
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 19: Human Education Part 2

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It was lunchtime at last at Ponyville elementary school. All the children came running out of the schoolhouse to eat their lunches. Luke decided to go out in the fresh out to take a little break from his teaching.

He had a look at Rumble going down he slide, then Featherweight after him.

The next thing he saw were the crusaders playing a little game of hopscotch in the grass. All three were perfectly well-balanced as they continued hopping on the squares. Oh yes, Luke was proud that he is spending time with these kids and Cheerilee.

"Mind if I join you?" Asked Cheerilee from behind him.

"Ah, no of course not." The human replied.

The purple earth pony smiled, and sat next beside him on a bench. "Thank you so much for coming here to talk to the children. We were all more than curious to know more about you."

"You're welcome Cheerilee. Always happy to be with kids like these ones. They all like me."

"They do. What is not to like about you?"

"Oh stop it." Luke flustered. "So you must really love being a teacher."

Cheerilee made a small chuckle. "I do. Children always make me smile." Then she saw Snips and Snails bickering about which bush is bigger. "Well, most of them anyway." She sighed. "Let me tell you Luke, it's never easy being a teacher."

"I can see that. Kids would think it's harder for them because they have to go through the lectures and be students, but they don't realize that being a teacher is way harder than that."

"I agree. They'll understand when they are a little older on dew time."

"Right. So what would you like me to do after lunch and recess are over?" The human asked curiously.

"Tell us more about your world and other historical events that happened in it."

"No problem. I just don't want it to be too gory, bloody, or inappropriate. Well, maybe some blood of necessary, but not a lot of it, because there were many times of bloodshed in my world."

"Oh! Of course not." Cheerilee agreed. There was a slight pause and silence. "So are you going to each anything, sweetie?"

"Nah. I already had some baby tomatoes and a banana this morning. Oh, and speaking of which, Fluttershy told me that she said hi to you before I came here by the way."

"Wonderful. Tell her I said thank you when you go back later."

Luke smiled "of course. You're kids here are special"

"I know they're special. Ever since I laid my eyes on them, I always had that feeling that they are more than just regular foals."

Luke looked on the playground, and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walking up to him "hi, Luke." They both said in unison.

"Hey." He replied.

"I hope we are not interrupting anything." Silver Spoon remarked

"Nope. You're fine."

"Good." Said Diamond Tiara. "You don't mind hanging out with us do you?"

"Of course not. I'm always available." The human replied.

"Well, you all have fun, I am going to prepare the things you need for after recess is over." Cheerilee remarked before going back inside the schoolhouse.

"Okay." The human turned back to the filly pair. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Oh you know, we just wanted to know you more." Said Diamond Tiara. "We just want to shoot the breeze with you."

"That's cool."

"So, how long have you been here?" Asked Silver Spoon.

"For quite a number of days, and I'm loving it here. It's way better than my home."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because my world can be completely full and boring. There is no magic what so ever. No monsters, no spells, nothing like that."

"What?" They both said.

"I know. It's messed up. But this place, oh god, this place is everything I can ask for. Way more peaceful and calm, and united.

"What do you have against your home?" Asked Silver Spoon

"Nothing really. I just want a little more excitement in my life. Like a little more wow! In my life. Something weird about to happen, like magic.


"And my world is kind of a dangerous place right now, but don't worry about it. I'll be fine"

"Well we do hope you like it here on Equestria."

"I love it!" Luke exclaimed with enthusiasm. "So, you guys must have good friends here." Then Diamond Tiara's smile turned into a frown. "You okay, Diamond? You seem a little troubled."

"Well, I didn't have friends before."

"Why not, Diamond? Is there so sing you want to tell me?"

"I used to be mean to everypony here. I mean, I thought, well, me and Silver Spoon thought we were both better than everypony else, because we're rich you know?"

"Ah. Gotcha."

"And my mother is a dictator. She thinks so full of herself above everypony else, maybe except for Celestia and Luna of course, but still."

Luke felt sorry for her.

"And I would go along with her since she is my friend." Silver added

"Oh guys. You are friends with all of these kids now, and all the dogs you did at them spare all forgiven. Diamond, Silver, never let your parents control your lifestyle. Just be who you want to be, not what they want."

"You're right." Diamond said proudly. It was thanks to the crusaders that I did change, and they finally got their cutie marks."

"See, forgive and forget the past." Both the fillies were happy to hear Luke say that, and hugged him both at the same time.

"Hey Luke!" A voice called out. The human looked at saw Rumble, Pip, and the girls passing a ball at one another. "Wanna play with us?" Rumble called out to him

"Sure!" The human called back, then he ran up to them, more than ready to play with all of them. Then they all started catching and throwing the ball, having so much fun. "Heads up!" Luke exclaimed as he did a volleyball throw as he started the game.

"Got it! Got it! Got it!" Scootaloo thought she was gonna catch it, but it fell on Pipsqueak instead. "Don't got it."

