
Fire Emblem: Six Souls

by Just Some Guy
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Long ago, six kingdoms ruled the land of Equestria in peace before being wiped out by a great war. 5000 years have passed since then, and a new war has broken out. Now, it's up to a group of unlikely companions to stop it, no matter the cost...
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History tells of six ancient kingdoms that ruled over the land of Equestria in peace. Each protected fragment of a legendary item said to be a gift from the gods. In pure frustration, one of the kingdoms began to attack the others, leaving the country in utter chaos. Legends say the gods banished the volatile kingdom from the world, allowing Equestria to once again rise from the ashes and become the land it once was. All that remained of the six kingdoms was the legendary item kept hidden away.

In the present day, five-thousand years later, three kingdoms now exist that rule over the land of Equestria; Griffonstone, the kingdom of flight and technology; Canterlot, the kingdom of magic and history; and the Crystal Empire, a surprisingly quiet kingdom that likes to keep to itself. Out of nowhere after a long period of peace, Griffonstone forces begin attacking Canterlot for an unknown reason.

It's now up to an aspiring young Unicorn mage and her older knight brother, as well as a rag-tag group of other ponies, to discover why Griffonstone attacked like they did and put a stop to this needless war before it even begins.

I'll be using Fire Emblem: Awakening as my reference for this story, meaning yes, the shipping lord has returned. And with him, children! Yes, as like Awakening, each female character will be given a child in the Paralogues of the story.

I hope you all enjoy and have a great time reading!


13,469 words: Estimated 54 Minutes to read: [Cache]

3 Chapters:

  1. [Prologue]: The Six Kingdoms [Cache] Nov 27th, 2015
  2. [Chapter 1]: Suprise Attack [Cache] Nov 27th, 2015
  3. [Chapter 2]: Shambles and Ruin [Cache] Nov 30th, 2015
Published Nov 28th, 2015
Last Update Nov 30th, 2015


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