This story has a song: Symphony of the Damned.
It was just a myth, a superstition, an old urban legend that drifted around Downtown Canterlot for almost a century. It was merely nothing more than an old mare's tale to scare the foals or a simple story that stallions would tell at a bar.
"Stay away from the Melody Grand Theatre," they'd say. "It's haunted!"
Vinyl Scratch was never really interested in such tales because, well, that's what stories are: just stories. But, one night changed everything for her. As she weaved through the rubble inside of the Melody Grand Theatre, Vinyl would soon find out that there is always some truth to each myth.
A truth that roamed the hallowed walls.
Cover Art Courtesy Of: Danger Wasp. Song by: SkeIePone
A 100% collaboration between my ever faithful lackey Chapter 13 (formerly known as DJ_Neon_Lights) and yours truly.