
A New World a New Wind

by Princess OtakuGeek

Chapter 2: Windigoes meet Pokémon

Previous Chapter

It took almost an hour for Silver to calm down and start thinking rationally.

'Okay, okay.' He thought as he took deep breaths to calm himself. 'Somehow, I'm a Sneazal in an alleyway in some town or city. My Pokémon is nowhere to be seen, so I'm on my own.' With the last of his breathing exercises done, Silver stood up and turned towards the opening of the alleyway where he could hear the hustle and bustle of the day. And yet, despite the familiar sound of a city, a part of him felt anxious for some reason. Ultimately, he decided that nothing would get done just sitting here, so Silver stood up on his new legs and started for the alley entrance.

At first, his steps were slightly wobbly due to his unfamiliar legs, but he quickly adjusted to it and reached the entrance. Silver took one look at the beings outside of the alleyway.....and almost had another panic attack.


'Definitely not Hoenn.' Absol thought as she walked around the town. The town in question was more of a city than a town. Most if not all of the buildings were crafted from a frosted crystal that Absol didn't recognize and in the center was a pink and gold palace that for some reason was crafted to look like a huge pink and gold fire. However, architecture was secondary on Absol's mind in comparison to the populace of the city.

The beings that occupied the city looked similar to Rapidashes but with lots of distinct differences. They were taller and more lithe with various colored coats and manes. Some had coats with two different colors. Said coats were also longer and thicker and everyone had these odd marks on their rumps save for some of the smaller ones that Absol could safely assume were children. Some of these beings had long slender horns with swirls on them. Some had large, wide wings that were partially covered in fur. And some had neither.

Wandering around these creatures were more Pokémon who all looked as confused as she did. Most were Ice and Ghost-types with a significant number of Dark, Ground and Fire types. A Beartic was rounding up and taking care of some Cubchoo. Cryogonal was floating around making the air a little cooler and along with them were a number of Drifloon and Drifblim. Absol spotted a Frosslass wandering around the buildings admiring the architecture. An Aurorus was calling out for her daughter and judging by the aurora not too far away, her daughter was calling out too.

As she watched the Aurorus lumber in the direction of the aurora, a movement in the corner of Absol's eye made her turn in the direction of an alleyway. There she saw a Sneazal with silver eyes trying to control his breathing. And judging by his scent, he was quite young. Partially out of curiosity and partially because of her more maternal instincts, Absol approached the Sneazal as he finally calmed down.

"Are you alright young one?" She asked and the Sneazal jumped in shock.

"Um, uh." Silver stuttered a bit trying to compose himself, but at this point, he was dangerously close to breaking down. Instead of answering, he began taking in deep breaths then releasing them. He repeated these motions until he felt himself calm down a little.

"I'm...fine." he finally answered the Pokémon while trying not to think about it. Absol wasn't fooled in the least and she narrowed her eyes sternly at the young Sneazal.

"You are not fine." She said in a firm tone. "For a minute, you looked like your heart was about to burst. Now, what is wrong?"

Under normal circumstances, Silver could've easily dodged, deflected or even come up with a convincing lie to get out of there, but these were not normal circumstances. Silver was now a Sneazal in a completely foreign city filled with equally foreign creatures and talking to a Pokémon. Given the circumstances, it was a sheer miracle he hadn't fainted by now. Silver took a deep breath, then began to answer.

"Right now, everything is wrong." He said. "The day started out normal, but now I'm in a completely alien city filled with alien creatures and I'm talking to a Pokémon."

Absol's left brow raised. "The first two I concede are odd circumstances, but how is speaking with a Pokémon odd?"

"Well, despite my current appearance, I'm not usually a Sneazal." Silver explained. "When I woke up this morning, I was human."

Absol's right brow joined it's twin as her eyes widened in shock. "You used to be human?"

Silver only nodded as he pulled his knees to his chest. Nothing about any of this made sense. People didn't just turn into Pokémon, much less land in a completely alien city in who knows where. By this point, Silver was certain he wasn't on earth anymore but that still begged the question where he was and how was he a Pokémon. Before his train of thought could go much further, however, he felt himself being lifted and the next thing he knew, he was on Absol's back.

"While I may not have any answers as to why you have a new form, it has been my experience that answers aren't found sitting down." The Pokémon said. Silver sat there a minute to let that sink in then nodded, a little bit of his usual expression returning.

