
Did We?

by Lux

First published

What happened that led you to wake up next to Pinkie Pie with no memory of how it happened?

(Second Person POV Story)

You wake up in the morning, not in you own bed but is someone else's with no memory of how you got there. But that isn't the biggest worry as sleeping next to you is Pinkie Pie. Thus starts a long adventure to retrace your steps and answer the most important question on your mind: Did We?

Rated Teen for Sexual Themes.

Chapter 1

Did We?
By Lux

Chapter 1

The morning light crept through the window of the bedroom, signaling the start of a new day. Like clockwork, your body slowly awoke from the depths of sleep, starting with the most powerful of all the five senses: touch. When all other senses failed, touch offered an entire array of sensations for your brain to process, and with those sensations you usually felt good or bad about what you were experiencing. As you awoke this morning, however, there was something not quite right with what you were feeling.

You found yourself lying on something, presumably a bed, but this was very different from your bed. Whatever you were sleeping on now felt very soft, like resting on a pile of extra puffy pillows. If the bed was more soft you swore you would sink into it and be swallowed up by the softness. It wasn’t a bad sensation as you found it very pleasant, only strange. Likewise the pillow your head rested upon was equally soft, molding around you with little resistance. The blanket and sheet that you were wrapped in also was alien to you, not feeling like actual bedding but very fluffy towels, the kind that one would enjoy wrapping themselves in after a long shower.

Things became more complex as your hands touched something very soft, remarkably softer than even the strange bed, pillow, or covers that covered your body. This thing was silky smooth but not one whole thing like you thought it would be as you ran your hand through the long strands. Although you mind couldn’t tell what it was, it felt like long soft hair!

By now your mind was beginning to wonder where you were and what was around you, but the fog of sleep still arrested your other senses, preventing you from knowing the truth. Your hand instinctively made its way through the river of soft hair until it brushed something new. It was clearly more soft fabric, the kind you would expect something like sleepwear to be made from, but this time the fabric had form and dimension to it. Your curious body, without giving it a second thought, grabbing the object nearby you lightly, feeling it give and then return to its original form like it was elastic.

At that moment, that’s when your sense of hearing turned on like a car radio and you heard a very pleasant albeit sleepy sounding voice say, “Mmm… If you wanted to cuddle with me all you had to do was say so silly.”

Before your body could react to the new yet strangely familiar voice, you heard the sheets rustle and the earth move under your body, like something or someone was shifting whatever you were sleeping on. Then you felt a strange sensation of something reaching over the top of your body, pulling you closer to whoever this person was. Immediately your body came in contact with something very squishy, only this time is was much bigger and squishier than whatever you touched before, like giant water balloons. Your mind was abuzz with feelings, part of it confusion but another part being actually peace even pleasure, like being in this position with whoever was in bed with you felt only natural.
Eventually confusion won the battle as your mind yearned to know where you were and more importantly, who this person was now so dangerously close to you. The only way to do that though was to open your eyes. Slowly blurred colors came into view, predominately two shades of pink, one the consistency of bubblegum and the other more like a deeper pink. Eventually your vision became clearer as you found yourself face to face with a girl about your age!

Your mind went into a frenzy, trying to piece together the memories and solve how you got from the safety of your apartment to now being in bed with a total stranger. You wondered who this person sleeping next to you really was and how you met. She certainly wasn’t from your work nor did you remember seeing her in your apartment building. Being so close to her you could get a look at her face, but she certainly cute looking, dare you admit it, even sexy. You felt awkward thinking about a total stranger this way but there was no other way to describe what you saw.

It was then that your mind pieced together several obvious facts about your current situation that resulted in a very important question, one that struck a wave of nervousness through your body. You were in a bed that was not yours lying right next to a beautiful girl. Could that mean that you did “it?” You knew exactly what that “it” was, that ultimate act of telling someone how you felt about them. But you were smart and wouldn’t just go from meeting a girl like this one to “it,” would you?

There lay the dilemma before you. If you didn’t do “it” then how can you explain why you were here with her? If you did do “it,” what does this mean for the future between the two of you? Your mind frantically tried to dig up memories of the day before hoping to unearth clues to answer the all-important question. To your dismay, all that was there was a black hole where those memories should have been. It also didn’t help that as you awoke you felt a massive headache building.

Suddenly the pink girl’s eyes fluttered open, revealing the brightest sparkling blue eyes you ever saw that took your breath away. It was as if she was searching your very heart with those eyes, tapping into who you are. For a moment her expression was one of surprise, but then it softened into a pleasant grin.

“Good morning,” she said with a little wink, “Did you sleep well?”

“Um…what?” was the only thing you could say as your mind still tried to fathom what happened.

“You know, sleep!” the pink girl said in a sweet upbeat tone, “You did sleep last night, right? Because after last night I had the best sleep that I had in a while! Anyway, time to get up. I’ll make you breakfast! Hope you like pancakes!”

She sat up, giving you a better view of her form besides simply her face. She had the body that any girl would dream about having, thin but not athletic, and all the curves in the right places. This could be said especially about her generous sized rack which looked bigger that any girl that you saw have, but maybe it only looked big staring up at it. Her long unkempt pink hair cascaded over her shoulders, stopping just at the small of her back. She was dressed in a pair of grey pajama shorts that accented much of her well defined hips and butt and a white t-shirt that appeared to be about two sizes to small and showed much of her cleavage.

“Well, are you coming or not?” the girl said looking down at you, “Oh I see, you want me to help you up huh? Alright, you asked for it!”
She suddenly got up off the bed, walked around to where you were laying, and in one fluid motion grabbed you by your hands and pulled you up into a seating position. You were amazed by her strength for such a girly looking girl. But then as she tried getting you to stand you felt your legs buckle.

“That’s better, not we can go and get… Oof!” she said as you fell forward and crashed into her, sending her falling backward in the process until the two of you tumbled to the ground next to the bed. For a moment you lad stunned at what happened until you heard the girl laugh.
“Wheee! That was fun! Do you do that all the time when someone helps you out of bed? Err… can you do me a favor?”

“Um…sure?” you replied not knowing exactly what that favor was and wondering why your voice sounded muffled..

“Can you sit up now? You have your face in my chest.”

“Oh,” you said quickly getting up as fast as you could with your face beet red with embarrassment, “Hehe… awkward.”

“That’s ok,” the girl said helping you up, “Guys seem to be attracted to my breasts. Maybe it reminds them of two really soft pink pillows. Do they remind you of that too?”

