
May I Have this Dance My Princess?

by thedarkitty

Chapter 1: Probably the only chapter...

Twilight was standing beside her bed taking a moment to watch her marefriend Rainbow Dash sleep before waking her up. She could never get over how adorable her pegasus looked when she curled up into a small ball snuggling with one of her larger pillows, and she was feeling extremely tempted to take the pillow’s place even if it meant getting a bit of drool in her mane. Unfortunately there was no time for their morning snuggles as they had a rather busy day ahead of them.

“Hey Rainbow, it’s time to wake up.” Twilight said softly, giving her sleeping pegasus a gentle shake to wake her up.

Rainbow groaned tiredly and her eyes flitted briefly open. “Ugh... Twi... Can’t you see I’m sleeping?”

Twilight shook her a bit more urgently. “But it’s important Dashie!”

“That’s nice... I’d love to hear about that...” She yawned tiredly before turning over. “...Later.”

Twilight sighed dejectedly knowing she’d have to go to extreme measures in order to get her lover out of bed and ready for the day. “Well then, I never thought it’d come to this,” Twilight smiled evilly. “Dashie, I’m pregnant!”

Rainbow’s eyes shot wide open and she turned over to look at Twilight with wide panicked eyes. “SAY WHAT NOW?!”

Twilight snickered and rolled her eyes at how easy it was to bait her marefriend. “It’s nothing you need to worry about Dashie.”

Rainbow glared at her. “Oh please, you said you were pregnant... Wait a minute, you can’t get pregnant!”

“You got me there Rainbow, I only said that to wake your lazy flank up for once. And it was either that, or jabbing you with my horn but I didn’t think you’d like that.”

“Unless it’s in my plothole,” Rainbow muttered barely loud enough to be heard.

Twilight switched her gaze to bedroom eyes and glanced down towards Rainbow’s cutie mark area. “What was that you said Dashie?”

“I didn’t say anything,” Rainbow objected, even though her blushing face contradicted her words. “Still though, setting me up with your little trick, so not cool.”

“Sorry, I just wanted you roused up for the surprising news I had.”

“I think I’ve had my fill of surprising news this morning, babe.”

Twilight couldn’t quite keep the smile off her muzzle at the fact that she had successfully pranked Ponyville’s top prankster. “You should of seen the face you made when I said I was pregnant.”

“Whatever, I’m up now so tell me the news you wanted to tell me.”

“Okay, well I got a letter from Shining Amour asking if I was interested in going to the Grand Galloping Gala tomorrow and I thought, sure why not?” Twilight blushed slightly as she leaned in closer to nuzzle Rainbow’s cheek, and whisper in her ear. “After all, I did kinda want the chance to dance with you ever since we started going out

Rainbow shivered slightly as she felt electric tingles run down her back from the sensation of her marefriend’s breath softly caressing her ear. “I don’t know Twi, I’m not that great of a dancer.”
Twilight giggled and pulled back to stare into Rainbow’s eyes. “That makes both of us, unless of course you count flailing your arms and shaking that flank as good dancing.”

Rainbow snickered and used her wings to bring Twilight into a soft hug. “I remember that, you were pretty cute in your own little spotlight. And it’was pretty hot when you were shaking your flank.”

Twilight purred contently as she felt her pegasus’s warm downy feathers caress and tickle her back. “Well it was my birthday so I didn’t care much about what dancing I was doing, I just wanted to have fun. But I want our dance at the Galla to be special.”

Rainbow sighed and rested her head on Twilight’s shoulder. “If only the dance wasn’t so formal, I hate doing that kind of dancing.”

Twilight reluctantly pulled herself from Rainbow’s embrace. “Well it is Canterlot, so formal dancing is what’s expected. Anyway we need to get everything ready for tomorrow.”

Rainbow followed her marefriend downstairs taking the opportunity admire those sexy flanks of hers. “Besides, I’m more of a dirty dancer than a formal dancer.”

Twilight reached the bottom of the stairs and turned around to look at Rainbow with extreme bedroom eyes. “Oh really, and how dirty do you dance?”

Rainbow returned Twilight’s look of seductive bedroom eyes. “Very dirty, I used to be an exotic dancer.”

Twilight looked slightly surprised at this news. “THE Rainbow Dash was on a stripper pole!”

“No not stripper pole type stuff, I’m more of the kind for rousing mares at a bachelorette party dressed as a firefighter.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Wow, since when were you a private dancer?”

