
Of Laurels & Lace

by WritingSpirit

Chapter 52: Voyager's Arc: Through The Streets Of Fenderville

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"Who's the next family we're after?"

"The Telrouix," Primrose answered Charter's question.

"Their estate is in the Rattleraw Forest, just outskirts of the town of Fenderville. Current head is Tally Telrouix, the owner of casino franchise, Devil's Luck."

"Rattleraw Forest?" Dresden quipped with interest.

"Heard of it before. The pears there are hard to crack open."

"Anyways," the caramel mare cut in, much to the witch doctor's annoyance.

"The Telrouix are a queer family. They've been spotted lurking in and out of Canterlot, as well as other cities, for a lot of times now, usually out of other ponies's houses."

"Suspicious," Harmony piped in, much to the surprise of everypony else as the rest of the Voyagers turned towards her abruptly, some even raising their eyebrows.

"What? Can't I place my own opinions once in a while?"

"That's a first," Primrose muttered to Pinkie out of earshot from their confused friend, the pink pony giving a subtle nod.

"Well, to Fenderville it is then!" Gypsum declared, the rest of them nodding in unison.

The six ponies marched down the rugged, rocky path, taking a left turn while admiring the seasoned, serene woodlands perching on the hills, bent towards the smooth flow of a stream.

Their hooves trotted from stone to wood as they crossed a moss-covered bridge, the harmonizing sounds of canaries and bluejays serenading them in their journey.

"Weep not, little gypsy~!" the light-green mare muttered in a singsong voice, making Pinkie giggle. There wasn't a time where Gypsum wouldn't just start a tune and everypony would start singing along.

"You are not alone~!"

"Really, Gypsum?" asked Dresden with annoyance.

"You just had to strike up a song some way or another, don't you?"

"Relax, Dres," Charter replied.

"It's just a tune. What could go wrong?"

The light-blue pony sighed, before putting up a smile.

"Fear not my child~" he continued the song with slight sarcasm, "You're going strong!"

"A life of solitude you have lived!"

"A forgotten heart you never retrieved~!"

Soon both Gypsum and Dresden were singing along, completing each other's lines much to the amusement of the rest of the Voyagers, who were soon chuckling and prancing to the beat.

"A little lie they told, as it was never more. Yet we enjoyed like colts and fillies, dancing on the forest floor!"

"Weep not, gypsy~!" Primrose continued, making everypony laugh with delight.

"You are not alone!"

"For we are the same!" all of them cried out in unison, their hooves raised in a volley to the air.

"In blood and in bond!!"

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Standing from the hill, Pinkie looked at the town ahead of them; a secret haven of baroque buildings and slate cobblestone paths snaking through like a network of black canals. Ponies flocked the few squares of plazas blotted around the town, the iron lampposts and signs quaintly dangling from the walls.

"So where is it?"

"The Telrouix estate is on the far side of the East District," Primrose replied, flipping through her logbook.

"It should be... over there."

Her hoof pointed at a statuesque, brick-walled manor, towering above the modest cottages beside the path leading up to the door. A few carriages were parked up front, no doubt pulled by the servants of the Telrouix family.

"Imagine owning a casino," Charter mused with interest.

"A franchise of it even! That's a staggering lot of bits."

The Voyager Six resumed their march down the mountain path, brushing through the shrubs with their hooves.

The tall, iron gates stood tall in front of them, inviting them into the town.

Inside was bustling with life; all the ponies doing about their daily duties. The brightening laughing of children was evident throughout the plaza, the foals scurrying across in their small game of chase. The prominent aroma of coffee wavered through the air, stimulating their nostrils with an invigorating sensation.

The adults resided in wrought-iron recliners, busy in their small, afternoon sessions of chatting and gossiping, stopping only to watch their children in their merriment. There were sounds of snapping cloth as a few ponies whipped droplets of water from their sheets and blankets out of the window, draping the cloth over the ledge.

"Alright, then," Charter spoke up.

"We'll split into three groups. Harmony and Dresden will attain more knowledge of the town. GP and me will visit the Telrouix estate-"

"Oh, goody goody goody!" Gypsum exclaimed, pattering her hooves in excitement.

"-and Primrose and Pinkie, the both of you have to find somewhere to stay for the night. Worse comes to worst, we'll have to rent somepony's room, or even camp in the forest."

Both mares nodded with glee, before giving each other a hoof bump.

