
Fun With Changelings

by Shukumei

First published

I'm sick of Wubsy getting no place in the fannon. So here's how she became Vinyl Scratch's pet.

A single changeling is cut off from the swarm during the attack on Canterlot. She's discovered by Vinyl Scratch and adopted as a pet. How will Wubsy the changeling, Vinyl, and Octavia cope when the town develops Changeling-phobia? Will Wubsy ever be able to prove her good intentions and stay with the mare she's grown so attached to? Rated Teen for off-page lesbian pony make-out session.

My bid to make "Wubsy" a more official part of the fannon. Check the source of the fic image to see the comic that started it all.

A gracious thank you to GarlicParsnip, Comma-Kazie, Chengar Qordath, JJ GingerHooves and Steel Resolve who proofread and co-authored the piece.

Wubsy Origins

The changeling rounded on her prey. A small mare with a vivid orange mane trembled as the changeling stalked closer, driven by a single directive being channeled from the hive-mind, and the changeling queen at its center.

Feed, drummed the order in her mind. The changeling tensed, ready to pounce and drain the love from her target. She lunged, opening her maw wide to feast on the love-filled mare—to suck the living essence from the pony and leave her to die.

She was interrupted mid-pounce by a quick and massive magical explosion, clipping the side of the changeling and sending her spiraling through the air.The hive-mind told her what had happened: the guard captain’s spell, augmented by Princess Cadence, had just successfully repelled the entire invasion force and sent them hurtling away from Canterlot.

Unable to right herself enough to fly due to the force of the blast and the speed with which it repelled her, the changeling slammed into the side of something hard and fell to the ground in a daze. Lifting her head, she faintly registered that she was in a town, notably the one she had seen off in the distance as she had flown with the rest of the swarm towards Canterlot. Ponyville, the name echoed through the changeling. The hive-mind processed this information and was made aware that several other changelings had also been separated from the the swarm, scattered about the countryside. The hive-mind made a decision.

Abandon, the queen’s thoughts echoed in her head. Of course. She was dispensable, like all the others. There were uncounted thousands of changelings just like her back at the hive. Why should the swarm be concerned with her? The young changeling accepted her fate without question and lay her head back down, ready to be cut off from the group consciousness and be embraced by death. Her vision dimmed as she felt the hive leave her, taking her consciousness with it until finally she succombed to oblivion.

But death failed to take her. When the changeling opened her eyes after a few hours, her mind was blank; she no longer felt the presence of her brethren or her queen. She felt so empty without the constant buzzing of the hive in her head—so small and isolated. Her mind grappled wordlessly with the sudden disconnection, but with no vocabulary and only the most rudimentary of thought processes, it loomed before her like an impassable mountain.

Something told her she shouldn’t have survived. It told her that her kind were never meant to be alone, and that what she was supposed to do was lie back down and waste away to nothing. Although her indoctrination emphasized otherwise, with the separation came an inexplicable desire to exist. What little thought she could piece together told her this was what the hive had intended for her to do. However, that thought was smashed apart by her sudden sourceless drive to continue on.

So what then? Was she supposed to go back to the hive? No. Those who had abandoned her to her fate would only quench this newfound independence and subjugate what little will she had suddenly developed. That same nameless something deep within her felt this was unacceptable, that somehow her independence was precious and needed to be protected. Moreover, she doubted she would be accepted back at all. She could go off on her own and hunt, but that was even less appealing; she wasn’t meant to be alone, that much rang clearly within her. With her newfound (if rather limited) capacity for making decisions, she decided that she was in deep trouble. She was cast out and had no options, no hope. But fate smiled on her and brought her a miracle.

A shadow suddenly loomed over her. She looked up into the sun to see a silhouette of a pony standing over her, her spiked mane standing out against the brilliant light. But her eyes looked so large...

“Well, well. What’s this?”

The changeling felt herself being lifted by a pair of snow-white hooves. With the sun out of her eyes, she could see the white unicorn with the spiked mane (which she now saw was an electric blue color), and she realized that what she thought were huge eyes were in fact oversized sunglasses.

The strange white mare lifted her glasses up, revealing stunning magenta eyes. “You’re a cute little devil, aren’t you? Are you lost? Do you have a name?”

The changeling had spent time with ponies before; she had assumed the form of somepony who was well-loved and usurped their place in society. She had fed off the love meant for the pony she had replaced and used it to sustain herself. But this was so strange. She could feel the waves of love this pony was radiating, and she soaked them up like warm rays of sunshine. But no matter how much affection she consumed, the pony that held her didn’t seem to waver or weaken at all. What’s more, the love the unicorn put off didn’t seem to have a destination. No pony to be directed at or receive this love... or could it be that the intended recipient was....

“No name, huh? Well, that’s alright. I think I’ll call you Wubsy! What do you think of that?”

The changeling, now Wubsy, made the second decision of her life. She decided right then and there that wherever this strange, love-filled mare went, she would follow. She wasn’t sure what made her do what she did next. It was just instinct. It felt right, so she just did it. With a blaze of green fire, Vinyl Scratch found herself suddenly holding a perfect replica of herself, sans the glasses.

Vinyl gaped. “Whoa! That was so bitchin’!” She looked the Wubsy Scratch over, nose to flank, gawking at the perfect accuracy of the mimic. Well... Almost perfect.

“Hey. Where are my glasses?”

Wubsy looked at the sunglasses that were currently resting on Vinyl’s forehead, just under her horn. With a tilt of her head and another burst of green flame, she manifested spectacles of her own, identical to those of Vinyl. “Better?” she asked the pony whose form and voice she now shared.

“Hey! You can talk!” Vinyl was impressed.

“Well of course I can talk,” Wubsy replied in the mare’s voice as though it were obvious. “I’m you. And you can talk. So I can talk.”

Vinyl puzzled over this for a moment. “So... you can turn into other ponies? And do whatever they can do?”

“Yup! Neat, huh?” Vinyl shivered slightly as she found herself on the receiving end of the same mischievous look she always gave Octavia.

“Ok, last question. You wanna go have some fun?”


Vinyl and Wubsy took to the streets of Ponyville, the latter cleverly disguised as Berry Punch. Vinyl held her breath at one point when a pale yellow mare with a blue and pink mane did a double take, but the onlooker shrugged and went about her business, much to the DJ’s relief. They wove their way through the town, quickly approaching the apartment which she shared with Octavia.

Vinyl spoke in a conspiratorial whisper as they sat outside the door. “Okay, just turn into me and follow my lead.” The twin Vinyls walked inside and marched into Octavia’s studio, sighting the gray pony at a writer’s desk—undoubtedly composing a new piece for her cello, which was (as always) at the ready beside her.

“Hey Tavi! Guess what!” Both Vinyls called out simultaneously, giving the cellist pause.

It was strange. The cellist was used to Vinyl’s ungodly experiments with splicing and warping sound into what she called music, but Octavia had never heard Vinyl’s voice sound so... harmonic. She turned around, expecting to see her marefriend wired up into some Celestia-forsaken electronic device to modulate her voice.

“What is it ViiiiiAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” Octavia screamed as she saw her worst nightmare realized. TWO Vinyls! Both of them sitting there grinning at her! What was she going to do? She could barely handle the maddening energy of one Vinyl!

“Surprised?” the Vinyl-in-stereo asked with that same maddening smirk of self-satisfaction.

“I should say so!” The musician rose from her desk, rounding on the two unicorns with an indignant huff. “Just what is the meaning of this? You come in here with some hair-brained prank just to scare the living—”

Octavia’s tirade was cut short, however, when she realized she was lecturing... herself?

“What’s the matter, Octavia?” the doppelganger asked with her own cultured voice and smug expression. This was impossible. This had to be one of Vinyl’s juvenile pranks. She looked the imposter over carefully, seeking some kind of hitch or flaw in the illusion. A flaw that she couldn’t find. It was a perfect duplicate.

“Vinyl...” she asked cautiously. “Am I currently addressing a pony who looks strikingly similar to myself?”

Vinyl fell on the floor, clutching her sides and bursting with laughter. “The look on your face, Tavi! You should get a load of yourself!”

The false Octavia was suddenly engulfed in a bright green flame, giving Octavia another start. Where once there stood a perfect replica of herself, there was now a black insect-like pony with shabby wings grinning at her bedeviled expression.

“Vinyl. Would you kindly explain who this pony is and what just transpired?”

Vinyl pulled herself together and rose to her hooves, standing beside the changeling and casually throwing a foreleg over her neck. “This is Wubsy. I found her in an alley earlier today and decided to adopt her as a pet. She can turn into anypony she sees. Pretty awesome, right?”

Octavia looked affronted. “Anything but awesome, Vinyl! You can’t just pull a pony off the street and decide to adopt her—and as a pet on top of that? How degrading! I would have expected better, even from you!”

The way she emphasized “even” left a bad taste in Vinyl’s mouth. “First of all, she’s not a pony. She’s some sort of weird, cool bug thing. And second off, if I wanna call her a pet, that’s between me and her. And she doesn’t seem to mind it, do you, Wubsy?”

Wubsy smiled and walked over to nuzzle her favorite pony under the chin.

“See? She loves me. And I love her too, so that’s all that matters. I mean, you of all ponies should understand that! Remember what everypony thought when we came out?”

Memories of that fateful time flooded Octavia’s mind. When she and Vinyl had decided to go public with their relationship, there had been plenty of neigh-sayers. She had almost clobbered Carrot Cake for calling them “fillyfoolers.” A mistake on her part to be sure; after all, he hadn’t meant anything by it. Soon enough, however, she had realized that the only ponies’ opinions which mattered in their relationship was hers and her lover’s. Now she wore the title of fillyfooler with pride, ignoring the few residual whispers of dissent from the hoof-ful of ponies that still hadn’t accepted their lifestyle.

Octavia sighed in resignation. “Very well, Vinyl. You’re right. I should be more open-minded. I wish you and... Wubsy, was it? All the joy in the world with... whatever this is.”

Vinyl squealed excitedly, rushing over and giving her marefriend a quick peck on the cheek. “I knew you’d understand, Tavi. Thanks.”

Octavia blushed. “Vinyl, we have company! A bit of modesty, please?”

Vinyl smiled, sensing weakness. “C’mon, Tavi, she’s our pet. Not like she’s gonna care. And besides, even if she does mind, she’s just gonna have to get used to our ‘amorous activities’ if she’s gonna live here.” Taking Octavia’s deepening red hue as a sign of success, Vinyl pressed the issue. “I mean, for Luna’s sake, we roll around the place like a pair of school fillies, groping and touching and kissing and—”

“That’s enough, Vinyl!” Octavia shouted, clearly flustered.

Vinyl approached her lover in a low, predatory stance, stalking in close for the finishing blow. The glare off her glasses gave Octavia a perfect reflection of her own terrified expression. “Oh, I seriously disagree, Tavi. I think we’re just getting started.”

