
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 53: First Thanksgiving in Equestria Part 1

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It was Thanksgiving day at last (in his home world of course) and Luke was still a little bummed that he couldn't be there with his family to celebrate it.

Still, he thought all the friends he is with now, and at least there was Hearth's Warming, Equestria's definition of Christmas, so it wasn't a total lost for him at least. And he knows that he isn't alone in this world as long as he has friends.

At the moment, Luke was listening to a little Guns N Roses on his iPod while looking at any cool video games coming out this year, but it turns out most of them were on consoles that he doesn't own back home, like the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4. He doubt he might ever play these games again but at least he can still look up walkthroughs on YouTube on his smartphone.

Looking outside, he saw that many trees were almost completely naked, meaning that almost all of the leaves have fallen off, except for one, two, or even three brown leaves still remaining on the branches.

Well at least Luke can still talk to his friends and family on the line, and it was another reason why it wasn't a total lost for him. It makes them happy hearing his voice and he was happy to hear their voices in return.

Fluttershy was downstairs tending to a possum's injured paw by wrapping a cast around it. She even gave the animal a kiss like a mother would do for her son, and she said "Okay Jonathan, just stay off that foot and it will heal up in no time."

For some reason she was happier than usual today. Why she was like that was unknown, but she believes that she has a solution to make Luke better and the happiest human being alive, especially in Equestria right now. The possum made a sound of happiness to her.

"You're welcome, Jonathan. Always happy to help." Then the creature went back outside and started walking on three legs like Fluttershy advise him to do.

It was just then she heard the door knocked three times, ad she happily trotted over to answer it to see who it was.

When she opened it, it revealed to be Twilight, and the rest of her friends looking more than eager about whatever surprise they have planned for Luke upstairs. "Oh, Twilight, everypony, you all made it." Said the yellow Pegasus with pure joy. "Is everything ready for Luke?"

"Yep, everything is all prepared for him." Twilight said. "Oh I can imagine how much Luke will love what we did for him."

"I know" he will be so happy!" Spike agreed with her. "And he will definitely love the other guests that will be there at Sweet Apple Acres."

"Don't spoil it though. We all want it to be a surprise!" Pinkie Pie said with joy.

"I just hope that everything goes okay for him when he gets there." Said Bon Bon.

"Oh come on." Lyra remarked. "I am one hundred percent positive that Luke will love this party that Fluttershy came up with."

"Here's the blindfold for him for if you lure him to the farm." Said Cloudchaser, giving Fluttershy a black blindfold.

"Perfect." Then all of a sudden, Discord came back out of nowhere with magic with great news.

"I want to be one hundred percent sure, Discord." Said Twilight. "Is everything we have exact.y how you described to us a few days ago?"

"That it is. Everything is as it should be in Luke's homeworld, the decorations, the meal, the theme of the holiday is perfect."

"Good. Everything is all set" Fluttershy boldly noted. "Now, can you all help me out with Luke. I don't want him to trip or fall while he is wearing the blindfold over his eyes."

"No problem." Said Rainbow Dash. "I hardly doubt that he will fall down. Besides, we will help him guide the way to Sweet Apple Acres with you."

Fluttershy made a warm smile again. "Thank you all. Luke?"

"Coming!" Then the human went downstairs and they saw him putting both his phone, iPod, and headphones in in pockets. "What's up, Fluttershy? And what are you guys doing here?"

All of them had a very eager smile on their faces "Luke, we have a big surprise for you." Said Cloudchaser in a sing-song voice.

"You'll love it!" Said Flitter.

"But, of course, you have to wear this blindfold over your eyes. Sorry!" Pinkie said. Then she kinda tied it around his head against his free will

"Ah! Pinkie! Not so hard, you're kinda pulling my hair."

"Oh sorry. There, is this tight enough for you?"

"Uh-huh. I guess so." Luke said. "So where are we even going anyway?"

"To None other than Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube." Applejack clarified.

"All the way there? What if I run into a metal pole or fall on a floor of industrial cement and turn into a statue?"

"Oh that's silly." Thunderlane said. "That's another reason why we're here. To help you along the way to your special surprise. Right Rumble?"

"Right, big brother."

He was feeling a little unsure and uncomfortable about this. It was almost as like as he was going to be executed by walking on the gallows to be hung. But of course, he knew that it would never happen to him. "Well okay, just please help me be my eyes."

"Of course." Said Fluttershy. "We'll come on, th surprise is waiting for you." Then Luke tried to move to the direction where her voice was coming from, and he was outside the front door. "Good. Now Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Flitter will help you in the back to make sure you don't get lost or fall behind"

"Gotcha." Then his friends formed into something like a circle and a Fluttershy led the way. He still was unsure about this, but Luke decided to go along with this, and hoped that whatever surprise they had just plan for him, it will be good and worth all this trouble.

It was so far so good, for Luke didn't fall or bump into something, especially any taxi coaches. In Ponyville, it was rather quiet and felt a little eerie, for Luke could only hear his footsteps, his friends' and the sound of birds chirping and the wind rustling.

"How much farther are we?" Luke asked them curiously. "Because it's too quiet here."

"Don't worry, Luke. We're almost there." Said Cloudchaser. "Just hang tough." Then she gently patted his back to reassure him.


At last, Twilight told him to stop and the human could hear the sound of giggling and snickering. "Alright, Luke. We're here." She sang.

"You can open your eyes now." Fluttershy remarked.

"Ah finally. Then at last, he took off the black blindfold, and when he opened his pupils, he could hardly believe what he was seeing in front of him. It was almost like a dream of some kind.

