
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 105: Anugypt

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After another walk through this very harsh desert, They found an oasis near the city of Anugypt. It was a round lake the size of a college football field, and the waters under the scorching sun looked beautiful, especially with the sun reflecting on the shores. Like most desert oasis, there were some palm trees and some grass and cattails scattered across the wide area, and some herons and egrets were bathing at this oasis, and some geese, ducks, and a few grebes and loons were taking a swim

"Oh my." said Rarity. "This is a rather interesting scenery." She dipped her right hoof in the water, and it felt refreshing, almost wanting her to make a swim in it to cool off in the desert weather. When she put her foot in it, a couple of small, tiny fish the size of Luke's fingers were swimming in it, and it showed life lived in this very lake at this lone oasis.

"Aww, look at the little adorable fish." said Fluttershy. She went over the water herself to interact with these little creatures. About thirty of them poked their heads above the surface, having dolls eyes on their faces. "Hello, little ones." she said. "Do you all live here?" The little fishes nodded their heads a yes to her. "It must be a lovely home you all live in."

"This oasis can be a home to many," said a male voice in an Egyptian accent. They turned around to see a large, tall creature that looked like the Egyptian god of the dead: Anubis. He had muscles on his arms, and wore a cloth with yellow and blue stripes. He had a color of black on his fur, and a gold-blue head-crown over his head, with his pointy ears erecting out of it.

Everyone didn't know what to think of this creature, and Luke cautious grasped his lightsaber in his hand just in case this man was a bandit. "And who are you?" asked Rainbow Dash in a cautious voice. "You're not here to steal our goods, are you?"

The Jackal-like being made a small chuckle. "Do not be alarmed. I am Bayek from Anugypt. I understand that you are not from these lands, are you?"

"No sir." said Discord.

"Oh, I certainly recognize You, Discord himself. You caused quite a disturbance with our ancient King Anubis a long time ago." The Jackal-like monster gave him a rather stern look on his dog-like face.

The Master of Chaos rolled his eyes, and he said: "Will you Anugyptians please let that go?"

"What did you do?" asked Fluttershy suspiciously.

"Well... I caused some funny jokes to the people of Anugypt, and the Khajiit that live around here also." Discord answered in a sheepish voice.

Fluttershy sighed in mild disappointment, and she said: "Oh Discord." Then she looked at Bayek after that, and she said to him: "Did he really hurt you with his pranks?"

"Well.... sometimes he did. If not for Celestia and Luna, he would be running around with more chaos. Now that he is back, I don't know if we are truly safe again."

Fluttershy gave Discord a mildly stern look, and remarked: "Discord is not evil or mean anymore. He's changed. Thanks to me."

"Fluttershy's right." said Twilight. "He was an evil trickster that wanted to take over Equestria with his evil chaos, but, thanks to her, he's a changed Discord." Then she looked at him now. "Even though he can still play a few mild.... what's the proper word to put it?"

"An avid trickster if needed?" asked Lyra

"Yeah, exactly. But, mostly he is a good master of chaos who has changed and accepted Friendship." Discord has a grateful smile on his face. "As long as he behaves and is good, he is a friend to us."

"Thank you guys." said Discord. He pulled his friends over to him in a large hug, and it was almost tight enough to strangle them to death like an anaconda.

After letting them all go, Fluttershy reminded him: "Don't you think you owe him and his race an apology?"

"Yes." the Master of Chaos admitted. "You're right. I do. But, I prefer if I would do it in front of the entire Jackals in the city so they can all see how sincere I am."

"That sounds like a better idea." said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, better everyone than one person." Luke agreed.

"Perhaps. But enough of that, what brings you here to Anugypt?" asked Bayek to the others in curiosity.

Twilight cleared her throat and answered: "My name is princess Twilight Sparkle. These are my best friends: Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity." They all said hello to the Jackalian to show how friendly they were.

"Ah, I have heard about you, and how you managed to save this world countless times from a certain evil." said the creature. "From the time you defeated Discord, then Chrysalis, and then Tirek from sucking up all the magic in this world."

"I'm Lyra, another good friend of the princess, and this is my bestie, Bon Bon."

"Hello. I make really good candy if you would like to try my gummy mint candies." said the earth mare. She then pulled out a plate of free samples for the peculiar creature to try from it. "Free sample?"

Letting out a small laugh, Bayek let out a small laugh, and he said: "Sure. I could go for a little treat." He promptly took one of the mint candies out of Bon Bon’s adorable little plate, and threw it in his mouth. They were like wolves or a dogs’ pair of sharp teeth. “Hmm, yummy.”