Octavia backed up, looking around desperately for an escape. “Vinyl! Really?! We have company!”

Vinyl growled playfully. “You obviously haven’t been paying attention, Tavi. Guess you’ll need some hooves-on teaching.” The DJ jumped her marefriend and tackled her to the floor. Wubsy looked on and cocked her head to the side with interest as Octavia’s shouts of protest dissolved into impassioned giggles and excited yelps.

Twilight Explains it All

Octavia woke the next morning feeling refreshed, content, and perhaps a little sore from the previous night’s rambunctious activities. She allowed her eyes to flutter open lazily, taking in the peaceful sounds of morning. Her eyes closed once more and she sighed blissfully, snuggling up against the warm gray body wrapped around her from behind.


Her eyes snapped open again. Indeed, the hoof currently draped around her torso was gray—not white as she had expected. In fact, something about that particular shade seemed very familiar...

The clues suddenly aligned themselves in the musician’s mind and in a flash, she had leapt out of the bed—blanket modestly wrapped around her—and was glaring at the gray mare who still lounged on her bed.

“VINYL!” Octavia screamed with as much rage and indignation as she could muster.

Vinyl answered her call a moment later, walking through the bedroom door to see Octavia’s blanket-clad form seething at the duplicate that currently occupied the bed. “Hey! Toga party!” Vinyl enthused, grinning cheerfully.

“This is not a joke, Vinyl! Could you kindly tell me what that THING is doing in our bed?!” the cellist shouted, pointing an accusatory hoof toward the false mare.

Vinyl looked hurt. “Aw, c’mon Tavi. She’s Wubsy, she’s not a thing.”

Octavia sighed in defeat. “Very well. I apologize to you and Wubsy.” Then her previous rage returned. “Now what is SHE doing in our bed?”

“I did that. She looked cold last night, so I invited her to sleep in the bed with us. That was after you had passed out from...” Vinyl smirked. “You know.”

The gray earth pony built herself up into a towering inferno. “Then why does she look like me?”

Vinyl shrugged, the very picture of calm. “I dunno, maybe she likes you. So did you hear what happened at the castle yesterday?”

“She LIKES me? That’s the best you could come up with? I woke up with some strange pony’s hoof around me this morning!”

“Not really strange. After all, it was your hoof. So anyway, they’re saying there was some kind of attack.”

“I don’t care who’s hoof she was mimicking, it was still her hoof. And your hoof is the only one I remember giving consent to having wrapped around me in the morning!”

“Aww. That’s sweet, Tavi. But you remember how I was supposed to play that wedding reception last night?”

“Vinyl! She was SPOONING ME!” Octavia’s yelling finally reached a crescendo.

Vinyl looked from her own Tavi to the one on the bed, who was wisely keeping as silent as possible. Then she looked back, a lascivious grin spreading across her face as she peered over her glasses. “Now that I’m sorry I missed.”

“Can’t you take anything seriously?”

“I’m trying to, Tavi! I’ve been trying to tell you there was an attack on Canterlot yesterday! And I think I figured out what Wubsy is.” Vinyl levitated a newspaper into the room, holding it in front of Octavia’s face so that she could read the headline. “I went out to get breakfast for all of us, and this is the talk of Ponyville right now.”

Octavia’s eyes settled on the page. “Changeling Attack on Canterlot” was printed in large, bold type on the top. Under that in slightly smaller print was, “Royal Wedding Postponed due to Invasion.”

Octavia took the paper in her hooves, dropping the blanket in the process.

The article read:

A full-scale invasion interrupted the royal wedding in Canterlot yesterday. Panic and confusion dominated the scene at the castle as a race of creatures known as changelings attacked during the much-anticipated wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza to the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor.

The bride and groom have declined all comments; however, Princess Celestia released a press statement to outline the events of the attack.

According to Her Highness’ account, the ceremony was underway when her protégé, Twilight Sparkle, revealed that Princess Cadenza was actually an impostor. Ms. Sparkle had rescued the real Princess Cadenza from confinement in a forgotten cavern under Canterlot Castle. The imposter revealed herself as the Queen of Changelings, and ordered her swarm of changelings to attack the city.

Fortunately, the Changeling Queen and her army were ejected from Canterlot soon after by a powerful spell cast by the bride and groom.

‘I am so very grateful that the attack was repelled before any serious injuries were sustained,’ Princess Celestia said. ‘I myself am recovering from an injury inflicted during my battle with the changeling Queen. I am told everypony, myself included, will be making full recoveries and that repairs have already started on Canterlot. I would like to thank my diligent student, Twilight Sparkle, for her conviction and courage in bringing the impostor to light. I would also like to extend my warmest thanks to her friends, who were instrumental in fighting off the invasion. Lastly, I would like to commend Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor for their love, which repelled the invasion.’

In spite of the chaos, Princess Celestia has given her assurances that the wedding will continue as planned, and that Princess Cadenza is making a full recovery from her ordeal.

Changelings are creatures living deep in the untamed jungles to the east of Equestria and are defined by their insect-like appearance, ability to alter their form and mannerisms to mimic anypony they see, and unique manner of feeding which involves secretly replacing somepony and absorbing the love intended for them.

Octavia looked dumbstruck. She kept reading the description of changelings over and over again. It all fit. “Vinyl, do you mean to tell me you think Wubsy is a changeling?”

“No. I’m trying to tell you I think she’s Celestia,” Vinyl quipped with a sarcastic smirk.

“Don’t joke, Vinyl, this is serious. According to this article, changelings are dangerous!”

Vinyl looked pensive for a moment. “Yeah, I was worried about that too. That’s why I rushed home when I read it. I was afraid I’d come home to just you and I’d have no way of telling if Wubsy had taken your place. But when I saw two of you, I figured that wasn’t very likely. I mean, I guess you could both be changelings trying to pull a fast one on ol’ Vinyl, but that seems like a bit too much effort.”

Octavia nodded, reasoning through Vinyl’s logic. “Either way, we need to know for sure. We need more information.”

“Yes.” The voice came from the bed. Octavia and Vinyl found themselves slightly startled, having almost forgotten that they were still in the company of another pony. “Yes, I am a changeling,” the pseudo-Octavia spoke clearly and calmly. “I was part of the attack on Canterlot, but I was separated when the attack was repelled. I wish I could say I participated against my will, but seeing as a changeling who is attached to the swarm has no will of its own, that would be a lie. I honestly don’t know why I’m still alive. By all rights I should have been killed when I was cut off. But this I do know: somehow, I can now make decisions for myself. And I’ve decided that I have no wish to do anypony harm—least of all the two of you, to whom I have grown very attached.”

The two mares goggled at the changeling on the bed, attempting to process what she had just said. It was Vinyl who finally broke the silence.

“Well, I trust her.”

“Vinyl!” Octavia cried in exasperation. “She just admitted to being a creature that we know to be dangerous and just flat-out told us she was part of the attack on Canterlot! And you trust her just like that?!”

“Well, yeah. I mean think about it, Tavi. If she was out to get us, wouldn’t she have replaced you while I was out and the two of you were here alone? You were just lying there sleeping, after all. She couldn’t have known I’d learn about changelings while I was out. And if she was so dangerous, why would she bother telling us she was dangerous?”

Octavia thought this out for a moment. Her marefriend was right. She hated to admit it, but she was right. “Okay. I’ll admit there’s more here to be considered. But I still think we need more information about this before we jump to any conclusions.”

Vinyl smiled. “I know just the place. But Wubsy will need a disguise. I don’t think she should use Berry Punch again; we lucked out that nopony noticed there were two of them last time. Wubsy, did you see anypony in Canterlot you could become? Somepony that isn’t likely to be wandering around Ponyville?”

A mental image of one pony in particular sprang into her mind. An image that caused her gut to wrench with guilt. A small mare with a vivid orange mane who had been trembling in terror when Wubsy had seen her. The mare she had been about to feed on right before she was ejected from Canterlot. “Yes. I know who I can mimic.”


Minutes later, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, and Carrot Top exited the apartment and began their trek towards the town library.

As the three mares trotted through town square, Vinyl heard something that made her mane stand on end: a deep, pleasing baritone voice calling, “Carrot Top?”

All three mares turned around to see a large red stallion standing in the square, a heavy wagon behind him. “Oh. It is you. I thought you were out in Canterlot this week for the wedding.”

Vinyl’s heart began pounding in her chest, all the while Octavia giggled sheepishly. “Hello, Big Macintosh.” Octavia offered, trying to give Wubsy the stallion’s name.

Wubsy quickly picked up on it. “Hi, Big Macintosh. I was in Canterlot but what with the attack and the wedding being delayed, I decided to come back for a bit to tend to my... garden. Vinyl and Octavia are lending me a hoof. I see you’re rather busy yourself. Doing chores on the farm all day today?”

“Eeyup.” The crimson stallion smiled.

“Well we don’t want to keep you, you look rather busy. You take care, won’t you?”

Big Mac smiled a wide, honest grin. “Eeyup.” Then he nodded his farewells to the three mares and set off on the path back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Vinyl and Octavia both heaved a sigh of relief. “Good going, Wubsy.” Vinyl said, her legs shaking a little. “Big Mac could have blown everything. That was quick thinking.”

Wubsy smiled at the praise. “I just hope nothing else goes wrong.”

The three mares arrived at the library after their close call, and Vinyl knocked on the door.

Twilight’s dragon assistant answered the door. “Oh. Sorry, the library is closed. Twilight is really busy with planning—”

“Who is it, Spike?” the melodic voice of the town librarian emanated from somewhere inside.

“It’s Vinyl, Octavia, and Carrot Top!” Spike yelled into the library.

Twilight appeared at the door. “Let them in, Spike. I’ve got some time to help them with whatever they need.”

Spike opened the door as the three visitors filed inside, gingerly closing it behind them.

“You’re lucky you caught me. I’m only back from Canterlot for a few hours to take care of some errands for Princess Celestia, then I have to take the chariot right back to finish the wedding plans. So, what can I do for you, girls?” Twilight asked, sitting at a small table and gesturing for the others to join her.

The three sat, looking extremely nervous. It was Octavia who spoke first this time. “Twilight. This is a matter of grave sensitivity and must be handled with the utmost discretion.”

Twilight took the subtle hint. “Spike! Could you head down to Sugarcube Corner and have Mrs. Cake put a half dozen cupcakes on my tab for our guests? And get yourself a treat while you’re there; the girls and I need a bit of privacy for a while.”

Spike nodded and smiled. “You betcha, Twilight. I’ll take my time.” And with that, the baby dragon left the library on his errand.

Twilight waited for the door to close before turning to her guests, now a bit more subdued since something serious was obviously at hoof. “Okay, girls. What is it you needed to talk to me about?”

Octavia took the lead. “Before we go any further I need your solemn oath that this does not leave these walls. And also that you will try not to panic.”