“Err… I’m not sure,” you said as you caught yourself staring at her chest before catching yourself and looking up, “Can I ask you a question?”


“How did I get here?”

“Through the front door silly!” she said with a giggle.

“No, I mean how did I end up in your bed?”

“Because that’s where you fell asleep after last night?” the girl said with a confused tone, “You remember last night, right?”

You wanted to say yes to her, but she was such a nice girl and you were afraid a lie would break her heart. So you could only simply shake your head in front of her.

“You don’t know remember last night?” she said in a worried tone, “What about yesterday, do you remember that?”

Again you could only shake your head. It felt like you were missing out on something big, like the ending of a movie or the punchline to a joke.

Surely something interesting must have happened between meeting her and waking up in her bed, whether it led to “it” or not.

“Do you even remember my name?” the girl said as her face drooped to a frown.

“Sorry, I’d love to remember, but all I’m getting now is a bad headache and a hole where my memory of yesterday should be. I’m sure that it was a nice time and you look like a nice girl, but there’s just nothing there.”

“Oh,” was all she said as she sat back down on the bed with a thud like a rock hitting the ground, looking like she was about to cry for something that was lost. But then when things were at their bleakest, an idea popped into the pink girl’s head and she looked up at you and said, “That’s ok, because I’ve got an idea! The headache is probably because of a hangover, which I can totally understand after last night! As for your memory, I’m not a doctor, but it sounds like you have a little amnesia, but as I said I have a plan! Why not I help you retrace your steps from the moment you met me up to now? I remember what happened yesterday just like it happened a short time ago, but rather than tell you why not show you? Unless of course, if you have other plans.”

She looked up at you with those sparkling blue eyes as if pleading for you to trust her and join her on the adventure.

“I would love to go,” you said to her with a smile.

“Really? Oh great!’ she said jumping up and giving you a big hug, “You won’t regret this, I promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! So, why don’t I start by telling you my name. I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“Nice to meet you… again… Pinkie Pie,” you said as she let go.

“Alrighty! Now you know my name, let’s get some breakfast and get ready, because after that we’ll do it!”

“Sure we can… wait what?” you said as Pinkie Pie skipped out of the bedroom, leaving you with that all-important question left unanswered. This was going to be an interesting day.

Author's Notes:

Welcome to my new story featuring awkward sexy situations!

This story idea kind of just popped into my mind and easily became the story that it is.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The smell of pancakes and maple syrup filled the apartment as you watched Pinkie Pie cooking breakfast, humming a happy tune that most likely she heard on the radio while swaying back and forth. You couldn’t get a look at much of her with all that long full pink hair covering the majority of her back, but what you did see was her cute butt moving hypnotically, getting at times dangerously close to your face as the pink girl bent over to get something.

Despite you mind desperately trying to remember the events of the day and more importantly the night before, there was a sense of calm being with Pinkie Pie. It was like that there was a sense of peace with her, not ambivalence as to what was happening around her as she clearly cared about others like you. It was just that she didn’t seem to work herself up into lather over issues. Even the fact that you didn’t remember the events of the night before didn’t seem to affect her for long.

You couldn’t help but feel upset forgetting what could have been a wonderful experience with the girl who was cooking you breakfast. It could have been a magical time with her where you really connected and started a great relationship but for the moment you couldn’t tell. From the fleeting moments knowing her when you awoke, she was the perfect girl to get to know. She was funny, smart, caring, confident, and had a body that you would only dream of women having. Still there was something holding you back from taking the leap of faith and getting to know her more. You guessed that it was your nagging feeling that this was all too good to be true, that something that you would say or do wrong or some secret about her revealed would shatter the perfect encounter, leaving you both broken. Maybe it was the fact that nothing in your life came without a catch. Maybe it was also that you believed that love at first sight or even an interest at first sight was something for fairytales. Whatever the reason, you remained skeptical but optimistic.

“Here you go!” Pinkie Pie said handing you a plate piled high with three of the biggest pancakes you’ve ever seen in your life, “Hope you’re hungry because I know I am. Phew, I think last night took a lot out of me.”

You were about to dive into the pancakes before looking up at her. What did she mean by the night before taking her energy? That very important question again popped into your mind as she turned around and began making up her own plate. She certainly was alluding to “it” with the way she talked, and that would explain the overwhelming hospitality she was giving you. But going from meeting a total stranger to “it” was definitely not your style, or at least you didn’t think so. If something did happen last night like “it” there must have been a really interesting chain of events, and seeing this girl before you now maybe interesting is what gravitated towards her like a magnet picking up metal.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You haven’t touched your breakfast yet. You like pancakes, right?”

“Um… yeah I do,” you said trying to come up with a reason for the delay, “I was just waiting for you.”

“Awww… that’s so sweet of you! Well I’m ready so let’s eat! I’ve got butter, syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries here, so you can do whatever you’d like.”

You set to work decorating your pancakes with just butter and syrup while watching Pinkie Pie cover her is whipped cream and strawberries to the point that there was little trace that there had ever been pancakes on her plate.

“Mmm… these are the best pancakes I’ve ever had!” you said between bites.

“Thanks! I knew you’d like them. You know, it’s nice to cook for someone here. I mean I technically cook for lots of people, just not here.”

“So, you’re a chef?”

“Nope, but pretty close! Try again!”

“Then…a baker?”

“You got it! I make cakes, pies, cookies, bread, and all sorts of yummy things!”

“So I have to ask then, you said you don’t cook often for others here. You have friends, right?”

“Well of course I do silly! Making friends is as easy as making a cake! It’s just that, well, sometimes I wish I had someone that I could cook for more than just occasionally like with my friends.”

You can tell what the pink girl was getting at, her desire to get to know someone as more than simply a friend. This was far too familiar for you as you too felt this longing for some special someone in your life. But even as you stared at her longing eyes and saw in them the opportunity to perhaps try to fill that void in her life something held you back. It was the empty space where your memories should have been and the question of how you met her and how you got to her place.

“Pinkie, can I ask you a question?”

“Absolutely!” she said as she stared at you with her pretty eyes. You wanted to ask her if you did “it” with her, but it was a very loaded question. Knowing the truth was one thing, but if it meant offending a person that you enjoyed spending time with then you hesitated going through with it. Casually you thought about another question.

“Why do you have pink hair?” you asked feeling dumb for asking such as question.

“Because pink is my favorite color silly! Plus how many people do you see with pink hair walking around?”

“None that I can think of,” you said thinking about your average day of going to work and back home.

