
Fun With Changelings

by Shukumei

Chapter 3: Sour Note

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The three ponies left the library, having obtained Twilight’s best guess that Wubsy was completely harmless. “Well, I told you that would be helpful. Except for the whole part with her going crazy and bouncing around the library and all,” Vinyl joked.

Octavia nodded. “I concur. It really does seem like you’re a part of the family now, Wubsy. Although I hope you won’t take offense if we have to keep a pretty close eye on you for a while.”

Vinyl sounded affronted. “Tavi! You still don’t trust her? Twilight basically just told us she’s harmless as Fluttershy. How could you still suspect that adorable face?”

Wubsy grinned through Carrot Top’s lips. “Suits me just fine.” Wubsy nuzzled Vinyl’s neck as they walked. “The more time I get to spend with the two of you, the better.”

Octavia glanced back to see the intimate moment between the changeling and her marefriend, and felt a pang of jealousy at their affection. “You remember that she still is a changeling, right? It’s not that I don’t trust her, I simply can’t completely rule out that this whole thing is a ruse of some sort. Again Wubsy, no offense.”

“None taken.” Octavia heard her own voice behind her. She turned to see Vinyl sniggering with the faux-Octavia.

“Would you two think for a moment? We’re out in public! You can’t just turn into me! What if somepony notices?!”

Vinyl smirked as Wubsy resumed her disguise. “Jeez Tavi, you’re the one hollering and drawing all the attention. We’re just having some fun.”

Octavia huffed and turned around again, leading the other two giggling ponies back to the apartment. Once there, she told them she was going out. “I’ll be gone for a while, we’re short on groceries. You two keep safe and try not to blow out the windows.”

“That only happened ONCE! And I said I was sorry!” Vinyl shouted with indignation.

“Either way, Wubsy is here now. We can’t have the whole town finding out we're harboring a changeling. The news has spread and changelings aren’t exactly the most beloved ponies in Ponyville right now.”

“I beg to disagree.” Vinyl smiled and gave Wubsy another emphatic hug. “My changeling is the most beloved changeling in all of Equestria.”

“Would you two QUIT IT!” Octavia snapped, causing both Vinyl and Wubsy to jump a little and stare at her. “Neither one of you seem to grasp the gravity of the situation! You’re so busy goofing around and playing pranks that you leave all the important things to me! Things like keeping your flanks safe!” The looks of shock on her roommates’ faces made her realize she was shouting. She turned with an angry snort and loudly stomped off.


Octavia wandered the bustling streets of Ponyville, her head drooped in guilt. Why did I have to go and do that? It’s not like they were truly hurting anypony. They were just having a bit of fun. But stick-in-the-mud Tavi had to go and blow the whole thing. Boring, practical Octavia had to go and inject a harsh and unnecessary dose of reality into their fun in the cruelest way possible. Yet on the other hoof, they sure aren’t in any hurry to make this easy on me either, galavanting about recklessly as they are. Can’t they see I’m trying to keep both of them safe? And if Wubsy was found out, Vinyl would be crushed. I’m only trying to think of their best interests.

Octavia sighed as she reached the marketplace. Her silent meditations continued as she absent-mindedly went from stall to stall collecting provisions for her and Vinyl, remembering faintly that Vinyl’s love provided nourishment for their pet.

And what’s wrong with that? She questioned her own emotions. Why shouldn’t she love Wubsy? The answer came all too easily to her in the form of a sharp pang in her heart. Because she’s supposed to love me. Octavia shook her head bitterly. She does love me. Vinyl is the most loving mare in Equestria. She’s more than capable of loving us both with all her heart—

“Excuse me, miss? Did you need something?”

Octavia snapped out of her self-induced trance at the sound of the voice. She looked up, realizing that she was at Roseluck's flower stall. She scrambled to recover, pulling a hoof-ful of bits from her coinpurse and laying them on the counter. “Yes. I’d like two bundles of daisies and twenty calla lilies, please.” Vinyl loves calla lilies in her salad, Octavia thought to herself. May as well give her a treat to try and make up for my behavior earlier.

