Plus,” he said, flying back over toward his ponies, “you have eight more friends right here.”

They each grinned and even gave some light chuckles. Discord the draconequus half-smiled in return.

“And maybe, someday…” Discord began before teleporting between Celestia and Luna. He snapped his fingers and a flash of light enveloped them, and in an instant, their costumes disappeared, replaced by their royal fineries. “Someday, these two might be your friends too. I know they have been through a lot.” He plucked the one remaining costume piece, Celestia’s rubber nose, and turned it into a flower. He handed it to Celestia, who vacantly took it, and then he wrapped his arms around the two sisters.

“But I have absolute confidence,” he said, looking back up to his double, “that these two can show you a better way.”

* * *

Sunset hung around the back of the group with one hoof wrapped around the crystal ball, eyeing Princess Celestia all the while. Most of Ponyville had returned to normal, and by the looks of things, the rest of the country as well.

“Thou art departing already?” Luna asked.

“We have to,” Twilight replied. “We did exactly what we came here to do, but there’re other places we need to tend to.”

“Do not worry,” Celestia said. “We will check that spot under Canterlot. With care. And I think a few hours may be enough time to find a portal or two, but I hope you won’t expect too much from us.”

“Of course, Princess.”

Starlight hummed and then stepped forward. “Uhm, before we go… can I just say something real quick?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Oh, sure.”

“Just… want to, oh you know, say sorry for all this.”

Celestia smiled in amusement. “Sorry?”

“For,” Starlight said, quivering, “everything that’s happened. I mean… yeah. It’s a long story, but…”

Twilight giggled and stepped in front. “Actually, don’t worry about it, Princess.”

Starlight went to say something, but she changed her mind when Fluttershy wrapped a hoof around her withers. The two shared smiles instead.

“If you say so, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia replied. “And again, thank you. Perhaps we might make something of Discord yet.”

“We cannot believe we’re saying that,” Luna added. “But perhaps.”

Twilight nodded and then turned. “Alright, girls, let’s head on out.”

“I’ll catch up with all of you in a bit!” Sunset called out as they left. She watched the others depart and then trotted up. “Hi, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia half-smiled. “Sunset Shimmer… it has been a very long time since I have seen you. Even if… you are from an alternate timeline as they are.”

“Yeah. Listen… I know we’ve thrown a lot of stuff on you, but… I have one more favor to ask.”

Celestia nodded. “What is it, my little pony?”

Sunset twiddled her hooves together and sucked in a breath. “Well… in my timeline at least, I’ve been living on the other side of the mirror for quite some time now. I’ve made a lot of friends over there. I go to school there and everything.”

“I see.”

“And, well… me… your me… she’s living there too, but she’s probably not on the right path.”

“…As I feared,” Celestia said, hanging her head.

“The thing is, I need her help. And I have to help her too. I need to go through that mirror.”

Celestia sighed and shook her head. “As much as I would like to make that happen, my dear pony, I’m afraid that portal will not open for some time yet.”

Sunset grinned. “Yeah, about that…” She reached into her saddlebag, pulled out some papers, and levitated them to Celestia. “Twilight actually built a machine that can open it manually. It uses the book that you and I used to share messages through. These are the schematics.”

Celestia blinked. Her jaw hung just a little as she received it and then she buried herself into the pages. She glanced over to Twilight once or twice before diving back in. Finally, she straightened up. “I see. This is… clever. I am surprised that I never thought to do it.”

Sunset chuckled.

“Very well. How soon do you need it?”

Sunset frowned. “Very soon. I would do it myself if I could. I probably will have to later…”

Celestia smiled. “Well, I will be happy to do it in this case. And I can tell you some things that should help you for that ‘later.’”

* * *

Princess Luna kicked some small pebbles off the train track and then regarded the guards patrolling the portal; half of them faced outward and half of them faced the aperture. They, in turn, stood as stalwart as when she arrived, affording her an occasional glance.

“So, this is the portal through which they arrived,” Adamantine said, walking up behind her.

“So it is,” Luna replied. “It leads to an alternate version of Equestria.”

Adamantine glanced into the night sky on the portal’s far side. “So it would appear.”

Luna nodded and then motioned for Adamantine to follow. The two trotted toward the circle of guards.