“See, I want to stand out, but in a good way. And I thought you were going to give me a hard question!”

With that the pink girl gave a giggle, making you feel a little better not asking what you wanted to. As she laughed, a strawberry precariously placed on her fork fell off and landed right in her cleavage.

“Um… Pinkie? You have a strawberry between your…”

“Between my what?” she said as you pointed as she looked down at her body until she spotted the offending fruit, “Oh there you are! Silly strawberry! Hey, do you want it?”

You alternated your gaze between the strawberry and Pinkie’s face before saying, “No thanks, I’m kind o full.”

“Suit yourself,” she said easily plucking the fruit out and eating it, “It’s not like I would have asked you to get it yourself, unless you wanted to that is.”

With that she gave a sexy little wink as she ate the last of her pancakes. The messages you were receiving from the pink haired girl were confusing at best. Part of the time it seemed that pinkie pie was content simply being your friend but then just when you had things figured out she would drop a little innuendo like that at you. There was no doubting that she liked you, most likely more than just a friend, and these little hints were to perhaps to jog your memory of how much she feels about you. There was no doubt about it that the more you spent time with Pinkie Pie the more you liked her, seeing her as something other than a happy coincidence or a friend.

“Alright, now that we’ve devoured our pancakes, time to get ready for the start of our day filled with adventure! I don’t know about you, but I need a shower after last night. I’ll meet you in the bedroom after I clean up breakfast.”

You left the kitchen and once again found yourself sitting on the bed, the sounds of plates and glasses clanging together as they were loaded in the sink and Pinkie Pie’s voice singing another tune the only sounds heard in the apartment. Soon you heard the familiar footsteps as the pink girl entered the bedroom.

“Sorry I can’t offer you any clothes to wear other than the ones you have on,” Pinkie Pie said as she went from her closet to her dresser pulling out things and throwing them into a pile, “I’d offer you some of mine, but I don’t see you as wearing bright colors or skinny jeans and skirts.”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie grabbed her shirt and began to pull it up over her head, revealing more of her body to you.

“Wait!” you suddenly said as you felt your body get hot.

“What? I’m just getting undressed,” Pinkie said letting go of her t-shirt momentarily before a realization crossed her mind, “Wait a minute, you’ve never seen a girl naked before, have you?”

“Not really,” you admitted feeling embarrassed admitting it to what you felt was still a girl who you didn’t know much about.

“You mean to tell me you’ve never had a girlfriend get changed in front of you?”

“No,” you said essentially admitting the truth that although you had girlfriends before none of them got that serious where you did “it” much less see a girl get changed in front of you.

“It really no problem getting undressed in front of you as this is kind of my habit. Unless you uncomfortable, then I’ll change in the bathroom.”

“No… that’s fine…” you said regretting saying it. There was no going back, not that you were upset about it. If anything it was a little strange seeing a girl so unafraid to change in front of another person. She didn’t strike you as the naughty type, just very trusting. Again though it made you wonder if she was so open to change in front of you was she open enough to do “it?”

“How about this, I’ll tur around when I get undressed and dressed. Problem solved!”

With that she turned her back to you and pulled off her shirt, throwing it carelessly behind her and landing on your head. You could smell a trace of her unique body scent which ironically reminded you of the sweet smell of a candy store. You pulled off the shirt just in time as she shimmied out of her shorts and with a kick of her one leg sent them flying as well towards your face. You deflected them, only to catch a glimpse of her perfect heart shaped rump which sent a shudder up your body.

“I’ll be right back,” Pinkie said looking over her shoulder before walking into the bathroom. Soon you heard the water run and her voice again piercing the silence with a sweet melody. You breathed a sigh of relief as you survived the awkward encounter. It wasn’t that you minded Pinkie getting changed; just that it was a new experience for you having a girl that was so open towards you. Had it been a case where you knew her for a few weeks this wouldn’t bother you, but after one day of who knows what you did you couldn’t help but feel it was happening too soon.

As you muddled your thoughts in your mind, you got a better glance around her room. The first thing was that the room had a pink and white flair to it. The walls and area rug were pink but the ceiling and practically every piece of furniture was in white. Definitely a room fit for a girly girl. It was well organized too, everything in its place and a place for everything. The only thing not cleaned up was unmade bed you sat on which no surprise had pink blankets and sheets on it. You heard the water turn off and a few minutes later out came Pinkie Pie dressed in nothing but a big pink fluffy towel. Her long pink hair still dripped water as it clung to her back as she picked up her clothes and turning around again dropped her towel and proceeded to get dressed in her underwear.

“Can you hand me my shirt and pants off the bed?”

“Um… sure,” you said handing her the clothes which in a minute she slipped on.

“Done!” she exclaimed turning around, “So what do you think?”

She was dressed in a pair of short khaki shorts that revealed much of her legs without being indecent. Her white t-shirt bore a pink heart on it and was clearly two sizes too small, showing off her breasts.

“You look great,” you said as you couldn’t help but stare.

“Thanks!” she said before she noticed your eyes directed at a certain part of her body, “Err… are you looking at my chest?”

“Huh? Oh, no, just think about something,” you said as your eyes darted everywhere except there.

“I’ll bet,” she said with a giggle, “I guess you can’t help it since lots of other guys do it. Plus I think my shirt shrunk in the wash. Anyway, the shower is open to you! I’ll wait until you are done. Oh, I set out a spare washcloth and towel and a toothbrush.”

You entered the bathroom and let the relaxing warm water wake you up. You hoped that in doing so you would regain your memories, but sadly those still were a mystery. It was strange showering in the same place where she once was, even though you’ve been to hotels where showers were used by others before you. There was no use delaying things as you shut off the water, slipped back on the clothes you had on the night before, brushed your teeth and joined Pinkie in the bedroom where she had the entire bed made up.

“Ready to go?” she asked you, “We have so much to go to!”

“Sure, I’ll just get my keys and we’ll get going.”

“Um… I think I should drive,” Pinkie said nervously.

“Why’s that?”

“You didn’t have your car coming here to my apartment.”

Author's Notes:

More awkward moments and a surprising revelation!

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

In a moment you found yourself walking down the hallway. Actually it was more like you trying to keep up as Pinkie Pie held your arm and bounded ahead in a bouncy walk, pulling you along like a small puppy. You barely had time to get a sense of the place around you, not that there was much uniqueness to the hallway with a sea of doors. Besides the fast pace that Pinkie Pie was traveling, your mind was spinning with questions left unanswered. Just when you thought you were on the right path to helping to unravel the events of the day, and most importantly the night, before, another question appeared. You began to worry about the fate of your car, the lifeline of much of your daily routine. Where was the car if not at the apartment complex where Pinkie lived? Did something bad happen to it? How did you get here if not by your car?

