
A Blackrose in Equestria

by Roran Dreamon

First published

They said that when you die you see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. That is the perfect lie.

Equestria, A world of magic and mystery, where the norm is non-existent, the mirror world Haven, like Equestria in everyway except that only Humans are the sapient species, where magic exists but only very few know how to properly use it, and only fewer use it responsibly.

This tale begins when the first Psykeeper, a mental/ gravity mage, breaks the laws to further the progess of magic, is sentenced to death by hanging, but when a strange thunderstorm rolls in and blasts the scaffolding where he was on into oblivion, later waking up in a strange land, this young man now must face what a new world has to throw at him, he has choices, and those choices will shape Equestria for better, and for worse.

Characters will be added as the story progresses.
My First HiE story, and my Second Fanfiction, and this story is taking place at the beginning of Season Two.
Comments and tips are welcomed.

Prolouge: Execution at Sunrise

Saturday Morning, March 20, 3E 1999, Before Execution Day

Haven Capital, Jardiniere, Prison Parish, Prison Cell Alpha

The sun shines into the open cell, the cold air resides inside, frost covers the stone floor and the water in the bucket has started to freeze over. The floor and walls are covered in dry and fresh blood, red tints and hues can be clearly seen from outside the cells and inside of the prison halls. The early morning sun rising over the castle walls, basking everything in its rising warmth, but inside the walls is only death and decay, old prisoner bodies rotting away, old bones litter the corners of the prison keep, guards on their daily rounds sneer and laugh at those that are dead and those that will soon join them.

My cell, half the size of a normal prison cell, but also the most secure cell, my body chained to the wall, my hands bound and covered in magical seals, my forehead branded with an ancient spell, making my thoughts only come to me in quick and short bursts, my body covered in scars fresh and old, my pale broken form slowly withering away but the warden wants me alive, their clerics giving me healing potions and casting their damned healing spells, saving me from death many times over, but I wish they haven't, they want me dead but they are just toying with me now, extending my pain for their own amusement and to my own discomfort.

My body aches from the lack of food that these guards are supposed to give me but instead eat most of it in front of me and leave only scraps and bits, treating me like a stray dog instead of a high value prisoner. They will all know to never under-estimate a mage that has been trained in every field of magic, and my most lethal of magic is not with words but with my mind.

As I hang around in my cell, all I can see is the torch that hangs out of the wall, my prison cell door, my small open window, and a lone mirror that hangs to the left of my head, seemingly not broken on orders of the prison warden to leave it alone and to always have it clean, a constant reminder that I am in prison and that I will die in prison.

"How long have I been stuck in this cell now.....5 Years is it? Starting at next sunrise it will be exactly 5 years...its a bloody shame that the 5 year mark will also be my execution date...how the bloody hell did I get the day that it turns into the fourth era and my death at the same time...I will never know..." I said to the mirror, hoping that whoever was on the other end heard it and would give me some sort of solace before my untimely demise.

After waiting about 25 minutes in the cell, I give up and just look down, I have almost completely forgotten that I was hanging in the air about a foot off the floor, just hanging in the air by my arms and my legs tangling, this feeling makes me wonder why my arms haven't popped out of its socket and left me in agonizing pain, but than I gave up on the endeavor and just looked at the floor.

In this type of cells, most of the prisoners would go mad because of never being able to touch the floor, the constant mechanical marching of the prison guards, and since you can't cover your ears since your hands are to far from your head, the heavy marching would eventually drive anyone insane. That and the never ending taunting from the guards and no way to say anything back without getting 25 lashes, you might as well just go insane and be sent to the the plushy cells and bang your head on the walls.

I hate this cell, I hate it more than I hate those stupid guards and the damn warden, who are they to throw the smartest and most cunning of mages in Vvardenfiel, but to these guards I am just some flash in the pants that can get away with anything, well anything except for breaking 26 different magic laws, breaking and entering the Arcane Sanctum, 6 counts of murder, high treason,and the best of them all, talking to another being in another realm.

After another 25 minutes has passed, the mirror in my cell slowly glowed a dull earthy green color, than the voice on the other side finally spoke. "So my little human...it seems that tomorrow morning, your death will be calling for you...I am sorry to hear this, I wish you their was something for me to do to spare your life, but you and I both know that their is nothing that can be done." said the voice in the mirror, and to my luck that my ears are still working, the voice sounded like a female and was also regal in some way, most likely another being that was from the upper class.

"Yea...I know, being the only Psykeeper in the Arcane Sanctum and my crime for basically talking to you is many years in prison, brutal torture and an execution at the start of the new era...what a way to go, and our little chit chat was at least promising, you helped me not go insane like the rest of the poor souls that were in these cells...but enough on the past and look to the future, well your future, mine at this moment looks rather bleak and extremely short." I said, my voice is rugged and raspy since the lack of water to my cell.

It was lunch time by the lonely sound of a single pair of feet moving down the dead halls, and I know that this person was the one to bring me my last lunch, my last lunch what a horrible way to die with something in my body, going to crap myself when I feel the noose around my neck, what a thought, they said it will be a quick drop and a sudden stop...a drop and a stop...I may have a way out after all.

Prison Cell Alpha, Midnight

I looked back into the mirror, hoping that she is listening to my final words, hoping that there is a way to escape death earlier than by my formulating plan.

"You my lady...you have a very bright future that I can clearly tell, some storm clouds on your horizons but nothing more.....odd...I do not ever remember that type of storm cloud to be ever present...a strange purplish silver cloud...most likely some mage that failed another weather control spell...well my lady, I guess whatever we talk about for the next few hours might as well be something worthy...since all I can do with this mirror is speak through it, not see what is on the other side...at least you can not see my damaged condition, it would leave you in tears." I said, my voice now sounding like stone grating on stone.

I look out of the open window in my cell, and just like inside of the mirror, the exact same purple/silver cloud is slowly hanging itself over the prison, and the sounds of thunder and lightning striking the air, the signs of a heavy storm is rapidly approaching.

The voice in the mirror was quite for a few minutes, I could have sworn that I heard the faint sounds of crying than another voice, different this time, asking to why she is crying, I knew she lied since she said that she was reading a sad romance novel, seemingly she does not want others to know about our conversations. I can clearly respect that, since it is most likely forbidden also to where she is from. I wish I knew where she was from, or even see her face, I want to know who I was speaking to before I die.

"What is the matter ma'am? Why are you crying? Is it because my death would mean you would be left talking to people that are rather simple or that you would miss my company, either way it is flattering to know that such a caring person as yourself would even bother to care for a man like me. Please do not cry for me, for the gods will not show me mercy, only you and if I could escape death and come to your world, I would but I know that is impossible..." I said, my voice switching from its usual low monotone accent to its mostly rare happy upbeat sounds, knowing that my death will rather be quick and painless or very long and overly painful, hopefully the first.

There was a long pause after I have said that, I am not sure if I was trying to cheer her up or that I just want the only person that was caring for me to shut up and look the other way when it is my turn to die.

Sun Morning, March 21, 4E 0001,Execution Day

Today is the day, my execution...why the hell am I thinking of my death at a time like this, I should be preparing my plan, which is not much of a plan, I would just play dead during my hanging and when they take my body off they would just toss it aside near the other corpses and when all of them leave I would just break out, and most likely kill a few guards to settle the score.

"My lady...it is almost my time to meet the end, I wish you luck in your life...I will miss speaking to you, your voice soothed my worries...and made me happy because you are the only intelligent being that actually bothered to care for me in any shape or form of support..when I become a spirit, well if I become one since I am most likely going to Hell..." I said sadly to the mirror, hoping that she is on the other side listening, and also hopefully not crying.

After a few minutes, a response comes, but not from the usual person, but from another, the one that was there when she was crying and spoken to.

"Thou Art the Human my Sibling hath spoken to...why did thy make my sister cry like she has yesterday...she has not left her bedchambers since last night...what did thy saith to her." This new voice speaking like the overly royal snobs back in palace, only one person I know of still speaks like that after my little stunt I pulled 10 years ago.

I waited only a few seconds to respond, not really knowing what to say at the moment.

"Yes, I am the human that spoke to your sister...and I just realized that you are not human...so what are you? And what is you and your sister's name since she did not tell me over the 5 years me and her were talking to each other?" I said, I sounded at first annoyed, than shocked, than went straight to my old inquisitive self.

For at least a few minutes there was a deathly silence, almost as bad as a graveyard when it came to how quite it was in this cell, it was louder outside of it since most of the inmates were yelling for freedom or some sign of redemption from the non-existent gods.

"For the small amount of time you have left before thy goes to ye end, you may call me Luna, and my sister Celestia...as to our race, we are formally called Alicorns..." her voice starting to sound sad and is losing its regal composure.

I look around my cell, everything still the same small cramped space except that the cell door is unlocked, and there are two guards, both of them thinking I have gone insane, speaking to a mirror, both none the wiser for not knowing that the mirror was my means of communication to the now non-humans Celestia and Luna.

"Well...Luna...and if Celestia is there...tell her I am sorry for making her cry...and that I am sorry for not being there to make her better...but I will be with her in mind, since my death is currently waiting for me, and I am first in line...just..please tell her that I am sorry...eh..I am so dead.." was all she got before the guards quickly undid my chains and yanked me away from my cell, dragging my weak body to the scaffolding.

My broken body slowly being dragged down the hall, I see other prisoners in theirs, backing away from me, the guards think I am not a threat to them, but to the prisoners they see me as their worst nightmare. I can see the light at the end of the hallway, knowing at the other end is the courtyard, and at its center is the scaffolding...and my noose at the other end of it.

Prison Courtyard, Early Noon

I was first in line for the executions, the storm has not only gotten worse, but it seems to be raining a strange purple water onto everything. This storm was created by some sort of magical means, not created by mages, unless the Council created this storm, and by the looks of it is causing damages to the houses both inside and outside of the keep, and the storm seems to be rotating over the keep...very strange indeed.

"So...this is how I get executed...by a noose...in a magical storm...at the dawn of the new era...well I can clearly say that this straight up sucks more than the time I was kicked out of a 15 story tower and fell back first into water...no wait...this sucks way more than that..." I said as I rub my neck, knowing that it will be fitted with a rope collar and be pushed off a wooden landing to my death.

I look around, seeing who else is standing in line for their death, and also to see if the warden is going to be here, if my plan works he will be executed himself for failure to kill me and that I escaped from his grasp, but sadly, he isn't here, only his wife...his wife is here...my plan just got better.

"Alright maggots listen up! Today is the start of the new Era, which means you lucky bastards will be getting a quick death instead of the long, pleasent death that many of the lucky sods before you have recieved. So Line Up, Wait your turn, and when you get up here, say that you are proud to die a quick death, and take a leap of death so you die quick and painless." his voice sounded like some drunk bastard that had far too many to drink. I already hated him.

"Looks like the pretty mage is up first, not so fancy and mighty now without your stupid magic tricks to save yourself hehehehe. Hope you slip and fall when you are in your new rope necklace mage."

Some of the prisoners start talking, almost all of them starting to yell and curse my name, saying that I am a traitor to the crown, well I might as well be since I broke so many laws and talked to supposedly talking ponies from another dimension, what was I smoking at the time when I started talking to them I will never know. The very few that was not shouting at me were trying to defend my name, saying that how the hell I should know that it was a crime to speak to another being.