"Pass it to me!" Said Sweetie Belle." Then Pip threw it to her as she requested, and then passed it on to Applebloom, and then Luke, then Rumble, and it repeated so on and so fourth.

Then the bell rung, and the students went back in, with Luke coming in last. He could not wait to tell the kids more about his Earth. He promptly went through the door, and the kids were all speaking with one another.

"Alright everypony, quiet." Cheerilee announced n a sing-song voice.

Then they all silenced so they can hear more of Luke's information about his world. "Thanks guys. I hope you all had a great lunch, and I had fun being with some of you, especially playing ball with Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Pip, and Rumble."

The foals he mentioned smiled and were greatly flattered.

"Now, I suppose. Can give you all more stuff about my world. Now.... What was I going to tell you all about again?....... Ummmm, oh yeah! I was going to tell you all many cool animals of Africa. Do you guys want to hear it?"

"Yeah!" They all shouted

"Okay okay." Luke cleared his throat, and began "Africa, Being the second largest continent in the world, has more kinds of animals than a lot of places on Earth outside of it. One of my favorites is the eland antelope."

They all muttered to eachother. "What kind of an antelope is that?" Asked Teacher's Pet.

"A really cool one that is the largest antelope in the world and with males weighing up to two thousand pounds."

They all went "Oooh." In astonishment.

Luke pulled out his phone and looked up any good pictures of the eland, and found quite a few interesting images on google. "I just wish there was a way to show you all on the chalkboard."

"Oh! I have a projection Luke, don't worry."

Luke was a little dumbfounded. "You do? I didn't think you would."

"That's alright." Then he plugged in his phone to the machine through a wire, and picture of a bull eland was shown on their.

"Oh wow." Said Cheerilee in greet astonishment.

"Wow." All the students followed thereafter.

"Isn't he big or what?"

"He's really big." Said Applebloom.

"Are any of you familiar with it now?"

They all replied yes one at a time. "Yeah, I have seen it, I just didn't know the name of it." Pip remarked.

"It's fine. It happens." The Luke showed more pictures of the majestic eland, both the common and giant species. Everypony was loving these details of the majestic beast.

"And you said they have lions on Africa?" Asked Sweetie

"Yep. Lions, leopards, rhinos, hippos, elephants, zebras, and others. So man others that I can't all describe in one day." Then he looked up the Cape buffalo, making the other students familiar with it.

"Ooh, it's a water buffalo." Said Rumble.

"Well, you're close, but it's not exactly it." Luke clarified.

"Oh. What kind of a buffalo is that?"

"The Cape buffalo, or African Buffalo as many people call it. These guys are mean. They are unpredictable, and you do not want to mess with them."

"How dangerous are they?" Asked Pip

"Oh they are highly unpredictable and easily irritated if angered or provoked. Along with the hippo and the Nile crocodile, they are responsible for killing over 200 humans a year all of Africa.

"Wow, that's cool." Said Scootaloo.

"Yep, just don't anger it and you'll be just fine, like any other animal."

"Well Zecora told me that in Zebrica. There are buffalo like that, and they are really peaceful." Said Pip

"Well, the place I am talking about is Africa, not Zebrica, although they are similar in many degrees. This place is a little more dangerous than Zebrica itself."

"Very cool." Said Featherweight.

"I hope you all enjoy what I am talking to you about."

They all replied positive feedback, all smiling at him. "We love it!" Said Sweetie Belle.

"Good. Then Luke talked about many wonders and other fascinating creatures in Africa. A little later on, he told them a little more history about his home, and other countries of the war.

"The Civil war was one of the biggest conflicts America was in. We disagree with ideas, so the southern US split from the Northern US. The north hated slavery while the south didn't.

They fought on the conflict of slavery, and we won, thanks to another one of the greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln. Thanks to him, the Union, also called the North won and ended slavery in the United States once and for all."

They all cheered for him.

"Abe was a great man, and a devoted president, with the ultimate goal of reuniting the United States to the way it's supposed to be like, and determined to stop slavery, which he succeeded of course."

"Sounded like everyone loved him."

"Well, I don't know about that. After a little while when the war ended, he went to see a play in a theater, and a man named John Wilkes Booth snuck up behind him with a pistol and killed him with it."

They all gasped with fright. "That's horrible." Said Cheerilee.

"I wish I can find John Wilkes Booth and beat him up!" Said Scootaloo. Feeling an anger towards the long dead murderer.

"Easy, Scootaloo." Luke calmed her down. "It's okay. He already got justice. The civil war only happened two hundred years ago, way long before I was born."

"Oh. That's good." Said Cheerilee. "And it is good that this Booth human got what he deserved."

"Yep, he was executed while on the run."

"Serves him right." Sid Pip.

"Exactly." The. Luke kept on telling more and more interesting times in history, and the description of other lands of his earth as well.

Next Chapter: Evil Mare Spoiled Rich Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 56 Minutes
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