
Blueblood: The Equestrian Archer

by Mister Nobody

Chapter 3: Homecoming, Part 2

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Author's Notes:

Okay, so I guess I have some explaining to do. There really is no excuse for a writer who's just starting out to put off something like this, and I feel like I let you guys down. I disappeared for quite a while without any explanation, so here goes my attempt at explaining. The Universe had conspired against me. The first bad thing to happen was my computer crashed. Three times. In one month. And this was when I was saving the chapters to The Emerald Archer directly to my hard drive, way before I started using Google Docs. Needless to say, I lost everything. But I'm working my hardest to get the story back to where it was and then some. Second, I've sadly gone through more than a few deaths in my family since I've been gone. Both of my grandmothers have passed on to the great beyond, and my family and I are really missing them. It's really taken me a while to get over the grief, but my maternal grandmother (Mimi) always encouraged me to what I love to do. So, I'm dedicating the rest of the story to her memory. And third, I've been struggling with school and living conditions because I'm also a college student. My writing was getting in the way of my studies, but I've got my own system together where I can keep up with both my writing and my schoolwork. So, hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter and look for more on the way soon!

Mr. Nobody

Blueblood had planned this night of debauchery for himself and all of his closest friends for the longest time. All the preparations could have been done by his royal servants, but he took it upon himself to make sure everything was perfect. After all, this was to be a proper send-off to his old reckless life. And when he would return to Equestria he was sure to start a new life with his beloved. Though he honestly was not sure what the future would bring, and that scared him a little. But for now, his thoughts were focused on the present with the future being the furthest from his mind that it had ever been.

He stood out on the upper deck of his ship staring off into the distance. The sky was dark and the moon was at its fullest. It seemed there weren’t any clouds to be seen except for a small stretch of some a few miles out. He pretended as though it didn’t matter, but there was a thought in the back of his mind that something could go wrong. Even if he had these doubts, his friends were having the time of their lives downstairs with some new-age music blaring out of the speakers. Some ponies were even snuggling close to one another with the probability that they would be ‘spending some quality time’ together. And though the night was still young, the DJ had already passed out on the turntable with his playlist still going. But everypony else paid the music no mind as they were already too drunk, the flow of alcohol seemingly unceasing. The stamping of hooves uneven with the rhythm of the song reverberated across the deck as everypony danced as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

“Blue? Are you coming down?”

His state of mind was broken when he heard the familiar voice of his lover, Fleur, call out to him. She was just poking her head out of the door beckoning him to the inside. “I’ll be there in just a moment,” he said with a wink.

The smile she returned made him feel more content about the voyage as she returned to the inside. She somehow always had that gift with many ponies, especially with her husband Fancy Pants. Being an extremely famous stallion put a lot of pressure on him, and it was her task to love him and provide support for him in all of his decisions. Perhaps that’s what drew Blueblood to her. Truth be told, he and Fleur had been having this affair for quite a few years. There was a time when both of them had felt unfulfilled with their significant others, Blueblood with Rarity and Fleur with Fancy Pants. They had met each other in a small watering hole in Canterlot and had instantly caught each other’s eye. All of this happened behind closed doors with nopony knowing except for the two of them. They had enjoyed it for the time they spent together. But now, with all that could possibly happen between them or what repercussions could result, the two of them had decided they would go their separate ways sooner or later.

As the Prince retired to the confines of the ship to be with his more preferred company, he grabbed a 13-year-old bottle of Caberneigh and two glasses from a cooler in the hall, popped it open with his magic and poured it for himself and Fleur as he walked. He reached the door of his bedroom and gave it a slight kick open. Much to his delight, Fleur was sprawled out on the enormous bed in his quarters wearing a silk robe and pearl kneesocks that were slightly offset from her fur color. Though ponies were no strangers to nudity, it was one of those strange kinks Blueblood was known to have. She held a seductive look on her face as if she had waited her entire life for this. He floated her glass over to her and she grabbed it with her own magic. Immediately going for a sip, Blueblood stopped her for a moment.

“I’d like to propose a little toast,” he told her. She rolled her eyes at that, remembering that he always liked his sentiments. He clinked his glass softly against hers. “To new beginnings.”

“To new beginnings,” she replied. She took just a short and conservative sip of her wine, relishing the flavor. It had a bold finish of wild cherries with a hint of oak. Blueblood, on the other hoof, took such a large sip that he was nearly finished with his wine almost immediately. She could tell that there was still something on his mind. “Blue, can I ask you something?”

Managing to gulp down the last of his wine he replied, “Ask away.”

“Do you still love her?”

Naturally, he was surprised by her question. He stumbled over his words a little before managing to speak clearly. “W-well of course. I absolutely still love her.”

Fleur raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Then why didn’t you take her with you instead of me?”

