
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 60: Help From a Shrink

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Luke was at the castle, accompanied by his friends he just encountered earlier at the cafe. He thought that maybe Twilight could help him try and get over his love for Fluttershy, for he wouldn’t want his friendship with her to be over because of this foolish love. Looking st the corridors to the left and right, he finally found Twilight at the Cutie map room, and Spike was also there, sleeping on the little throne next to the princess.

“Twilight? Are you busy?” The Human Asked, coming in while taking his jacket off of him.

The purple allicorn was reading a book about amulets, and was suddenly startled by The human’s voice. “What? What? What?” She looked around, and when she turned, she sighed with relief seeing Luke and the others behind him.

“Sorry about that, didn’t mean to scare you.” Luke said with a smirk. And he laid both his hands on the large, round table. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Oh no no, of course not, Luke. You're perfectly fine." then she noticed the others behind the human, smiled warmly, and said hello to them to be friendly. "Anyway, what can I help you with?" Spike noticed and looked at the human as well.

"Does Rarity finally love me?" the baby dragon asked him foolishly. Twilight, Luke, Lyra, Bon Bon, and the others looked at him with an unamused look on their faces. "I knew this day would come at last! Oh, I better get my tuxedo ready for our big date tonight!" and he was about to get some formal clothing for him to wear, but Twilight stopped him

"Spike." she said. The baby dragon looked back at her. "It's not that, believe me, it's not that."

And the baby dragon had a look telling everyone that he was so bummed. "Aww." he said. Then he went back to sitting on his little throne, reading his comic books.

"Ah come on Spike, a guy can dream, right?" said Cloudchaser

"True." the baby dragon agreed, feeling a little better. "Who am I kidding? So anyway, is there a problem, Luke?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." The human said

"Luke's just being a little too modest with himself." Bon Bon assured to Twilight.

The human made a small look of irritation on his face, and said "It's the truth! I'm mental just thinking about it right now!" And he sighed in frustration while putting his hand over his eyes in complete and utter shame.

“Thinking about what?” The purple allicorn asked him in a confused tone of voice.

Luke was hesitant to admit his little so-called “problem” involving Fluttershy, and worried that Twilight would call him a freak and a weirdo, too.

“Come on Luke, what’s wrong?” Spike asked in concern.

Finally, Luke had no choice but to spill the beans on both of them. He sighed and stated flatly to them “I think I’m in love with Fluttershy.”

Twilight and Spike gasped and looked at each other. They both smiled and looked back at the Human. Luke himself was waiting for the worst, such as being a laughing stock to them now. “You like Fluttershy?” Said the purple allicorn. “That’s so wonderful.”

“Wonderful? What is so wonderful about two different species being together till death do they part?” Luke said, becoming a little hysterical. “It’s nuts, it’s crazy, it’s not normal!”

“Calm down, Luke.” The baby dragon said, trying to sooth him of his moment of hysteria. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, take a look at me and Rarity for example.”

“Nothing to be ashamed of?” Luke said with a raised eyebrow inna crazy manner. “Spike, it’s okay with you and Rarity to be together because you guys are native here. I, on the other hand, am not native to Equestria.”

“Luke, please, you’re sounding like this is a bad thing.” Thunderlane Said

“That’s because it is!” Luke countered. “She is a very nice mare, but me and her are different species. It will never work between us, and I think to myself what our children would look like when we get married.”

“What?” Pip said. “That’s just crazy and ridiculous.”

“Yeah, it would violate so many laws of nature.” The Human agreed. Realizing he was being hysterical, he kept his cool and cooled off. “Look, I do want her to like me back, but it’s forbidden love.”

“We understand Luke.” Twilight remarked. “And it’s okay if you feel this way.”

“You know what they say, love can be a crazy thing sometimes.” Said Rumble. “I remembered how our mom and dad would fall in love together.”

“Nah, you can’t remember that, you were a baby when they were doing that kind of stuff.” Thunderlane doubted his younger sibling.

“I remembered it because you told me about it, remember?” Rumble Said. “You told me about how their love was six weeks ago.”

Thunderlane had a look of realization on his face, and noted “oh right. Sometimes I forget, darn memory blackout.”

“What they’re trying to say is,” Said Flitter. “Luke was wondering if you can help him with this. He says he wants your help to get his mind off of this, Twilight.”

“Yeah, Rainbow Dash kinda good me and my sis that you have experience of being a shrink or a psychiatrist.” Cloudchaser added. “ it like what e said, Luke’s probably getting worked up over nothing.”

The others murmured words in agreement with her. “Well you heard right, Luke.” Twilight Said with excitement. “I most certainly can try to help a friend of mine overcome this adorable crush.”

“It’s not adorable.” Luke said. “It’s dumb and weird.”

“Stop saying that.” Lyra remarked. “It’s okay if you’re feeling like this, even if it’s a different type of advanced species.”

The human didn’t exactly know how to respond to that, and Egan thinking about how nice Fluttershy would look under the sun, like an angel just fell down from the heavens.

“Luke, You Okay?” Spike asked, snapping his fingers in front of his face.

