
Iron Maiden, the Mare with the Magic Scarf

by CelestialKnight79
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Iron Maiiden is an immortal that has lost all her memories, prior to fifty years ago, but perhaps with the help of her new found friend, a mare named Abigale, she may yet regain them.
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Iron Maiden is an immortal earth pony that has walked these lands more times than any other pony that has, or every will live. She has witnessed the rise and fall of empires and nations, both big and small. She has seen the first drop of rain fall from the heavens, and was there to feel the first gust of wind, she even viewed the first Sun rise and set. Everything that ponies take for granted, she was the first to experience, before ponies came along to even give them names.

However, she can not remember any of that, nor anything else prior to fifty years ago; when she first awoke from a long, long, long slumber with nothing more than her scarf, and her name. For those fifty years, Iron Maiden found herself lost and frightened, for without her memories the world seemed like a terrifying place rather than the veritable treasure trove of adventure and excitement it once was. She feared this was to be her fate, until she met the pegasi, Abigale, who not only befriended her, but swore to assist in recovering all the memories she lost.

Now with a friend beside her, can Iron Maiden at last reclaim her lost past, or is she doomed to be nothing more than a tale without a beginning?

Slice of Life

3,240 words: Estimated 13 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Chapter 1: No Strawberries?! [Cache] Nov 28th, 2015
Published Nov 27th, 2015


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