
The Magician's Apprentice

by EmperorDalek

Chapter 3: The Medic

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The next morning Twilight finally regained her consciousness. Her eyes thrusting themselves open. She quickly sat up straight, looking all around to see if she was still where she had been last night, and hadn’t yet gone insane. As a matter of fact she didn't even know where she was now, even.

In front of her, she saw the familiar doors that she had seen before passing out. She heard a soft humming noise behind her. She turned her head, and looked behind her. A full second later, her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Her mouth opened, and the word ‘’Whoa.’’ Came out.

All around her, the room and all it contained was covered in…Gosh, well, golden, or bronze colors. Scattered around on the floor were various objects. She couldn’t even tell what they were, some of them might have been a chair, but she ignored it, and focused mostly on the room itself.

She followed a small walkway, reaching a large, strange, obelisk-like shape in the center of the room. It was a small that had a very diamond-like shape about it. Spread around it, were many buttons, switches, and a whole load of other strange things which she didn’t know what was. There was also a strange transparent thing of sorts suspended from the side of a small base at the top of it.

Littering throughout the strange room, there were several large pillars, though, they were really different from she had seen it came to pillars. Unlike the rest of the room, though, they looked rusty.

‘’Geez. Rarity would have a freak-out if she ever saw this place.’’ She told herself.

Up at the top of the base, a long form of glass reached up towards the ceiling. She swore, though, that she vaguely saw something inside the glass. She wasn’t sure.

Instantly, her memories back flooding back to her. She gasped. Her head shot up, and she started to look around the room. ‘’Where is he!? Where is he? I knew someone was here.’’ She said, searching franticly for ‘’him’’.

Behind her, she heard the sound of doors open. She turned, looking behind her. Standing at the doors, was a Stallion. He sprouted a

''Oh, good. You’re awake.'’ He exclaimed, as soon as he saw her. He turned back, and closed the door he had just entered from. Then, with an excited speed, he turned himself around, and hurriedly, moved towards her.

She looked towards him, not knowing what to make of him. He resembled a normal Earth Pony, but unlike others, or the ones Twilight had meet, he wore clothes. More specifically, he wore a blue suit, with a white shirt underneath, and a red tie. Atop his head, he wore some sort of contraption meant to hold stuff as is grasped several bits of paper. He reached up with his hooves, and took it off, placing it down on the floor.

''W-Who are you...? W-where are we?'' She asked, nervously. Starring back into his face. For some reason, he seemed excited.

''Ah!’’ He exclaimed, raising a hoof up in front of her face. She blinked slightly as he did that. ‘’I knew you would say that.’’ He said. ‘’Oh. This is simply brilliant.’’

Twilight just glanced back at him. She trotted out, away from him. Keeping her eyes fixed on him.

‘’I will ask you again, who are you?’’ She asked.

He scoffed, flicking his hoof at her. He turned, and looked back towards the console. ‘’Oh, come now, Twilight. We can deal with names later.’’ He said, pressing buttons, and pulling switches on the strange object.

‘’I don’t think so.’’ She said. ‘’I don’t know who you are, whether you saved me for your own selfish purposes - Thanks for that by the way.’’

He gave a gentle nod of his head, but he didn’t take his eyes away from the controls he was currently messing with.

‘’And I think it would be in your best interest, if you stopped acting so…Silly, in front of me, and gave me some straight answers. Or else…’’

From behind, the sound of magic activating reached his ears. His right ear perked up, listening intently.

‘’No.’’ He said softly, sis eyes widened.

He turned back towards her, where he saw her horn pointing towards him. ‘’Whoa! Whoa!’’ He exclaimed cautiously. Raising his hooves up, holding them up. ‘’Hey! If you fire off any energy based in here, you’ll do far more harm than good!’’ He said intensely.

''Look, I know you’re afraid. You wake up someplace else that you don’t recognize – That’s understandable.’’ He said. He gently lowered his arms, gently, holding them out in front of him. ‘’But you have to understand, I am saving your life, even now, by keeping you hidden here with me.’’ He pointed his hoof towards the door behind her.

Twilight didn’t look back, for fear of him deceiving her, and kept her horn still fixed towards him.

''Look, ask me a few questions so you know who I am so you feel a bit safer around me. We shouldn’t be arguing, or fighting amongst ourselves. Later perhaps, but now.'' He suggested.

Twilight’s eyes looked down, away from him towards the floor. Gazing down at the floor for a few seconds, as she thought it over. Before looking back up towards him.

''Very Well. We’ll do it that way.’’ She said, pointing her horn away from him, and de-activating the spell she was planning on casting. A sigh of relief came from him.

‘’*PHEW* Thank you.’’ He lowered his hooves, planting them down against the floor in relief.

‘’Now…I want to know who you are, and where we are. I won’t accepting anything other than the truth.'' She said, sitting herself down on the floor, starring back at him with a stern expression.

