
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 4: Knowing Ponyville/Luke's Disability (edited)

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"Here is my humble home, Luke. Carousel Boutique." Said Rarity. She and the others were giving Luke a little tour of the town, starting now. Luke was rather fascinated by the interior and looked really fancy.

"Wow, that's amazing." He said.

"Thank you. I take great pride in my work of fashion and my home decor." Rarity boasted. Applejack rolled her eyes with a smirk from Rarity's ego. "I could make you some new clothes for you some time if you would like. Oh! and also a new chapeau for you if you would like."

"That's kind of you Rarity, but my clothes are not like the clothes you would normally wear, even though it is common for you guys to walk around without clothes."

"Oh pish-posh, Luke. I can create clothes suited for you." Rarity said. "Besides, I create some clothes for Spike whenever he wants any, and he has the same body structure as you."

"True." Luke replied. "Do you think you can make me some metal or rocky sometime like my shirt?"

"Well... I never did that kind of thing before, but I suppose I can give it a shot." Rarity said. "Even though I am not really a pony of rock n roll."

"Ah, don't pay attention to her Luke. I love your music taste. It looks so awesome." Rainbow said

"Oh. thanks Rainbow."


"So anyway, do you get a lot of customers often?"

"Umm, more or less. I can be very successful."


"Yep, rarity is one of the most successful and most recognizable fashionistas in Equestria." Pinkie pointed

"Guilty as charged." Rarity boasted again. "I even opened my own boutique in Canterlot not too long ago. And, I have a friend of mine named Sassy Saddles to watch the place. Even though I do love Canterlot, Ponyville is my home."

"Cool. That does sound so successful." Luke said proudly.

"So, where else would you like to go?"

"Well, I don't know. there are so many places as far as I can see that are really cool." Luke said. "I don't even know where to start."

"What about my castle?" Twilight suggested. "We have a guest room for if you want to stay with us."

"Really? oh no. I'm just a peasant. I couldn't possibly do that. I might disrespect you that way."

"Oh don't be silly, you don't have to be a princess or have any royalty to visit my castle." twilight said. "Besides, I don't have any guards."

"Oh. Good. I suppose I can look at it. Lead the way." then the others went out of the boutique and Luke followed them to the large Crystal castle just outside of town. When Twilight opened the humongous doors, Luke was amazed at the interior. I was unlike any other castle he has seen back in his world. "Oh wow. That is really awesome. It's all crystal, and shiny."

"Never seen a castle like this before, have you?" Twilight teased

"Nope. There are castles in my world, but nothing like this. Oh I wish my dad were here to see this, he would love it."

"Well, this wasn't my first home. My, or our first home."

"What was?"

"It was a library made out of a tree." Then Twilight's face looked a little saddened. "Sadly, it was destroyed."

"What? I am so sorry to hear that. Really I am."

"Thanks Luke." Spike said. "But we're alright now."

"Good. What kind of rooms does this have?"

"We'll show you." Said Twilight. Luke followed the others to the conference room wi the map table, the library, the stump and roots where the tree house came from, Spike's room, then e guest room in case he wants to stay in the castle.

"This is really amazing. Very big and awesome." Luke said

"Thanks. Glad you like our home."

"I do. I love it."

"So, where would you like to go next?" Said Fluttershy.

"Well, I would like to know the person in charge of this place, besides Twilight. Is there like a president or a mayor by any chance?"

"Oh yes, Mayor Mare is in charge of Ponyville." Said Rarity. "Why do you ask?"

"Just in case something happens like if anyone tries to kill me because I am not a pony, I would go to her for help."

"Oh nonsense. That will never happen." Said Twilight. "That's a silly thing to think about."

"It could happen. Just saying."

"Don't worry. I doubt anything like that will ever happen." Said Applejack. "Like we say, just meet many ponies around here and get to know them and maybe they will like you."

"You saw how the three fillies were, and the cakes, Right?" Said Rainbow

"I did. Maybe you're right."

"So don't worry. Keep your head high and don't be nervous."

"You're right."

"So, have you thought about where you would want to stay?" asked Twilight.

"Well... I still haven't decided yet, these places look so awesome and look very nice to live in for a while. Sorry if it is taking a little while."

"Oh no, don't be sorry." said Rarity. "We understand how you feel."

Then Spike felt something caught in his throat, and then coughed up a scroll with an elegant string tied in the center. "What was that?" Luke said

"That was just Spikey-Whikey receiving a letter from Princess Celestia herself."

Spike then read it to himself and said to the others "it is from the princess, she says she wants to meet you, Luke."

