
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 26: Wonderbolts

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Luke had a very decent meal from the cafe. He patted his belly, happy to see that his own belly was happy too, now that that was taken care of, he can look at the rest of Cloudsdale. "Boy i'm stuffed." he said

"Glad you enjoyed the cafe." said Rainbow Dash. "That Zesty Cucumber and mayonnaise sandwich was so good!" she licked her lips.

The young human made a look of disgust. "I for one, do not like mayo at all. It's so disgusting and looks like pus. This is just my opinion, but I would call mayonnaise the Devil's condiment. Then he began to feel a little queasy from the feeling and taste of mayo.

"Oh come on." Fluttershy said. "It cannot be that bad. I find it a little delicious. And I really don't see it associated with Tartarus."

"Like I said, this is just my opinion. We all have our opinions about many things, right?"

Rainbow nodded in agreement. "You're so right." she said. "I love flying and performing tricks in front of others while Fluttershy doesn't so much. You like rock and metal, but Rarity is not so fond of it. She would say it's not her cup of tea."

He chuckled. "That is a very fair point, but from my point of view, she doesn't hate it, but she tolerates it. Take my little concerts for example. When I was singing and playing guitar for you guys, she liked it. I didn't see her heckle me, or throw tomatoes or rocks at me, didn't she."

"Of course not." said Fluttershy. "Rarity loved it. As a matter of fact, she told me she would love to hear you perform rock n roll again, and would like to know when you might do it once more. We all would like to see you perform again sometime." Luke was really flattered to hear that.

The young man smirked and said "We'll see maybe a few days from now. Because right now, I think I should perform sooner than I think it will happen." He looked to and fro at the surroundings within the clouded city again, and he smiled to see a bunch of pegasus foals flying around, playing air-tag

Ah, the young children playing and having fun without a single care in the world, it reminded Luke of himself when he was a child. He kinda wished he can go back an time to know what it was like to be a kid, but alas, he knows he cannot change the past, and it wasn't like Equestria had a time machine or another that would turn him back into a kid, but he decided not to let it go to his head

"So how far is this Wonderbolt academy from here?"

"Not far. Oh you will love it! It's so cool and only He best flyers in Equestria can be qualified to be at this place, and I'm one of them."

He smirked again. "I can imagine why. So I might have asked you this before, but what's Spirtfire, Soarin, and that other mare like again?"

"Fleetfoot?" Fluttershy asked

"Yeah! That's her name."

"Don't worry, they will all like you like everypony else here in Equestria." The yellow Pegasus reassured. "And you will like them, too."

"Yeah, what am I worried about, anyway?" Luke chuckled. "Well, I hope they will have time to meet me, because I don't want to intu de with any lessons they might get to recruits or other Wonderbolt troops."

"Of course they will have time for you, i, the awesomest flyer in all of Equestria will be with you after all."

The human rolled his eyes. It was a rather long walk, but it wasn't like going from one city to another, otherwise, Luke's legs would have give in and he would pass out from walking long distances. After many yards, Fluttershy said "well, here we are."

Luke was absolutely amazed by the design of the Wonderbolt academy, the place where all Pegasus ponies with ten best flying abilities go to train to make their dreams come true. He had glimpses of many Pegasus ponies flowing around the place with astonishing speed. "Oh my god. This is amazing."

"What'd I tell ya?" Said Rainbow. "Pretty awesome, right?"


"Now, you might want to climb on me." Fluttershy noted. Luke nodded and got up on Fluttershy's back. "Okay."

Luke then said "I hope I don't push a lot of weight on you."

"No worries, I will be just fine."


Then Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew to the piece of land that was part of the academy. As Luke was about to cross the runway, he was suddenly stopped by Rainbow Dash. "Whoa there, Luke. In the academy, we have a simple rule; always look both ways before crossing the runway."

"And why is that?" Then he heard the sound of Pegasus moving fast, hovering over the runways like a bunch of airplanes."

"That's why." Fluttershy pointed.

Luke was a little nervous, sure it's not really for cars, but a Pegasus pony bumping him to the ground would hurt almost as much. "Thanks for the tip." Then all three looked both sides of the runway, and it was clear, and they crossed it.

Two double doors marked as the entrance of this beautiful and glorious place in this world. "Allow me." Then Rainbow Dash pushed open the doors, and Luke was really impressed with the interior of this academy.

"Quite a sight." Luke remarked, looking at the ceiling. "I don't know why, but it kind of reminds me of a cathedral, at least the inside does."

"Ah, Rainbow Dash." Said a female voice. They looked and saw three Wonderbolt ponies coming down the stairs. Two were female and one was male. Their leader has a cool looking orange mane and tail, with a golden coat. The maretp the right of her had a light arctic blue coat with a light green mane and tail. Finally, the stallion had a very dark blue mane and tail, and a pale blue color. Unusually. He had bags under eyes, like he is a hard working stallion.

"Hello Spitfire -I mean ma'am!" Said Rainbow Dash, trying to respect her superior with the salut gesture.

The leader made a cute laugh. "It's alright, Rainbow Dash. You don't have to be so formal when you're not in training." She noticed the yellow Pegasus, and smiled at her. "Hi, Fluttershy. Still working on your flying?"

"More or less." She modestly replied. All of them, minus Luke laughed.

Then they looked at the human. "And who might you be, stranger? I've never seen somepony like you before." Spitfire addressed to alike curiously

"Yeah, it's as if you came from a different world." Said Fleetfoot. The ironic thing was she didn't think she would be right on that one,

"Actually I am from another world. I'm a human," Luke addressed flatly to them.