"Alright alright I get it...just lead me to the stupid rope and get this over with." I said, annoyed to hell knowing that my death will be quick, even more annoying that the storm is know going from bad to total shitstorm, the magic must have been saturated somehow, because it is now raining extremely hard, in a slanted angle, and some small hailstones are now falling. Yea...my death sucks.

My slow march to the scaffolding was brutal by normal standards, having rotten fruit tossed at me, people cursing at me, the guards laughing at me, and now small hailstones the size of golf balls now hitting me, the gods really love to give me the worst death to ever remember.

As I get to the top, the storm just keeps getting more and more worse, now thunder and lightning is present, the hail is coming faster, and the rain is now so slanted that it is falling at a 45 degree angle.

"Vector Viicinitrix...for your crimes against the crown...and for the murder of 6 royal mages, you are sentenced to death by hanging until you die...do you have any last words?" the warden, Sir Serior Page, said on his high chair overlooking the courtyard.

"Yes...in fact I do have a few last words..." I said, looking down, my robes hood down, my lavender/silver hair now soaked to the core from the magicail rain.

"Than say it, we want to see how long you live before you choke to death." One of the prisoners shouted, getting encouraging shouts from the other guards and prisoners.

I glare around me, first the warden, than my executioner, finally the crowd of guards and prisoners.

"My Last words are these exact words...." I coughed a bit, spitting out blood all over my executioners face

"The Ashes Will Rise And The Ashes Will Fall, This Land Will Burn Into Nothing But Smoking Ruins And Decaying Corpses, Fire And Death Will Rain From the Sky And Cleanse This World Of The Disease Of The Corrupting Man. The Night Will Be Eternal, The Sun Will Burn The World While the Moon Will Bask The World In Its Cold, All Will Die." I finished my last words, most of the guards are now looking right at me, their swords drawn, the archers on the walls now pointing their crossbows at me, even the Warden had his sword out.

I looked up and noticed that the clouds are now red and the rain has changed to fire embers, the hail now turning into burning coals.

As soon as I jumped off the ledge, the warden told me to undo the storm, the one that I 'created'. but it fell on death ears, as I fell my life flashed before my eyes. "With my last few words.....F---" and just before I finish my good bye speech, it happened.

To tell you the truth it would have flashed before my eyes, but as soon as I was half way to the floor, a ball of white light encased me in its glow, than all was black, but to the everyone elses point of view, it looked like I just teleported using strange magic.

Equestria, Royal Palace, 5 Minutes Ago

Celestia has been in her room for 7 hours now, crying in her room, her mood has rapidly changed from happy to talk to her friend everyday, to completely devastated, now knowing that he was going to be executed at sunrise, the very thing that she enjoyed doing. Now spending the last remaining hours before his death, not willing to look him in the eye and say that everything will be fine, but that would be telling a lie.

"Celestia...sister...please come out of that room...why are you crying? Did a sad letter from your top studen say something sad? Is Somepony injured? Please tell me." Luna said from the other side of the door, her voice with worry for her sister's welfare and compassion for trying to understand her current condition.

After a long period of silence, the door slowly openned, revealing a white alicorn sitting on the bed, covered in bed sheets crying into the pillows to muffle the sounds.

"Sister...please...tell me what is wrong...if you keep yourself shut in like this than everypony will worry that you have fallen gravely ill..." Luna said, her voice still carrying its compassionate tone.

Celestia looked up, than finally spoke, her voice strained from all the crying "I am crying...because a friend of mine...is going to be executed today...and their is nothing I can do to stop it from happening...somepony that I started to know...is going to die and I can not save him." her sobbings partially interrupted her words, but Luna got the idea.

Her sister was crying because for the first time in hundreds of years, she couldn't save someone from dieing when she has the power to.

"Do not worry Tia...we can save him, we need to quickly get to the Spellbinders Court if we are to save his life...if not...than our once chance to save your friend will be lost." and with that small jab of words Celestia finally got out of bed, and with the both of them quickly moving in the halls to the room, Celestia's face now filled with hope that she could still save him in time...

Equestria, Everfree Forest, Afternoon

The Everfree Forest was in its spring season, the leaves were still on the branchs, some snow was still on the floor, but to a single manticore's surprise, a sphere of white light suddenly appears infront of it thinking it is an easy meal it gets ready to pounce on it...but to its surprise it was a portal, and a single creature fell out of it, saying something in mid-sentence. "uck all of you!!!!" falling face first into the floor, a rope noose around its neck, and part of the scaffolding falls ontop of him, knocking him unconscious.

The loud shouting alone and the loud thud was enough to make the manticore flee with terror, not knowing if the thing that fell was stronger than it, or that its shout was a pack call to others.

While I was laying their knocked out, a small pitter-patter of hooves came closer to my broken body and prodded it with a stick, only to get a slight unconscious groan out of me, and just as quickly as it came, it left me to my fate in the unknown forest for the beasts to have at me.

Yea...this is better than my execution.

Chapter 1: New World, New Rules, Same Problem

Everfree Forest, 7 Hours Later

Waking up in a forest is one thing, but to wake up in a forest with a noose around my neck and part of the scaffolding is a completely different matter. How the hell did I get here and how come I am not back at the prison with my dead body swinging in the wind like a pinata.

As I got off the ground I looked around to survey my surroundings. "Ok...strange forest...check, no land marks...check, my robes..." I looked down to see that it is still completely intact. "a big check on that....yea..I ready for anything now."

A forest like I have never seen, it is like a cross between your regular forest with tall trees that prevent sunlight from touching the floor mixed into a jungle, the trees all slanted in different angles, making it look ancient and haunting, that unholy aura feeling because of the low hanging fog and the snow that still covers most of the grass and dirt.

"Well...this is not what I expected heaven or hell to look like....or maybe I am dreaming....yea thats it, I am still in my prison cell asleep...this is all a dream..." as I said that I go face first into a tree branch, the pain and sudden jolt was enough to bring me out of my stupor state, rubbing my face to make sure the branch didn't break my nose or give me any scrapes.

"Okay....maybe not a dream....stupid tree branch..." I said, noticing that most tree's back home are straight up Evergreen trees, these tree's look more like dying willow trees, creepy enough to know that this place is haunted by something or someone.

"So...where the hell am I? I know this is not the forest that I am used to seeing...and I am sure as hell know that I am not dreaming...still not sure what that ball of white light did to me...well...besides teleporting me away...hmmm." I said, scratching my chin, thinking deeply now.

"Teleporting...well...Celestia was not at the mirror before my supposed execution...so maybe she was thinking of a way to save me...yea...yea that is it...she teleported me...but to where? I think she doesn't know my realms landmasses...so she couldn't have teleported me outside of the capital...no no no....something else...maybe...maybe her spell failed and only got me somewhere far...far enough out of the capital...hopefully far from the capital....rather not go back to prison again."

As I kept travelling in the forest/jungle whatever the hell it is, I noticed that the snow is getting thinner and that the trees look more alive than dead a few minutes ago, which can only mean that whatever place I am walk to must be more alive than this place.

"Finally...some sunlight...fresh air...hell maybe even a bakery will do...I can go for a nice loaf of bread right about now." I said, starting to run out of the forest, only to trip on a tree root and land face first into a patch of blue flowers.

"Owwwwww......the hell did I just fall in?" I said, dusting myself off, plucking the strange blue flower by the stem. Looking it over, it appears to be just a normal blue flower with dots over the leaves, which gives me the idea that this is like poison ivy, but only a pretty flower.

"Oh you got to be shitting me...poison ivy flowers...well...if this kills me than on my tombstone would say 'Killed by pretty flowers'...not a very manly way to die..." I said groaning, now fearing I just fell into lethal plants.

I take a look at myself, looking for any sign of what poisonous plant did to me, and to my luck it seems it is not fast acting, which gives me a small hope that I can find a cure before I die from it, or otherwise have some horrible outcome where I am running around butt ass naked into the local population...and fearing that I get captured and sent back to jail.

"At least its not fast acting....well...I guess I will just take a few and find a cure....rather not be dead...living is so much fun...now...to get out of this forest, and find any sort of settlement...I can care less now if it has soldiers at it or not...as long as I don't die from these stupid blue flowers...I can give a damn." I said, quickly picking up a few of the blue flowers before running off to the forests edge, hoping to find a village nearby.

After running for almost an hour, sprinting, than crashing again into another branch, than sprinting again while holding my nose, I finally got out of the forest, only to be met with the strangest sight I have most likely ever seen, a settlement was there, but all the houses were upside down, floating in the air, the floor was a massive checkerboard, pink rainclouds raining some dark colored liquid, and their was buffalo dancing in frilly dresses.....and the first thought that came to my head was....

"Okay....how hard did I hit my fucking head....or is that stupid blue flower giving me the worlds greatest hallucination ever...either way....I am praying to every god I know of...because this is fucking extreme...." I quitely said, not entirely sure on what I was seeing was real, or just one large ass hallucination, either way if I talked to loud the people of that settlement would wonder who is yelling at such a time, and well finding a guy that is higher than the sky yelling, they might think that I am crazy...yea I rather keep my mouth shut until I get closer...

Walking closer to the town I noticed that not only was the strange pink clouds raining a strange dark liquid...that liquid was appearently chocoloate milk...whoever created this strange cloud I give him an A+ for creating something amazing and useful to mess with peoples heads. Another thing I realized that those same clouds...one was stuck on the floor, being eaten by rabbits whose legs have been stretched to insane limits...eating a cloud....

"What the hell? Pink Clouds can be eaten? This I have to try....well..maybe later....eh fuck it I am eating it now." I said, my thurst for knowledge has no bounds, and that also means my sweet tooth also has no bounds.

As I took a few steps closer to the rapidly shrinking cloud, the rabits turn around and gave me a quick look over, and at that look over I could tell, well hard to tell when a mutated rabbits jaw drops, because appearently they all stopped eating and almost immediately ran off, leaving the cloud to me.

"Well...that was odd...I would have ran instead...damn creepy as hell to see rabbits eating a pink cloud with long ass legs...whatever the mage in this village has done...he sure as hell deserves a praise for making this place more fun...hell probably made it better...dancing buffalo...floating upside homes...this is fairly....chaotic...eh more cloud for me than." I said, musing over the facts that it was indeed chaos taking over the town.

As I step closer I can hear voices from the other side of the houses, at first I thought I was just hearing things, but before I even take a bite from the cloud I hear voices shouting at each other.'Perfect...a domestic dispute....' I thought to myself, if they see me, and react to me like those rabbits did, than I might have to put them to sleep...hopefully they just want to be put to sleep.

I peek my head around the corner, hoping that I remain unseen but to what I see next...makes me wonder about my sanity.

I saw what appeared to be 6 small horses...2 of them were unicorns...which now means the mage back at the academy now owes me 200 gold pieces for proving that they are real...next I saw 2 horses with wings...what were they called again? Pegasis...winged horses...whatever. After those four were just 2 normal horses...but the thing that made me wonder about my sanity was that they were all pastel colored...than noticing that, I looked around and it felt like I just ran head long into a brick wall.

Everything I saw was pastel colored, even myself, my robes and body, all pastel colored. I am not sure if I was freaking out from the posionous plant, or from the fact that this place is unreal and I am dead.

