
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 75: Zebrica

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At last, today was the big day. This was the very day where Like gets to go to Zebrica with Zecora and his closest friends for a whole week. The human could hardly wait to get on that train to visit there, as a matter of fact, he packed his bags early, and he was all set for the visit and the upcoming train.

Fluttershy was already prepared and Sprinkle Medley was going to watch the whole cottage for the day while she is gone. Still, the train wasn’t coming for another hour and thirty minutes on schedule.

Many animals were saddened to see that she was going away for a whole week, but she greatly assured all of them that it will not be forever, only seven days total, and told all of her about how nice and sweet Sprinkle was. “Come on, my friends. Just cooperate with her and she will give you all the love you need.”

“You ready, Fluttershy?” Luke asked her excitedly.

“Yes. It will be so fun, but we still need to wait for Sprinkle Medley to come over here so I can explain everything to her.”

“I know. I’m just so excited about this.” Luke admitted. “I can already imagine what the atmosphere would feel like.”

“Me too. I can!t wait to see we all those animals abundant over there.” Fluttershy added. “And correct me if I”m wrong, but, Zecora Said She will meet us at the Train station, right?”

“That’s what she said. And Twilight Said She will pay for everything since she’s a princess. And I hope we get a discount for that.”

The yellow pegasus made a cute giggle. “Me too. That would be nice. I’m pretty sure the zebras over there will recognize her and show her the upmost respect she deserves.”

Luke then clipped his lightsaber to his belt. He felt like in case something bad comes up, he would use it just in case a monster or bandits would try and kill and rob him blind. The place might not have any bandits, but Luke is a guy who likes to be better safe than sorry.

“Are you sure you want to take your lightsaber with you, Luke?” Fluttershy asked him with one eyebrow raised over her eye.

“I know it sounds a little crude, but I want to bring it for good measure. I’ll never know when something dangerous will come up and try to kill me.” Then he cracked both his knuckles to look more tough and pumped for the trip

“I understand. Maybe that is a good idea after all.”

“And besides, you guys are the elements of harmony so nothing can really stand in your way. Discord’s been reformed before I was here, and Chrysalis has finally been sent to the Stony Lonesome for crimes against Equestria.”

“That’s right. I just hope it will stay that way.”

“I’m pretty sure it will.” And he took a sip of his water. It was just then Discord showed up and brought Luke’s dad to Equestria. “Dad!” Luke said in happiness.

“Luke!” And they hugged one another. “You ready for this big trip?”

“You know it, dad. And you?”

“I’m all set. I got my longer freezing water bottle, my magnum, sunscreen, and other belongings i’ll Need for Zebrica. And of course, I had my shots against any diseases that insects might have over there.”

“Awesome! But wait, you’re not going to go out and hunt for trophies, are you?”

“No way, that’s never going to happen.” Larry said. “I only brought my gun so that in case something tried to attack us first or if any robbers try to kill and steal our belongings.”

“Ah, Alright.”

“I can see how eager you are for the trip, Luke.” Discord Said. “Are you afraid?” He had that smug look on his face again.

The human shrugged and said "No, of course not." however, deep down inside of him, he was feeling a little anxious about this trip. He hoped he wouldn't get treated as an outcast or a monster when he arrived in Zecora's homeland by the zebras, buffalo, or other ungulates or animals that can talk over there.

Still, he decide not to worry about that so much, and have faith in the zebra and know that his closest friends will be with him to support him if needed, along with is father and Zecora herself will be there to help him out. It was just then Sprinkle Medley came to the front door, and knocked on it four times. Fluttershy promptly answered it, and kindly allowed her to step in her nice little cottage.

"Hi Fluttershy. I'm here." she said.

"Perfect! here is the list of things you need to do while we're gone for the whole week." and the yellow pegasus handed her the list of things the green pegasus needed to do around the place and help the animals out.

"Okay. And don't worry, I can handle this place like no problem at all." Sprinkle mildly bragged. "I'm pretty sure me and the animals will get along just fine." She looked at the critters and they all waved and greeted her with hand waves and random animal sounds.

