
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 7: New Day in Ponyville (Edited)

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Luke was finished eating his lunch with his new friends out on the outskirts of town. He had to admit, it was really delicious. The zesty cucumber sandwiches and the fruits such as nectarines and root beer. It may not have had meat, but he was full either way.

"Hey, Fluttershy, thanks for letting me come with you on this shopping." The human said to her

"Oh you are very welcome, Luke." Fluttershy replied. "And I should thank you for coming with me. It made it more fun for me."

"So, how did you enjoy your food, Luke?" Twilight asked

"It was good. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of spicy food, but the zesty cucumber sandwich was okay for me."


"Rarity makes the best zesty cucumber sandwich in all of Equestria." Rainbow remarked. "They never cease to make me smile. Along with apple cider. That Applejack makes."

"Hmm. They do taste really exquisite." He said patting his stomach. "It may not be something like Burger Ming, McDonald's, or something to do with meat, but still it was good."

"Brilliant darling." Rarity said happily. "I am so glad you liked my cooking."

"I do." Then Luke remembered something. Ever since he was a toddler, he has this... Problem sleeping at night and addressed "guys, can I tell you something?"

"Sure Luke, what?" Spike asked

"Yeah, tell us?" Pinkie bounced with joy.

"I.... I..."

"Yes?" Said Applejack

"I... Have a problem sleeping at night." He admitted flatly. "I always take some pills at night to help me get the sleep I deserve. I don't know if it's insomnia.... Or what."

"Oh Luke. It's nothing to be ashamed of" Fluttershy reassured "it's okay if you have insomnia. ,Amy ponies out here have sleeping problems too."

Applejack said "yeah, Sugarcube, as a matter of fact, Granny Smith has the same problem at night. Well, I think she has no problems with her afternoon naps, but at night, she can be wide awake like a rabid timberwolf."

Luke laughed "yeah, I know. I'm not alone, but the point is, do you all k ow where there are sleeping pills for me to take at night, or at least something to help me get to sleep?"

"I have some if you need any." Rarity said.


"Of course."

"And I can see if the pharmacy has the pills for you." Twilight added

"That sounds perfect."

"Excuse me?" Said a female voice. They all turned and the human noticed a white earth mare with her mane in a knot and a nurse hat. Her cutie mark was a health cross like in hospitals.

"Nurse Redheart, hello." Said Rainbow

"Hello, everypony. Pardon me for eavesdropping, but I could not help but notice that somepony needed some sleeping pills?"

"Uhh, yeah. I do."

"Oh. My sincere apologies. My name is nurse Redheart, an employee at the Ponyville hospital."

"Nice to meet ya. My name is Luke."

"Well, Luke. It is a pleasure to meet somepony, or whatever kind of being you are like you too." She replied

"I'm a human, if you're wondering what I am."

"Oh yeah. I noticed word about you staying in Poniville." She remembered. "I hope I am not intruding, am I?"

"No no no. Of course not, Redheart."

She smiled. "Good. You see I have some sleeping pills if you want any of them."



"Oh, good. Perhaps I can pick them up tomorrow. Rarity already volunteered to give me some of hers today."

"Wonderful. I might as well be going now. I got to remove a cyst on Bulk Biceps' back."

"Eww." They all said in disgust.

"Yes, I know. But I nurse has got to do what nurse needs to. Duty calls. Nice seeing you again, everypony. Oh, and it was a pleasure meeting you, Luke. If there is something wrong or if you catch something, please do notify me and I will make sure I can help you."

The human smiled "thanks. Nice meeting you too. See ya later."

"Bye, everypony." Then the nurse went back to her hospital.

"She seems nice." Luke said

"She is." said Applejack. "She is one of the nicest, and greatest nurses in town."

"I can see that. So Rarity, do these pills really work?"

"Of course they do, Darling." she replied. "I don't really use them all the time to tell you the truth, but they still work."

"Good." Luke was starting to grow more atoned to Ponyville, even if it is his first day in this strange new world. It was getting better and better for him. This world seems more... Kinder to him than anything in his home world, especially the safest countries like Canada, Denmark, and all of those countries considered safest in the world.

"So Luke," Spike said to him. "Do y have any friends in your world?"

"Oh yeah, dozens of them. We hang out together and do some fun stuff like go to the movies or the fair if it's in town. Brad, is one f them, and he's in a band as a drummer."

Rainbow remarked "Drummer? That's awesome!"

"Yeah, you guys should hear him when the bangs the drums."

"Any other friends?" Spike asked

"There's Nick, Beverly, Dylan, Tyler, and some others. Oh, that reminds me, I think i should should call them and tell them that I'm okay later on."

"Good idea." Fluttershy said.

They walked a little down the road through the town together. "So, what is it like in Canterlot?" Luke asked curiously.

"It's a beautiful city to be in," Rarity answered in awe. So many wonders of high society in the capital and not to mention where the princess' live, but I think you know that already."