Another thing that caught my attention was that they were talking....talking horses....I must have hit my head harder than I thought....but not only were they talking...they were talking to something that was a complete mismatch of body parts...a serpentine body and tail with fluff and the end, not matched limbs...whatever it was, it was acting like it was the king of the world, gloating and saying anything it wanted...something that I hated....reminds me to much of the stupid warden and the court marshels back home.

I breathed in deeply, getting over my fear that I am having the best hallucination ever and was about to talk to not only the talking horses, but to the talking science project. "Okay...I can do this...how hard can it be? Right?" I had no freaking idea on how worse it was about to get.

Just as I turn the corner, I see 6 ponies rising in the air, suspended what looks like a magical field, glowing also which means they were all charging for a spell, and the abomination was just standing their like nothing was going to happen. I just thought that the pretty light show was meant to blindd or weaken it, instead a large colorful rainbow shot outward, arcing its way to the creature, my thoughts were 'Oh Fuck Me....did I just see 6 ponies shoot a rainbow beam out of what is that? 5 necklaces and a tiara? Okay...I am really...really screwed now...maybe being half way out of my cover was a bad idea...'

Going back to watch the rainbow show of lights, the beam striked down the beast, at first I thought it was laughing, but upon contact it started to howl out in pain, and I clearly noticed why. It was slowly turning to stone from the feet up. From my experience, turning to stone royally sucks ass, it doesn't hurt but being stuck in place like a statue until someone releases the spell, well you might as well just kill me right then and there. As it slowly was encased in stone, it tried to stave off the magic, only for it to fail miserably as its body was caught forever in a scared posture, its face with the look of pure fear, forever immortalized in stone.

Seeing how 6 pastel colored ponies managed to defeat the worlds worst science project with magic, and knowing that I am not fully exposed and can be seen by them, I really have only two options: One is to run like a bat out of hell, the other is to explain myself and hopefully they don't blast my ass straight to hell. I now know that I rather run than get petrified like that, so I quickly turn tail and run like a dragon was chasing after me.

Maybe running was not the best of ideas I had at the moment...

Just as I quickly turn around and not even a step from starting to run, I felt something slam right into me at a high rate of speed, forcing me into the ground and at the same time, grinding my face into the floor...very painful.

"Where do you think your going stranger? Who are you and what are you?" said the attacker, sounding female and with a tomboyish accent. I mumble my answer since my head is still pressed into the dirt path, it was painful enough to try to speak while my face is being crushed, even more when I realized that my nose was broken upon impact.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you...speak louder!" I was already starting to get annoyed of that voice. I slowly move my hands, both of them pressed against the ground, with enough force and strength I managed to throw my attack off my back, a small thud was produced signalling that she has hit the floor.

"I said...my name...is none of your concern and what I am...is not of your concern...." I said, my voice filled with hatred and anger. As I get up to resume my running, a rope lasso goes around my body, fearing that it was a hang mans noose going around me again. "Oh come on....not this again...." I said, barely even getting 10 steps into my run I get lassoed, I turn around to see the culprit, an orange pony, wearing a strange hat with blonde mane and tail, holding the rope in its mouth...now that was a strange sight to see.

"Now hold on their you varmit" said the orange one, sounding like one of those southerners from the Liet Fields. That accent reminds me of the few prisoners that kept me company during my 5 year stay, their voices were more rugged but still better to listen to her voice than the cyan pegasis that struck me earlier.

"Alright....I will, but only for a few moments before I retreat back into the woods...or until I figure out how in the seven hells I managed to even teleport here..." I said, finally giving in. When I said I will stay for a while, all 6 of them gave me that look from what my eyes could see say 'Did it just say it will stay? And it spoke!', that look was starting to get amusing enough to make me laugh.

"You know....I will answer only certain questions....if it pleases me I will answer it, but if its something that I deam not worth my time I will not answer it." I stated, not wanting to sound like a real asshole infront of my captors.

"So....what do you want from me...otherwise can you please get this lasso off of me...and tell that cyan pegasis to run because I did not like it when it grinded my head against the gravel." I slightly growled out.

The purple unicorn stared at me inquisitively, looking at me up and down, circling my crumpled form while I sit their like another prisoner. I just stared back, not even blinking, not letting my guard down. I could have used magic to escape but for some reason I couldn't, my connection to my spells was cut off by some unknown force, rather from the unicorns presence or maybe from those stupid blue posion flowers...either way I knew that escape was going to be nearly impossible.

"Well...since it seems you are intelligent enough to speak equestrian...I am wondering what are you? And how did you come with the knowledge to speak our langauge?" said the purple unicorn, I knew she was the leader, but I did not know that she was also the intellect of the group, most likely the brains and also the logic.

I cough a bit, the lasso slightly tightened around my ribs. "You know....crushing my ribs is not a good way to keep me talking with stuttered breathing....and to answer your question purple one...as to what I am...I am Human...mentally stable at the moment. So please...just...keep your questions simple." I said, looking into her eyes and than into the other 5 ponies eyes.

After the purple one nods to the orange one, she loosened the lasso around me, allowing me to breath easier and move my arms more freely, moving them to my chest to better defend myself better.

"Alright...now for your other question....how I came to know of your langauge? Well...it is the same as my peoples language...that and it is called the common tongue." I said flately, not amused at the time because of being questioned by talking pastel ponies.

They all start to look at me, half of them with forced smiles, thinking that I am a threat and at the same time not a threat while the other half still think I should be tossed back into the forest.

"Any other questions little ponies? Otherwise...I bid you 6...good bye." I said, standing up slowly and before I can turn around I felt something hard hit me upside the head, making me fall to my knees. My head spinning quickly as I turn around, almost falling over ontop of the pink pony.

"Wha....wha is goin on?" I barely say it before I feel a hoof hit my again, knocking me on my face, quickly losing consciousness. "Is this....how you treat....outsiders...you....bloody....ponies..." I barely manage to say before I take another hoof to the head, knocking me out cold face first in the floor.

Ponyville, 6 Hours Later

"So...it is a Human, but we do not know its name, its origins, or how it got here...and to top it off it was fairly rude when we caught it" said Twilight, Spike was behind her, writing everything down on a scroll, and after a while he finishs writing and breaths a green flame on it, disintergrating it as it flies out of the library window and into the night sky, floating all the way to Canterlot. "I hope the princesses knows anything about this thing...for all we know it is dangerous...it is almost like a diamond dog but mostly hairless...and its eyes....it was blind and yet it kept staring at me.....I..I am going to bed now Spike...just clean up a bit than go to sleep...we will deal with this thing in the morning." pointing at my unconscious form lying down on the couch, not even moving and barely breathing.

Little to what they know, the posion joke was wearing off naturally for me, and after they both left to retire for the day, small embers fall from my hands, the very faint signs of my magic returning to me. I grin unknowingly in my knocked out state, slowly making the ropes binding me move on its own accord, faintly moving off of my body and folding itself onto the floor, leaving me free.

In my head, I am resting in my meditation circle, slowly reaching out to everything, using them as my new eyes and ears as I rest, hoping to find a way to escape before I am killed or sent to pony prison.

That is the last thing I need...This is a new world...ruled most likely by ponies....so these are new rules which will give me a new set of problems to get out of....never good....well...since these are ponies I might have to use something from my world to convince them...hopefully they know of Princess Celestia and Luna...hopefully.

Ponyville, 1 Hour Later, My Mind

{So...captured again...new realm of existance...new beings...and magic...okay this is not the worst thing that has ever happened to be besides prison...talking to a pony princess in a mirror, and watching a strange ass magic storm burn down the capital...so...options....options....options...well...I can always try to escape and hide out somewhere and be isolated...sure no one would bother to find me, but than their is that problem with food supply...or I can always go with these ponies to whoever is in charge, most likely sent to a pony prison or to some sort of zoo and be titled "The Rarest Creature in Existence", but that would most likely be a guilded life style which I will not have since I can talk and use magic....so that is a hell no....hmmm....seems like my options are pretty thin....better come up with a plan soon...don't want to end up on a pike and be shown to everyone, that would just suck. I might as well just roll with it...see where it goes....and maybe some sleep will help me form a plan....yea...sleeping sounds like a good plan, any maybe a sleep spell on these ponies...hopefully not all of them are immune to magic...hehe...sounds like I already made a plan....well...time for some shut eye before I go insane.} I grumble some words before I smile faintly and resume my current status of sleep and resume counting sheep jumping over a fence....hmmm....sheep....one sheep...two sheep....three....zzzzZZZZzzzzzzZZZzz.

Chapter 2: Temporary Awakening

Ponyville, Early Morning,Vector's Mind

{So...held captive by talking pastel ponies...not exactly the worst creature to be captured by...but than again seeing how they just turned an abomination of nature into stone with magical trinkets....I rather not get on their bad side...hell I rather not get turned to stone.....I hope they have food that I can eat, I rather not be eating hay and grass that is for sure...grass tasted straight up bitter...and hay...was tasteless...if they have oats than I would gladly eat it. Hmmm....I wonder if these ponies have any schools for magic...I might be able to teach them a thing or two.....maybe just the most basics....nothing like what I know of...keep my mental and gravity magics to myself...please tell me none of them can read my mind...if they know I can use magic than I will most likely be branded again with those blasted magic seals...rather not be helpless in a world that I have no idea of...hell how did I even get here? Well...as long as I am here....I hope this place has books...good books, rather read something interesting than something boring, eh any book is good to me at this point.}

Ponyville, Dawn, Twilight's House

"So...let me get this straight...this human is not a being chaos....apparently he his blind, looks like he has been starving to death for many weeks, and also that his skin is actually his muscles beside his head....what kind of human allows himself to be degraded so low?" said Spike, obviously annoyed that they are now housing a strange being that is potentially dangerous and also hideous after lowering its hood and seeing more of his face.

"I do not know Spike...whatever has happened to him must have been very traumatic, and also must have been a very ordeal event, whatever the case we need to take care of him until the Princesses get here to deal with him or until some other being takes him away." said Twilight, finishing her breakfast of toast and eggs.

"Also, Spike humans have never been seen in Equestria since the beginning of recorded history. Not one of my books says anything on Humans, their origins, their lifestyles, not even a piece of what they eat. I am just saying Spike if he calms down and is friendly I can finally record more about their race, and hopefully if their race has anything different that we do not have. Oh! I bet they have magic! That would be amazing and hopefully if I do this right he can teach me a few spells that he knows of, maybe I can teach him somethings he doesn't know." said Twilight, who is positively beaming with joy knowing that they are housing a race that was never seen before and at the possibility of learning something new.

As the two speak in the kitchen, currently talking about their new house guest while eating breakfast, I stirred in my sleep, hearing the sounds of two people speaking was somewhat bothersome, hoping for an extra hour or two of shut eye but instead they had to speak loudly enough to make me move from my comfortable spot on the already to-small-for-human-use couch with my legs hanging off the side. Just as the two get finished talking, I yawn almost loudly enough for them to hear, my eyes still in a daze from getting kicked and smacked upside the head last night still making everything look like I am underwater. As I stir around, I notice that the rope binds around my body are gone, laying in a neat pile on the arm rest next to my head, which makes me wonder how exactly did I remove them? As I sit upright, my two house captors walk out of the kitchen and stare right at me, which amuses me because both are staring at me with their jaws open and eyes open in terror. I also notice that it was not a second pastel pony that the purple one was talking to, it was instead a baby dragon, its scales purple and green, amazing to see a baby dragon, even more to know that its parents are not searching around turning everything in their paths into ashes just to find the little one.

