
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 10: Hanging Out with Rainbow Dash (Edited)

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Luke was having a little walk with Rainbow Dash, whom he promised to hang out with after he was done meeting Zecora for the first time. Rainbow was really happy to be hanging out with the young human, for she really thought he was one of the coolest creatures she had ever met and seen. Am y of the townsfolk greeted Luke by waving a hello at him, then he followed after. "So, Rainbow, Twilight that you like this book series called 'the Daring Do' stories, right?"

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow said. "She is super cool and awesome like me, and would be willing to go on any adventure."

"That's what I thought. You know, there's a human in my world that's kind of like her. His names' Indiana Jones, and he explores many temples and ruins across the planet from Peru, to the Democratic Republic of Congo, to Columbia, to Madagascar, to India."

"Ooh, does he have any adventures like Daring Do? Like very dangerous stuff?"

"Oh yeah. But.... He's just a really famous actor named Harrison Ford. One of my favorite actors, actually."

"Oh. He's just an actor?"

"Yeah. Like I said before, things can get pretty boring in my world."

"Riiiiggtht." Rainbow agreed. "Yeah, I remember you saying something that." She made a little chuckle. "So, do you play sports?"

Luke made a look of uncertainty on his face "not really. I used to be, not anymore. I like some things like swimming, basketball, bowling, boxing, wrestling, fencing, that sort of thing if that even counts, but I really don't play any sports recently. Are you a sports fanatic?"

"Of course I am. Sports are my middle name. I can handle anything that comes at me." She boasted. However, she noticed something was about to come charging at her, and she got out of the way just in time. The thing stopped, and under the sunlight, it revealed a gray pegasus mare with two funny-looking eyes with some bubbles as her cutie mark "Hey, watch it!" She cursed

"Oops, sorry, Rainbow Dash." Said the mare

"Oh, hey Derpy. I didn't know it was you." Rainbow said, recognizing this rather clumsy mare.

"It's alright. That was all me." Her voice sounded like a buffoon of some kind, like she wasn't all that bright. "Hey, who's the white gorilla?" She noticed Luke

"Hey, he's not a gorilla, he's a human." Rails corrected

"Oh, sorry, human." She slowly hovered back on the ground

Luke chuckled. "That's okay. I was expecting that actually." This mare looked really adorable with her innocent and dim-witted personality. "What's your name?"

"Derpy." She replied. "Are carrier for Ponyville and Cloudsdale." She answered with her tongue sticking out of her mouth like Wakko from Animaniacs.

"My name's Luke, Luke Smith, but you can just call me Luke if you please."

"Nice to meet you, Luke." Derpy said. "Would you like a muffin?"

"What kind?,

"Chocolate muffins with chocolate chips."

Luke gasped "I love those kind of muffins!" He said with excitement. "Sure, I would love one. Are they for free?"

"Of course, silly." She replied with a funny laugh. She gave him the treat out of her basket, and he took a bite out of it, starting to like the taste and scent of this delicious muffin

"Oh my god." He thought taking another bite of it. "That's so amazing. Thanks, Derpy."

"You're welcome. Well, I might as well get back to the deliveries now. Nice meeting you, Luke!"

"Nice meeting you too, Derpy. Au revoir."

Then the gray mare flew off delivering mail once more. Of course, because of her ditzy personality, she bumped into a few chimneys and roofs of many houses along with some loose trees within town.

"What a peculiar type of pony." He said in his brain, then he continued eating his muffin. After he was finished, he asked Rainbow "so. do you know any of the Wonderbolts by any chance?"

"You know it. Their leader's name is Spitfire. Really cool flyer like me, then there is Fleetfoot, usually the one that is beside her in many cases, very nice pony. Finally, their is Soarin, the second-in-command for the team. He's the closest friend I have. And I forgot to tell you, I finally got to be a member of the Wonderbolts a few months ago."

"Really?" Luke said with enthusiasm "that's awesome, Rainbow. Congratulations on fulfilling your dream."