"I do."

"I lived in Canterlot before I moved here." Twilight said

Luke looked at her in amazement. "Really? What was your experience, Twilight?" He asked

"Well, it was a very peaceful city. I was Celestia's prized student before I became a princess."

"That's cool. You must have been lucky to be under her wings." Then he paused "literally. Haha."

Twilight laughed. "Right. I was very flattered and felt more lucky than anypony in the land of Equestria. Then she taught me about friendship and moved to Ponyville. I didn't really know what friendship was really like. Minus Shining Armor and you, Spike, but I didn't have that much friends."

"So, what made you moved here?"

"Nightmare Moon returned to Equestria, and me and my friends stopped her tougher." She and the others hugged eachother.

There was another new name for the human to hear about. "Nightmare Moon? Sounds like a cool name. Who was she?"

"She.... She was Luna, turned evil and corrupted." Fluttershy stated nervously

"Wait, really? Luna was evil?"

"Corrupted was more like it." Twilight explained. She was corrupted by a deity called the Tantabus who turned her into a Nightmare Moon. Celestia stopped her one thousand years ago, and Luna was banished to the moon for a millennia."

"Wow, but then that was when you guys came in one thousand years later, right?"

"Right." They all said

"I studied friendship on my, I mean our journey to stop her together, and learned how valuable friendship can be. So we turned her good again."

"That's awesome. That's good that you you did that with friendship."

"Very awesome." Rainbow added.

"Well, i think we should be getting home now." Fluttershy said

"Yeah, us too." Spike added. "I'm stuffed from the lunch we ate together."

Rainbow patter her stomach. "Me too."

"Me three!" Pinkie added.

"Well, see you guys later." Luke said

"See ya soon, partner. You too, Fluttershy." Applejack said kindly

"Bye Luke. We should totally hang out some more." Twilight said. They all said their byes for the day and all went home, with the human walking by Fluttershy back to the cottage.

At Night, Luke was gazing at the stars and looking for consolations that he would know in particular in Equestria's beautiful night sky and Luna's bright and shiny moon. He laid in the grass and sighed in relaxation. He already had his dinner for the day earlier: a salad with tomatoes, lettuce, and croutons and sunflower seeds, and was really delicious. He still wished he had a hamburger or a pizza for him to eat, but he knew something like that doesn't exist in this world, but he still enjoyed it anyway

"It is very beautiful at night, isn't it, Luke." Fluttershy said from behind him. It gave him a little bit of a startle. "Oh my goodness, u am so sorry if I scared you, Luke." She worried she might have made him mad

Luke replied kindly "no, it's okay, Fluttershy. I get that a lot of times. And yeah, it's very beautiful out here in the nighttime. So shiny under the stars and moon. You know, u have seen really beautiful night skies before, but nothing like this. But I think I do see some consolations like Leo the Lion, Capricorn the goat and.... that's pretty much it."

"Oh you know the consolations of the stars?"

"Yep. I know a lot of them. "Wait, you have Leon the Lion and all those guys too?"

Fluttershy sat down next to him "of course. I like to come out and look at these beautiful sights at night."


"So did you call your friends about what happened?"

"Yep, got that taken care of. I didn't really think they would believe me, but they did."

"Wonderful. Well, I suppose I should help tuck the animals now."

"Yeah." the young human got up and said "I suppose I can use the shuteye."

"What about your pills?"

"Oh yeah. I'll need some water for that. I like to take medicine while drinking water, or any other drink. I... don't really like the taste of it. Too disgusting."

Fluttershy then knew what he was saying. "I understand. Nopony likes the taste of those kind of pills, but they do help."

"Yeah i know. They will help me sleep, that's for sure."


Luke yawned and stretched. "So, can I sleep on your couch tonight?"

"You could do that, or I got my own sleeping bag if you want. You see, I knew you probably wouldn't fit on the couch, so I got you a really large sleeping bag if that's okay with you"

"Really? Thank you, Fluttershy." then he gave her a hug, then she hugged him back.

"You're welcome Luke. What are friends for?"

"I suppose I can sleep in that." He went inside and Fluttershy walked with him. He looked around and noticed many animals fast asleep already. They looked so adorable like this.

"Let me get you the sleeping bag." Fluttershy said. She went into her closet and pulled out a large sleeping bag for Luke to sleep in for the night. She gave a really adorable yawned and placed it on the floor. "Well, goodnight Luke."

"Goodnight, Fluttershy."

She smiled and then went upstairs to give her some shuteye after turning off the lights. Luke took off his clothes, minus his black boxers and went inside the sleeping bag. It felt really nice, and felt like he was in his own bed, even thought it wasn't really a bed to say the least. The peaceful atmosphere and the pills that Rarity gave him earlier. He thought of how much his friends and family miss him right now. At least they know that he just got transported to Equestria. He also felt lucky that they don't think he's crazy too.

