
The Magician's Apprentice

by EmperorDalek

Chapter 16: Defeat

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‘’What!?’’ She exclaimed. ‘’I-it can convert something into energy!?’’ She asked, hysterically. He nodded his head, turning it, and looking back down into her face.

She leaned her head in a little closer so that the Daleks wouldn’t hear them.

He turned, seeing that she was leaning closer. He was a little taken back by this, by rolled his eyes, and leaned his head down

‘’Oh yes. The Hand of Omega, is a powerful piece of technology that can convert anything, whether it being matter or pure energy, it can replicate it, storing it inside itself...However, after it’s inception, it’s creator Omega realized it’s it’s ultimate potential as a deadly doomsday weapon. After his one and only usage of it, he hid it away.

Many attempted to locate it, but it was never found…Many exhausted an entire lifetime looking for it, as they hoped to understand the secret of immortality-‘’She turned to the left, casting him a sternly looking, but confused expression. He nodded his head. They turned, looking back towards the casket.

‘’They searched half-way across the galaxy for this legendary tool, but it’s hiding place was a real mystery to anyone who did not know Omega, personally.’’ He explained. ‘’Eventually, many began questioning it’s existence. Had it existed at all, or was it just a myth that had been created to distract from something else? Nopony knows…except Omega himself, but the only part of Omega that exists, alive, is the memory of him.’’

‘’D-did you ever meet him?’’ She asked. ‘’I-I mean, you must be very old if you know so much, not physically, but what I-‘’

‘’Yes.’’ He interrupted.

Her eyes widened, gasping, as she looked back towards his face, he, looking into hers’. ‘’I meet him once-…’’ He said, looking his eyes down. He scoffed, as a faint smile settled itself on his face. ‘’I was but a child when I meet the Great Lord Omega, of course, I was…a very different pony in those days. Seriously, you would not believe me if I told you.’’ He said, stopping, to look his eyes towards the casket, catching the Daleks, watching as their forms moved out through the door, entering into the hallway.

‘’Really, now?’’ She asked.

‘’Mhm.’’ He replied.

‘’Tell me.’’ She said, wearing a teasing expression on her face. He turned, shooting her a confused expression back.

‘’I-I-…I don’t have time. The Daleks are moving down towards the Transmat, to bring the Hand of Omega onboard their ship. We’ve got to be prepared for what comes next.’’ He replied, turning his head to the side, and looking out the window.

‘’Prepared for what? D-do you have a plan?’’ She whispered, leaning closer towards him. He scoffed.

‘’Not really, but now that the Daleks have the Hand of Omega, they’re use of us have mostly been filled. They still require me, but I don’t think they’d see you as too important now. You were valuable hostages, but the real prize in all this…is me.’’ He explained.

‘’Uh…uhhh….uhhhh…’’ She hesitated, being unable to get the words to form in her mouth.

‘’Uh, no offense.’’ He immediately followed it up with.

‘’N-none taken.’’ Luna replied, out of nowhere. Both he and Twilight turned, looking to the side…Staring right towards Princess Luna, whom was standing right beside him, shooting him a blank expression.

He gulped.

He turned, looking his eyes out the window, staring up towards what he could see of the Dalek ship. Being able to see several of it’s technological sections underneath, the ship’s engines humming on the air.

The Daleks, guarding the Hand of Omega casket moved down through the destroyed hallways of Canterlot Castle. On the way, they encountered several Drone Daleks, who were patrolling the castle hallways, either standard patrol, or simply assisting other Daleks clean up the battleground, lifting up dead Equestrians and loading them into a floating rectangular box of some kind. The box, once it was fully loaded, would start moving, heading down the hallway – The other abundance of bodies that needed to be cleaned up, were the destroyed Daleks, who lay scattered around the place, bits and pieces lay scattered across the floor, and most of the Daleks who had not suffered the worst damage, but had still died from it, were the ones without their domes, with fire coming up through the space inside their cracked casings’ neckrings.

Passing by the destroyed barricades the Equines had used to halt their advantage, one of the Daleks stopped in place. It’s dome rotated, and it’s eyestalk looked towards the large, carved, stone blocks. It was only able to look for a few seconds, before it had to return to it’s group again.

The escort party, finally arrived down at the front doors of the castle. Unlike inside the castle itself, the cleanup crews, had already finished here…Except, for maybe ignoring some of the destroyed stone fragments on the ground.

There had, unfortunately, not yet been installed a Transmat pad for the Daleks to use to bring the Hand onboard their Saucer. They would have to wait a little while for the pad to be brought, and installed, or they could bring the casket to the easiest reachable point on the outskirts of the city, and have one of their ships pick them up there.

What other choice, exactly did they have?

Frustrated, the Daleks began making their way down the street, having only visual sight to rely on to see where they were going.

From within the Throne room, he observed, through the window. Watching the group of Daleks, as they moved down through the streets. His eyes, not taking themselves away from the group.

‘’Medic!?’’ A Dalek voice spoke to him. He raised his head, turning it around, as he looked behind him, towards the speaker.

‘’Yes?’’ He replied, towards the Dalek.

‘’The Dalek Supreme wishes to speak with you!’’ The Drone said. ‘’You will follow!’’ It ordered.

Reluctantly, he turned his body around, facing it towards the Dalek. He took a few steps forward, stepping towards the Drone.

Twilight turned her head, looking towards him. A little bit confused, and worried about him suddenly leaving. Before she could move, to try and reach him, however, she was stopped in place by the arrival of another Dalek that took the former guards’ place.

