
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 73: Bless the Rains down in Zebrica.

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It was a week after the Hearth’s Warming and Christmas celebration in Canterlot, and Luke was just out in Ponyville looking for Zecora to see how he can visit Zebrica, her home.

It was just his luck he found her buying some fruits and vegetables in the farmer's market with a winter cloak to keep her warm, along with a hood.

The human smiled in hope, happy to see her again. Going through the snowy ground to her, Luke was about to talk to her when he was suddenly interrupted by someone. “Excuse me, Luke?” The Human looked down and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoom with a rather curious look on those two cute little faces.

“Oh hey Diamond. Silver.” Luke greeted them flatly with a small smile on his face.

“Luke, we would like to know your honest opinion.” Said Diamond Tiara. “If I was going to give a Pip one of these,” she pulled out two pairs of sunglasses, one green and one yellow. “Which do you think he will love best?”

“Why not get both of them. It works both ways, and everyone wins.” Luke said.

The two rich fillies looked at each other and began thinking if Luke says true. Smiles slowly formed on their faces with an idea. Probably going to take Luke’s advice. “Wow, that’s a pretty good idea.” Silver Spoon admired. “What do you think Diamond?”

“I think I concur with you!” Her friend replied with excitement. “I can make Pip even more happy with both of these given to him.”

“Why are you buying Pip sunglasses anyway?” Luke asked the pink rich filly. Diamond Tiara gave him a rather shy and sheepish look on her face, and said “Nothing, I just thought that Pip would like some glasses to keep the hot sun from hurting his eyes.”

“Uh, you realize it’s winter, and mostly cloudy, right?”

“Pfft, I know that.” She scoffed in denial. “I mean like in the hot summer when you will be able to hit the beach or pool.”

“Ah, I see.” Luke said. “Butnhave yoy thought of giving him a scarf or a new jacket to keep him warm out here?”

“She has.” Said Silver Spoon. “But he says he doesn't really need one at the moment.”

“Well, I still don’t understand why you’re trying to buy Pip some-“ And he had a sudden realization. “Oh ho ho. I see what’s going on here.” He remarked. “You Like Pip, don’t you Diamond Tiara?”

“No!” She said in denial. Diamond’s cheeks were flushing s crimson red from embarrassment and gently pawed her hoof at the ground. Looking at Luke, he gave her a look saying that he doesn’t believe her, and he knows that she was lying like this. His eyes were narrowed and one mildly bushy eyebrow was raised up. “Yes.” She Said. “I do like Pip. There, I said it. You happy?”

“Diamond calm down, it’s okay.” Luke chuckled. The Human bent down and gently patted her back. “Look, I think it’s cute you like Pip.”

“I do.” She Said flatly. “He’s nice, sweet, smart, kind, and cute at the same time. Just look at those cute little cheeks of his.”

“Look, why don’t you just tell him how you feel?”

“Becasue.... i’m a little shy.”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, I promise you.”

“Yeah but.... why does Pip have to be so cute and handsome?” And she made a small growl of frustration. “I can talk to him, but I’m afraid he’ll say no and reject me, and if there’s one thing I cannot stand, its rejection.”

Luke knew what she was talking about, for he has the same problem when he was in third grade with a beautiful girl. “I understand, I know how that feels. And you’re right, rejection hurts, even if it is not trying to hurt you, but you just gotta face the music, you know?”

“What do you mean?” Said Silver Spoon.

“What I mean is that you should tell Pip how you feel. You need to get it out of your system, Diamond.”

“Yes, I know.” Diamond sighed “but then, there’s mother, she would, never let me have Pip as my boyfriend.”

“Oh screw what your mother says. And don’t forget your dad has power as well, think of how happy your father would be if he found out.”

Thinking deep in her head, Diamond Said “you know what, you’re right. What does my mother even know? She’s nothing but a pompous hypocrite.” And she worried that her meter was there, Here what she said “Don’t tell her I called her that.”

“Don’t worry.” Luke chuckled. "I'm not the snitching type of human." And he winked at her. "And besides, you remember what I did to her the last time she insulted me." Then he cracked both his knuckles with loud crunching heard.

"No no." Said Silver Spoon. "There's no need for senseless violence to persuade Spoiled Rich."

"I know, but it just feels so good." Luke admitted. "Besides, does your dad have a little more power than her, Diamond?"

"Between you and me..." Diamond said "my mother has to be more nicer because my daddy warned her that if she doesn't change her ways, he'll file a divorce with her."

"Oh. No offense, but I think your dad would be better off without her."

"No." Diamond admitted. "You're right. Maybe I think my dad is better off without my mom anyway. Besides, her trying to turn me into a horrible filly was just inexcusable."

"You are putting your foot down on here, right?" The human asked

"Of course I am. I have stood up to my mom countless times to be a better pony to let me do as I please."

"But don't you get grounded by her?" Silver asked her best friend

"Oh I don't care. Being locked in my room with privileges taken away can't hold me down." Diamond remarked boldly.