The Next Day

The morning came for him and the birds were chirping. "Good morning, Luke." Fluttershy whispered in his ear. He got up and yawned. He looked a the beautiful morning light out the windows.

"Good morning, Fluttershy." he said in return, then he got out of the sleeping bag.

"Did you sleep okay?" she asked him sweetly

"Yeah. I did. Thanks for letting me sleep in this sleeping bag."

"You're welcome. Happy to help you out. How would you like to help me feed the animals again?"

"Yeah, I would love to. What do I have to do first?"

"We'll start with the ones living outside."


"Here, let me get out the feed for you to hand out." then they both worked together on feeding the animals outside. Many of them are starting to like him more a greater deal. Luke was feeling the same thing for Fluttershy's animal friends, well, almost every animal likes him. There was still Angel, Her spoiled pet bunny, who still doesn't really like him so much, but doesn't really hate him. The human just ignores him and just leaves him alone and leaves the feeding for Fluttershy to do.

Many of these animals that look dangerous like Linus the lion started to warm up to him, and was more like a house cat than a wild lion, a really large house cat to be exact. Luke always dreamed of getting close to a majestic creature like this one without getting mauled to shreds then eaten .

After the animals outside were given the food to keep them happy and alive. Thy went inside the cottage and fed the indoor critters

Fluttershy was really happy to have some help around her cottage and was really grateful to Luke for helping her out. "Thank you so much, Luke. You did a wonderful job."

"Thanks Fluttershy. I appreciate it." He replied. "You did good too." She lightly blushed from the compliment he gave her. "Well, I might as well use the shower now. Is that alright with you?"

"Hmm-mm. Anything for an honored guest like you." Luke was flattered by her words. He took a shower and got out fifteen minutes later to dry himself off. the human put on one of his new clothes that Rarity made for him, some jeans and a shirt that had a picture of a lion on it, looking rather majestic and lifelike.

"So Fluttershy, what do you think of rock n roll? Or heavy metal? I'm just curious."

"Well, it's okay. It may not be my cup of tea, but I think it's alright. It's better than hip-hop. That's for sure. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious like I said. Is that alright with you?"

"Oh, of course. I love all music, except hip-hop of course."

"Yeah. same with me. Where I come from, pop music sounds so horrible and is just noise. Trust me you wouldn't like it."

"Oh I know. Well, I tolerate pop if that's fine with you."

"Yeah it is. Everyone has their own taste in music after all."

"That's true. That's true."

"Well, I can say that not all Rock and heavy metal sounds evil. Many bands sound really good. Guns N Roses is one of them, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Black Label Society, Dokken, and White Lion and all of them. You might like some of them if you listen to one of their songs at least. "But I won't force you. If you really don't want to, I understand."

"Thank you, Luke. I really appreciate that." Then she gave him a hug of appreciation again.

Then there was a knock on the door. While Luke went to get himself a root beer from the fridge, Fluttershy was happy to see two of her best friends visit, Twilight and Spike. "Oh, good morning, Spike, hello Twilit." She greeted them with the upmost kindness.

"Hi, Fluttershy." They both said.

"Tell me, what brings you here on this fine morning?"

"We're just looking for Luke."

The human heard a twilight mentioning her and walked out to the kitchen to greet them with a glass of root beer in his hands. "Did I hear someone say my name?" He asked, then made a little burp. He covered his mouth in embarrassment. "Excuse me." He said

The three laughed

Fluttershy said "It's okay, Luke. You're excused."

"Good. So, how are you guys?" Luke asked the allicorn and baby dragon.

"Doing good." Spike said

Twilight stepped in and clarified "We are so sorry if we are bothering you with something, but we just wanted to see you, and we wanted to have some little time together with you."

"Oh no, you're not bothering me at all. And, I would love to. Not that I am not happy to see you guys, but what do you want with me in particular?"

"Well, we just want to know a little bit more about you. That's all."

"Like know about my kind?"

"Oh yes. And we want to know what it's like in your world." Twilight added

"I guess I can do that, but like I said before, I don't know everything about it."

"We know." Spike said. "Just tell us as much as you can tell."

"Good. That's what I needed to hear."

"Well, will you be okay without me, Fluttershy?" Then he thought about how much of a stupid question it was, and wished he didn't asked her that in the first place

However, he got a positive feedback when Fluttershy added "oh of course. I'll be just fine. You can go and have fun with Twilight

"Perfect. Okay, let's go."

"Perfect. Oh, we will have such fun talking to eachother." Twilight said excitedly. "We can talk about the books over their, the literature and all those peculiar things about your earth."

Fluttershy giggled as she saw Luke walked away with with Twilight and a spike right beside her. She closed the door and went to give Angel his monthly bath. This sounded like another perfect day for Luke in Equestria.

Next Chapter: Twilight's Curiosity (edited) Estimated time remaining: 18 Hours, 36 Minutes
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