
Why Loved, Then Hated

by FerociousCreation

First published

Not even twenty-four hours and Starlight Glimmer has already been forgiven for her acts. Even though she and Twilight have become friends, the unicorn has not told the princess her true pain of her past and why she truly hated cutie marks.

Not even twenty-four hours and Starlight Glimmer has already been forgiven for her acts. Even though she and Twilight have become friends, the unicorn has not told the princess her true pain of her past and why she truly hated cutie marks.

It was more than Sunburst leaving and not returning... Much more than that...

Note to readers: If anything happens during the show that may or does retcon any of my stories will not cause me to change any of my original ideas to any of my fan fictions.

About season 6 premiere: Season 6 may have already have Sunburst's and Starlight Glimmer's friendship issue solved, I think the writers for the show could have gone about it differently. But hey, I still liked it anyways.

Art from this comic: http://dragonfoxgirl.deviantart.com/art/Sunny-Star-MLP-Comic-575387911

Why Loved, Then Hated

Why Love, then Hate

Ch. 1

It was an interesting day for Starlight Glimmer. In the early morning, she woke up with eagerness to destroy the princess of friendship's livelihood. As the day went on, the mare traveled through time, trying to destroy Princess Twilight Sparkle's past, so she and her friends never got their cutie marks in unison. However, through a bit of convincing from the princess herself, Starlight Glimmer stopped herself from destroying Star Swirl's scroll that allowed Twilight to travel along with her.

And now, Starlight was now laying awake on a nice soft bed in the middle of the night. She was not only in a nice cozy place to stay, but in Twilight Sparkle's own castle. It astonished the unicorn when the princess allowed her to stay in her large estate, considering all she had done in not even the last twenty-four hours. But it was understandable that Twilight would do such a thing; she was the princess of friendship after all.

Starlight was laying on her belly, unable to sleep. She kept thinking about the mercy that was given to her. She couldn't believe that after all she had done, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were able to give her a wonderful day, reminding her the true joy of friendship. Nopony has ever been this nice to her.

Well... it's at least been years since she was treated like a great friend.

There were other things that was keeping the mare up. Guilt was one of them. Because Twilight Sparkle was now her friend, pain stabbed into the mare's heart. Every now and then, Starlight Glimmer would think about what would happen if she actually tore that scroll in two. The thought made the unicorn shiver in fear and was trying to shake the horrible thoughts out of her mind.

But that's not what was truly bothering Starlight Glimmer.

The other thing that was keeping Starlight awake was untold motivation. Twilight Sparkle understood why she did what she did to the village she was controlling. However, there were some other things that were left unsaid and Starlight Glimmer felt that it would not be a bad idea to tell the princess her other purposes, considering she was her friend after all.

Looking up at the high ceiling, Starlight let out a sigh and wondered if Twilight was still awake at this hour. She thought that maybe venting about her past a bit would help her regain the ability to sleep.

Removing herself from her comfortable bed, the pony made her way through her dimly lit room and opened the door that lead into the castle. The door creaked loudly as she pushed it open, the sound echoing off the large, stony walls.

Looking to the left and then the right, Starlight looked to see if anypony was out and about. Though, it didn't surprise her that there was not a single soul to be seen because it was night time. Starlight thought about just wondering around the castle for a while and have sleep slowly creep up on her, but felt that her host would not appreciate having a unicorn who tried to destroy her once snooping around at night.

But just as she was about to go back into her room, Starlight saw a small streak of light crack from one of the doors that was inside the long hallway. Slowly, she went over to the door. Her hooves seemed louder than usual as they knocked on the tile. The distance from her room to the one with light felt like she was walking a mile wide gap. Nevertheless, Starlight continued toward the yellow lit room.

Approaching the door, the mare gulped, hoping that Twilight was inside the room. Starlight also hoped that she was not intruding and disturbing her friend if she was in there. Trying to take a peak, Starlight opened the door slowly to see if her friend was inside the room. As she opened it, the door screeched with a loud creak. Flustered, the mare stopped. She didn't want to have bothered her friend and wanted to keep herself hidden. After a short moment, Starlight tried again. This time, the door cooperated with the mare as she opened it slowly and quietly.

Stretching her neck, Starlight peaked her head into the room. A glance to the left and then a glance to the right. Nopony. The mare noticed the source of light came from a small fireplace that lit up a large library. Starlight has not seen this room yet and was happy to see at least somepony came to visit this nice place of knowledge. She could only assume that Twilight was the last one here, considering she was quite the smart mare and an alicorn no less.

Thinking that there is nothing else to be done about Twilight's absence, Starlight felt that she should go back to her room. She turned around to return to her resting place.


Instinctively, Starlight shrieked loudly and hopped around to see a quadruped figure standing a good distance away. The mare's voice echoed in the hall and caused the figure to flinch.

As her eyes adjusted, Starlight Glimmer noticed that it was Twilight Sparkle who had a glass of milk and a plate of cookies levitating near her.

“You startled me...” Starlight sighed as a chuckle escaped her.

“You almost caused me to drop my snack,” the princess replied. “What are you doing up at this hour?”

Since she was asked, Starlight had no trouble replying. “I... have a lot on my mind and am having a hard time sleeping.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded in the darkness. “Don't worry, it happens to me almost too often. Whenever I have a thought pestering my mind, I almost have to read a book or do some research just to tire myself out.”

“Hehe, yeah...”

It was a short silent moment before Twilight spoke again. “Would you like to join me in the library? I was about to read one of my favorite books from Daring Do. Perhaps we can talk about our favorite novels.”

Starlight's heart began to flutter upon the request. Of course she wanted to join her. But she didn't want to bother her friend or have Twilight think anything suspicious of her. After all, Starlight did try to hurt Twilight Sparkle not even twenty-four hours ago.

“If you don't mind my presence...” Starlight replied weakly.

“Of course I don't mind your presence,” Twilight responded with a smile. She placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “You are my friend. Why would I not want you around?”

Starlight couldn't beat around the bush and hide what she was feeling. “Well... considering what I have tried to do to you-”

“That was the old you,” Twilight spoke, cutting off the mare. “I believe you have changed.” Without another word, the princess made her way into the library. Looking back at her friend, she gestured Starlight to follow. Sure enough, the unicorn followed.

As both mares went into the library, Starlight smiled as she looked at the many books that were all around her. Glancing here and there, she could tell that Twilight kept the place organized, seeing how each section was not only in alphabet, but also organized by subject and content.

“You have a nice collection of books Twilight,” Starlight spoke as she followed the princess, trying to remove the silence in the air.

“Thanks. I try to keep everything in order and organized.” Twilight placed the glass of milk and plate of cookies on a small table. Two arm chairs were conveniently in front of the fireplace as they were parted by the wooden table. Without warning, Twilight Sparkle turned around to look at Starlight Glimmer. The princess had an excited look on her face, eager to say something. “Would you like to hear how I organize my books?”

“Umm... sure,” Starlight replied, startled by the sudden act, but happy that Twilight wanted to talk to her about something, even if it was something like organization. I guess the discussion of our favorite novels are going to wait I suppose...

Gasping, Twilight levitated her friend onto the left chair by the fireplace. Quickly, Twilight sat down in the vacant chair, smiling at the unicorn. “Wow, I have never had somepony want to listen to how I organize books!”

Somehow, Twilight's over the top enthusiasm about book organizing made Starlight happy. For normal ponies, they would rather listen to a griffin claw at a chalk board. For Starlight Glimmer, it made her smile at the fact that her friend really wanted to share something that was important to her. Starlight also appreciated Twilight's organization skills already, so she might as well listen as to how she does it.

Right off the bat, Twilight Sparkle quickly began to explain how she starts organizing her books. “So first, I like to get every book I own and place them in their own letter pile. After that, I organize each pile alphabetically. And then...”

If Starlight would have had to guess, Twilight was probably talking for a straight thirty minutes about how she organizes her library. For about ten minutes of that thirty, the alicorn vented about how other libraries she has gone to do not organize books the way she does. Starlight was paying attention as Twilight was talking. However, the thoughts that were keeping Starlight from sleeping crept back into her mind. Not just the She was hoping that Twilight would eventually conclude her thoughts on organizing soon; Starlight wanted to talk as well.

Lucky for the unicorn, she could tell that the enthusiastic organizer was beginning to conclude her lecture. “Another thing I like to do when sorting my books is keep specific colors together, to give that look of inconsistent pattern on my bookshelves. It makes each book look important from the one next to it. In other words,” Twilight said with a giggle and a snort, “I reeeeealy love to keep things organized.”

“I can tell, hehe,” Starlight replied as she took a cookie from the plate and bit into it. As Starlight took one of her cookies, she remembered that those were her snack and remembered she had a glass of milk as well. Taking the glass and cookie, Twilight broke the rounded snack in two and dipped it into the white liquid. Curious as to what the temperature of the milk was, the princess took a sip of it. She grimaced as the milk touched her tongue. It was a bit warm, most likely because of the fire's heat. However, because she had cookies, Twilight figured the snack can still be enjoyed.

“I appreciate you listening to my love about organization,” the princess said with a smile, finishing her first cookie.

“Your welcome,” Starlight Glimmer responded as she looked at the fire. The smell of burning wood was a nice scent to the room and enjoyed watching the flames dance around the logs.

Slowly, Starlight's expression began to change into a frown and Twilight easily saw it. “Is something the matter Starlight?”

The unicorn's eyes glanced at Twilight for a brief moment before back to the source of heat and light. Starlight was glad that her friend recognized that something was wrong, but couldn't find a way to speak up.

Again, Twilight spoke, “Starlight, is there something you want to talk about?

“Y-yeah...” the mare finally said.

The princess adjusted herself before facing Starlight Glimmer. Twilight took a gander at her snack, but considered not to take another cookie; she rather focus on her friend.

“If I remember correctly,” Twilight spoke, “you said you couldn't sleep because a lot was on your mind, correct?”

“Yeah...” Starlight replied again.

“What's on your mind?” Again, Starlight couldn't get the words out of her throat. She was too embarrassed to talk to Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps it was because she has never truly vented to anypony in years. “Just remember Starlight,” the princess spoke, “you are my friend. Everything you tell me will be confidential. And if you are too uncomfortable to say anything, don't feel obligated.”

Starlight's heart warmed up upon hearing Twilight's statement. It made her feel at least comfortable to know that her conversation would only be kept between herself and the princess.

“It's just... nice to finally talk to somepony face to face like this, allowing me to vent my emotions to,” the unicorn finally said.

Twilight swiped some of her hair out of her eyes before speaking. “So you were kept up late because something has been bothering you?”

The mare nodded. “I've been feeling guilty because of what I have done and I don't think I have told you how sorry I am enough...”

“But you already have Starlight. I know you are. And I know that you are willing to change.”

A pop came from the fireplace.

“But I have not told you everything.”

Now Twilight was more than interested into listening to Starlight Glimmer. She took a sip of her warm milk and raised a brow. “What have you not told me?”

“Well... I have not told you my true intentions as to why I hated cutie marks so much.”

Another pop came from the fireplace.