"Alright then," Charter said.

"Set off!"

The ponies split into their respective groups, with Pinkie now prancing delightfully towards an open plaza.

"Come on, Prim!" she called back to the caramel mare, who was trying her best to catch up.

"You really need to exercise more!" the pink pony proclaimed with a giggle.

"I guess I'll have to."

"Oh, Prim," Pinkie snorted. "It's simple doing a little jog once in a while."

Out of delight, the pink pony leaped, her frizzy mane bouncing along.

"All you have to do is just hop, skip and jump. Then there's the really, really hard ones like push-ups and chin-ups and stretches and lunges and suicides; but not that suicide, if you know what I mean, because I've done suicides all the time, and I'm still living and healthy and very, very, happy that-"

Pinkie abruptly stopped, her face knocking into a black suit with a honk of confetti.

"Oops!" she quickly said to the pony, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright," the stallion replied with a flap of his amber wings. He brushed his tangled, vermilion mane with a hearty chuckle and a wide smile as he queried:

"New in town, eh?"


"I see, I see. Well, you gotta find some shelter to rest for the night."

"That's what we're about to do," Primrose replied.

"Know of any good places around town?"

"Sure! The hotel, down in Piazza di Incendio!"

The pegasus's smile widened as he continued:

"In fact, I know the owner myself! I'll take you both there!"

"Really?" Pinkie exclaimed with glee.

"Oh, thank you!"

"No problem at all, miss."

The three of them quickly trotted down the streets, passing by the many, glamorous structures that inhabit the town, with statues of a few ponies all around, standing frozen in their elegant postures.

"You two are really lucky mares, you know?" the pegasus suddenly said. "You could've end up with the Telrouix instead of with me."

"The Telrouix, huh?"

Primrose pondered about the family; their shady trades and constant visits compared to the wealthy, affluent state that they were living in. Surely they've only attained their income from the casino itself?

"How are they like?"

"Very kind, but deceiving if you ask everypony in Fenderville."

The two mares blinked in surprise.

"Why is that?"

"Suspicious figures, they are. Roaming around at night when everypony's sleeping."

The stallion's voice suddenly toned down into a quiet whisper, continuing:

"Ponies have been disappearing lately. Gone without a trace. Everypony's suspecting that the Telrouix is behind the kidnappings."

"But why would they kidnap innocent ponies?"

"Their gambling trade?" he said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Whatever it is, the town's pretty upset by it."

"Wow," Pinkie just said in response.

"Talk about creepy."

"Anyways, we're here!"

The stallion ushered his hoof out, beckoning for the mares to enter. Pinkie and Primrose immediately stopped to marvel at the glossy interior, much to his amusement.

"I'll get the owner down for later. In the meantime, why not book a room or something and come down for lunch afterwards? The both of you looked famished."

"That'll be neat!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Thank you, uh.... Mr..."

"Tourist Trap," the stallion responded.

"I must get going now. Dallying all day isn't going to help now, can't it?"

"Alright then! See ya, Tourist Trap!"

"Same to you!"

As he left, Pinkie thought she saw a mischievous, cheeky grin on his face. Oh well, she said to herself with a shrug. It might be just her.

"That was a nice pony," Primrose said with a smile.

"Mighty nice! Better than those ponies back in Bleak Point Valley!"

The two mares giggled between each other, glancing around the air-conditioned room, with red velvet seats all around the lobby, illuminated by the twin chandeliers overhead.

"Pretty amazing place," the caramel mare mused, earning a nod from Pinkie Pie.

Far from the balcony, a white stallion just stood there, his gaze directing down at the two mares, seemingly prancing around with delight and unaware of his presence.

His horn flared a brilliant cyan, a cup hovering towards his mouth as he sipped on its contents.

His gaze was more focused on the bright pink one, though. He had never seen anypony like her before.


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"And you're sure we can trust this pony?"

Charter's questionable look only made both Pinkie and Primrose uneasy, shuffling lightly in their velvet seats. Dresden, Gypsum and Harmony could only stare, watching the two mares stuck in their predicament.

"H-He was really nice-" Pinkie began.

"He might just be luring you into a trap!" Charter exclaimed, near-furious as the pink mare cringed.

"You know you can't just ask anypony here! We don't even know this city very well!"

"Actually," Dresden piped in.

"Harmony and I found out some stuff about Fenderville."