“Ooh, I like the sound of that. I always love that kind of attitude.” Luke admired. “ us this is just my opinion when I say you’re better off without your mother.”

“Sometimes I just wish she was never born.” Silver admitted.

“Well, I don’t know about that Spoon. Because if it was like that, Diamond Tiara probably wouldn’t be here and be your best friend.”

The grey colored filly had a loom of sudden realization on her face and said “you’re right.”

“So like I said, just have some confidence in yourself, Diamond. Just be yourself and go talk to him like a normal pony. You don’t have to do anything special or over the top, just be you. It’s all a boy wants.”

“You think so, Luke?” Diamond asked him

“I know so.” Luke humbly replied to her. "Not saying you can't give him those glasses, I'm just saying just be yourself."

The rich pink filly made a smile of hope on her face. She thought hat maybe she and Pip can work out between one another after all. "Okay. I'll take your word." Luke looked proud of her and he knows that Diamond will try to be brave to ask Pip out. "Come on Silver, I gotta give him both of these."

"Of course."

"And Diamond,"


"Screw what your mom would think of you being with Pip. She doesn't know anything."

"Right." then the two rich best friends went off to find Pip to present him with both those sunglasses when he needed it. Luke looked back to where Zecora was, but then he saw that she was already gone. He turned his back away from her for a few long minutes, and she already vanished like a spirit or a ghost would do.

The human was a little confused about what just happened. He went to Applejack and Big Mac's stall and cleared his throat. "Hey AJ, Big Mac. Zecora was here, where did she go?"

"She said she was gonna help a sick filly with strep-throat. Poor little gal." said Applejack. "I think it's Dinky she said who was sick."

"Oh. Well I don't want to bother her little cure ritual or whatever she's going to do for Dinky."

"Good idea." said Big Mac. "Wouldn't want ya to get sick either."

"Why don't you wait for her? she said she was gonna go to Sugarcube Corner for a slice of cake after that." Applejack suggested.

"Alright." Luke said. He heard his stomach growling loudly like a mountain lion would do. "I gotta find something to eat anyway." and he patted his stomach three times. "You got any apples left to sell?"

"Of course, we are always selling apples. Considering the fact we live in an apple farm."

Luke made a chuckle from himself. "Point well taken." and he shared with her two bits for a big, juicy Granny Smith apple that was probably the biggest one in the stall yet. "Thanks Applejack, Big Mac." he replied. "This should save me from having a stomach monster burst out of my chest." he joked

All three of them laughed at what he said. "Anytime, Luke." said Big Mac. "Catch ya later."

"Au revoir." and Luke went off to sit on a bench to eat his apple. After he was finished, he put the core into a trash bin. "Hi Luke." said a voice. It was the green pegasus mare named Sprinkle Medley, coming over to possibly have a friendly conversation with the human.

"Hi Sprinkle. How goes it?"

"Doing very nice, thank you. That was a very nice performance you did at Canterlot at the Hearth's Warming Eve Party and uh.... what was that other holiday called?"


"Yeah! That's it. You really rocked the stage back there."

"Thanks." Luke flushed. "You ever been to my other performances in the past?"

"Of course! I've been to all of them when it involves you, the Nightmare Night one, the Animal Fundraiser that Fluttershy organized many months ago, all of those performances."

"I'm really glad you like them, Sprinkle. So whatcha doing out here?"

The green pegasus mare slouched on the bench like she was just done doing something rather laborious that she worked herself to the bone for it. "Kicking and busting clouds can be so exhausting. All those snow clouds floating around the sky, and we pegasus ponies gotta keep the weather in check. But I just got done and I am so happy I am done for the day."

"Heh, I know how that feels. It was like that with school. Everyday when i go there it was just boring, and I'm so glad I am not in school anymore, no more pencils, no more homework, blah blah blah. Still, I learned that I gotta deal with these kind of things and the whole world doesn't revolve around me."

She giggled when Sprinkle said "I know, I agree. And we can't always get what we want, that's for sure, even though we all want things."

Then Luke said "And I'm really glad you like my performances here."

"Like them? I love them! Luke, you really know how to rock." Sprinkle said with enthusiasm, then she cleared her throat. "So what are you doing out here?"

"Waiting for Zecora to come back out here from treating a sick filly so I can talk to her about going to Zebrica, her home one of these days."

Sprinkle had a surprised look on her face and said "You want to go to her home? That sounds exciting. Do you know what it's like?"

Luke was rather frank when he said "I do not, but I hear it's like one of my places in my home; Africa. Zebrica sounds a lot like Africa and I would love to see their animals and their cultures and all. Plus I hear the other zebras over there are very welcoming to others outside of their home. But there is one thing that might worry me."

Sprinkle Medley gave him a rather sympathetic look on her face to him. "What's wrong?"

"What if they all see me as a monster or a demon when I go over to a village or a city over there? I don't want them to start throwing rocks or dirt at me to shoo me away."

"Oh that's silly." Sprinkle doubted. "If Zecora is friendly, then I think the other zebras will be the same way as her."