The Drone led him to the throne, where the Supreme was standing. It stood in front of the window, looking out, staring down upon Equestrias’ green plains, and the tower, battlements, and other buildings of the Equestrian Capital City. It’s lens, not moving, or looking away…Just staring, looking out towards it all.

‘’Dalek Supreme-!’’ The voice of another Dalek spoke up, catching it’s attention. It raised it’s eyestalk, rotating it’s dome, as it looked the eyestalk back towards the Dalek – Turning it’s body, as well, though, not all the way. ‘’I have brought the Medic, as you requested!’’ The Dalek said. He stepped forward, approaching the Supreme.

‘’Approach me, Medic!’’ It ordered to him. Slowly, he stepped forward, getting closer to it. When he got close enough to the Supreme, he stopped. The Supreme looked it’s eyestalk towards the Drone. ‘’Leave us!’’ It ordered.

‘’I obey!’’ The Dalek replied. It backed away from them, rotating itself around, and moved back towards the others.

As the Dalek moved away from the two of them, he turned himself around, looking his eyes towards the Supreme, staring silently towards it.

‘’So…What did you want with me, then?’’ He asked the Supreme, almost impatiently, shooting an angered face back towards It’s blue, eyestalk lens. The Supreme turned itself away from him. It turned it’s body back, looking it’s eyestalk out the window. He cracked an eyebrow, as it did this. It rather confused him.

It was silent, as it looked it’s lens away from him.

‘’My new world…How would a creature like you, who hold such emotions…describe what you see to me!’’ It instructed.

He was taken aback by what the Dalek was saying…A Dalek! And on top of that, it was the Supreme, itself, that was saying this. He couldn’t believe what a Dalek was saying to him, asking him to describe something that doesn’t mattered…It would all be gone, anyway, once the planet was brought under their rule.

‘’Describe my world to me…!’’ It said.

Silently, and with his mouth hanging a little bit open from the shock of this revelation. The Supremes’ words, however, snapped him out of it. He shook his head a little, blinking his eyes a couple times, as he turned himself towards the window.

His eyes looked out, staring down upon the large plains, he saw the mountains, was vaguely able to see the small rivers that came out from the mountain sides and the forests that stood down at the bottom, miles upon miles down from where Canterlot rested atop the mountain Cliffside. He looked his eyes up, seeing the Moon, itself, as it lingered over the world, shining it’s moonlight down upon the world, illuminating it in these dark days, it’s reflection bouncing off the water, and rivers.

His eyes looked up, staring out in front of it.

‘’Beauty…’’ He spoke. Turning his head, looking his eyes towards the Supreme, staring back into it’s lens. ‘’I can see the beauty of what Equestria has to offer me. It may not possess high technology, all the knowledge in the universe-.’’ he continued speaking. ‘’But it has good inhabitants, creatures of kindness, generosity, and laughter…even during the darkest of days.’’ He said, a faint smile beginning to settle on his face.

The Supreme rotated it’s dome, looking it’s eyestalk back towards him.

‘’But each one of them is different, with different ideals…Those very ideals have separated them, split them, spawned some of the worst conflicts this planet has borne witness to!’’ The Supreme replied. He scoffed, softly.

‘’Indeed they are. They are by no means perfect. They are immature, creating pointless disputes, sacrificing innocent lives in the crossfire.’’ His smile disappeared from his face, vanishing away, only to be replaced with a saddened frown. ‘’Ever since our parting in the war, I have lived here amongst them, studying them, looking for a solution to this dilemma. I can safely say, though, from what I’ve learned about them, is that there are certain superstitions that some of them have, different ideals, different standards…just, different ways of life, though, not perfect, neither side.’’

‘’And!? You know the cause, and you are a Time Lord! Has a solution not been found!?’’

He shook his head. Scoffing, smiling softly. ‘’I am a Time Lord, a wielder of Time itself.

But even I, a Time Lord, with the many tools available to carry out that solution, with the technology able to do it, and a mind to think it up…

Even if I do that, I create peace on this world, (and many others, I create peace all across the universe,) amongst these creatures, whom I love, it will lead me down a path I do not wish to follow…And once I have started, I will never stop.’’ His said, his smile returning to his face, and tears beginning to build up in his eyes. ‘’I would rather show compassion, than enforce my will upon others…even at the cost it brings…

I am not a god. I am a Time Lord, the Last of the Time Lords.’’

The Supreme was silent, staring back at him, blankly, through it’s eyestalk lens.

‘’You are a fool! Peace can only be achieved when all ones enemies is destroyed or enslaved…Your way, is the cowards’ way! Never grasping the bigger picture of the universal truth!’’ It said. His smile faded, being replaced with the beginning of a frown.

‘’I know the great truth of the universe…I do not agree with it, but at the very least, I will do anything in my power to change it, improve it, and make it better so that it will not be the only truth.’’

‘’There will never be another truth. The universe will always burn, either by our touch or others! We are but chess pieces, and the universe is our board on which we play!’’

He stepped back, moving away from the Supreme. His frown settling completely on his face. ‘’Then there is nothing I can do for you.’’ His eye looked out to the side, staring out of the window. His eyes turned back, returning to look towards the Supremes’ lens. ‘’Something has happened to you, everyone of your kind…I would say that this is a good thing, but I am afraid that is not the case…’’ He lowered his head, looking down.

‘’I’m sorry.’’ He said.

‘’For wh-‘’

‘’For everything. I wanted to save you, truly I did. Y-you are not like them, you are not the like the Daleks of old, you’re…you’re different.’’ He said.

The Supreme said nothing, not responding in the slightest to what he said. It just sat silently there, it’s eyestalk, looking soundlessly towards him.