"You don't have to be that brash, Charter," Harmony scolded, again, much to the surprise of everypony.

"Fenderville residents were distrustful of the Telrouix as well, alright? What Pinkie and Primrose had done might help us obtain a very powerful ally in our time here."

"And how would you know of that?" the pegasus shot back, his hooves steeling in a fist.

"How would you know that the stallion they've met isn't actually Tally Telrouix in disguise?"

"Cause I'm not, Mr. Freewings."

Tourist Trap settled between Pinkie and Primrose, much to both of their joyous delight.

"Tourist!" the pink mare exclaimed. "Glad you're here!"

"Wait," Gypsum quipped.

"The pony that you bumped into. That was the Tourist Trap?"


"No way, Pinkie! Do you realize who he is?!"

Pinkie just looked at the amber pegasus, who only flashed a smile.

There was it again, much clearer this time: that mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Um.... no?"

"Tourist Trap! The owner of this marvelous hotel, along with dozens around Equestria!" Dresden answered, making she and Primrose look at the pegasus in confusion and bewilderment.

"You could've told us it was him!"

"He owns the hotel? But didn't he say..."

Pinkie turned to the amber pegasus, who laughed a hearty laugh.

"Ms. Pie. There are really some things you need to pay attention at."

"You sly fox!" Primrose said with a chuckle of her own, nudging the stallion.

"There are some things I've rather not boast about myself," Tourist replied blatantly.

"I don't want you to think I'm a snob if I declare that I am the tycoon of Paddock Palatial's now, would I?"

Everypony except Charter laughed, the brown pegasus himself shaking Tourist's hoof.

"I offer my sincere apologies. To you and to Pinkie and Primrose."

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Freewings."

"Come to think of it... how did you know our names?"

Tourist Trap sighed, stretching his hooves against his hotel's lobby seats.

"I was there at the inauguration of the Voyager Six, along with my wife, Penny Royal. She should be down shortly."

"Looks like it isn't much big of a secret now, isn't it?" Dresden said with a laugh.

"You're lucky no royal family members of the north are there, with the exception of Miss Gypsum Palgiot, of course."

Tourist turned to the light-green mare, who blushed a little at his compliment.

"Of the esteemed, centuries-old Palgiot family. One of the most powerful, not to say the most defiant, of the rich families of the north."

"Not to mention the most bo~ring!" Gypsum replied with a giggle.

"They always talk about work, work, work, work. I'm not really into my family's stuff."

"That I'm glad," the amber pegasus replied, though his face grew into that of concern.

"Albeit I'm not sure if the Patriarch would agree to the circumstances, considering that you'll visit Pendant Lakes on one of your missions, no doubt."

"Yup. Here!" Primrose said, handing Charter the logbook.

"The Palgiot family is circled twice. That means-"

"It's a top priority," Tourist finished her sentence.

"We're talking about a family that held remarkable power across Aston Reach, just close to the outskirts of Fenderville. It would be treason to anger any of them, even Gypsum herself."

"Shady stuff, I reckon," Harmony replied with a shrug.

"But they're the smartest ponies I know!" Gypsum exclaimed.

"Especially Autumn! She's my favorite cousin of them all!"

Everypony chuckled at her enthusiasm, the mare's face beaming with pride.

Pinkie glanced on as the laughter died down, pondering about the Palgiot's legacy. Seeing how they've managed to reach 'top priority' on the list, it wouldn't surprise her if there were a gazillion skeletons in the family's closet.

"Well," she muttered to herself with a sigh.

"At least I'll have an adventure!"

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Fenderville at night was totally different from the day.

Harmony couldn't help but let out a sigh, letting the tranquil, serene atmosphere of the plaza seep into her lungs. She had gone out on one of her many escapades from her Voyager friends, letting the latter talk their hearts out.

There were times she would scoff at their actions, yet there were also times she was tempted to join in their unruly acts around Canterlot. Especially since the new mare joined their ranks.

Pinkie Pie. The one pony she couldn't understand.

Despite having the same coat color, she was completely different. While Harmony desires more the quiet, calmness of the world, Pinkie is more enthusiastic on the excitements of life; the ones that she can't stand.

Opposites attract, she said to herself, knowing that Charter somewhat placed them in the same room.

"Ugh..." she suddenly groaned, clutching against her gut. The migraine stirring in her head worsened, as was the green tinge of recoiling nausea coloring her cheeks.