“Princess Luna,” one of the guards said, shifting, “you are not allowed beyond this point. Celestia’s orders.”

Luna didn’t stop. “I suppose she’ll just have to make another attempt at my moon pie privileges,” she said, breaking through the line. She then leaned toward Adamantine and whispered, “Attempt.”

Adamantine giggled under her breath, nervously glancing at the guards while she passed through.

“Besides,” Luna continued, “the world on the other side of this portal is of some personal significance. I also… hope to help Twilight liberate it this afternoon.”

Adamantine nodded gravely and approached the portal. She scanned it with her magic. “This is my magic, alright,” she concluded. “But it is no surprise. I do wish to know what those alternate versions of me are attempting to accomplish.”

“Indeed. We will know their game soon enough.” Luna turned toward the nearest guard. “I do not expect us to be gone more than half-an-hour. Should Twilight Sparkle arrive before we return, have her wait here.”

The guard trembled for a few moments and then finally saluted. “Yes, Your Highness.”

The two alicorns stepped through the portal, and then Luna lead Adamantine into the sky.

They zipped around some low-lying clouds, ascending toward a widespread layer of them. They dove into it, drilling holes through the bottom-most ones only to find more. Luna noted their haphazard shape and the lack of craftsmanship. Everfree clouds, she concluded.

They reached a depression in the cloud layer and Luna touched down. Her gaze first ran over the towering clouds still around them before finding a gap and narrowing her focus on two figures in the distance.

Adamantine touched down behind her and looked as well. “Those look like armored pegasi,” she whispered. “Guards, perhaps?”

Luna narrowed her eyes. “Yes, but they are not ours.”

Adamantine nodded and continued tracking them, even as the two distant guards banked and then started flying in their direction. “It seems they have noticed us.”

“So they have. Let them come.”

The two alicorns stood tall, only digging into the cloud by the tiniest amount, as the pegasi guard stopped a few feet away. Their blue, thestral-like armor gleamed in the moonlight. “You there,” one of them said. “This is restricted airspace. What do you think you are doing here?”

“We are out for a stroll,” Luna replied.

“Rhetorical question, ma’am,” the other snidely replied. “We will need you to come with us.”

Luna smirked and exchanged glances with Adamantine. “I’m afraid that we have no such intentions.”

The stallions’ scowls deepened, and then they lowered their spears. “That was not a request.”

Adamantine remained indifferent to their display. Luna, meanwhile, flared her wings to full length and channeled energy into her horn.

One of the guards reached for a whistle around his neck and went to blow on it.

The air flashed red for a moment, and when everypony looked again, the whistle shattered into several pieces. The offended stallion, himself no worse for wear, leaped back in surprise. All eyes drew toward Adamantine whose horn remained lit the same color red.

“I do not believe we can treat it as such,” Adamantine murmured, obscuring her expression behind her bangs.

The guards silently hovered for a few moments, registering what had happened. And then the remains of the whistle fell through the clouds and the offended stallion growled. “You’ve just attacked an officer! Prepare for punishment!”

They lunged at Adamantine with their spears. Adamantine magically blocked one, then the other, and then kicked the second out of the guard’s grasp. It went flying into the air far above.

She then lunged forward, wrapping her foreleg around the vulnerable guard’s neck. Her magic grabbed the other guard’s helmet and yanked, flipping him over. Adamantine teleported, guard in tow, and caught the other as he tried to reorient himself.

In a flash of light, Adamantine was gone, leaving Luna alone. She spent that time locating the spear, still in the air above her, and caught it as it fell. She took a few moments to observe its construction and how the pointed end gleamed menacingly.

Adamantine reappeared, asked for the spear, disappeared again, and then reappeared a few moments later.

“I had to return that to them, at least,” Adamantine said. “I have already cost them a whistle.”

Luna laughed heartily. “So you did. That was quite impressive.”

Adamantine bowed. “I do my best. Either way, they are some ways beyond Canterlot now. They shouldn’t bother us anymore.”

Luna nodded. “I see,” she said. After taking another look at the moon (taking a moment to note its features) to get her bearings, Luna spread her wings. “Still, that was done with practiced grace and finesse. I very much wish to see more.”