He started to step back, moving away from it.

‘’Halt! Remain where you are!’’ The Supreme shouted, aiming it’s gunstick towards him. His saddened frown occupied his face, bringing forth a saddened expression upon it.

‘’I’m sorry.’’

Instantly, the Throne Room, suddenly, started to shake violently. Rumbling loudly, as the entire room rocked in place. Twilight, the rest of the Element Bearers, and Princess Luna raised their heads, looking up, around them. The walls creaked, as the shaking stopped.

‘’What is that!?’’ The Supreme asked, looking it’s eyestalk up towards the ceiling. He didn’t respond to it. It moved franticly in place, as the shaking returned. ‘’Medic!’’ It shouted out after him, but once again, he did not respond to it. ‘’MEDIC!!’’ It screamed out in after him.

‘’E-explain!! EXPLAIN!’’

Moving closer to each other, Twilight and the others. Luna stood by herself, looking out for a way to escape. But everywhere she looked, there was only Daleks that were not in a state of panic. Their gunsticks were aimed towards Twilight, Princess Luna, and the rest, not hesitating to fire it if they tried to move. ‘’Halt! Do not move!’’ They shouted, ordering them to obey their commands.

Suddenly, from behind them, a metal object was swung down, smashing into it’s target, causing an explosion of sparks to fly out from the impacted point. The Ponies, all gasped, as it happened, making them huddle closer together, holding each other tighter.

‘’My vision is impaired! My vision is impaired! I cannot see!’’ The Dalek cried out, acting hysterically, as it moved around the room, equally as hysterically. Moving it’s Manipulator arm in different directions, as with it’s gunstick.

The other Dalek rotated it’s dome, directing it’s eyestalk line of sight towards it’s injured fellow-soldier. With another violent swing, the long collection of metal swung towards it’s eyestalks. Instead of hitting the eyestalk, somewhere along it’s body, the long metal impacted the Dalek’s lens, shattering it.

‘’My vision is impaired! I cannot see! My vision is impaired! I cannot see!’’ It cried, entering into a panicked frenzy, similar to the other Dalek.

‘’Medic!’’ Twilight shouted, as her eyes saw the Medic galloping towards them. He reached out his hoof towards them, and waved it, hastily.

‘’Come on! Let’s go!’’ He shouted, nodding his head, indicating for them to follow after them. Twilight and the others exchanged a second-long look, before rising to their hooves, and galloping towards him. Luna, moved after them, behind them, her eyes, scanning the Throne Room, focusing on the still-active Daleks within the room, though, their panic induced states might not be too bad that she couldn’t deal with.

Outside the window, a sudden, and powerful rumbling sound entered the airspace. Multiple, loud, Dalek voices were chanting together in one voice.


Outside Canterlot Castle, several small and large, quick, shapes descended down from the sky. Penetrating the clouds, above, a large, bronze-gold shape descended down. A loud, deep thrumming ambience filling the air, once more, as it’s large passed over the plains and mountains underneath it.

The larger shapes speed down towards the parked Dalek Saucer. Re-orienting themselves in mid-air, the shapes started to open fire, unleashing powerful barrages of energy beams down upon the parked Saucer.

Another, separate group broke off from the main force, and instead flew down towards Canterlot.

Daleks Patrols, moving through the streets looked up into the sky, their eyestalks looking up towards the incoming attackers, but with the streets being so wide and so open, they were easy targets in such an exposed location, and without any Special Weapons Daleks, they were completely defenseless.

Even those Dalek Patrols with a Special Weapons Dalek were not in much better situations. The slow rate at which the Special Weapons Daleks’ gun was aimed made it even easier for the attackers to destroy entire Platoons of Daleks, as with their superior speed, armor, and firepower, these Daleks were no challenge to them.

‘’We are under attack! Emergency! Alert! Alert!’’ Many of the dark-grey Daleks started shouting throughout the city. But none…none of them caught in the open was spared. They were shot down on-site without a moment’s hesitation.

Descending down towards the surface, several cream and gold shapes landed firmly on the surface of the ground. Taking in their surroundings before advancing any further, the newcomers started spreading into the city.

Galloping through the hallways of Canterlot Castle, as fast as they could, Twilight and the rest of the Element Bearers started panting. It was clear that they were beginning to get tired from all this running.

‘’S-so much running!’’ Rarity said, exhausted. Her eyes looking up towards her mane. ‘’Ohhh! It’s all sticky!’’ She exclaimed, in a whining tone of voice. Applejack sighed in frustration, trying her best to ignore the bad timing of all this complaining.

‘’Oh, for cryin’ out loud, Rarity! Please whine on yer own time, but not now!’’ Applejack shouted back towards the Unicorn.

The group rounded a corner, but collapsed down onto the floor from pure exhaustion – Him, being one of them. He panted heavily, as he lifted himself up. Sitting himself back down, but with his back to the wall.

‘’P-Princess L-L-Luna!?’’ He exclaimed, his heavy breathing, amplifying his voice. Luna understood him, however, and turned towards him. ‘’Yes Medic?’’ She said. He turned his head, looking towards her with an exhausted face. ‘’I’m going to do something…But can you make sure that there are no Daleks nearby?’’ He said, his breathing, having calmed down a little. ‘’Right.’’ Luna replied.

She poked her head out the edge of the wall, she looked down both corners. Turning herself around, she directed her attention down the other.

After she finished her hasty look-out down both hallways, she hurriedly trotted back to him.

‘’There are no Daleks coming our way…But I suggest we hurry up and do whatever it is you’re planning to do.’’ She told him.

