
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 70: Conversation With Cranky Donkey

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Hearth's Warming Day was just around the corner, only a day away as a matter of fact. Everypony in Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan, and many other parts all over Equestria could hardly wait for the greatest Equestrian holiday to come at last. More and more decorations were hung up over the buildings such as the Hearth's Warming lights, and ornaments. Decorations were already set up at Fluttershy’s cottage a few days ago, thanks to Luke and his mighty muscles.

Harry the bear, and some of the other animals were in there hibernation until the spring comes a few months prior. Still, it will be fun anyway since not all animals are in their long sleep.

This Hearth’s Warming will be even better than the Ponyville Winter Fair a few weeks ago, and Luke’s closest friends and family back home will be back in Equestria to celebrate with him again. What’s Even more fun and exciting is that there will be a Hearth’s Warming Eve party in Canterlot, and a lot of ponies who matter will all be there, including Equestria’s only Human.

Iron Will, the redeemed Minotaur from a few days before will also be attending, for he was openly invited by Princess Celestia and Luna themselves out of courtesy.

Meanwhile, Luke decided to take a look around at the beautiful winter scenery outside. He never got tired of that gentle, yet cold winter breeze blowing against him. Grey skies were hovering about him, with small patches of sunshine in scattered parts above.

It was a good thing there was no blizzard, otherwise, it wouldn't have been good, for snow was falling on the ground again, and it happened for a few days, too.

"Oh my family and friends back home will love this party. Hellyeah!" Luke thought triumphantly. "My dad always dreamed of going into a castle, even if it's not exactly in England."

Another thought that came to him was trying to come up for a song for the party in the night to come. He was having a slight writer's block, but he'll get the song ready before he and the others will know it.

"Hello Luke." Said an old man's voice. The human looked and it was Cranky Doodle Donkey, and his loving wife, Matilda the mule. "Enjoying the scenery out here?"

"Oh yeah." Luke replied. "It might not be green, but I still think it looks beautiful."

"Agreed." Matilda said.

"Even though I don't really like freezing cold weather so much." Cranky remarked. "No sir."

"Oh, Cranky." Matilda smirked. "We really look forward to the party in Canterlot. All the food, along with our family and friends coming together to celebrate the holiday."

"You guys got invited too?"

"Yep." said the old donkey. "Me and my wife always attend festivals and parties when it comes to Princess Celestia and princess Luna. Me and Matilda wouldn't miss it for the whole world in all of Equestria."

"I can imagine how fun it will be when I get there tonight." Luke speculated, still looking on at the winter scenery in front of him. "And not to mention I'm going to have my friends and family back home in Oregon celebrate with me, too."

"Really?" said Cranky. "it must be more exciting for you."

"Yes, seeing all your old friends and family members is truly exciting." Matilda agreed.

Luke smiled, and said "I know. I can imagine how excited they are to see me again, and come to Equestria again. Luckily, Discord will teleport them all here."

"Discord?" the married couple asked in question. "What if he tried and pull tricks on them and sends them to Tartarus?" asked Matilda in worriment.

The human shook his head in great doubt. "Nah. Fluttershy is his closest friend, and that guy is a changed man, or drancequus I mean. And she is keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't pull on anything tricky, or evil so he doesn't go back to his old ways, which I highly doubt will happen any time soon."

"Fair enough. Fluttershy can be stern to that trickster when she needs to." Cranky agreed.

"Exactly the point. Besides, he's brought my family and friends here in Equestria before this, on Thanksgiving day, one of the holidays in my country in my dimension."

"Oh. I see." said Matilda. "Well, me and my husband can hardly wait to see your own family and friends."

"We're quite curious about your homeworld, Luke." said Cranky.

"Are you?"

"Of course. It's always fun trying to go to another part of the world, or another dimension."

"Well, let me tell you Cranky, my world can be quite boring at times, no magic, no cool monsters like Minotaurs, or griffons, or chimeras."

"It's alright." said the donkey flatly. "I prefer the peace and quiet with no chaos from those creatures you mentioned. Yes sir, just enjoy the peace and quiet of no problems."