"Thanks, Luke. That means a lot." She remarked. "And yeah, I am finally a Wonderbolt. Not what I would expect when I first entered of course, but still I got in."


"So what did you think of Zecora?"

"She was very kind and very nice. It was kind of fascinating of her to speak in rhymes. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but i'm just curious: why does she always talk with rhyming?"

Rainbow was kind of thinking the same thing Luke was "that is a good question. I really don't know why. Despite that, it was nice of you to get to know her. She really likes you a great deal."

"I can't imagine why." Luke agreed. "I think my legs are getting a little tired. Wanna sit on the grass in the park with me?"

Rainbow stretched her legs "sure, I can use a little break myself.

"I guess even the fastest flyer in Equestria has her limits, eh?" The human joked

"Yeah I know." She laughed. They walked down through another path until they saw a rather small knoll within the park in Ponyville, and he promptly sat down on the soft, green grass, feeling comfortable. "So tell me, how are you liking it at Fluttershy's place?"

In a really happy voice, Luke promptly replied "it's amazing. It has many things I could ever want, make it an animal haven for me. Although I wish there would be TV to watch and video games to play on with an Xbox 360, Wii U, and maybe a PS3 or PS4 as icing on the cake.

Rainbow had a dumbfounded look on her face. "What are those things? The Xbox 360, Wii U and the PP3 and PP4?" She asked. Of course, she never heard of those systems since they are not in Equestria

"Actually it's PS3 and PS4, and they are different types of video game systems you can play on. Some video games are made exclusively on those systems."

"Wow, that's cool." Rainbow said. "I wish i can play those things."

"I know, you should. The point is, it's very nice to live in a peaceful house like Fluttershy's. No worries, no problems, nothing to bad to give a crap about." Then he thought of his friends and family back in his homeworld. "Although I still have a family and friends back home."

"Ah, Luke. I'm pretty sure they are fine. Besides, Celestia and Luna will help you with that, remember?"

"I know. I know. I just hope they are trying to stay strong without me."

"I'm sure they are." She winked at him.

The human smiled. "You're right. I should not really worry so much.

"Your friends know that you are in Equestria, right?" She asked

"Oh yeah. They know. I was worried that they would think I was so damn crazy that I would be put in the funny farm, if you know what I mean."

Rainbow did a cute laugh. "That's hilarious."

"Right. So what other books do you like to read?"

"There are others that I like. Not as much as Twilight of course, since I am not that big of an egghead like she is."

"Oh come on, just because you read chapter books, doesn't make you an egghead, or a nerd."

"Yeah, I know. Reading is for everypony after all."

"Right. I'm not that much of an avid reader either. I prefer to watch and hear stuff besides reading, you know?"

"Right back at ya. I am kind of a pony like that myself."

The two just laid back on the nice grass and looked at the sky together. They looked for any funny looking clouds that would look familiar to certain objects.

"So does your sky in your world look like this one?"

"Oh yeah, definitely. We can have rainy days, and snowy ones in the winter too. To be honest, your sky does look a little more beautiful than mine."

"Cool. You know I help bust clouds for some weather days."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if we were to make it rain or snow, then me, along with other pegasus ponies would kick some rain or snow clouds to make it happen."

"Wow. That's awesome. The way our clouds are created is kind of.... boring, since there aren't any pegasus ponies on earth."

"I can't imagine why. We also would form a large tornado in the lake not far from here to get to Cloudsdale to make more of those clouds for everypony in Equestria. One time, Fluttershy took part of it, and she did an awesome job at it."

"Really? I'll have to congratulate her when I get back."


"Hey look, that cloud looks like a lion." He pointed to the sky.

The cyan pegasus looked closely and was amazed. "Wow, yeah I see it." Then she got a little glimpse of another funny looking cloud. "Look over there, it looks like Celestia."

The human looked and was truly amazed at how that cloud looked exactly like the co-ruler of Equestria herself. "Awesome." So on and so forth, They looked at other shapes of the clouds that passed through the skies.

"So, are you sure there are no monsters in your homeworld?"

"Well.... I wouldn't say that. I might have mentioned to you something called 'cryptids' before, right?"

