
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 81: Rhino Civilization

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The next day, it was the early morning and everyone was fast asleep, except for Luke, who wanted to get a head-start and be up early to have so more fun while staying in Zebrica. He got himself in the shower, rinsed himself off with soap and shampoo, he dried himself off and got himself dressed for the new day.

Listening to more of his music on the iPod, Luke noticed something outside the window: like a creature of some kind. He couldn’t exactly know what that thing was, for the grass was tall and the thing was camouflaged within.

He decided to go outside and check out who was hiding down there. Not wanting to wake everyone else up, Luke tip-toed his way out of the room with his lightsaber with him. Heading outside, the human cautiously looked in the grass with his saber in hand.

Rustling was heard in the grass, and waited for something to happen. Like looked at his surroundings for anything dangerous that might try and pounce on him by surprise. So far, it was silent, and nothing happened, but then; something appeared and Luke ignited the lightsaber.

It was a large silverback Gorilla, looking larger than an average gorilla would look like. He was as tall as Luke,mane it had a fierce look on his face.

“Oh, just a gorilla.” Luke thought in relief. “Easy there, stay back, I don’t want any trouble.”

The beast made a small grunt with a funny look on his face. “I never seen a creature like you before.” It said.

“Whoa, a talking gorilla.”

“No, not gorilla.” It Said. “But Mangani.”

“Mangani?” Luke asked. He heard that name before in his world, and it was the name of the fictional apes that adopted Tarzan in the book by Edgar Rice Boroughs. He didn’t actually think they were real. Still, he was astonished to see such an ape like this. “I’m sorry, but you kinda look like a gorilla.”

“Ooh Ooh Ah.” The ape grunted. “No worries, me and my kind get that a lot. We’re just larger and more intelligent than gorillas.”

“Heh, yeah I can see that.” Said Luke. “I hope i didn’t scare you back there. I just noticed something sneaking up behind the place where i’m Staying at.”

“No, of course not. I’m fascinated by your glowing stick.” Said The Mangani, the. He rushed towards him. “Gimme! Let me see that.”

“No no, this is a very dangerous weapon. This thing can cut through anything, including metal and steel. Just watch.” Then he showed the Mangani creature how powerful the lightsaber was by tracing it on the ground, burning the dirt like metal moving on a line of pavement.

The Mangani was rather impressed with this blade and touched his finger at a burning spot, then he jerked it back goose to him, obviously hurting his finger. “Yeah, that’s a very dangerous glow stick alright.” He remarked.

Like put the lightsaber down and asked “May I ask why you’re out here?”

“Yes, I heard my old friend, Zecora, has returned home.”

“Ah, N’dugo, Hello.” Said Zecora’s voice. “It’s so wonderful to see you my old ape friend.”

"Zecora!" Said the Mangani. The ape promptly went up to her o all fours and hugged her so tightly with his gigantic arms. Arms like those could lift five weights at a time instead of just one barbell.

"Ah! Could you please not kill me N'dugo? Can you please let me go?" And the ape immediately let her go with a thud.

"Sorry." Said N'dugo. "I am just so happy to see you back home again, I just wanted to welcome you back to Zebrica." And he looked at Luke again. "And then I met your peculiar albino ape friend."

"Well, I'm not an ape, but I am a primate." Luke admitted.

"Hmm." The Mangani got a good look of Luke's hands, trying to compare him with his own set, but obviously, they were bigger than Luke's puny hands. "Hmm. I never seen someone like you before." Then the ape took a good look at the human's nose up close by touching it with his large fingers. "Your nose looks a little funny."

"Ah! Could you please stop that?" Luke asked. "You're invading my personal space."

"Don't worry, Luke. Mangana apes are like the curious type of creatures." said Zecora

"Hmm-mm. We Mangani are a curious race. Although... many of my kind tend not to interact with zebras."

"Why not?"

"They deem zebras as ignorant beasts and not as intelligent as a Mangani. They don't particularly hate zebras, just see them as... pardon me if I say that Zecora, dumb creatures."