The mood was obviously not ripe for a Pinkie Pie swear, so she just nodded seriously. “I give you my word that this will be held in the strictest confidence. And I’ll do my best to stay calm.” Twilight’s horn glowed, and all the curtains in the library slid closed. The doors latched shut as well. “I put a soundproof spell on the library. Nopony will hear this conversation but us.”

Octavia nodded, satisfied. “Twilight. I must inform you that this pony beside me is not, in fact, Carrot Top.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile just a little. “Alright, I give—you got me. Who is it then?”

Octavia and Vinyl shared a glance, then Vinyl nodded to Wubsy, who nodded back before a jet of green fire revealed her true form.

It was fortunate that Twilight had had the foresight to place a soundproof spell on the library. It turned out her best efforts were insufficient and, had the magic not been in place, her scream could have been heard all the way to Canterlot.


Seconds later, Twilight was on her hooves, her horn pointed at the cowering changeling and glowing dangerously. “Stand back, girls, you don’t know what that thing is. I’ll take care of it.”

Her view of her target was suddenly obscured by a white blur. Vinyl stood between the librarian and Wubsy, her forehooves outstretched to block any spell Twilight may cast. “Stop it, Twilight. You need to hear us out.”

Twilight looked shocked. She was protecting the changeling? But why? “Vinyl, step aside. These things are dangerous! You don’t know what they can do to a pony!”

“Yes I do. I read the paper this morning, Twilight. I know what she is and what she can do. She had the perfect opportunity—plenty of opportunities, really. And she didn’t. I also know that she spent all night in our bedroom last night not doing it.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “I’m sorry. Just what was it she spent the night not doing?”

Octavia noticed the implications and rose to her hooves. “Now Twilight, I know you can’t be suggesting what I think you are. You have to believe that nothing of the sort could possibly—”

Vinyl interrupted her with a sidelong glance. “I dunno, Tavi. You didn’t seem as upset as I thought you’d be with Wubsy spooning you this morning.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “She was what?

“I—it was nothing like that! I assure you whatever she was doing this morning was perfectly innocent!” Octavia rushed to defend herself against the scandalous implications.

“And you would know this how?” Vinyl asked with a voice thick with suggestion.

“Vinyl, you’re not helping,” Octavia bit back.

Twilight broke up the imminent brawl. “Relax, Octavia. I believe you. You don’t seem like the type to go around jumping into bed with anypony that comes along.” She glanced at the still-grinning Vinyl. “Her, on the other hoof, I’m not as sure about.”

Vinyl opened her mouth, torn between indignant disagreement and a snappy comeback; however, she felt the heat from the look Octavia was shooting her and decided that now would be a very healthy time to return to the topic at hoof. “ANYWAY... my original point is, there’s more about Wubsy to be considered. We need your advice, and that means you have to give her the benefit of the doubt until we know more.”

Twilight looked into Vinyl’s eyes and saw conviction in her: the same conviction so many had ignored when she herself had been trying to alert everypony to the false Cadence. She felt her determination falter, ashamed to have judged the changeling prematurely. “You’re right, Vinyl. It’s wrong of me to jump to conclusions before I know the whole story. Please go on.”

Everypony returned to their seats before Vinyl continued. She told how she had found Wubsy and brought her home, how Wubsy had been left alone with Octavia without anything happening, and their decision to learn more before doing anything rash.

“So you see, Twilight, we need to know more. And I figured since you know more about almost everything than anypony in town, and because the article said you were the one who uncovered the fake princess, that you could help us find out if it’s possible she’s telling the truth. We need to know how much we can trust her.”

Twilight nodded, understanding their plight. Then without warning, her horn glowed again and she blasted all three of her guests with a wave of magical energy which knocked them all on their backs.

“What gives, Twilight?” Vinyl fumed as she righted herself.

“It was a charm-breaker spell. I had to be sure that she was the only changeling, and that you two weren’t being controlled. It looks like everything is on the up-and-up, but I’m still glad to be sure. Come here, girls. I was actually studying the changelings when you showed up.”

Twilight rose and lead the other three to her reading lectern, where a book on changelings was already open. “According to existing research, changelings are a hive race who feed off of love and positive emotions, slowly draining the pony they’re feeding on until they just don’t have the strength to go on. They assume the form of somepony well-loved and soak up the love meant for that pony. But you already know all that, that was in the papers. Anyway, according to this book, changelings can’t exist individually; they require the presence of the swarm. They’re all linked into a giant hive-mind with the Queen at its center. Whenever a changeling is cut off, it dies.”

Octavia rounded on Wubsy. “So she’s still a part of the swarm! She’s a spy sending them everything she sees!”

“Not necessarily,” Twilight cut in. “The book goes on to say that there have been rare instances where a changeling has been cut off from the swarm and, instead of dying, seems to develop a will of its own—however limited it may be. The results range from the changeling merely going catatonic until it dies to it actually starting to seek out food on its own, with the mental functioning somewhere at the level of a dog. The specimens examined never last long, however. With no source of nourishment they quickly starve for affection and die after about a month.”

Vinyl glared at Octavia for her outburst, who blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. “I see. I suppose I was a bit hasty.”

Vinyl turned her shaming glance away from Tavi and asked Twilight the question that burned in her mind. “You said when they feed off somepony’s love, they weaken that pony. Is Wubsy feeding on us? Is having her around eventually going to kill us?”

“I don’t know. The evidence doesn’t make sense. She doesn’t seem hungry, and if she was involved in the changeling attack she would have spent a lot of energy. She should be famished. But usually the changelings cast a mild control spell so their prey doesn’t feel themselves weakening—a kind of emotional anesthetic. However, I broke any spells on you two. If she were feeding on you, then you would know.”

Octavia looked concerned. “Then who has she been feeding on?”

“That’s just it,” Twilight said, looking distraught. “It should be you! Changelings require close proximity to feed. If she was feeding, she should be sapping the two of you the whole time.” Then she looked up from the page, an idea occurring to her. “Vinyl... Do you love Wubsy?”

Vinyl beamed and embraced her pet, who cuddled against her happily. “Of course I do! I fell in love with her the moment I saw these big, adorable doe-eyes!”

Twilight smacked her hoof against the side of her head. “Of course, that’s it! It’s so simple!”

Octavia and Vinyl looked at her in confusion. “Care to explain your epiphany, Twilight?” Octavia asked gingerly.

“Don’t you see, Vinyl? You’re feeding her, she’s feeding off your love—the love you’re willingly giving her! She doesn’t have to steal it from you! The fact that the love is meant for her is making all the difference!”

A green plume signaled the arrival of a second Twilight Sparkle. “Well, I could have told you that.”

Twilight gasped. “She talked!”

Octavia and Vinyl looked at the changeling and back to Twilight. “Well of course. We told you what she told us earlier.” Octavia explained.

“I don’t think you understand,” the real Twilight explained, becoming excited. “She didn’t just speak. She turned into me and then spoke!”

Vinyl got to her hooves, looking almost as excited. “Twilight! You’re right!” Then her face went blank and she spoke with a voice dripping with sarcasm. “We don’t understand.”

Twilight blushed apologetically. “Sorry. What I’m saying is she couldn’t speak until she turned into me. According to my research, changelings aren’t truly sentient. Even the ones who break free are more on par with dogs—only the Queen has true sentience. Scientists have been wondering for ages how a changeling could mimic sentience so perfectly as to fool everypony around them. It was widely thought that the Queen thought for them. But now it’s becoming clear! When a changeling copies a pony, they don’t just copy the form and the voice. They actually borrow the capacity for sentient thought! Do you girls know what this means?”

Twilight’s enthusiasm was greeted with stares of incomprehension. Vinyl’s voice was the one to answer. “Uh... no?”

Twilight leapt in the air, skipping around the library. “It means I’m going to publish the definitive research paper about changelings! The first scientific paper on the subject in over a century!”

Three bemused stares bored into her enthusiasm, deflating it like a balloon.

Sour Note

The three ponies left the library, having obtained Twilight’s best guess that Wubsy was completely harmless. “Well, I told you that would be helpful. Except for the whole part with her going crazy and bouncing around the library and all,” Vinyl joked.

Octavia nodded. “I concur. It really does seem like you’re a part of the family now, Wubsy. Although I hope you won’t take offense if we have to keep a pretty close eye on you for a while.”

Vinyl sounded affronted. “Tavi! You still don’t trust her? Twilight basically just told us she’s harmless as Fluttershy. How could you still suspect that adorable face?”

Wubsy grinned through Carrot Top’s lips. “Suits me just fine.” Wubsy nuzzled Vinyl’s neck as they walked. “The more time I get to spend with the two of you, the better.”

Octavia glanced back to see the intimate moment between the changeling and her marefriend, and felt a pang of jealousy at their affection. “You remember that she still is a changeling, right? It’s not that I don’t trust her, I simply can’t completely rule out that this whole thing is a ruse of some sort. Again Wubsy, no offense.”

“None taken.” Octavia heard her own voice behind her. She turned to see Vinyl sniggering with the faux-Octavia.

“Would you two think for a moment? We’re out in public! You can’t just turn into me! What if somepony notices?!”

Vinyl smirked as Wubsy resumed her disguise. “Jeez Tavi, you’re the one hollering and drawing all the attention. We’re just having some fun.”

Octavia huffed and turned around again, leading the other two giggling ponies back to the apartment. Once there, she told them she was going out. “I’ll be gone for a while, we’re short on groceries. You two keep safe and try not to blow out the windows.”

“That only happened ONCE! And I said I was sorry!” Vinyl shouted with indignation.

“Either way, Wubsy is here now. We can’t have the whole town finding out we're harboring a changeling. The news has spread and changelings aren’t exactly the most beloved ponies in Ponyville right now.”

“I beg to disagree.” Vinyl smiled and gave Wubsy another emphatic hug. “My changeling is the most beloved changeling in all of Equestria.”

“Would you two QUIT IT!” Octavia snapped, causing both Vinyl and Wubsy to jump a little and stare at her. “Neither one of you seem to grasp the gravity of the situation! You’re so busy goofing around and playing pranks that you leave all the important things to me! Things like keeping your flanks safe!” The looks of shock on her roommates’ faces made her realize she was shouting. She turned with an angry snort and loudly stomped off.


Octavia wandered the bustling streets of Ponyville, her head drooped in guilt. Why did I have to go and do that? It’s not like they were truly hurting anypony. They were just having a bit of fun. But stick-in-the-mud Tavi had to go and blow the whole thing. Boring, practical Octavia had to go and inject a harsh and unnecessary dose of reality into their fun in the cruelest way possible. Yet on the other hoof, they sure aren’t in any hurry to make this easy on me either, galavanting about recklessly as they are. Can’t they see I’m trying to keep both of them safe? And if Wubsy was found out, Vinyl would be crushed. I’m only trying to think of their best interests.

Octavia sighed as she reached the marketplace. Her silent meditations continued as she absent-mindedly went from stall to stall collecting provisions for her and Vinyl, remembering faintly that Vinyl’s love provided nourishment for their pet.

