
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 23: How to Not Take Care of a Baby Dragon (Edited)

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Luke was finally there at the hospital. On the way, of course, many ponies were staring at why Luke was carrying Spike like an infant. Luke had to explain to them why it was the case so they wouldn't think he is a complete weirdo. Turns out the ponies he explained to understood what was happening, and hope Spike would feel better soon.

Luke took a breath and went inside the building. Turns out, the waiting room was already almost packed with ponies that are sick or not in the right mind, like the situation that Spike was having right now. He found a good spot to sit at, and relaxed with Spike being placed on the ground.

He was not having the best day in Equestria, and wished this was all just weird nightmare of some kind, but h e knew it was not a dream, it was for real. He watched as Spike kept making baby noises and garbling baby talk, including spitting noises.

One stallion was getting weirded out by this, and asked Luke "is this baby dragon yours?"

"Nope, never seen him before in my life." Luke replied.

The stallion gave him a skeptical look in his eyes

"Okay, it's Spike. I accidentally hit him in the head hard, and.... you see what happened with him, but I want to know if this can be cured."


It was just then Lyra was coming out through a hallway behind the wall. She noticed Luke and smiled "ah, hi Luke." She said

The human looked up and was more than happy to see her. "Oh, bonjour, Lyra. Not that i'm not happy to see you of course, but are yo sick too?"

"Not me, no. But Bon Bon is." She replied. "So how are you doing and...." Then she noticed the baby dragon crawling on the floor sucking a binky. "What's wrong with Spike? Is he feeling alright?"

"I- it's a long story, Lyra. I.... accidentally hit him in the head and now he thinks he's a baby." And mildly groaned. "But I didn't mean to do it, I promise."

"It's okay, accidents happen." Lyra remarked with a smiled. Then she looked at the baby dragon again.

Luke cleared his throat and checked his phone as he asked the green unicorn "So, what'a wrong with Bon Bon?"

"She uh- got a little bit of poison joke trouble." Lyra chuckled nervously. "She's getting a medical exam to see of there is any cure or how to treat it."

"Poison joke?"

"Yeah, it's like poison oak, but it's more.... funny and comical."

"Oh, hence the name joke."


"So, since you are here, do you know what Spike has?"

"I... do not. Sorry."

"Ah, it's okay. I expected that. But, Twilight might not be okay, she will kill me of she finds out about this. What should I do?"

Lyra wrapped an arm around his shoulders "don't worry, if you say it's an accident then everything will be fine. Sometimes you have to face the consequences of your actions."

Luke sighed. "I know. Maybe you're right. In the meantime, do you think you and Bon Bon can help me with the problem later if needed?"

"Well we're not ones to change diapers and such." Lyra replied "especially baby dragon diapers."

"Ugh, can't blame you, but someone has to do it."

"Hmm, if you need me or Bon Bon, please look for us, and we'll see what we can do."


"Lyra." Said Bon Bon, coming from the hallways as her best friend came from. Her nose looked like Squidward's nose from SpongeBob, and her lips were large like she was about to some someone.

The human snickered and laughed at her condition. "Hello, Bon Bon." He said.

"Oh! Hello, Luke." Said Bon Bon in a funny voice that sounded like a lisp. She became a little irritated from Luke laughing at her condition. "Okay, I know, go on and laugh."

"I'm sorry, where are my manners?" He wiped a tear from his eye. "It just.... caught me by surprise, Hahahaha." He laughed again. "Anyway, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just need to sooth my face at the spa."


Then Bon Bon noticed Spike "is Spike feeling okay?"

"I accidentally bonked him on the head really hard, and now he thinks he's an infant."


"But I didn't mean to, I promise."

"I understand."

"Well, come on, Bon Bon, let's go to the spa to treat your beautiful face with." Lyra suggested.

Bon Bon sneezed "sure."

"Oh and can you guys help me with Spike if needed?"

"Sure, just let us know what the doctor said."

"Gotcha, and Bon Bon, the circus called, they need their clown back right away! HAHAHAHA!" Luke joked before slapping his knee.

Bon Bon mildly groaned again "haha, very funny. Come on, Lyra."

Her best friend then started to snicker. Bon Bon glared at her with irritation. "I'm not laughing I promise, and you know Luke was only kidding, right?"

Bon Bon chuckled. "Yes, I know."

So Luke was alone, and went to the front desk with Spike in his arms again. "Excuse me," Luke said "But is Nurse Redheart available by any chance? and is there a good doctor that can help fix my friend here? he thinks he's a baby."

"Really? how did this happen?" she asked in a nasal voice

"He... accidentally bumped his head after tripping down the stairs." he lied.

"Hmm, well, You happen to be in luck, you are the first one to ask for her today."

Luke smiled in relief.

"And we'll see if we can get doctor Caramel to see what is wrong with him."

"Perfect." the human waited back at his spot in the waiting room, and waited for the nice nurse he met the other day to have a look at Spike, along with this doctor Caramel that the lady at the desk spoke of.

Finally, he saw her a few minutes later while listening to Dokken. She saw him and smiled. "Ah, Luke, it's so wonderful to see you again." she said warmly

"Hello, Nurse Redheart. Nice to see you too." he walked up to her cradling Spike once more.

"Ah, hello Spike." she said to the baby dragon.

"aahh-la-la." he garbled in reply.

The nurse was confused by that unusual reaction "O-kay."

"Sorry about him. I accidentally bumped his head and now he thinks he is a baby."

"Oh, well that's not good."

"Indeed, now he thinks he's a REAL baby dragon. Do you think there is Doctor Caramel available, the lady at the desk said he could help."

"Oh yes, we most certainly can see if he can help, he is one of the best doctors here, you know?"


