
Equestrian Life

by StapleCactus

Chapter 4: Real answers

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The regal alicorn stood tall on the library loft. Looking upon her was like staring into the sun itself. I knelt before her. Any more time looking at her would have surely burnt my eyes. I heard Celestia land on the first floor and Twilight's hooves running over.

"Princess!" I heard Twilight's voice. Whatever nervousness she felt after reading the letter was lost now.

"My faithful student. It is nice to see you; however, I wish it was under better circumstances." Her voice was as melodic as it was powerful. I couldn't tell whether I wanted to praise her or bow to her will. "Human, rise so that I may see your face."

I did as told. Although I had permission, I didn't look into her eyes. "Yes? Your Majesty?" Oh great. That pause is going to bite me in the ass.

Celestia studied my features for some time. Just as I was about to make some snide remark, she spoke. "You do not look as dangerous as the others. I thought with his magic, it would bring a stronger human." She spoke the word 'his' with spite. "Just as well, I can't leave you here."

"Princess, what's going on? Your letter didn't say much." Twilight beat me to it. At this point, I thought it would be best to stay silent.

Her Royal Highness, Goddess of the Sun and ruler of Equestria, sighed. "Twilight Sparkle, what I say here must not leave the room. You are not to repeat it to anypony, including your friends, until I deem it necessary." She turned to watch Twilight's response. This is NOT good.

"Of course, Princess. I will not say a word about this to anypony."

Satisfied, Celestia turned back to me. She didn't want me out of her sight for long, I wagered. "Very well. When the Elements of Harmony imprisoned Discord, it seems some of his power was left free. That power, pure chaotic magic, coalesced where he was imprisoned and pulled this human here. I know not what his purpose is, or whether he is an agent of Discord, but I can not allow him free reign." Either I'm really here or my imagination is insane!

We were silent for a time. Twilight was shocked, apparently by the Elements not working completely. I remained standing with my thoughts running around in my head. Celestia continued to watch me, eyes somewhere between a glare and a studious squint. I still did not want to look her directly in the eyes, so I dared to turn around and sit at the couch. I'll respect you, Celestia, but don't expect me to just stand there and let you stare at me. Either imprison me or guard me, I don't care. I set my head in my hands, elbows on my knees.

"But Princess, he's been with me the whole time; he behaves himself!" Is Twilight sticking up for me?

"Be that as it may, he is just too much of an unknown. Discord could control him or he could be acting." If Celestia was bothered by my walking off, she didn't sound it.

"I see. Princess, you said something about a stronger human? What do you mean?" Good question.

"Yes, I have seen humans before. The mirror in my room can see into other dimensions. They are a violent and chaotic race. When I felt Discord's magic, I was sure it was a human. The fact that this one doesn't seem violent at all confuses me, however." I could feel her eyes boring into my skull. "I will take him with me and find out if he is truly a threat." Oh boy! I get to go to a castle! Yay~! ...I'll probably only see the inside of a cell...

"Of course Princess. I will help you however I can." Twilight said. Her enthusiasm for pleasing Celestia was commendable.

"I'm glad you feel that way Twilight. I would like you to stay here and report any other strange happenings. It is difficult to feel chaotic magic and I am unsure if it is gone."

"I will do all I can, Princess"

"I would expect nothing less, my faithful student." Celestia's voice was joyful then. When she next spoke, it was with command. "Dex, you will return with me to the castle. You will be held in a guest room under heavy guard until I can speak with you fully." She magicked open the library door to reveal a squad of guards. "Return to the castle at once. I will be there shortly with the human." The guards saluted and flew off.

I gave Twilight a quick 'goodbye' before joining Celestia at the door. Her horn lit up and we were on our way.

The mind cannot handle quick changes in scenery. Our spatial awareness updates constantly so we know where we are. Because of this, it was no surprise that, when we winked into the castle, I fell to the floor and held my pounding head.

After what felt like hours, my headache subsided. When I stood, I found myself in a bedroom. A standard four-poster bed and nightstand sat along the wall to the right with a dresser to the left. There was a single window and a picture of Canterlot mountain on the wall behind me. Spartan, but I'm not exactly a guest. Maybe this is like a workman's room?

"This is where you will stay. We are too far up for you to escape the window and I will have guards posted outside the door. I give you this small amount of trust, do not squander it."

"Yes Celestia. I will be good." Holy crap mouth! No ma'am, majesty or anything? The sarcasm wasn't smart either! Ugh, why do I put up with you?

She turned to me with a glare. "Do not tempt me human. I could have you in a cell."

I made sure to think about my answer this time. "Of course, Your Majesty. I'm sorry, sometimes my mouth gets ahead of me. If I may, I have a question."

Her face softened a bit, nowhere near the calm facade she shows normally though. "Certainly, Dex."

"Is there a way for me to return to my world?"

This got her to look apologetic. I almost have her to normal! "I am sorry, but you were brought here by chaotic magic. My magic is not very compatible with Discord's. The only way I know of right now is to get Discord to send you back. We will not risk him being free for one human."

Well, isn't that a downer. I couldn't speak. I was in a depressive slump after hearing that. Unconsciously, I went over and sat on the bed. Celestia looked like she really was sorry though, so I didn't feel completely like shit.

"I will let you rest. We will talk more tomorrow. Good night, and again, I am sorry."

"It's not your fault Princess. Good night." I slumped over the bed and laid there with my back to Celestia. I heard her walk out and close the door behind her. There were voices beyond it, but I couldn't distinguish words. Before long, all was quiet. I was alone with my thoughts.

I can't go home. Even with everything looking so similar, this is looking more and more like reality. What am I going to do? I'll talk with Celestia tomorrow; maybe I can get in contact with my family? That dimensional mirror should work. And if I'm stuck here, how will I live? Maybe Celestia will let me train with the guards? Or maybe I'll build things. ARGH! Just, shut up. I'll deal with this shit tomorrow. I always end up thinking about stuff that I have no control over or have not enough data to make a decision. It's a new life, just let it happen this time.

...For now.

Next Chapter: Meeting with a princess Estimated time remaining: 36 Minutes
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