Twilight glanced at the fire and back to the mare. “I thought you already told me everything.”

Starlight lifted up her arm and rotated her wrist. “Well, I did tell you a bit of it, but you saw more than what I said. You remember when I brought you to my past, right?”

Twilight Sparkle had to recall the past event. “Yes I do. You showed me the day that Sunburst got his cutie mark.”

A sigh came from the unicorn. “But do you remember what he did when he got it?”

“Umm... he was happy that he got it?”

“He ran outside and showed everypony how proud he was about getting his cutie mark!” Suddenly, several pops came from the fireplace. Starlight's voice rang out in the library; however, her voice was swallowed by the many books that were in the library, keeping the mare's outburst from echoing throughout the castle.

Twilight knew that the past was beginning to haunt Starlight and needed to allow the unicorn to tell her exactly how she felt.

Realizing she had lost her temper, Starlight quickly said, “I-I'm so sorry... I just...”

“The past makes you angry, doesn't it?”

“And sad, yes...”

“Was it because you were jealous of your friend's cutie mark? Or was it because you didn't get yours at the same time as him? If I recall, you both were using magic to stack and put away books.”

Starlight's ears retreated backwards. “It's far more than that... It's what he did before and after he got his cutie mark...”

Twilight Sparkle was astonished to hear her friends statement. “But I thought you two were the best of friends. That your friendship was inseparable. That is until...” The princess stopped herself before scratching at an already opened wound.

“As I said before, Sunburst and I were the best of friends. Since the first day we met, we would always play and spend time together. When we would play, we would do what any child would do: play at the park, make our own games, and, heh, play our favorite pastime event: Hot Lava Floor.” Starlight smiled brightly as her eyes were half closed, reminiscing the good times she had with her beloved friend.

“Sounds to me that you two had a lot of fun,” Twilight spoke, smiling along with her friend.

“I didn't even tell you what we did when we just spent time together,” Starlight said excitingly. “We would always have something to read together. What ever we read, we did it together. What ever we studied, there we were, sitting next to each other, side by side.”

An “aww” escaped from Twilight's lips. Her heart couldn't take how adorable both Starlight and Sunburst used to spend time together. “You two must have had a wonderful friendship.”

“Yeah...” The princess noticed her friend's wide smile slightly shrink and then grow back. “He used to tease me on occasion whenever he could.” Starlight chuckled. “And whenever he did, I would always retaliate by giving him a push or a punch in the shoulder.” She rolled her eyes. “Sunburst would just love to bug me about something and then try to run away from me. Let's just say he never got far.”

“Did you dislike the teasing?”

“Not really,” Starlight replied, turning her head to the alicorn. “When you think about it, it was all in good fun. He never did it out of spite. In fact, it made our friendship more interesting, more competitive.”

“'Interesting' you say.” Twilight went to take a sip from her glass when she noticed that there was no more milk within it. Well there goes my milk AND cookies late night snack... The mare lightly shook her head, knowing that milk and cookies were the last thing she needed to focus on. “So, if I remember from what you said earlier, you told me that there was more to it than him getting his cutie mark. What did he do to you before that?”

“I'm getting to that,” Starlight replied bluntly. Twilight kept quiet, awaiting her friend's next part of her story. Twilight understood why Starlight responded the way she did, so she didn't take it personally.

“So... one day...” Starlight was slightly hesitant to go on, but pressed forward. And something surprised Twilight. It was hard to tell because of the firelight, but the princess noticed her friend was... blushing.

“Umm... Sunburst he...” The unicorn giggled with delight. “One day, he came to my home so we can do our normal routine of going to the library and reading it together. But something was off about him that day. He looked very nervous, uncertain about something. I, of course, thought he was up to his ridiculous teasing.”

“When we got to the library, he did something unusual to our routine: he got his own book. Immediately, I knew something was up when he propped it up and hid his face from me as we sat and read our books at our usual wooden table. I, hehe, touched his shoulder and asked if everything was alright. And then... he asked me if I wanted to see a magic trick.”

At this point, Twilight could clearly see that Starlight was blushing. The alicorn was sitting in her seat, slightly shaking in anticipation at what her friend would say next .

Clearing her throat, Starlight Glimmer continued, “So I said 'sure.' He took the book I was using and opened it, propping it up next to the book he was using. Sunburst then told me to stand on the other side of the table so I didn't see what he was doing on the other side.”

“Complying, I did what I was told. When I stood on the opposite side of him, Sunburst raised his arms, lit his horn, and then swiped a hoof from behind the boarded up books. And... somehow, I don't know how he got it to this very day, but in the hoof he swiped behind those books, he was able to pull out a small rose.”

Twilight Sparkle gasped, “How sweet!”

“And after that, Sunburst walked over to me and gave it to me.” Starlight's hooves magnetized to her chin as she remembered the cute act by her friend. “And right there, he confessed that he had a big crush on me.”

“I've... that was so cute,” Twilight choked, tears almost forming in her eyes. She could also feel her throat was getting sore.

Starlight nodded very slowly, still blushing because of the past memory.

“What did you say back to him?” Twilight was very eager to here the next part of the story.

“For about five minutes, me and him stared at each other without a word. As I stared at him, he had the cutest blush on his face. If I could go back in time, I would kiss him right on the lips.”

Twilight swayed her body left in right. “You know you caaaaaaaan travel back in time with Star Swirl's scroll.”

“I would, but that would have a drastic change for the future wouldn't it?”

“But you said-”

“It was a figure of speech Twilight. Besides, it's best if this reality remains unchanged for the better...”

Twilight realized what she said was unnecessary and wished she could take it back. But like Starlight said, “...It's best if this reality remains unchanged for the better” and decided to take what she had said and that was that.

“So,” Twilight asked, “what happened next?”

With the spotlight back on her, Starlight continued, “Well, after I mustered up the strength to say something, I... I told him I couldn't be his special somepony.”

“W-WHAT?!” Twilight shouted.

A harsh leer was shot at Twilight by Starlight. “Could you not make an input please? I didn't interrupt your talk about organizing books.”

“Sorry...” Twilight's ears fell back, knowing she had crossed a thin line. She needed to find a spell that would take her voice away for a few minutes to keep her from saying something. But she didn't have the time to look, so was going to make her best attempt at staying quiet.

“So, the reason why I basically said no,” Starlight resumed, “was because my father told me that I could not have a boyfriend until I was older. Of course, I told Sunburst that. I did tel l him, however...” Twilight grabbed one of her cookies and crammed it into her mouth so she can prevent herself from interjecting. “...that we can wait until we are older before we can date.”

Itching to say something but trying to keep herself from doing so, Twilight crammed another cookie into her mouth, slowly chewing.

“Then I took the rose Sunburst wanted to give me and sniffed it.” The alicorn hummed a muffled “aww.”

“I must say, it was a sweet smelling rose,” Starlight smiled. “I then told him while we wait to get older, he can give me a pet name. Instantly, he already had one for me. At that moment, he called me Star Eyes.” Again, Twilight hummed again with delight.

“But of course, I hated the name because it sounded embarrassing. So what did my friend do? He began to chant loudly I was his star eyes and he was my heart burst.”

“MMMMMMMPPPHHH!” Twilight shuttered. She couldn't help how adorable Starlight was explaining Sunburst's childish, yet sweet act.

“So to stop his annoying chant, I punched him in the face.”

“PFFFT!” The alicorn spat out soggy chunks of chewed up cookies. “Why did you- umm-” Trying to keep herself from speaking, Twilight levitated a good amount of cookies into the air and crammed them into her mouth.

Starlight gave the princess an awkward look as she saw Twilight's crammed face. “So umm... after that day, he continued to call me that silly pet name. And even though I hit him every time he called me it, I loved it. I was that special to him that he would call me a different name. Though, I rarely called him by his pet name that he gave himself: Heart Burst. Nonetheless, our friendship bloomed. We were more open with each other, telling each other our deepest darkest secrets. The one thing that drastically changed was the teasing.” The unicorn shook her head. “I don't know why, but Sunburst's teasing increased tenfold. He would always tell me I looked cute everyday, complementing something different everyday, and he would always call me that pet name.”

“Buf fwhy ifs dat a bad fing?” Twilight said, unable to keep herself quiet, despite the many cookies that blockaded her mouth.

“Because I don't like to be flustered.” A bright smile stretched across Starlight's face. “But there was one thing he did that I just... absolutely loved.”

“An' fwhat was dat?”

The unicorn looked up at the ceiling, admiring how high it was. “When ever I was having a bad day, he and I would go to the park and sit on a bench with me. We would always go to the furthest area of the park so nopony would see us. And when it was just me and him... He would-” Starlight's voice choked for a moment as she felt her eyes build up with salty water droplets.

There was a moment of silence as the unicorn tried to collect her thoughts and fight back tears. The silence was killing Twilight Sparkle as she waited impatiently. Did he give her more flower magic tricks?! Did they kiss?! Speak my friend! SPEAK!

After a few more seconds of being quiet, Starlight Glimmer spoke again, “When we would sit at our own isolated bench away from everypony, Sunburst would sit up close against me, telling me everything was going to be okay.” She let out a happy sigh. “Just the touch from him was enough to keep me still and melt my heart.”

Twilight Sparkle swallowed the many cookies that were crammed into her mouth so she can speak coherently. “You two really were the best of friends,” she smiled.

“Yeah...” Starlight replied coldly. “Were... I no longer care about him.” All happiness that was once within the unicorn was quickly evaporated.

The princess was in shock. “I don't understand... you two seemed to be the best of friends. You just told me all those nice things you and Sunburst did and now you turn around, saying you despise him?”

“You forget what happened the day Sunburst got his cutie mark,” Starlight said grinning toward her friend. Twilight remained mute, knowing a flood of emotions were about to be spilled.

Starlight took in a deep breath and sighed. “So, the day Sunburst got his cutie mark was the day we decided to test what we have learned in balance and levitation by stacking books on top of one another. If you don't remember what had happened, I'll refresh your memory.” Twilight Sparkle saw anger in her friend's eyes. “I was removing the bottom one when they all fell in my direction. I don't know why I didn't use my magic to stop them from falling on me. All I did was cower as they toppled over me.”

“Thankfully, Sunburst saved me a couple bruises by preventing the books from falling on me. But, in a bright spectacle of magic, my friend levitated into the air, shooting all the books back onto the shelves that they once belonged to... I have never seen something so amazing. He shined so brightly as natural magic coursed through him. And then...”

Silence... Not even the fire dared to make a slight crackle.

“After that amazing display of magic, there on his flank was his cutie mark...”

Twilight remained quiet. She saw Starlight look in her direction. Her head hung low and ears where jetted backwards.

“And... what he did next... just... destroyed me...” A single warm tear rolled down the mare's face as she continued to press on through the painful memory. “When he got his cutie mark, he ran outside and exclaimed to everypony that he got his cutie mark...”

Twilight dared herself to speak. “Why was that a bad thing?”