"Let me guess, I am an amazing being am I not? Or are you just looking like that because I am not in my rope bindings given to me by that orange pony friend of yours? Well...either way thanks for asking that I am alright, no harm done except for a mild concussion and annoyingly blurred vision. Other than that...I am guessing you have some questions for me." I said, trying hard not to act like a royal A-Hole to my captors.

I looked at both of them, apparently the purple one was named Twilight...sounds kind of odd but I have heard of stranger names back home, a purple unicorn named Twilight...seems to fit I guess, as for the small dragon was named Spike...now that perfectly fitted for a baby dragon...but than again should have gone with a more scarier name.

I sigh deeply because the two in front of me just keep staring both in fear and amazement but mostly fear. "You know if you keep your mouths open like that a fly would land in your mouth...trust me that happened to me once and I did not like it..." I said, trying to get the two to stop being shocked. "So are you going to ask me something or do I have to play a guessing game for you since you are still in a state of shock...which is starting to get on my nerves." I groaned, trying to strain my voice to the point of almost making a low growling sound to snap them out of their shock. But to no avail they just stand there not even moving or blinking.

"Okay what the hell is going on here? Why are you two not moving or breathing? Did some mage use a time spell and stopped everyone but me and him...or her? Whatever..." I said, getting up from the couch and walking towards the two, hoping that would snap the two out of it, but it seems my sudden motion snapped them out of it making Spike jump in front of Twilight in a defensive stance while Twilight's horn charged up with magic.

"Well it seems my movement snapped you two out of your stupor..." I said almost in a cheerful tone, sitting back down on the couch. "So...ask anything while I am in my more....happy mood. If you don't ask me a question I will simply walk out of here and explore this small town....heck I might even decide to explore that forest I landed in...might give me some clues on how I got here...so...see you two later I guess." I said, standing back up and cracking my back, hearing the satisfying sounds of a few bones popping, letting out a small sigh of release while Twilight winces from the sounds and Spike actually attempted to do what I just did but ends up falling onto his back and getting a small laugh out of me.

As I slowly walk toward what seems to be the door to the outside, Twilight uses a levitating spell on me, which somehow also made me frozen stiff while moving me through the air, to my surprise her magic had an aura which can be plainly seen as a purple aura, seems fitting since Twilight is purple...

"You know we can't let you out of this house human...not for the reason that you might create a riot when the other ponies see you, but also because we do not know anything about you, your intentions here, we don't even know your name...so for the time being you will stay inside this house until otherwise...that or until or the Princesses get here and figure out what to do with you." said Twilight, almost with an amusing grin thinking that she has this under control. Well time to mess with her and see how much information I can extract from her without giving her to much about myself or my realm....maybe some juicy bits of knowledge will shut her up.

"Well ask me your questions, I have been waiting a few minutes today and an hour yesterday until someone knocked my ass out...and I swear when I do find the pony that did knock me out...I hope they like the moon...cause I am sending them up there alone...and in pain. Because my head is hurting like it was bashed into a metal wall...." I slightly mumbled out the last part since my head is still pounding from the beat down from last night and from the lack of food that is in my body.

Just as soon as I turn around, loud knocks can be heard from the front door right behind me, and I know that if I answer it, it would most likely be screams and ponies running or most likely more stares of absolute amazement. I look back at Twilight and Spike, Twilight is still wondering either to let me go and answer the door or not just ignore whoever is on the other side. And to my surprise she lets me go to answer the door but when she opened it, she immediately bowed before two large figures, which to my guess must be royalty or the ruling person in charge of the town, either way I almost panic since most of my magic is still blocked off from my control. Not wanting to be caught with my hood down and them seeing what I went through, I hurriedly pulled it over my head covering most of my face since the robe came with a built-in scarf to conceal my throat and mouth from freezing in long treks, but it does its job when hiding my face.

{Perfect...barely any magic at my finger tips...two royal figures...most likely guards outside which means they must be strong enough to easily take me on and hold me while they slap on the cuffs...prison does not sound promising...hell no I am not going back.} Just as my thought process started it ended because the thing I noticed most about the two figures is that they are wearing large cloaks to try to conceal themselves but it failed when Twilight bowed before them...not much of a disguise if someone manages to see right through it like a window.

"So Twilight...this is the human you told us about...it seems...very confused..." said the one on the left, my back facing them as I slowly made my way toward the couch, using my magic to levitate the rope towards my hands, making it look like I have been bound the entire time, but when the time comes it will be very useful...or just screw myself over without me knowing it.

"Yes...very confused...Twilight, did you manage to ask it anything about where it came from, how it got here, or any of its intentions now that it is here? I also wonder what its name is...seeing how it is sentient enough to be able to talk...or at least mimic a few words that it overheard from the other ponies here." said the second figure, now realizing that they are both female and most likely very important, giving me another reason not to get captured. {Important means I am screwed}

Just as the two figures slowly make their way towards me, along with Twilight getting up from the floor and looking at me, Spike comes back into what I think is the living room or the main hall...whatever the hell it is, he was carrying a small tray with 4 cups on it, knowing that none of them are meant for me...little selfish bastard. Spike looks right at me, and I look at him, making my eyes slowly change colors just to mess with him with the help of a low grade illusion spell, starting at my natural white color, than phasing it to red, than to blue than green, and every other color of the rainbow. His response was to gasp and quickly put down the tray onto the small table and run out of the room...seemingly with his small tail between his legs. Hehehe scaredy cat.

"Hmm Twilight...it seems our guest has the 'Stare' just like your friend Fluttershy...we must know if it does this intentionally or in self defense...whatever the case we must know everything about him...." said the first figure, and seeing from the small openning from the cloak, this female pony has a pure white coat...and is also seems to be wearing a golden necklace...hmm golden....nah couldn't be....but could it?

"Yes...Miss Twilight Sparkle...we must know everything about this creature...." said the second, and just like from before I got a few glimpse at this other one...and I think I remember this one....dark blue-ish coat color...an even darker necklace...no wait...that can't be right...these two can not be the two who I think they are...thats impossible...I don't see their horns or wings...these must be their emmisaries or something...no no no no....

I slowly start to fidget in my spot on the couch, still looking downward at the four cups, waiting for at least one of them to remove my hood and reveal what I am to them, but after 5 minutes of the three talking to each other, it seems that I am being ignored....at least me being a boring mage really does have its uses.

Letting out a deep throaty cough, trying to get their attention, not only did it work, but is also seemed to at least anger one of them...not good. "You know...you keep talking about me...but you never really talked to me...and me being a guest and all to this plane of existence....I thought I wouldn't get beaten upside the head and tied up....not really cool....not in the slightest." I said, slowly standing up, almost being as tall as the two figures while they are still standing up. Hmmm...me being equally tall....I can use this to my advantage.

"Well...whenever you are ready to say anything to me...just go to the edge of the woods and call out for me...I will show up...or lets say...in an hour or so...seeing how far I make into that forest without falling over...or attacked by a manticore again...little bastard tried to have me for lunch when I first got here...show it a piece of my mind..." I grumbled unhappily after recalling that particular event.

"Alright than....Twilight, please take note of our questions and his answers." said the first figure as Twilight nodded and levitated a parchment and quill from a nearby desk. {Hmmm....they still use parchment and ink for writing...seems odd that they have magic and yet can't use it to instantly write out their messages and thoughts....that might be one of the new spells I could teach them....nah.} I laughed a bit after that thought, the three look at me as if they said a funny joke. "What was so funny human? That we still write like this? Than tell us how do you write? On a piece of bark or a slab of stone?" said the second, sounding already pissed off that I was laughing.

As she finishes her tiny rant, I grin almost evilly, scaring Twilight a bit seeing that all of my teeth are still there and also that a few of them are pointed. "Well...my two dear strange guests....my people write on parchment much like your own, but a vast majority of them uses magic to simply write out the words inside of their heads and transmute it onto the scroll or letter, allowing quick and effective writing, some of us still write with quill and ink but magic writing is so much easier than by hand...or in your case by hoof." I said with a very smug grin, crossing my arms as if I just beaten my friends in a game of wizard chess. The looks on all three of their faces was almost priceless if I can see what the other two looked like, but from the look on Twilight Sparkle's face was the best look of surprise, shock, awe, and if I am not mistaken, mind blown, seeing how she thought I just wiggled out of my ropes she now most likely thinks that I used magic to get out, which I will not tell her just yet.

"Hahahahaha from the looks on your faces I just surprised all of you, what? Didn't think that unicorns or well..alicorns are the only beings in his realm to use magic? Nope! Us humans can use magic the day we are born, but of course it is raw and not refined so we go to school to harness and be in tuned with it. So ask any more questions, I am sure to have at least two mind-blown ponies today hehe." I said, my smug grin still there, my eyes now looking right at the three, resuming its original white color.

"So...any other questions? Or can I go now?" I said still looking smug, standing up slowly before getting levitated backed onto the couch and more scrolls floating over to Twilight along with more ink and an extra quill. "I take that as a no and that you three have more questions for me...." as I said that Twilight grins widely knowing she finally has something to learn that is not normal and from this world, the white cloaked pony grinning a bit while the dark blue cloaked giggled a bit.

"Well...lets get started than..." I groaned to myself knowing this will be one long ass interview.

3 Hours Later

"Wow! I never knew that your people were never rule by royalty! Even more amazing is that your world is just like the Everfree Forest! Its all natural and nothing controls it! Please Tell me more!" said Twilight, she was simply estatic about what I was telling her, she has already filled up 5 scrolls of what I just told her, and now she wants more...well I can easily tell her about myself, maybe that will get them to trust me more.

"Well my dear little scholar Twilight...since you asked questions about my people I was wondering if you wanted to ask questions about myself, I am sure you would be just as surprised about what you can learn from me, and maybe you will finally learn how I got here...but since you don't want to..." I said trailing off, hoping she would go for the bait.

"Wait! I want to know! This might be one of the Equestria's greatest discoveries of all time! Just think about it, a Human! Here! Myths and Legends were told about your kind saying that your people are mysterious and highly intelligent and hearing everything you just told me its true!" said Twilight, just hearing her voice that high pitched and excited almost brought a real heart-felt smile.

I grin almost evilly, just waiting to ruin the mood since what I am going to tell her might rather get to feel sorry for what I have been through...or most likely think of me as a worlds most biggest Grade-A Asshat, either way I win.

"Alright...but I must warn you three, what I am about to tell you must remain with you three....I rather not hear my past being tossed around like a rumor at a school filled with children...so...do I have your word that you will not tell anyone." I said, my voice filled with steel because if I know that they break this promise, they will not have any idea what I will do to them or anyone else.

At first not a single one of them moved before Twilight said she promised not to tell anyone...well she said anypony which to me is I guess normal here, but the other two smiled a bit which I guess is the same thing...I know this might come back to bite me in the ass in the future but, eh they want a good story so they will get one.

"Listen well my little ponies because this tell for I am about to tell you is my story...one that I have lived through and endured many horrible events that would have easily taken the lives of those that are weak and frail. Let me tell you where it all began...where I was born was in a small village outside of the capital...the village was small enough to go unnoticed by the empire...but when I was born...I was born with the enept talent with magic since I somehow caused a large chunk of the forest to be crushed by a large gravitational field...my parents feared that I would be executed for destroying the forest but instead the Council of Mages looked at me and said that I was forgiven...if I went with them back to the Arcane Sanctum...the highest place of learning and of magical training...my parents agreed and gave me to them....they abandoned me to them....to save themselves...that was very painful to me when I was older..." I said with a small tear in my eye while my voice slightly raspy.