‘’Dually noted…’’ He said. He raised his hoof, bringing it up to his jacket pocket, and reaching it inside it. He pulled out a small chain with a small golden shaped form of some sorts. He held it tightly with his hoof. It emitted a soft, warm glow. A vague smile settled on his face. ‘’Just give it a second, she’ll be here in no time…’’ He said. His eyes, gently, started to close, his head, slowly, moved back towards the wall, as well. Once it made contact with the wall, he let out a soft sigh, then rested his head against the wall.

‘’Medic!’’ Twilight cried out, but once the familiar, heavy, thrumming reached her ear, it perked up. She raised her head, looking out in front of her, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Luna, did so as well.

In front of them, right before their very eyes, a circular rectangle started materializing in front of their very eyes.

‘’Oh my…’’ Luna said in awe, as she saw the TARDIS’s true form, as it appeared completely in front of them.

‘’Good girl.’’ He said, softly, before collapsing his head back down against the wall, again.

‘’I-is that the TARDIS?’’ Luna asked, somehow, no longer that impressed with the entire thing.

‘’Trust me, Princess, once you see the inside, you may want to re-evaluate that opinion.’’ Rarity said.

‘’Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get inside before we’re found by the Daleks!’’ Rainbow Dash exclaimed, flying up, hovering in the air.

Twilight turned head back towards the Medic, she kept her eyes looking towards him for a few seconds. ‘’Well, let’s get going, then.’’ She said. Her horn started to glow, as she lifted him up, and moved him towards the TARDIS. Rarity levitated the key up off the floor, inserting it into the key slot, and turning it, opening the door. She allowed Twilight and Luna in first, then the rest of them followed.

Shut the door behind her, Rarity made sure to look for a lock to lock the door behind them. She did, and she was fairly sure that the TARDIS was resistant to Dalek firepower, though, they had been involved in this Time War, so it seemed a little unlikely that she would be proven right in her theory – About it being resistant.

Twilight put him down on the floor, and quickly stood herself up. She stood over him, looking down at him. ‘’Eh, Medic?’’ She spoke to him, but he didn’t show any signs of waking up. Putting a hoof to her chin, she entered into deep thought.

Removing her hoof from her chin, Rainbow Dash, lit up, as an idea seemed to pop into her mind. Without uttering a word, she flew down towards them. She hovered over his body, staring down at him with a smile on her face. She brought her hoof up above her head.

‘’Uh, Rainbow…? Are you sure that’s a-‘’ Twilight, though, was interrupted, as Rainbow, without warning, carried out her idea. With a powerful swing of her hoof, she smacked it against his face.

His eyes shot open, and he gasped loudly, as he shot up, sitting up right.

‘’See? Problem…Solved.’’ She said, flying back up into the air, crossing her arms, as she flew.

He stood back up, looking his head around at his surroundings…Falling back down onto the floor, sighing relieved. ‘’Ahh! You managed to get us into the TARDIS.’’ He said.

‘’Medic! This isn’t a time for dozing off! We need you to pilot the TARDIS so we can get away from the Daleks!’’ Twilight cried out towards him. As she finished, he opened his eye again. Quickly, he rolled himself over, stood himself back up onto his hooves, and approached the TARDIS Console Unit. He pushed down a few levels, and clicked a few buttons.

‘’Oh. I’ve been away from you for far too long.’’ He said, running his hoof down/up along the Console Unit. Luna glared him, dumbfounded by his actions, blinking her eyes a few times. ‘’Yeahhh…I forgot to mention, not only is it bigger on the inside, but it’s got a consciousness of it’s own. It’s pretty much a living creature.’’ Twilight said to Luna.

‘’Considering all the strange things we have to deal with, I’m not shocked by anything anymore. I’ve seen it all by now.’’ Luna said.

He pulled down a final lever on the console, the Console Room rocked for a second, the TARDIS’ deep humming thrum sounded, and the thing in the center of the Console Unit, started moving up and down. ‘’All righty then. Let’s be on our way.’’ He said exited, holding onto the sides of the console. Twilight smiled, excited as well, looking back towards Luna with a smile on her face. ‘’Don’t worry Princess. We’re going to defeat the Daleks this time…From what I’ve seen, he seems to do most of his impressive thinking when he’s like this.’’ She told the blue Alicorn. Luna raised her head, looking her eyes up towards him.

Back down in the city, the new attackers were launching a full and relentless attack on the Daleks. Hitting them with full force, as if being afraid of them.

The outer, less defended sections of the city were being swarmed by the attacking invasion forces, pushing the Daleks further and further back through the city. They attackers’ superior technology and sufficient tactical abilities surpassing even that of the Daleks themselves.

Retreating through the city, the Daleks were being relentlessly pursued by their invaders, however, the narrow streets of Canterlot were proving to be rather problematic for the Daleks’ situation, add on top of that these new invaders could also fly, and added along with their attack ships, the Dalek forces out in the streets were cut down without too much effort spent.

‘’Exterminate! Exterminate the Abominations!’’ Daleks shouted, as they fired towards their enemies.

Stopping place, several Daleks attempted to fight the invaders off, firing beams of deadly energy up towards them. The invaders, though, were able to quickly move out of the way, avoiding the Daleks’ deadly beams...Instead, raining their own barrage of energized death down upon the Daleks.

‘’Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!’’ Echoed throughout the streets, being only rivalled in audio by the firing of energy beams, and the exploding casings and armor.

The invaders’ attack ships adjusted it’s panels, altering it’s course in mid-air, and quickly speeding down towards the streets. A squad of Daleks were moving down through that particular street. From it’s weapon atop it, it fired several beams of energy down towards them.