So, everything was all set for Luke, his father, Discord, and Fluttershy to go on this exciting trip.

"I love you all, my critter friends." The yellow pegasus said. "We'll be back in a week, and please listen to Sprinkle Medley."

All the animals inside nodded their heads a yes to her in reply

"Good. Well come on." And everyone followed Fluttershy out the door while Sprinkle was wishing them all a good trip.

"Okay, this should be easy." Said Sprinkle.

Meanwhile, arriving at the train station, they saw the rest of their friends and Zecora waiting for them. Lyra and Bon Bon were also with them, possibly coming on the trip, too.

"Guys, there you are!" Twilight said. "We were all waiting for you."

"Of course you were." Said Discord. "Luke's feeling quite nervous about this who trip."

"I am not!" The human exclaimed defensively. They all looked at him with their eyes perked at his sudden reaction. ".... okay, I am a little to admit it."

Zecora made a humble chuckle and said "don't worry, Luke. Everything will be just fine, good friend of mine." And the zebra wrapped her arm around him. "Just stick with me and Zebrica will be the greatest visit you will want to see."

"She's right, Sugarcube." Said Applejack. "There ain't nothing to worry about."

"It will he fun!" Said Pinkie I'm a joyous bounce.

"I can hardly wait to see those cheetahs over there. I hear those guys are super fast." Said Rainbow Dash, thinking racing with one of those cats.

It didn't take long for the train to finally come, and Zecira promptly gave the tickets to the conductor who stepped put of the vehicle.

"Enjoy your trip to Zebrica now, all aboard." Sad the conductor. Luke, his dad, then all his friends hopped in the cart. As soon as everyone was settled in their seats the train slowly started to move in motion, then picked up speed moments after the departure.

Luke's excited feeling grew more and more with every moment and how the world was moving outside the window. He wondered how long this trip would take, and just decided to be patient, because he knows he can't speed up the time.

Fluttershy promptly sat next to him, along with his father. "You excited, buddy?" Larry asked his son

"Hellyeah. I am more than excited, dad." Luke replied. "Just you and me and my friends in a place similar to Africa, and look at any safaris available to look at abinals, meet creatures I haven't seen, that sort of thing." Ad he relaxed his arms behind the back of his head

"I can hardly wait to set foot on Zebrica for the first time." Said Fluttershy.

Lyra made a small chuckle, and said "We're all excited, Fluttershy. I know how fun this will be for a whole seven days. Just looking at the animals, having as much fun as we can, the delicious food, everything."

"We will definitely enjoy it while we can, for there are so many beautiful wonders in my homeland." Zecora remarked.

"I certainly hope I get to see what they do for fashion. I always heard about the beauty of Zebrican clothes and dresses." Rarity dreamed. "Not to mention the gold jewelry and accessories that they have."

"If only Applebloom would be here with us. She would love to have come with us."

"There's always another day, Appejack." Pinkie Pie remarked.

Appejack smiled at her "that's true."

"And Discord, you're not going to cause any trouble over there, are you?" Spike asked him suspiciously.

"What? Moi, cause trouble? I would never do something as atrocious as that!"

"Right." Spike said, not convinced by his words of milk and honey. "The last thing we need is chaos running amok in Zebrica because of you."

"It's okay, Spike." Fluttershy reassured him. "I will keep a close eye on him in case he does something mischievous. You'll behave, right Discord?"

"Anything for you, my dear Fluttershy." Twilight, do be on the safe side, checked behind Discord's back to see if he didn't have his fingers crossed. Sure, ponies only have one toe on each foot, but she knows very well that a creature crossing fingers behind his back while making a promise, means he's lying. Luckily, Discord didn't have his fingers crossed behind his back, which was good.

The purple allicorn herself was very curious about history in Zebrica. For she was always one for historical things from all over this world, and she was certain many histories from zebras, rhinos, antelopes, and buffalo and other tribes that live in that beautiful piece land.