And what’s wrong with that? She questioned her own emotions. Why shouldn’t she love Wubsy? The answer came all too easily to her in the form of a sharp pang in her heart. Because she’s supposed to love me. Octavia shook her head bitterly. She does love me. Vinyl is the most loving mare in Equestria. She’s more than capable of loving us both with all her heart—

“Excuse me, miss? Did you need something?”

Octavia snapped out of her self-induced trance at the sound of the voice. She looked up, realizing that she was at Roseluck's flower stall. She scrambled to recover, pulling a hoof-ful of bits from her coinpurse and laying them on the counter. “Yes. I’d like two bundles of daisies and twenty calla lilies, please.” Vinyl loves calla lilies in her salad, Octavia thought to herself. May as well give her a treat to try and make up for my behavior earlier.

Roseluck looked at her in concern as she gathered the requested flowers. “Are you alright, Octavia? You look worried about something.”

Octavia looked down sheepishly. “Yes, I’ll be fine. I’m just a little distracted.”

“Anything you wanna’ talk about?”

The musician sighed. “I was a little annoyed with Vinyl this morning. I’m afraid I snapped at her when she didn’t deserve it.”

“Ah.” The flower vendor nodded in understanding, having catered to the couple for quite some time. “Hence the calla lilies, Vinyl’s favorites. Trying to make amends, are we?”

Octavia nodded.

“Want to tell me what the tiff was about?”

“Oh, no. I couldn’t hold up your business with my petty troubles. You’re too busy to—” She trailed off as a glance behind her showed she was the only pony currently in line to purchase flowers from Roseluck.

“You were saying?” The florist smirked as she leaned casually on the counter, her hooves carefully tying Octavia’s paper-wrapped bundles in brown twine.

Octavia grimaced but then relented, explaining the tale to the earth pony whilst carefully sidestepping any mention of their new houseguest. “... And she just can’t take anything seriously. Everytime I try to explain how serious something is, she just shrugs it off with a foalish joke.”

Roseluck listened carefully as her customer’s story unfolded. “Sounds about right for Vinyl. I’ve never known that pony to take anything with even a grain of solemnity more than was absolutely necessary. But I thought you loved that spirit.”

“Oh, I do. I treasure every moment we share, even when she drives me completely insane. Keeping her hooves on the ground makes me feel so close to her, and her hectic energy can be very refreshing at times.”

Roseluck smiled. “Sounds like you love the tar out of the little devil.”

“You know I do!”

“Then something tells me there’s more to the story. Something else is bugging you, and you need to sort that out first.”

Octavia nodded as she took the parcel of flowers. “Thank you so much for listening, Rose. Your insight was most appreciated.” And with that, she trotted off to continue her shopping.

“Good luck, Octavia!” Rose called after her, waving a hoof. Then she whispered to nopony in particular, “If those two can’t work things out, there’s no hope for anypony.”

It’s true, Octavia thought to herself as she walked away. I love Vinyl’s sense of humor. And if she wasn’t making jokes and having fun, I don’t think I’d like that any better. So why is this time any different? She tried to justify her position with a flimsy argument about Wubsy’s safety, but it sounded hollow in her head. The image of her marefriend cuddling up with the changeling again came unbidden to her mind with the accompanying deep-seated aversion. That’s really it, isn’t it? It’s all about Wubsy. She’s so taken with her pet that I’m getting jealous. But it’s not like this is the first time Vinyl has gone head-over-hooves at something new.

Indeed, her mind furnished her with a parade of memories of Vinyl becoming engrossed in some new gig or piece of equipment. So why is this so much different? Well that’s obvious, too. It’s because Wubsy is different. Wubsy can actually love her back. I’m not worried about them goofing off, I’m worried about Vinyl loving Wubsy more than me. I’m worried about her leaving me for—

Octavia was interrupted once again in her ruminations when she suddenly collided with another pony. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry.”

The white mare with the ruby-red curls rose and brushed herself off. “No matter,” she said pleasantly as she straightened her half-moon spectacles. “No harm done. I was rather deep in thought and wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Octavia picked up the unicorn’s beret and offered it to her; allowing the unicorn to take it in her magical grip and levitate it smartly onto her head. “I’m afraid I must admit to being in quite the same state of mind. I do hope you’ll forgive me.”

“No forgiveness necessary,” The unicorn assured her. “As a matter of fact, I think you may have just given me the solution to a rather stubborn bit of writing I was puzzling over. So really I should thank you.”

The gray mare nodded, apologizing again in spite of herself. Then the two parted ways, Octavia spying the stylized quill emblazoned on the other mare’s flank. I suppose she must be a writer of some sort.

She returned to her previous train of thought, trying to pick up where she had left off. What was it again? Oh yes. Vinyl leaving me for Wubsy.

Now that she had put a name to it, she realized what a ridiculous notion it was. The thought that Vinyl would leave her for anything was akin to the thought of Celestia suddenly renouncing her beloved tea. Not only wholly unfounded, but laughable as well. I suppose I shouldn’t be so hard on the little dear, but then what am I supposed to do? Her thoughts combed over the memories of Vinyl’s previous obsessions, searching for a pattern in her past interactions with her marefriend. The pattern was so readily apparent that she was ashamed she had even had to think about it.

Of course. I was always happy for her. Excited with her about whatever it was, even if it didn’t interest me in the slightest. I was always excited that she was excited, nothing more. I feel like such a fool. Here Vinyl has been doing everything in her power to get me to share in her fun and I’ve been too busy being envious and bitter to give her the time of day. I need to apologize to her.


The thought struck her without warning, causing her to stand stock-still in the middle of the square. And there’s Wubsy. What shall I do about her? I’ve been unfair to her. She’s just trying to fit in and I’ve shunned her without reason, haven’t I? Is there truly any reason I can’t make peace with her?

Again she thought of Wubsy. Of her mischievous tendencies that she seemed to be inheriting from Vinyl at an alarming rate. Of her (Octavia had to admit) adorable large blue eyes and the way she seemed to seek the approval of both the mares she found herself with—like a puppy, almost. And of how Octavia herself had so cruelly denied her any such affection.

You know, she’s really not all that bad. I think I could learn to love her. So that’s it, right? I have no problem with Vinyl. I have no problem with Wubsy. Everything is solved. She thought of the two together and received another emotional twist, albeit drastically reduced in intensity. Okay, I’ll have to work on that bit. But at least I’m making progress. I’ve got to get home and apologize to the dears.

Octavia looked back up, her solution found, and discovered that she was standing frozen in one of the main thoroughfares of Ponyville. To her further embarrassment, she also discovered that she had become something of a spectacle. Ponies all around her regarded her with curiosity as to what had caused her to come to rest in such a heavily traveled location.

She chuckled weakly and began to move on, soon coming up on Sugarcube Corner. On impulse, she decided to enter the shop in an attempt to find some form of sweet to further her upcoming apologetic efforts.

She approached the counter which was currently staffed by the fairer of the Cake couple. “Hello, Mrs. Cake.”

“Hello, Octavia dear. You look rather chipper. Anything I can get you?”

Octavia smiled, glad to know her newfound resolution was apparent in her demeanor. “Yes, please. I’ll take a half dozen of your best, freshest raspberry cupcakes.”

Mrs. Cake nodded and retrieved the treats from the back. “A little treat for Vinyl, then? I know she does love her raspberries.”

“Yes, that’s right. I’m afraid I owe her a bit of a treat.” Octavia pulled the rest of the bits from her coinpurse and counted them out. “Oh no, it looks like I’m a little short right now.”

The baker waved her off. “No matter. You two are great customers and friends. This batch is on the house. Pinkie baked them just before she left for Canterlot and I must say, I think she’s really outdone herself with these.”

Octavia beamed at the elder confectioner. “Thank you so much, Cup. You have no idea how much this means to me. I know Vinyl will be very appreciative of your generosity as well.”

Mrs. Cake nodded warmly. “It’s no trouble, dear. And do give my love to your darling marefriend for me, won’t you?”

“I’ll be sure to do so, ma’am. And thank you again. If there is ever anything the two of us can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

A moment later, Octavia cantered onward heading straight for her apartment with her saddlebags bulging with treats. She was eager to make her apologies and put the whole mess behind them; she thought about what she would say to them to move past her humiliating episode, and be accepted back into the family she had spent so much time building with her beloved Vinyl.

She opened the door to her and Vinyl’s half of the house expecting to find the two of them there, licking their undeserved wounds. Instead her only warning was the sound of Vinyl’s voice saying, “Ok. Listen to this!” before she was blasted onto her back by a wave of deep bass.

Let the Good Times Roll

“Would you two QUIT IT?!” Octavia snapped, causing both Vinyl and Wubsy to flinch. The two stared at the livid earth pony, perplexed by her sudden outburst. “Neither one of you seem to grasp the gravity of the situation! You’re so busy goofing around and playing pranks that you leave all the important things to me! Things like keeping your flanks safe!” The pair watched as Octavia turned around and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her.

Wubsy looked at Vinyl apprehensively. “You don’t think we went too far, do you? Maybe we should go after her.”

The white unicorn shook her head. “Nah, this is just her style. If she doesn’t have a really good shout at me about once or twice a week, she doesn’t feel like herself. She’ll cool off while she’s out and be fine by the time she gets back.”

Wubsy’s brow (or rather, Carrot Top’s brow) furrowed anxiously as she glanced back at the door. “Well... if you’re sure.”

“Of course I’m sure. Now let’s see what we’ve got in the kitchen.”

The changeling acquiesced to the suggestion, casting one last fretful look at the door before joining Vinyl.

There the unicorn was busily throwing open cupboards, taking stock of their options for snacks. “Wow. Good thing Tavi went out for grub, ‘cause this place is bare. That reminds me: I know changelings survive on love, but can you eat actual food?”

Wubsy nodded. “Yeah, we can eat. If we’re going around posing as other ponies, it would seem odd if that pony suddenly stopped eating, right? We can digest food, it just doesn’t give us any genuine nourishment.”

The DJ thought for a second. “Makes sense to me.” She reached towards the refrigerator, throwing the door open wide. There, Wubsy glimpsed six bottles of the Apple Family cider. “All right! I thought I drank this ages ago. You should get a kick out of this.” At that, Vinyl reached behind the chilled cider and instead pulled out a bottle of Gray Horse.

Wubsy cocked her head. “What is it?”

“It’s vodka! I think you’re really gonna love the stuff because even if it doesn’t do anything for changelings, I get really affectionate when I drink. You’ll still get a nice treat.” Vinyl set out some rather large shot glasses and began to pour the crystal clear liquid.

The changeling cautiously accepted the drink that Vinyl offered her, sniffing near the top of the glass.

“I wouldn’t suggest nursing it, it’s got one hell of a bite. Best to just throw it back in one gulp.”