It was one of those squeamish waves overwhelming her again, having them ever since she was a filly. She gripped against the iron railings, her other hoof supporting onto the pane of glass from the shops.

"You alright, Miss?"

Harmony abruptly turned to her side, the presence of a white hoof startling her.

The stallion's familiar smile only made her do the same in return, the mare uttering out his name:


"Fancy seeing you here again, Harmony," he said with a chuckle.

"The same."

Winter Palgiot: their so-called 'top priority' on the list. She had met the Patriarch on one of her many crusades to revolutionize the fashions of the world, as she effortlessly put it then. It now seemed like a crude idea, looking back at the time she wasted, though visiting Pendant Lakes wasn't one of them.

The stallion was serving his second year as Patriarch of the royal family when they stumbled into each other. The love for him blossomed as well as his love for her, Harmony now becoming his exclusive yet secret marefriend.

Not that the rest of the Voyagers knew that.

"I assume," Winter began, "that you would be returning to Pendant Lakes shortly?"

"There is a slight possibility..." she said, before giving him a coy grin.

"but I'm sure you just want me back in your bed again."

"You haven't been hanging around weird colts lately, haven't you?"

"When the nights are lonesome and dry, I'll try to spice it up a little."

Her sultry statement was only rewarded by a smug grin from his face, making her giggle.

"Don't worry. I've took a few precautions."

"You better," the Patriarch just muttered, Harmony's smile grew wider at that.

"I don't want you to end up having a child that's not our own."

The mare just pecked on Winter's cheek, the stallion chuckling in response.

"I miss you, Winter," she whispered.

"I miss you too, Harmony."

"It's been so long~!" the mare replied, her voice trailing off.

"I've been hoping to see you for quite some time now. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Family vacation," was his reply.

Harmony just puckered her lips at the statement, the Patriarch chuckling lightly.

"Let me guess... Autumn's begging for it and you've decided to show her mercy."

"She misses you as well," Winter just said.

"Don't try to change the subject here!"

The sly grin on the Patriarch's face just made her laugh, before he replied:

"Really, though. Autumn was asking me when you would be back to replace her babysitting session with Spring. That mare's too busy throwing herself into the library too often."

"But enough about me," Winter continued. "What about you?"

"I... uh... I'm..."

Harmony bit her lip, remembering her allegiance with the Voyager Six. If he ever finds out...

"Just... visiting."

"That's what you told me when I first met you back in Pendant Lakes," he replied with a soft chuckle.

"Are you sure it's another 'just visiting' event again?"

"One way or another."

"Alright then, Harmony," Winter replied, earning a smile from his marefriend.

The mare just watched as the Patriarch walked off across the plaza, before letting out a relieved sigh.

She knew Winter long enough to know that the stallion hates to be lied to, their one sordid argument serving as a harsh reminder of what she had to do. But if she breaks the oath of silence, she'll only infuriate the Princess.

Two important figures of her life, both capable of inciting wrath upon her.

"What have you gotten yourself into, Harmony..."

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Present Day


Princess Celestia opened her eyes, snapping out from another confined daydream.

She turned to her sister, who was looking paler than she should've been, only fueling to her worry.

"What is it, Lu?"

"You should come see this."

The two alicorns trudged through the raunchy, leaf-covered floor of the Everfree, the older one hesitantly following her sister down the dark path.

She soon stopped, her eyes glinting with disbelief at the compelling sight before her.

Just over a bunch of shrubs, playing among each other, were a group of Ursa Minor, all prancing about in their large size. Every jump they made, the ground beneath them rumbled, making the two alicorns flinch.

"Wow..." Princess Celestia could only say. She had never seen this much of those mystical bears altogether before.

"It's such a fascinating sight to behold, Luna," she continued, turning to the cerulean mare.

"What is it that you're worrying about, then?"

The princess of the night just sighed, biting her lip as she continued:

"I've studied the patterns of these majestic creatures, Tia. To have a cluster of Ursa Minor together isn't natural."

"What do you mean?"

"Ursa Minor aren't the type to just simply mingle around with their own. From what I could tell, though, they were bonded by blood alone; that they were siblings. I, too, thought it was fascinating, until I realized what was missing."

Both alicorns looked in awe at the majestic creatures, before the mare continued:

"Notice how there isn't any Ursa Major around to protect them, and that they're only focusing on one of the Ursa Minor in the group."

