Cheese Sandwich doesn't quite make it home to his family in time for Hearth's Warming.
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'Twas the day after Hearth's Warming, on a day full of chills

A downhearted Cheese Sandwich returned to Ponyville

During the holiday, he didn't get much sleep

As he worried heavily about the promise he couldn't keep

He was not happy to hear that a large snowdrift had blocked the train

And his efforts to get home to his wife Pinkie Pie were in vain

Though his brother Tomato was nice enough to let him stay at his house

Poor Cheese still felt sick that he had disappointed his own children and spouse

So as he went home, just a single day late

He hoped that his family wouldn't be angry that they had to wait.

Sudden inspiration to write a Hearth's Warming CheesePie fic has struck me. Enjoy.

Slice of Life

3,500 words: Estimated 14 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. You Can Count on Me [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Aug 7th, 2018
Published Dec 22nd, 2015


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