Roseluck looked at her in concern as she gathered the requested flowers. “Are you alright, Octavia? You look worried about something.”

Octavia looked down sheepishly. “Yes, I’ll be fine. I’m just a little distracted.”

“Anything you wanna’ talk about?”

The musician sighed. “I was a little annoyed with Vinyl this morning. I’m afraid I snapped at her when she didn’t deserve it.”

“Ah.” The flower vendor nodded in understanding, having catered to the couple for quite some time. “Hence the calla lilies, Vinyl’s favorites. Trying to make amends, are we?”

Octavia nodded.

“Want to tell me what the tiff was about?”

“Oh, no. I couldn’t hold up your business with my petty troubles. You’re too busy to—” She trailed off as a glance behind her showed she was the only pony currently in line to purchase flowers from Roseluck.

“You were saying?” The florist smirked as she leaned casually on the counter, her hooves carefully tying Octavia’s paper-wrapped bundles in brown twine.

Octavia grimaced but then relented, explaining the tale to the earth pony whilst carefully sidestepping any mention of their new houseguest. “... And she just can’t take anything seriously. Everytime I try to explain how serious something is, she just shrugs it off with a foalish joke.”

Roseluck listened carefully as her customer’s story unfolded. “Sounds about right for Vinyl. I’ve never known that pony to take anything with even a grain of solemnity more than was absolutely necessary. But I thought you loved that spirit.”

“Oh, I do. I treasure every moment we share, even when she drives me completely insane. Keeping her hooves on the ground makes me feel so close to her, and her hectic energy can be very refreshing at times.”

Roseluck smiled. “Sounds like you love the tar out of the little devil.”

“You know I do!”

“Then something tells me there’s more to the story. Something else is bugging you, and you need to sort that out first.”

Octavia nodded as she took the parcel of flowers. “Thank you so much for listening, Rose. Your insight was most appreciated.” And with that, she trotted off to continue her shopping.

“Good luck, Octavia!” Rose called after her, waving a hoof. Then she whispered to nopony in particular, “If those two can’t work things out, there’s no hope for anypony.”

It’s true, Octavia thought to herself as she walked away. I love Vinyl’s sense of humor. And if she wasn’t making jokes and having fun, I don’t think I’d like that any better. So why is this time any different? She tried to justify her position with a flimsy argument about Wubsy’s safety, but it sounded hollow in her head. The image of her marefriend cuddling up with the changeling again came unbidden to her mind with the accompanying deep-seated aversion. That’s really it, isn’t it? It’s all about Wubsy. She’s so taken with her pet that I’m getting jealous. But it’s not like this is the first time Vinyl has gone head-over-hooves at something new.

Indeed, her mind furnished her with a parade of memories of Vinyl becoming engrossed in some new gig or piece of equipment. So why is this so much different? Well that’s obvious, too. It’s because Wubsy is different. Wubsy can actually love her back. I’m not worried about them goofing off, I’m worried about Vinyl loving Wubsy more than me. I’m worried about her leaving me for—

Octavia was interrupted once again in her ruminations when she suddenly collided with another pony. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry.”

The white mare with the ruby-red curls rose and brushed herself off. “No matter,” she said pleasantly as she straightened her half-moon spectacles. “No harm done. I was rather deep in thought and wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Octavia picked up the unicorn’s beret and offered it to her; allowing the unicorn to take it in her magical grip and levitate it smartly onto her head. “I’m afraid I must admit to being in quite the same state of mind. I do hope you’ll forgive me.”

“No forgiveness necessary,” The unicorn assured her. “As a matter of fact, I think you may have just given me the solution to a rather stubborn bit of writing I was puzzling over. So really I should thank you.”

The gray mare nodded, apologizing again in spite of herself. Then the two parted ways, Octavia spying the stylized quill emblazoned on the other mare’s flank. I suppose she must be a writer of some sort.

She returned to her previous train of thought, trying to pick up where she had left off. What was it again? Oh yes. Vinyl leaving me for Wubsy.

