
The Sacred Sword

by The_Masked_Fox

Chapter 4: Ch.3 - The Original Base and The Book of the Void

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~~Twilight’s PoV~~

It has been weeks since I moved into Ponyville, I feel calm and happy in this library. I miss my brother, my mom, my dad, my mentor, and my friend Ryusei. I actually wonder what language Ryusei’s name is in… I have not seen anything like his anywhere else.

I push myself away from the table and decide to take a walk, what is going t- no, this is Ponyville, there’s no chance of a week without a disaster of some kind. I laugh a bit because not only did I find a place where I feel free from the chains of life, but I found a place where no matter how long I’m here I have found my home.

When I go downstairs and into the kitchen I find Spike, my assistant making breakfast and he then looks at me and smiles at me, “Twilight, I’m making blueberry pancakes.” I couldn’t help but to smile, we both know I love blueberry pancakes.

“Spike, after breakfast do you want to join me on my walk?” He nods eagerly; it makes sense although dragons are like us Equestrians in form they actually are a more active race, they spend their adult and elder years in their caves but during the years before that they tend to have tons of energy.

It took a while before he finished making breakfast and for us to eat it, around 20 minutes I believe then we left and started to walk around Ponyville, today is Thursday the day when RD and Rarity have a day off from work. I smile, at least, I know that on Thursdays RD is lazing about, the library won't be missing a window or have a hole in the wall.

I start to look around taking in the beauty of the trees around us when I see a certain pegasus known as Rainbow Dash sitting in a tree apparently sleeping, when I get closer I begin to see blue lines going from the pocket in her pants to her ears. Wait she’s listening to music? When I get close enough I see she is bobbing her head while listening to her music.

I say “Hi” to her a few times but she couldn’t hear me to instead of yelling at her I kick the tree and she practically jumps out of her skin then falls off of the tree and lands on her feet looking frantically around before she saw me, she then pulled out her one of her ear buds and rubs the back of her head, “Hey Twilight!” she then sees spike, “Yo Spike!” she offers him her hand to fist bump and Spike does so.

I couldn’t help but ask her, “RD, what are you listening to?”

She turns to me and smiles then laughs a bit, “I’m listening to my favorite band, Twenty Warrior Wall, a band who makes awesome music that ranges from dark and melancholy to light and happy, close to no-one knows anything about them other than it’s a band made up of twenty people and that it’s a combination of all the races.

I couldn’t help but raise and eyebrow, “Mind if I listen to it with you?” she shakes her head and walks next to me on my right and tells me, “We’re friends, we can listen to the same music, I can tell you were walking so I’ll walk with you while we listen to Twenty Warrior Wall’s music.” After she finished saying that she gives me the other ear bud, which I put into my left ear.

She then pulls out her E-song, a device we invented and it holds recorded music in its’ inner gem so you can carry music, voice recordings, anything sound wise anywhere with you and he presses a button and a song starts up.

I hear a guitar and other interments then a man singing, who sound just like Ryusei.

We try to face the fight within
But it's over
We are ready for the riot to begin
And to stand strong
We walked the path that led us to the end
We are caught beneath with nothing left to give

When warriors fall with broken swords
We can't give up, we can't give in
When all is lost and daylight ends
We’ll carry you and we will live forever, forever

Grey skies will chase the light away
No longer
We fought the fight now only dark remains
Divided we will stand
And we will let this end

When warriors fall with broken swords
We can't give up, we can't give in
When all is lost and daylight ends
We’ll carry you and we will live forever, forever

The sun begins to rise
And wash away the sky
The turning of the tide
Don't leave it all behind
And we will never say goodbye

When warriors fall with broken swords
We can't give up, we can't give in
When all is lost and daylight ends
We’ll carry you and we will live forever, forever

When the song finished I couldn’t help but to stare at RD’s E-song then at RD when she asked, “So how did you like it?”

“That was amazing! They captured the emotion and they sound like they are fighting for us, not for themselves, not for their music, but for Equestria…” I begin to shake my head the man who sung that song sounds just like Ryusei, but I don't know if he even can sing. I shake my head a bit and smile, “I’d like to listen to another.”

RD just smiled and played the next song and we continued to walk aimlessly.

~~Cobalion’s PoV~~

I looked at the room we are in; the people who made this place knew what they were doing… but hells bells! This room by its’ self is larger than the throne room in Canterlot! It is, at least, ten of those stacked on top each other with the long side facing upwards.

I can tell this was specialized for ASF’s training, but the fact they made this room so stable and yet underground amazes me, I’ve seen many things but… wow, this is… hell’s bells… talk about overkill.

I shake my head, I want to train in landing on my feet after being dropped but with this cliff I’m standing on the edge of, there’s no need for that, I simply have to jump and then land.

I walk away from the edge then turn around and run off toward the edge and jump of last second and I see the ground approaching but it is far away when suddenly a book appears in front of me, it is open and its’ pages are beginning to move upwards as it begins to fall, I expect to just go straight through it with the speed I’m going at but when I hit it, it doesn’t break in half but instead goes with me and it blocks my vision so I try to get it off but by doing to it messes with my gravity and I suddenly start to spin in circles as I begin to flail while trying to get the book off my face.

When I finally manage to get the book off my face I see the ground and the first thoughts were, ‘well shit.’ Then I hit into the ground on my bottom, luckily for me Cobalt woke up when I started to flail and once we saw the ground he channeled the built up magic and added a lot more from my mana batteries into the armor on my bottom and releases it right before I hit the ground which made me land safely.

I sigh in relief at the fact that Cobalt saved me, then I looked at the book, it’s purple with an appearance very similar to the dark tomes in a game I once played, (I can’t remember the name of it, though… oh well), which made me slightly confused. I begin to flip though the pages and I saw something that made me even more confused, each page is blank.

I sighed then walked to my room for who knows how long and once I get there I decide to sense the magic around me when I ‘saw’ that this book was composed of magic, but not any magic, it is made of void magic. This gave me an idea where I choose to re-create my sword, which is a European longsword and its' sheath, but made out of void magic instead of wood and steel, it was tough and when I was done I managed to make a near perfect copy. Then after making it I started to put enchantments into it, so it is impossible to unsheathe by those who seek to hurt the innocent and to be impossible to unsheathe for a being without void magic in them to wield it, I then decided to add one more enchantment which would only work if the sword was stabbed into the ground, if it is stabbed into the ground I would hear what their goal is.

I then picked it up and opened a portal into the void and threw my void magic sword into after saying this; “For those who’s goal is to protect the innocent I am your ally, for those who seek to destroy and hurt the innocent I am your nemesis. I am Cobalion, Aspect of Justice its’ self, the Steel Legendary and once the Leader of the Swords of Justice. To summon me stab my sword into the ground and say what you seek to protect and if I deem it worthy I shall help.” When I finish I throw the sword into the portal and close the portal after it.

I couldn’t help but grin slightly, then I began to walk to the forge within the base and once I get there I take a crystal and some silver and I forge it into a necklace, once I did that I carved a transformation enchantment into the crystal and I add my own flare. I turned it on and it did nothing, so I turned it off then thought of myself as a Kirin then I turned on the enchantment and instead of doing nothing I turn into a Kirin, I grin in triumph, this is an enchantment that I made lifetimes ago but I never thought I’d use so many years later.

I take the necklace and put it around my neck and I go and walk around the base hiding it under my shirt. I could not help but smile, at least, this way if I encounter another Twilight Sparkle I won't require her help for keeping me hidden.

Author's Notes:

This is generally what Cobalion's sword looks like

also the song is a modified version of; Breaking Benjamin - Angels Fall

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