Starlight could take it no longer. The pain was just too much to bare. She took in a breath of air, as tears naturally rolled down her face, yelling, “BECAUSE I WASN'T THE FIRST PONY HE WENT TO WHEN HE GOT HIS CUTIE MARK! I WAS RIGHT THERE! ME, THE ONE WHO HE APPERENTLY LOVED, AND JUST RAN RIGHT PAST ME AND STRAIGHT INTO TOWN! HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME A HUG OR THANKED ME OR ANYTHING!” Frustrated, Starlight Glimmer got out of her seat and threw herself onto the ground, crying. “Why... why would he just ignore me like that...,” the mare sobbed into her arms. “I thought I was your Star Eyes... the one who helped you see the one who inspired you...”

If Starlight had invested more time in the magic of invisibility, the mare would have disappeared by now. She didn't like to have herself seen in such a broken state. But Starlight understood that she needed to tell Twilight Sparkle the truth.

A hoof touched Starlight's shoulder. She looked up to see the princess of friendship standing over her. “It's alright, Starlight,” she said. “Just let it all out.”

Twilight's words warmed the broken unicorn's heart. She felt that she could tell her new friend anything at this point.

“You know,” Starlight huffed, trying to get out more words, “that was not the worst of what he did.”

“He did more?” Twilight asked.

“A better way of putting it is what he didn't do.” Knowing she would have to show her face again sometime, Starlight sat up and looked toward the fire. Staring at the flames, she felt its heat hot against her face, her stream of tears evaporating off her cheeks.

“So, literally the next day, Sunburst was shipped off to Canterlot without another word...” In her peripheral, she saw Twilight Sparkle sit down beside her. She was close, but not too close.

“It was about a few days later that Sunburst's parents came back that they told me he was staying at Canterlot because of his wonderful talent for magic. What they told me was an insult! I was just as good as he was, and he was treated like some pampered prince!”

Once again, Starlight felt Twilight's hoof on her shoulder. “Were you jealous of him because of what he got?”

“Yes. All because he got his cutie mark that finally recognized for his talent.” Starlight huffed out of her snot-clogged snout. She sniffed to prevent any mucus to escape her nose.

“Was this the birth as to why you disliked cutie marks?”

Starlight nodded. “It was. However...”

Twilight raised a brow.

The moment Starlight looked away from the fire, tears began to flow once more. “...I didn't tell you what he didn't do that truly made me hate him and cutie marks.”

“Well, what did he not do?” Twilight asked, curious to learn even more about her friend's true reasoning behind disapproving cutie marks.

Taking in a breath of air, Starlight sighed, still looking in Twilight's direction but toward the ground. “So, after hearing about Sunburst's fortune about going to Canterlot, I wrote letters to him and gave them to his parents so that they can mail it to him. I wrote five letters. And not a single reply back...”

“Did you ask Sunburst's parents if they ever delivered them to him?”

Starlight glanced up at Twilight , humiliated that she had to cry in front of her friend again. “They knew that he and I were the best of friends. Of course they would. At least, I hope they did. They told me that they did.” The unicorn shook her head, knowing she was about to go of course with her conversation. “Regardless of them, I wrote five letters and didn't get a single reply back...”

Again, the fire grew quiet.


Turning to the fire, the unicorn's tears disappeared in a vapor. Starlight can feel the true heat of the hot coals that rested at the bottom of the fireplace. “Gee... I wonder why, Starlight,” she said sarcastically, “I wonder why your friend never replied back. Oh, I know! It was his ACCURSED CUTIE MARK! You must have been SO PROUD OF YOURSELF to get your special talent and then run off to a school where all the smart, special, and LUCKY unicorns go to!”

This time, Twilight Sparkle reached around Starlight Glimmer and pulled her in close, knowing her friend needed comfort. Starlight didn't rebel against the alicorn's decision. She knew Twilight was trying to help.

“I hated him for what he did to me... Not just for him running off to Canterlot and not writing back to me once, but for every sweet thing he told me as well.”

“You... hated him because of his past complements?” Twilight didn't understand Starlight Glimmer's reason.

The unicorn turned her head to look at Twilight. Half of Starlight's face was lit by the fireplace. The other half was not.

“Yes,” Starlight replied weakly.


“Because the moment he moved away, I... I...” Starlight couldn't stand the fireplace's heat any longer and looked away from it all together. “I slowly began to fall in love with that idiot! Everything- he told me, everything he did with me... was gone. And somehow, his absence made me crave him. I wanted him. I needed him. I- missed him... especially his touch.”

Twilight sat up and opened her arms to Starlight, waiting to comfort her upset friend. Starlight didn't give the offer a second thought. The mare fell into the alicorn's arms. Twilight felt Starlight squeeze her body. “I'm sorry you had to go though that,” the princess said.

“Why are you sorry?” the unicorn replied. “You had nothing to do with my past pain. Well... maybe just a tiny bit, but I am over that.”

Twilight giggled, “I know.”

It was after a moment of silence before Starlight began to speak again. “I want to ask you something Twilight.”

“Ask away.”

Both mare's broke their hold on each other and looked back at one another. “Have you ever had a stallion tell you amazing and nice things, and then, after getting something so much better, turn around and forget your very existence?”

The princess replied, “No... I don't...” Twilight saw her friend staring down at the floor, surprised to see Starlight Glimmer still able to squeeze tears out of her eyes.

Letting out a sigh, Starlight said, “Because my so-called friend ran off and forgot about me, it broke my heart. It destroyed me. I felt like I was worth nothing. And despite my hatred that grew for him, I still wanted him. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to here his complements. To hear his annoying teasing. To be next to him. And... to maybe... kiss him...

“I never wanted to feel that pain again. That is why I created a village so that everypony can have the same cutie mark. So they don't feel the same pain I felt.”

Twilight brought her hoof to her chin. “Now I truly understand why you did what you did with the village you created. I mean, I knew that it was because of your friend getting his cutie mark. I just never knew it was that deep...”

“At least now you know why I loved, then hated my friend. A-and cutie marks of course.”

Starlight's statement made Twilight think. “You loved cutie marks before?” the princess asked.

“Well, I always wanted to get my cutie mark as quickly as I can, so I practiced and studied magic really hard along side Sunburst. Of course, because of his blessing, it dawned into me despising cutie marks all together.”

“That brings up another question, Starlight,” Twilight spoke, curious about her friend. “Do you still hate cutie marks?”

It was in interesting question. Starlight hadn't thought about her current thoughts about cutie marks or where she stands with them. “I... don't know? I don't... think so?”

“I have a feeling that you don't,” Twilight smiled.

“Yeah, hehe.” Starlight then creased her brow a bit. “I know I still hate Sunburst for all the pain he caused me...”

Twilight leaned over to her friend a bit. “But if given the chance, would you at least talk to him once more?”

“I'd more likely kick him in the chest than be civil. Like I said, he brought pain upon me, and I would be more than happy to deliver.”

The princess was beginning to see the old Starlight Glimmer and wanted to change that quickly. “Don't you think that would be a bit to the extreme? What if he had a reason as to why he didn't write back? Or, what if he realized what he did was wrong and wanted to apologize?”

The heated unicorn calmed herself down as she thought about the possibilities. “I will admit, it would be very nice to at least see him again. But, I would still be angry with him- I don't know...”

The princess smiled at the mare. “One more question: Are you glad you got all that off your chest, or at least told me your true intentions as to why you disliked cutie marks?”

“Yes,” Starlight smiled. “It makes me feel special, knowing that another pony is willing to listen. It's a feeling I... haven’t felt in a long time...”

“That's good to hear.”

Suddenly, Starlight let out a loud yawn. “Wow, I am tired all of a sudden...”

“Then why don't you go and get some rest then.”

“Good idea.” Both mares gave a quick hug before the unicorn got up and made for the door. Before she left the library, Starlight said aloud, “Thank you for everything Twilight. Thank you for your mercy.” The princess had no chance to reply as Starlight closed the library door. Twilight looked at the fire and noticed that the logs that were in there before were all burned up. Looking to the woodpile to the left, Twilight levitated a piece of wood, and placed it into the fire.

Once again, the fireplace began to crackle as the heat and hot coals claimed the log.

A grin slowly grew on Twilight's face. Lucky for you, Starlight Glimmer, I know quite a lot of unicorns. I wonder if my friends from Canterlot know anything about your friend Sunburst.

Forever Inedible

Why Love, Then Hate
Ch. 2

Morning was an enjoyable time for Starlight Glimmer. Quiet. Relaxing. A start to a new day. A nice cup of coffee rested in front of the mare as she ate a simple plate of peanut-butter and banana sandwich along with Spike, who loudly chewed as he chomped through a bowl of colorful gems.

Ten days have now passed since and Starlight Glimmer and she was beginning to enjoy her new lifestyle. A few days ago, she visited the village she created and told the villagers there about the truth and why she took cutie marks from everypony. Of course, she did not go into full detail about Sunburst. If she did, that would have another waterworks display. Starlight was not willing to put herself through a trip of painful days gone by again.

Today, the unicorn was going to spend time with Rarity. The dress designer said that she was working on a new lineup of outfits, named: The After Hours of Day. Starlight glimmer assumed the dresses were going to be themed off of the night, but also thought that it may be based on something else.

When the mare awoke from her slumber, she wondered around the castle, looking for the princess. However, she could not be found. When the young welp got up, Starlight Glimmer asked him if he knew her whereabouts. He did not. The unicorn was trying to ask her alicorn friend if she could borrow a copy of her Daring Do series. Starlight was interested in the story, since both Twilight Sparkle AND Rainbow Dash have given it such great praise.

Glancing at her coffee cup, she levitated it and took a good sip of it. It was not as hot as it was when she made it, but still warm enough that it could still be enjoyed.

Wanting to find the books, she began to talk to the dragon, Starlight asked, “Hey Spike?”

“Yeah?” he replied with his mouth full of sharp jewels.

“Out of curiosity, do you know where Twilight keeps her Daring Do book collection?”

“Course I do. Living with Twilight has taught me how to keep a good memory of inventory.”

“Can you show me where?”

“Sure,” Spike smiled. Lifting up the bowl, the dragon poured the remainder of his breakfast into his mouth. He hopped down from his chair and gestured the unicorn to follow. Not finished with her sandwich, the mare took the plate that her meal was resting on and brought it along with her.

The two left the kitchen as they went into the big hallway of the castle. The dragon glanced back at Starlight and asked, “Have you been enjoying your stay here in the castle?”

“I have to admit,” she replied, “it has been a childhood dream to visit the Canterlot castle. But I never thought that I would ever stay in a castle at all. So, to answer your question, yes.” Starlight then took her sandwich and bit into it and then placed it back onto the plate.

“I agree with you,” Spike spoke as he held out his claw, as if he was holding something. “It was pretty sick when the castle literally popped out of the ground. But, I kind of miss the old library...” Spike stopped in his tracks as he began to reminisce about his old home.

“Was it because you moved away from somewhere else to here, or is there a library here in Ponyville?” Starlight asked from behind the welp.

“There WAS a library in a big oak tree...” Angered, Spike gripped his claws into a tight fist.