“Shortly before moving to Ponyville I used to live with my mom in Las Pegasus during the summer since my parents were divorced, and I needed a little extra cash to help pay for the extra costs of me living there with her.” Just then her stomach growled and she blushed slightly. “It looks like all that talking made me hungry, let’s have some breakfast than we can practice our formal dancing later.”

“You mean you want to do formal dancing with me?” Twilight gave a delighted SQUEE and pulled her pegasus into a massive bone crushing hug. “Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! You have no idea how much this means to me!”

“I can pretty much guess by the ‘pounds per square inch’ on my spine how much it means to you,” Rainbow managed to gasp out from Twilight’s affection filled death grip.

Twilight stepped away from her marefriend and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry about that Rainbow, I’m just so happy to do this with you. And afterwards we can go over to Rarity’s.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “To watch her go through another breakdown?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, Dashie.”

“You know, I think I’m getting the hang of this.” Twilight said as she led her marefriend through the complicated dance routine. It had only taken a few dozen attempts to come this far with their formal dancing and Rainbow’s body was aching all over from the amount of times she had fallen over.
Not to mention all the times she had used her quick catlike reflexes to make sure Twilight landed on her whenever she messed up with a crucial step in the dance routine.

“I’m somewhat there I suppose,” Rainbow muttered not sounding very confident with herself.

“Seriously? We have yet to do the other dance styles and we’re still stuck on this one!”

“Well you do remember that each pony learns at his or her pace, right?”

“Right,” Twilight sighed. “I suppose we’ll just have to continue practicing until we get this dancing style right.”

Somepony knocked on the door to the library, but before Twilight could make any move to answer it, Spike was already doing just that. “Howdy there partners!” Applejack said, when the dor was opened.

“Oh hey Applejack, what brings you here?”

A coy smile appeared on the farm pony’s muzzle mostly aimed at Rainbow Dash. “Rares told me ta fetch you two lovebirds and bring yous by her place.”

“Oh my gosh!” Twilight practically yelled in a panic. “I’ve been so distracted with this dancing I almost forgot I needed to stop by.”

Rainbow facehoofed. “Ugh... Can this whole dress thing wait ‘til tomorrow? Me and Twi have important things to do.”

“No, Rarity wants the dresses to be done today since to her it’s best to be prepared and ah respect that.” Another coy smile directed at Rainbow Dash found it’s way onto her muzzle. “Plus... Ah don’t think them fancy Canterlot folk would appreciate your dirty dance routine on the dancefloor.”

“Who you...” Rainbow snarled.

“RAINBOW! Stop it!” Twilight admonished using her magic to grab her pegasus’s tail before she could charge and tackle Applejack. “Applejack’s just having fun with you. And besides, it’s clearly obvious that we were practicing the dance styles of Canterlot.”

Applejack’s smirk didn’t let up. “If ya say so, sugarcube. Now let’s go ASAP.”

Rainbow folded her forelegs and her expression changed to an epic pout. “Uncomfortable frilly dresses here I come.”

The mares stepped outside and Applejack mudged her friend’s shoulder playfully. “Chin up RD, I ain’t the type to dress up all fancy, so at least you’re not alone.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh, whatever. I still don’t like doing this.”

Applejack just chuckled. “But at least we’re lucky enough ta see our mares in those gowns. Now that’s a sight.”

Rainbow blushed and glanced at Twilight. “Yeah, that’s the only good thing about this, getting to see my princess in a gown.”

Twilight giggled. “Its great to see you two getting along now.”

“Thanks for noticin’ that Twi, now Dash can finally understand that I can be a nice pony! In fct I can be so nice that I would hire her as a dancer for me and Rares bacherlotte party.”

“Not sure if I wanna get paid.” Rainbow muttered.

Twilight came to a sudden stop and stared at Applejack with surprise. “How did you know that Dashie was a... Well...a special kind of dancer.”

“Ah was over at Lyra and Bon Bon’s bacherlotte party that one time.”

Rainbow facehoofed. “.....”


(At Carousel Boutique)
“NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!” Rainbow Screamed backing away fearfully from the frilly nightmare that was her gown for the Grand Galloping Galla.

“Twilight be a dear and hold her down with your magic.” Rarity requested as she stalked slowly towards Rainbow like a predator hunting its prey, with the dress held in her magical aura

Twilight grinned evilly and lit her horn with her own magic. “It’ll be my pleasure!”

Rainbow shot her marefriend a glare. “Traitor.”

Applejack merely popped another piece of popcorn into her mouth, enjoying the show playing out in front of her.

Just then Pinkie appeared out of nowhere grabbing a hoofull of popcorn from Applejack. “So did I miss anything?”