“Hey, the elevator’s ready,” Pinkie said as the distinctive ring from the elevator snapped you out of your thoughts. You quickly stepped in, standing right next to Pinkie Pie who was a complete opposite of your fretting self, acting very calm and in fact happy. Strangely, there appeared to be a sense of slyness on the pink girl’s face, almost like she was planning something.

“So if my car isn’t here, where is it?” you asked the girl next to you.

“It’s safe if that’s what you’re asking,” Pinkie said with a giggle, “Relax, all will be revealed by the end of today. You trust me, right?”

You wanted to say no and go back to your life before meeting her when all things made sense but staring at that beautiful body and her bright blue eyes made you lose all sense of reality. It was as if you mind was telling you, “Relax, something good will happen.”

“I trust you,” you said with a smile.

“Great, consider this your day out!” she said as the door opened to the lobby of the apartment building, “and here we are! Now, to my car!”

As you followed her outside, your mind suddenly flashed to a memory once lost but now as clear as the moment it happened. You remembered it was dark and you were walking towards the entrance of the apartment complex, your arm around Pinkie Pie. Beyond that though, there was nothing else that you could glean from it.

“So what do you think?” Pinkie Pie said.

“About what?”

“My ride silly! You know, despite looking like you had a good night sleep you still are acting really strange. Are you sure you’re ok?”
You looked past her concerned face to see the pink girl’s car. It was what you imagined it to be, some convertible with a bubblegum pink color. Instead it was a cheery light blue coup that aside from the streamers attached to the radio antenna and the air freshener attached to the rear view mirror in the shape of a cake looked fairly normal.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine; just have some things on my mind. Wait, were you watching me as I sleep?”

“Well duh, I slept right by you! You know, your nose makes a cute little whistling sound when you sleep. Anyway, let’s get going!”

In the blink of an eye you were seated in her car driving towards some unknown location. It wasn’t that you felt like the girl sitting next to you was someone to worry about, even though she did seem to be spontaneous. But the awkwardness still hovered in your mind as you passed by familiar buildings and houses. The familiar and the unknown blended together in that drive as you struggled to determine your place in the chain of events spanning from yesterday to now. You knew you had a big part to play in it, but like an actor in stage who forgot his lines you were waiting for the moment when you’d know.

You thoughts were suddenly shattered by a pop tune suddenly blaring through the speakers of the car as Pinkie Pie turned on the radio.
“Oooo! This is one of my favorite songs! Come on, sing it with me.”

“Um…I’m not really a good singer.”

“You don’t have to be a good singer to enjoy it,” she said, “Plus it’s a great way to clear your mind, and it looks to me like you got as much on your mind as several sacks of flour! I’m not going to judge you or anything like that, so what’s the risk?”

There was no use in arguing with the pink girl seated next to you. There was no malice in what she said or scheming, just an honest outlook on the world around her. In reality it felt refreshing to hear such an opinion. So as the song built into its chorus you began singing and that was when something magical happened. Rather than your voice completely drowning Pinkie Pie out, it seemed to fit completely with her tune like two birds flying together. You weren’t focused much on your voice or really the melody coming from the radio but the beautiful voice of the girl next to you. It wasn’t a voice like an opera singer but a genuine voice fueled by passion in the song and not caring about who heard it. Your singing with Pinkie Pie felt freeing to you, a way to let go of the worries of the moment and just relax and hope that all will be revealed in time. As the song faded away to a commercial, you sat there with a smile on your face.

“That was great wasn’t it?” Pinkie said.

“Yeah, it was,” you said, “I feel actually better.”

“See, what did I tell you? Singing always helps me get ready for the day and helps me to relax. Well, so does baking and going to parties, and dancing, but you get the message. Hey, you’re actually a good singer!”


“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Err… what does that mean?”

“It’s just something I made up; it means that you can trust me. It also means we’re here!”

“Where?” you asked as you felt the car turn to the right and into a parking spot.

“Our first spot on our magical mystery tour! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! Do you remember this place?”

You reached into the recesses of your mind, trying to bring up a memory of this place. Then like a door being opened up you got a glimpse of another moment in your mind. Like a movie playing back you remembered pulling into the parking lot, admiring the small size of the bakery before you. You hoped that the place was as good as what you’re co-workers spoken about. They mentioned that the staff was very friendly and the cakes were good, and that was the only thing you needed to know. You remembered stepping inside the shop, desperately trying to ignore the sweet aromas of baked goods around you as you approached the counter. At first it looked like no one was there but then she popped up next to you, the same girl now sitting beside you, with a smile on her face and a cookie in hand asking you to try it.

“I remember now,” You finally replied, “I came here to get a cake made up for my parents’ anniversary and that’s when I met you by the counter. At first I thought you were a customer, but then you said you worked here at the bakery.”

“Oh I’m so glad that your memory is coming back! This was the first place that we met. So now that you remember that, let’s go inside. There’s something I want you to see!”

Grabbing your hand again she pulled you across the parking lot, closer to what you hoped would be one step towards understanding the truth about how you met her and if what happened last night was “it.”

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The doors opened to the bakery as Pinkie Pie led you in. True to your memories, the bakery looked the same from the day before. Along the walls were metal shelves filled with breads, cakes, and other small treats. In the center there were several round tables piled with cakes and pies. Near the back wall there sat a counter with a cash register and a window that gave a view of the bakery kitchen, which now looked strangely empty.

“Are you starting to remember now?” Pinkie asked, “Or is your brain still mushy?”

“I remember seeing this room and walking up to this counter,” you said as you retraced your steps from the door to the next destination, “and that’s when I met you. I asked if anyone was there and you popped out from behind the desk surprised me. Kind of scared me too a little.”
“The look on your face was priceless!” Pinkie said with a giggle as she sauntered behind the counter, “That’s was the whole plan of hiding behind the counter: to surprise you! Well that and I had to tie my shoe. Alright so you remember that you were here to get a cake for your parents’ anniversary. Anything else you remember?”

She leaned over on the counter, her generous chest spilling onto the yellow laminated wood as she cradled her chin with her hands as if eagerly awaiting your response. Looking into those blue eyes once again made you feel like you wanted to try your best to remember, as if there was some important moment that started the entire chain of events leading up to you waking up next to her. Yet try as best as you could, all you found there was a hole.