Upon making impact with the ground, the beams erupted into violent explosions that consumed, wrapping themselves around the Daleks, completely engulfing them, and causing fatal injury to their casings.

In the aftermath of the aerial bombardment, the Daleks squad was utterly destroyed. All that remained of the original Daleks were their singeing casings, from where smoke drifted up from their motionless forms.

The sound of laser fire shooting across the sky was the only other sound to stand out, beside the already in-progress shouting of ‘’Exterminate!’’ From the Daleks, and the endless explosions.

Above in the clouds, a large shape lingered, it’s true appearance hidden behind a layer of clouds.

Within a Control Room onboard the ship, a group of identical shapes stood attending several Control Consoles.

‘’Taskforce Leader 4 reports that our forces have secured the residential sections of the enemy occupied city. Information is still coming in concerning the situation of the superweapon.’’ A figure spoke.

‘’Report it’s location to the aerial Assault Squads. Direct them towards it.’’ A figure, standing up on a raised platform, behind them, instructed.

‘’Scanners detect a massive energy signature coming from the capital’s main stronghold. That will be it’s most likely location. Our forces will be instructed towards there.’’

‘’Inform them that this mission is of uttermost importance. They MUST secure the superweapon for escort.’’ The figure upon the platform instructed.

‘’I obey.’’ Replied the Controller.

‘’Controller to all Taskforce Leaders. There is a massive energy spike emanating from the capital castle. All units will converge. Eliminate all enemy resistance in your path, securing the Hand is your main mission priority!’’ It’s voice spoke on the Invasion Forces’ communications’ channel.

‘’Exterminate! Exterminate them all!’’ The hovering Daleks shouted, firing their beams down towards the Daleks. Their inferior armor barely doing anything to protect them against the death beams of their enemies.

Down in the streets, the already landed invaders, fired off their beams towards the small pockets of resistance that was being offered them. Their superior armor being sufficient enough to withstand even the intense firepower of a Special Weapons Dalek.

Explosions erupted in the distance, screams filled the streets, and powerful bursts of highly concentrated firepower.

The Daleks that had landed on the ground, and were currently proceeding through the streets, suddenly stopped in place. Inside of the Communications Network, they were receiving new orders. When the voice stopped speaking, they were left in a state utter silence.

Slowly, they started to move again. Their Travel machines started to lift up into the air, underneath them, the ground became fainter and further away, as they hovered upwards in the air. All over Canterlot, long groups of Daleks were doing the same. Flying, silently, up into the air from random positions throughout the city.

They turned, facing themselves towards the already battle ravaged castle, then…they started to advance forward towards it.


Amidst the giant cloud of loud voices, a Dalek suddenly stopped in it’s place. It looked it’s eyestalk around. Turning itself around, looking it’s eyestalk down towards the city. Through it’s eyestalk lens, it ran a scan.

Noticing that this particular Dalek had stopped, a few other Daleks of the advancing groups, also stopped. They moved closer, approaching it. The lone Dalek raised it’s eyestalk, looking towards them.

‘’My sensors are reading several non-Dalek lifeforms moving through the city. They are heading towards the outskirts of the city. It could be nothing, but I’m going to investigate it.’’ The Dalek spoke to the rest of the group of curious onlookers. It started to fly down, adjusting itself in the air as it descended down towards the city…As the rest of them advanced on the castle. The castle itself was already in a rather bad condition from the earlier conflicts that had taken place there.

Walls were destroyed and cracked, windows shattered, and holes in the ground from Special Weapons Daleks’ destructive firepower.

Making their way inside through the destroyed walls, they were granted quick access to the rest of the weakened fortress. They glided down the hallways, making their way to the source of the high energy spike. Outside the castle, flying through the air, three Dalek Attack Ships were flying around the castle, making their way towards the energy source’s location.

Half-way through their search, they approached a separate section of the castle, a lone section that protruded a ways out from the wall. From within that section of the castle, they detected the energy source. There were several windows on it’s sides, however, and while there was not much that could be seen, a faint, occasional light was visible, illuminating the room, and becoming visible from the outside.

They hovered outside the room, the Daleks, operating the ship, piloted it in such a way, that they could see the occasional gentle hints of light from inside.

*Back onboard the ship in the sky*

‘’Dalek Assault Ship 5, reporting – We have located the superweapon, repeat, we have located the Hand. Repeat, we have located the Hand of Omega!’’ A voice spoke through the intercom inside the Control Room.

‘’Copy that, Assault Ship 5. Relaying information to Taskforce Leaders!’’ The voice of the Dalek Controller replied to the Assault Ship’s own intercom.

On a large scale, as the Daleks were advancing within the castle, another message was suddenly delivered to them. ‘’All Daleks will converge on the highest energy reading that they can detect! The Hand has been located! Repeat, the Hand has been detected!’’

Throughout the castle, Daleks stopped in place. They turned themselves around, and either began coming back the way they had come, or turned a different corner when they were originally going down the other way.

*On the outskirts of Canterlot*

The group of Dark-grey Daleks were hurrying as fast as they possible could muster. They had to reach one of the Shuttles, and use it to escape from Canterlot. The best possible outcome would be that the Dalek Race would endure.

The casket was in the middle of their group, inside it was the most powerful weapon ever thought up. They would not be able to use it for their own intentions, nor did they retain the knowledge of how to wield it’s destructive powers on their own, but at the best case scenario, they could prevent it from being taken by the Daleks. They would go into hiding, remain hidden from the eyes of their enemies...And one day emerge again, to the world for themselves, as they should have, here today.