“Nope, it’s just getting started.”

Rainbow finally realizing she was being backed into a corner by her two tormentors knew she would be trapped soon so she flared her wings and shot towards the open window. Twilights magic enveloped her tail just before she managed to fly her way to freedom out the window. “Come on Rainbow Dash, there were other times you wore a dress so why now d you hesitate.”

Rainbow clutched the window sill for dear life as Twilight continued yanking on her tail. “Just not my thing!”


“And if it’s your dad’s old tuxedo then ahm sure Rares is gonna find it and burn it.”

“Very much so darling, in fact I’ll burn it right in front of you.”

“And ahll be video tapin’ the whole thing!”

“Don’t care,” Rainbow grunted through the pain of trying to hold onto the windowsill while her tail was practically being tugged from her body. “You can do as you please, just as long as it means I don’t have to wear that dress!”

Twilight gave an exasperated sigh and gave RAinbow’s tail the hardest tug yet. “Just get back inside and get it over with!”

Rainbow finally lost her grip on the windowsill and was yanked back inside with enough force to send her crashing into the mannequins.

“RAINBOW!” Twilight screamed in panic as she ran over to the pile of debris to save her pegasus. She used her magic to unbury her lover from the pile of debris she was buried under before pulling her into desperate hug and trying her best not to cry at the possibility she may have injured Dashie. “I’m so sorry baby, I swear I didn’t mean for that to happen. Please tell me you’re not hurt!”

Rainbow returned the hug and gave Twilight a reassuring nuzzle. “I’m fine, it was just like a crash landing and i’m pretty much used to those.”

Twilight gave a light chuckle and gave Rainbow a glance over to make sure she was in fact fine.

“Now how about we get this dress fitting over with?” Rarity suggested.

“Thanks for the dresses, Rarity. They’re really great, even if Dashie won’t admit it.” Twilight nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek affectionately. “Shes going to look so beautiful at the gala. Especially with all those soft lights of the ballroom lighting her mane and dress just right.”

“I too am most excited for the occasion!” Rarity practically squealed, before smiling sheepishly. “Despite what happened with our encounter with the previous Gala.”

“Yeah it was pretty bad what we did completely destroying it, but it was fun having to hear all of our attempts to make it the best night ever.”

Rarity giggled. “It was pretty bad, but knowing us and the trouble we sem to constantly find ourselves in, I think we’re going to make tomorrow night’s Gala just as bad.”

“Maybe it’ll be so bad that it’s good.”

Applejack chuckled and stepped off the couch stretching out her muscles which were cramped from sitting down for so long. “Them Canterlot folk won’t know what hit’em when we show up.”

“Hopefully they can lighten up for a change,” Rainbow muttered.

Pinkie swallowed her current mouthful of sugary sweets. “I doubt that they will, they pretend as though it never happened.”

“Boy am I glad not to be living there anymore,” Twilight said “they’re too overbearing to be around with the exception of the princesses, my parents, Cadence and my brother Shining Amour.”

“You forgot to mention Doughnut Joy,”Rainbow pointed out.

Pinkie looked confused.”Hey isn’t he the one with the ball pit?”

Twilight groaned and facehoofed. “Don’t mention ballpits while Dashie’s around.”

Rainbow gave a dejected sigh. “It’s a shame that we don’t have enough time to go there.”

“How ‘bout this Dashie, if we get to practice our dance routine before tomorrow night then I guarantee that we’ll head to Donought Joe’s and play, and more than likely makeout, in the ballpit area.”

Rainbow gave a delighted squee and hugged her marefriend tightly. “Thanks babe! Anything for both! Now back to the library, and dancing.”

Back at the library the two lovers were practicing their dance for the last time and Rainbow was definitely looking more improved.

“Hey egghead,” Rainbow said twirling Twilight and bringing her down into a dip.

Twilight smirked up at her lover. “Yes my featherbrain?”

“I was thinking why only me, you, AJ, and Rares were going to the Gala. Why aren’t Pinkie and Shy?”

Twilight looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well Fluttershy can’t come as she’s currently undergoing a illness, and Pinkie can’t go because she has to look after the tins while Mister and Misses Cake are out of town.”

“Well I was kinda hoping they could have used this as a chance to get together. After all I’d hate to be in their position of not having a special somepony while the rest of us do.”

“Oh I’m sure we’s have hooked up eventually...”

“Especially considering how much I love kissing those lips of yours.”

