
Fun With Changelings

by Shukumei

Chapter 13: All Good Things (Epilogue)

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Dear Princess Celestia,

It's a little strange writing to royalty, but Twilight says you'd be delighted to hear what I learned recently so I'll give it a try.

I learned a valuable lesson about tolerance recently. I learned that no matter what somepony has done, they have the ability to change. I've learned forgiveness and understanding can go a long way to battle hatred, and that an open mind leads to an open heart.

A changeling named Wubsy was found in town as you know and I was the one leading the charge against her. I let her status as a changeling and the fact that she had been part of the Canterlot attack blind me to her potential. I was too hung up on what she had done and what she was to see who she was inside or how special she really is. Because of her past, I almost took away her future.

I've learned since then that no matter what a pony has done in the past, they have the capacity to change. They have the ability to better themselves and deserve the right to do so. Not allowing a pony to move beyond their past means they will forever be defined by it. Refusing them the chance to improve robs them of their ability to become more than what they were.

I've also learned that no matter what a pony is on the outside, great potential lies inside them. Assuming a pony is a certain way based solely on a label is ignorant and cowardly. It imprisons that pony inside the boundaries of that label. They can never live up to their potential because they are never given the chance.

Vinyl and Octavia are doing very well these days. We’ve finally buried the hatchet, and Bon Bon and I often go on double dates with the two of them. Wubsy has been appointed as something of an unofficial guard for the town. Everypony loves seeing her around town and she has a lot of close friends, whom I count myself lucky to be amongst. I love being able to talk to her and laugh with her. She really is a special pony.

I'm so glad she managed to survive my prejudices and that she was willing to give me the forgiveness I denied her. She's a good mare, and I would have lost something precious if she wasn't in my life. We all would have.

In the end, I guess I learned that love and tolerance should always win out over hatred and prejudice. Not everypony is trustworthy but everypony deserves the chance to earn trust. Knee-jerk reactions and reflex persecution can destroy something precious before you ever realize just how special it was.

Yours truly,
Lyra Heartstrings

Author's Notes:

This chapter dedicated to Texas Voices, a cause near and dear to my heart. (http://texasvoices.org/) And to “Doc” Schafer, a good man with a good heart who took his own life after the weight of needless persecution proved too much for him. No matter what people called you or what mistakes you had made, you were a good friend and you always tried to be the best man you could be. This one's for you, Doc. I hope you finally found peace.

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