“Sorry Pinkie Pie, but I can’t remember,” you said with a sigh, “But whatever it was that was said I’m sure it was great enough to start the day with you.”

“Yeah, it was,” she said as it looked like the air had been taken out of the pink girl’s bubbly personality for a moment before she perked up, “Oh well, you’ll get it eventually! I have no doubt you will!”

“Pinkie Pie?” a male voice could be heard as a man dressed in an apron with a small hat appeared from the kitchen, “I didn’t know you were coming here today. You’re off on the weekends.”

“I know Mr. Cake, but I’m helping my friend here try to remember something, so we’re retracing his steps.”

“Well I can tell you that the cake you ordered for your parents’ anniversary is ready. All it needs is icing.”

“Thanks Mr. Cake!” Pinkie Pie said, “Hey that gives me an idea. Wanna help me ice the cake?”

“Um…I’m not a great baker actually,” you said not wanting to ruin the cake that Pinkie Pie spent so much time making.

“Oh I think you’re better than you give yourself credit,” Pinkie Pie said, “and it’s not like you’ll be doing this alone. I’ll be right there to guide you. So, feel up to helping me?”

“I guess I can try it.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie Pie said as she again grabbed you and pulled you into the kitchen shouting, “Bye Mr. Cake. I promise that everything will be back to normal when I leave.”

You entered a room that was filled with an entire selection of ovens, mixers and tables for preparing cakes and other goodies. Pinkie Pie let go of your hand as she rushed over towards a refrigerator and produced a tray with a round chocolate cake on it. It wasn’t finished, having no icing on it, but you knew that was about to change. The pink girl then dashed over to the other fridge and pulled out a container of icing, several icing bags that contained different colors, and an icing spatula.

“Ok, got everything I needed. You want the cake to be chocolate with chocolate icing, right?”

“Right, how did you remember my order without looking at a paper?”

“It’s a talent of mine to remember lots of things like names and events and even cake orders! Alright, time for your lesson! First, we pour out the chocolate icing! Can you help me with this container?”

You went to one side as Pinkie moved to the other as you picked up the plastic barrel and tipped it towards the cake. Soon a stream of chocolate poured out onto the top of the cake, forming a big glob.

“That looks like enough,” Pinkie said as she and you set the container back down but not before she realized that the two of you were touching each other’s hands. It put a smile on the girl’s face as she said, “Alright, now we have this big glob of icing and we need to spread it out with this spatula. So just going around the cake like you’re painting it and make sure everything is nice and even.”

She handed you the spatula as you set to work under Pinkie’s watchful eye spreading the chocolate over the cake. It was pretty easy doing so, easier than you imagined it to be. All the while though you realized how impressed you were with Pinkie Pie. She could have easily rushed you through learning, but instead she simply stood there and patiently waited as you finished. It wasn’t that she seemed to be a type to hurry, but it reminded you that she did care about you despite just meeting yesterday.

“Nice job!” she said, “Looks like you have some baking talent after all! Not for the final part, icing some words on the cake! Now, what color would you like for the lettering?”

“How about blue?”

“That’s perfect for a chocolate cake! Funny, that was what I was thinking! Now go grab that icing bag with the blue in it.”
You did as she asked standing in front of the cake as you waited for the next command. Instead of a command you heard someone step behind you as two pink hands covered yours with the lightest of touch.

“I’m going to help you with this part,” Pinkie whispered in your ear as her pink hair brushed up against your face, “You want it to say Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad, right?”


“Ok. I’m going to guide your hands and all you have to do is squeeze the bag. It doesn’t have to be too hard as the icing will run out at even a moderate touch. If you’re ready, here we go.”

Your arms worked in unison as you squeezed the icing bag and applied the first letter on the chocolate cake, then another, and another. Pretty soon you had your first word “Happy” on it and it looked very nicely done. As you moved to the next and largest word, you felt Pinkie Pie rest her chin on your shoulder and her chest pressed against your back as she guided you along. Rather than being embarrassed at being so close to a person you hardly knew you felt actually good being like this, like it was meant to be that you two met. You even imagined you and her making cake together in your own apartment and having fun.

“And we’re done!” Pinkie announced as she let go of you, “Wasn’t that fun?”

“Yeah, it was actually. You know, it wasn’t that hard at all.”

“See what did I tell you? And the cake looks great! I’ll just put it back into the fridge and you can pick it up tomorrow.”


“Of course silly! You didn’t think we spent the whole day here, did you? We need to go to the next place that the two of us went.”

“Where’s that?” you asked thinking of all the possible places that you could have gone with her but still finding that ever-present hole.

“Why the county fair of course! Help me clean up and we’ll get going.”

The two of you put away the frosting bags and icing container, leaving the spatula. Before you could take it you watched Pinkie Pie lick the chocolate icing from it.

“What?” she asked seeing your surprised reaction, “can’t waste good icing, can you. Wanna try some? I only licked the one side. I’m not sick or anything like that.”

Without giving it a second thought, you licked the side of the spatula closest to you saying, “Tastes really good this way.”

“I know, right!” Pinkie said as she finished the last of the icing, only to have a piece of chocolate barely clinging to the spatula suddenly fall off and land right in her cleavage.



“You got something… um… down there.”

“Down where?” she said as she looked around until sporting the dark brown on her pink skin, “Oh, there it is. Things get lost down there all the time. Want the last piece?”

“I think I’ll pass,” you replied as if trying it would remind you where it was.

“Suit yourself,” Pinkie said as she plucked the piece from her cleavage and ate it, “Alright, I’ll wash the spatula and we’ll get going. That is unless you want to still stare at my chest.”

“What? No…I’m not staring there… at your chest.”

“Relax, you wouldn’t be the first. I know how I look and I’m not ashamed of it. If you got something, you have to flaunt it, right?”
“I guess so,” you said trying to distract yourself from staring.

“But I look good, right?”

There was no way around diverting yourself from the question and the last thing you wanted to do was lie to Pinkie Pie.

“You’re a very pretty girl,” you said, “In fact that’s the first thing I remembered about yesterday, meeting you here and how you seemed to light up the room.”

“Awww… you’re so sweet!” she said giving you a hug, “You know, I meet lots of people here, but you were one of the first people that made me really take notice. That’s a good trait. Anyway, let’s go! We got a fun day at the fair planned!”