‘’Fair enough.’’ He said, clapping his hooves against each other. He trotted down towards her. He sat himself down, starring into her eyes.

‘’My name is the Medic.’’ He said. Her face changed into a look of confusion.

She opened her mouth, and attempted to say ‘’I sai-‘’ But before she could, he interrupted her.

‘’Yes, that’s my real name. Just roll with it.’’ He said, waving his hoof, trying to make her forget about it and move on.

‘’Now, for the question: Where we are.’’ He stood up, and trotted back towards the console. He turned, and looked back towards her.

‘’This is the TARDIS – Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. It is a time machine, and can travel everywhere, from every time period, to other planets…And it is my home.’’

He grinned widely, seemingly content with himself. Like he had just told a God that he had something it didn’t have.

''Prove it.'' He suddenly heard Twilight say. He looked down towards her, seeing her stare up at him, smiling widely.

‘’Prove It. Prove that you can go anywhere in both time and space.’’

He trudged down towards her, rather franticly.

‘’Unfortunately, I can’t do that.’’ He said. ‘’They are tracking us, if I attempt to leave this particular moment in time, or the planet, they will know, and come after me. I cannot let this device fall into their greedy little appendages on it. That would be disastrous.’’ He turned, and returned back up the small ramp towards the console, turning to look at her again.

‘’But I can take you home.’’ He said, pulling down on the levers on the console.

Around them, the room started to change. The pillars vanished, and were replaced with a sight that Twilight knew well.

‘’We’re in the Golden Oak Library.’’ She said, turning her head, and looking around. Up from the floor, there was nothing but the complete interior of the library. Like they had been on a stage…Although, this stage was in the middle of the library.

‘’No.’’ He said. She turned, looking behind her towards him. ‘’We’ve been here all this time.’’

She turned, and started to gallop towards the nearest opening into her library.

‘’Stop!’’ He shouted at her, reaching towards her with his hoof, but she ignored him, and continued galloping forward.

Suddenly, and without warning, she banged her head against the library. She fell back, landing on her rump.

The Medic sighed, shaking his head. Twilight brought a hoof up to her head, gently, rubbing the side of it.

‘’See? I told you.’’ He said.

Twilight returned to standing back up. She turned, and looked towards the doorframe, the only thing that hadn’t become part of the library. She turned towards him, casting a blank glance towards him.

‘’Sure, go ahead.’’ He said, brushing his hoof towards the door, as he turned to look back at the console. ‘’You can leave if you want to. It’s completely your choice…’’ He said with his back still turned towards her. ‘’But now that the next time you get into trouble I won’t be able to save you. They will now be watchful of my presence.’’

She turned to look towards the door…Then back at him.

He looked up at the screen. Checking the map of the surroundings. Behind him, he heard the sound of the door opening, and closing.

‘’Maybe it’s for the best. I mean, I’ve got to find out what the Kaleds are planning anyway. So-‘’

''Now then, third question.’’ A voice behind him, suddenly spoke. His head shot up, looking back towards the screen. ‘’What are you?’’ The voice asked. He slowly turned to look behind him.

‘’I-I-…’’ He stuttered.

‘’I am a Time Lord-…’’

‘’A master of moving through time-…’’

‘’Really? And what can you do about these…Kaleds? Can you stop them?’’ The voice asked again.

His head turned, and his eyes looked out in front of him. A smile settled itself on his face.

‘’I can try.’’ Sitting in front him, Twilight smiled back at him.

She stood up, and turned herself towards the door. ‘’Well? What are we waiting for?’’ She asked him. ‘’Onwards!’’ She said, as she galloped back towards the door.

‘’Hey! That’s my line!’’ He shouted after her, as he galloped to catch up to her.

‘That Mare has a talent for getting herself into trouble…We should team up.’

The Medic, and Twilight trotted out of the TARDIS. Twilight stopped, realizing something.

‘’Wait a minute. This is my bedroom.’’ She said. She turned her head, and looked towards him. ‘’Why are we in my bedroom?’’ She asked sternly.

‘’I had to hide the TARDIS somewhere would it wouldn’t be easily found. If I had hid it outside, they might have found it…The Equestrians…The Ponies! I mean.’’ He corrected himself, as he answered her. He trotted forward, approaching the stairs that lead down.

‘‘So-…You’re a Time Lord…But are you the only one?’’ Twilight asked. His eye looked towards her, but his head didn’t turn.

‘’I think I should have been more specific when I told you what I was. My race’s ‘’first name’’, as they would put it, is Mareifreyan.’’ He said. He almost tripped, but stood himself up, and they continued downwards.

‘’I see...’’

‘’Where are they, you’re people?’’ She asked softly. Looking her eyes towards him.

Once again, his eyes looked towards her while his face remained fixed in place. But unlike the first time, he looked away from her.