Now that she had put a name to it, she realized what a ridiculous notion it was. The thought that Vinyl would leave her for anything was akin to the thought of Celestia suddenly renouncing her beloved tea. Not only wholly unfounded, but laughable as well. I suppose I shouldn’t be so hard on the little dear, but then what am I supposed to do? Her thoughts combed over the memories of Vinyl’s previous obsessions, searching for a pattern in her past interactions with her marefriend. The pattern was so readily apparent that she was ashamed she had even had to think about it.

Of course. I was always happy for her. Excited with her about whatever it was, even if it didn’t interest me in the slightest. I was always excited that she was excited, nothing more. I feel like such a fool. Here Vinyl has been doing everything in her power to get me to share in her fun and I’ve been too busy being envious and bitter to give her the time of day. I need to apologize to her.


The thought struck her without warning, causing her to stand stock-still in the middle of the square. And there’s Wubsy. What shall I do about her? I’ve been unfair to her. She’s just trying to fit in and I’ve shunned her without reason, haven’t I? Is there truly any reason I can’t make peace with her?

Again she thought of Wubsy. Of her mischievous tendencies that she seemed to be inheriting from Vinyl at an alarming rate. Of her (Octavia had to admit) adorable large blue eyes and the way she seemed to seek the approval of both the mares she found herself with—like a puppy, almost. And of how Octavia herself had so cruelly denied her any such affection.

You know, she’s really not all that bad. I think I could learn to love her. So that’s it, right? I have no problem with Vinyl. I have no problem with Wubsy. Everything is solved. She thought of the two together and received another emotional twist, albeit drastically reduced in intensity. Okay, I’ll have to work on that bit. But at least I’m making progress. I’ve got to get home and apologize to the dears.

Octavia looked back up, her solution found, and discovered that she was standing frozen in one of the main thoroughfares of Ponyville. To her further embarrassment, she also discovered that she had become something of a spectacle. Ponies all around her regarded her with curiosity as to what had caused her to come to rest in such a heavily traveled location.

She chuckled weakly and began to move on, soon coming up on Sugarcube Corner. On impulse, she decided to enter the shop in an attempt to find some form of sweet to further her upcoming apologetic efforts.

She approached the counter which was currently staffed by the fairer of the Cake couple. “Hello, Mrs. Cake.”

“Hello, Octavia dear. You look rather chipper. Anything I can get you?”

Octavia smiled, glad to know her newfound resolution was apparent in her demeanor. “Yes, please. I’ll take a half dozen of your best, freshest raspberry cupcakes.”

Mrs. Cake nodded and retrieved the treats from the back. “A little treat for Vinyl, then? I know she does love her raspberries.”

“Yes, that’s right. I’m afraid I owe her a bit of a treat.” Octavia pulled the rest of the bits from her coinpurse and counted them out. “Oh no, it looks like I’m a little short right now.”

The baker waved her off. “No matter. You two are great customers and friends. This batch is on the house. Pinkie baked them just before she left for Canterlot and I must say, I think she’s really outdone herself with these.”

Octavia beamed at the elder confectioner. “Thank you so much, Cup. You have no idea how much this means to me. I know Vinyl will be very appreciative of your generosity as well.”

Mrs. Cake nodded warmly. “It’s no trouble, dear. And do give my love to your darling marefriend for me, won’t you?”

“I’ll be sure to do so, ma’am. And thank you again. If there is ever anything the two of us can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

A moment later, Octavia cantered onward heading straight for her apartment with her saddlebags bulging with treats. She was eager to make her apologies and put the whole mess behind them; she thought about what she would say to them to move past her humiliating episode, and be accepted back into the family she had spent so much time building with her beloved Vinyl.

She opened the door to her and Vinyl’s half of the house expecting to find the two of them there, licking their undeserved wounds. Instead her only warning was the sound of Vinyl’s voice saying, “Ok. Listen to this!” before she was blasted onto her back by a wave of deep bass.

Next Chapter: Let the Good Times Roll Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 29 Minutes
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