"SURPRISE!!!" The people in front of them said. Everyone from town was there, along with some friends in Canterlot like princess Celestia and Luna, and Zecora was among the crowd, too. Not only that, by what made him more speechless was that his mom, dad, grandparents, cousins, many of his family members, and his closest friends were also among the crowd.

"Luke!" His mom said with joy." Then she went up to hug him so lovingly.

"Mom!" Luke hugged her back. "It's so good to see you again." He felt like crying tears of joy right now.

"How are you doing, buddy?" Said Larry, his dad. Then he gave Luke a hug as well. "You're looking good, handsome."

"Thanks, dad. Still looking like a handsome lion as always." Luke said.

"How is our grandson?" Said Elise, his Grandmother, wanting to pinch his cheeks so bad, but she didn't really want to cramp his style.

"It is good to see you, Luke." Said Robert, the grandfather. He used his walking cane to help him over to him and give him a hug of his own. "We all missed you so much. We were all so worried about you."

Finally, his best friends, Brad, Jacob, and Bobby went up to him for a brotherly hug. "Dude! We missed ya.' Said Brad while patting his shoulder.

"So do you guys believe me about Equestria now?" Luke asked with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smirk on his face

"Oh yeah." Then all three of them had a small look of guilt on his face "sorry we didn't believe you at first, buddy." Jacob said, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay. I kinda expected that."

"Well, this world looks so cool, and adorable at the same time to be honest." Bobby said.

"It's an awesome place. But the question was how did you all get here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Discord said while invading his personal space. He bounced his eyebrows three times, then Luke finally understood what the master of chaos meant by that.

"You did this for me?" Asked Luke, feeling quite touched.

"Of course."

"We all did." Said Lyra. "Fluttershy told us about how you missed your family and she came up with all of this."

"We're sorry that you can't celebrate Thanksgiving in your homeworld. But then Fluttershy cake up with a great idea benefiting both you, and your family." Pip said. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna even agreed to let this Thanksgiving commence today, just for you and your family and friends."

Now Luke felt a small tear of joy coming down his eye. Never has he ever been so grateful in his life than this. He went up to Fluttershy, and he immediately asked her "you really did all this for me?"

"Yes. I would do anything for my closest human friend." Fluttershy said warmly. Now Luke immediately broke down and hugged her tightly

"Thank you so much, Fluttershy." He said "thank you for planning all of this for me." The yellow Pegasus was more than happy to hug him back.

"You are quite welcome, Luke." She said. "Anything for you."

After Luke was done, he looked at his family and friends again. "So what are we going to do to celebrate?"

"Well there's turkey of course." Said his cousin Michael.

"But of course, it's vegan turkey." Celestial said. "We are ponies and we will be eating the feast, too."

"And there will be corn and stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy to go with it." Luna added. "Oh it just looks so delicious.

"Indeed, the food looks very delicious, I don't even know if it is strong enough to call them scrumptious." Zecora said. "This is a wonderful holiday in the Fall, for it is great for one and all."

"Well, are 't we going to do the activities first?" Said Diamond Tiara. "They all look fun."

"Of course. The day is still young and we have plenty of time to celebrate this holiday." Said Fluttershy. "Oh this will be so fun, being with the animals, playing in the corn maze, bobbing apples and paint faces for the little ones.

"Well, let the festival commence!" Pinkie declared. Then all of them went to have fun in their own way on this very first Thanksgiving day in Equestria, even if there wasn't actually turkey involved in it.

Luke was just sitting with his friends and family on the table, making up for lost time with them all. At first, the others decided to just give him and his friends and family some privacy for a little while, but then Luke called Fluttershy over, possibly going to introduce them to her if they haven't met already.

"So dad, how have things been in Reno?" Luke asked

"Everything's fine, working and making some money, but don't worry, I'll try and come back to Bend as soon as possible."

"I know." His mother had a skeptical look on her face. "So, you guys won't try and fight each other will you?"

"No, we promise." Said Louise. "We won't fight."

"Yeah buddy. Me and your mother made an agreement not to before Discord teleported us here." Larry clarified. "And besides, I haven't been drinking in three years now."

"I know dad."

"Have you guys met Fluttershy already?"

"Yep. She is so sweet and nice." Said Larry. "Planning all of this for you, it was just one of the nicest things a true friend could ever do."

The yellow Pegasus began to blush a little. "Oh well." She said.

"So Luke, you ever think about coming back home with us?" Asked his mother

"Well, I do miss you guys, but this world is just so.... perfect for me. I honestly don't know yet. I... I need to think things over for a while."

"That's okay. If you are happy, then so are we." Said Robert. "As long as you are thinking about us of course."

"And we don't really want to take you away from your happiness."

"But of course we all miss you." Said Louise. The other family members and his friends made words of agreement with her. "When you got teleported here, it really scared us to death."

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I was a little... confused at first, but then I realize I was here for a purpose."

"That's when he met me." Fluttershy said. "Luke is really the sweetest guy I have met in my life. He is always willing to help me with the animals back in my cottage, and he is so good with them."

"Good. That's my boy." Said the dad, giving him a pat on the back with a hearty chuckle. "He always was interested in animals since he was a baby."

So they began mingling some more and the other pony friends began talking with them, obviously having a blast getting to know them while the little kids were busy doing activities like the apple bobbing contest and the face painting. Yes, this would be a good Thanksgiving for Luke, his family and friends and the ponies and baby dragon enjoying it, too.

Author's Notes:

I'm sorry to say that I am making a part 2 for the next chapter. Please don't be mad, I want to keep it more interesting.

Next Chapter: First Thanksgiving in Equestria Part 2 Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 16 Minutes
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