Adamantine laughed and followed. “Perhaps after you are done here.”

The two of them pushed through several more clouds. Cloud after cloud greeted them without much room for reprieve. Luna saw darkness as bits of dusty gas pressed against her over and over. A few times, she even spat out some things.

“I do not believe that we can truly blame them,” Adamantine called out when they reached a gap. “They are only doing their duties, after all.”

“Such duties are to a despot,” Luna called back, “but otherwise, I agree!”

Clouds stood in their way for several more minutes. Luna kept her horn lit so that Adamantine had some way to see. With how dense the clouds were, Luna was sure they wouldn’t be spotted.

The clouds eventually broke again, allowing a respectable view of the forest below. The both of them touched down on a small ‘mesa’ at the tip of the formation.

“You know they are loyal to a despot?” Adamantine asked.

Luna ambled toward the edge and peered at the forest below. “Well, not particularly. But…” she trailed off, spotting something in the distance, “a despot is… something I know I would have been.”

Adamantine walked up beside her. “You? What does that have to do with anything?”

Luna pointed down. “Behold.”

A tall and sprawling castle covered the better part of a clearing in the forest, save a singular gorge that ran around its rightmost side. The main building sat at the very front of the complex, looming over potential visitors with its tall, triplet towers. The tallest and most prominent commanded a view of the entire forest, topped by a large, glowing crescent moon.

“I see she has rebuilt it,” Luna said. “Once upon a time, many centuries ago, I was consumed by petty jealousy. I felt that my night, which I toiled to create, was underappreciated by everypony. They would sleep through it. And, from that, envy prompted me to become Nightmare Moon.”

Adamantine gasped. “Ah! Yes. I have heard of Nightmare Moon. I heard of what… you did a thousand years ago. I also recall something else… that you returned as Nightmare Moon for a brief time.”

Luna nodded. “Yes. For a time. And then Twilight Sparkle saved me.”

Adamantine raised an eyebrow, renewing her glare on the castle. “Twilight Sparkle?”


The two stood in silence, watching as some guards moved across the grounds down below. A soft wind blew past them, and the clouds shifted by a small amount.

“I still owe her my life,” Luna said, “as does Equestria. Several times over.”

Adamantine hummed. “This is an alternate reality. I take it… that in this world, Twilight did not save you.”

“No. As far as I can tell… Twilight Sparkle’s rise did not even happen.” Luna paused to purse her lips and suppress a shudder. “Not in this reality. Not in any of those other horrible realities that you have heard about.”

Adamantine’s frown deepened and she ran her eyes up the central tower one more time. Her gaze landed on the crescent moon for a few moments and then ascended into the eternal night beyond. “It is strange how quintessential some ponies are,” she finally said.

Luna, meanwhile, scanned the ground with greater purpose, tracking guard stations and patrol routes.

“That castle is well guarded and we will need a way in,” Luna mused. “Adamantine, may I ask a favor of you?”

Adamantine vacantly hummed in response.

“I do not expect you will want to fight with us. But if you would be willing to teleport us into that castle later on, so that we may get right into it, that would be most appreciated.”

Adamantine’s silver mane blew about every direction, but she remained silent and focused, like she had forgotten she was even there. But after a few moments of careful thought, Adamantine nodded. “If it will help you succeed in saving this world, then I shall happily do it.”

* * *

Sunset kept a firm magical grip on the crystal ball while eying the dozens of spears pointed in her general direction. Her friends stood similarly poised, eyeing foe after foe. Their adversaries, in turn, stood unmoving. The spacious room, shrouded in dark hues and flanked by intricately woven tapestries, set an even graver tone.

Nightmare Moon stumbled off the throne. Even she said nothing, eyeing them with an apprehensive curiosity and with caution in every step. The usual blowing of her mane appeared stifled and unsure.

Luna stood opposite, taking point for the nine. She took a careful glance back at Twilight who, while not transformed (nor were any of the others, for that matter), had a complex pre-cast floating right beside her. Luna then met her own gaze, yet a gaze that was not her own.

“How is this possible?” Nightmare Moon asked.

Luna tilted her head in response and flashed a quick smirk.

Nightmare Moon swallowed and tried to look past Luna. “You… You were the one that traveled through time. But now you have returned…”

Twilight nodded but said nothing.

Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes, drawing them across two other mares in the group. She then turned and glared at one of her guards. “And what is the meaning of that!?” she yelled, pointing at the offending ponies. She looked at her staff members cowering on either side of the stairs, and she centered on one. “Explain!”

The aforementioned guard quivered in her horseshoes.

Twilight frowned and stepped forward. “The two of them have nothing to do with this. They are innocent.”


Twilight glared Nightmare Moon down, and then turned to the aforementioned staff member, noted the tight bun in her mane, and smiled. “Your name is Rarity. You and I talked last time I was here.”

The mare swallowed and nodded, refusing to leave her servant’s huddle.

Twilight turned to the guard. “And you are Rainbow Dash. Isn’t that right?”

Another moment of silence passed as all eyes landed on the young, fully armored pegasus. The helmet obscured most of her face, but Sunset could see the uneasiness in the eyes. Eventually, the guard removed her helmet altogether, revealing her gruff expression to them.

“Yeah,” Corporal Dash replied, “that’s me.”

Rainbow Dash stared at her double. Her mouth hung agape, and her wings briefly faltered. The two stared at each other until Rainbow Dash let a few snickers escape.

“Dashie?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Look at that mohawk,” Rainbow Dash said, pointing. “I look like a tool.” She fell to the ground laughing.

The others looked on, affording only a few token giggles.

Nightmare Moon looked on in bewilderment. A crook in her lips betrayed mild amusement.

Rainbow Dash hopped to her hooves. “Wow, I just totally dissed my alternate-timeline self. That’s awesome!” She then narrowed her eyes on her double. “Not you, though. You’re not awesome. That mane-do is not awesome.”

Rarity snorted. “I do agree, that manestyle is simply dreadful.”

Corporal Dash blushed and then grumbled something under her breath.

Across the way, Rarity’s double nodded in solemn agreement.

Rarity glanced toward her double and grinned. “It’s good to see that in this timeline, at least, I’m looking as stylish as ever! Loving that vest, darling!”

“Uh… thank you!” the other Rarity replied.

“What is this idiocy?” Nightmare Moon seethed.

Luna shrugged. “They’re merely noting the differences that time can bring.”

“Time,” Nightmare Moon snarled. “I do not understand how you came here. I suppose I cannot simply erase you from time.”

“Time doesn’t work that way, anyway,” Sunset said, stepping forward. She broke through the crowd. “We’ve learned a few things ourselves over the past few days. You can’t actually rewrite time.”

Nightmare Moon frowned. “If this is true, then how are you here?”

“Because we exist elsewhere,” Luna replied. “We are from another life. A life that, maybe, you might have lived.”


Luna paused, taking a long deep breath. “You see, we,” she said, motioning to her friends, “come from another reality. It is a world where… you are a wonderful ruler for your subjects. Where you are loved, and adored, and you have the best of friends that anypony could ask for. Where ponies love your night and relish in your night. Where you are celebrated, and where you cast your own shadow, instead of living under our sister’s.”

Nightmare Moon twisted her hoof into the carpet but said nothing.

“The world is a far different place than the one we left,” Luna continued. “There is so much of it, so much to glean from the ponies in it, so much which you have yet to see. So much that, I fear, you may not see as you are now.”

“I am the ruler of all of Equestria,” Nightmare Moon countered. “I can see whatever I please.”

“No, you cannot. Tell me, when was the last time you saw anypony genuinely happy?”

Nightmare Moon froze. Her mouth hung for a few moments, only for her to hide it behind another snarl.

“When was the last time you enjoyed an intimate moment with another pony? When was the last time you have engaged in activities with ponies you could consider friends? When was the last time you have met somepony…” Luna glanced back toward Twilight, “that you might give your life for?”

“I do not need any of those things,” Nightmare Moon replied after a few reflective moments. “I command all of my citizens. Just as a good ruler should.”

Luna tilted her head. “Is it because of fear that they follow you?”

“Well, of course they fear me,” Nightmare Moon replied, standing tall. “I am the princess of Equestria!”

“Then tell me, Luna, do you think—”

“I am not Luna!” Nightmare Moon screamed. “I am Nightmare Moon!”