Knowing the dragon was upset, Starlight walked next to him and into his peripheral. “You said 'was.' Did something happen to it?” Getting a better look at Spike, Starlight saw a familiar glare; a glare she was all to familiar with. His expression was full of anger and beads of tears began to form at his eye lids.

“It was destroyed by Tirek ...”

A cold shiver ran down the unicorn's spine. She recalls a long while ago studying about the evil tyrant and heard about his resent rampage. But Starlight would not have guessed that he would attacked Ponyville. It is such a harmless village. Why would this town be a target for an attack? Perhaps it was because Twilight Sparkle and her friends lived here. Regardless of Tirek 's reason, his past act was upsetting Spike.

“I wish I was stronger...” Spike's teeth were bared as he spoke. “I wish I was bigger so I could have crushed him under my step and stopped him from hurting my friends.” If the welp could, he would sink his sharp teeth and claws into Tirek this very moment.

But his small body was suddenly pulled. Spike looked up to see Starlight Glimmer towering over him. He then noticed that she pulled him in for a close hug. Quickly, Spike's anger evaporated and his attitude turned to shame. “Sorry I got like that... It's just-”

“Don't worry Spike,” Starlight spoke. “I understand why you are angry. Just don't let it get to you. I should be a prime example of that.”

Spike didn't want to comment, considering the words may come out wrong. All he could do was smile and enjoy the close comfort. “Thanks,” he replied as he turned to embrace the unicorn.

“Hehe, your welcome,” Starlight replied. Looking to her plate she was levitating, she removed the sandwich from it and took another bite out of it.

From down the hall, a loud sound came from the massive door. Both pony and dragon broke their embrace and saw Twilight Sparkle walk into the castle. The moment the princess saw them, she quickly made toward them.

“Ah! Starlight Glimmer! How are you doing this morning?” Twilight spoke aloud with a large smile.

“I'm good,” Starlight replied. “Spike and I were going to your library so he can show me where some of your Daring Do novels are.”

“Is that sooooo?” Twilight leaned in toward her friend and raised a brow. “Do you have plans today?”

Starlight felt slightly uncomfortable by the way the princess was behaving. “I'm... going to Rarity's boutique so I can be modeled as I try on her new lineup of dresses.”

“And when will that be?”

“This afternoon...”

Both Starlight and Spike looked at each other and then back at Twilight.

“Weeeeeeell,” the alicorn said with a smile, “I have a little suprize for you.”

“Really?” Starlight replied, taking a bite out of her breakfast. “Sfow me.”

“Sure thing.” Turning to the castle door, Twilight Sparkle called out, “Come inside!”

Once again, the door made a large sound as it moved. Then, two figures walked inside. It was hard to tell who they were because she couldn't recognize either of them. In fact, she didn't know either of them. As the two looked at Starlight, Twilight, and Spike, they moved in their direction.

Starlight was curious as to what this surprise was and wondered what the princess was up to. Glancing back at her floating meal, she took another bite out of it. The only thing she could make out of them was their body color. One was cream. The other was orange. It wasn't Applejack because she always wore a hat. Also, the cowpony was very boisterous and would have called out to her already.

About half way, the guests' faces were becoming more distinguishable. One was a mare who wore large square-like specticals and had a crude bun bunched at the top of her mane.

The other... was a stallion...


“H-hey Star Eyes,” the male unicorn spoke with an awkward smile as he and the other guest came forward. “It's been a while.”

It's... him... Unable to keep her focus on her plate, Starlight Glimmer dropped it. The glassware crashed onto the tile. The sound exploded throughout the hallway. The food that was once on it now rested atop broken and sharp fragments, now and forever inedible.

Upon seeing the cream-colored mare, Spike made eye contact her and waved, “Hey, Moon Dancer.”

Without saying a word, Moon Dancer smiled slightly and gave a small wave back before looking at Starlight Glimmer who wore a look of shock on her face. It took a moment for Spike to notice Starlight's expression. However, the small dragon did not know why Starlight was looking at the stallion with such shock.

Nudging Twilight with an elbow, Spike whispered to her, “So, who is he?”

“Sun Burst,” the princess replied.

Spike tried to reply, but instead stuttered over his own words like an idiot. Looking at Sun Burst, the dragon saw that he was nervous, but smiling. Starlight Glimmer on the other hoof... well... still wore her look of shock.

Clearing her throat, Twilight Sparkle looked to Starlight. “Did my surprise surprise you?” the princess replied with a smile.

“I'm surprised alright...” Starlight Glimmer responded weakly and quietly.

“Well, why don't you two become reacquainted?” Twilight asked. “I mean, I am the Princess of Friendship after all, and I am more than willing to help make a friendship flourish.”

As Starlight Glimmer stared at her friend from the past, his nervous smile was replaced with a more relaxed grin. The mare's heart began to beat faster and found herself slightly short of breath as she stared at Sun Burst's long lost happy expression. Except this time, his smile was not only cute, but now handsome.

However, despite his better looks, the unicorn was not happy with him.

Finally getting herself to move, Starlight put on her serious face and went forward toward the two guests. Twilight Sparkle giggled internally as her friend approached the stallion. Twilight was finally going to see a long lost friendship finally revived. And if she was lucky, the princess would finally be able to witness a friendship evolve from an intimate to romantic relationship; a subject Twilight has yet to study about.

But as Starlight Glimmer walked forward, Twilight noticed her friend was not walking toward Sun Burst. Starlight was walking toward Moon Dancer.

With a genuine smile, Starlight held out her hoof to Moon Dancer and said, “My name is Starlight Glimmer. Nice to meet you.”

“Oh!” the cream-colored mare responded, surprised that she was being talked to. “I'm Moon Dancer,” she responded with a light smile and shook hooves with the mare in front of her. Moon Dancer took a glance at Sun Burst, noticing he was looking at Starlight Glimmer with concern.

“Umm, Starlight?” Twilight asked from behind. Everypony looked at the princess as she spoke.

“Yes?” Starlight replied.

Suddenly, Starlight Glimmer felt her body rotate to face Sun Burst. “I am really glad you want to acquaint yourself with an old friend of mine, but why don't you reacquaint with your old friend?”

As the princess spoke, Starlight saw her old friend giving her a promising smile. But the pain of the past was stronger than the heart pounding sensation Sun Burst gave to her as he smiled at her. Because her mind was caught in the past, Starlight Glimmer gave the stallion a mean leer.

“Because I am not happy with him,” the unicorn finally answered. Not wanting to look at him any longer, Starlight Glimmer turned around and looked down at Spike. “Come Spike, let's go get those Daring Do books.”

“Uh, sure,” the dragon replied, twiddling his thumbs, not sure what to do in the situation he was now in.

Then a touch came upon Starlight's shoulder. As if a spell of immobility was cast on her, the pink mare froze. Next spoke a calm voice.

“Star Eyes,” it spoke, “Twilight said that you were upset with me and-”

“YOU TOLD HIM?!” Starlight exclaimed, her eyes burning with anger, stepping forward toward the princess.

Everypony flinched at the sudden bark that came from the mare. Spike took a few paces backward, Sun Burst brought his hoof to him, Twilight stepped two spaces toward Starlight, and Moon Dancer remained platonic.

“Now now,” Twilight spoke, trying to reason with her angry friend, “I didn't tell him everything. What Sun Burst had just said is all I told him.”

Once more, the hoof was back onto Starlight Glimmer's shoulder. “Twilight thought it would be a good idea for us to try and talk things out. Reconnect. Remember the great friendship we once had.”

Looking at the ground, Starlight thought about what Sun Burst had just said. Memories of the good times he and she had came to her. The closeness they both shared with each other. The secrets they told one another. But then the painful experience the mare had to endure flooded Starlight's mind. The pain. The loneliness. Perhaps now would be the best time to let him know what he did damaged her heart.

“Fine,” Starlight said, letting out a sigh. “I'll talk with you in the library.” She then looked at Spike. “But I would still like for you to come along. I still want to know where those books are.”

“Alright,” Spike responded with a light nod. The dragon had an uncertain feeling in his heart. He felt that things were going to get very emotional.

Looking back at Sun Burst, Starlight said to him, “Follow me. I know where the library is.”

Without seeing if he complied, the pink pony looked forward and made her way through the large hall. As the mare began to move forward, Sun Burst stood still. His heart felt heavy. I hope she isn't too upset with me...

Finally getting himself to move, Sun Burst briskly walked after the mare. Soon after the stallion went after her, Spike remembered that Starlight Glimmer wanted him to come along and jogged over to Starlight's side.

Both Twilight Sparkle and Moon Dancer now stood by themselves in the large castle hallway. Smiling, Twilight looked to her friend and said, “Do you think they will become friends again?”

Moon Dancer's thick brows slightly creased. “Let me answer your question with another question: Do you remember how I reacted when you tried to mend our friendship and... well, it took more than just trying to talk to me.”

“Y-yeah... I remember that.”

“Just, don't expect things to go smoothly between the two of them.” Moon Dancer paused for a brief moment and looked away from her friend. “I saw pain in her eyes. I know that look. I have seen it in my own reflections before.”

Pausing for a moment, Twilight now thought about her decision, wondering if she made a terrible choice. “What do you think will happen?”


The door to the library closed and the sound it made echoed throughout the hallway. It took a few seconds before the sound stopped bouncing off the walls.

“To be honest,” Moon Dancer spoke quietly as she glanced back at Twilight, “I expect a good amount of crying. As for them becoming friends, well... I hardly know Starlight. So I'm not so sure what may result out of this.”

“Did... I make a bad choice?” Twilight asked as her ears folded back.

Knowing the princess was upset with herself, Moon Dancer went over to her and reached an arm around her neck. “You wanted to help your friend, right?”

Twilight Sparkle nodded.

“I think the best thing you could have done was what you have already have done. All we can do now is wait and see what happens. And even if a friendship does not come out of this, at least both sides will get their say.” Moon Dancer looked at Twilight as she stared back with uncertainty. The unicorn then turned her head and saw the shattered plate that was still lying on the ground. "Just understand that all the pieces need to be picked up before a full repair can be done."


Why Love, Then Hated
Ch. 3

Nobody spoke in the library. Starlight Glimmer and Spike were slightly ahead of Sun Burst as they made their way through the room. The small dragon still twiddled his thumbs nervously as he constantly looked between Starlight and Sun Burst. But despite the silence, Spike did not have to ask what he was doing in the library. He was walking to the collection of Daring Do novels so his unicorn friend can begin reading it. It didn't take long before he reached the area as to where the books where.

Looking up, he pointed, “They are up there.” Both unicorns looked up as well to try and find what Spike was pointing at. “I'll go get the ladder.” Walking away from them, the welp went around the corner; his footsteps faded as he left the two ponies.

“So...” Sun Burst said, trying to break into a conversation, “how have you been Star Eyes?”

“Very good,” Starlight responded quickly, still looking up at the tall bookshelf. “Yourself?”

“I'm great, knowing that I am able to see my friend again.” In her left peripheral, Starlight saw the orange unicorn come into view. After a short moment, he reached for her shoulder. But the mare stepped to the right, avoiding the hoof. Starlight knew if he touched her, she would fall under his spell. She knew that his touch was like a drug to her. She knew she craved it. But still, she knew that she couldn't forgive him now; he had no right to touch her just yet.