The young man's eyes went wide. He felt a small amount of butterflies and moths fluttering in his stomach with nervousness written all over it. "Oh god, I think she wants to kill me, or use me as a human experiment or something?"

"What? That is ridiculous." Said Fluttershy. "Celestia would never do something like that."

"Yeah, Luke. She probably just wants to meet you, that's all." Applejack added

"Well, maybe she might want to experiment on me because I am the only human in Equestria." He gasped with horror, and grasped his arm. "Maybe she might give me really painful injections." Then he felt the soft hoofs of Fluttershy soothe his shoulders

"Luke. Please settle down. I can't stand to see you like this."

"Yeah, dude. Chillax. I doubt that princess Celestia would ever do that, neither would Luna." Rainbow said

"You're right. You're right." He took a few deep breathes and calmed down a little. "I'm sorry. I.... I can get a little nervous sometimes."

"Don't worry. We all can get nervous." Said Spike

"Yeah. I know." Then the human took a little breath "guys, can I tell you something?"

"About what?"

"Well, I have.... I have..... Autism." He replied weakly.

"Autism?" Asked Rainbow. "What's that?"

"Well, it's a disability that prevents some ponies from performing some certain obstacles. Some can be very smart, and some can be non-verbal." Twilight said. Luke was surprised and happy to hear that autism exists in Equestria,

"Right. Sometimes. I feel like a retard."

The others gasped with shock.

"Luke, you are not retarded." Said Pinkie

"Well, I'm a loser sometimes. I have autism and sometimes feel stupid because of it."

"Listen to me. Please. You are not stupid. You just have a disability." Twilight consoled. "And it's okay if you have autism. I would call it..... A gift."

"Yeah, Sugarcube. You sound like a pretty lucky guy with autism." Said Applejack with a smile.

"Oh yes. By telling us about a continent like Africa, you are a really smart creature and a kindhearted one too." Fluttershy added

"You.... You think so?"

"We know so." Spike remarked.

"You still think I'm cool right?"

"Of course." Said Rainbow Dash. "You seem like a totally awesome guy." The human smiled at her compliment and felt a little better.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it."

"What are friends for?" Fluttershy stated warmly

"So, when will they come here anyway?"

"They should be arriving in.,.." Then a magic bubble rather harmless Bursted out of thin air, and revealed a tall white allicorn and a smaller blue one. "Right now," Twilight finished

Luke felt more butterflies and mouths swarming in his tummy but was trying to stay strong and not be very nervous. Besides, he knew he was making new friends already.

"Ah, there you all are." Said the white alicorn. It was like a soft, majestic, and beautiful motherly voice. Then they both looked at Luke, who gave them a nervous finger wave at them.

"Oh hell. Here it comes." Luke thought in his head.

"So this is the peculiar creature we have heard about." Said the smaller blue alicorn. Her voice was beautiful and mother as the bigger white counterpart, but a little higher in pitch.

Luke flushed a little, and hoped that everything will go well.

"Such a peculiar creature." Said the white alicorn. "Could you please come here, dear?"

The human gulped and slowly walked over to the two rulers of the land.

"Bow To them, sweetie. They are the rulers of Equestria after all." Rarity whispered in one of his ears.

"Oh." As she suggested, the young man knelt on one knee and bowed his head to them in respect. "They... kind of look beautiful." He thought.

"What is your name, young creature?" Asked the white princess in her soft voice.

"And what are yo exactly?" The blue one added.

"M- my name is Luke, Luke Smith, but you can just call me Luke." He said a little nervously. "And... i am a human. I would also like to say you both are really beautiful." Then he yelled at himself in his brain "oh my god, Luke! What were you thinking? Now they'like decapitate you for saying that."

The two princess' blushed at someone calling them really beautiful. They both smiled at his sweetness. "Oh. Well, thank you." Said the white Alicorn. "Well, Luke, it is wonderful to meet you." The blue alicorn nodded after her sister was done with her sentence. "My name is princess Celestia."

"And I am princess Luna."

"Well, it is an honor to meet you, your majesties." The young human replied to them. "Twilight and the others told me some stuff about you."

"Oh. We are flattered." Said Celestia

"Yes. You seem like a really nice young boy." Luna added


"You can stand up now, dear. You don't have to bow to us the whole time." Celestia chuckled

Then Luke stood upright. "I'm sorry.

"No need to apologize, child." Said Luna

"My, you are quite a handsome human, aren't you?" Celestia complimented.

Luke blushed and rub the back of his head. "Oh well I..."

"Let us go in Twilight's castle. We have so much more to talk about." said Celestia.