Knowing where she was going with this, he mentally prepared himself as he sat down on the bed. “Well for a number of reasons actually. Firstly, I needed to get out of Equestria. Badly. I needed to go to where I wouldn’t be constantly monitored by my Aunts and Rarity. They would rather me go to some boring dinner party with all the posh ponies instead of having fun at the local club. Secondly, Rarity wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if she knew what was happening on this voyage. She would probably turn us around herself at the first sign of anything she didn’t like to see. And lastly...”

She noticed he was delaying his answer. She crawled closer to him and put her forelegs over his shoulders trying to comfort him. “Yes?”

“Well," he sighed. "It would be insensitive and cold to you, Fleur. I can’t just pretend that the time we spent together meant nothing at all. If I did that, then I'd just be that same idiotic stallion I was those years ago. So, I just wanted for us to have a special night together. And finally being so far away from home definitely helps. In short, I really needed this. We needed this. However, even after all we've been through, I will honestly say that tonight will be the last night we spend together."

When he said this, the both of them became visibly depressed. Fleur hugged her lover closer and tighter, and he rested a hoof on her foreleg. She always knew this day would come eventually. She knew that she would have to say goodbye to the stallion who brought the fun back to her life someday. She knew they would have to go their separate ways and back to their old lives without each other. The memories she shared with Blueblood would be some of the fondest and most beautiful she would ever cherish. But, it still hurt. It actually hurt knowing those times would soon be over, and they would become distant memories and nothing more. And she didn't want tonight to end like this. If tonight was their last night, It was then that a new idea came to her head.

"Then," she began with a seductive whisper, "how about we make this night even more special?"

With an astonishing burst of strength, she practically threw Blueblood to the backboard of the bed. Still reeling from the sudden feeling of being lifted off the ground, Fleur started to crawl toward him slowly. She had hunger in her eyes, much to the stallion's delight. She neared him and laid herself on top of him. She leaned down to him, and their lips interlocked in a soft and tender kiss. She even began to gently grind against Blueblood's stifle, earning several gasps from the stallion. They both moaned in pleasure, lost in each other's warmth. All was well for that moment in time, and nothing could .

Until they heard a loud knock at the door. "Your Majesty?!" the Captain's voice shouted from behind the door.

"Ugh," the Prince sighed heavily. "What do you want?!"

"I suggest you hunker down, sir! It looks like there's a storm headed straight towards us!"
The Prince silently stood in the center of his hospital room while he stared out the large window. He was stood completely still, almost as if he were an incredibly life-like statue. The shining lights of the city of Baltimare did give him some comfort, and he was glad that nothing seemed to have changed about his home. Although, he knew just as well that appearances can be very deceiving in this day and age. Meanwhile, both Princesses Celestia and Luna peered into the glass of the room looking at the now unfamiliar stallion that was supposed to be their nephew. His loose hospital gown exposed many parts of the Prince, much of which neither of them wanted to see. There were grotesquely-shaped scars and severe-looking burn marks spread all across his body that were barely covered by patches of his fur. The Princesses could even see a few tattoos and other markings that they weren't too sure of what they meant or what they even were. There was almost nothing in this pony that looked remotely similar to their Prince Blueblood except for the colors of his long mane and his disheveled fur.

Celestia turned to her sister with horror in her voice. "What happened to him?"

Luna could only shake her head. "I truly do not know, Sister."

This was all they had said to each other ever since they arrived at Baltimare General. It had surprised the doctors, nurses and patients for the rulers of Equestria to suddenly teleport into the front lobby of the hospital completely unannounced. Without wasting any time, they had demanded to know where the Prince was resting. It took quite a while for the receptionist to get a hold of the doctor in charge of his care as she first had to explain that Celestia and Luna had graced their establishment with their presence. That same doctor was now walking toward them with a manila folder tucked under his right foreleg. Already sensing that they desperately wanted answers, the doctor got right down to brass tacks.

“He's going to be alright." That already gave Celestia and Luna some much needed relief. "However, he's going to need a while to recover," he added as he opened the folder up. He took out several x-ray sheets and put them up on a backlit panel on the wall. One of them showed a bone broken in several places at what would be the back of a pony's leg. All of the others showed small fissures in the bones all across a pony's body. The doctor spoke as he put on his glasses. "He has multiple bone fractures that haven’t healed properly, two breaks in his back left cannon bone, and scarred and burnt tissue now covers 65% of his body. I feel as though I don't need to say this, but his survival is surely nothing less than a miracle Your Highnesses. I just hope he came back as himself as well.”

That last sentence rang out in Celestia's mind. "What do you mean by that, Doctor?"

The doctor took his glasses off again and put them in his back pocket. He seemed unsure of what he wanted to say. "Well, with all due respect, I think it is best that you prepare yourselves for the worst. Having been without contact to ponies other than himself for as long as he has been...well it's never good. I don't even want to know how he managed to stay alive. Regardless, there is most likely some kind of damage to his mental state." He approached the Princesses wanting what he was going to say to be between the three of them. He rested his forelegs around their necks in an attempt to be more discreet. "The pony you once knew as Prince Blueblood may very well have died already. I truly don't know how he'll react to seeing you two again."