Wubsy nodded and brought the glass to her lips, taking Vinyl’s sage advice and gulping it down as fast as possible.

It was like tipping a glass of fire down her throat.

The insectile equine, unfamiliar with this new sensation, coughed and wheezed as the liquid poured down her gullet and made camp in the pit of her stomach. By the end of the struggle to hold her liquor, Wubsy’s disguise had been lost—most likely due to the immense coughing.

Vinyl chuckled and downed her shot with a shake of her head. “Yeah, it’s pretty rough. But I’m betting in about fifteen minutes you’ll love the stuff like nothing else, and in about eight or nine hours you’ll hate it like poison. Here, have another.”


A half hour later found the two ponies completely trashed. Vinyl had scrounged up a half bottle of Coltreau and some of Octavia’s cranberry juice, and she set about mixing cosmoponitans for her pet’s more delicate palate. She had indulged in a few of the cocktails herself, but mostly stuck to straight vodka shots. Now she sat by the turntables she had transferred to the living room. (She hoped that Tavi wouldn’t be too mad about the vase she had smashed bringing it in... or the lamp... or that weird glass sculpture thing she had brought home from Trottingham.) She watched happily as the inebriated changeling stumbled around the room; every few steps Wubsy would hiccup, causing her to cycle through forms at random. Vinyl was well aware that the insect was consciously changing for her amusement; she couldn't deny, however, that it was working.

“Alright! Sit down riiiiiight here. I wanna play something for you and see how you like it.” Vinyl instructed, slurring her speech as she did so.

Wubsy turned to the DJ and released another hic, spontaneously switching from Bon-bon to Granny Smith. The wizened old mare took the indicated spot on the floor and looked to Vinyl expectantly.

“I’m guessing there’s not a lot of music in changeling society, so I think this oughta be a real treat.” With this introduction, the DJ donned her headphones and selected a record. She tried and failed to set the record on the spindle a few times. Finally, she accomplished her goal on the fourth attempt by closing one eye and using both hooves to maneuver the disk in place. The huge speakers crackled with the tiniest whisper as she cranked the volume to its maximum.

“Alright. This is one I mixed for yesterday’s wedding, so I guess you’ll be the first to hear it.” She fumbled with the stylus head for a moment and grinned in triumph as it settled into the groove. “Okay, listen to this!” Vinyl shouted as she slammed the play button, almost certain she heard the sound of a door opening as the record began spinning.

A surprised yelp called her attention to the door, but when she looked over at it there was nopony there. Admittedly the door was standing open, but the reason why was unclear. She simply shrugged and began to play with the complex sound system, pouring the thumping melody out of the speakers for her pet’s enjoyment.

Wubsy reveled in the private performance. She sat on the floor, her guises abandoned, as she listened with rapt attention to the thundering beat. Her eyes were pasted firmly (if somewhat blearily) on her beloved Vinyl who was laboring over the records with passion and dexterity. Truly, the changeling wordlessly mused to itself this was an amazing mare.

Vinyl played to her fullest for her enraptured audience of one, and was just building to an ear-thudding climax when suddenly the room went completely silent. Vinyl fiddled with the knobs and switches of the device, trying to coax life back into it when the sound of a throat clearing behind her made her freeze.

Octavia stood with the master plug to the system held in her mouth. Her mane was wild and turbulent, showing every sign of her having fought through the torrent of sound to reach the plug. This was in contradiction to the mare’s face, which was the picture of bemused calm.

“Oh... hey there, Tavi,” Vinyl chuckled nervously. “Have a good walk?”

Tavi dropped the plug, her voice like a scalpel sitting on an ornate pillow: calm and peaceful but also sharp and purposeful with the potential to become very dangerous very quickly. “Yes, Vinyl, it was a very nice walk. I had a good deal of time to sort things out for myself. And being blasted out of my own house by a sudden explosion of your cacophonous noise helped me sort them out even further. So I have come to a conclusion. Would you please join Wubsy on the floor? I have an announcement to make.”

Vinyl did as she was told, the hard edge in her marefriend’s voice cutting through her sussed state of mind and giving her at least the semblance of sobriety for the moment.

“You, Vinyl, are irresponsible, immature, unmotivated, and utterly infuriating. What’s more is you’re corrupting Wubsy to be much the same. And I have decided—” Octavia suddenly lunged at the two of them.

Vinyl closed her eyes and flinched, braced for a physical blow. Instead, she felt Octavia’s hooves wrapped around her torso. She opened her eyes and found the gray mare had pulled them both into a group hug.

“—that I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Octavia intoned quietly, her voice melting. She released the two ponies and faced Vinyl directly, and began carefully reciting the apology she had crafted. “Vinyl, I owe the two of you an apology. I acted like—” Octavia’s cautiously orchestrated bid for forgiveness was interrupted when Vinyl covered her marefriend’s mouth with her own.

Octavia let her apology trail off and instead closed her eyes and melted into the kiss, ignoring the taste and smell of alcohol. She briefly reflected on how lucky she was to have somepony who understood her so well and loved her so deeply. How could she have ever thought Vinyl would leave her?

But as even the greatest kisses must, this one ended. Far too soon, though, for Octavia’s taste; then again, she probably could have lived in that kiss for eternity. She was starting to understand how changelings could survive off of love. It was a sublimely fulfilling force.

“Well then.” Octavia cleared her throat and straightened her mane. “That seems to be straightened out.” She licked the taste of alcohol and unicorn off her lips. “I see you’ve been drinking, Vinyl.”

“And I’m not the only one.” The white mare nudged Wubsy’s chitinous side and the changeling’s mouth stretched into a wide, fanged grin. “She’s a real lush,” Vinyl continued. “Just add a little sweetness to it and she pounds them down like water.”

Octavia nodded and surveyed the room, taking in the open bottles on the table. “Well since you are using my cranberry juice, I suppose I may as well reap some of the benefits. And from the looks of you—” Wubsy suddenly fell over on her side, scrambling to pull herself upright as Vinyl chuckled at her consternation. Octavia continued. “—I have a lot of catching up to do. Vinyl. Would you mix me some drinks please?”

Vinyl smirked. “It would be my pleasure.” She made her way to the table and began her alchemy.

The cellist headed toward the kitchen. “Thank you. I’ll be in here making salad. I bought you some calla lilies. You’ll have to excuse the fact that they’re a little bruised—I took a spill on the way back, you see.”

It wasn’t long before a party spontaneously broke out. Octavia brought out the simple yet delicious calla lily salad, and all three ponies enjoyed it thoroughly. Vinyl popped out for a few minutes to Berry Punch’s shop to refresh their store of spirits, and by the time she returned Octavia was well caught up. Vinyl noticed Wubsy had prepared her several cocktails, apparently mimicking how Vinyl had prepared them earlier. They enjoyed some very tasty (if somewhat squashed) cupcakes and generally laughed and talked well into the night.

All in all, it was a pleasant celebration. Soon enough however, Vinyl retired to the bedroom to sleep off the massive dose of alcohol coursing through her veins. Wubsy (in her natural form) and Octavia were therefore left alone, and before long Octavia felt a hint of guilt surfacing once again.

“Wubsy. I know Vinyl accepted my apology, but I never had the opportunity to apologize to you. I wanted to take that opportunity now.”

An almost insulted look crossed Wubsy’s face and she balked, unable to voice her protest that no apology was needed. Even without words, Octavia knew what she was saying and motioned her for silence.

“I know what you’re trying to say, and I would feel better about this if you would humor me and allow me to voice my feelings on the matter. I would also like it if you could become a pony more capable of carrying on a discussion.”

“Of course, Octavia,” said Twilight as she emerged from a swirl of green flame. “Please. I want to hear what you have to say.”

The cellist heaved a great sigh, sharply increasing the alcohol content of the air around her. “Wubsy. I’ve been unfair to you, and not for the reasons I told you and Vinyl. I tried to disguise it as simply frustration at your antics but I know now that isn’t true.” Octavia swallowed nervously, grateful for the inebriation loosening her tongue. She told Wubsy what had been so very hard to admit to herself. “I was jealous of you, you see? The way Vinyl is so enamored with you and affectionate towards you. It made me scared that she was losing interest in me.”

Wubsy started to giggle in that peculiar way Twilight did. Octavia turned.

“I’m glad my fears are so funny to you,” the ash-colored mare grimaced.

“No, it’s not that at all. It’s just that... you actually thought Vinyl was losing interest in you?” Again she laughed at the concept, much to Octavia’s chagrin.

“Well yes. She keeps snuggling with you and nuzzling you and so forth.” Octavia had the feeling of being the only one left out of a joke. “Why is this so funny?” she demanded of the changeling who was even now rolling on the floor emitting loud peals of laughter.

Once the changeling had managed to catch her breath, she looked at Octavia with mirthful tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Octavia. It’s just that the loving bond between you and Vinyl is just so strong and fiery it’s almost palpable to somepony like me. The thought that anything could shake the amount of love that mare pours into you seems silly to me. I didn’t mean anything by it, and I certainly wasn’t trying to mock you.”

Octavia nodded, blushing slightly both at humiliation of her concerns being so laughably foundless as well as the ease with which her companion seemed to notice her reciprocated attraction to Vinyl. “Well, that is a relief and a burden off my mind. Nonetheless, it doesn’t excuse my behavior. I’ve treated you with suspicion and animosity, and I’m realizing more and more that you didn’t deserve any of it. You’ve given me and Vinyl nothing but kindness and I’ve repaid it with disdain—and for that I am truly sorry.”

With these last few words, Octavia turned her gaze back to the changeling. Wubsy felt a blossoming of love flowing from the gray earth pony to herself. It was a small unsure flow, but free and pure with the potential for growth. The insectoid equine was overcome with a desire to communicate her appreciation for Octavia’s change of heart. Twilight’s literary mind, however, was becoming an obstruction to her efforts. Whenever she was able to grasp what it was she wanted to tell her friend, the words would come and muddy her emotions, crowding out the intent behind them.

Wubsy dropped the transformation and walked over to Octavia. She climbed up on the couch beside the cellist and cautiously nuzzled her under the chin. Octavia smiled and pulled the changeling into an embrace which was happily returned by the small insect.

“I’m sorry, Wubsy. I promise that while I am around you will never go hungry again.”


The next morning, Vinyl stumbled out of the bedroom looking like she had just been hit by the 9:15 Canterlot Express. That was, however, nothing compared to how she felt. She wandered into the kitchen for some hair of the dog to compensate for the dramatic overserving she had received the previous night. As she emerged, she smiled at the scene that greeted her. There on the couch were Octavia and Wubsy, curled into a tight ball and cuddled sleeping soundly.

Winds of Change

Life continued on in Ponyville. The Royal Wedding went off without further event, and Vinyl’s performance at the reception received rave reviews. For the most part, life quickly returned to normal after the changeling attack. The week following the wedding was peaceful and quiet.