Above them, their own Saucer was attempting to move away from Canterlot. It taking heavy fire from the Dalek Assault Ships. The ship’s automated defense turrets were firing back upon them, but even with these descent defenses, they only managed to destroy a half of a quarter of the Dalek ships, before the Assault Ships attacked, and destroyed those turrets.

*Onboard the Dalek Saucer*

The Control Room shook violently, as another explosion occurred. The Dalek operators looked their eyestalks towards the screens in front of them, seeing the status of the Saucer.

‘’We have lost our Engines! The Dalek’s Assault Ships are merciless in their assault against us!’’ Said one of the Daleks.

A black-domed, dark-grey Dalek approached one of the operators. It rotated it’s dome, looking it’s eyestalk out towards the screen in front of them.

‘’Get fire crews to contain the fires on Levels 5, 10, and 15!’’ The black-domed Dalek instructed.

‘’I obey!’’ The Dalek replied.

‘’Black Dalek! I demand to speak with you, immediately!’’ A high-pitched voice spoke through the intercom. The Dalek rotated it’s dome, looking it’s eyestalk up towards the ceiling.

‘’I obey!’’ It spoke. It’s body turned away from the operator, and glided across the floor towards the door. ‘’Launch Combat Hoverbouts, and prepare to combat the Assault Ships! Our speedier Fighter ships should make quick work of them!’’ It instructed.

‘’We are unable to launch our Combat Hoverbouts!’’ The operator spoke up. The Dalek stopped in place as it heard this. ‘’Our Hangers are experiencing violently spreading fires that have forced our forces to pull back into the ship!’’

The Black Dalek remained still for a few minutes, not speaking a work. Just looking it’s eyestalk down.

‘’I-instruct-…Instruct all of our ground forces to use hide-and-run tactics to deal with the Daleks! Our losses is too high to afford losing any further!’’ The Black Dalek instructed. It glided along the floor, as it headed towards the door, again.

‘’I obey!’’ Replied the operator, as the door swung inside the side, inside the wall, and it moved out into the hallways.

As it hurried through the corridors of the ship, they shook, violently.

*Inside a darkened chamber*

The door swung closed behind him, as he proceeded forward. He entered inside the chamber, reaching it’s internal core. Here, the damage was a minimum, though, parts of the wall had suffered some powerful damage.

Around the center, a base stood, but surrounding the base, and the figure that stood atop the base, was a large, white cage – The figure inside the cage had a tall pointed body that moved up, atop it’s head, though, there was a head section, with a strange head section, which had a Dalek dome, with a standard eyestalk, as well.

The eyestalk look itself down towards the Black Dalek.

‘’Black Dalek…!’’ The figure spoke. ‘’I have summoned you here to my chambers because of a growing paranoia! The Daleks could be listening in on our communications!’’ It said ‘’Report on the status of the defense!’’ It instructed.

‘’Prime Minister, the Daleks are pushing their advantage! They’re forces are hitting us with everything they’ve got. I do not believe that we may be able to hold them for much longer!’’ Replied the Black Dalek.

‘’What is the status of the Hand of Omega!?’’ It asked.

‘’Contact with the Elite Unit tasked with escorting the Hand of Omega to the Shuttle…has been lost!’’ The Black Dalek said, hesitantly.

‘’Explain!’’ It ordered, angrily. The Black Dalek lowered it’s eyestalk, looking it down…Then moving it back up.

‘’We have not been able to pinpoint the group’s position on the city, nor have we been able to establish a communication with them! We fear that they have been attacked, or at the worst case scenario, captured by the enemy!’’ He said.

The figure rotated it’s dome, looking it’s eyestalk away from it…Before moving it back, directing it’s sight back down towards the Black Dalek again.

‘’If any of our forces are still alive within the city…Order-…’’ it interrupted itself, looking it’s eyestalk away from him. ‘’Order them to retreat! Let them scatter to the far reaches of this world!’’ It instructed to the Black Dalek.

The Black Dalek was silent. Not uttering a single word against the Supreme Dalek’s order.

‘’B-But Prime Minister, there is a chance that they might bring the Hand of Omega to us! We can still-‘’

The chamber, suddenly, shook violently. Rocking wildly.

When it dissipated, an explosion erupted from the walls of the chamber, illuminating the caged figure.

‘’There is no time! The Daleks have already beaten us, but our deaths will not be in vain if we can manage to deceive them into believing that we were destroyed in their assault!’’

*Outside the Saucer*

Zipping down through the air, the Assault Ships speed towards the Saucer’s hull, firing deadly waves of powerful energy beams down against the skin of the ship, causing it’s surface to erupt into powerful explosions, as the beams traversed it’s surface.

*Back inside the Saucer*

One of the energy beams from the Assault ships managed to pierce the ship’s hull, penetrating deeper inside it than it was originally supposed to. The energy beam cut through various levels inside the ship, before eventually making impact with something that caused it to halt it’s progression deeper into the ship.

It hit a long piece of metal that hung directly over one of the Heavy-Class Turrets, causing the long, thick metal form to explode. A large cracked hole was all that was left in the metal form, as burning, melting drops of metal dripped from the metal form, falling down onto the Heavy Turrets.

The metal form started to creak, bending downwards, as the weight started to bend the metal down, and the little remnants of un-damaged metal that remained was quickly beginning to creak, cracking apart, as it’s groaning, weakened state started to creak, loudly. Bending further and further down. Until, finally…


It broke off, falling downwards, building up speed as it fell down.

The broken metal, with a quick, and violent swing, speed down towards the Heavy Turret, it crashed into the giant, advanced piece of offensive technology. Upon making contact with the turret, the turret came loose from the floor, crashing down against the right side – Sparks erupted from where it stood, blinding anything that looked towards it, frying it’s visual circuits.