“Star Eyes, I-”

The sound of wheels rolling on wood silenced the stallion. Both ponies looked to see Spike pushing a ladder that was attached to a railing that slightly extended from the bookshelf. As he came to them, the dragon felt slightly uneasy as they looked at him. “Sorry if I was interrupting.”

“You weren't,” Starlight smiled as she looked upon the welp. In a quick moment, Sun Burst looked at his friend's lips, seeing them in a smile. But as quickly as he saw them, Starlight's eyes fell on the stallion and quickly removed her happy grin.

Spike stopped walking the ladder and began to climb up it. Trying to speak to his friend, Sun Burst spoke again, “Star Eyes.”

“Yes?” she responded.

“How... upset are you with me?”

Starlight looked up at Spike as he pulled books out of their place. She let out a sigh, “Very.”

“Oh...” Sun Burst spoke weakly. “Well, I am not surprised that you are.” Rubbing his shoulder, he tried to think of something to say. “Would you like to sit down somewhere so we can talk?”

Looking back at him, Starlight nodded, “Yes.” Anger boiled inside the mare. “I do think it is time that you know what you did to me when you left.” Quickly, she walked away from Sun Burst. Starlight could hear Sun Burst's hoofsteps behind her. After leaving the long hallway of bookshelves, Starlight saw a couch in an open area, facing away from the fireplace. She went over to it and sat on the far left side, leaning against the armrest. The mare waited for Sun Burst to round the corner. Sure enough, the stallion came around. He slowly approached, trying to not seem too eager to come to her.

Keep calm Starlight, the pink pony told herself. Just tell him everything. Tell him the pain he brought you. No need to get emotional. As soon as he arrived to the couch, the unicorn sat in the middle of it. Starlight's cushion sagged slightly toward Sun Burst. And don't let his charm get to you. Starlight looked at her friend who gave a nervous smile. Don't let that... handsome... But it was too late; her mind was mesmerized by Sun Burst's looks. His light-blue eyes shined like glittering water. Starlight Glimmer then looked at the white patch above his snout. She couldn't wrap her mind around why that simple detail was so attractive all of a sudden. Thoughts of them nuzzling came to mind. Realizing that she was beginning to daydream, Starlight tore her eyes away from the handsome stallion.

“You look very beautiful,” Sun Burst said suddenly.

“T-thank you,” Starlight responded, turning away from her friend, hiding her blushing cheeks from him. She knew he was reading her. She knew he knew what she was thinking about.

Starlight had to tell herself his looks are deceiving her and that she needs to remember that she is very upset with him. Slowly, his charm was beginning to be less effective. Starlight felt that she could look at him more seriously.

When she looked back at Sun Burst, the stallion saw a hostile stare come from her. He tried to scoot closer to her. However, the moment he leaned toward Starlight, her brows creased even more. “Don't come any closer,” she said bitterly.

Sun Burst quickly adjusted himself back to his original position. Not in a single moment did he think angrily at her when she reacted to him. He was definitely concerned for her and wanted to try and help.

“So-” Before Sun Burst could get a sentence out, he noticed Spike coming around the corner with a large pile of books.

“I got every book about Daring Do for you Starlight,” the welp spoke as he carefully balanced the tower of text in his arms.

Both ponies wanted to get up and help Spike, but they continued to stay seated. As he went over to them, the welp placed the pile down beside Starlight on the ground. “You don't have to worry about what book you start with,” Spike started as he gestured to the stack of novels.

“Thank you,” Starlight nodded with a smile.

Feeling his task was done, the dragon once more twiddled his thumbs. “Shall I be on my way then?” Spike asked as he pointed a thumb toward the door.

“Yes. Thank you again.”

“Alright. See you two later.”

Starlight nodded without another word. Spike could tell things were about to heat up and quickly went toward the door.

Neither pony looked at one another until Spike had left and closed the door. Glancing at his friend, Sun Burst gave Starlight Glimmer another smile. Not wanting to see his charming grin again, Starlight levitated a book from the top of the pile next to her and opened it. She adjusted herself and faced toward the stallion. Starlight made sure the book she held blocked his eyesight from hers.

“So Starlight,” Sun Burst spoke cautiously, “why don't you tell me what’s wrong.”

No answer.

“I know you want to talk to me, so why not you let it off your chest.”

Starlight turned a page, scanning each sentence without reading a word. She was listening to him, but could not take a chance of looking at him. He might smile again.

“Please Starlight, tell me what is wrong.Vent to me, just like old times.”

Slowly, Starlight turned a page. “You know exactly what is wrong,” she spoke coldly.


The book closed with a solid hwump! “You know exactly what is wrong!” Starlight scolded, pointing the book at Sun Burst with a quick jab. Her violet eyes beamed at the unicorn with hurt.

Sun Burst flinched as the novel quickly came at him. He frowned, “Well, yeah, I do think I know why-”

“Then why ask the question?” Starlight Glimmer leaned her back in her seat, getting herself comfortable. He isn't smiling now. Let him have it!

“Let me ask you a question Sun Burst.” It took Starlight a moment to ask her question. She wanted to make sure that her “friend” was watching and listening intently. “Did Twilight Sparkle tell you everything as to why I am upset?”

“No,” Sun Burst replied calmly, still frowning. His ears retreated back. “But I can guess why.”

“Then answer ‘why.’ Why do you think I am upset with you?”

“Because… I didn’t say goodbye?”

Starlight did not like his answer. “You are far from the true reason as to why I am angry with you!” The outburst caused Sun Burst to tilt his snout downwards and his mouth to turn into a more upset frown.

“Do you even remember what you did that day when you got your cutie mark? Do you?”

Sun Burst nodded slowly. “Yeah. I ran outside to show everypony my cutie mark.”

The mare shot her snout into the air. “And you didn't even think about thanking me for accidentally letting you get your cutie mark, did you?”

“Is…” Sun Burst hesitated, “is that the reason why you are upset with me?”

Starlight Glimmer’s mouth parted slightly and her brows furrowed. A moment of silence. The mare looked down, her eyes barely visible to Sun Burst.

Suddenly, she looked up at Sun Burst with a look of anger and hurt in her eyes.

“Is that it? You think that I am upset solely on just that?” Sun Burst tried to muster up something to say, but ended up stuttering. He leaned back a little as Starlight brought her head toward him.

Knowing that he wasn't going to speak, Starlight continued her venting. “Did you ever think about me when you were in Canterlot?”

“Of course I did!” Sun Burst spoke full heartedly.

“Then why didn't you write back to me from all the letters I wrote to you?”

“I- can explain-”

“Explain what?!” the mare exclaimed. “That you accidentally forgot about me?”

Sun Burst twitched slightly upon hearing the question. “Y-yes…,” he replied shamefully, looking down but keeping his eyes on Starlight.

The mare did her best to keep an angry facade, but failed. Instead, her expression frowned. “Do I mean anything to you?” Starlight choked, fighting back tears.

Sun Burst heard the pain in her voice and caused his heart to crack. “Of course you do.” He reached for Starlight’s shoulder, knowing his touch will calm her down.

But to Starlight Glimmer, she saw his hoof as if it was poison. Starlight knew if he touched her, she will begin to crave his touch. Quickly, she swatted it away as she looked at him with an angry leer. “Don't touch me! You have no right to give me any comfort!”

Taking his time, Sun Burst pulled back his hoof. He sat quietly, awaiting Starlight to say anything. He knew saying any word may upset the mare even more.

“How did you feel when you got your cutie mark?” Starlight asked, still trying to look angrily at Sun Burst and still failing. “It must have been great, yes?” The stallion didn't move a muscle; he just stared at her with an upset frown.

“It must have felt great to be shipped off to Canterlot where all the special unicorns go,” Starlight continued, her voice increasing in volume.

She then looked deep into Sun Burst’s eyes. His heart began to hurt as his old friend stared at him. “It must have… been nice… to make new… friends and… forget about me…” Starlight sobbed.

Starlight began to curse at herself internally for letting herself cry. But part of her didn't care. She wanted Sun Burst to see her pain. And she knew her pain would hurt him as well.

“Star Eyes,” Sun Burst spoke earnestly, trying to get in a few words.

But those two words only made things worse. “Don’t call me that,” Starlight said in a choked response to the stallion’s statement as she quickly turned her head away from him.

For Sun Burst, time began to slow. As Starlight turned her head, he saw beads of tears hang in the air. They looked so clear and pretty. And yet, they came from a pony that was in pain. As quickly as it happened, time went back to full speed. The tears fell onto the couch and made a soft batter before being absorbed by the cushions.

Sun Burst watched helplessly as he watched his Star Eyes sob in such pain. She clenched her eyes shut tightly, squeezing out large tears. What have I done…? the stallion thought to himself in shame.

“You know,” Starlight huffed, “you may be thinking…” Her voice changed into a sarcastic tone, “‘...But Starlight, why don't you just move on and get over the past?’” Returning to her normal voice, she looked back to Sun Burst, now able to glue her angry eyes back on, “Well I am not one of those mares.”

She paused for a moment and watched Sun Burst. She saw that he was not only listening, but feeling hurt. And she wanted that.

Looking forward, Starlight let out a sigh before she continued to speak; however, this time, she spoke very calmly without anger in her eyes, “When you left for Canterlot, I felt like I was worth nothing. That I was easily discarded once you found something better than me.”

Sun Burst took a deep breath in, not only offended that she would think she was less important than a cutie mark, but because it hurt him. But he exhaled, letting out any chance for him to make a comment. He just continued to only stare and listen intently.

“You hurt me Sun Burst…” Starlight Glimmer said sadly. “You hurt me a lot…”

What Starlight saw next almost surprised her. Sun Burst was not looking at her, but down at the ground, frowning. She could tell her words were getting to him. And she knew she was going to get answers.

As for Sun Burst, he felt terrible. No amount of physical hurt could compare to what his heart was going through.

“How did I hurt you?” the stallion replied quietly. “I never thought that I would be the one who would bring you so much pain.” Sun Burst glanced over to Starlight Glimmer for a moment before back at the ground. “Please, let me explain what happened during the time I...” Sun Burst tensed up, “...accidentally forgot about you… But before I do, I want to know exactly how I hurt you.”

Knowing that the message was sent, Starlight felt there was no need to get angry at Sun Burst anymore.

The mare took in a deep breath and then slowly exhaled. “It's not solely based on what you did,” Starlight began. “It's also what you didn't do.”

Sun Burst adjusted himself to look at the unicorn. “Well, start with what I did that hurt you.”

A chuckle escaped Starlight, “It may seem silly but… Every sweet thing you have ever told me is part of what you did that hurt me.”

Confusion fell upon Sun Burst. “How could that have possibly hurt you? I mean, I know you would hit me if I teased you before, but-”

“Because you didn't remember me or write back or visit or anything,” Starlight interjected. “That's what you didn't do.” Sun Burst became quiet as he looked at the unicorn beside him. He noticed she was now blushing.