“Oh Dashie, come here you.” Twilight closed the distance between them sealing their muzzles together in a passionate kiss, and she shivered as she felt the familiar sensation of electric tingling running through her spine while butterflies flittered in her stomach. They were both sensations she loved dearly and wanted to keep feeling for as long a she lived. She pulled her pegasus to the ground, and Rainbow smirked down at her.

“I guess dance class is over now...”

“Very much so,” Twilight agreed before kissing her again just as the library door opened.

“Seriously guys!” Spike said walking in with a fresh cheese and vegetable pizza. “Every time... Why can’t you two smooch someplace where it6 won’t be the very first thing I see when I walk in.”

The two mares blushed brightly before disentailing themselves from one another. “Sorry about that Spike,” Twilight said. “I forgot you were gone for half the day.”

“Sheesh,” Spike muttered taking the pizza to the kitchen.

Twilight glanced slyly back at marefriend before pouncing on her and teleporting them to the bedroom and locking the door.


(Next night at Canterlot Station.)

“TWILY! I’ve missed you heaps!” Shining Amour greeted before hugging his little sister tightly. “It’s so nice to see my LSBFF, and her marefriend... Nice dress Dash.”

Rainbow blushed and looked away. “...Yeah...thanks...”

“So how’s everything going at the Crystal Empire!” Twilight asked.

“Things haven’t changed much, I kinda miss Canterlot, but that could be because I don’t know the Crystal Empire very well.”

Twilight nodded knowingly. “I can relate to my first few days in Ponyville being like that. But the transition was made much better by my wonderful friends, who I was lucky enough to became a special somepony with one. So where’s Cadence?”

Shining nodded in the direction of the Canterlot Castle. “She’s with the royal sisters. Where are all your other friends?”

“Why we’re here, darling,” Applejack said in her Applejewel accent that matched her fancy fluffy dress.

Rainbow’s eyes widened in complete disbelief at what her eyes were seeing. “Is that really you Applejack?”

“That’s Applejewel to you featherbrain.”

“I do apologize for being a bit late,” Rarity said. “But I had to have my mane fixed before arriving at our destination.”

“No need to apologize,” Shining reassured the unicorn.

“Glad to hear,” Applejack said. “Though I must say it is very windy up here.”

“Well we are on a mountain,” Twilight pointed out. “So the weather tends to be windy.”

“Well darling, this wind is making me feel as though I’m wearing nothing at all.” Applejack shook her flank to accentuate her point giving Dash a perfect view, and causing the pegasus’s wings to ‘pomf’ loudly in a wingboner.

Rarity glared at her marefriend. “Ahem...Applejack darling... You’re making Rainbow very uncomfortable...”

Applejack smirked. “ Her fault for having a dirty mind.”


(At the Gala)

“Sorry about the wingboner earlier before,” Rainbow said as she danced with her marefreind.

Twilight gave her pegasus a soft nuzzle. “It’s okay Dashie, AJ’s just being AJ, always finding new ways to make you feel uncomfortable.”

Observing the couple on the sidelines was Cadence who was watching with her husband. “Don’t they look adorable Shiny?”

“Yeah, I’m glad my sister found somepony who loves her for being her, and not because she’s the princess’s personal protege, or because she’s the princess of friendship.”

“It’s a shame Pinkie Pie didn’t show up... Things would have been great.”

Shining couldn’t help but smile. “I definitely agree. I heard the news of last year’s Gala, and the incidents my sister and her friends got themselves and everypony else into. If only I was there to watch all those animals running around. That would have been great.”

Cadence smirked with amusement. “Very great, who doesn’t want a little chaos now and then. Especially at something as boring as this.”
As soon as Cadence had finished her sentance there was a bright flash of light and the Lord of Chaos himself appeared out of nowhere. Discord smiled mischievously, “did somepony say chaos?”

“DISCORD!” Twilight screamed. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”

Discord shrugged innocently. “Whaaaatttt.... Somepony said the magic word so I thought I’d drop in and perhaps bring some life to this party.

Twilight narrowed her eyes suspiciously “I don’t know, that’s usually Pinkies job.”

“Well the crazy pink party pony isn’t here now is she?”

“Unfortunately no,” Rainbow muttered looking a little worried.

Discord’s smile grew wider. “Than I’ll just fill in for her then.” He snapped his fingers causing Vinyl Scratch to appear on the stage and fill the ballroom with her dubstep remixes.

“Not bad,” Rainbow said appreciatively, before facehoofing when she saw her marefriend doing the same dance she had done on her birthday party. “Ugh Twi, please not that dance again!”

Twilight merely shook her flank in Dash’s face giving her marefriend her second wingboner for that night.

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