

by Pony With A Hat
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
The world is such a romantic tragedy. The lands we so openly depended on, the lands we took for granted, immediately crumble beneath our feet. What do we do? We just sit there and watch, like all dogs of war do. Like that young colt did.
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The world is such a romantic tragedy. The lands we so openly depended on, the lands we took for granted, immediately crumble beneath our feet. What do we do? We just sit there and watch, like all dogs of war do. Like that young colt did.

But what of those who haven't taken up arms? Who haven't spilled blood for some asinine conflict or purpose. They are to suffer for our foolishness. They are the ones who are lost to this wasteland.

Author's Note

Hey! It's been quite a while! I haven't seen you guys in soooo long! This is a little 4 part story I'm whipping up for you that's inspired by the game This War of Mine, one of my favorite games! I hope you enjoy! Oh, and before you ask. The inspiration of the fic itself came from This War of Mine, it isn't a crossover or anything!

Slice of Life
Alternate Universe

1,130 words: Estimated 5 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Day 1 - What we strive for [Cache] Oct 27th, 2015
Published Oct 27th, 2015


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