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

You found yourself once again whisked away into Pinkie Pie’s car again, driving to an unknown destination. Even though she insisted on walking you out of the bakery holding your hand, you knew that something was different. You weren’t resisting her anymore as you felt she had the best interests in mind in getting back your memory of the day before. It was more than merely trust as you felt at ease being around Pinkie Pie, making you feel that your decision to meet her wasn’t the wrong one.

“So where are we going next?” you asked after Pinkie finished singing one of her songs on the radio.

“More like where are we going where we went to yesterday!” she said with a giggle, “But before I spill the beans, do you remember anything else?”

There was still a hole between meeting Pinkie Pie at the bakery where the two of you drove away together, but in your mind, you got a glimpse of a memory. It was a place with crowds of people talking and having fun mixed with tons of vendors and food places and the sound of a carousel organ through the crowd.

“Are we going to a fair?” you asked noticing that Pinkie Pie gave you the benefit of silence while you thought about your memories.

“Yes indeedie!” she said, “Oh I’m so happy you’re getting your mind less fuzzy! After the bakery we went to the fair, and that’s where we’re going now.”

“Pinkie, you don’t have to go through the trouble of taking me everywhere to try and jog my memory, much as I love spending time with you.”

“Awww it’s no problem. I want to go again to the fair. What’s better spending time with you once? Going twice! So let’s go… again!”

You parked out into the large open field and the two of you strode into the fairgrounds. To your surprise the crowds weren’t as numerous as it was the last time you visited, allowing you the freedom to move around without feeling like having to swim through people.

“Wow! What a difference being here in the early afternoon is compared to when we went last.”

“So we were here in the late afternoon then?”

“Yuppers! Our time together today is a little different from yesterday. You met me at the bakery at around five and then we went to the fair in the evening. But that’s ok with the time as long as I help you get your memory back! Now, where do you want to go first?”

“I can use something to eat,” you replied.

“Ok, to the food stands!” she said as her stomach growled in response as she giggled a little. The two of you traveled through the vendors, stopping to grab several treats. To your surprise Pinkie Pie purchased twice as much food s you did, carrying it in a haphazard pile. It was strange when you did find a spot seeing her eat from her pile as if she hadn’t eaten in days. It was then after devouring a hot dog she looked up from her lunch to see you staring at her.

“What?” she said with her mouth full.

“I just never knew you liked so much food.”

“Of course I do! What better way to enjoy all the favorites then at a fair!”

“It just you have lots of food and you look…”

“Look like what?”

“Like you don’t eat a lot.”

“Is that your way of saying I’m pretty?”

“Well of course you’re pretty. I’m just wondering where all that food goes. I mean, do you exercise?”

“Oh well my job as a baker is kind of my exercise, lifting huge sacks of flour, moving cakes here and there, things like that. But beyond that I don’t do anything special. You know what I think though? I think that some of the fats and stuff go to where it counts while the rest I just burn off quickly.”

You knew exactly what she meant by what she ate going where it counted, and it seemed to be working. You only wished you had her metabolism as you finished your chicken tenders and topped it off with a soft pretzel.

“Ooh! I got an idea! Let’s share a churro!”

“Ok,” you said as you waited for her to break the sweet tube shaped pastry in half, only to watch her stick it in her mouth partly and clamp down, “Uh… I thought you said we’re sharing.”

“Thy am tharing this,” she said in a garbled tone.


“I said I am sharing this,” she said temporarily removing the churro from her mouth, “We’ll make a game of it. We’ll each start at the ends and eat our way until we meet in the middle. Sound fun?”

“I guess,” you said never even considering this idea of sharing a treat. She bit the churro again as you took the other end, waiting to begin.

“Thokay, One… thow… three!” and with that the two of you began eating the sweet and cinnamon treat, your faces getting closer to each other by the minute. Suddenly, the two of your lips met by accident but you felt Pinkie then reaching across the table and wrapping her arms around you as she gave you the longest kiss you ever had. After what felt like an hour in pure bliss she let you go and said, “There, what did you think of your little snack?”

“Both were nice,” you said still stunned.

“I knew you’d like it. You’re not so bad of a kisser yourself. By the way, the churro thing was just a trap as you probably guessed. I just felt the need to kiss you.”

“I kind of figured you had a plan like that. You never cease to surprise me Pinkie.”

“And that’s the best kind of relationship, one where it never gets bored! And speaking of surprise, I think we should hit some rides before the crowds get too big.”

The midway was just a short trip from where you were as you looked around at the various rides and games.

“So what do you want to try first?” you asked.

“The Tilt-A-Whirl is a fun ride but not after eating. Trust me on that one! So, how about the Ferris Wheel?”

“Sounds like a plan,” you said as the two of you boarded a car and soon you were up and away, looking over the entire fairgrounds.

“You know Pinkie?” you said as the ride came to a stop at the highest point.


“I like being with you. You make my life fun and you know how to put a smile on my face.”

“I like being with you too. You know what? I think that we were meant to meet yesterday, and I think this memory loss thing you’re having is a blessing in disguise.”

“How so?”

“It gives us another chance to get to know each other.”

You held each other as the ride descended back to the station as you got off. After that everything was a blur as you and pinkie Pie went on ride after ride. You stopped in the House of Mirrors where Pinkie Pie’s already funny expressions looked even crazier in the cheval glass. Then it was a quick stop to the carousel where the two of you rode side by side on the horses while holding hands. Then it was off to the Tilt-A-Whirl where despite your efforts to stabilize the ride Pinkie just kept shifting her weight to make the car spin the entire time, something you knew was intentional. This was a little too much for you as you desperately try to hang on while Pinkie Pie is having a blast!

“Woohoo! That was great!” Pinkie said as she bolted out of the car unfazed by the effects of the ride, “Where do you want to go next?”

“Maybe something a little less spinning,” you said as you stumbled towards the exit.”

“Hmm…” the pink haired girl said as she looked at the midway around her, “Oh I know something fun we can do to take a break. Why not try the balloon burst?”

“Isn’t that a game rather than a ride?”

“Well duh but it’s still fun and really there’s no skill in it. You just have to pop a balloon and you get the prize behind it. The trick though is finding the ones the ones that are for the really big prize. Ooo…and look there! The big prize is one of those cute giant pink bears! Will you play it once for me?”

“I guess so,” you said as Pinkie led you over to the game and setting down a few dollars set you to finding the right balloon. The first one hit between two balloons and didn’t pop any while the other landed on an empty space. The third balloon, however, hit home and popped a blue balloon.