Princess Celestia turned back. Sure enough, only one of the bears were receiving a load of attention, the other bears all clambering around it in their colossal size. Somehow, something clicked in her head.

"You mean to say..."

"The bear that's receiving the most attention... was an Ursa Major."

Princess Luna held her breath. She wasn't even sure of it herself, but what they'd observed confirmed her suspicions.

"That's the mother."

The alabster mare turned back again, watching as that one bear patted all the others on the head, snuggling tightly in midst of each other.

Only one clear conclusion was in her head, and it wasn't a very good one.

"The time lapse has distorted,"

"Mirror Mare's traverse in the dimensions is literally affecting the dimension as we speak," her younger sister explained.

"Remember the force field that traveled across Equestria?"

"Where everypony experienced a sudden sleight of time, yes."

The older mare pondered for a moment, before asking:

"What about it?"

"That and the energy readings we've been getting. I believe it's taking a toll on time itself."

"That's another matter altogether then, Luna," the alabaster mare quipped, making Princess Luna turn abruptly in surprise.

"What do you mean, Tia?"

"Mirror Mare is a demon, Luna. It's trying to warp us away from the main focus of the problem here. The main focus of why everything around us is happening, and it is throwing us off into the wrong direction."

Princess Celestia bit her lip. She couldn't believe she was going to say this...

"The Voyager Six was fated to happen, as was the events of Pendant Lakes those years ago. I've raised the Voyagers myself, Luna, and I know Harmony Peridot when I see her. She isn't the possessed, blood-thirsty masked pony we've been seeing, nor was Pinkie Pie being the bubbly, all-fun mare she was as well."

"She changed. She turned into something that both me and the Palgiots had come to fear: an incubus of time itself."

"And?" the cerulean mare couldn't help but ask.

"How is this the main focus?"

"Harmony had perished all those years ago," the older mare explained.

"Ever since she lived under the guise of Mirror Mare, she was virtually nonexistent. I intend to save her from it."

"Save Harmony?" Princess Luna asked, bewildered.

"But how do we save our enemy: the one that despised us?"

"Not Harmony, Luna," the alicorn replied.

"It's Pinkie I'm planning to save."

"The Element of Laughter?"

"She had a dark past. Something that left me lost in her vertigo. I have never heard of a stallion who enslaves ponies just to demand for a plentiful harvest of rocks."

Celestia settled down onto her flank, perching like her pet phoenix would on her stand.

"I found her crying, ragged and sprawled on the streets of the city, begging and pleading for help. To be broken into such an extent..."

"I still don't get it," her sister said with a frown.

"She has the key to the future. Literally, if you may take it into account."

The alabaster mare bit her lip, watching the group of bears scurry about, before trampling deeper into the woods, out of sight from the two princesses.

"Whoever that broke her down... might be the most powerful pony in all of Equestria."

"And we're playing right down his puppet strings."

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"How's the scratching, Vinyl?"

"The bomb!" the unicorn exclaimed gleefully to Applejack, her eyes glistening with pride.

She looked up at the tall, colossal figure before her, the sharp nails on his claws rapidly pricking on the two spinning records on the machine.

"This fellow here really knows how to break it down~!"

Applejack chuckled, watching as Vinyl gave the dragon a hoof bump.


"Fluttersh'ah! Macintosh!" she called out to the couple, who was busy teaching a few dragons about the importance of animals into the society.

"How's everythin' doin' over there?"

"Just fine!" the stallion shouted back, before turning back to the lesson at hand.

"Now, there are times," the yellow pegasus began, "that animals are found injured or hurt in the rain. It's important that these animals must be kept warm and cozy with a fire. Now..."

She pointed at a mound of sticks in the corner, saying:

"Who wants to make a proper fire?"

One of the dragons raised his claw, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He held in his breath, before spitting out a small ball of flame, landing into the sticks with a large fizzle.

"Oh.... my...." Fluttershy mumbled nervously with a cringe.

Applejack chuckled softly, her brother now scolding the sheepish dragon as his comrades laugh at him.

She turned over to the other side, watching serenely as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran across the field, with three baby dragons chasing them gleefully.

"Silly fillies..."

"And now! For... wait for it...."

A loud clang of a bell made the orange mare jump, followed by a loud holler:

"Arm wrestling!"

She looked over to the far side, before letting out an annoyed groan.

