
Times Of Their Lives

by Emotional Flight

Chapter 4: Surprises at the End

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Surprises at the End


“I guess it’s up to you to make sure they don’t.” Twilight smiled at Starlight, and held out her hoof. Starlight glanced at it, tears in her eyes, looking slightly unsure. She looked over as Rainbow Dash blasted past, the bullies close behind. She blinked, and turned back to Twilight…

...and put her hoof into her new friend’s extended counterpart.

Twilight gave her a smile as the sheet drifted away and Spike caught it. He wiped his brow.

The green portal above them opened and sucked them into its depths.


“-the surprise!”

Twilight slammed against the table with a great slam before blinking her eyes open, shaking off the soreness of the past couple of hours. Blinking, she opened her eyes - and saw Starlight looking back with confusion. She was gaping at her.

And, for some reason, was standing already.

Twilight stood up, flexing her wings. “You have to tell me how you recover so quickly.”

Starlight puffed herself up and looked past Twilight. “I don’t know who you are, imposter, but you’d better stop right there!”

Twilight tilted her head at her. “What?” That was when she was poked on the side with a claw.

“Uh… Twilight?”

She looked over at Spike. “Yeah?”

“Look behind you.”

She did, and stared at the other occupants of the room.

A Twilight that was most decidedly not her stared back.

On the ground next to her counterpart, a dragon that looked very much like Spike spoke. “So… this is the surprise?”

The Twilight’s both spoke at the same time. “I don’t think so. -- No.” Then, they blinked.

“Where did you come from?”


Starlight glared at the mare that had the audacity to come in during her important monologue speech - in her form, no less! She stomped a hoof forwards. “Who are you?”

The duplicate in front of her backed up a tad. “I’m you - from the future!”

Starlight snorted. “Really? That’s your excuse?”

“You were just about to cast a time travel spell. You seriously think it’s out of the realm of possibility?” Her duplicate rolled her eyes. “That’s stupid.”

“Well, time travel doesn’t work like that!” Starlight flung her hoof upwards.

“And you know that… because… why?” Her duplicate tilted her head. “I have the exact same experiences as you, and trust me, there was zero inclination on how the time travel spell worked.”

Starlight grimaced. “It’s a good idea!”

“No it wasn’t!” Her duplicate bore down on her from the top of the table. “It obliterated Equestria!”

Starlight blinked. “What?”

“Kaboom! All of it! Gone!” Her duplicated waved her hooves about before looking down at the ground. “Turned to ashes.”

Starlight froze. “But… you… did you come back with a plan, or something?”

Her duplicate laughed. “Yeah. I did. It’s called making friends.”

“Wha- No. You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Her duplicate grinned. “Nope!”

Starlight facehoofed.


Twilight blinked. “So… what?”

“Er… we’re from the past… er, future?” Future-Twilight shifted her hooves about. “I’m not entirely sure why we’re both here at the same time, but there it is.”

“I thought I learned my lesson about time travel already!” Twilight groaned. “What could have possibly convinced me to try it again?”

“It was an accident!” Future-Twilight looked slightly flustered. “Starlight dragged us along! I’m still not sure how we ended up here.”

“Starlight? So that was her plan?” Twilight tilted her head. “She wanted to change history?”

“That’s about the gist of it, yes.” Future-Twilight looked around. “I mean… well, I guess that is her plan? Was she monologuing at you?”

Twilight nodded. “Basically.”

“Well, we have the two of us, two Spikes, and one converted Starlight against the one evil one. We should be fine.”

Twilight grinned. “You reformed her?”

Twilight nodded. “Yep!” She looked back and forth for a moment. “Is it weird that I have a strange urge to sing a pop song?”


Starlight looked at her evil counterpart. “Look, it’s really simple. Either you go make friends, or I show your Twilight the time you accidentally inverted your horn.”

Her duplicate’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.” Then, she tilted her head. “No, really, you wouldn’t. That’s your problem too.”

Starlight facehoofed. “If it’s enough to get it through your thick skull that you need a friend, then yes, I would.”

Starlight’s duplicate groaned and rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll give this weird friendship thing a go.”


“-and then there was this awesome explosion - whoosh - and there were changelings everywhere!” Spike recounted his epic narrative to his counterpart. “And then - bam - we socked one changeling on the jaw!”

The Past-Spike’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Spike nodded. “Really.” He grinned. “But that wasn’t even close to when we stabbed Tirek in the heart with a sword!”


Five mares burst into the room.

“What in Equestria was… that… er… are the rest of you seeing this?”

“Which? The Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle chattin’ on the right? Or the Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle chattin’ on the left?”

“I was mostly talking about the duplicate Spikes, darling.”

“Maybe we should just come back later. Just saying.”

“I agree.”


Five mares closed the door quietly behind them.

Author's Notes:

For my one commenter who dislikes disappearing Time Travelers.

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