
Pinkie (re)Curses A Lot

by scifipony

Chapter 7: Crisis Averted: Party Aftermath

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At the party, after the princess and the prince consort had revealed the baby secret, I sat at a table putting myself back together. Cadance, nice and sweet as she had ever been now that I had not revealed her secret after all, brought a piece of cake in her magic. The plate clacked on the turquoise tessellated tile table before me. She giggled and said, "You did it, Pinkie Pie! You kept it a surprise! Thank you! Was it much trouble?"

Looking at the double-fudge strawberry brandy-infused layered ganache flourless chocolate cake, I stated what I saw. "Piece of cake." I squee'd.

Cadence laughed as she walked away. I looked toward the mirror on the wall, which reflected the mirror behind me. All my reflections silently mouthed the word "No" as I shook my head.

But, you know, I could think of no better way for today to have ended. I had my friends back, though I had not lost them. I could not… well, would not imagine my day any other way.

–At least until the next time I did.

Author's Notes:

Frenetic Pie is super hard to write! I want to thank my pre-reader Docontra for giving me a 11th hour critique that restored my confidence in the story. Any remaining problems or errors you find in the completed work are completely and solely mine.

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