Luna didn’t even flinch. “…Luna. Do they… earnestly love your night?”

Nightmare Moon opened her mouth to say something, but whatever words she may have had never passed her lips. She pondered this for a few moments. “W-well, I—”

Applejack smirked. “Well, Yer Highness?”

Nightmare Moon backpedaled, almost tripping at that. Her fangs ground together and her eyes darted around the room as if she might find a reply elsewhere. She looked at her guards who looked back at her with gruff indifference. She glanced back at her staff who shied further toward the wall.

“Do they really and truly love your night?” Luna asked again.

Nightmare Moon blinked and then shrunk by the slightest bit. She started to shake her head, caught herself, and then turned her back to them. “I am the princess here. I do not need to answer that question.”

Luna glanced back at her friends and smirked, and they giggled under their breaths in return.

“I have gone through what you have gone through,” Luna said, stepping forward. “I know what it is that you truly desire; that you cannot deny. But unlike you, I gave up Nightmare Moon a few years ago.” Luna smiled. “I have been happier ever since.”

Nightmare Moon didn’t even glance back. “You? Happy?”

“But of course. I’ve grown in these past few years. And more importantly, I have learned a few things.” She glanced out a window, briefly laying her eyes on the prismatic moon, momentarily allowing a frown to grace her muzzle as she went. “You have done it, after all. You have brought eternal night. And now… it has lost all of its meaning and is no longer special.”

A low and almost-demonic growl brushed past Nightmare Moon’s fangs, prompting her staff and even some members of her guard to tremble. “You dare call my night unspecial?”

“You cannot have one without the other,” Luna continued. “I know, for the both of us have tried. The night… is nothing without the day. And the day… is nothing without the night. They are of great and equal import, and for the longest time, I did not understand that.

“That is one of the most important lessons that I have learned in these past few years.” Luna narrowed her eyes. “So I will say this: you must lower the moon. Eternal night must end.”

The whole room fell deathly silent. Both guard and servant alike began to tremble as they turned their eyes toward their ruler. Some hid behind others, while those without somepony to hide behind cowered.

“T-that…” Nightmare Moon said, trembling for other reasons, “is heresy.” She turned to face Luna, her snake-like eyes ablaze. “Nevermind that you should not exist—you are the last pony that I should ever expect to say such a thing! And I will not tolerate it!”

Luna raised an indifferent eyebrow in response.

“You will not tell me these things! I am Nightmare Moon!” she boomed, her voice shaking streams of dust off the ceiling. “And I will make this night last forever!”

Luna sighed and drew circles into the carpet. “…I see that you are not convinced.”

Everypony stood in silence as Nightmare Moon stared her counterpart down. Luna, on the other hoof, continued drawing circles, a thoughtful frown across her muzzle. And then she looked up to meet her opponent’s glare.

“I shall have to rectify that,” she said.

Luna lit her horn and then surged forward. Nightmare Moon gasped and tried to fire a shot back only for that to ricochet against a well-placed shield. Her guards started to react but had only moved to retaliate when Luna barreled head-first into Nightmare Moon’s face.

Luna bounced off but not before her spell fired, wrapping around Nightmare Moon’s horn. As Luna sailed over, the spell went taut, pulling Nightmare Moon backward. Shortly after, both alicorns landed on their backs, unconscious and with a white line connecting their horns.

“Your Highness!” several guards cried, rushing over.

“Luna!” the eight mares exclaimed, also rushing over.

“No! Stop! Everypony stop!” the crystal ball exclaimed, sending several from all parties stumbling. “Don’t… touch them! Don’t.”

Applejack looked up. “Twilight?”

“They’re asleep,” Twilight’s voice said. “Don’t you see that thread there? That’s Luna’s dream-walking spell.”

Everypony stood around for a few moments. The staff, once pressed into the recesses, inched forth in order to see. The guards lowered their spears and yet also tightened their grips around them. Eyes fell on the single glowing line connecting Luna’s horn to Nightmare Moon’s.

“…What is this?” Nightmare Moon slurred.

“…What is worth more than any words I may say,” Luna slurred back. “…These are my memories. It is my life.”

“Let them be,” Twilight’s voice said.