All three were intrigued by this. "And I thought I was kidding." Said Fleetfoot. "But I guess not. Heh."

"A human, huh?" Said the stallion. "I never seen a human before. Do you have a name, stranger?"

"Hmm-mm. Luke, Luke Smith." He replied. "I come from a planet called earth like this planet is named, but just in a different universe."

"Nice to meet ya, Luke." Said the leader. "I'm Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts."

"Fleetfoot, best friend of Spirfire."

"And I'm Soarin, second in command for the Wonderbolts "

"Nice to meet you all." He cleared his throat. "Listen, I hope we are not intruding on any training or teaching for any Wonderbolts of recruits."

Spitfire chuckled "don't worry, we're just taking a break, anyway."

"Oh good."

"You got nice hair, Luke." Said Fleetfoot.

The human was honored and flattered to hear his hair being complimented. "Merci." He waved it around a few times. "It makes me look like a handsome lion."

They all agreed with him. "Oh yeah, a really cool lion, the shirt your wearing makes it all the more badass."

"Oh stop it." Luke muttered with a small smile.

"Why don't we have a talk." Spitfire said

"Sure, at least a place where I won't have to walk so much." He rubbed his calves, feeling a little sore from the walking.

All three laughed again, "don't worry, we can hang at my office." Spitfire suggested.

"C'est magnifique." The human cheered. They all went upstairs to the leader's office.

Meantime, Spitfire asked "so how long have you been here, Luke?"

"Quite a while now. Maybe weeks, I kinda lost track." The human rubbed the back of his head, laughing nervously. "I came here after making a wish from a shooting star."

Soarin said "A shooting star, huh? That's really cool. And what kind of wish was it?"

"For a place where there is always happiness and any real adventures. My world is... kind of boring."

The three flyers didn't really understood what he meant. "How?" Said Fleetfoot.

"There was no magic or anything exciting like that in my world. No monsters, no wizards, or magical kingdoms. Just boring."

Fleetfoot remarked "who could possibly live on a world like that? It sidles sound really boring!"

"Tell me about it." Rainbow agreed.

"Would you like to tell them of your talents?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Of course. I like to sing and play guitar. I'm a really good singer, you know."

Becoming more and more curious, Spitfire said "that's cool. What kind of music do you like?"

"Almost all music, except for today's pop, many hip-hop, and dubstep. The rest i do like. My favorite type of music would have to be rock and metal."

"Oh yeah!" Said Soarin. "We love rock too!"

"I can see that. You guys got the looks to be rockers or metal heads like myself. The hair, the looks, the uniforms that say you rock, everything."

"Totally. Rock music is awesome. Rock n roll forever!" Fleetfoot said triumphantly. Then they all arrived at the office, and all stepped inside to take a seat so Luke can relax his legs. Yeh human lounged on a chair and relaxed himself.

"So, how do you like Cloudsdale, Luke?"

"I love it, Spitfire. I always wondered what heaven would look like and now I think I just found the perfect definition for it." They all laughed once more.

"Hey wait, how can you walk on clouds if you're not a Pegasus pony?" Asked Soarin curiously

"Twilight put that same spell on him to help him not fall." Said Rainbow Dash. "Leave it to Twilight to make anything happen with magic."

All three of the Wonderbolt leaders laughed "right, no pony does magic better than the princess of Friendship herself"

Soarin cleared his throat, and asked him flatly "So where are you staying in Equestria? And do you know how to get back to your home?"

Luke slightly frowned to hear the last part of what Soarin said. "I'm staying at Fluttershy's place in Ponyville. It has animals and I love animals."

"He is wonderful with my critter friends, they all love him." Fluttershy noted.

"And.... I don't know how I will get back, I mean, I love Equestria, and I think it is so fun, but I got a family back home."

"We understand." Said Spitfire. "Some cases, family must come first before anything. Just look at me and my mom, Stormy Flare, if she was sick and desperately needed my help, I would do whatever it takes to help her before the team.

Luke smiled to hear that. He liked the type of person, or in this case, a pony that would put his or her family before all others. "Good."

"I don't know, if I would want to. I only perform when I feel like it, and I would prefer to do it in front of a more larger crowd to get more recognition."

"Oh, you're quite confident, aren't ya?" Said Fleetfoot.

"Yep, it's all a walk in the park when it comes to performing in front of many humans or ponies. I hardly get any stage fright whatsoever."

"He's right. You should see and hear him when he plays guitar and sings. He is so awesome at it, it will make your jaws drop to the ground,"

"hmm, call every pony on the academy in, we're gonna put on a little stage for Luke to be on." Said Spitfire with an idea.

Luke's eyes went wide "really? You'd put on a concert for me? Even though we just met each other."

"Anypony or human that is a friend of Raingow Dash, or her friends, is a friend of mine." She winked

"And mine." Said Fleetfoot

"Me too." Soaring added.

The human could not be more grateful to hear this. A show for him to perform in front of his old and new friends and the other Pegasus ponies? What more could a human like him want?

"In the meantime, why don't you stick around while we set up at the auditorium for you?" Spitfire suggested.


"We probably have so much to talk about." Fleetfoot said.

"I think we do." Luke agreed.

Spitfire got off her chair and said "I'll be right back, I need to go spread the word about Luke, and his show." Then she went out the door as Luke stretched himself.

"So, what else is there in your world?" Asked Soarin

"Well, I might as well tell you some things." He cleared his threat and went on about some amusing things about his definition of Earth and not to mention Africa. Soon, Luke will probably be a sensation in Cloudsdale once this little concert was set up

Next Chapter: Wonderbolt Academy Concert Estimated time remaining: 14 Hours, 35 Minutes
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