For the most part, that is. In the home of Vinyl and Octavia, trouble stirred as it always did when the DJ got into one of her more mischievous moods. Currently, the white unicorn was being pursued around the apartment by a formerly gray earth pony, who was now a dusty shade of green.

“Vinyl! You get back here and own up for putting that dye in my shampoo!” the green cellist shouted.

“Ha! Not a chance! I think it looks good on you, Tavi!”

Wubsy sat and watched the event from the middle of the room, smiling at the sight of her two friends busily racing around the apartment.

“Just relax would ya, Tavi? I have a solvent, it’ll come right out!” Vinyl called over her shoulder as she emerged from their shared bedroom. This was met with a barrage of pillows flying at her with deadly intent. Vinyl easily caught the fluffy projectiles in her magic field and sent them rocketing back from whence they came. She then let out a yelp and dashed off, pursued by a green Octavia now covered in feathers.

A knock on the door brought them both to a screeching halt. Somehow, the knock seemed ominously officious. Though neither mare could pinpoint what about it set them on edge, Vinyl still urged Wubsy to head into the bedroom and hide.

With Wubsy safely out of sight, the mares answered the door, opening it cautiously. There they found Twilight on their doorstep, looking solemn and flanked by two royal guards. All three of them looked at Octavia with interest—Twilight in confusion and the guards with suspicion. Twilight asked the question that had to be asked. “Octavia? Why are you green?”

Octavia glared at her companion. “Vinyl decided it would be a big laugh to mix green dye into my shampoo.”

This explanation seemed to satisfy the librarian, but her escorts seemed more reluctant to accept the story.

“Octavia. Vinyl. I hate to intrude,” Twilight went on with a quiet apologetic voice. “I’m here on official business by direct order of Princess Celestia. As you know there was an attack on Canterlot not too long ago.”

The apartment’s tenants nodded, lumps forming in their throats as their guest continued.

“The Princess has decreed that all towns within the immediate radius of the changeling’s home jungle institute anti-changeling countermeasures. She has appointed me to lead the program for Ponyville. I’m afraid I must insist that I be allowed inside to search for changelings, as it is mandatory.”

Octavia and Vinyl stood with their mouths agape. Luckily, the guards misinterpreted their expressions of shocked disbelief as mere surprise at the intrusive and strenuous measures the Princess had put in place.

Twilight walked forward, followed closely by the two guards, and the residents parted to allow them entry. “This won’t take long, girls,” Twilight assured them as she took a place in the middle of the living room. “Just a quick detection spell to pinpoint any changelings that may be hiding here.” She raised her head and her horn glowed, casting an unnatural light into all corners of the home as the spell spread to explore every hidden corner.

She found what she expected, her spell returned the response that there was a changeling hiding in the bedroom. She could feel Wubsy’s panicked heartbeat; hear her rapid breathing. ‘I’m sorry, Wubsy,’ the purple mare thought. ‘I never meant to scare you.’ She concluded the spell and the guards watched her attentively, waiting for the verdict as only Twilight had felt the magic’s results. “All clear,” announced the librarian, and she felt a collective sigh as all present released the tension they had unconsciously been holding. Twilight’s horn let off another little spark, unnoticed by the two guards who had relaxed visibly. She apologized again for the intrusion and left the apartment to continue her rounds, the guards following her closely.

The two mares shakily made their way to the bedroom to check on Wubsy and as they entered, their eyes fell on a scroll that was lying on the bed. A large tag announced “To Octavia and Vinyl. Urgent.” Vinyl levitated the scroll up as Wubsy walked over to join them, looking concerned. Octavia read the hastily scrawled note out loud.

“Dear Octavia and Vinyl,

I must be brief as I only have a few minutes. If you are reading this letter, it is because I have just visited you under the orders of Princess Celestia in search of changelings and pronounced it all clear. I have teleported this note into your home to shed some light on recent events.

First of all, I would like to apologize for any distress my visit has caused. It is most likely that I was accompanied by the royal guard and therefore could not speak freely, hence this note. I must convey to you the importance that Wubsy’s existence in Ponyville be concealed. This in mind, I made sure I would be the one to cast the detection spell in your home to prevent Wubsy from being discovered. My team is one of five currently sweeping the town for changelings.

I need the opportunity to explain the full extent of what is happening, and there is not enough time to put it all in this letter. Also, I would prefer to tell you all this in person. To that end, I would like it if you would visit the library this evening so that I may explain. I’ve ensured that I will be alone for the night and the royal guard will not be watching the library. Please leave Wubsy at home, as the entire town is on high alert for any changeling behavior and any suspicious activity may end disastrously.

Your faithful friend,

Twilight Sparkle”

Vinyl lowered the note onto the bed, looking like she expected it to explode. She turned to Octavia. “Well, that doesn’t sound good. What do you think?”

“If she wanted to turn Wubsy in, she could have done it while the guard was here. I think we’d better trust her for now and see what she has to say.”


The hours ticked by as though the day never wanted to end. Not being able to leave the house for fear of leaving Wubsy alone, they filled their time alternately fretting, trying not to fret, and fretting about not fretting. Eventually, however, the time came and Vinyl and Octavia (returned to her traditional hue) left their home and Wubsy, making sure to lock the door securely.

They approached the library trying to look nonchalant, and knocked on Twilight’s door once more. Twilight opened the door almost immediately and surreptitiously peeked around before ushering the girls inside.

As soon as the door closed, the room was plunged into almost total darkness. They heard the ‘Vweee’ of unicorn magic and spun to face Twilight, on edge and ready to fight their way out if needed.

But no attack came. “I’m sorry, girls,” Twilight said. “I didn’t mean to startle you—I was just casting the soundproof spell again. I should have warned you first.”

Both mares relaxed immensely as Twilight drew the curtains and trotted about the library, magically lighting candles until the library was once more illuminated.

Twilight headed up the stairs and then turned to face the nervous ponies below her. “Come on, girls, I have to show you this. It’s up here in my bedroom.”

The musicians followed Twilight up to her room, and both of their jaws dropped when she opened the door. The entire room was covered with maps and scrolls and various other papers. Twilight deftly navigated the mess, leaping and dancing from one patch of clear floor to the next and leaving her guests to navigate the minefield on their own. Had their current crisis not been so serious, the sight of the organized pony’s bedchambers in disarray may have been amusing. As it was, they crossed the room in silence, making for the oasis of clean floor around Twilight’s work desk. On the desk was a scattering of scrolls and papers, all of which outlined some kind of intricate plan.

The title of the largest scroll was laid out in Twilight’s careful calligraphy. It read, “Operation CLEaR; Changeling Location, Evaluation and Removal initiative.” The scroll itself was full of writing and precise hoof-drawn diagrams.

Vinyl stared at the scroll, attempting to decipher its contents. In the end she was forced to admit defeat. “What are we looking at here, Twilight?”

Twilight looked at the ground, clearly ashamed of whatever it was she was showing them. “Ever since the attack on Canterlot, there has been a huge outcry for Princess Celestia to take some type of action to protect the nearby towns from infiltration. She appointed me to plan and execute the initiative for Ponyville. I was going to warn you before they put the plan into action, but it happened a lot faster than I anticipated. The town council started enacting the first draft as soon as I finished it, despite my objections that it wasn’t ready. Everypony is so paranoid about changelings they want something in place now. I’m so sorry, girls. Because of me, Wubsy is in trouble.”

Octavia and Vinyl looked aghast. “You mean... you caused this?” Octavia stammered, unable to think clearly. “You’re the reason the entire town has a target on our backs, whether they know it or not?”

If it was possible, Twilight’s mood dipped even further. “I’m so sorry. I swear I never meant this to happen. You have to understand, I’ve been ordered by Celestia to put measures in place. I thought I’d have more time to get Wubsy safe before the town started going through with this.”

Octavia was about to lay into her again when Vinyl stepped up to defend the beleaguered librarian. “That’s enough, Octavia. She didn’t mean to hurt anypony and she didn’t have a choice in the matter. It’s clear enough to me she’s a victim of this too. You’re just looking for a place to vent your frustrations at and Twilight is not the right target for that. It’s the town’s knee-jerk paranoia we need to concern ourselves with.”

The cellist nodded. “Yes. You’re right, of course. We need to be concerned about what we’re going to do now. Can we get Wubsy out of town?”

“No,” Twilight said immediately. “One of the first precautions we took was having me erect a duplicate of my brother’s defensive spell around the town. No changeling will be able to pass through it, in or out.”

Vinyl nodded. “And even if we could, she’d starve out there on her own. Our only hope would be to keep her hidden.”

“Do you think you’re up to the task?” Twilight inquired. “I’ll do everything I can to keep your house out of the changeling detection team’s sights, but ponies will start to get suspicious if I do too much.”

Octavia thought it out. “You’ve already pronounced our house all clear. What are the odds that somepony else’s team will be visiting to check again?”

“None. Now that the barrier is up and your house has been marked clear, they won’t check it again without a reason to. I was sure to add that loophole under the excuse of a pony’s right to privacy. Assuming they stick to the first draft I wrote, you should be alright. Just don’t call attention to yourselves.”

“Good thinking,” Octavia admitted. “And I suppose I should apologize for blaming you earlier. You really are doing all you can to help us. Thank you.”

Twilight waved her off. “It’s nothing. You two are my friends, and now, so is Wubsy. I couldn’t just sit back and let her come to harm.”

Vinyl couldn’t resist hugging Twilight. “Thank you so much, Twilight. We’ve put you in a really awkward position and you’re handled it so well. I can’t tell you how much this means to us.”

“You’re welcome, Vinyl. I’m just so sorry that this turned into such a big mess. Now let’s go over the plans so you know what to expect in the coming months.”

The musicians agreed and set to work. Twilight carefully went over the details of the plan the town had put into motion - no easy feat, given that the residents of Ponyville had done so in spite of her objections that it was unfinished. It was only a matter of hours before the trio had fully reviewed the obstacles to come. They looked at it from every angle, hunting down any loopholes or blind spots that seemed even remotely feasible. Luckily, there were several that could be exploited due to a combination of hasty execution on part of the town and Twilight’s own reluctance to see Wubsy accidently ensnared in the net she had woven.

“Alright,” Twilight said finally. “I think we’ve done about as much as we can tonight. Any more time we put into this would just be over-preparing.”

Vinyl seconded the sentiment with a large yawn. “I think it’s about time we went to bed anyway. I don’t think I’ll be thinking clearly for much longer.”

Octavia and Vinyl rose and made for the door, thanking Twilight again and wishing her a good night. Twilight stopped them. “Just one last thing, girls. We haven’t gone over what we would do if she was discovered after all. There’s a reason for that. It’s because I never planned out any processes for that. The town is scared and reactional at this point. I don’t know what they would do if they actually found a changeling at this point, but with the state they’re in... I don’t think they would be merciful. I wouldn’t put it past them to conclude that she has to be destroyed.”