Around around three and a half hours, Luke was starting to get bored a little fast, thanks to his autism, he was growing a little impatient, but he knew that he couldn't just throw a temper tantrum, no, he is far too old for that, and they would embarrass himself if he ever did that. "He sighed heavily into the glass, still listening to his music.

"You okay, Luke?" his father asked

"Just fine, dad. Really." Luke replied.

"Don't worry, we'll be there." said Larry, giving Luke a gentle pat on the back.

"Just need to be a little patient, darling." Rarity reassured.

"I know, I'm just excited and eager. Almost as excited as Pinkie Pie would be." The human admitted.

"We understand, but time waits for No pony." Twilight said. "Believe us, we're just as excited as you."

"I know that." And the human looked at the zebra. "So, do you know where we're going to stay at for the week? Like a hotel? or a guesthouse, Zecora?" He asked the zebra curiously.

"We don't really have any need for a hotel." she replied. "I have a family that can give us shelter and many stories to tell."

"That's wonderful." Discord remarked. "It saves us the trouble from spending a single bit at a hotel room."

"Luke, look!" Fluttershy pointed. Everyone looked out their windows, for they were beginning to see some grasslands, and a few isolated trees.Luke could tell this was definitely Zebrica, for he recognized the landscape in an African savanna. He wondered if there are deserts, rainforests, or mountains across the land.


The human smiled, knowing that he was almost to their destination. Outside, he saw many wonders like a couple of giraffes walking past them, and elephants migrating in a large family together. Not only that, but a large herd of white rhinos were galloping next to the train.

"Wow, look at those rhinos." said Applejack.

"They look so strong and powerful." Fluttershy remarked. "I hope they are not aggressive."

"Not to worry, Fluttershy." said Zecora. "We are in no hurry." She looked out the windows, and saw a couple of rhinos smiling at the windows, possibly wanting them to notice them all. The number was probably up to thirty to forty rhinos in this stampede. It was a rather impressive looking number in a rhino herd like this one.

"And do not worry, these rhinoceri are not aggressive. Many of them are very peaceful and passive." Zecora noted. "But one thing to remember is not to make them angry, for they can have a very bad temper."

"I'll keep that in mind." said Luke.

The elephants in Zebrica were particularly gigantic, and had big ears like the African counterparts would have. After many more yards, they saw a lake were a group of large hippos would hang out together. Including a few males fighting one another to the death.

"The hippos, It would be best to stay clear of." said Zecora. "They do not really like to share water they swim below, or land above." Zecora reminded. "But most of the time, they are also passive creatures."

"Yeah, by the looks of how they are fighting for dominance like that. Boy, I would hate to get in the middle of that." Spike said. "Or get crushed to death by those massive teeth."

It took a couple more miles, and finally, there was a nice-looking settlement that was absolutely thriving with zebras all around them, doing many things like eating at restaurants or cafes, or even shopping for something. The houses and huts were made of hard claw and the roofs of them were made if straw.

As soon as the doors opened, Luke knew that he was finally at his destination. At firsf, he was a little nervous about this, and didn't know what to expect from the townsfolk or visitors from other tribes.

Zecora stood next to him, an smiled at him. Larry was at his other side and patted his shoulder. "Everything will be fine, buddy." Said the father.

They all stepped out of the train, and immediately felt the air of Zebrica rushing through them. It was rather warm, but it was alright.

Walking through the street, they all saw many things like bazaars with many fruits, vegetables, hay, and oats in them.

Rarity was intrigued by the fashion the zebras would wear, many types of dresses and robes and jewelry.

Some of them were staring at Luke and his father, for they have probably never seen a human before. Another lot of them were staring at Zecora, probably knowing who she is.

Still, Luke had to believe in Zecora when she said everything will be fine. Perhaps they might accept him if they get to know the human a little better.

"Okove!" The zebra called out to a broad-looking peculiar zebra with a rather long mane on his head and neck. He had much darker stripes than Zecora and looked identical to Big Mac. He wore three gold rings on each of his ankles as well, shining under the sun.

The zebra stallion looked at who called his name, and was excited to meet her. "Zecora!" He said with joy. He ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug that Zecora had ever experienced. "It it so wonderful to see you again. Oh how we all missed you here."