Rainbow was uncertain. "I don't think I do."

"Well, in my world, cryptids are creatures that might or might not exist, so there might be monsters in my world. I know so many cryptids that I could name, but I don't know if you would want to hear it."

"Yeah! tell me! what kind of monsters are they?"

"Well I don't know if they even exist or not, but I'm pretty sure some of them do. They are all a mystery to researchers and cryptozooligists. To start, in America, there is a monster named Bigfoot in the rocky mountain areas."

The cyan pegasus snickered "Bigfoot? hahaha. What kind of a name is that?"

"I know, it's kinda ridiculous, but that's what they call him. His species is called a Sasquatch. He is one of the most famous cryptids in all of North America, and it went as far as the mid 19 hundreds. The first and most famous photo of it was caught in 1967." he got up. "They caught a picture of him walking like this." then he did that famous pose of the sasquatch."

Rainbow laughed "That's so funny."

"Right. So, he is described similar to a human like me, but he's bigger, and is all hairy like a gorilla or an orangutan. No one has ever caught him before. Well, there have been some reports of Bigfoot captured, but they turned out to be fakes and hoaxes."


"Like they were just hoaxers in costumes doing that to get publicity and money, and that sickens me."

"That's just wrong."

"You think?" he agreed. Then Rainbow got back up. "But I know he is out there somewhere. I know it."

"Good. I would like to pick a fight with that guy." she made a few punches in the air in a boxing type of fashion. What other monsters? Oh, are there any in Africa? the place you told us about?"

"Oh yes. There are quite a few ones that I have read about. In western Africa, like in two countries called the Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of the Congo, there is a creature like a river monster. It's a funny name so get ready to laugh."

"Okay." Rainbow waited to hear what he had to say and wanted to see if she will laugh her ass off.

"It is a dinosaur. I don't know if you are familiar with it, but is is a dinosaur that probably survived extinction millions of years ago."

"Wow. Yeah, I heard of them. We had them million years ago too."

"Really?" Luke said in amazement. "That's awesome. Anyway, the beast is called the Mokele-Mbembe."

Then Rainbow dropped to the floor laughing her eyes out. "That's a very funny name! HAHAHAHA! then she got up and wiped a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry, tell me more."

"Thanks. Now, he he a type of sauropod type of dinosaur with a long tail and long neck that inhabited the Congo river basin. It's a vegetarian don't have to worry about it eating you. His name means One who stops the flow of rivers in the Lingala tongue, which is a language that some tribes in those countries speak. I hope I am not boring you stiff with this, am I?"

"No no no, of course not." she replied with enthusiasm. "I love hearing this. This is really cool."

"Good. It's not really a threat to humans, and doesn't really attack anyone, but it does prefer to be left alone."

"Can't blame it. That's so cool,I would like to see that kind of creature."

"Another creature from there is called the Emela-Ntouka. It's either a triceratops type of dinosaur, or a species of aquatic rhino, because he has a long, sharp horn on his nose like one."

"Ooh. Now that is awesome."

"This monster has a large tale and is the size of an elephant."


"He lives in swampy areas like the Mokele-mbembe, but it doesn't have a long neck. His name means 'killer of the elephants' also in the Lingala language."


"I know. Like I said, they could be real, or they could be not. They are total mysteries to scientists and people who study them like me. But, that would be so cool if they were real, right?"

"I know! Then I can fight them all, and take them on with my bare hooves! Hiyah!"

"I can see that." Luke chuckled. "So I think i'm ready to get moving again."

"Good. Wanna go play some basketball with me?"

He thought about it, and he said "Sure, I guess so. I might as well do some exercise."

"Good. Wanna race to the field?"

"Sure. Last one to the field is roadkill."

"Got it!" then they both ran towards the fields. Of course, Rainbow was running way faster than Luke was since almost any animal can run faster than humans. Except sloths, tortoises and turtles, but he still had fun anyway.

Next Chapter: Meeting a Chaotic Creature (edited) Estimated time remaining: 17 Hours, 55 Minutes
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