“When you left me, I…” A pause. Then suddenly, Starlight blurted, “I quickly fell in love with you!”

A flush of pink came onto Sun Burst’s face as he heard Starlight’s words.

“And when I fell in love with you,” she continued, her eyes focused on Sun Burst’s, “I began to crave for your presence. I wanted to be with you more than ever. But most of all, I wanted your touch again.” Sun Burst slightly lifted his hoof, wanting to touch his friend in comfort, but knew she didn't want him to do that. So instead, he stayed still.

“I missed your closeness. I missed… Everything about you!” Starlight breathed in and out once to calm herself. She turned her head away from the stallion.

“Your touch was like a drug without knowing it until you were gone.” Starlight looked at Sun Burst again. “Even today, when you touched my shoulder out in the hallway, it was like a soft feeling only a memory could remember. If you were to hold me in your arms right now, I would melt.”

As he watched the mare, Sun Burst watched the pink from Starlight’s cheeks fade away.

“But I cannot let you touch me,” she said quietly, her eyes looking away for a brief moment. “Because of what you did to me, I won't allow you to do anything with me… We can no longer be friends.”

A cold chill ran down the stallion’s spine. His chest clenched. Sun Burst was hurt by words. His old friend that he cared about so much before now wants nothing to do with him.

“I… understand,” Sun Burst choked, looking away, worried if his eyes may begin to water. “I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… No words can explain how sorry I am…” Sun Burst’s ears fell back as far as they can in shame. His head looked down as much as it could. “I just want you to know that… you are special and that you are special to me.”

Both ponies sat beside each other without words for an unknown amount of time. They didn’t know how long the moment of silence was, but it didn’t matter. As Starlight sat quietly, she saw true sadness that came from Sun Burst. She knew he cared a lot about her just by the way he was behaving. Perhaps a second chance was a possibility.

“Heart Burst,” Starlight Glimmer said quietly. Her voice along with her statement exploded in Sun Burst’s ears. The stallion’s two ears perked up when he heard the unicorn’s voice. Sun Burst looked at Starlight, his heart slightly smiling upon hearing the long lost pet name.

“Can you tell me what happened when you forgot about me? I know you still want to be my friend, but I want to know what went through your mind when you got your cutie mark and were shipped off to Canterlot.”

Sun Burst pursing his lips, thinking for a moment. “I do owe you that.” However, the words “Heart Burst” rang in his mind. “But why did you call me Heart Burst? I know you don’t want me to call you Star Eyes, but why call me by my pet name?”

“Because… I want to forgive you.”

Starlight’s response confused Sun Burst. “But didn't you just say you can’t be friends with me.”

“Well, you did say I was special.” Starlight smiled, embarrassed to continue talking . “I just… The past still clings to me and… I do like what we had before and-”

“You still want to be my friend but you want to know my side of things before considering having an intimate relationship again.”

Sun Burst hit the nail on the head.

“Yes,” Starlight replied. “I will admit, even though all the pain you brought me makes me want to hurt you physically, I still remember every sweet thing you told me.” She rubbed her own shoulder. “I'm caught in the past with everything you have done to me. I'm so confused on how I feel about you now that you are here. But now the time has come for me to decide: do I forgive you or not? And now…” Looking into his eyes, she felt her heart flutter; and he wasn't even smiling! “...your story will decide our fate.”

“I understand,” Sun Burst nodded. He grinned widely. “I'm just glad me saying ‘you are special’ made you feel happy.”

Starlight Glimmer winked at Sun Burst. “It did.” Her face then turned serious. “Now, explain to me why I was so easily forgotten. Because I have not forgotten the past, now have I?”

The spotlight was now on SunBurst. She is going to hate me…

Fifth Letter

Starlight Glimmer waited for Sunburst to begin telling his story. She saw discomfort in his eyes and could tell he felt shame. But despite his emotions, Starlight demanded that she hears Sunburst before she would allow the stallion to touch her in any way.

“Are… you ready for my story Starey- Starlight?” Sunburst stuttered, almost saying the mare’s old nickname.

“I'm eager,” Starlight responded quickly with no emotions on her face.

With a clear of his throat, Sunburst began, “So, when I got my cutie mark…” He looked away from Starlight’s eyes for a moment, knowing that his cutie mark was a prime reason why the mare disliked him.

“Go on,” Starlight spoke.

Sunburst’s eyes went back to the unicorn who adjusted herself as he looked at her. He too got himself in a more comfortable position with his back up against the couch’s cushion. Sunburst turned his head toward Starlight Glimmer, but looked past her, afraid of her eyes. But even though he was afraid of her sapphire spheres, Sunburst had to gaze into them.

“So when I got my cutie mark,” Sunburst began again, “I was carried off to my parents by the crowd of happy ponies.” He paused to see if he could see any hint of anger in Starlight Glimmer’s eyes. He did not. So he continued…

“When I showed my parents, they were overwhelmed with joy. I know I didn't tell you this at the time, so I might as well.”

“Tell me what?” Starlight turned her head, curious as to what the stallion meant.

Sunburst rubbed his shoulder for a moment. “At the time, my parents were planning to take a vacation to Canterlot. Before I got my… you know-”


“R-right. So umm, I asked before hoof if you can come with us, but they declined. I didn't want to tell you that we were going to Canterlot for vacation because I know you always wanted to go there and didn't want you to get jealous.”

Starlight Glimmer furrowed her brow, glancing left and right. She was taking in everything her friend was saying with a grain of salt, but still believed his story so far.

“So...” the mare said, wanting more to be said.

“So, when I got my cutie mark…” A small pause. “Umm, they were of course happy for me and were also glad it happened at such a convenient time.”

“I can assume that you and your family were planning on leaving the next day, right?” Starlight asked.

“Well, not exactly,” Sunburst corrected.

The mare brought her hoof up to her chin. “Explain what you mean.”

“Well, because I got my cutie mark a few days before the initial vacation, my parents decided to leave early and see if they could try and sign me up for the Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns.”

“That would make sense as to why you disappeared so quickly,” Starlight spoke, looking up at a looming bookshelf.

The words from Starlight gripped Sunburst from the inside. “Yeah… I did vanish from you, didn't I?” The stallion expected his friend to respond to his comment with a nod. However, she continued to stare at what she was gazing at. He turned to see what Starlight Glimmer was looking at, but gave up after a few seconds and looked back to the mare.

“Explain to me how you felt when they told you they would sign you up for the school in Canterlot,” Starlight Glimmer asked.

Sunburst hesitated, but knew he had to answer. “To be honest, very happy and excited.” The stallion looked at Starlight for a moment to see any change in expression. The only thing he could make out was that she looked interested in his story. However, Sunburst knew that she will get upset with him as he explained the truth of his absence with her and ignoring of letters.

“You and I both wanted to go to the Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns. We both knew that there was so much to learn there and to be given that chance out of the blue, well… Would you have turned that down?” he asked.

Starlight took in a deep breath and held it in for a moment before exhaling.

“No I would not,” Starlight finally answered. “So what happened when you got to Canterlot?”

Sunburst had to think for a moment before answering, remembering what happened the day he arrived at the kingdom. “Let's see… My parents rushed me to the school as quickly as possible by getting up really early to get to Canterlot.”

“Is that why you couldn't say goodbye?” the mare asked. “Because you had to get up early?”

“I would have said goodbye if I could…” Sunburst pleaded.

But Starlight was quick with a response. “You could have told me the day you got your cutie mark."

Starlight looked through him Sunburst as his ears retreated, trying to hide them like rabbits ducking in tall grass. “I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. I was just distracted by my accomplishment.” He held his head low still guilty of what he had done.

“Distracted you say?” Starlight Glimmer asked with a raise of her brow.

Sunburst froze, his eyes wide. He sat silently, waiting for his friend to either get angry with him or start sobbing some more. He shot a glance at the mare. She had her eyes closed in deep thought. Slowly she reopened her eyes and looked at the stallion.

“Continue your story please,” Starlight asked calmly.

Sunburst sighed internally. Thank goodness that didn't make her mad. I can't stand seeing her upset… With an obstacle avoided, Sunburst resumed his story.

“So, we took the earliest train and headed straight to the school once we arrived to Canterlot. Luck was on their side because it was open house and was able to do an entrance test then and there.”

Curious as to what the test was, Starlight Glimmer asked, “What did the exam consist of?”

The orange pony chuckled. “All I had to do was a simple levitation spell.”

“That’s it?!” Starlight looked at the stallion with disbelief. “THAT was the test?!”

“That's what I said!”

The mare smirked. “I bet you showed off with flying colors.”

“You could say that,” Sunburst winked. As he looked at Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst slowly watched the mare’s smile fade. His grin died soon after hers did.

Starlight then looked at the stallion, waiting for his story to resume. “So after I impressed the proctors, I was immediately offered a place at the Canterlot school.”

“So you decided to stay,” Starlight spoke bluntly.

“W-well,” Sunburst stuttered, “the only way for me to stay was to live in a dorm.” He thought hard trying to comment after his statement. “Wouldn't you have stayed if given a chance?”

“I don't know actually.”

Starlight Glimmer’s comment confused the stallion. “What do you mean?”

“Well, pretend we're kids again.”


“If you were told that you can go anywhere you want, you would obviously not turn down that offer. But what if that offer had a catch. What if, in return of your choice of where you want to go, you can only see your friends and family only very so often. That's what I mean by ‘I don't know.’ I don't know because it didn't happen to me and I don't know what I would have chosen. School is important. But friends and family are far more meaningful… or at least, they should be.” I should see my parents sometime soon now that I think about it, Starlight commented mentally. Maybe send them a letter or something.

A dagger of pain stabbed into Sunburst’s heart. He had to try very hard to keep a calm composure. He shivered a bit, trying to shake something out of him.

What was that all about? Starlight Glimmer thought to herself as she watched Sunburst quiver for a moment. Was it something I said? Hmm…

“So umm…” Sunburst resumed as he got the last shake out of himself, “when I accepted the offer, they showed me to my dorm and gave me everything I needed to stay.”

“I see. Go on.”

“When they brought me to my dorm room, my roommate happened to be there. And so, I greeted myself to him and became friends immediately.”

Starlight pursed her lips, “Why is your old roommate important to the story?”

The orange pony frowned and looked at his old friend. “He is part of the reason why I forgot about you…”

“So you replaced me.” The mare leaned forward with a bothered, yet angry expression.

“It’s not- He didn't- MMMPHH!” Sunburst was tripping over his sentences. He was swearing at himself internally for sounding like a mumbling idiot.

As for Starlight, she leaned back against the couch cushion waiting for Sunburst to continue speaking. She didn't want to force everything out of him. She rather have him tell the story instead of beating it out of Sunburst herself.

“You were never replaced…” he finally answered. “Like I said, or rather you asked, ‘was I forgotten’ or something like that and I said…”

“...Yes.” Finally, Starlight Glimmer showed a different emotion. However it did not make either of them feel better. The mare frowned, trying not to make eye contact with Sunburst. “Was I that easily forgettable?” she asked slowly.