"No offense taken, my old friend." said the zebra. "But come, let us make a time for an amend."

"Excellent idea." said N'dugo." then he pounded his chest with excitement like a regular gorilla would do, and he went up to Zecora. "And this guy fascinates me, and we should talk."

"Good idea." said Luke. The three of them went inside of the castle and the other guards just stared at the Mangani ape as he was walking in on all fours, like any other ape would do. The human was thinking that maybe the zebras around here didn't take a liking to this peculiar ape either.

Everyone else out out from bed and they all looked a little tired, and wondered where Luke and Zecora were. King Zuma was getting ready to sit on his throne, then he saw the gigantic, silver-backed ape with his daughter and the human. Zuma didn't smile, but he didn't look unhappy to see the ape either. "Ah, N'dugo. What brings you back here in my castle?"

"Forgive me, your majesty, but I am here to see my old friend; your daughter." said the Mangani. He pulled Zecora close to him for a side-hug.

"I see. As for you Luke, and my dear Zecora, how did you both sleep?"

"We slept okay." said Luke. "N'dugo seems like an interesting Mangani, your highness."

The zebra king just raised his left eyebrow, not looking very amused. "Indeed, but it is a shame that many of his kind see us as inferior beasts."

"I don't." said N'dugo. "I think you zebras are just as intelligent as my own race." and he looked at Zecora. "Thanks to one of my closest friend here."

"Oh you."

Zuma was silent for a moment, and then he ultimately stated: "Fair enough. At least you are not like the other Mangani apes. I just wish that the rest of your kind can understand that we zebras are more than they think."

"I try and I try again to convince my friends to see that you zebras are a very smart race and are more than capable of doing anything, but I just can't convince all of them to see the facts. Many of the Mangani do not really trust outsiders anyway, unless if it was other Mangani of course."

"You guys sound way more accepting than hippos, that's for sure." Luke remarked.

"Oh, of course, we are far more tolerant creatures than hippos would be like." said N'dugo. "We would never try and charge at you in full speed and trample you to death like one would do."

"Figures, I just had an encounter like that with a hippo one time." Luke said.

"Luke?" called out Fluttershy's voice. Luke recognized her sweet, soothing voice too well. By the sound of it, the yellow pegasus sounded worried about him. "Where are you?"

"Zecora?" Spike called out to her. "You there?"

Everyone in the group walked in the throne room, and they saw the ape in surprise. "Whoa, am I going gorilla here, or is there actually a gorilla in here?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Actually, he's a Mangani." said Zuma. "A race of primates more intelligent and powerful than an ordinary gorilla would be like."

"Goodness, that is so incredibly wonderful." said Fluttershy. "I always heard about them from Zecora's stories, but I never thought I would actually see one."

"Hello." said the ape. "I am N'dugo, and King Zuma is correct, I am a Mangani, and not a gorilla."

"A talking Mangani?" asked Pinkie

"Yes. We are capable of speech, for we are indeed more intelligent than gorillas would be like." said N'dugo.

"Wow. What brings you here?" asked Applejack. "Wait, y'all are here to see Zecora, right?"

The ape made a small chuckle. "yes."

"So Luke, where have you been buddy?" asked his dad

"I got up early, and I heard rustling in the grass outside, and saw a figure, and went to check it out, then I saw N'dugo, and Zecora heard the commotion a little."


"Perhaps we should leave these two alone." Rarity suggested. "i suppose you and Zecora have lost time to make up from the past, am I correct N'dugo?"

"Yes. I think that would be a good idea." said the Mangani.

"Better give them some privacy." said Twilight. Then they all went to a seperate room to give Zecora and N'dugo some alone time to have a talk with one another. As everyone in the room, minus Zecora, her father, and her ape friend left the room, Luke was wondering more about this Mangani race that he thought was only a fictional race from Edgar Rice Boroughs imagination.