“Well, Maybe it will be okay for you to live in my world that has no magic, but I assure you, living in Equestria is much more better than back home.” Luke said. “And besides, nature does have it’s hazards: bears, mountain lions, wolves, moose, and other dangerous animals that could be a threat to you and your home.”

“Fair enough. I heard how aggressive bears are when provoked. The last thing I need is to get sliced by there sharp claws.”

“But still, we know how to avoid those animals that we come in contact with.” Matilda said.

“Good. It can be survival of the fittest out there in the wilderness.”

“Heh. The others were right.” Said the old donkey. “You are a smart human.”

“Oh well, you know.” Luke bragged mildly. Then he began walking back to Fluttershy’s cottage to keep himself warm from these freezing temperatures and not get a cold or a flu. Cranky and Matilda followed him as Luke continued having good conversations with them. “So Cranky, how’a That toupee working for you?” He asked the donkey curiously.

“Rather well actually. It can be quite a burden trying to cover my bald spot on my head. It looks like a freshly laid egg up there. Not to mention the annoying wind trying to blow it away,”

“Well at least this one is firmly attached to your head.”

Cranky made a small giggle. “Yes it is, dear.” And he turned back to the Human. “So Luke, How is life in Equestria for you since you first came here?”

“To be honest, it’s really fun and cool here. No problems without a care in the world.”

“Well there are some cases where something evil breaks out in Equestria, and tries to take over the world, like Chrysalis or Tirek.”

“I don’t know much about this Tirek Guy, but Chrysalis is no longer a problem to you all. Me and all my friends defeated her during the winter fair.”

“We have heard of that, dear.” Matilda said. “We heard you have fought well against that evil changeling. Not to mention that she's not the queen of the Changelings anymore.”

“Right. Spike told me about the new leader of that race called Thorax. What’s he like?”

“I honestly cannot say, Luke.” Cranky admitted modestly. “I never even met the new Changeling king before. But, from what I heard from Spike, he is a very nice guy and does everything he can to make sure every one of his subjects are happy and safe.”

Luke was feeling more curious about the changeling race now. “I wonder if i’ll See Thorax at the party tonight, too.”

“That is quite a big possibility, dear.” Matilda said. “Spike was trying to see if he can bring his best friend over to the party.”

“Are they that close?”

“From what I hear, yes.” Cranky remarked. “I honestly didn’t believe that a changeling could change from evil to good, but Spike did change Thorax, and Thorax changed all the other changelings as well with a new path to fill their hunger, well, minus Chrysalis.”

“Didn’t surprise me. When I met her, she was a nasty piece of work, Cranky.” Luke remarked. “But still, at least she’s locked up for good, mostly because I cut off her horn so she might never use her magic ever again.”

Matilda made a rather surprise look on her face, and the mule remarked “You cut off her horn? I wasn’t told of that.”

“Yeah, it wasn’t easy, and not really.... intentional, but I did it.” The Human admitted.

“It was for the greater good, my boy.”

“Yeah, at least she can never use it to hurt or even kill anyone with it ever again.”


“Luke!” Called a voice. It was Spike, running after him on his little feet. “Oh there you are.” He panted after he stopped to catch his breath. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“Hey Spike. What’s up?”

“I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine, Thorax.”

“Thorax? The changeling friend you mentioned before?”

“Yep, the new changeling king.” Spike nodded his eyes boldly. “He’s coming to Ponyville anytime now.”

“Perfect! Me and Fluttershy gotta Help the others out with some decorating at Town Hall and at the Park.”


“Well we better go Luke, we’ll see you at the party.” Said Cranky. “Clem on, Matilda. We got outfits to prepare for tonight.”

“See you both soon.” The Human called as the couple walked away back to their house on the outskirts of town.

Luke and Spike walked to Fluttershy’s cottage and she joined them on their trip to Ponyville to help out some ponies prepare for the holiday, and Luke was feeling a little excited to meet this changeling, and hoped he wasn’t evil like that Chrysalis was.

Next Chapter: Luke’s First Hearth’s Warming Eve Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 51 Minutes
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