
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 2: Meeting Fluttershy's best Friends (Edited)

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In the beautiful fields on the unknown yet amazing world that Luke just got unexpectedly transported to. He was still walking with Fluttershy, the yellow creature that she calls herself a "pony" from behind. On their way to this place called "Ponyville," Luke was really worried that he might get himself killed because that Fluttershy might introduce her friends to him. However, he decided to be brave, like his dad always said before he and Luke's mother got divorced then moved to Reno, and he kept that vow.

"Uh, Fluttershy?" Luke said from behind. "How much further before we reach.... Ummmm... What's this town called again?"

"Ponyville." Fluttershy answered softly. "Don't worry, Luke, we are not really far. You'll see it in a moment. And don't worry. My friends will really like you." She sounded very certain, but the human was not. He still remembered Frankenstein by Mary Shelly from his senior year on high school.

"Okay." Luke said, continuing to follow her. They continued walking, then their it was. A beautiful little town in a far distance that might be Ponyville as Fluttershy talked about. More butterflies flew in Luke's stomach and could already smell something about to happen.

"Well, here we are." Said Fluttershy. "Ponyville."

"Wow." Luke said in awe. From an even longer distance, Luke saw a really large castle on a left side of a large mountain. Never before has he ever seen such beauty, besides Mt. Kilimanjaro in his books, many landscapes across the globes like Angel Falls, and the sharp Rocky Mountains of Madagascar, and the plains of central Canada.

"Well, come on. I'll show you around." Said Fluttersny

"Oh, god, here comes.... Whatever will happen to me." Luke thought in a worried expression to himself, and made a little silent gulp.

They both walked through the knolls where the road took them along the way. Luke was starting to become even more nervous. As they both set foot in this place, Luke started to sweat, but then became a little bit more brave. He looked around and saw many of the residents, who are also ponies, staring at him. Luke looked at them and nervously waved at them with a nervous smile. The ponies still kept staring at him, some of them muttering to each other

They were all so adorable and colorful.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was looking for her cronies and found no sight of them. "Hmm, why don't we look at Twilight's castle.

"Twilight?" Luke said

"Oh yes, she's one of my friends, and she's a princess of friendship."

"Princess?" Luke said to himself. "Well, I hope this princess can help me too." They both continued walking down the road to this castle. On the way, there it was, a large, crystal like castle with a purple amethyst color. Once again, the human was amazed by this sight.

They both walked inside, and Luke looked in awe at the interior.

"Twilight." Fluttershy called. "Twilight?" However, there was no answer in response."

"Hmm, why don't we look at Sweet Apple Acres." Said Fluttershy

"What's that?"

"It is a farm where all the best apples grow. It's where y friend Applejack lives at."

"Okay." Said Luke. They both exited the castle, and saw a beautiful farm ahead of them with a long line of picket fences. Once again, the human was really amazed. He followed Fluttershy to the farm under the arch that was above the entrance to the farmland.

"Oh, Fluttershy." Said a voice. "There you are." Luke looked behind him with fear, and saw a purple Alicorn, a white unicorn, an orange earth pony, a pink curly-haired earth pony, a blue rainbow maned pegasus, and a small unusual looking reptile with them from the side of the barn

The white unicorn then got the attention of Luke. "Ah! What in the wide world of Equestria is that?!" She exclaimed

"What.... Kind of a creature.... Is this?" Said the purple one. "I have never seen anything quite like it."

"It looks dangerous." Said the blue one a little suspicious.

They all got a closer look at Luke and inspected him to see what kind of creature he is.

"It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." Luke said to all of them, trying to console and make them feel better.

"He can talk?" said the orange mare on a cowgirl accent.

"yeah. i can." Luke replied. He tried to reach his hand to them, like he did with Fluttershy when he first met her. Then, the purple one suddenly walked up to him, and looked at his hand, then sniffed it. "See. Like I said."

"My, who are you and.... Where did you come from?" Asked the purple unicorn.

"Well it's...l it's a rather long story." Luke replied. "So, are you all friends of Fluttershy here?"

"Oh yes." Said the white unicorn in an elegant voice.

"Yeah, how did you two met?" Asked the blue pegasus in a raspy voice.

"Like I said, it's a long story. So, who are you, and.... What just happened to me?" Luke asked curiously.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"I am Rarity, best fashionista in all of Ponyville, then all of Equestria." Said the white mare.

"Name's Applejack, owner of Sweet Apple Acres with my family."

"I'm Rainbow Dash. That's my name, winning and racing is my game." Said the raspy-voiced pegasus. She sounded a little arrogant to the human in some way. Luke could see it in her posture.

"And I am Pinkie Pie! The best party pony in all of Equestria. I am the master of birthdays, parties, fiestas, and-" she talked so much, it was difficult for Luke to keep up with it.

"Pinkie, I think he get's your point." Said Fluttershy.

"Oh, sorry."

The small reptilian creature cleared his throat very loudly with a somewhat impatient look on his face.