In an instant, horror returned to the Princesses. Just thinking about their nephew changing for the worse made their fur stand on end. The doctor decided to back off for now and let them take their time to soak up this new warning. Millions of thoughts ran through their heads. What if he was traumatized by his experience and he developed some severe problem? What if he regresses back to being that wild, childish stallion he used to be? What if he hates them for not doing more to save him? Or worse, what if he doesn't remember who they are? They halted for a brief moment wondering all these things. However, they steeled themselves and prepared to finally see him again. As they opened the door to his room, Blueblood kept standing there with his back to them. They approached with all caution not wanting to anger whoever it was in that room with them. However, he knew instantly and turned to face them. He honestly couldn't believe that they were standing in front of him, their faces completely unchanged over the course of time. He was so happy that there were tears welling up in his arctic blue eyes. The Princesses knew in a moment that their beloved Blueblood was indeed still alive, even though time and nature had been more than cruel to him.

"I'm sorry for being so late," was all he could say.

It all seemed like it was a dream and he would wake up on the island once again covered in his own sweat and angry at the gods for giving him yet another vision that may never come true. But as his aunts approached him, he knew this was all too real. They threw their front legs around him and they began bawling tears of joy. He hugged them tightly around him, not wanting to let them go. They wrapped their wings around him in their signature embrace, something none of them ever thought would happen again, and the room was filled with their joyous sobbing and happiness. Even some of the resident doctors and nurses began to tear up from this tremendous show of affection.

He was home. Finally, Blueblood was home.

The Next Day

Reporters had clamored into a conference room and were struggling to find seats in the newly crowded place, wanting to be the first to see Equestria's beloved prince officially announce his return home. The journalists and newsponies from various newspapers and television stations had come from all over the kingdom to see him with some all the way from Vanhoover. There was chatter among them discussing what he would look like and how he could have changed after all this time. Many were checking their cameras to make sure they would work before everything got too exciting for them. Their chatter was cut silent as a brown-colored pony walked up on the stage in the room. The various microphones on the podium squealed slightly as he took his place.

He cleared his throat and began. "My fellow Equestrians, good evening. Today, we come here as a reminder of a horrible and tragic day five years ago. Dozens of mares and stallions alike were taken from us much too early, and their families are still waiting for answers. We are truly not sure when this will finally be laid to rest. However, we have been given new hope that we will find them and they will be brought back home. For one stallion managed to defy all odds and has returned home to tell his story. It is my honor and privilege to reintroduce and welcome back Equestria's beloved prince and the only known survivor, His Majesty Prince Blueblood."

With that, a door to the side of the stage opened and a stallion walked through. The newsponies had their eyes glued to him, but he was unrecognizable to them. His mane had been cut very short and his fur was discolored in several places. His girth was not as prominent, but he still appeared to be physically fit. The only thing familiar about him was the color of his eyes. But, they wondered, this stallion seemed to be the furthest one they thought of to be the once proud Blueblood. It was completely silent, and the only sounds made it the room were the echoes of his hooves clopping against the hard wood of the stage.

"Thank you, sir," he spoke into the microphones. "And I would like to thank all of you for coming. It gives me great comfort to know that I was not forgotten at home, and that the gods truly blessed me to survive long enough to come back home. However, I would not like to make this about me. This will be made solely for the purpose, as my colleague said, to give the families the answers they deserve. Therefore, I will take any and all questions now."

Without even a second to breathe, Blueblood was already being bombarded with words by the newsponies. Carefully listening, he picked out several from the crowd one by one to better hear them.

"What caused the wreck of the Majestic Prince?"

"Are you the only survivor?"

"Can you tell us what it was like on that island?"

One after another, he answered them to the best of his ability. His story of what had happened and what his experience was like. Little did they know that he was lying through his teeth several times over. He thought it for the best that nopony besides him knew what really happened. Then, one newspony mare no older than twenty asked him, "What are you going to do to help the families?"

Immediately brightening up, Blueblood seemed to regress back into his usual overconfident self a tad. "I'm glad you asked because the first thing I am planning on doing since I've come home is celebrate the only way I know how...with a party!" There was immediately a new chatter among the ponies. They were none the less surprised that the former party stallion would be celebrating the moment he returned, but they scrambled to get more details from him. Ignoring them, he continued. "There will be food, music, and of course, drinks, and all proceeds collected from this party will go to a private fund towards the relief of the affected families! You can all help them get back on their hooves with your donations to this fund. And the best part is that everypony is invited! There will be more details to follow which I will personally announce. And that is all the time I have right now as I will be busy with preparations. Thank you!"

The newsponies begged him for one more question to be answered, but he stepped off the stage nonetheless and was escorted outside to a private carriage. He would indeed need to prepare for the upcoming celebration.

'And maybe I can do some home-shopping myself,' he thought to himself.

Next Chapter: Homecoming, Part 3 Estimated time remaining: 17 Minutes
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