"Maybe, but I heard there are buffalo some antelopes and rhinos that can talk. African buffalo are not to be very dangerous and hot-tempered in my world, not to mention unpredictable."

"Come on, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't think of you as a monster. You'll do just fine."

"You think so?"

"I know so." said Zecora who was walking up to him and Sprinkle Medley. "Do not worry Luke, Zebrica, my home, is definitely where you must go."

"See, Zecora agrees with me." said Sprinkle.

"Yeah, You're right. I guess I shouldn't be so paranoid about this." and he felt a slight shiver creep down his spine. He was getting a little too cold outside right now like the temperatures are dropping in an instant. "Oh man. I need some cocoa."

"Excellent idea. Perhaps I should join you my dear."

"Now I want some cocoa." Sprinkle said.

"Ah you guys are more then welcome to come with me. I don't mind the extra company." Luke remarked as he got off the bench. "My treat."

As they all went to Sugarcube Corner, they saw Fluttershy and Pinkie pie having a conversation with one another. "Of course Pinkie." said the yellow pegasus mare. "I would love to take care of Gummy for you. When do you leave for Yak Yakistan?"

"Tomorrow." the pink pony replied happily. "I'm going to go tomorrow morning to spend some time with all my yak friends. In the meantime, Gummy needs his daily baths, feedings, and walkies."

Fluttershy made a small laugh. "Don't worry, Pinkie. I'll treat Gummy the way you do, with love and care like all animals. What's his favorite type of snack again?"


Fluttershy couldn't help but smirk at her answer. "Okay. Just please give me some cupcakes enough for Gummy to stay with me for the next three days." And then she noticed the three walking inside the shop. "Oh, Luke, Zecora, Sprinkle Medley. What a nice surprise."

"Hey guys." Luke greeted. "Pinkie, can me, Sprinkle, and Zecora have some cocoa on the double?"

"But there's three of you." said the pink earth mare.

"No, i mean- ah forget it, is there any cocoa available."

Pinkie Pie made a bounce of joy when she replied "Of course I do, silly-willy Lukie. I always carry a big supply of hot chocolate for happy ponies to enjoy." Then they three have a seat at a booth nearby and Fluttershy happily joined them. "Here you go, three hot cocoa on the house."

"Thank you Pinkie Pie for bringing these nice beverages to me and friends of mine." Zecora said. And she took a sip of her beverage with marshmallows in it.

"So Zecora, when do you think is a good time to visit your homeland? Because I would really love to go there someday."

"Hmm, what would you like to do? That decision is up to you." The zebra remarked. "In Zebrica, there is never a bad visiting time, my good friend of mine."

Luke was thinking in his head and he replied "Well, I was thinking to be honest maybe in a few days or a week, because I want to enjoy this winter some more."

Zecora made a humble chuckle from herself. "Perfectly understandable, for I like a creature that thinks in something expandable."

"And I was thinking if Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie, and the others would like to come with me on this trip. What's so good of having a good time over there without anyone to share it with."

"Oh, that's sweet of you, Luke." Fluttershy admired. "I would love to go to Zebrica with you. I can imagine what cute and amazing animals are over there. My friends would love it over there too. Rarity would be fascinated by how the zebras would dress in many outfits."

"It is a wondrous place filled with everlasting grace. Fluttershy, you would really love the animals. There are so many creatures beyond imaginable."

The yellow pegasus was feeling more curious and wanted to go over there with Luke even more. "You know what, I think I will go over to Zebrica with you. And of course, I'll just talk to my friends and see if they want to come."

"I honestly don't think they won't refuse." said Sprinkle Medley. "Aren't you guys that close?"

"Of course we are, Sprinkle. Me, Spike, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are very close together. We're the elements of harmony. We are inseparable as friends together."

"And, I always wanted to bring my dad with me to Africa, or a place that is exactly similar to Africa to say the least. I'll give him a call about it and ask him if he wants to come with us."

"Wonderful." said Fluttershy.

"So. Maybe we'll go in about a week maybe?"

"Of course. That sounds like a perfect time for all of us to visit there. And you'll be with us, right Zecora?"

"Indeed. I would love to visit my home, and then some." Zecora said happily.

And all three had some of their hot cocoa some more and They began having regular, random conversations with one another. "So wait, you're helping Diamond Tiara talk with this foal named Pipsqueak?" Sprinkle Medley said with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh-huh. She told me she really likes him."

"I thought she was mean to everypony?" asked Sprinkle

"She USED to be, but now she's a changed person- i mean filly now. It's like how Discord reformed, except she was just only a bully, nothing more." Luke said. "Anyway, I just told her to be herself and keep this from her mother, Spoiled Rich."

Sprinkle made an "Ugh!" sound in disgust. "Yeah, Spoiled Rich is a hoity-toity mare who is a self absorbed.... I'm not gonna say it, not in civilized company." and they all continued having good laughs and drinking cocoa. Luke could hardly wait to go to Zebrica in a week from now with all his closest friends, he dreamed of how fun it would be to travel over there.

Rights for the Song go to Toto


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