Sunburst dared to look at the unicorn’s cool blue eyes. He could see the hurt in them and couldn't bare to watch her lovely sapphire spheres gush water anymore. Once more, pain stabbed his heart, afraid to answer the question.

MayI continue my story?” Sunburst requested, his voice choked a little as he started his first word. “It will answer your question without having to reply ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ to your question”

Doing her best to put on a big girl face, Starlight nodded silently. She didn't have to say anything. All she had to do now was listen.

Sunburst rubbed his forehead before starting again. “Now let's fast forward a week.” He waited for the pink pony to reply. Sunburst didn't move an inch. She was only listening.

The awkward silence made it difficult for Sunburst to resume his story.

“I was walking back to my dorm after a tiring lecture,” he resumed. “It lasted for two hours and I wanted some rest.” Again, the unicorn paused briefly to see if Starlight Glimmer needed to input. She didn't.

“When I got to my dorm, my roommate was there holding a letter he got from the mailmare...”

In an instant, Starlight’s attitude quickly changed. Instead of looking through him like a clean glass window, the mare was more interested than ever before. She knew exactly what he was going to say, but waited in anticipation.

“...and it read: From Starlight Glimmer.”

A warm feeling lit up Starlight’s heart. He actually received the letter. His parents did send the letters she wrote to Sunburst.

The stallion noticed a small smile appear on the pink pony’s face and watched it grow. However, he knew he would watch that smile disappear again, so he didn't marvel at it for too long.

Resuming, he said, “So naturally, I opened it up and read it. I remember you saying in your letter that you were happy for me getting into the Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns and obtaining my cutie mark.”

“I was happy for your fortune,” Starlight Glimmer finally spoke. Her voice surprised the stallion as he didn't expect the mare to talk anymore. “I just didn't like how you left me without a goodbye…”

“You did read about that too,” Sunburst frowned. Once more, as Sunburst predicted, Starlight’s smile left her. He let out a small sigh at the change of expression, but continued his story.

“So after reading it, I quickly placed it on my desk so I can quickly reply. But it was windy that day and the window was open. Our room was always getting stuffy, so me and my roommate kept it open to let in fresh air.”

Starlight wanted to ask why Sunburst was talking about such a detail, but figured it was an important part of the story.

“Because of the wind, I placed a random book on top of your letter so that it would not fly away.” Starlight gently nodded, complying that she was indeed listening.

“But just as I stopped your note from being claimed by the breeze, my roommate wanted to get some food from the cafeteria.” Sunburst paused for a moment. Blush bled onto his face. “I told him that I really want to write back to you. I… happened to tell him before… that I- that-”

“You had a crush on me,” Starlight blurted out, knowing Sunburst’s embarrassment was going to keep him from resuming the story. “So what happened next?”

“He umm…” Sunburst had to gather his thoughts. “...said that they were serving broccoli with melted cheddar cheese at the cafeteria…” The stallion’s face frowned. “Knowing that was a favorite of mine and his, we ran as fast as our legs could run.”

“Why was that-” The mare stopped herself as she saw Sunburst looking down. There was an obvious reason as to why he was upset. So she just waited.

A minute passed. It felt longer to Starlight.

“During the event of lunch...” Sunburst spoke. Starlight felt somehow relieved when she heard his voice; the silence was bothersome. “I unfortunately forgot all about your letter you wrote me and forgot that it was under that book I hid it under.”

More silence.

“I didn't mean to forget about your letter…” Sunburst showed through his expression that he was bothered by his own past action. Mentally, he kept kicking himself in the head, angry at what he couldn't take back.

“What about the other letters?” Starlight asked. “I did send you four more.”

Sunburst took in a deep breath before speaking again. “Well, the next three ended up with the same fate as the first…”

The mare’s ears twitched as she heard Sunburst’s statement. “You just said three of them ended up just like the first letter, right?” He nodded slowly now looking ever more disturbed. “What about the fourth one?”

Starlight Glimmer leaned forward slightly to try and get Sunburst to look at her. But when he gave her the slightest vision of his pupil, the stallion clenched his eyes tightly. Sunburst couldn’t hold in his emotions. Succumbed by hurt and sorrow, Sunburst’s face writhed into a truly upset expression. Tears began to flow and fall off his face in an endless stream. He huffed bitterly as he sobbed.

“I’m sorry...” Sunburst muttered. Then, something inside of him cracked. Then broke.

“I”M SORRY!” he shouted, his eyes still clenched. Starlight was taken aback by the sudden outburst. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Sunburst repeated. He shook his head back and forth, trying to shake out the depressed emotions that had been dormant in his heart for so long.

Being a witness to this lamentation, Starlight looked upon the stallion with sympathy. She never thought she would feel sorry for her past friend after what he had done to her. But seeing how he was now behaving, Starlight Glimmer almost wanted to hold him as he did to her in past times. Yet, she was not yet ready to do such an act. The story was not yet over. Maybe when the story is over, she will give him some comfort. Maybe…

Sunburst had his shoulders slumped as he continued to sob. But after a minute or so of crying, he was able to gain composure of himself. Taking in a deep breath, he wiped his eyes and sniffed harshly to keep his snot from running out of his nostrils.

“Forgive me for that…” Sunburst said as he huffed in some more air. “I just-”

“It’s okay,” Starlight Glimmer spoke. Both pony’s eyes met as the mare said her words. Sunburst was somehow no longer hurt by Starlight’s sapphire eyes. They were beginning to look beautiful again. The mare smiled for a moment before it went away again. “So, can you resume your story?”

“Yeah, I think so.” Sunburst adjusted himself before speaking again. “Where was I again?” he asked.

“You were telling me how four letters I sent you were lost and the I asked about the fifth one.”

Sunburst’s heart clenched again and he stiffened by the statement.

“Did you read that one?” Starlight Glimmer asked, knowing what that last letter entailed. After all, she wrote it.

“I… did…”

The mare frowned, almost regretting that she sent that letter to him years ago. “I… said a lot of mean things in it, didn’t I?”

“What you said was justified…” Both ponies locked gazes for a moment before looking away. “But when I read that letter that fateful winter, I changed.”

Sorrow quickly left Starlight Glimmer as she was now more interested in Sunburst’s story. “Explain.”


Like Old Times

Why Loved Then Hated

A sigh escaped Sun Burst. He looked at Starlight before resuming his story. “...During the autumn, I was beginning to anticipate Hearth’s Warming Eve. Every year, my family goes to Manehattan to visit my aunt and uncle. You remember, yes?”

Starlight Glimmer had to think for a moment. She then remembered. “Oh yeah, I do remember.” The mare let out a giggle. “I remember when you invited me one year. Your uncle is so funny.”

“And he still is,” Sunburst agreed. “So, of course, I told my roommate and wanted to invite him. He didn’t turn down the offer for a second.” The stallion let out another sigh and frowned. Starlight Glimmer waited patiently. All of the pauses he was doing was beginning to bother the mare.

“When winter began, I was anticipating a letter from my parents and tell me when they will be leaving for Manehattan. Weeks went by… and then Hearth’s Warming Eve went as well…” Sun Burst’s shoulder’s sagged.

Starlight’s eyebrows creased slightly. “They forgot to tell you?”

Sunburst let out a harsh sigh. “N-no,” he choked. “They did not.” He looked off elsewhere, trying to hide anymore potential tears that may begin to fall from his eyelids. “You… remember that I told you I forgot about your first four letters and didn’t right back, right?”


“I did the same thing to my parents…” Something clicked in Starlight’s mind. She remembered when she asked Sun Burst’s mother and father if her letters were getting to their son and they told Starlight that he does not reply back to them either.

“I spent Hearth’s Warming Eve alone that year…” The stallion looked at Starlight Glimmer. “I can guess you the same thing.”

“It felt empty…” Starlight admitted. “I was praying you would write to me. But you didn’t.” Both ponies wore a hurt expression. Sun Burst’s was worse.

“So… the day after Hearth’s Warming Eve passed, I wrote to my parents… I asked them why they didn’t invite me to Manehattan.” Sunburst pounded his hoof on his forehead with frustration. Starlight was about to ask if it hurt, but she knew she used to give him worse. “And then… came both theirs and your letter…” Starlight noticed how frustrated Sunburst was. He was angry with himself. That was something that didn’t need explanation.

“Which letter did you read first?” the mare asked.

“My… p-parents…” he choked. “The letter they wrote me explained why they didn’t consider taking me to see my aunt and uncle. They said that because I didn’t reply to any of their letters, my parents assumed that I was busy and wanted to be left on my own.” Sunburst shook his head. “They were wrong about that. Of course I wanted to go and not be left alone. But… I neglected their letters.” The stallion looked into Starlight’s pretty eyes. Those lovely, shiny, blue eyes. “And at the end of that letter…” He sniffed hard and tears began to run down his cheeks. “They- told me… that you missed me… a lot…” After whimpering a few times, Sunburst said, “And then I r-read your letter…”

At this point, Starlight Glimmer couldn’t take the crying anymore. She hated all of this depression. She wanted it to go all away. She didn’t want to hear the rest of the story. She didn’t want to hear what was coming next. Because she knew what she wrote in that fifth letter. But Starlight also knew that Sun Burst was trying to make things right.

“Oh Starlight,” he sighed, “When I read your letter, I never knew how much I hurt you until I actually saw your personally. But when I did read it… It- it changed me.”

Starlight let out a light sigh. “I put a lot of anger into that letter. Do you remember what it said?”

“I… I-” Quickly, Sunburst stood up with his head tilted downward. “I’m sorry.” With no other words to say, he began to briskly walk toward the door.

Starlight Glimmer was not about to have him leave just yet; besides, she has seen enough hurt and didn’t want to see him in pain any longer. She had forgiven him. “Stop,” the mare ordered as she got up and went after him.

Sunburst did not stop. “I don’t deserve you or your friendship Starlight,” he called back. “Everything you told me in that letter was true.” As he came to the door, the stallion stopped. Starlight stood a good distance away from him as she stared at his back flank. “I am a jerk. A deserter.” He looked at his childhood friend and continued his lamenting. “I AM A FORGETFUL MEAN FACE!” Sunburst then collapsed and fell forward, shielding his face with his arms. All he could do was cry.




It wasn’t hysterical sobbing. It was soft huffing and sniffing. He could feel his hot breath bouncing off the ground as he lamented on the floor. “I’m sorry,” Sunburst spoke through his sobbing voice. “I know I have said this already, but I cannot say it enough.”

A touch on his shoulder made him flinch. Sunburst glanced up to see his Starlight Glimmer staring down at him. She reached out a hoof. There was no need for words. Sunburst saw that she was willing to help. He took the hoof and felt himself being pulled up. The stallion stood in front of the unicorn, a stream of tears still running.

Then… Starlight Glimmer quickly moved. She wrapped her arms around Sunburst’s neck and squeezed tightly. Not even knowing it, nor caring to know, tears ran down her face as well. “I forgive you.” He didn’t move or make a sound of reaction. “You can touch me now.” That made him move. Sunburst hugged his friend close against him. Finally, they were in contact. And even after years of being apart, it was beginning to feel like old times.