"It is always a pleasure to see you too, my brother." She remarked. "You know me like no other."

"You're brother?" Asked Lyra. "Interesting. I didn't know you had a brother, Zecora."

"Indeed, I am her brother." Said Okove. He then walked up to the group. "And I take it you are all Zecora'a friends."

"Yes. I am Twilight Sparkle, the princess of Friendship." The first one introduced herself.

"A princess?" Zecora's brother remarked in surprise. "Forgive me, your majesty. We have all heard so much about you."

Twilight giggled and said "you don't have to be so formal. You can just call me Twilight."


"My name is Fluttershy." The yellow pegasus said after Twilight. "And i'm really honored to be in your home."

"And I am glad you have come to visit our home, Fluttershy." Okove remarked.

The others than introduced themselves, with Luke and his dad the last ones. "My name's Luke, and yeah, I am certainly not from around. Another dimension to be exact."

"Another dimension?" Okove asked. "That is rather intriguing."

"And i'm Larry, his father."

"A pleasure, especially creatures that are not from this world." And he looked at the Master of Chaos with a not-so-amused look on his face "and I very much know who you are, Discord. Here to cause trouble I presume?"

"What? Of course not. Just here for a nice, lovely visit." Okove still dodn’t look very convinced.

“It’s okay. I’ll keep an eye on him. He has to listen to me.” Fluttershy Said. “And he’s changed, he’s not evil anymore.”

And the master of Chaos conjured an angel suit. Wings behind his back, and a glowing halo on his head, trying to look as innocent as possible to show how much he will behave (mostly)

“Either way, What brings you all here?”

“Well brother our friend Luke here wanted to visit a place like this, for he is quite fond of it. And there is absolutely no denying it.” Zecora answered. “And he would love to spend a good time, bit brother of mine.”

The stallion looked at Luke again, who waved at him with his fingers.

“It’s true.” Said the Human. “You see, I really love this kind of stuff, and in my world, there is a place similar to this called Africa, and it is like this place, accept humans like me are dominant species and not zebras. I’ve always been fascinated in the cultures, and animals like lions, leopards, cheetahs, rhinos, elands, and other cool animals in it.”

A couple of zebras were murmuring to themselves what to think of this peculiar, and interesting human being. Honestly, they didn’t know what to really think of this, and wanted to know more about him and his father already.

"Well, it is definitely a pleasure for you to visit here, along with the rest of you." Said Okove. "I bid you welcome to Zebrica." And he have the human a hug to show how warm he was.

The human looked at Zecora, who winked at him, proving him right about not to worry about coming to this wonderful place. Turns out this trip will be way better than expected.

"How long will you all be staying?" asked Okove

"About one week." said Rainbow Dash.

"I see. Come, why don't I show you to where you will be staying for the whole week." and he looked at his younger sisters again. "It is so good to have you back home, Zecora..... even if it is for only one week, and I hope you will all enjoy your stay here."

"I'm pretty sure we will." said Lyra. "This will be so fun."

"You can say that again, Lyra." Bon Bon agreed. They all went to a rather nice looking palace, not as big as Celestia and Luna's castle, but still looks very nice and majestic. There, it had a big guesthouse, three guesthouse rooms to be exact.

"Do you come from royalty, Zecora?"

"Well, before I moved to Ponyville to increase my potions interest, I was a princess."

"A Princess?" said all of them in unison.

"Yes. It was not easy being a Zebrican princess. I didn't want to be pampered all around me, for it was a life not meant for me to be."

"Really?" said Luke. "I did not know that. I can tell you kinda have a reputation here."

"Indeed, I do. surprised reactions from my family and old friends here wouldn't be something new."

"I hope you will all make yourselves comfortable here." said Okove. "For we have so much to talk about, such as lost time with my little sister." He smiled at Zecora and she smiled back at him. "In the mean time, you should all settle in."

"Good idea." said Larry.

Next Chapter: Getting Settled In Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 57 Minutes
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