He thought that Edgar making that race up in Tarzan was only a coincidence, he smiled and thought: "Boy would Edgar Rice Boroughs be happy and surprised to see a real-life Mangani. And he thought they were just creations of his imagination! Ha!" and he went to fetch himself a drink from one of the castle servants, and he had a cup of iced aloe-vera juice for him to drink, and for breakfast, he had some bread called chai and mandazi, a dish that is like a doughnut with ground cardamom seeds, and it tasted so good.

With everyone's bellies, they all relaxed for a little while. Zecora and N'dugo came into the guesthouse, and the ape said: "Our apologies for that. Me and Zecora were only making up for lost time. Perhaps it is best if I got to know opal or you before I go back to my home."

Everyone agreed in the guestroom, and they went out for a little walk in the city while they have introductions. First: Everyone said their names to the Mangani, minus Luke and Zecora, and had interesting conversations about what they would do in their lives and what they like to do in their free time.

Lyra and Bon Bon got themselves a bottle of water to drink in case they get parched.

Things were going really well for all of them, and they had good conversations with eachother.

A little later in the day, Everyone approached the rhino settlement of Kifaru , the home of Dakari and his whole crash of white rhinos in his group.

It was only ten miles north from the city where Luke and his friends would be staying in. The town was obviously smaller than the other one, but it was still a thriving one filled with life. Luke was amazed by how these rhinos would build a society like this.

Houses were made of wood and roofs made of straw, and some other houses were claw or stone with wooden roofs. There were also some shops and bazaars like zebras would have, but they wouldn’t have so much variety in stalls that zebras had in their bazaars, but their was still fruits and vegetables in a variety.

“Ooh, this is something I can write about in rhino society.” Said Twilight. She even pulled out a notebook and used the magic from her horn to write down many things that she saw many rhinos doing.

All of a sudden, there was a loud sound, and everyone looked to see what it was. They all saw two white rhinos fighting, or sparring. It did look so much like a fight to the death, but there was a small crowd of other rhinos, calves or full grown ones on the audience cheering on the two bulls in this little fight.

This was only just a sparring match, like a boxing or a wrestling match by these two giants, and it was rather loud as one bull was trying to push the other one out of the ring.

“Ooh, That looks fascinating.” Said Twilight writing in her notes. “Imcan’t wait to see what else they do.”

“Take it easy, Twilight.” Spike chuckled. “You don’t have to observe everything the rhinos do,”

“But think of the great contribution I can bring to Equestria with knowledge of these rhinos.” She didn’t stop writing down her notes on the pad, and she was getting more eager every second just thinking about it.

The two rhinos sparring continued their little match, and then the biggest one easily outmatched the second, smaller opponent out of the ring,mane there was a loud thud heard as he fell to the ground.

“Oh my goodness.” Fluttershy Said in surprise. She couldn’t help but rush to the guy’s aid and try to help him up. “Are you all right?” She Asked him

“Of course,” Said the rhino in a smile, and he easily got back up on his feet. “You need not worry about me, rhinos like us have thick skin.”

“Yes, we were just having a little match to see who was the best.” Said the winning male. Looking at his opponent, he jokingly said “But we are just getting started. Hehe.”

“Oh ho, Roy, you clever dog.” Said the smaller one with a smirk on his face. “You always want another match.”

“You know I do, Kony.” Said the other rhino in a small chuckle. “Say, I never seen you all here in Ivoire city before.”

“Ivoire City?” Said Rarity. “That’s quite a divine name.”

“Yeah, and it looks very beautiful here.” Said Starlight Glimmer. “But is it tradition for you all to have fights or matches like this?”

“We’re rhinos, little pony.” Said Kony. “It is in our blood to be a fast, and strong warrior with tough skin covering our bodies.”

“I like the sound of that, sounds tough.” Rainbow admired.

“And those horns look like they can kill anything.” Lyra complimented.

“You are too kind.” Said Roy, obviously touched by her compliment. “We rhinos also take pride on our horns, for it is our most distinguishing mark for us.”

“We would love to chat with you some more, but we really need to take a break from all that fighting.” Said Kony. “But we’ll chat another time. Till then, I hope you enjoy our glorious city.”