Sunburst sat alone at the park, grinning angrily at the grass, wondering if he leered hard enough that it would catch fire. Tears ran down his cheeks as he remained still. Few bruises covered the colt’s body. He ached when he tried to tend to the damaged spots, or even move.

All he knew was that he was angry and that he hated Rusty.

“Sunburst!” a filly called out. “Suuuuuunburst!” Sunburst turned his head to see a pink filly with two pigtails trotting through the park. Even though he wanted to be alone, the colt called out to her.

“Over here,” Sunburst said plainly, still looking downward.

Quickly, Starlight Glimmer turned around to see her friend sitting on their bench. “I’m not surprised to see you here Sunburst,” the child spoke as she came to him.

“Whatever,” he huffed. Sunburst snorted out of his nostrils and turned his head away from Starlight Glimmer, embarrassed she had to see him cry. Regardless of how he was feeling, the filly got up on the bench and sat right next to him.

“Heartburst…” The moment the orange unicorn heard his pet name, he frowned. “...why did you have to go and fight Rusty?”

“Because he was being a jerk to you!”

“So,” Starlight shrugged. “I can handle myself. You know as well as I do, my magic far surpasses anypony in our class. The only pony I could consider my equal is you. Him telling me my magic will get me nowhere means nothing to me.”

“I just want to be a big stallion in standing up for my Star Eyes,” Sunburst argued. “And I want to show you that I am strong.”

“But I don’t like seeing you hurt!” Starlight argued. At this point, she was frustrated to the point of tears. The sight of her tears made Sunburst’s heart cramp. “It’s very sweet of you to want to help me. But if it’s going to physically going to hurt you, then I will be full heartedly get against it.”

A sigh escaped Sunburst. “I just-!” He folded his arms in a huff and clenched his eyes shut, making fresh tears squeeze from his eyelids. “I wish I wasn’t so weak and such a crybaby. I wish I was strong and not so sensitive.”

“And I wish to not see you hurt…” Starlight said softly. “I wish to see you the way you are. That’s why I love spending so much time with you. It’s not just the smart colt that you are…” Starlight brought her hoof and touched the center of Sunburst’s chest. “...it’s also what is in here.” Scooting up against him, the filly wrapped her little arms around her friend and held him tightly. Sunburst, now relaxed, did the same thing to his Star Eyes. “Let me fight my own battles. You'll know when to help me if I ever need it.”

“Thank you,” he sniffed, keeping his mucus from dripping onto Starlight’s shoulder. “You make me feel like a million bits.” The filly giggled and squirmed as she took in the complement. “But you know what would make me feel like a billion bits?”

“What?” Starlight asked.

Sunburst’s cheeks lit up. “A k-kiss.”

Letting out a sigh, Starlight responded, “I told you a trillion times that my daddy won’t let me have a boyfriend until older. That means no kissing.”

“Come on please?” the boy beckoned.

“No.” Starlight broke her contact with Sunburst and folded her arms in a huff.

“Nopony will kn-”

“When a mare says no…” With all of her strength, the filly grabbed Sunburst’s shoulders and threw him off the bench. “...she means NO!” He landed with a hard thud. Dust from the trail kicked up and another bruise formed on the colt’s arm. Even though he was in pain, all Sunburst could do was laugh. No matter how much pain she would bring him, Starlight Glimmer would never truly hurt him. Ever.


They continued to hold each other for quite some time. Neither of them wanted to move. They just wanted to be held.

“Let's go back to the couch and finish the story, okay?” Starlight asked.

In unison, both ponies removed their embrace. “Okay.” Sunburst wiped his tears from his face and then looked at Starlight. “Just try not to cry anymore,” he chuckled. “I cannot stand seeing Star Eye’s sad.”

Because Starlight didn't give him permission to call her Star Eyes again, she wanted to jab him in the shoulder. But the mare thought against it and retracted the rule. He can call her that again.

Returning to the couch, the two unicorns sat right next to each other, but not yet touching.

“So, continue please,” Starlight asked.


Despite knowing he and she are on good terms, Sunburst still didn't want to talk about the rest of his story. Guilt was eating away at his heart. But he figured that if he got upset again, Starlight Glimmer would be right by his side. Quite literally.

“So after reading your letter,” Sunburst started, “I was obviously upset… And felt awfully guilty. I rushed around the room to find your letters. When I found them, they were behind my desk covered in dust.”

“Wondering how long it was between the fourth and last letter you sent, I checked the second to last one. And… there was a three month gap between them.” Sunburst ran his hooves through his mane, wanting to pull his hair from his head. But an arm came around his torso. The stallion smiled and placed his arms back down on the sofa.

“Thanks,” he smiled.

Starlight didn't give back a your welcome, but did give a smile back. “Continue please.”

Sunburst cleared his throat. “Right. So after reading that last letter of yours, I sent a letter back to my parents, asking if I can come back home for the weekend to see them and you. After that, I wrote back to every single letter you wrote to me.”

Starlight gasped, “You did?”

“Yeah,” the stallion gulped, trying to make his hurt throat stop hurting. “When I got a response from my parents, they… told me you moved.” His sad eyes fell on Starlight. “The moment I read that fact on that letter, I changed.” He shook his head. “I hated how I wasn't invited to Manehattan because I put off responding to my parents. And…” Sunburst began to speak softly. “...I hated myself for not responding firsthoof. And I hated myself for using you.” The stallion’s ears fell back, still feeling shame. “I never thought I would see you ever again…”

“From that day forward, the moment I got a letter from somepony, I replied immediately. I wanted to acknowledge the sender and make them feel important. And again Star Eyes, I am very, severally, and truthfully sorry.”

“It's fine.” The mare’s star eyes began to water up. Finally, everything made sense. She wasn't discarded. She wasn't unimportant. She was loved and always has been by Sunburst.

“Don't cry on me,” Sunburst warned.

Starlight took in a deep breath and sobbed. “Too late you stupid idiot!” she exclaimed but smiled as well.

Instinctively, Sunburst grabbed his friend and pulled her close. “You make me feel like a million bits,” he whispered into Starlight’s ear. She giggled and squirmed as she held him as well.

As the two then looked at each other, they smiled. No more regret. No more hurt.

Just happiness.

“WHAAHH!” A scream erupted in the library. Starlight and Sunburst snapped their necks to see where the shout came from.

At the doorway, Moon Dancer was sprawled on the ground and Twilight Sparkle was on top of her. Both mares blushed with embarrassment as they looked up at the ponies sitting on the couch.

“Why were you two spying on us!?” Starlight barked, removing herself from Sunburst and the couch. She then stomped over to the princess, wondering why she was intruding on her’s and Sunburst’s privacy.

“I- I could explain!” Twilight answered, scrambling to get off her friend. Moon Dancer stood up thinking the alicorn was not above her. But when she did, Moon Dancer lifted herself into Twilight’s underside and made the princess topple over again.

At this point, Starlight Glimmer was staring down at Twilight Sparkle with an obviously bothered expression. “Well?” the pink unicorn asked.

“Just… friendship observing,” Twilight shyly answered, bringing her forearms to her lower chin.

“And what about you?” Starlight looked to Moon Dancer, wondering why she was spying along with Twilight.

“Well, it wasn't my idea to spy,” Moon Dancer admitted, “but I am just as guilty as she is.” Moon Dancer made an obvious point to Twilight. “I just wanted to see how much Sunburst really cared about you.”

“What do you mean?”

All the mare's looked at the stallion who was still sitting on the sofa. Sunburst glanced around, wondering if he should say anything, but decided not to.

“On the train ride here,” Moon Dancer continued, “he told me that he had the biggest crush on you and how special you were to him.”

Sunburst rubbed the back of his head and blushed a bit. “It's still true. I do… kind of still… you know…” Looking around for something, he grabbed a Daring Do novel and opened it. He swiped his hoof at it and in his hoof, a red rose was there.

Both Twilight and Moon Dancer let out an “aww” after witnessing such a sweet gesture.

“I still don't know how you do that,” Starlight shook her head, but still blushed at the nice act.

“And I will never tell you how, either,” Sunburst commented. He tossed the rose at Starlight, and she grabbed it with ease.

“Soooo,” Twilight spoke suspiciously, “would you say that you two are now friends? Perhaps moooore?” The alicorn wiggled her brows as she spoke her last statement.

“I can honestly say that we are friends again.” She looked at Sunburst and gave him a sweet smile. “The best.”

“I'm glad to hear that,” Sunburst smiled back.

Twilight Sparkle gave a smug look at Moon Dancer. “Was there any doubt that the Princess of Friendship made a wrong choice on bringing these two back together?”

All Moon Dancer could do is roll her eyes and shake a hoof at the alicorn. “Whatever.”

“But as for Sunburst and I being more than friends...” Starlight continued. All eyes were all on her as she spoke. Everypony was now anticipating her response. “...it may be a while before I make that choice.”

Sunburst stood up and walked over to Starlight. “What do you mean?” he asked.

She turned to face him. “Exactly what I mean. It's great that you and I are friends again. I just need some time before I can decide if I want you to…” Starlight blushed, “...become my special somepony.” The mare rubbed the back of her forearm in embarrassment.

Twilight Sparkle leaned him toward Moon Dancer and whispered, “I guess studying romantic friendships is off the list for now.”

Moon Dancer smirked, “Don't worry. He lives in Canterlot. I'll ask him if they are dating another time.” She and Twilight winked at each other before looking back at Sunburst and Starlight.

“Aww come on,” Sunburst begged. “After all the tears we just shed, you won't consider dating now? We are older now.”

“We just finally got a chance to see each other after all these years,“ Starlight Glimmer sighed. “Let's get to know each other about the older us.”

“Then maybe just one date? Say… next week? Sunburst held his eyebrows high and wore a bright smile.

“No…” the pink unicorn grunted, now becoming irritated with her friend. Her ears pointed back, signaling a warning to Sunburst.

Unfortunately, he wasn't getting the message. “Maybe… if you are free tomorrow-”

From out of nowhere, a book slapped the orange male across the cheek hard. “I said no!” Starlight shouted. The recoil from the hit caused Sunburst to fall over. A large bruise began to swell on the stallion’s face.

“Why did you do that?!” Twilight demanded, upset that her friend did something drastic. Even Moon Dancer looked upset at the act.

“He was teasing me,” Starlight commented. She placed the book that was in her hoof on the ground and headed toward the door. “Now if you don't mind girls, I have to go spend time with Rarity.” Just before exiting the room, she called out, “And Sunburst?”

He grunted, still in pain and still on the ground. But to Starlight, that was a reply. “If you are still around, you may get to see me in a lovely dress. Stick around if you want to see that.”

With nothing else to do or say, Starlight walked out of the library.

“Are you alright?” Moon Dancer asked, now concerned for Sunburst. She walked over to him as he was lying on the ground. “That looked like it hurt.”

All Sunburst could do was laugh. “I'm fine.” He gestures to his wound. “THIS! is just a love bite. Starlight has a tendency to go above and beyond when it comes to getting back at somepony. But she is a genuinely good mare.”

“I can agree to that,” Twilight agreed.

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