"Sure." then he, Spike, and the mane six followed the two princess' to the crystal-like castle. "So, what else do you want to know?" he asked them.

"Well, We would like to know how you got here." Luna replied

"I came here through a shooting star. You see, I made a wish that I wish I can be in a world with real excitement and adventure. I.... don't hate my homeworld, but I want a little more excitement in my life, you know?"

"I see."

"So what kind of an animal is a human?" asked Luna

"Well, we are primates." he answered. He showed his hand to the princess to give the same example he did with his new friends. "Now, take a look at my hand, see any similarities between a gorilla and chimpanzee's hand with a human hand?"

The princess looked it really closely one at a time. "Oh, yes. They do look really similar." Celestia said in awe. "That is really intriguing."

"Right, except we don't have the same type of feet that they do, like we don't have the thumb on our feet so we can climb on some things or swing on pipes or ropes."

"Interesting. If only we had more information about humans in Equestria." Luna remarked.

"Well, I don't know if I can answer everything about humans. I may be the only human in Equestria, but that doesn't mean I know every single thing."

"Oh we know." said Celestia. "We understand."

"So, princess Celestia, and princess Luna, do you think you might think of something to get me back home at least? I really love this place, and I still need to think of whether I should stay here forever if i want to, but I got a family back in my home."

"We completely understand." Luna stated.

"Sadly we do not know how to bring you back to your Earth." Celestia added in a sad voice

"Oh. That's what I thought. I just wish that there was something to let my mom, friends, and other family members know that I'm okay. Oh! wait, I still have my cellphone." then he pulled out one of his most important devices.

"What's a cell phone?" Spike asked curiously.

"Well it's like a telephone and, there are such things as telephones in Equestria, right?"

"Oh of course there are?" Said Rarity

"Well, cell phones are like telephones on the go, so I can talk to someone whenever I feel like it."

"Ooh, that's very useful." Said Pinkie in her naive tone

"So, I just put up the number and see if I can call my mom on here." He put his mother's number in and waited for an answer after a few tones.

"Luke?" Said a voice from the other line.

"Mom? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. Where are you, I was so worried."

"I'm fine, mom. I'm fine. I promise. Where i'm at. You would really believe me if I tell you this, and I promise you I am telling you the truth."


"I wished on a star to be in a much cooler place, and my wish came true." He explained flatly

"What? That's not possible." His mother said

"Well, i didn't think it wouldn't actually happen either, but it did. I.... i promise you I am fine and i'll try to see what I can do to get back to you and the pets. In the meantime, please stay strong about this okay? I will come back to you and Logan. I promise you I will, and please tell Logan to stay strong too. Please don't be mad at me, and you gotta believe me."

"I.... i do believe you and I can tell by the sound of your that you're not lying. I promise you I will be on my best to stay strong. I know you can handle yourself. Logan, might not be so easy to handle, bu I will do what I can to make him understand."

"Good, I might tell my friends and my dad about this too. I don't want them to think I was killed in an accident."

"Okay. Please come back to me soon. I love you."

"I know. I love you too, mom. Bye."

"So how is she taking it?" Asked Applejack.

"Not so well, but I know she will stay strong." Luke replied

"That's good at least." Said Celestia. "Well, me and my sister better get back to our royal duties. It is nice meeting yoy, Luke, and I promise you, we will do what we can to get you home. In the meantime, why don't you enjoy the rest of Ponyville, and come to Canterlot for a visit sometime, and talk to us if you have any problems, alright dear?"

"Thanks. I'll get uses to living here for a while." Luke said with a smile, and having a thought of what staying in Equestria would be like.

"See you soon, your majesties." Twilight said to the two rulers

"By my little ponies. See you all later." Said Luna. In a flash of magic, they uses their horns to disappear possibly back to Canterlot.

"So, guys, I think I know where I want to stay." Luke decided

"Where?" They all asked "please don't hate me if I say this but I want to stay with...... Fluttershy."

Then the yellow pegasus' eyes went wide and a smile formed on her face. "Really? That is so wonderful. I don't even know what to say."

"What you choose is fine with us." Said Applejack

"We're not mad. We respect your decision." Said Twilight.

"But you will visit our houses again sometime, right?"

"Of course." Luke chuckled. "But I might as well settle into that cute cottage."

"Oh of course. Let me lead you back." Said Fluttershy.

"Se you in a little while guys."

"Bye Luke." They all replied to him, then Luke went out the door with Fluttershy to what might be his new home.

Next Chapter: Luke's new clothes Given by Rarity (Edited) Estimated time remaining: 19 Hours, 12 Minutes
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