“I’m Spike, if you know about me,” Said he.

“Oh yes. I have read a few archives about you being a hero, or an accomplice to your friends. And what about you zebras?”

“Zecora is my name, and herbs and potions making is my game.”

“And I am Okove, her elder brother. Our father is king Zuma.”

“Zuma? Well, that would explain it.” Bayek remarked. “Lastly, you two. You look.. familiar.” He was obviously referring to Luke and Larry. “Rather interesting brings that I have never seen before.”

“My.. my name’s Luke Smith, and, this is my dad.”

“Name’s Larry.” The Father flatly stated.

“We came here to Zebrica because Luke wanted to come here,” Fluttershy explained. “He’s fascinated with the animals and the cultures here, and we all agreed to come here on vacation.”

Bayek looked at Luke, and smiled at the young human. “Well, I am glad you are here.” He Said. “I can assure you that you made a good chocks of coming here on holiday.”

“Good. We encountered so many things out here in Zebrica.” Luke stated. “Some of it is a little interesting. Like, a little while ago we encountered a small striped hyena family.”

“Hyenas?” The jackalIan’s eyes went open in surprise. “You did not get rabies, did you?”

“Nah, of course not.” Said Larry. “Although, I was a little bit scared about my son’s Safety with those animals. They just wanted to look for shade and they were curious about us.”

“You week I conjured an ice block to cool us all off under the sun, but I m certain it is already melting right now,” Discord explained. “Those hyenas wanted that as well, but could you blame them?”

“No. That is a rather clever trick, Discord. Of course, some actions have consequences, it could attract some dangerous creatures seeking shelter from the scorching sun.”

“That’s okay, Bayek.” Said Fluttershy. “I have a gift with animals, and I know how to communicate with them. You might have seen me talking with those fish in this oasis.”

“Indeed. Those doll-eyes guppies are always a curious bunch in this oasis. This one in particular is called the “Addax oasis” the closest one to my homeless which you can probably see in a distance over there.” Bayek pointed with his left arm to the direction where his home was, and it was about seven miles from where he was now. “But, It is not so far now.”

“Good. Are the people over there welcoming?” Asked Luke

“Of course. Tourists are one of the common folk to see in the city. And it’s not just Jackalians like me, but Khajiit, some zebras like Zecora and Okove, and addax antelopes are one of the many types of inhabitants.”

“Wow, Anubis sounds like a diverse city.” Said Twilight.

“It is. Many attractions like the statue of our first king is in the center of town, and it is a glorious landmark that represents our town quite nicely.”

“Wow. What about food and bazaars?” Asked Rainbow Dash. “Because i’m Feeling a little hungry right now.”

“Well, come. I can take you to the city of Anubis. You will all be satisfied with what his city will offer for you.”

“Do lead us,” Rarity Said with gratitude. They all followed Bayek to the city of Anubis, and it looked absolutely gorgeous to everyone’s eyes. Many buildings and houses were all brown or yellow in color, and there were some Muslim-style mosques scattered across the whole area.”

This sort of thing wouldn’t surprise Luke, since Egypt is an Islam country, and this country looked way similar to Egypt on so many levels. “Wow. What a place,” Said Luke. “Kinda makes me feeling i’m Actually visiting Egypt, Algeria, or Arabia.”

“Heh heh. I agree with you, buddy.” Said his father. “Just look at all these Jackalians.”

The lot of the inhabitants were wearing the sa,e headwear as Bayek was, and some were not. The female Jackalians were a little smaller and thinner than the male counterparts, and most of them were wearing Egyptian-style dresses, and a few were wearing bras made of played gold, and baggy pants that belly-dancers would wear.

Bayek was also right about many Khajiit living in this place, and they looked absolutely cool. Many of them had spots or stripes like some housecats, and some had plain fur, and many colors. Their tails were as long as a walking stick, and they moved around slowly, and gracefully.

“So wait, what’s an addax?” Asked Applejack

“It’s a type of antelope that is a of medium-size.” Luke answered her. “It’s mostly white with some brown covering his face. “They also have long, corkscrew-like horns on guest heads.”

“Ah. Fascinating. Wait, I saw one.” She pointed out. “Wow, that’s a mighty beauty of an antelope there.”

“Yeah, look at hose horns. That looks like they can kill anypony in their path.” Said Rainbow Dash. “Let’s see anypony like Chrysalis try and get past those.”