The dis-connected turret was sent crashing against the wall, causing another explosion to burst forth from the wall, upon impact.

‘’My vision is impaired! Help me! My vision is impaired! Help me!’’ A Dalek screamed out, as it spun around in place, blindly. It’s eyestalk lens, having been shattered from a direct hit with one of the flying sparks, looking up, down, and in all random directions.

All throughout the ship’s corridors, a loud alarm started beeping, blaring loudly throughout the entire ship.

‘’Warning! The Heavy Turret Shells are unprotected! Protect them at all costs! Do not let anyone fire towards them!’’ A Dalek crewmember cried out, as it, and many other Daleks, hurried to make their way towards the Ammunition Capsules.

*Outside the Saucer*

‘’All Assault Ship Pilots! There has been an update on the situation with the Dalek Saucer! It’s hull has been compromised, and an opportunity has presented itself! Complete the mission, Daleks! Complete the mission to hunt down the Abominations!’’ The voice of the Controller sounded through the Assault Ship Ships’ intercoms.

Immediately, shifting themselves around in mid-air, the wing’s panels, adjusting themselves, permitting the ship to perform the quick motion and turn itself around. With it’s still great speed, it flew back towards the Dalek Saucer.

*Inside the Saucers’ Control Room*

Within the Control Room, the alarm blared loudly, filling the entire chamber with red, blinking lights, as well.

‘’Alert! Incoming Dalek Assault Ship! I am reading multiple targets!’’ Informed the operator, as it turned it’s dome, looking it’s eyestalk back behind itself. ‘’Black Dalek!?’’ It exclaimed.

*Outside the Saucer*

‘’Target has been locked! Firing…now!’’ One of the Pilots said, as various display pop-ups appeared in front of it’s eyestalk.

Out from the turret atop it’s head, the large cannon shot forth a large, powerful beam of energy towards the Dalek Saucer.

The beam shot down inside the cracked opening. Speeding down through the destroyed interiors, damaged by the beam that had opened the way to this attack. It’s wings altered their formation

*Inside the Saucer*

The Prime Minister’s Chambers gave a violent shake, as it suddenly bucked to the side. The Black Dalek slid back, gliding along the floor, as it fell downwards, crashing against the wall. The Black Dalek, instantly exploded upon making impact with the wall, the bits, pieces, and remnants of it’s body scattering around the chamber.

‘’What is happening!? Explain! Explain!’’ The Prime Minister exclaimed, it’s voice screeching, worried. The walls around it’s chamber exploded, causing flames to begin burning into the chamber, the ground exploded, granting the flames access into the chamber, up from the floor.

The floor behind the Prime Minister started to lift more and more up, causing the broken pieces of the wall to fall forward, falling downwards. Some of the pieces hit it’s casing on their way down, and either being kept in place, or continuing to fall forward, hitting the wall when they reached it.

‘’We may be slain, but we will return, we will grow more powerful, and when the time is right, we will rise and take our rightful place as the rulers of every wor-’’

The Prime Ministers’ outcry was cut short, as it’s entire chamber was suddenly engulfed by flames, brought on by a massive, terrible explosion that burst through the doors, spilling into the chamber, consuming it.

*Outside the Saucer*

‘’All Daleks aerial personnel must evacuate from the enemy proximity! There is a massive energy spike emanating from inside the enemy Saucer!’’ The Controller’s voice ordered through the Assault Ships’ intercom.

Adjusting it’s wing panels, altering their course and speed, quickly, the Dalek Ships, hastily, turned themselves around, and started to fly away from the Saucer. Instead, flying upwards, into the sky.

Sudden, and unexpectedly, a powerful erupted out from the destroyed hole in it’s hull. All the remaining Assault Ships, that had not received the message to pull back, were startled, caught off-guard by the sudden explosion.

They, suddenly, adjusted their wings’ panels, in a desperate attempt to avoid getting caught by the explosion. Some were fortunate…others, less so.

Out from the Saucers’ sides, a plethora of explosions started erupting forth from inside it. The Saucer started to buck to the side, leaning down to it’s side, while it’s other started lifting higher up. Smoke and fires started emerging from the crippled side of the massive Warship.

*Onboard the Bridge of the Dalek Command Ship*

‘’Commander, the enemy Saucer seems to have been greatly crippled. Shall our Gunners target the Saucer, and dispense of them?’’ The Controller asked, as it, gently, rotated it’s dome, slightly, to the side.

‘’Yes. Order every Gunner, possible, to concentrate their fire towards the enemy Saucer. In this weakened state, their shields will be too…We must take advantage of this situation, and wipe them out, once and for all.

Also, order our forces to seek out any fleeing Dalek forces, and eliminate them.’’ The figure atop the platform ordered. ‘’Not a single Dalek must be left alive, or all our efforts will have been in vain.’’

‘’I obey.’’ The Controller replied. It turned it’s Manipulator arm, as it worked the controls. ‘’Giving Gunners, their target.’’ It said.

‘’Exterminate! Exterminate them! Exterminate all Abominations!’’ The Dalek with the spherical head ordered, from atop it’s platform.

Giant turrets on the underside of the ship started to move. Turning themselves away from where they had previously been pointed, turning themselves downwards, and directing their aim towards the greatly crippled Dalek Saucer.

‘’You may fire when ready.’’ The Dalek, atop it’s platform, instructed to the Controller.