"Well, come on, let us see what is wrong with him." said the kind nurse

"Thank you, Redheart, I knew I can count on you."

"You are quite welcome Luke, I was very glad to have met you the other day, you seem like a nice young human."

"Ah well." then he followed her to the patient room to inspect him.


Spike was in bed, babbling more baby talk. Doctor Caramel and Redheart were inspecting him to see what was wrong with the poor little guy. "Hmmm." Caramel inspected. "He looked at his head through an x-ray

Meanwhile, Luke was pacing to and fro nervously, scared to know what was wrong with him, or if it was permanent. If it was, he would be in big trouble. Will he be alright? will it only be temporary.

"So, what's the diagnosis, doctor?" the human asked him at last. He was ready to hear for the worst about the condition he has. "Is it permanent? or temporary?"

"Spike here," Caramel began "He has a head condition known by the medical term of Head-go-boom-boom-itis"

Luke had a very confused look on his face. "Head-go-boom-boom-itis?" he asked

"Hmm-mm. It's a head condition that if he gets knocked on the head, really hard, then he thinks he is a baby." Redheart clarified

"Oh sweet Jesus, Give me strength." Luke muttered clenching his fingers in between his eyes

"But don't worry. It's only temporary. He'll recover normally overtime."

"How long will he be like this?"

Doctor Caramel was thinking about the usual time it will go away, and replied "usually it takes about a number of days to recover from this condition."

"Number of days?!" Luke exclaimed. "nonononononono! I can't wait that long! if Twilight finds out about this, she will kill me!" then he sat on the chair groaning. The sound made Spike giggle.

"I'm sorry, Luke, but that is all we can do." said Redheart remorsefully."

"No no, it's my fault. I accidentally bonked him on the head, now I gotta pay the piper for it."

Nurse Redheart then sat down with him "Luke, sweetie, it's okay. Twilight won't kill you, she will understand. I have known her for quite some time, and she is one of the most understanding mares ever, she is the princess of Friendship after all."

"I know, you're right. I guess she will understand."

"There you go."

"Just take care of him as if he was your own baby boy, and he will be just fine." said Caramel."

"I'll try."

A little later on, Luke was pacing to and fro in Spike's room, while he himself was clapping his hands happily while babbling baby talk once more.

Then he suddenly remembered that Big Mac and Discord were coming over for their guy's day out. Maybe they can help him with this problem. "Alright, Luke, you can do this, now how do you properly take care of a dragon?"

Then he heard Spike crying really loudly, probably wanting something

"What is it Spike?" then he heard his stomach growling loudly. "Ah, you're just hungry. Here let me look for some gems. Just hang tough." then Luke went into the kitchen to look for any gems that might be in store. Finally, he found a bag of them, and this will really keep Spike happy. "This should do the trick." he went back to Spike, still crying, but he stopped immediately and smiled again after seeing the yummy gems for him to eat.

"Yay!" he exclaimed. He began eating the gems like a baby would do. "Gemmy gems!" he shouted with glee. After he was finished, he burped so loud that the hallways echoed it.

Luke was rather impressed by this. "Not bad, even for a baby dragon who actually thinks he's a baby." he thought."

"Hello! Spike!" said a stallion's voice.

"That must be Big Mac and Discord. Thank god they came." He turned his attention to the baby dragon and said to him "Just hang tight and drink your milk, I'll be right back."

Spike then began chewing on his foot for no apparent reason.

Luke was correct, Big Mac and Discord had both arrived to play with Spike. "Hey, guys."

"Ah, howdy Luke."

"How might you be doing, my boy?" Discord asked him

"We.... have a little bit of a problem with Spike." Luke said really nervously

"What's wrong with him?" asked Big Mac

"I accidentally conked him in the head, and now he think's he's an actual baby, as if I need to say dozens of times."

"Oh no. Is he alright?"

"he's fine, Big Mac. He'll recover normally overtime, that's what the doctor said about him. I'm worried of how Twilight will react to this."

"It was an accident, right?" asked Discord

"of course it was an accident, silly god of chaos. I would never do that on purpose."

"I was just asking."

"I know." Luke cleared his throat. "Do you guys think you can help me with him? at least until Twilight gets back home?"

"Sure, we might help, does it involve changing any diapers?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

Discord had a look of disgust "Count me out, I am not one to change any diapers of any creature."

"Come on." Luke begged. "It's the least a friend can do."

Discord gritted his teeth in irritation "We'll see. There guys our guy's day out."

Then they followed Luke to Spike's room, rocking back and forth on the bed, giggling happily. "Here he is."

"Oh, this is not good. I know Spike is a baby dragon, but this?" Big Mac said

"No kidding. Well, in the mean time, we just treat him like he's our child, and maybe get some more help if needed. Like from Lyra and Bon Bon if needed."

"That's fine." said Discord

Then their eyes went wide hearing a fart noise.


Then their was a horrendous smell in the air. "Oh for god sakes." Luke said with extreme disgust, covering his nose.

"That is the worst thing I have ever smelled!" Discord added.

"Well, I guess it's your turn to change him, Discord."

"Never in a million years am I cleaning baby dragon butt!" the master of chaos protested.

"Well, I'm not changing him." said Big Mac. "It stinks!"

Luke was the last one to protest by saying, "No, I can't change a diaper. I don't know that much about babies. Alright, I suppose I'll do it, but I'll need a clothes pin." This was definitely not a fun time for the three, changing a baby dragon's diaper like this. Luke was so disgusted, but he did not vomit, and put the old diaper in the trash, and put the new one on Spike. "There, next time, we'll ask Lyra and Bon Bon to help us."

"Agreed." said the other two.

Next Chapter: Accidents Will Happen (Seriously) Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 14 Minutes
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