“Let’s see what you’ve won,” the carnival barker said looking at the medallion where the balloon was, “Well it’s your luck day. You got the large prize!”

“Aww don’t feel bad,” Pinkie said giving you a hug, “I’m grateful that you tried. You were a lot better this time than before.”

“You mean I played this yesterday?”

“Yep and that time you just got a small prize, and now you got a big prize. Well actually got two prizes yesterday.”

“Really I hit two balloons?”

“Not exactly. You won one prize here but you won me as your prize!”

“I did, didn’t I?”

“So what prize will it be?” the man at the game booth asked.

“I’ll take the white horse,” Pinkie said, “you know it reminds me of you somehow, this dashing stallion whose willing to help out his other horse friends. Anyway, there’s more to see here, so let’s get going!”

The two of you disappeared through the crowd deeper into the midway as more fun and time with the adorable girl next to you was bound to happen.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

You glanced at your watch as you made your way down the endless paths of vendors and food stalls. Up until now, the now purple and red sky and the lights of the carnival rides the only indication of what time it was. But now, you saw in the lights of the tents and buildings around you the hands of the clock that spelled out eight o’clock.

“Um… Pinkie?” you said to the girl who had her arms full of bags from vendors and a cotton candy ball on a stick that matched her pink hair.
“Yes?” she said as she ripped a piece of the fluffy sugar from the ball and stuffed it into her mouth.

“You know that it’s eight o’clock, right?”

“Of course I do silly!”

“Then you know we’ve been here over seven hours.”

“Well, when we visited here yesterday, we were only here for four hours, and there was so much more to see and do! I kind of felt like we were being created, but now we had double the fun! You didn’t have any plans today, right?”

“Not at all,” you said with a smile while patting her shoulder. Before meeting her, time was always something you watched like a hawk. Your days ran on schedules and to do lists and any deviation from them made you quickly try and recover what time you could. But when you were with Pinkie Pie, time didn’t matter. The world and all its cares seemed to melt away when you were with her. You didn’t need a fair or a bakery to have fun, just the two of you together.

“Alright, let’s get going,” Pinkie said dragging you towards the exit.

“Where are we going?”

“To the next stop to help with your memories silly! I actually planned on staying here this long so that when we left it would be the same time we did so yesterday. Of course I wanted to spend lots of time with my boyfriend as much as possible too!”

With that she leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek which warmed you insides and sent your heart beating. Without giving it a second thought, you decided to return the favor, but as you leaned in to kiss her she turned towards you and instead of kissing her on the cheek your two lips met! Pinkie’s eyes went wide at first but then her entire body relaxed as she dropped her bags and her prized cotton candy and wrapped her arms around you tightly. The two of you remained that way until you let go, the sugary taste of her kiss lingering on your mouth.
“That was…wow,” Pinkie said for once at a loss of words, “You know I love sweets and things, but you kiss is the best thing I’ve ever tasted!”
“I wanted to share how much I cared about you,” you said trying to make it like it was planned rather than a happy accident.

“Oh you don’t have to tell me that,” she said to me running her fingers through your hair before collecting her things on the ground, “you showed me plenty of that last night. And speaking of last night, we better get going.”

As you returned to her car and began the drive to the next unknown location, your mind returned to that question that started the day, “Did we?” You still didn’t know the rest of the day before, and now as the moment approached closer you were desperate to know. Pinkie Pie’s comment about you showing her plenty only brought the question to light more. It was only Pinkie’s cheerful singing that set your mind from being consumed by the question. The more you watched her in the driver’s seat, the more that you wondered if it really mattered what you did or didn’t do. What mattered was that you enjoyed being with the pink girl, and being with her more and more only increased that joy.

“Here we are,” Pinkie said as she pulled up alongside a cub in the city. The streets were buzzing with life and fun as the two of you got out.

“So, where to next?”

“Well, look over there,” she said pointing to the car next door.

“Hey, that’s my car,” you said seeing the familiar red coupe.

“Do you remember anything about where you are?” she asked while waving her arm across the scene. In that moment you thought about the place as a flashback entered your mind.

“I remember the two of us going to a club here,” you said, “We were walking down the street from my car, although I don’t remember seeing yours.”

“Looks like your mind is almost fixed,” she said with a giggle, “See, I knew you’d get it. All you needed was me to help you. That’s what’s great about friendships and relationships, not completing the other but helping each other and loving each other completely. Anyway, our next stop is the club.”

With a short trip down the street past restaurants and happy people, you reached a simple looking building with the name of the club illuminated by LED lights: Amnesia. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony as Pinkie gave you a confused look. It was only when you pointed up at the sign that she burst out laughing as the two of you entered the place. It was a nice club with a raised seating area and bar that formed a horseshoe and a dance floor accessed by ramps where the music was already pulsing through the place and the lights dashing from one part of the darkened club to another.

“I’m going to get a drink,” you said, “Do you want one.”

“Woah there tiger,” Pinkie said, “I’ll get the drink. Last night when we were here you had a little too much.”

“What do you mean by a little?”

“A few shots and a cocktail,” she said remembering, “Yeah, you’re kind of a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Don’t worry, I’m kind of too. It’s all about pacing yourself. So, have a seat and I’ll get you one.”

You took a seat as you watched her perfectly proportioned backside vanish into the darkness, thinking about how lucky you were to find her. You weren’t one to believe in love at first sight, but tonight you were willing to believe in anything with Pinkie being here.
“Alright, got the drinks,” she said setting one down in front of you that was way bigger than a cocktail glass, “hope you like Long island Iced Tea.”

“Thanks. Um.. Pinkie? I don’t think I can drink this by myself.”

“You don’t have to. See the two straws? We drink together!”

The two of you sipped the drinks as you were washed by the music and lights that pulled the two of you towards the stage. Eventually the two of you abandoned your seat and made your way hand in hand to the dance floor as the two of you moved to the beat. Pinkie Pie was by far the better dancer, knowing how to use every part of her body to put on a show for you. You weren’t one to dance in public, but Pinkie’s smile and taking her by the hand you twirled and danced together like you’ve been doing so for months.

“Alright, we’re going to slow the beat down so you couples can get close,” the DJ said as she lights dimmed and the music played a soothing beat about love. The two of you wrapped your hands around each other’s waists as Pinkie’s generous chest squished up against your body like a fluffy pillow. The two of you swayed and danced in a circle as one again the world melted away. Even with the song fading into silence the two of you remained in the same position.

