
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 14: Children of Ponyville (Edited)

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Luke was out for a little walk with Twilight, her friends, and the Crusaders in the woods not far from Sweet Apple Acres, since the girls wanted to spend more time with Luke. The human was very flattered and was more than happy to spend time in their company, helping him connect with Ponyville some more. "So, Luke, what are other humans like?" Asked Scootaloo curiously. "Are many of them like you? Cool, awesome, kind?"

He chuckled "well, they are like ponies, except we have five fingers instead of one. And yeah, there are humans that can be like me. But, every one of has have different opinions about things, you know?"

"That's like what many ponies are, too!" Scootaloo blurted.

"Right. At least you are all lucky to meet me."

The girls laughed with him. "That's fascinating, Luke. You're funny." Said Sweetie Belle. "Oh wait till you see the clubhouse. It is the best hideout in all of Equestria."

"Is that so? That sounds cool."

"Really cool." Applebloom agreed. "So glad you decided to hang out with us."

"Wouldn't have missed it for the better." Luke remarked at last, there was the clubhouse. It looked really adorable, like a child's fun house or treehouse. "Wow, it's beautiful."

"Yeah, it's where we crusaders hang out and have our meetings together." Scootaloo explained. "We used to go here to help find our cutie marks, but now since we got them, we help other blank flanks find their talents too,"

"Any progress perhaps?"

"Well, no. But we have he,led many colts and fillies find their special talent. "Applebloom stated "and we feel great doing it,"

Luke was rather proud of these girls for being so selfless in helping other ponies find their calling "do you think I might fit inside?"

"Yeah, I'm sure you will." Said Sweetie Belle.

"I don't know, girls." Said Applejack with mild uncertainty "Luke might be to big to fit inside."

"Yeah, I mean look how big he is compared to that small treehouse." Rainbow Dash added

"Well, I suppose I can give it a shot." Luke speculated. "Can't kill for trying,"

"Good point," spike agreed.

"Well, we might as well be going now." Said Rarity. "And are to sure you will be fine with the fillies all by yourself?"

"Totally. They like me already, it's not like they are going to suddenly hate me. Besides, I'm pretty sure that if they didn't like me, they wouldn't want to hang out with me anyway."

"Riiiiight." Rainbow said. If course what Luke said was not wrong, for indeed, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle wouldn't want him if they hated, or were scared of him.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure we will have much fun together."

"You're right." Said Twilight. "Sorry for doubting you for a second."

"It's okay, Twilight. Well, I'm gonna try and go in now." Then he carefully went up the ramp, and ducked on his knees, and slowly came through the door, untouched surprisingly "well what do you know." He thought. "I made it."

"Yay, you fit!" All three fillies cheered loudly

"Ah! God!" Luke exclaimed in mildly agony. While rubbing his left ear, he added "Could you please not do that so loudly? I have sensitive hearing."

"Oh, sorry, Luke." Said Sweetie Belle.

"Nah, it's fine. It only hurt my ears for a second anyway." Then he sat and made himself comfortable. "Once again, I would like to say this clubhouse looks so pretty."

"Thanks, I made it myself."


"Well, it was already built, but I made it better." The yellow earth filly admitted while slightly blushing of embarrassment

"That's awesome." Luke admired while clapping his hands in admiration.

"Oh stop it," she flushed even more. "So, what do you think of Equestria so far, Luke?"

"I still love it. I'll never get tired of this place, I can promise you that, sisters." He replied. "I swear, this places just keeps getting better for me."

"That's good to hear." Said Sweetie Belle. "Sounds like you're fitting in Equestria perfectly well."

"I know, right? Godspeed, I'm so happy I made that wish that very night on that star." The fillies agreed with him in return. "I've met some really cool ponies, like Lyra, Bon Bon, Cloudchaser and Flitter. I mean, don't you think how cool Cloudchaser's mane is?"

"I know, right? Said Scootaloo in agreement. "That mane is legendary!"

Scootaloo then asked him "So Luke, what kind of music do you like to listen to?"

"Almost all music, except many hip-hop songs, and pop music. I love rock and metal." He gestured the devil horns with his fingers again while crossing his arms.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo cheered on. "I love rock and metal, too! It's like an awesome feeling you get when you listen to them."

"Totally. One of the greatest feelings of all."

"Well, we like just about any music." Said Sweetie Belle. In a shy tone of voice, she added "well, my favorite music is show tunes." Scootaloo and Applebloom had a look of slit disgust on their faces, obviously it is clear that they are not fund of show tunes like Sweetie Belle is.

Applebloom stepped up by saying "well, we like just about any music there is."

"Me too! Well, I am not fund of hip-hop songs."

"We all have our different music tastes." The human remarked

"That's true." Scootaloo agreed. Luke then noticed the pictures they were trying to do to earn their cutie marks. Of course, they were child drawings. Snorkeling, canoeing, sky-diving, mountain climbers, and more.