It was the subject they had been skirting around all night and now that it had been stated out loud, it hit them all like a bomb. Everypony stood silently, an awkward silence creeping across the room as nopony could think of a follow-up to such a grim idea.

After a few seconds that seemed to stretch on forever, Vinyl smiled widely. “Hey, no problem. All we gotta do is make sure she doesn’t get caught. Easy, right?”

This broke the tension sufficiently that the other two smiled at her. “You’re absolutely right, Vinyl,” Octavia said. She hugged her marefriend reassuringly. “No problem. We’ll keep her safe.”

With that, the two exited the library and started back towards their apartment. The silence had returned and set up camp, stretching out as they walked. It wasn’t until they were outside the door that Octavia broke it, turning to Vinyl. “Vinyl. I need to ask you something. This is important.”

“What is it, Tavi?”

“I know you, Vinyl. I know what kind of pony you are. And I know that if they do try to... execute Wubsy, you’re exactly the type of pony who would try to throw yourself in front of the bullet. I need you to realize that if you do, they’ll just shoot again. You’re not going to protect her by sacrificing yourself and I need to make sure you know that. You would just be forcing me to dig another grave.”

Vinyl looked resolutely at the ground. For the longest time she didn’t speak.

“Vinyl?” Octavia started to say. But she stopped short when she saw the telltale shimmer of tears falling in the moonlight. She rushed to comfort the DJ. “Vinyl, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Vinyl began to cry in earnest, attempting to speak between her sobbing. “No, you’re right, Tavi. If she’s in that much trouble I have to be ready to just let her go. It’s just so hard to tell myself I’ll be ready to just sit back and let them do what they would do. I’m scared, Tavi. I’ve never seen everypony like this. I never thought they would be capable of it.”

Octavia hugged Vinyl tight, her own tears beginning to stream down her muzzle and moisten the white fur she pressed her face into. “I know, Vinyl. I’m scared too. I’m afraid for Wubsy’s life and terrified of what it would do to you. But losing Wubsy would be horrific enough. Don’t make me go through it without you too.”

They released their embrace as Vinyl’s sobbing faded. She looked into Octavia’s eyes with the most weary and depressed expression Octavia had ever seen her wear. “Alright, Octavia. I’m not going to put myself in danger. I promise.”

The cellist smiled sadly and licked a tear off her companion’s cheek. “Thank you, Vinyl. It’s going to be alright, baby. You’ll see. All we have to do is keep Wubsy under wraps until this all blows over. It’ll be fine.” The reassurance was more for her own sake than for Vinyl’s, but the DJ perked up slightly despite that.

The unicorn lifted a hoof and brushed a strand of mane away from Octavia’s face. “Thank you, Octavia,” she whispered. “Thank you for being here for us. For me.” She leaned closer, closing her eyes as they shared a loving kiss.

“We had better go inside,” Octavia said after they had concluded their intimacy. “Wubsy will be expecting us.”

Indeed, as they opened the door, Twilight was sitting on their couch with a fretful expression painting her features. “How did it go?” Wubsy asked in the purple mare’s voice.

Vinyl broke down again. She rushed over to the changeling and hugged her tight, crying loudly. Octavia walked over and embraced them both. “It went well, Wubsy. We’ve come up with a good plan that should work. Vinyl’s just upset because the shock of the whole thing is finally setting in. We’re going to be alright. We’re going to keep you safe.”

The cellist looked out of the circular living room window and at the stars sparkling in the inky black sky. Unseen by the other two, her eyes welled up with tears as well as she whispered to herself, “With everything we have to give, we will keep you safe.” And she too began to weep.

Oncoming Storm

After an emotionally straining and tear-filled night, Octavia and Vinyl left their home, Wubsy safely nestled in their bedroom for the day. The white unicorn had gotten halfway out the front door when a gentle cough from behind caught her attention; Octavia shot her a bemused look, gesturing to the massive black cello case next to her on the floor. Vinyl grinned sheepishly as her horn glowed, and she levitated the case outside before helping settle it onto her marefriend’s back. She would have carried it for the entire trip, but Octavia was the kind of mare who insisted on doing everything relating to her instrument herself. Vinyl could sympathize; the only ponies she let near her decks were herself and her marefriend, and even then she didn’t quite think Octavia could handle moving them. She always wondered how ponies without magic coped.

As they walked, the two mares struggled to find some thread of conversation that would not inevitably lead back to their dire situation. “The new piece I’m writing is almost complete,” Octavia stated awkwardly.

Vinyl jumped aboard this topic, endeavoring to seem interested. “Oh? That’s nice. I can’t wait to hear it.”

For another few seconds they fell silent again, the echoes of their hooves being the only sound that passed between them.

“So why did you decide to walk with me today?” Octavia asked. Usually Vinyl was more than content to stay at home while Octavia went to the Ponyville music hall. “Are you going to watch me rehearse?”

Vinyl shrugged. “Probably not. I think I should be home as much as possible, but I didn’t have a choice today. Dazzler wants to see me and you know how she is with appointments.”

Dazzler, or Dazzling Talent as she was professionally known, was Ponyville’s up-and-coming talent agent and the manager who booked all of Vinyl’s gigs. Octavia knew from experience that if Vinyl missed an appointment, Dazzler would show up and let herself in and then wait for her star to return. It was, after all, Vinyl’s budding fame that had led to Dazzler’s success in the first place. She wasn’t very likely to let a missed summons go uncorrected.

“I see,” the cellist conceded. “If she wants to see you, you had better go.”

“It’s probably another one of Pinkie’s soirees,” Vinyl said, using a sarcastic tone to emphasize the last word. “I don’t know where she gets the money for it, but being her go-to mare for thumpin’ tunes is a pretty steady cash flow.”

Octavia nodded as they approached the music hall. “Well whatever it is, I hope you enjoy it.”

The mares shared a parting kiss, and Octavia watched the white unicorn walk away for a few seconds before turning and heading inside, struggling only momentarily to get the cello case through the double doors..

The interior was, as usual, a mass of organized chaos as musicians bustled about preparing for rehearsals. Octavia headed backstage and began getting ready. She took the large instrument out of the case, propped it up and began tuning it by ear, years of practice manifesting as she went about her preparations with ease and skill born of her passion for the art. Halfway through her maintenance, however, she heard a familiar voice.

“Hello Octavia,” a mint-green unicorn called out to her. “We missed you at the wedding.”

“Hello, Lyra. You know how it is: I’m not one for big social events unless I’m performing. Besides, I had to stay home and work on my new piece.”

“Oh yes, that’s right. I saw the program. You got another solo, didn’t you?” Lyra veiled her resentment with a saccharine-sweet tone.

Octavia sighed. “Yes Lyra, I’ve been given another solo piece. You can’t blame me if your choice of instrument doesn’t lend itself easily to a solo performance, can you?”

Lyra feigned shock well enough to fool anypony who didn’t know her as intimately as Octavia did. “Blame you? Why would I? You’re a fantastic musician, you deserve your fame.”

Octavia decided not to pursue the matter further, hoping to avoid the petty squabble she knew Lyra was attempting to bait her into.

Octavia and Lyra had known each other since they had met at the Equestrian Music Academy. They had almost instantly become fast friends—and soon after that, lovers. They had been inseparable throughout their studies, and had moved to Ponyville together when they both auditioned for the Ponyville Orchestra. But when they had realized they were competing for position, things had gone sour; Octavia’s natural talent had overshadowed the lyrist and she was soon named as the show’s centerpiece.

They had carried on for a while until Octavia began to get the impression that Lyra was bitter about being upstaged. Eventually, Lyra’s jealousy and over-zealous ambition had lead to them breaking up. While they tried to stay on amiable terms, it was clear Lyra continued to harbor resentment toward her former love, and this wedge was the chief reason their friendship was little more than superficial to this day.

“I hear you were named one of Cadence’s bridesmaids,” Octavia continued, attempting to steer the conversation back to a safer track. “That must have been exciting.”

A dark cloud came over the mint unicorn’s face. “Yes, I was offered a chance to be Cadence’s bridesmaid, but I had to turn it down due to extenuating circumstances.”

This caused a moment of genuine surprise in the cellist. She knew Lyra’s ambitious nature and craving for recognition. For her to give up something as high-profile as being the bridesmaid to royalty, something truly extraordinary must have occurred. “You turned it down? That’s so unlike you, Lyra.”

Octavia sensed she may have touched a nerve because Lyra suddenly seemed to be marshaling her thoughts for one of her verbal barrages. Luckily, Octavia was saved the tirade by the appearance of a cream-colored mare with a pink-and-purple streaked mane.

“Oh hi, Octavia!” Bon-bon said enthusiastically as she trotted up beside Lyra. The green mare started, apparently having forgotten that her marefriend had been waiting in the wings of the concert hall, just off stage.

Bon-bon was something of a safety mechanism for Lyra. Octavia often marveled at how the confectioner seemed to sense when Lyra was getting carried away and diffuse her temper with almost no effort.

Bon-bon gave Octavia a clandestine wink, indicating that her intervention had been far from coincidental.

“Hello, Bon-bon,” Octavia smiled openly. “Glad to see you again. Are you here to watch Lyra rehearse?”

Bon-bon nodded happily. “Of course. I had some free time in my schedule today so I thought I would come see how the show is coming together. I heard you got another solo part—congratulations.”

“Thank you. I’ve been working non-stop to get the piece ready. It’s been pretty rough, but thankfully I have Vinyl to help me unwind.”

The tiniest twinge of anger crossed Lyra’s face at the mention of the pony Octavia had replaced her with, but it passed quickly. “And how is Vinyl?” Lyra asked.

“She’s doing well. She just played the royal wedding reception and it sounds like that was very well received. She has an appointment with Dazzler today, so I suspect she may have a new ‘gig’ lined up.” Octavia gestured air quotes with her hooves around the term.

Bon-bon smiled sweetly. “Well that’s fantastic. We need to go out on a double date soon so we all have a chance to catch up.”

Octavia had anticipated this suggestion. Bon-bon, bless her heart, had taken to making every attempt to bring the two couples together in an attempt to acclimate Lyra to Octavia’s presence in the hopes that the two rivals could rekindle their old friendship. Octavia had made every attempt to accept these invitations when they were presented, despite the fact that Lyra’s attitude toward her didn’t seem to be improving. But she loved Lyra and Bon-bon dearly and shared Bon-bon’s dream of them being close, so she continued to try.

“Of course, Bon-bon. I’d be delighted. Vinyl and I are rather busy of late, but we should definitely schedule something for another time.”

Bon-bon nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably for the best. Lyra’s pretty busy herself. She’s been put on one of the CLEaR anti-changeling teams, and that’s been taking up most of her spare time.”

Octavia continued to tune her cello, her calm facade hiding the electric panic coursing through her. “Oh? You’re on the changeling teams?”