“Thank you, Kony.” Said Luke gratefully. “Hope to see you guys again.”

“And we hope the same, little man.” Said Kony. “Well come on, brother, I desperately need some water right now.”

“You have read my mind like a psychic.” The bigger rhino joked, and they said their byes before walking away to look for some water. Those two bulls seem like a friendly bunch. Luke was glad to set foot in this settlement, along with his father.

“I wonder where the king is.” Said Larry.

“Oh! There he is!” Pinkie pointed. Her hoof was aiming directly at the king with a couple of guards and a calf with him. The little guy only had one horn on his nose, and he looked rather adorable.

All of them went up to him, and Dakari was obviously happy to see them all again, except for a Discord a little. “Ah, welcome my friends.” He remarked. “I see you have all found the glorious city of Ivoire”

“It’s so beautiful.” Said Bon Bon.

“Thank you.” Said a touched Dakari, and the calf looked a little nervous to see all of them, and hid behind his father. “Oh Rigby, there is no need to be afraid, my son. You have seen all of them before.”

“I know.” Said the calf in a quiet voice. He slowly walked up to the group and sniffed Larry’s leg. “Hello.” He Said

“Hey.” Luke said.

“Friends, this is Rigby, my son, And next in line for the throne of this land when I die someday.”

“N-nice to meet you.” Said Rigby in a timid voice.

“He can be shy at times, but he will warm up to you.” Said Dakari. “Come, why don’t we have a little talk?”

“Sure.” Said Fluttershy. They all began walking together, and Fluttershy asked curiously “How long have you been king?”

“For the past twenty years, Fluttershy.” Said the rhino king. “Of course, we lived under a tyrant named Omar. I led a resistance against him and his army, and I successfully became king of this city.”

“Was he a bad rhino?”

“He was a monster.” Said a Guard.

“But I banished him from our home and he lives in the badlands, and he never even bothered to set foot here ever since.”

“Don’t you ever worry he will come back and have revenge on all of you?” Asked Fluttershy.

“No, of course not.” Said Dakari. “He is probably too old to even fight anymore. No, a real problem would be an Emela Ntouka that we consider an abomination.”

“What’s an.... whatever you call it?” Lyra asked

“It is a monster that looks like a rhino, but it is a creature of pure evil. It is also known as-“

“The Killer Of elephants.” Luke recognized that name,

“Yes, exactly.” Said Dakari. “How did you know, Luke?”

“There’s a monster in my world that sounds just like this one, does he have a large horn like rhinos would have.”

“Yes, And it’s bigger than ours.” Said Rigby

Luke honestly didn’t know what to think of this, and he said “does he attack you often?”

“No, but he has been giving us all trouble recently.”

“What if I took care of him, your majesty?” And he ignited the lightsaber.

“Whoa Whoa Whoa, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Said Larry. “That name sounds pretty terrifying if it kills elephants. If you got killed, I would never forgive myself. Otto mention that your mom would kill me if you got hurt by a monster like that.”

“You can help me, dad.”

“Oh, if you put it that way, then i’ll Do it.” Said Larry. “Where is he?”

“He would usually be near the lake east from here. That is where he lives.” Said a second Guard.

“Okay. I’ll see what we can do. How dangerous is he?”

“He is very dangerous Luke.” Said Dakari. “You do not want to underestimate him, we have lost five rhino soldiers to him recently. And you don’t have to do this, you might get hurt.”

“Yeah Luke.” Said Fluttershy. “He could really hurt you.”

“We don’t know what we’ll do without you.” Spike added.

‘Thanks for looking out for me, guys, but i’ll Be okay,” Luke remarked. “Dad, come with me.”

“Right behind you, Luke.” Larry followed his son out of town with the magnum in his right hand, and the others watched them in a worried look on their faces seeing those two wander out into the savanna like this. For all they know, this monster could be more dangerous than they all think.

Next Chapter: All a Misunderstanding Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 56 Minutes
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