The purple allicorn made a cute chuckle and said to him "don't worry, Spike. I would never forget you."

"Thank you, Twilight." The reptile replied. The small creature walked up to Luke, and said "My Name is Spike."

Luke smiled and shook his small hand as he knelt down to his level. "Nice to meet you, little guy." He kindly said to him. "What are you exactly?I hope I didn't offend you if I asked you that."

"Oh no. You didn't, it's alright. I'm a baby dragon."

Luke's eyes widened. "A baby dragon? That's awesome! I never thought I would actually see one. Dragons aren't real in my world."

"They're not?" Spike said, a little confused.


"So, who are you, hmm?" Asked Twilight Sparkle.

"I'm Luke. Luke Smith. I know, it's a weird name, but it is my name. You can just call me Luke if you please."

"Well, nice to meet you, Luke." Said the Rarity

"Yeah, you seem like an alright guy." Applejack added.

"Aw, thanks." Luke said, rubbing the back of his head bashfully.

"Well...... Luke..... How did you get here? And where did you come from?" Asked Rainbow Dash, curiously.

"Well, I come from another world called Earth." He replied

"That's what our planet is called." Pinkie pointed.

"Right, but it's a very different planet than this one. I just got up from my bed from my sleep and then..... Some "aura" went around me, and.... It transported me here."

"Aura?" Said Twilight. "Why would that happen?"

"I don't know. I have no idea why the hell that would even happen to me. Last night, I just made a wish on a shooting star that I would live in a more cool, and peaceful world." Then Luke's eyes went a little wide, starting to realize what happened. "Wait. I think I know what happened."

"The star must have brought you here." Said Pinkie

"That's what I was about to say." Luke exclaimed. "But, I... I never thought it would come true."

"Why?" Asked Fluttershy.

"It's also complicated." Luke replied. He sighed and said "Look, I need a shower to clean myself. Do you know where I can go to one?"

"You can use my shower if you want." Said Applejack. "Just don't mind Granny Smith. She'll be alright with you."

"Uhhh, okay. Thanks." Then Luke went inside the house and went upstairs. Then, he heard a loud barking as he ran upstairs. He saw a brown Aussie dog barking at him, like he was a monster.

"Hey hey hey, Winona." Applejack scolded. "No!" Then the dog stopped barking in an instant. "I am really sorry about Winona. She.... She's just surprised."

"It's fine. I just didn't see her there, or know she was in here." Then he went into the bathroom, and closed the door behind him, locking it. The bathroom was rather adorable, and a little small, but nevertheless, the shower was just the same height as him. When he got in, the waster was so soothing, amd relaxing. While bathing himself, he thought of his wish come true, and couldn't believe it worked. However, he also thought if his family and friends back home would feel worried about him, missing him dearly.

"I really hope everyone in Bend is alright." Luke said to himself. He knew he couldn't possibly do anything to get back home now, and had to face the facts. On the positive side, he thought that maybe he didn't want to go back home, and he saw how beautiful this land is, as if he just died and woke up in heaven to live a new life as an angel.

Finally, he was done. He got out, and rinsed himself off, then brushed his semi-long hair all the way down to a little past his shoulder. Since he has hair like a true rocker, he made sure that it is well groom

"Ah. Lovely." He said to himself. He put on his clothes and went back out of the bathroom. He saw the dog that barked at him again. He remembered the name that Applejack called her: "Winona." He remembered. However, he decided not to get bitten or mauled, so he just waved at her as she tilted her sideways in curiosity.

He saw the seven new creatures he just met, and Fluttershy in front of them.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting." Luke said.

"No it's okay." Said Twilight. "So how did you and Fluttershy meet, exactly?"

"Well, I just landed on the fields, on my arm. It.... It was crushed a little since I hit it with the ground a little hard, and.... I was confused. So I found her, and tried to encounter and talk to her, but she was afraid of me, then ran. I found her again, but then I hurt my arm, but then she helped me, then we we really started to form a friendship."

"Oh yes. Luke is a very nice creature. Very kind and easy-going." Said Fluttershy with a smile.

"Well, that's a rather fascinating tale, darling." Said Rarity.

"Right, well, do you at least know where I can find someplace to eat? I need some breakfast too." Luke said

"Of course. Why don't we try the cafe." Said Rarity.

"Well, after you eat, do you think you can tell us Bout yourself, Luke?" Said Rainbow

"Yeah, of course, but not on an empty stomach." Luke patted his belly.

Rainbow chuckled a hoarse laugh at his comment "yeah, you an me both, buddy,"

"Well, we might as well be going." Said Twilight. Luke then joins the group and followed them to the cafe in town. Turns out that maybe his wish may have been the greatest one in his life after all.

Author's Notes:

So Luke met Fluttershy's friends. Sofar he was doing alright in this new world. Now will it stay that way? Or will it go wrong somehow? Find out on the next chapter.

Next Chapter: Talk Between Worlds (Edited) Estimated time remaining: 19 Hours, 42 Minutes
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