Twilight ruffled her feathers and brought her pre-cast closer to her horn. Starlight and Sunset streamed magic into their horns. The others arched their backs toward the foes, dragging their hooves like they were about to charge.

“Who are they?” Nightmare Moon half-slurred, half-growled.

“Luna just attacked her, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash snapped. “She’s gunna be pretty mad when she wakes up.”

Nightmare Moon’s guards adjusted their helmets but did not otherwise move.

“…They are our friends,” Luna replied.

Fluttershy shook her head. “Maybe she won’t be.”

Rarity’s counterpart hazarded a glance at Nightmare Moon, and she tilted her head in curiosity.

“…What are they doing?” Nightmare Moon hissed.

“…They are celebrating,” Luna answered.

“…What are they celebrating?”

A small smile graced Luna’s muzzle. “You, Luna… You…”

Sunset met gazes with one of Nightmare Moon’s guards. The stallion, while still in his helmet, regarded her with equal intensity. The helmet itself was built with an intimidating thestral design, and the guard’s physical features had changed to support the part, but in that moment, his eyes softened up.

Sunset chuckled, and then the guard chuckled back.

The grimace on Nightmare Moon’s muzzle flickered. “…Celebrating me?”

“…They are celebrating you. And… they are celebrating this…”

“Night…” Nightmare Moon slurred, her voice almost a whisper.

Luna let out a deep breath. “Our night…”

The magic connecting them froze for a moment as Nightmare Moon rolled over in her slumber. “…Our night,” she said. The lingering scowl disappeared from Nightmare Moon’s face, now replaced with a crestfallen frown. And then the beam resumed its tug but with gentle, graceful motions. “You have… made our night special.”

“It is special… It is a gift.”

“The night is a gift…”

“Wow,” Twilight’s voice said. “I remember this. …What would it be like to know the depth of their conversations right now?”

“…I now see what you meant,” Nightmare Moon mumbled. “The night is a gift… a gift with meaning.”

“A gift to the ones we love…”

“A gift that should not be for granted….”

“A gift that is not taken for granted...”

Nightmare Moon’s grimace returned, but it appeared troubled more than anything. “That which is eternal is taken for granted. Unlike your night...”


“I see now how I have broken it… I am not sure I can fix it…”

“Yes, you can. Because… Luna…” Luna began.

Nightmare Moon shifted and kicked about. “You call me Luna… You call me…”


“You call me Luna… I am… I am…”


Everypony blinked, now turning their gazes toward the two sleeping alicorns. All let out several low gasps, some held their breaths. Some even took a few steps forward. Some guards lost their grips on their weapons. Twilight’s pre-cast nearly fizzled out. Her friends looked on, pensively frowning.

“Luna…” Luna slurred, “you are loved. You are loved… so much more than you know.”

Nightmare Moon swallowed. Nightmare Moon sniffled.

“…You are loved so much more than you know.”

Some of the guard’s spears clattered against the floor. Several others removed their helmets and held them in their forelegs, exposing their worn faces. The maids and servants held onto each other.

“You are loved so much more than you know…” Luna said one last time, her voice fading into nothing.

The line connecting the two alicorns fizzled out and then Nightmare Moon’s eyes flew open. The room held its breath as she climbed to her hooves. Once at her full height, she trudged over toward Twilight and company.

She stared down at them and said nothing; she did not even breathe. And then she lit her horn and slowly removed her own helmet. Her miasmic mane swirled in every direction, but now in a slow and calm manner.

Twilight shuddered and then stood to her full height as well, meeting Nightmare Moon’s gaze. There, she let her pre-cast die.

“I understand you now, time traveler. Somehow, I do. I have… been shown a great deal about your time. The world that you have come from,” Nightmare Moon said, shooting a quick glance at Luna who was rising to her hooves. Nightmare Moon then leaned forward, her expression pleading. “…Is it true?”

Twilight smiled. “Of course. The night’s a really great thing where I come from. It’s so… wonderful and majestic and artful.”

“Oh, it is,” Fluttershy said. “I remember this one time… It was just after our Luna came back. We all went out together and watched this really wonderful meteor shower.”

Twilight giggled. “I remember that. That was around the time I met Owlowiscious. I’ve gone through several full nights of studying thanks to his help.”