“Addax are a rather peaceful race.” Bayek Said. “But, it is best not to make any creature or animal with a horn angry.”

“That is so true.” Spike agreed. “Those horns look kinda scary.”

“Well, come along, I can show you quite a lot about the city.” Continuing with the tour, many Jackalians, Khajiit, and Addax looked at the group in curiosity. “Do not worry, Hey have never seen humans humans before. Or... I think it is Discord that they are looking at.”

“I don’t care. I’m used to that kind of attention,”

“I’m shocked.” Lyra muttered sarcastically. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Watch it, Lyra.” Discord sang. “I have ears like a hawk, you know?”

“So Bayek, are there any bandits around here?” Luke Asked the Jackal-like creature. “Or is there something we should be careful about?”

“Well, it is certainly best not to travel the desert by night.” Bayek replied. “Scorpions And venomous snake’s can attack since they have good eye vision. And, for bandits, there are some groups that like to steal from tourists. Money, clothes, food, and other valuable objects.”

Luke put his left hand under his chin in fascination. “Good. What about around here?”

“There is some crime like mugging, robberies, and some... grave robbers like to come and settle here.”

“What about these Khajiit things?” Asked Rarity. “They look a little.... shady,”

“It is a common misconception for all Khajiit to be called thieves, but that is only a small percentage of them.” Okove reminded. “Many Khajiit justnwant to make a peaceful life out here.”

Just then, a whitish-grey Khajiit with a turban over his head ran up to Bayek. He had some small muscles on his arm, and an Arabic type of pants. “My friend, I have finally figured out the problem with my formula to sell to any patrons that are interested.”

“Calm down there, Meneki. What is all this about?”

“My Bissap drink. You know how I was trying to Perfect my own beverage with some delicious taste and flavoring? I believe I have found the key ingredient to make it delicious: The pedals from Horus’s tears flowers. A really rare find that can only be found in many scattered oasis’.”

He then looked at Luke, Fluttershy, Twilight, and the rest of their friends. “Is there a problem here, Bayek?” Asked Luke.

“No, no, of course not. This is just a good friend of mine. Meneki, these are new friends of mine visiting from Equestria.”

“Equestria you say?” Said the khajiit. “Well, I have been to that place before a couple of times. Only about three times, and the last visit was about ten years ago. And,” he made a gasp.” And the Elements of Harmony? A rather fine honor to meet you all.”

“Howdy.” Said Applejack.

“How are you doing?” Spike Asked in a friendly tone.

“Correct me if I am wrong, but you are Spike, are you not?”

“How do you know my name?”

“In Anugypt, word gets around fast from the visiting tourists in the city. Especially from the ponies.” Meneki answered. “True or false, we have heard many things of your adventures.”

“He speaks true.” Said Bayek. “Tourists talking about the events that happen in Equestria.”

“That would all make sense.” Said Zecora. “Conflicts and lose ends.”

“What else do you hear?” Asked Pinkie Pie

“Recently, you have opened a new school of friendship in the town of Ponyville.” Bayek andwered. “A place where all creatures from all over can attend to in order to learn about friednship.”

“Right. And yeah, any creature is more than welcome to come to my School.” Twilight Said. “Any creature is welcome, dragon, Griffon, hippogriff, Jackalian, Khajiit, eland, Zebra, And other types of creatures can join my classes.”

Meneki made an “hmmm.” Sound. “That sounds rather interesting. Some Khajiit here can use a little guidance in friendship.”

“And many Jackalians too,” Said Bayek. “My son Kente is lacking social skills and he could really use some help in learning about making friends.”

The ponies grew smiles on their faces. “Well, Ponyville is the right place for studying about Friendship.” Said Lyra. “You would love it in Ponyville, and the school is darn good being run by the Princess of Friendship herself.”

“Oh stop it, Lyra.” Twilight flushed.

“Well, I will certainly look at that.” Said Bayek.

“Well, is there a place where we can get something to eat?” Asked Rainbow.

“I’m feeling a little hungry myself.” Said Fluttershy.

Meneki smiled and he said: “You happen to be in luck. I have my own restaurant with bountiful food with good taste.”

“Oh wonderful.” The yellow Pegasus said with joy. They all followed Bayek and Meneki to a restaurant called the “Sandy Camel.”

“Since you are here, we have so much to talk about.” Said Bayek.

Next Chapter: Love is Missing Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 33 Minutes
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