"When I was in the Arcane Sanctum...I received the best education and training...I was trained to the point of exhaustion most of the time and my teachers never let me rest for more than a few minutes before we resumed our training...it was brutal but it payed off...I have mastered every school of magic that was to be offered to me...ranging from healing magic to destruction and illusions....but it was not enough to fill the void of what I lost...." another tear joined the second as it lands onto the small table near my legs.

"When I came of age of 17...I was placed into the 'Trial'....a test where every mage must go through...a test of will and endurance...we must face our inner most demon....and destroy it....few die during it...even fewer succed without having any mental damage....I was not one of those luckey few....for when I faced my demon...and won it damaged the part of my mind that made me...tolerate and respect others....which helped me advance in the ranks of the mages...and after more 'Trials' and an assassination attempt...I became Archmage of the Mind....the newest rank for the Council...one that was given to me since I was the very few mages that has the power of the mind at our fingertips...but what I did not know was that some of the rules for being an Archmage was that we could never talk to anyone outside of the Council or of the Sanctum...which means we are forever cut off from the rest of the world." as I spoke a few more tears fell down, and they can slightly notice that in the tears formed small images of my life, slowly gathering around the other tears.

"After I gained the rank of Archmage...at the age of 19 I went against the laws and started to search for a way to talk to someone outside....anyone...I didn't care who I talked to...just anyone....so I used a simple communications spell on a scrying mirror...and that was when I met her.....her voice was so soothing and caring...like a caring mother...but this voice was surprised to hear me also, seeing how she almost called for her guards when it was just a mirror." as I was speaking the white one slightly rubbed her hooves together, seemingly in a nervous fashion.

"For a whole year we spoke to each other, talking about ourselves...our parents...our country....our people...but near the end....I was found out and arrested....the Council feared I was talking to someone from an opposing country to try and devulge our secrets....but they were wrong...." my head hanging low, not wanting them to see me yet.

"My sentence was 5 years for talking to a possible enemy of the crown....but...their was also the death penalty which all of them called for so it didn't matter....this person I was talking to was in the mirror...she heard it all and I thought I heard faint crying....that broke my heart...it broke it so badly that I snapped...." as I said 'snapped' the white one craned her head at me and slowly lowered her hood, revealing the alicorn beneath it. "I went crazy and started to take on the Council that wanted me to die just because I spoke to an outsider...so...I fought back...and I killed 6 members of the Royal Council...and before I could fully get my revenge I was knocked out cold and dragged away....I killed 6 people because I did not want to lose a friend...." a fourth tear joins the other three, creating a thin circle creating what happened after I was captured.

"I was sentenced to die at the beginning of the new era...at sunrise which was 5 years from that day...and I was allowed to take one item...which was the mirror...and in my small cell...I talked to her...every day for 5 years we spoke....for 5 years she kept me sane and happy even though she knew that I was going to die...but she didn't care about that, she just wanted to make sure I was alright....now that...is a true friend." I half-heartily chocked out, more tears fall down onto the table, slightly splashing. The dark blue pony lowered her hood half way into my story, revealing the dark blue alicorn, being slightly shorter than the white one.

"For 5 years I was slowly dying in my cell from thirst and starvation...when I was not in that cell I was in the torture chambers...." I slowly stood up and showed them my body, revealing at a few points in time my skin was carved off my body and haphazardly put back on, showing that my skin looked like churned meat strips. "my life was hell....I endured things that others would have died from...but talking to the girl in the mirror kept me strong because her voice alone and how caring it was made me fight to survive past the pain..." the three can feel the story coming to a close, but mostly the two alicorns who witnessed it.

"On the last day of my life...I spoke with the person that I talked to for 6 years....she was actually scared that I would never talk to her again...which she knew that my life was at its end....at sun rise...I would meet my end by a noose...a rope collar." my voice now starting to sound raspy and rugged.

"Before I was pulled from my cell...I spoke one last time to the mirror...hoping I would hear her voice again...but instead...I got nothing but silence....until I heard a new voice....her younger sister....that was when she said that 'I was the human that made her sis cry'...and at that moment, I had near mental break down. I was not talking to another human....I was talking to a different species...and when she said that I was the human....she told me the truth...that her sister and herself were a race called 'Alicorns'...and that both of them are princesses...and their names were Luna and Celestia....fitting names I guess....seeing how she barely showed us to what they looked like....winged unicorns....horned pegasis...whatever it is...I was shown that sentient ponies can speak...and I spoke to two regal ponies...." as soon as I said their names, Twilight gasped almost out loud, dropping her notes, ink and quill, making Luna and Celestia move back slowly away from her.

"Before I was hanged...their was a strange magic storm hanging over the city....turning violent it rained fire after I jumped off the scaffolding a portal formed in mid air and I was sucked into it...taking me, the rope and the part of the scaffolding with me...and I woke up here...what was it called now...Equestria?" Twilight shakily nods "And well....I fell in a field of blue flowers and made my way out, looking for salvation...and this town was my salvation until I came upon it while it was upside down and completely upheaved by chaos and relvery...that was when I saw you Twilight and the other 5 use strange necklaces and a tiara petrify an abomination of nature. That was when they saw me and well...knocked me out and took me here...and well...everything is up until now." I said, slowly feeling dizzy and shakily stands up.

"If I ever meet Celestia and Luna....I just want to say....it was nice talking to them...and I wish to give them a hug...for making me feel alive and cared for when everything I knew...was pain and anger...." I sway a bit and fall over onto the table, smashing it and shattering the cups that was ontop of it. Before passing into the unconscious void, I mutter out a few words, "I am sorry for scaring all of you...", my head letting out a small thud as it hits the splintered wood and ceramic.

Everyone in that room was shocked, even Spike who heard bits and pieces of my tale, he ran in after hearing the sounds of my body landing onto the table crushing it under my weight and momentum. He was clearly shocked to hear that I went through so much hell just for talking to Celestia from a magical mirror, even more shocked to learn that I knew their names and treated them as equals instead of the actual royal treatment they usually recieve. Twilight Sparkle was currently in a state of utmost shock and awe, hearing how I lost everything when I was born and regained a better life just to lose it again, even more when she heard that I met her princess by the use of a simple spell on a mirror, along with the fact that I saved by both princesses, but she also felt fear because that I was capable of powerful magic and that I managed to create a fire storm....even though I can't do it, no matter how much magic I put into a storm cloud it won't work...only makes it rain harder. When Twilight turned to face her two royal guests, she had only one question to ask them.

"Princess Celestia...Princess Luna...is this true? You spoke to this human before? And he knew your names? How did this happen and why did you not tell anypony about this!" Twilight starts to raise her voice, almost to the point of yelling out loud.

"I am sorry Twilight but we had to keep this quiet between us two because we knew what would have happened if he was discovered talking to us...and because of us that he was spared from an untimely death....we just hope that he will come to learn about us more and get used to his new life here....the spell we casted was extremely dangerous...and because of it, he was taken out of his universe...and can no longer return because when it happened, that magical storm must have assisted us with the process but also erased him from history in his realm. He is now our responsiblity...and Twilight, you will be his friend and teach him everything that you learned....we fear that we have saved and destroyed his life...." said Celestia than Luna turned to her and smiled a bit. "Yes...we must watch after him..we have given him a second wind that will not go to waste but what he does with it we do not know....we can only hope it is not for evil or for reasons to disharmonize this realm....we do not need another Discord on the loose..." Luna said before pulling her hood over her head and slowly trots out of the house waiting for Celestia to also leave.

{Well...now they know who I am...what I went through to survive...and what I am....I just hope this does not come back to bite me in the ass...wait....this will come back to bite me in the ass, it always does when it comes to me....yea...I bet myself 200 gold coins that this comes back to haunt me....and most likely to repay for destroying the table....my body hurts like hell....owwwww.} Very few words were mumbled as I lay their ontop of the table passed out, slightly twitching as my body registers the shock and pain that my body just faced.

Everfree Forest, Midnight

The air was cold and it was dark within the canopy of the twised, knarled tree's, a single figure slowly trotted into a small hut, a faint green smoke rising out from the top of it. Inside of the hut was filled with tribal attire, masks, potions and herbs, even a large cauldron at the center over a firepit. The cloaked pony lowered its hood, revealing a zebra that was staring at the cauldron, waiting for the scrying mixture to finish. As she turns around the cauldron bubbles rapidly than just as quickly as the bubbles appeared they vanished, revealing a crystal clear image-like vision showing an unconsicous human ontop of a broken table next to three ponies and a slightly shaken baby dragon. "Ah so the human is now in their humble abode, some rest he needs from his travels on the road." said the zebra, turning back to the short pile of herbs and plants found but as she goes to attend to the pile, a cold and ghastly pitch in the air causes her to stop what she is doing and turn to face the strange feeling, only to get a rough slap to the face by an unknown metal object. She got a split second air-time before hitting the wall with such force it knocked the masks and other objects off the wall, knocking her out and leaving her with fresh cuts all across her face, blood seeping out from a gash on her cheek.

Standing behind her, well more like floating behind her was a large black tattered cloaked figure, no arms or legs to be seen, only two glowing ember eyes floating inside of the hood, a large metallic claw is where its left arm would be, only to shatter and turn into hundreds of floating metal shards of varrying shapes and sizes.

"Sleep well my little rhyming zebra....you played your role in revealing where my brother is....now it is time for a little....family reunion..he.hehe...hehehe...hahahahahahahahahaha." said the strange being, a metallic and screeching laughter soon fills the smal hut and later the Everfree Forest, causing the surrounding creatures to cringe in pure fear, the insane laughter almost reaching Ponyville, but by the time it reachs the town all it is just a slight reverberating echo.

[Soon brother....very soon I will find you...and together we shall become. And you will suffer for making me what I am...blood for blood, skin for skin you shall know the pain I was forced to endure...you may have been flayed alive in prison...but I have been into worse....punishments. So sleep well brother, and have haunting nightmares.]

Chapter 3: Teacher and Student

Ponyville, Late Midnight

While everyone in Ponyville was asleep, busy catching up on much needed rest after Discord has decieded to flip everyponies house upside down and make it rain chocolate milk with dancing buffalo, and after attending the ceremony for the heros of Equestria for sealing him back into stone. Near the center of Ponyville, the library where Twilight Sparkle and Spike staying, their additional guest is sleeping once again on the couch, well I was sleeping on the couch face first into a pillow with my butt in the air and my robe bunched up around my chest revealing the tattered pants that I was wearing, still blood stained from my prison sentence and from my landing when I first got here. In my mind I was busy talking to myself since no one else Is is capable of telepathy...well nopony else is capable of telepathy.

{Gods....why does it feel like I haven't eaten in years...alright maybe I haven't eaten in years but now it feels like its kicking in.....hmm maybe I should ask Twilight if I can get some food....and why is that in this world their is magic...talking ponies and other strange beings, two godesses that control the sun and the moon, and yet not a single pony can talk to another with their mind? Am I the only person in this world capable of such a feat? Like come on this is freaking ridiculous, why must the one place that has hopefully accepted me be the one place that is so freaking strange? First the town is floating upside down with dancing buffalo and chocolate milk rain...but no one can talk with their mind! Am I really the only person with a problem with this!!!}...I have quite litterally almost gone insane when I first saw the floating houses and rain. Even more of my sanity went out the bloody window when I saw Discord, a bit of it also left when he was turned to stone by a bunch of magical trinkets.