‘’They come from the planet Gallifrey. A planet far, far, far, far, far away from here.’’ He turned his head, and looked up towards the ceiling. ‘’Oh, wait. I’ll say it when we get outside.’’ He said. They hurried down the steps, and headed quickly towards the door

Once they were outside the Library, he raised his head, and looked back up at the sky.

‘’Oh. You have seen it, Twilight. It was beautiful, majestic, and absolutely wonderful. The Wonder of the Seventh Galaxy, I call it.’’ He said.

He lowered his head, and looked down from the sky, towards the ground.

‘’B-but now - It’s gone. A burning, smoldering, asteroid field, drifting endlessly in space. A vague, distant memory.’’

‘’Why? What happened to it?’’ She asked. Not only was the truth that there existed planets with intelligent life of them fascinating, but that they could also manipulate time, allowing them to go back in time…But the fact that this great and powerful race’s home planet was now gone, was something she needed to know the answers to.

He turned, and looked towards her. Staring blankly.

‘’A conflict. Conflict happened to it, Twilight.’’ He said. ‘’My people entered into a terrible battle for survival with a great, and terrible enemy. They attacked without mercy, my people were helpless to resist the slaughter. We fought back, but that only ended up sealing our fate. Both sides were evenly-matched in terms of technology. The war had reached a ‘’Dead-lock’’ situation, meaning neither side could win, but neither could escape.’’

Twilight gulped. This war sounded like…the war to end all wars. Two mighty civilizations locked together in a never ending battle.

‘’Who was it you fought against?’’ She asked. He turned, looking towards her.

‘’I-I-…I don’t even remember. For so long now, I have been trying to forget it ever happened.’’ He turned, looking in front of him.

‘’Why were you so powerful?’’ Twilight suddenly asked out of the bloom, as they rounded a corner. He turned, and looked towards her. ‘’I mean, obviously you must have been powerful enough to create…A TARDIS-’’ She said, pointing back the way they had come with her hoof. ‘’But how did you create it?’’ She asked. He gave a soft chuckle.

‘’Every Time Lord at birth is born, essentially with the powers of a god. That power is extracted from the child, and placed inside what will eventually become a TARDIS. When they are ready, they will either be given that or a different TARDIS when they grow to mature age.’’ He said.

Twilight looked up at him dead-panned. She shook her head, snapping herself back.

‘’B-but how can that be? How can a newborn Time Lord be compared to a god? They’re just a child.’’ She asked again, even more confused than when she first asked.

‘’Unlike any other creature in the universe, we, or my people are the eldest species in the universe. Dating all the way back to the creation of the universe itself, in fact.’’ He said.

He looked away, chuckling softly to himself.

‘’Um…What?’’ She asked softly, gently leaning her head in closer towards him.

‘’Yes. We existed during the Birth of the Universe, and the Time before Time.’’ He shook his head in amazement. ‘’It must have been one heck of a ride, though.’’ She said a little exhausted.


‘’Because we were just crystals. Crystals, flying through the Time Vortex. Waiting for creation to be created. One day it happened, and we awoke…Guided by THEM.’’

‘’ ‘’Them?’’ ’’ She asked. He chuckled once again. Turning back, and looking into her face.

‘’One thing at a time, Twilight…One thing at a time.’’ He said.

‘’Yes…’’ She said, out of the bloom. He turned, looking towards her.

‘’Hm? ‘’So’’ what?’’ He asked confused.

‘’Yes. I’ll travel with you.’’ She said. His look of confusion faded. He turned his head, and tried to look in front of him.

‘’Hey. Medic? I’m just stupid, I just saw you look away.’’ She replied to his actions.

He brought a hoof up to his chin, moving it, gently, downwards. He sighed heavily, and closed his eyes. He came to a stop. She stopped as well. She turned her head, and looked behind her. He was standing still, his head looking down towards the ground.

‘’Medic?’’ She asked. She trotted back up towards him, but he didn’t respond.

‘’Twilight…’’ He said softly. He raised his head, and looked out towards her, again. ‘’I-I…I’’ He stuttered.

‘’Yes, Me-’’ She replied. Giving him a look of concern. ‘’I-I’m sorry, but you cannot travel with me.’’ He said. Her mouth dropped, hanging open, as she looked back into his face.

‘’B-but I-‘’ she attempted to protest.

‘’The last I travelled with a companion, they died. I promised myself that day, that I would never bring another creature into such harm.’’ In his eyes, he could see his despair, her urge to protest against him, to say that he was wrong for denying her the possibility to see not only time, but space. ‘’I’m sorry.’’

He continued to trot along the dirt road, following it, as he passed her by. Her mouth still hanging open, and still shocked by what he had just said to her.

She turned, and called out after him with a ‘’Medic! Wait for me!’’ before galloping after him.

Author's Notes:


Next Chapter: A Sinister Plot Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 60 Minutes
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