Lyra was there, watching in anticipation at the two burly, scaly arms contending against each other, tilting from side to side. It was one of the events for the mint-colored mare's entertaining (not to mention completely insane, Applejack muttered) 'Who's the Best Dragon?' competition.

"Just keep up the good work!" the orange mare said half-heartedly.

"I will!"

There was a long sigh, before the orange mare bit her lip.

Time to resume her duties as the dragon's keeper.

She re-entered the corridors of the palace, taking a few twists and turns along the way.

"Kanov'hin..." the dragon's name echoed in her mind. The one dragon that wouldn't submit entirely down into the freedom she was offering.

Then she cackled under her breath. He would be so enraged to see his fellow comrades engaged in all these activities.

Reluctantly, she gave a knock on the door, before turning the knob.

Kaov'hin was on the floor, silently sulking as the orange mare entered. Both exchanged glances, though it seemed more of a blink than a proper greeting.

The silence that the both can keep between them was staggering, at least to Applejack's extent. There were some tempting moments where the orange mare would have the urge to blurt something out to strike up a conversation, only to withhold it back instead.

She let out an audible sigh. There isn't anything she can do to help him.

"Miss Applejack?"

Applejack blinked abruptly in response. trying to keep her cold face.

"Finally wanna open up, eh?"

"I guess you could say that," Kanov'hin replied with a chuckle.

"It is, after all, lethargic already."

"Well, Ah ain't in the mood to talk to a stubborn dragon like you, so you better-"

"Listen, Miss Applejack," he broke in, much to her surprise.

"I was thinking over about what you said, alright? Sure, things went downhill, but it kept me in deep thought for a moment."


"I miss home."

Applejack couldn't help but burst out in laughter, much to the dragon's annoyance.

"T-That's what you want to tell me?" she said with tears in her eyes. "That you miss home?"

"Home before all the riots happened," he just said.

"Back when there wasn't any 'Coalition', or any chaos. When Jovern and I were still freelancers, always traipsing about across the night sky like merry children."

He let out a deep sigh, continuing with a dreamy smile:

"I missed those days of old. Not the burning havoc that it became."

"Well, you've caused the havoc," Applejack stated.

"Seeing how you're the leader of the rebels or somethin'."

"The monarchy was weak. I've had no choice."

Kanov'hin shuffled on the floor, turning to the orange mare.

"I've overthrown the monarchy and now all of the dragons answer to me. But now I look back and I couldn't see what I accomplished, like there wasn't any reasonable excuse for my actions."

"Y'all forced to do it, Ah reckon."

"That word could be used, I guess."

The dragon closed his eyes, before saying:

"It was about a century ago, back when I was just a fresh recruit, serving for the Coalition. I was asked to perform an assassination onto a prominent figure: one that the monarchs could count on."

"Of course, being the blind fool I was, I agreed. It wasn't until after I've got the target's name that I started to regret my decision."

"Who was your target?" Applejack asked with curiosity.

"Salverkh'iin Selterblade. The High Chancellor of the Vohakiin Sector. In other words..."

He bit his lip, a fresh tear dripping onto the floor.

"My father."


"It was among the riots that I caught him, saying that I would rescue him. How wrong he was to trust me when I stabbed him in the scales, all the anguish I can feel with each jab to his heart."

Kanov'hin started to sniffle, prompting Applejack to place her hoof around his neck as he continued:

"It was when he fell to the floor, bleeding in my arms, that he said something. You know what he said?"

Applejack just shook her head

"He said to me: Son... I am deeply disappointed in you..."

The dragon cried silently under his scales, his head dropping low with remorse and guilt. All the honor and pride in him, as the orange pony noticed, had somewhat washed away, drained into the chambers of regret.

"I got promoted into Sergeant for that job... Imagine that," he spat with disgust. "A promotion for the murder of your own father."

"It's okay, Kanov'hin-"

"Call me Kane," he broke in.

"I loathe it when other dragons call me by my full name."

"Alright then..." Applejack began.

"Kane... Ah'm really sorry..."

"You made me realize my mistakes. That I was turning back into the blind fool I was; the one that I promised myself I would never turn into again."

Kanov'hin's smile widened a little, wiping his tears away.

"For that, I thank you, Miss Applejack."

"Shucks..." the orange mare said with a small blush.

"Enough with the 'Miss' and all that nonsense."

"Just call me Applejack."

Next Chapter: Voyager's Arc: Vivi Sepultura Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 38 Minutes
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