{Okay...plans...plans....well...maybe eat some food for breakfast....maybe read a book or two on these....'Equestrians' and learn about their history, customs and other nonsense that would help me in a viable situation that would leave me royally screwed incase I somehow fuck up to a certain degree, such as say something that would mean something else or some gesture or act that might provoke anger or some sort of sexual act....hopefully neither because I do not want to be on the recieving end of it.....hehe....sex joke.}

Ponyville, Early Morning

As the sun slowly rose over the horizon, not a single pony was out and about, being the crack of dawn and nopony in their right mind would rise that early unless they ran the newspaper route or some other early morning job which would suck if I had that kind of job. I was actually the first person to wake up in the tree house/library since I usually woke up early due to my tortures and also from my early morning magic training back at the academy, also because I needed to do a quick research on pony customs and laws and find if these two have anything I can eat, hell even an apple or some salad will do.

Twilight woke up three hours later, looking over at Spike seeing that he is still asleep in his basket, rolling over once just to get wrapped up like a burrito. She giggled a bit before trotting out of the bedroom, going down the stairs just to see me sitting down on the floor, my legs crossed reading three different books at the same time, and she can tell that I was using magic because all three books were glowing a very vivid purple aura around each book, each one gently moving up and down barely moving an inch.

"Twilight....you know it is not polite to be staring that hard at me for prolonged periods of time...otherwise other ponies might get the wrong idea about you and me." I said nonchalantly to her, not even moving my head to look at her, to busy reading three books at the same time.

After I told her to stop staring she shook her head rapidly and I can tell their was a very...very faint hint of blush to her face, and I just laughed to myself after I turned a page, thinking I just read a joke from one of the books, she decided to come closer to me, trying to see what I was reading only to get a small magic wall impeding her path to me.

"You know Twilight...you have so many books on your people...their knowledge...how everything works, even a book on local customs and proper ways on how to....what was that again...oh yea...your...mating practices....you really should have left that book in the mature section of the library. Seeing how if a child takes that particular book and reads it, it would most likely scar them for life...would scar me for life if I was underage reading a certain book that I was not meant to read." I said with a smug grin, laughing a bit more to myself and knowing that Twilight is starting to get angry, not from being stopped from reading one of her own books, but being stopped by a guest that was supposedly dangerous and also unstable, along with the fact that he was reading her books.

"Oh come now Twilight...don't give me that look, I invited that look when I wanted to learn a few spells that were out of my league when I was younger....oh alright fine....if you want to see what I am reading than let me just lower the barrier spell I placed...that comes quite handy when you don't want to be disturbed while enjoying a good book...even though the books I am reading are highly educational...which I hate since I have been reading those types of books for 15 years..." as I spoke I lowered the barrier, to me nothing changed except that sound and scents flowed into my small sitting area but to Twilight, she saw a purple dome slowly disolve around me, and she also noticed that I was not wearing my mage robes, instead I was wearing a shirt made of medical bandages and pants made of fabricl

Spike woke up some time later, yawning in his basket as he eyes Twilight's bed, only to find it empty. He slowly stumbled out from his basket, neatly folded his blanket, and slowly walked out of the room, his eyes still filled with sleep as he trips and falls down the stairs, falling between Twilight and me with a loud thud.

"Nice entry and landing bro....I give the landing a perfect score of 10 out of 10 and the entry a 7 out of 10. Hehe at least you didn't land head first otherwise you would have received a perfect score." I got those words in before I started laughing my ass off.

As Spike brushed the dust off from his scales, he just glares at me before going into the kitchen, starting to cook breakfast while grumbling about something that I couldn't quite hear.

I resumed reading my books, still learning about the customs and culture just so I know it incase I am ever asked about it by the ponies. Never hurts to be prepared for any kind of event or outcome.

"So....human...you never really told me your name....not to be rude and all...but why did you have that barrier up?" Twilight was looking at me with an inquisitive stare, trying to figure out just how badly I am injured and how I managed that spell. "I will tell you my name Twilight Sparkle...IF, you tell me why you want to know my name....only friends can call me by my name...and I might consider you my friend if you can answer me this: Where does the cyan pegasis live? I have a score to settle with that one." I said with a slight hint of anger, crossing my arms to try to prove a point. "Also Twilight....I am curious to your books....they seem old....not like ancient old but more like recent old....maybe 10 years old?" I asked, since me being a mage which means I busted my ass every single day reading and studying, yea books are very important to me.

I grabbed one of the nearest book that was next to me and closed it for the day, seeing how Twilight was most likely going to talk my ears off with a shitstorm of questions about my peoples magic, and if I even give her a small hint of it she would still keep asking....time for a plan.

"Actually human...yes...those books are old, close to 15 years old and not a single bend, scratch or torn page in it which makes me proud to know that at least you have the common sense not to ruin books." she said with a smile, well she better be smiling because if I wanted to I could just easily set these books on fire in front of her.....hmmm.....lightbulb.

Seeing how she likes her books kept clean and not damaged gave me an idea but I know this idea will most likely get my butt tossed out of the house in an instant or worse teleported into a rock....happened only once and I still regret doing that spell...

"Vector" I said quietly to myself, hoping she didn't hear it but she leaned closer to me as to hear me say it again. I just slightly lean back, trying to get a bit of privacy, well lack of private space since she leaned pretty damn close to me.

"Execuse me can you say that again?" Twilight seemed to lean even closer to me, almost face to face. Lack of Privacy Rising, Urge to reverse gravity in the room to get her to move away from me...

"I said...my name is Vector....and you are to close to my face....like...within kissing distance close...." I said with a grumble, my left hand slowly glowing with a purple/blue sphere slightly alluminating the room with its light. The small sphere in my hand grows slowly in size and the color of it shifts from its purple/blue haze to a more liquid silver appearence, leaving small ripples in the air which to Twilight is most likely a rare once in a life time event, but for me its more like a simple trick of the eye.

If I was looking at her at this very moment the look on her face will be of the greatest awe inspiring look ever, even more than the time I realized I was born with this inept gift to use magic to change the gravity in an area or on a being or an object, also that I was born a mentalist, whoopty do I can read minds and levitate things with my brain whatever...what I really wanted to do was be able to transform into others just to pull off very funny as hell pranks, hell might even be able to get away with stealing if I wanted to or maybe murder but eh, not worth getting caught.

"Oh that is a funny face Twilight Sparkle....hahaha you make me laugh, that is a good start but so far you are interupting my reading...but since this is your house I guess you are allowed to....so yes....you may call me Vector...or just Human if you keep forgetting it...and as for what my left hand is doing...well lets just say that it is currently holding a charged spell...and I can rather release it now or keep charging it for a much greater affect and....hehe....much larger area of effect. And in its current stage....its currently an intermediate charge...which in other terms if released it will only affect this house and a few feet outside of it...if I keep going with it it will most likely affect a half-mile radius and I don't just mean that me and any other pony will be affect, anything that is not held down will be floating...perfect for causing some nice chaos....or in my case, to destablize everyone long enough to get a good laugh, that or escape." I said with a very smug grin while the sphere slowly grew to the point of being a basketball...or is it hoofsketball? Whatever the hell it is called in this crazy world.

"So...are you going to back up a bit or do I have to release the spell and watch everyone float for an hour....I am sure that will be fun right? Unless you people here are anti-fun like my teachers and classmates..." I said with a hint of venom in my voice, what? I hated my teachers and classmates to the point of that I wanted to set half of them on fire and the other half turned to stone, and if I had more time I would have done that but getting prison time changed that plan to set every prison guard on fire and turn the warden to stone. Should have done that before I jumped....ehh maybe next time.

"Oh...sorry about that....you said Vector right?" I nodded only once and she took a few steps back, finally. "You know Vector...maybe you shouldn't do that...the spell I mean, we just got over dealing with Discord an-" I quickly interupt her with a question of my own, "Just wondering...who is Discord? Was it that butt ugly abomination that you and your five friends turned to stone? And also how in the seven hells did you even get those powerful artifacts? They belong in a vault guarded by sentries and golems....something like that shouldn't be out in plain sight!" I am already starting to rant, since one pony keeps breaking the laws of physics while everything else in this world is not even close to normal.

Ponyville, 1 Hour Later

"So let me get this straight....you and your five friends are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony...you actually saved the world....twice? Your town is extremely peaceful...along with all of...what is it again...Equestria?" she nods a few times, "Theirs a multi-tude of different species...and each one has different passive abilities and almost all of them have some sort of magical connection." she nods again, "Well isn't that fan-freaking-tastic....I swear if I told my teacher that I was ever sent to another realm and all this was possible he would have called me crazy and locked me away in an insane asylum." I said as I started to laugh my ass off, seriously, if anyone told me that this would happen to me I would be laughing my ass off on the floor, than start saying random crap about how crazy that guy is and tell him to stop smoking all the hallucination herbs.

"Well at least you didn't get banished to the moon or something..." she said in a slight mellow tone.

"And why would any of the two banish me? I spent basically six years talking to Celestia through a mirror...at least that spell I can teach you incase you run out of scrolls to write on and want to talk to her immediately incase of an emergency, that and it is highly useful because why waste scrolls when you can just talk face to face by mirror? Am I not correct?" I said, giving her the usual smug grin while disipating the sphere.

"Can you at least teach me a few of the spells that you know of? PLEASE!!!" she said, trying to give her best puppy-eyed stare, her bottom lip quivering slighty. I swear...if I was a straight up asshole I would have told her to fuck off and leave me alone, but that adorable stare and the way she said please....I swear if their was somehow a way to die from cuteness than I think I just found it.

"Alright alright alright....sheesh....you remind me of myself when I was younger....always wanting more, always seeking more knowledge, the thirst that can not be quenched, but than again, if I do teach you my magic I want something in return for each spell that I do teach you..." I said, trying very hard not to be yelling at her for two reasons. One: because she totally reminds me of myself, and Two: That....freaking....cute....look.....I swear I felt my heart nearly melt...that was to adorable...reminds me of the look my old pet dog used to give me when he wanted to play with me...damn that dog's cute face...it found a new owner...

"Twilight Sparkle....what I want in return...is one of the spells that you know of, a spell for a spell. Sounds like a reasonable knowledgable trade don't you think?" crossing my arms, trying to convince her that was the only way, well that was only way besides letting me leave the house for a while, being stuck inside of a room for days on end will drive me insane and most likely leave me deprived of social interactions.

At first she gave me that look of interest, knowing that she has the opportunity to learn human magic and possibly anything else about humans, but she also knew that she had to teach the human her magic and whatever else he wanted to know. She gave me a grin that basically said 'I will teach, you will learn', and I did not like that because I gave the same grin back at her, with also a hint of 'you will hate me for this afterwards'.

