
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 90: Tour of Eleena

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These eland were more than flattering and welcoming than Luke had expected them all to greet him and his friends and father. Abioye, the eland friend that Zecora had known for a long time, was trying to make sure that everyone was comfortable as possible in this little chat between the former zebra princess and the eland king.

"I want you to realize that I am not moving back here, no." Zecora said. "Only visiting because Luke wanted to come here, and he wanted my help coming here to do so."

Imari just smiled, and said: "I understand, my dear old friend. Even though you do not live in your homeland of Zebrica anymore, you are always more than welcome to visit here as much as you see please. We are no strangers to you, Zecora, or your friends here."

"And we thank you, your majesty." Said Twilight gratefully. "We are all really loving this trip."

Imari and the other eland smiled gratefully hearing those kind words. "We certainly are flattered, princess Twilight." Said the king humbly. "I certainly hope this trip will be all worth your while while staying."

"Don't worry, your majesty." Said Fluttershy. "We all enjoy this trip. Even though we had a few dangerous encounters before. Other than that, it is doing well."

"It is best to keep all your wits about you." Said Abioye. "Especially with the lions, hyenas, and elephants. The bulls can be quite aggressive during musth season."

"What's Musth?" Asked Lyra.

"It's when a bull elephant goes through a period when their hormones grow bigger. And they are at their meanest. I've seen that happen before."

"You are smart, Luke." Said Imari.

"He speaks correctly." Said an Eland named Cosono. "That periodic time for the bull elephant is the most dangerous when you can try and attempt to see one up close."

"Eesh. I've heard of hormones," said Rainbow Dash. "But that's just ridiculous. I mean, I was.... moody when I was going through them, but I wouldn't try and scare anypony away from me."

"Well, at least it is good we know the time to stay away from them so we cannot get trampled to death by one of those elephants."

"And, try not to curl up into a ball." Said another eland bull named Seeolee. "Elephants are one of the largest walking animals in the world, and one step on you with their hooves is certainly enough to crush you to death like a watermelon."

"We'll keep that in mind." Said Twilight. "Matter of fact, we encountered one a few days ago."

"Was it a bull?" Asked the king.

"Yeah, a big elephant bull." Lyra answered. "I will never forget how deadly those tusks looked on that big guy."

Luke then remarked by saying: "but, we managed to set out of his way and continued on with the safari walk."

"Good. You did the right thing doing that. Niw would any of you like some water before we continue?"

"I would like some." Said Applejack. "I'm feeling more parched than a prairie dog in an acorn parade."

Rarity cleared her throat. "I too would like a little refreshments. This warm air is starting to make my mane stick a little."

"I'll have a drink, too." Said Starlight Glimmer.

"No thanks. I got my own water to drink." Said Luke, pulling out his water bottle that keeps the beverage cold for longer times.

"So do i." Said Larry before taking a sip of his own. His bottle was the same as his son's and immediately took the opening out of his mouth with a sigh. "Hell, that is refreshing."

The others declined as well, with Discord boasting himself by saying: "that is rather kind of you, Imari, but I can just conjure my own beverages." Then he created a red cocktail out of thin air, in a fancy glass.

"Address him with respect, Discord." Abioye scolded him.

"It is quite alright." Said Imari. "I am alright with Discord's company, for I have heard of his reformation." Then he zoomed into Fluttershy's right ear. "Although, it would be a good idea for you to keep an eye on him. And make sure he behaves, Fluttershy."

"Don't worry, Imari." The yellow pegasus said. "I always keep a good eye on my friend here." Then she gave him a stern and suspicious look. "Right, Discord?"

"Oh yes. Of course. You do a rather fine job watching me like a hawk." Said Discord before taking another so of his cocktail.

Then everyone else that wanted a drink of water went into a small store to purchase some water with just one bit from them each. It was a flattering and cheap price for getting some water, mostly because weathers here in Zebrica can be a little harsh and brutal when the hot sun is out. Still, they weren't about to let the heat get to all of them on this fun trip.

After everyone has had their drinks, they continued on with this tour of Eleena. So far, everyone was still happy to enjoy this little tour from the eland king.

"Do you get a lot of visitors here, your majesty?" Asked Luke curiously.

"Yes. Of course, it would be more local visits, zebras, elands from other cities, kudu, rhinos, wildebeest, minotaurs, Abyssinians, and other types of visitors."

"What are Abyssinians?" Asked Luke

"They are a race of anthropomorphic cats, darling." Said Rarity. "They hail from the country of Abyssinia."

"Have you met any?" Asked Larry.

"Oh yes. It is a rather fascinating story, Lawrence." Rarity added. "When Equestria was under siege from the evil Storm King, as traveled to a few places beyond Equestria for help, and we ran into an Abyssinian named Capper in a city called Klugetown."

"Equestria was under siege before?"

"It was, Luke." Said Twilight. "We were asked to go seek help from the hippogriffs."

"Hippogriffs? Oh, I heard of those. The half horse, half eagle. Kinda similar to a griffon."

"Yep. That's the one." Said Rainbow Dash. "It's a long but awesome story."


"Abyssinians are a rather litigious type of race, but Capper helped us out in the end." Rarity continued.

"I have heard of him." Said Imari. "He is a rather sneaky con-artist that is good at deception and trickery."

"Well, he is not like that anymore." Said Fluttershy. "He became a powerful ally and a good friend in the end. He helped us defeat the Storm King."

"Hmm. Well., I would still advise you to be careful with him."

"Don't worry, king Imari." Said Twilight. "He is reformed like Discord, and he is a good guy now."

"I will take your word, princess." They stopped at the large, golden eland statue from before. He looked a little similar to the king here, but with a longer dewlap dangling from his neck. "This is my father, Adewale." Said Imari

"Your father?" Asked Spike.

"Yes. Adewale was a great and honorable leader to eland everywhere. He was a fair and noble king who ruled over Eleena with compassion. He actually knew princess Celestia before."

"Really?" said Applejack.

"Did he know Luna?" Asked Luke

"Unfortunately, no." The eland king replied. "Princess Luna was locked away on the moon."

"Right. It's a shame he didn't meet Luna." Said Spike. "She is just as loving and compassionate as her big sister."

"I have heard that for sure. I have met them a number of times myself."

"Wait, you have?" Asked Twilight. "Why didn't Celestia tell me any of this before?"

"Maybe because you guys save Equestria and friendship problems with the map?"

The elements of harmony all laughed. "That is so true." Said Pinkie Pie. "We answer the mal wherever it takes us."

"Well, how would you like to see a performance from the Zeezu brothers? They are the best dancers in the city."

"That sounds fun." Said Luke

"We can always use the entertainment." Starlight agreed.

"And I'm curious about Zebrican music." Lyra added.

They all followed the king to an outside stage that looked a little Greek or Roman, and there was a group of eland with tribal clothing on them with traditional makeup on their faces.

When everyone was seated, the sound of the african drums and kalimbas played in a fast pace, and the sound of rain sticks were heard once every ten seconds.

Luke was happy to see this kind of entertainment in person, even though this wasn't really Africa he was visiting in. The Zeezu brothers were all prancing about and clopping their hooves in an elegant manner. Fluttershy, who was sitting next to Luke and his father, really liked it, and Rarity mostly loved this because of the clothes and hats they were wearing.

Next Chapter: Helping a Creature in Need Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 39 Minutes
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