"You're right." He agreed. "And since none of my Pokémon are here, it seems I'll have to stick with you." Absol only nodded in reply then they were off searching for answers.


In the center of the capital city is a palace made of pink and gold Ice Crystal and fashioned into the shape of a massive pink and gold fire. With towers that were twisted and curved, it gave the appearance of a blazing hearth in the center of the city and if one looked close enough, they would see the light shining from the tallest tower in the center of the palace. Standing on one of the balconies was the resident of this magnificent palace and leader of the windigoes.

She was taller than the other windigoes and had a pale yellow coat with soft pink swirls streaked through. Her mane and tail were darker pinks with gold and it shifted like a roaring fire that burned downwards. And poking through her mane as a long horn while tucked to her sides were a pair of magnificent wings. As she stood on the balcony, Ada's eyes looked over her city and the strange creatures that were now in it. She had been bathing in her hot spring below when the transfer occurred, so when she came out, she had been very surprised.

The creatures were everywhere, she even found a few wandering around the palace in confusion. Of course, when she tried to speak with them, she quickly discovered the language barrier. She also noticed that though they could understand her, she couldn't understand them. This struck her as odd and made her wonder why they could understand but not speak her language and how such a thing came to be. Well, whatever the case may be, there was one thing she was certain of and that was that there was no doubt that this was the great change that Star Sight had predicted. If this didn't count as a great change than she would eat her best dress.

"Mommy, mommy!" A filly's cry pulled her from her thoughts. Rushing out onto the balcony towards her was a little pegasus filly with a light pumpkin coat and an amber and rose mane. With one flap of her rosy tipped wings, she made a leap towards her mother's waiting hooves.

"Mommy, look! Do you see all the weird creatures?" She asked and Ada nodded with a smile.

"I did indeed my little flame." She said affectionately as she ruffled her little filly's mane. Warm Heart giggled at the attention then looked out over the balcony railing.

"Can we go out there and see them, please?" She asked with a note of excitement in her voice and a pleading look in her eyes. Ada chuckled indulgently.

"Of course we can sweetheart." She said as she set her daughter down. Warm Heart's face lit up like a Hearth's day tree and she cheered. Ada just smiled at her daughter's happiness before gently leading her out with a broad wing.


Elsewhere in the castle, another windigo was fascinated by the strange creatures that had appeared. Her coat was a swirl of pale and icy blue while her mane was darker blue with a single white stripe. Frosty Winds swirled blue eyes looked around in fascination at the varied and interesting creatures around her until one, in particular, caught her. It was bipedal and purple with sharp teeth and claws, a bright red gemstone in his chest and pale blue gems for eyes.

Frosty blinked and the creature cocked its head then started to speak.

"Sable-" was all he got out before he found himself glomped by a squealing Frosty.

"Oh my gosh, you are the cutest thing I've ever seen!!" She gushed as she fawned over the bewildered Pokémon.


Lance blinked at the obvious confusion displayed by the small rapidash-like creature. "Well, this could be a problem." He muttered then glanced at Yellow who was displaying worry. How would they figure out what was going on if they couldn't communicate? Dragon primarily lived in oceans and lakes and he was already starting to feel a little dry. He suddenly felt a nudge at his side and turned back to Yellow.

"Why don't we try writing?" She suggested, nodding to the marks made by their tails in the dirt. Lance grinned.

"Sweetheart, you're brilliant." He praised then leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. As Yellow blushed, he turned to the smaller creature who was still looking at them in confusion and using the tip of his tail, scrawled a simple message in the dirt.

Is there a lake nearby?

For a few minutes, the creature stared at his message and for a moment Lance felt fear that she might not understand what he was trying to ask her. Finally, the filly spoke, making Lance and Yellow almost heave a sigh of relief when it became obvious that she understood.

"Sorry, there isn't any lake nearby." She said with a shake of her head. "But there a hot spring not far from here. Will that work?"

Lance considered this. Dragonair was strictly dragon types which were pretty sturdy and at this point, he wasn't about to get very picky. He glanced at Yellow who was displaying signs of discomfort due to her dry skin. He turned back to the small strange creature and gave her a simple nod.

"Okay then, follow me." She said with a wave of her hoof as she began to lead the way. "My name's Flower Dance by the way, what's yours?"

Author's Notes:

And with that, hopefully this will finally be published. I hope I'll be able to publish a new chapter soon.

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