"Well....'MY' student Twilight Sparkle...your first spell that I am going to teach you, was at first an experimental tele-communication spell, but since I tweaked out the kinks, it now works flawlessly, as long as the surface you are using it on is reflective and is mostly flat. To cast it just think of the person or in this case, pony that you wish to speak to and if they are near any reflective surface, it will post an image of you in it, and the pony on the otherside can see and hear you, as you can see and hear them. Casting it is simple and maintaining it is easy, just don't move the mirror when its in use otherwise the spell will cancel itself to prevent any kind of magical backlash." I said putting on the air of a professor and also casting it as an example on a small hand held mirror that she brought with her earlier.

I grinned to myself when Twilight tried to cast it, and after a total of 17 failed attempts she finally gets it only for it to stop working as soon as a mint-green unicorn appeared on the other end, the look of confusion is clearly evident on her face.

"Not as easy as it seems eh Twilight? You need a clear mind to cast it without it failing, a clear mind and a stable reflective surface. Focus deeply and think on who you want to talk to, do not lose focus or else it will collapse on itself." I was standing beside her as she kept trying and I can easily tell she was getting exhausted by the tiny beads of sweat and the slightly huff and puff of exhaustion.

"Maybe we should take a break...if you keep trying like that your mind will fry and than I would have to wait for you to wake up from your magical-induced sleep, and I rather not do that since its rather slow to wake one up from that kind of sleep." I said quietly, not wanting to break her conviction on trying to master the spell, and at each attempt she gets closer and closer, but I know that trying to hard to learn a spell always leads to mind numbing headaches and really sensitivity to light and sounds. "Come now Twilight, you can resume your spell practice later, for now I am wondering if I am allowed to leave this building and explore the town....I rather not be stuck in a building for days on end...rather not get cabin fever and go crazy."

She gives up on trying to attempt the spell and just shakes her hoof at me, basically saying "go" without evn saying it, I guess she was too exhausted to even say anything at the moment. I just shrug and put on my robe and walk out the door, closing it as quietly as possible with success.

As soon as I turn around I am met with a pair of golden eyes looking right at me, or more oddly at my hands. Almost immediately I knew exactly who I was looking at, Lyra. Twilight sometimes talked about her during our practice session, saying that she constantly talked about humans, saying that humans made this and that, and saying that all of the things that ponies have today...humans made it and gave it to them as a gift......I think this mare is crazy, or is on the lead to finding actual humans here, hopefully both since being the only human here means...yea....not cool.

"Erm....uhh....hello?" I gave the lamest excuse of a greeting, and it was completely ignored since Lyra was busy staring at my hands, watching my right hand wave at her while I moved my left hand behind my back creating a small silver sphere, knowingly creating an anti-gravity sphere, hoping that I don't have to use it against her.

I was completely wrong...

3 Hours Later

"And that is how advanced my people are....now can I please go back to my friends home...I fear that if I keep talking about my own people I will start to get depressed..." I said as I hit my head on the small table. I spent at least three hours talking to Lyra about humans, where we came from, how many of us they are since even I don't know exactly how many they are, and also what we have achieved, I added tons of flare at the part of our magical achievements, it was funny to see her eyes go big at some of the spells I said, but it got sad because being the only human here meant that I am forever alone, that and being a male human, yea this is gonna suck...

"Oh sorry about that, its just it is AMAZING how that your hands can work and move like that, they are so helpful and well...all the things it can do! You can lift things without having your mouth full, can take things place to place unhindered...it is simply a marvel!" she was simply estatic.

"So now can I go? I have to check on Twilight to see if she even managed the spell I left her to practice...I fear she went overboard on the practice and fried herself...hopefully she didn't." I said with slight worry. And already knowing that she loves to learn something new, she will most likely work at it till she passes out or gets it right.

"Eh...might as well try to teleport...hopefully not into a wall...or over a lake.....please not over a lake." I said to myself, grumbling the last part, and if anyone ever noticed, I hate open water...shallow water is fine since I know I won't drown so easily, anywhere deeper than my waist than I might as well be trying to tell a dragon that hoarding gems and gold is wrong. As I start my spell, I noticed that Lyra was waving good-bye to me, but as I wave back I forgot that this spell requires focus, which I just broke just in time for me to vanish into thin air with a loud popping sound.

Canterlot, Royal Palace, 5 seconds later

Another day in Canterlot for most ponies, the occasional group of school fillies and colts being rushed down the streets to their next meeting, rich and fancy ponies taking a stroll in the royal gardens, and for Celestia it was another day of documentations, taxes and reading over important diplomatic letters. Just as she started reading over the less important of the letters, she heards an audiable popping sound before looking up to see my sorry ass fall face first into the floor with an even louder thud.

"Owwwwwww.......that is the last time I ever try to save good-bye to someone while casting a high-level spell....note to self: Do not wave while using magic...." I groand as I slowly pick myself up from the floor. "Now where am I?" I said to nopony in particular as I looked around in a daze, only to see that I was in someponies chamber and after a few seconds of shaking my head I realized I was in Celestia's private chambers. "Oh...erm....uhh....hello Celly." I said with a slightly scared chuckle, fearing that I just interupted something important.

Celestia just looks at me with that unamused look, and she only gave that look to me only once, and that was when I said a very bad joke, you know the 'whats with the long face' joke. Lets just say she was very...very...not amused at the joke.

"Please don't kill me" was all I can muster before Celestia just grins at me, and that also only happened once, after I told her about the time I basically turned off the gravity in the council chambers when I was still training, the looks on the councilmans faces were funny at best since not a single one was on the floor, and seeing everything float around I was to busy trying hard not to laugh, and Celestia saw the entire thing which to my surprise, was even more fun since a friend saw me make a fool out of them all.

"Oh don't worry, I would never harm a friend, I am just wondering why you teleported into my private chambers when I am in the middle of organizing my table of letters and scrolls. And I believe that you are used to this since you were an apprentice mage back home yes?" she said while still sorting the pile out. She practically scared the shit out of me with that grin and she also head the nail on the head when she spoke of me doing scroll sorting, one of the most boring and grueling jobs. I can tell that she hated doing this also since your basically nothing but sorting out which is more important, what deserves the most appropriate amount of your time and what must be done about it. Yea...worst job ever.

"Well I was trying to get away from Lyra since she kept asking me questions....like three hours worth of questions....my god if she kept asking me about my people I swear that she has a thing for humans....hmmm...I might have to ask her about that when I go back...and I was teaching Twilight a simple spell which she keeps failing on, since our magic is different it will take her time to fully master it, as long as she remembers to take a break here and there to not overload her senses and pass out like the last attempt." I said with a slight fearful tone, messing with Celestia and popping in like that will most likely get me in trouble...

"Before you go back to Ponyville I do have a question for you." she said, her tone getting serious and stern.

"And that is Celly hehe." a quick hehe was put in since I knew she was about to make my day worse.

"Did anything follow you here when you got teleported to Equestria, I felt a slight disturbance when you said that the portal was created by me and my sister's combined magic, I want to be sure that only you got here and nothing more." her voice still stern.

"As far as I know of only I made it, well me, a noose and part of the scaffolding to where I was about to be hanged but nothing more." I replied, hoping that my answer would be good enough.

She smiled at my answer and nodded. "Good, I would not know what to exactly do if another human got here, by your arrival that Discord was free but took you long enough for it to be defeated in your presence, if another was to show up with you than I would wonder where it went." her concern was well placed.

"Me neither but than again it was only big enough for me to fit so I can clearly guess only I made it through." I said more clearly.

"Than you are dismissed...but try not to teleport in here when I am busy...unlike you I have a kingdom to run and it is a monumental task...so just a warning. Next time you interupt my work, you and I will get very well acquainted." the last part of what she said was met with a very scary grin, to one that I only replied with a loud meep and I quickly got out before anything else happened.

"Okay....one more time...teleport..." I concentrated this time and managed to teleport back to Ponyville, just in the wrong spot, I landed outside of a large gingerbread house that looked like it came out of a childs storybook. Might as well go in for a snack or two...

Ponyville Library, 30 Seconds Ago

The cloaked phantom smashed another bookcase, destroying many books and ruining many others.

"WHERE IS HE!" shouted the phantom, grabbing a baby dragon by the throat and lifting him up into the air.

"I don't know! Please....please just let me go!" the dragon was now crying and sobbing, clearly shaken to the point of losing any and all hope of help.

"I WILL NOT LET YOU GO UNTIL YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING!" the phantom yelled again, throwing Spike into another bookcase before glaring out the window and seeing its target. "IT SEEMS YOUR SERVICES ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED DRAKE..." It said in a slightly less angry tone while raising its right arm, revealing a new metallic claw, raised to bring down a killing bow but does not go through with it.

"HE IS HERE...." was all it said before fading away into the floor.

Chapter 4: Flesh and Metal

30 Seconds Ago

I got that feeling, you know that feeling that you get sometimes, you know, the one that basically feels like that someone is watching you from across the street. Well I got that feeling, but many times over since most ponies are still not accustomed to my presence let alone the presence of a strange floating black cloak with metallic arms slowly gliding over to me, my back facing it.

Present Time

"Okay Pinkie Pie, thanks for these muffins, I thought I would go mad since I feared that the last time I would taste a blueberry muffin was back home, but now I can finally enjoy them all the time!" I said with ecstatic glee, alongside my happy self was a grey mare with blonde mane, her eyes crossed and was happily nibbling on a oatmeal muffin, apparently she also loves muffins I mean who wouldn't? They are awesome and very healthy, except for those that basically have the scent of gluttony on it, the chocolate dripped muffins that Pinkie sells mock me, tempting me to become fat with its sugary goodness. And it almost worked...twice.

"No problem! Just remember to come over to the barn in the afternoon, Applejack said she needs help with fixing up the wooden beams." Pinkie Pie was happy, bouncing behind the counter while the two other ponies behind it were busy dealing with two foals, apparently their children which look completely nothing like them, a unicorn and a pegasis, from two earth ponies...not sure how that is possible. Clearly ignoring those two in the background I finish my muffin and say goodbye to everyone and walked out to return to my studies...if only I knew who was walking towards me.

After closing the door I heard a few startled gasps from the nearby ponies, thinking that they haven't seen me yet, I raise my hands in the air and basically was about to say I come in peace, only to earn a viscous slap across the face, hurling my body into a nearby food cart destroying it into a pile of splintered wood. Getting back onto my feet groggily and my eyes in a daze, seeing small imaginative stars circling my head and barely catching a glimpse of the person that smacked me into next Thursday.

After gaining my bearings again, my eyes slowly stabilizing and focusing onto the person that smacked me, and after blinking my eyes a few times and looking again, doing a double-take and silently letting out a string of curses and swears not meant for pony ears and those that are human.

"Oh Vector...So good to see you again after all these years we have spent apart from each other. Did you miss me cause I missed you." the ghost said with a solemn and yet ghastly voice of the past. The ghost was floating in the air, both arms appear to be from my point of view are made of a multitude of metallic shards, many of them ranging from a large spectrum of colors and hues. As I keep my gaze at the apparition, its body is apparently composed of a few strands of free-floating onyx black fabric with two amber glowing lights where its head would be instead only a cowl is in its place.

"Holy hell....Kri'Zahl, how in the seven hell did you get here? I thought you were dead, let alone how did you even manage to get here?" I am completely confused since I am questioning almost everything now since Twilight Sparkle basically gave me the basics of everything here, now he comes back from the dead and somehow ends up here? How the flying hell is that even possible!