‘’I obey!’’ It replied

Spinning wildly around, as it shot up through the sky. Heading towards the clouds, where the Dalek Attack Ships had come from. None of the ships had returned to that spot for quite a while now, which meant that it was virtually unprotected. Leaving it open for him, Twilight, Luna, and the rest to get onboard, and stop all of this from getting any further out of control. The main target, because it was literally everywhere, were the Daleks. But what was to stop to stop them from taking the fight to the Ponies afterwards?

*Inside the TARDIS*

The Medic was, hurriedly, moving between various controls on the Console. Pulling levers, pressed buttons, and even operated several things that looked like they didn’t do anything, but apparently they did.

He hurried over to one side. Reached up with his hoof, and pulled down a screen. Looking back into it.

‘’Hah!’’ He suddenly exclaimed, from out of nowhere. Startling everyone in the room beside him. ‘’Found you.’’ He said, gaining an excited smile, as he, once again, darted around the Console Unit, and started doing some other things.

Twilight, and Luna, just silently observing him. It was actually quite remarkable at the pace of which he managed to process things so fast. It was rather mind blowing.

‘To think that someone like him can think so fast. H-he’s even putting me to shame.’ Twilight blushed, smiling softly.

Forth, from amidst the thicket of clouds. A sudden barrage of concentrated energy beams shot down. Speeding through the air, as they were fired towards down towards the Dalek Saucer.

With powerful force, the blanket of energy beams impacted against the Saucers’ hull. Violent explosions erupted from various locations throughout the Saucer. Mostly from places on it, that didn’t seem to be connected, but apparently, they were. All throughout the Saucer, as a flood bursting through a dam, it was effected much more violently. Spreading the damage to other parts of the Saucer.

Exploding crevices ripped their way through the skin of the ship, causing various internal sections to break apart from each other, granting the flames inside the ship access to the outside world. Red glowing cracks spread across the saucers’ top dome...

Swaying, unevenly from side to side, as it’s control was lost even further, dooming it further.

Inside the Saucer, the door to the Control Room, was destroying by the flames. Swallowed up by the flames, as they spilled into the room. Consuming everything…and everyone within it. They tried to turn themselves away from it. Their efforts, however, were in vain, as the flames released a high concentration of energy at that exact moment.


In a single second, the entirety of the Dalek Saucer’s top dome vanished, as the cracks in it’s skin vanished into a violent explosion that burst forth from inside the Saucer, itself…Leaving nothing in it’s wake, but a devastating, flaming crater. There were remnants of the original internal structures inside the Saucer, but it was now burning mildly, as the flames were diminished.

The Saucer, once again, started to creak and groan, as it fell apart from itself. Internally, it all started to begin falling away from each other.

Then, in mid-air, from the internal entirety of the Saucer, a powerful explosion forced itself out from inside it. Destroying everything it’s fiery touch came into contact with.

Due to the violent explosion from inside the ship. The ship rocked, wildly. Cracks destroying what little chance remained for the ship to survive, and possibly crash down against the ground. Pieces started to dis-connect from each other. Breaking off, as the Saucer started to fall down towards the surface at a much faster rate.

Sections separated from each other’s side, but not so that they were not ripped very far away from the ship.

Finally, the utterly ravaged Dalek Saucer crashed down into the ground. A powerful flash of light erupting forth from it’s impact site.

*Back inside the TARDIS Console Room*

‘’Whoa!’’ Twilight exclaimed, moving back away from the screen. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened, but with her pupils incredibly small at the intense display of the Daleks’ power.

‘Such raw power! Such…devastating might.’ Her mind thought, as her mouth uttered not a single word. ‘We’ve had problems dealing with them for several hours, and yet these Daleks step in, and without even breaking a sweat, dispense of them. Wow.’

‘’They destroyed them.’’ Luna said, stepping up towards the screen. But no longer did it display the falling Dalek Saucer. Instead, it now showed a destroyed crater, within which, was a large burning Dalek Saucer. It’s one side, which had not had been utterly destroyed in the devastating impact, stuck up into the air. Deep cracks pierced it’s skin, through which fires emerged the crevices.

He turned, looking his head towards the screen. Soundlessly, he reached for the levers. Suddenly bucking to the side, the TARDIS shot forward. Speeding towards the clouds.

*Inside the Dalek Command Ship Control Room*

‘’Alert! Alert! Time Capsule detected on-course with our ship!’’ The Controller shouted, worried. The Dalek atop the platform became silent as it heard this.

‘’Then…It is him. He has returned. Come back to us in a moment of peril, like he always does.’’

‘’Supreme Dalek?’’ The figure asked, confused. Rotating it’s eyestalk, a little to the side.

‘’Y-yes. It is nothing.’’ The sphere-headed Dalek replied. ‘’Order all forces to return to us. We depart for space, as soon as possible.’’ It instructed to the Controller.

‘’I obey.’’ The Controller replied. Rotating it’s eyestalk back towards the screen. Rotating it’s Manipulator arm around a little, to the side

Down below on the ground, the Dalek forces were all stopping what they were doing. They all turned themselves around, and started to glide back down the way they had come, heading towards the closest crack in the wall. Hovering back into the air, as it headed towards the skies. Heading towards one particular section of clouds.

Down on the outskirts of the city, a lone Renegade Dalek Shuttle was igniting it’s Engines. Engaging it, as, it started to lift up off the ground. It turned itself around, and started to fly forward. Following after the hovering Drones, and Assault Ships, as they returned up into the air. A large, long black mass that flew upwards.

As they reached the clouds, they penetrated the soft layer in front of them. Moving towards a Hangar entrance on their Command Ship.

Next Chapter: Into Darkness Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 39 Minutes
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