“Grand Gallopin’s Gala’s usually at nighttime,” Applejack laughed.

“Oh Applejack, dear,” Rarity said, “you have no idea. Much more… shall we say… lesser events than that are also held at night.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Hey! Remember the royal wedding? We soooo partied the night away!”

Rainbow Dash stamped her hoof. “Nightmare night! That’s so darn fun! Haha!”

“One of my favorite things to do is just… go outside sometimes and stargaze,” Twilight’s voice said. “I can name all the constellations!”

Nightmare Moon shuddered. “It sounds like the night is… precious and appreciated where you come from.” She sighed. “And the night is so important to me. …Knowing ponies find it worthwhile is… all I ever wanted.

“But… if I’m to answer your question… No, I do not think they earnestly love it as I do. Perhaps I have done something to cause them to think that way. Perhaps I have caused that damage,” Nightmare Moon said, glancing up at the moon which bore her sister’s face.

Starlight’s knees wobbled, and she quietly whimpered.

The others glanced up at the moon and shared grave frowns. “Ah reckon it might take some time to fix all that,” Applejack said.

“Erm, if I may, Princess Luna,” Sunset said, glancing back at the others. “I agree with Applejack there. But… I’ve kinda been where you are right now. I’ve made some really terrible mistakes and hurt a lot of people.” She smiled. “But I speak from experience. It might not happen right away, but… if you give them reasons to… they’ll forgive you.”

“It will be a hard road, should you choose to take it,” Luna said, walking past Nightmare Moon. “I’ve been where you are too, but where I am from, I have had so many advantages. Advantages that, unfortunately, you will not have.” She laid a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and smiled. “But even then… if this is what you want… then you should find ponies that may be willing to help you. That can guide you, aid you, and comfort you. I have had this wonderful group of friends to show me the way in my own time, and I would not give them up for the world. I have no doubt that having friends of your own… will be the best thing that has ever happened to you.”

“…And where might I find ponies such as they?” Nightmare Moon said after a few long moments.

A cough from the side interrupted them and they all turned to find Corporal Dash, helmet tucked under her wing, cautiously stepping forward. Without speaking, she walked up and stood at Nightmare Moon’s side, holding herself high.

Rainbow Dash grinned and gave a slight nod.

Another pushed through the crowd of staff, even knocking some over in her haste. Rarity’s counterpart joined Nightmare Moon and Corporal Dash, flashing the former a small smile.

Slowly but surely, several others came forward, taking Nightmare Moon’s side. While some held their heads just as high, others near the back blushed and sheepishly kicked at the floor.

Nightmare Moon grinned. “I suppose… that I may find them right here.”

Sunset nodded. “And Luna… if there’s one thing I’ve learned… it’s that if you go looking for friendship,” she said, wrapping a leg around Twilight’s withers, “you’ll find it.”

“So now I must ask…” Luna said. “Do you still wish to be Nightmare Moon?”

For many long moments, Nightmare Moon stood silently. She looked down at them, a stoic expression hiding anything that might have been going through her head.

She grunted and shuddered and dropped her helmet which clattered to the floor. Her black body rippled, throwing off tiny bits of magical energy. Nightmare Moon cried out before a new aura, blacker than black, wrapped around her. And from someplace within, she screamed.

Luna watched in stoic silence.

The aura shrunk and a crouching Princess Luna emerged. Gone were the ethereal mane and tall posture, now replaced with a body that more resembled Twilight’s form than it did Luna’s.

Her horn lit up and then Princess Luna rose to her hooves. Outside, the moon moved; it streaked across the sky before it finally met with and disappeared beyond the horizon. The shadows moved as another object peeked from the other horizon, glowing a hot yellowish color. Princess Luna flared her wings, and the sun emerged.

Light streamed in through the windows, prompting the guards and maids and servants to shield their eyes. When they finally looked, their breaths left their bodies and they glanced around in awe.

Princess Luna’s eyes flew open, and even though her face looked wet, she stood tall and proud like a regal mare. The sunlight landed right on her, accentuated her every feature. Before them, Princess Luna glowed.

“No,” she said with a firm whisper, “I wish to be somepony better.”

Next Chapter: 7 - Refraction I Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 25 Minutes
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