We just stand their, well I am standing, Kri'Zahl is just floating above the floor since he doesn't have any legs or anything else, as we stand and float their, the resident ponies slowly pour out onto the streets, watching us, a few of them actually calling out bets on who will win. Even after a few minutes of us staring at each other both my hands start glowing with magic while his arms slowly fall apart, the metallic shavings floating around him like a miniature hurricane around his body, forming a razor wall surrounding him like a highly effective barrier.

"Oh crap...that's not fair..." well it is true since my magic currently is weak and that he is basically a floating mass of cloth and metal shards. In all cheating.

"To bad and deal with it, like I had to deal with being a phantom and being dead, which you will soon experience, just accept it as fate." Kri'Zahl said while breaking down his barrier long enough to extend one of his metallic arms outward into a spear and eject a few shavings of metal bits out only for me to barely duck in the knick of time, but only for those same bits to come back and cut up my back and forearms before returning to the swarm of razor metal shavings.

After the shards came back to him he charged at me with both arms crossed and slashed in large 'X' fashion, nearly cutting me into four pieces and leaving behind a pile of gore and body parts but I dodged it barely and in my steed receiving a bloody X on my robe and the sting of getting a really really bad paper cut on my chest.

I retaliate by shooting a multitude of high pressure gravity spheres at him, hoping that those that hit him will cause those metal shavings of his to crumple up and implode onto themselves as the gravity wells within those spheres make the metal falter and be torn to fragments but only a few land on his arms while the rest fly past him and hit a few flower pots and a single ponies blue berry muffin. The sad part was that muffin was fresh and the owner of said muffin was now crying over the unjust lose of something so precious and innocent.

Jumping back near the front of Sugarcube Corner I was coughing and wheezing, physical combat was not my forte and will never be unless I go through another set of combat magic training...and I am not going though that crap just to fight my own brother. Having the nerve to speak while exhausted I speak out, "Brother please let us stop this sensless fighting now before somebody gets hurt...and just because I may be low on magic doesn't mean that I can't turn your metal into a molten pile of slag and that cloak of yours into a neat pile of ashes. So stop now or I will end you..."

The metal barrier slowed down before forming back into two solid metal arms and his cloak shifted into a somewhat semi-human form only missing the lower half of the body and a detailed head. The cloak itself was damaged and torn as if it was being torn apart by a pack of wolves and it was in a definite need of repairs from all rips, tears and holes in it. Looking back at my own robes I noticed that it too looked torn, ripped and shredded just like his cloak...wait...both have same tears...rips...no way...that old spell worked?

"Now do you realize why I was only hurting you, because when I was alive you casted that equal exchange spell, we share everything, memories, pain, emotions, good and bad, hell we shared that one drunk moment back at the academy which I still have to get you back...I did not like being a drunk ghost roaming the halls...that only made it worse for me since half the young apprentices were scared shitless that the halls were haunted. But enough of the past, time for you to pay up for your failure. Kri'Zahl, the only other human that I know of that knew exactly what happened to me in prison, he knew that I talked to Celestia and Luna while chained up to a wall...he also knew that I basically scared the shit out of all the prison guards and prisoners back at the capital...hehehe that was fun while it lasted.

He floated over to me, both arms in a shield stance while the metal shards themselves where shaking in anticipation I noticed that Twilight Sparkle was watching it all unfold next to Rarity, who herself was holding a face of disbelief, Spike on the other hand was limping out of the library as if he was crushed under a mountain of books but by the looks of the cuts and gashes on him that Kri'Zahl must have talked to him and came up short.

"Brother...this is your last chance...give up now...before you do something that you will regret for the rest of your life." My hands burst into an inferno of orange and green mixed fire, two bright balls of fire engulf my hands and slowly the heat around them can be seen wavering and making the ponies near my hands sweat and pant from how hot it is.

He laughed right in my face and if I could smell his breath it would most likely smell of ashes and really bad eggs.

"I will only harm you brother if you do not undo this blasted curse that you yourself have placed upon me! Only than will I stop being hostile and not attack you, if you fail to unto this curse than I will tear you, your friends and anybody else you have ever came into contact with...this curse is terrible you and you should have stopped dabbling int othe dark arts when you first started learning these curses...the dark arts was my department not yours!" he shouted while grabbing me with both of his arms, clamping down onto my forearms preventing me from breaking free but not from casting spells but the pressure and sharp pricks to my arms is preventing me from doing anything efficient.

Casting a curse is simple, just cast the spell, give the right amount of magic to make it strong enough to affect the target, find the target than release it onto said target. Simple and easy but undoing the curse is harder than it sounds, figuring out the curse is hard, having the right amount of magic to overpower the curse is sometimes hard to overcome, and getting the target to not kill you in the process is easier said than done when the target is crushing your arms and trying to squeeze the life out of you like a person squeezing a ballon till it pops. Not gonna end very well.

"Alright...alright...i'll do it...just let me go...can't undo the curse on you if you are crushing the arms that can cast the spell in the first place." I said weakly, trying to trick him into letting me go just so I can blast his ass with an incineration spell to get this over with.

"Vector just undo the curse please! If you don't than you are risking the life of everypony present!" damn you Twilight...you just had to speak at the worst possible time...or right time.

"Fine..." I said with a grumble, not liking this anymore than any other pony that is watching us, which reminds me why aren't they helping?

Moving my arms up as high as I could barely get them to, I fill whatever magic I have left in my body into the counter curse spell, the spell itself is easy to weave and use but when low on magic it can be quite explosive if I do it wrong and by explosive I mean my hands might be mangled up and would require me to put into a hospital until it gets better. Pressing my hands on Kri'Zahl's arms I release the spell onto him and the power of my magic may be powerful but as soon as it enters the robes he drops me from his grip and I fall butt first onto the ground with a thump.

The sounds of metal bending and a cloak tearing itself apart was all that I could hear at the time but the appearence of black storm clouds made it look like I was casting some great spell that could possibly alter the reality of this world as they know it, but the only reality altering spell is that one slow time spell and that takes alot out of me, I rather just let time move on at its normal pace than be exhausted and watch it move slower. Soon the sounds of bones snapping into place replaces the sounds of metal bending and the sounds of the cloak tearing itself asunder are replaced with the sounds of it stiching itself back to a complete cloak, almost as fast as the sounds of bending metal, snapping bones and other loud noises came it left and left behind a human in its wake...my brother.

Finally....I can finally breath again...finally alive....its been so long...brother...I.....I have been foolish with my emotions again...haven't I?" His voice cracked as he spoke, he may have sounded older when he was a phantom but in reality he was still young and couldn't speak without cracking, so funny to hear him speak coherently.

"You have no idea little brother...you have no idea...but for now let us just go back to Twilight's house and rest...you have alot to answer for...and alot of ponies to apologize too." I said while patting his back gently before hitting upside the head with a brick knocking him out. But what I forget to realize was that old spell that I placed on him was now active again which resulted in myself getting knocked out by an imaginary force hitting me in the same spot in the back of the head.

"Oh great...now I have to write to Princess Celestia that another human is here and nearly destroyed Ponyville and nearly killed our guest...*sigh* Spike go home and rest...I will handle everything." Twilight Sparkle said while her ears were flattened down against her head, annoyed that she now has two humans living under her roof and that Spike was a victim of the second human, this was gonna be a long letter to write to Celestia.

Ponyville Library, Midnight

Kri'Zahl's Perspective

'Waking up in a strange room is one thing, but waking up to the sounds of birds chirping, the smell of ozone and oak...wait smell? How can I smell anything I don't have a nose anymore...I don't even have a face! How can this be possible how can I even smell and...wait...why is my head hurting? I am immune to physical pain? How can I feel pain when I am nothing more than a phanto-'

"What the fuck? I have hands? Oh holy shit! I'M ALIVE! OH SWEET FUCKING GOD I'M ALIVE! TAKE THAT SATAN! I shouted to myself waking up the person next to me...er...is that a pony sleeping with me? And why is this pony lime green with a lyre brand on its flank? Okay who drugged me and why did they drug me?

The green pony kept staring at me with a creepy grin on its face and by the looks of it and also the fact I saw what looked to be a tit...or something...a female pony...a female pony sleeping with me...please let this be a really fucked up nightmare cause if it wasn't than I am going to off my self when I get the chance to..."Hello handsome." she said while flicking my face with her tail while maintaining that sultry grin.

Oh bollocks...

Vector's Perspective

'Finally my brother is back to normal...now how the flying fuck am I going to explain this to Princess Celestia that my brother somehow followed me here, planned to kill me, attacked a baby dragon, destroyed half a library and scared countless other pony citizens...this is gonna be one hell of a letter to write...'

Grabbing a quill and ink from the table and snatching a scroll from the bookshelf I quickly scribble onto the paper.

Dear Princess Celestia Celestia

Today as of Mid-Day the disturbance that you told me that you felt was real and the thing that came out of the portal was nothing more than my own brother scholar back from my home realm, and he is also my adoptive brother from my family, another matter is that he came here seeking revenge on me for something that I have done to him many years ago and he did not give up. Though admirable it was for him to run headlong into the portal that sent me here but foolish because he can never return until somepony figures a way of finding a way back home. By sun rise I will be teleporting myself and my brother along with anypony that wants to come with us to Canterlot to decide his fate, I know he regerts it but he must learn on how to control his emotions and also his anger, I also think that he might be able to get along with Princess Luna or should I say Lulu. Anyways best wishes from your human friend and also I am still thinking about that wink and grin you gave me when I accidentally dropped by, if you keep that up than don't be surprised on what will happen. With regards Vector the Psykeeper.

Rolling up the scroll and placing a wax seal on it so it doesn't open by accident I leave it next to Twilight's letter and her so called 'friendship report', I go back to bed and call it a night.

'To much shit for me to handle...I swear if this gets any stranger imma have to call it a break from life and meditate back in my portable tower spell...maybe I should do that.'

Kri'Zahl's Perspective

Staring up at the ceiling while panting rapidly with an equally exhausted Lyra laying ontop of me, she was passed out across my chest with her head resting under my chin and nuzzling gently under it to stay close to me, it was adorable at best.

'So this what it feels like to be a man......feels great! But did I really just give a pony that I just met a french kiss and a very warm embrace...I rather not think about that at this current moment but whatever...this feels awesome!'

'Note to self'

1. Figure Out what just happened.

2. Learn the name of the pony that just kissed me and snuggles.

3. Set Brother on fire.

4. Continue to learn magic.

5. Acquire booze to beat brother and locals at drinking contest.

6. Get laid...and rule the world.

'Eeyup that is my plan...now how the hell am I going to do it all?'

Ditzy Hooves Perspective

In the middle of the night a lone mail mare is flying through Ponyville in search of the pony that caused her muffin to implode upon itself just before she was going to take a bite out of it after a hectic day at the office of getting letters and sending them to their respective mailboxes. The muffin was fresh out of the oven and was her favorite. A Blueberry oatmeal muffin with almonds baked into them and before she can even take a bite out of it, it simply implodes upon itself, the whole incident was going through her mind and she was thinking of only three things, only three.

'find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer find muffin slayer...find a new muffin to replace old muffin. Give new muffin to my little muffin.

Determined to find the muffin slayer she speeds off into the night looking around for anything suspicious and out of place eventually going back home to her little muffin to tuck her into bed and go to bed herself to have sweet dreams of muffins falling from the sky.

If only she saw who destroyed her precious muffin...

Sorry for large ass delay, applying for college sucks and time consuming.

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