“Pinkie, thank you,” you said.

“I know what you’re going to say,” she said looking into your eyes, “and you’re welcome and thank you too. Now let’s get another drink. The dancing has made me thirsty.”

Author's Notes:

Fun Fact: There was in my area a night club called Amnesia that closed long before I could be allowed in a night club.

Alright all, we're reaching the end of the tale soon. I estimate that there are two or three chapters left before the ending.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The night stretched on with dancing and drinking as the two of you were lost in the waves of sound and lights. Time didn’t matter in this place nor did the world outside of the club. What mattered was she was there with you, and nothing would come between you. Unfortunately not even the drinks or pulse pounding beat could stave off your tired bodies and minds for long as soon as you found the two of you barely able to move let alone dance.

“I guess we have to call it a night,” Pinkie Pie said with a long sigh as the two of you left the dance floor and headed towards the door to the outside.

“Yeah, I guess we do,” you replied as you pushed open the door and stepped outside into the city. The doors closed behind you with a loud thud, hitting home that your time with her was over and yet the one question that started this adventure still remained unanswered. But as you struggled to find a way to weave it in while not being too awkward another question came to mind.

“Um… Pinkie?”

“Yes?” she replied in a slightly slurred tone.

“If both our cars are here and we’re drunk, how can we get home?”

“Well, there is the bus, but before we think about that, there’s one last place we need to go, maybe two if things turn out the way I see in my mind. Follow me.”

Trying to think about what the pink girl meant you followed her away from the club and your cars and across the street where a large stone wall stood. A sign at the opening simply read: City Park.

“This was our last place before you ended up in my apartment and a very special place,” Pinkie said as you entered the park. The place was nicely illuminated by tall lamp posts as you passed the empty band shell and the silent playground area. Soon she came to a stop at a park bench, one that seemed to be different than the dozen or so you passed on your way here. She sat down and beckoned you to sit next to her. As you sat, you felt her arm wrap around your body and pull you close as she looked up at the sky.

“Isn’t the night sky pretty tonight?” Pinkie Pie said finally.

“Yes, it is, but you know what’s better?”

“What is?”

“You Pinkie. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl like you, and I don’t think I ever will again. You’re the best thing to ever come into my life.”

“Aww! Thank you! You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known too! But this wasn’t about coming here just to see the night sky.”

“It wasn’t?”

“Something happened here that was very magical, one that I’ll never forget, and if you remembered what happened here you wouldn’t forget.”

You struggled to figure out what happened there on that bench in that very park the night before but still your mind drew a blank. Being so spontaneous Pinkie could have done anything with you there! It was then that your mind realized the truth, maybe the two of you done something her, the big “It.” All signs seemed to point there as the logical ending to a perfect yesterday, but you needed something more to finally know for certain.

“You said we did something here?” you asked hoping not to overplay your hand.

“Kind of, well actually it was more about something you said. You do remember what you said to me now, right?”

Perhaps it wasn’t the big “It” that happened, but now a new question popped up. Your mind again combed every recess of your brain, desperate to find what you said. The fate of your growing relationship and Pinkie Pie’s very happiness hinged on this moment, but you could not fathom what it would be. You looked at her as she stared back at you with those piercing blue eyes, waiting for an answer. Then, just when you were about to lose all hope for a happy ending, one phrase came to mind.

“I love you,” you said softly as if a light turned on in your mind.

“What was that?” she said.

“I love you. That’s what I said to you that night here in this park.”

“You remember!” she said with a smile, “Say it again to me!”

“I love you, Pinkie Pie!”

“Oh, I love you too!” she said giving you a hug and smothering you with kisses, “Now come on, and let’s head back.”

“Back where?” you asked as you walked with her along the path, only not back the way you came but towards the other entrance.

“To my apartment silly! It’s right on the other side of the park. That’s how I knew about the club and how we weren’t in trouble even though we drank. Unless you want to just find a bus or a taxi to get home to your apartment…”

“No!” you said suddenly which caught her off guard as you were not willing to finish this night just yet with her, “I mean, I’d like to spend some more time with you if that’s ok.”

“Of course it’s ok! But only if you show me where you live one day.”

“That’s fine with me,” you said as you continued down the path with Pinkie Pie at your side. You were about to round the bend when Pinkie Pie suddenly seized your hand and pulled you to the side. In doing so, you found your legs tangle as you collided with Pinkie Pie, sending the two of you crashing to the ground. Recovering from the shock you found yourself laying on top of her in a way that would cause quite a stir among people passing by if there were any.

“Sorry about pulling you like that,” Pinkie said.

“Sorry for falling down on you,” you said as you found your way to your feet and pulled her up, “Why did you pull me anyway?”

“See that pole there?” Pinkie said pointing to an ordinary black light pole at the bend in the path, “That’s what caused you to not remember. You had a little too much to drink last night and you sort of walked into that pole. I helped you to my apartment to best I could and into my bed. Since there was room there I decided that it was fine for me to join you so that’s what I did.”

“You did that for me?” you said overcome with emotion. Part of you was relieved that you knew the truth to last night, but the other part that loved the girl in front of you felt little sad.

“Of course!” pinkie said as the two of you walked to the exit, “I wouldn’t let my boyfriend just lay there in a park. Besides, you did so much for me yesterday, taking me everywhere that we’ve been today.”

“Wait, you said I took you everywhere?” you said as the last revelation of the day before struck you like a cold breeze.

“Yeah, you came to the bakery and asked me if I wanted to go to the fair. So, I took my car home and then got in your car and off we went to the fair. Then the two of us didn’t want to end the fun so we went to the club and then the park, and now here we are!”

It was clear now what happened the day before, that it wasn’t Pinkie Pie that started the adventure but you. You smiled at her at the fact that maybe it wasn’t just you or her that made your relationship work. It was both of you.

“Here we are again at my place,” she said as you stepped into the apartment complex, as a sly grin ran across her face.

“What’s with that face?” you asked as you stepped on the elevator.

“You know, I thought of something that could make a perfect end to this adventure and a start of something new.”

“You do?”

She then grabbed you and gave you a kiss with a look like she had something on her mind that it didn’t take long what it was. As you passions peaked and you began making out in the hallway towards her apartment, you knew that the question you had in your mind the whole day would be answered, just not in the way you imagined.

Did We?

Tonight you knew without question would be a resounding We Did.

The End!

Thanks for reading!

Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading everyone! Be sure to read my other tales on my page, and stay tuned for my new fanfic in the future!

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