"What are all these drawings?" Luke asked curiously

Sweetie proudly clarified "That is the things we tried to earn our cutie marks as a special talents."

"Wow. That must have taken you a long time to get your cutie marks."

"Ugh, you have no idea." Applebloom agreed. "You would not believe how long we waited for those cutie marks."

damn right he thought in his head. "Well, at least you got them at last, right?"

"Yeah!" The three shouted again.

"Sensitive ears, remember?" The human reminded a second time.

"Sorry." They all said

Luke smirked and nodded his head cute. then his phone turned off, playing the intro riff of Rock You Like a Hurricane by the scorpions, and it startled the crusaders

"What was that?!" Applebloom shouted in surprise

"It's alright, it's alright. It's just my phone going off."

Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle felt a little embarrassed and felt ridiculous being started by a phone. "Oh." They all said nervously.

He looked at the person who was calling him and he answered it "hello?"

"Hey, Luke. What's happening?" Said a familiar voice.

"Dad?" Luke said in disbelief.

Yes, indeed, it was his father, Larry Smith. "Are you alright?" He asked with concern

"Oh yeahs yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"Anne called me on the phone and said you got transported to a..... Strange world, I hear?"

Now it would come to the part that his father would he is suffering on the planet crazy-tron. However, since it was his dad, he answered, "yes. I did. By a shooting star." It was silent for a moment on the phone, then Luke added "please, I am not crazy or joking. I know it sounds like those things either way, but I am telling the truth. For the love of god, please believe my words."

"Alright. Alright, buddy. I was worried that I would lost you forever and I would never see you again." Larry clarified.


"So, how will you get back home?"

"I..... Don't know, but what I do know is that the rulers of this world might help me in any way they can of given the chance, so please. Stay strong dad, I'll be fine. You gotta believe me."

"I do believe you, Luke." Larry said "I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Good. I'll talk to you soon, alright?"

"Okay, I love you, Luke."

"I love you too, dad." What he said made Scootaloo snicker, but Sweetie Belle elbow-jabbed her to stop it. "Okay, bye" then he hung up. "Sorry guys." He said to the girls. "My dad waned to know if I was okay after I came here."

"Oh, that's okay." Said Sweetie Belle. "So, you wanna-?"

Then the door came open. It was a earth colt that was white, but had some white spot patches on him, and he was rather smaller than the crusaders. "Hey, guys." He said. It was like in a British accent. Then he noticed the human, and recognized him walking around Ponyville with the elements of harmony.

"Oh, hi Pipsqueak." Scootaloo kindly greeted "what's up?"

"Oh, I wanted to see this creature that Rumble told me about, and I found him With you guys," the colt clarified. His accent that he was speaking was definitely a British type of esque accent. Could this mean there is an England in Equestria?

"Hello, sir." The colt said politely

"Hi." The human replied with a smile. "What's your name, little guy?"

"Pipsqueak. I'm from Trottingham, but you can just call me a pip for short, that's what my friends call me most of the time."

"Ah. Well nice to meet you Pip."

"So, your name is Luke, right?" Pip asked, trying to remember exactly what his pal a rumble described the human to him.

"Yep! That's my name, animals and music are my game." He did the devil horn gesture again.

"I knew it, well, nice to meet you, Luke." The colt said very happily. "You know, Rumble told me about you, and a few other of my friends as well."

"Really? What did he say, exactly?"

Pip clarified by saying "Well, he thinks you are really nice, and very cool. Like how you love rock n' roll, one of my favorite music genres."

The human began to become more fascinated by this cute and intriguing young colt. "That's cool. I guess we can be on the same page here."

"I know. You know, I think I like you."

"Ah, thanks. I like you too, Pip." Then he playfully ruffed the colt's handsome mane, making him laugh. "So, since you're here, wanna do something fun?"


"What about you girls? Should he join us?"

"Of course" Sweetie agreed with a smile, then her friends followed after.

"Yeah, we'll have so much fun together." Scootaloo added. "So, what should we do?"

"Hmmm, what do you wanna do?" The human asked curiously

"Well.... There is the arcade, or the bowling alley in town." Pip suggested

"Oh yeah, that sounds fun." Luke said with enthusiasm. Well, I was thinking we should go to the bowling alley. I love bowling."

"Perfect. To the bowling alley!" Said Applebloom

Then Luke crawled out of the clubhouse then Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and with a Pipsqueak now, followed after him.

"I think we should have so much to talk about, Pip." Luke said

"Me too!" Pip agreed. Then they both went to town to do the runs things together as a group of five as an opportunity to know eachother better.

Next Chapter: Song in Your Heart (Edited) Estimated time remaining: 17 Hours, 7 Minutes
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