“What? What? Yeah i’m Just fine.” Luke replied

“Were you thinking about Fluttershy?” Twilight asked curiously

“No!” Twilight, Spike, and the others gave him a skeptical look on their faces. Realizing he couldn’t lie to them about this, he said with a change of demeanor “yes.”

“Don’t worry, if you want us to help you, we’ll help you.” Said Spike in a warm voice. Luke felt grateful hearing this, and felt lucky to have good friends like them. “Now, where’s the shrink chair?”

“Oh! I’ll get it!” Twilight sang. She used the magic from her horn to conjure a long, therapist bed, and decided to take it to the library room. Luke and the others and the baby dragon, and when she put the mattress on the floor, Luke promptly sat on it, and a Twilight formed her mane in a knot to look more professional.

Not only that, but she also pulled out some glasses to make it even more professional. Lyra, Bon Bon, Cloudchaser, Flitter, Rumble, Thunderlane, and Pip sat on the other side of the library to give him some privacy.

For Spike, he gave the Human a glass of iced water as a refreshment. “Here you go. Thought you would have been thirsty.”

Luke smiled warmly at the baby dragon and replied “I am quite parched. Thanks, Spike.” Then he gently patted his scaly little head. “Okay Twi, you ready yet?”

“Hold on...... where is that notebook?” She said. “Aha! Found it!” And she opened the little notebook, and readied her pencil for some writing on what was bothering Luke. Of course she knew what this was about, but she wanted more details about it, and how it is affecting the young human. “Ready.” She cleared her throat, and began. “So Luke, you said you have fallen in love with Fluttershy?”

“Yes.” Luke admitted with a tone of shame in his voice. “Can you blame me though, she is one of the cutest, sweetest, and prettiest girls I have ever met in my life. Not to mention that she was my first friend when I first came to Equestria.”

The purple allicorn wrote what Luke said down on her pad going “Hmm-Hmm. Good, good, Alright.”

“I mean, look at those, adorable, green eyes of hers. It’s like looking into a pair of shiny, and priceless pearls glistening under the sun.”

“I see, and when exactly did you have these kind of feelings?”

“Well umm.... it was yesterday I think.” Luke remarked, trying to be modest with his friend. “During the little fun snowball fight we had yesterday, she saved me from getting hit by Discord. It made me feel.... flattered that she did that for me.

“We remember that alright,” spike remarked. “And It was funny how you finished off Discord.”

“Right, So back to this, have you began feeling these kind of feeling for her before the time she saved you yesterday?”

Trying to think hard about this little question she just asked him, he finally noted “Well, they were rather..... tiny feelings like this for her. But when she saved me, I thought that we would be meant to be for one another.”

“And you said you don’t want that because you are different species, right?”


“I do understand, Luke.” Said Twilight. “And you’re right, it probably won’t work between you two because of that, but it doesn’t mean you are a freak, or somepony crazy.”

“Yeah, we all have those feelings once in a while.” Spike agreed with her. “But can you just tell her how you feel?”

“What? And make her think I am stupid or insane that she would kick me out of her cottage and not be my friend anymore? No thank you, Spike.” By the sound of Luke's voice, he was indeed, determined not to let Fluttershy about this embarrassing, dark secret. "Anyway, I have self-respect, you know?"

"Luke, Fluttershy really likes you. She says you are, right next to her animal friends, are one of the greatest roommates she has ever have in her life, not to mention that you are as close to her as me, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack are." These words made Luke somewhat touched.

"She really says that about me?"

"Of course she does. Fluttershy really loves how you help her out with her around the house. She even said how wonderful you are at the Thanksgiving party with your family members."

Feeling more touched and flattered, Luke said. "That's good to hear." and he made yet another sigh. "Look, I do want Fluttershy to like me, but we're different species, it will never work like I have mentioned before to you guys."

"And that's fine." Twilight said. "But at least understand how much she cares about you."

"I know. But I feel so stupid having a crush on Fluttershy. She's just been... so nice to me, and was more than kind enough to let me live with her when I first came to this dimension."

"Well I can assure you that Fluttershy would never think of you as a freak, weirdo, or a monster, no matter what you do. She really loves you."

Thinking about this a little more, Luke finally remarked. "I do get what you're saying, Twilight, but I don't want to take any chances right now. Besides, I was thinking about telling her how I feel at the Ponyville Winter Fair when it comes."

"Ooh, that sounds like a perfect time if you ask me." Spike said. "Mistletoes are quite a sight in Hearth's Warming festivals."

"Yeah, if you don't want to tell her till then, that's okay."

"Good. Anyway, I just need to get my mind off of this, and carry on with my life."

"Good idea." said Twilight in agreement.

"Here Luke, why don't you just go listen to music, or if you want you are more than welcome to hang out with us." Lyra kindly suggested

"That's nice of you guys, but I really need to get these groceries back to Fluttershy. See you guys soon." then he put his jacket back on and went back to the cottage with the groceries in hand.

Next Chapter: The Human Confesses to the Pegasus Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 18 Minutes
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