Lyra nodded, her face suddenly a picture of triumph that put Octavia instantly on her guard. “Yeah. I’m on the lookout for any suspicious activity that might indicate a changeling in town. And on that note, what’s interesting to me lately is that Bon-bon happened to mention she saw your marefriend in town with Berry Punch the day of the attack.”

Octavia trod lightly, wary that Lyra had more up her sleeve than she was letting on. “Yes? I’m sure you know that Vinyl and Berry are on friendly terms. What’s so interesting about that?”

“Oh, not much. Just that Bon-bon had been coming from Berry’s market stall at the time.”

Bon-bon cut in with an embarrassed giggle. “Are you still on about that, Lyra? I told you, I must have been mistaken. I’m sure there are plenty of ponies in Ponyville with Berry’s coat color. It was probably Cheerilee or somepony.”

Lyra was undaunted. “And there was our bumping into each other in town two nights ago. I thought it was pretty strange how you had so much trouble recognizing me.”

Octavia’s heart lunged into her throat. Was it possible Vinyl had taken Wubsy for a walk without telling her? What other mistakes had they made during their walks? Who else had evidence of Wubsy’s true identity?

“So tell me again, what was it that had you so distracted the other night?” Lyra grinned, moving in for the kill.

Just then, the conductor rapped his baton on the podium to signal the start of rehearsals. Saved by the bell Octavia sighed inwardly. Bon-bon wished them both good luck (looking rather abashed by Lyra’s behavior) and headed for the audience seats. Lyra took her place on stage with the rest of the strings section. Octavia took up her bow and placed it against her instrument, and her cello joined the rest of the music which filled the hall, in perfect sync with the conductor’s baton.

Significantly rattled by what she had heard from her rival, Octavia was more than slightly distracted during the rest of the rehearsal and made several blunders in her performance. With every missed note she noticed Lyra attempting to suppress a guilty smile. At least the unicorn seemed to feel bad about reveling in her failures. In the end, Octavia managed to muddle through the set and was glad when the conductor declared the rehearsal concluded.

Once rehearsals were over, Octavia dashed for the exit. She hurried to avoid being cornered by Lyra again, unceremoniously shoving some poor pony out of the way in her attempts to escape further questioning.

She galloped home full tilt, dodging ponies in the streets as she busted flank toward her small shared apartment. Her mind was buzzing with panicked thoughts. She desperately grasped for some semblance of a plan to deal with Lyra's suspicions but the shrill klaxon in her head kept her from being able to focus.

She reached the sanctuary of home and threw the door open, unable to suppress the thought that Vinyl and Wubsy could have been arrested and dragged away while she was at rehearsals.

Vinyl was relaxing in the living room eating some cherry pie, Wubsy sitting contentedly beside her. Both ponies looked up to see the earth pony standing in the doorway, a frantic expression on her face.

What's up, Tavi? You don't look so hot," Vinyl asked.

Octavia quickly shut the door and rushed over to her marefriend. “Vinyl, did you take Wubsy out for a walk two nights ago?”

Vinyl thought about this for a moment. “Well yeah. She needs to get out of the house now and again. Don’t worry, we didn’t run into any trouble. Well, aside from a close scrape with Lyra.”

Octavia glared at the unicorn. “Lyra confronted me before rehearsals today, Vinyl! She’s a member of CLEaR and now I think she suspects something is up!”

Vinyl gulped audibly. For a few seconds she sat motionless, stunned by the news before she found her voice again. “Alright. No problem. I figure if we start running now we can make Los Pegasus before they come after us. Once they figure out we’ve left town they should stop chasing us, right?”

“We’re not running, Vinyl,” Octavia said with frustration foremost in her voice. “This is our home. We’re not just going to abandon it. Besides, we'll just keep encountering the same problem wherever we go as long as Wubsy is still with us.”

The expression of panic on Vinyl’s face was replaced by disbelief. “You’re not saying we should get rid of her, are you?”

“No, Vinyl. I’m not even thinking it. But we do have to be more careful. Lyra doesn’t have any proof or she would have just brought it straight to CLEaR. So whatever she has, it hasn’t been enough to sway them to look any deeper into it. But I know her. She’s not just going to let this go. She’s going to be looking for something else they can mobilize on. That means she’s going to be watching us like a hawk so we can’t afford any more slip-ups. That means every time Wubsy is out of the house, it needs to be coordinated and planned out.”

The DJ nodded sadly. “You’re right. We should have been more careful. I promise, no more walks without planning it out with you in detail first.”

“Good.” Octavia paced around the room while contemplating damage control. It was just then that a small pop caught her attention. She turned toward the source of the noise to see a scroll lying on the couch, tied with a ribbon and with Twilight’s distinctive hoof-writing picking out the words “To Vinyl and Octavia. URGENT!!!”

Vinyl saw the sudden appearance of the scroll too and levitated it up, unfurling it so she could read.

“Dear Vinyl and Octavia,

What are you two doing over there?! Lyra’s team leader just came to me saying Lyra had given her evidence of changeling activity in town! I managed to convince her it was hearsay, but you two have to be more careful! I’m doing what I can but if you keep letting them see Wubsy’s slip-ups I’m going to be forced to order another search, and this time I won’t be able to just declare your house all clear. I would have to choose another pony to cast the detection spell. Somepony not willing to lie to save Wubsy.

For Celestia’s sake, BE CAREFUL!

Your loyal friend,
Twilight Sparkle”

Octavia bit her lip. “You see, Vinyl? We can’t afford to be careless. If they find any more evidence, they’re going to be breaking the door down to get at Wubsy.”

Vinyl kicked at the floor, looking utterly downtrodden. “I get it, Tavi. I messed up bad. You don’t have to keep drilling me on it.”

The cellist took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before she exploded with anger. “I’ve been trying to tell you since you brought her home that you have to be careful. I just hope this drives my point home enough that you’ll start watching where you step. I can’t tell you how lucky we are that this is the worst of it for now. I think you realize this could have been much much worse.”

Vinyl raised her head to glare at the gray pony. “Alright already! You made your point!” Wubsy flinched, affected by the tears running down her cheeks from behind her large glasses. “You were right and I was stupid, okay? Just drop it!” Vinyl rose and bolted for the bathroom, latching the door behind her.

Octavia fumed for a while, pacing the living room grumbling while Wubsy watched her with a fearful expression. Once her temper had cooled somewhat, she approached the bathroom door and knocked gently. “Vinyl,” she said, her voice still firm but not near as volatile. “I’m not going to apologize for what I said. It’s something you need to seriously think about. But I am sorry for how I said it. I lectured you like a foal and I shouldn’t have done that; I know you understand how serious this is and I pressed the issue because I was angry and scared. I lashed out at you when you didn’t deserve it. I’m going to go to bed now because it’s been a very stressful day. I hope you can forgive me enough to come sleep in the bed with me.”

With that, Octavia retreated to the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She turned out the lights and climbed onto the bed, wrapping herself in the blankets. She sat fretting for a while, but eventually sheer exhaustion won out. Just as the mare began to dream, she was woken again by the sound of the door cautiously creaking open. Two forms entered the room and the door shut behind them and a moment later, Octavia felt the weight of both ponies climbing into bed beside her.

“Don’t worry, Vinyl.” Octavia whispered into the darkness. “We’ll make it through this together, you’ll see. Things will look brighter in the morning.”

Octavia was not encouraged by the silence from the unicorn, and she rolled over and reached out to hug her marefriend. The feeling of chitin on fur was a familiar one, but not the sensation she was looking for; Octavia kissed Wubsy on the forehead. “It’ll be okay. We’ll protect you.”

The changeling nuzzled her appreciatively and moved aside, allowing Octavia access to Vinyl. She wrapped her hooves around her marefriend and pulled her close.

“We’re in this together. We’re a family.”

“I know, Octavia. I really am sorry I messed up.” The gray mare could hear the sadness in Vinyl’s small, lonely voice.

“It’s not your fault, dear. It was an honest mistake. Let’s just move on, alright?”

She heard the DJ sniff loudly. “Alright.” Octavia sensed Vinyl was hesitating to continue. Then, “Can we bang now?”


Sunlight streamed through the second floor window and onto the window bench, warming the white unicorn sitting on it. She watched the ponies coming and going in the streets below, wishing she had the freedom to explore the town and live her life as the other ponies did. But the armor-clad pegasi that patrolled the streets were a constant reminder of exactly why she was confined to this small apartment as a prisoner of circumstance.

Another reminder of her captivity was the presence of the ponies in chocolate-brown vests wandering through town. That was the uniform of the CLEaR team, her true pursuers. Even now they combed the crowd below her, watchful eyes seeking any discrepancy or odd behavior that may indicate a changeling in their midst.

One of the brown-vested ponies caught her eye, one who seemed altogether more eager to interrogate the passers by; a pony who was a shade too enthusiastic in her task. A pony with mint-green fur and a lyre cutiemark.

“Lyra’s at it again,” the unicorn called over her shoulder.

Octavia looked up from her laying position on the cushion in the middle of the room where she had been deeply engrossed in one of her favorite novels. “Again? She must be putting in some serious overtime hours. What is she up to now, Wubsy?”

The changeling wearing Vinyl’s form turned from the window. “Looks like she’s going around giving random ponies the third degree. Knowing her M.O., I’d bet the questions probably center around you.”

The gray pony nodded serenely. “I would second that bet.”

Lyra had been relentless. She had kept a near-constant vigil on Octavia ever since the encounter with “her” and Vinyl two weeks prior; the green unicorn had been close behind Octavia whenever she left the house and remained pointedly near the cellist’s home the rest of the time. All while clad in that ugly brown uniform.

“Is it just me,” Wubsy asked, “or does the whole mint-wrapped-in-brown thing remind you of an ice cream sandwich?”

Octavia gave her an odd look.

“What? I can’t help it, I’m thinking like Vinyl. Blame her for the connection, not me.”

The cellist rose and stretched out to loosen her joints, then walked over to the window. She peeked at the green mare below. “You know, now that you mention it there is some resemblance.”

“Can’t fault her tenacity,” Wubsy said, returning to the previous topic. “Once she sets her teeth on something, she doesn’t let it go.”

“I’ll assume we’re talking about Lyra?” the true Vinyl casually asked as she emerged from the bathroom along with a curtain of steam which spread out from the doorway. Her mane was slicked straight down with moisture, its trademark spikiness fighting to return after a long shower. But as she walked into the living room her soaked mane was already beginning to overcome the water and return to its natural shape.

“Yeah,” Wubsy confirmed. She vacated her spot in the sunlight so Vinyl could take a peek for herself.

Vinyl went to the window and also looked down at the green pony who had directed her line of questioning to Berry Punch. “Huh. Is it just me or does she remind you of an ice-cream sandwich in that vest?”

“It’s not just you,” Wubsy called over her shoulder as she trotted to the couch for a nap.

She had grown rather fond of her naps. They had started as a way to break the tension of being chased by CLEaR twenty-four seven, but after a few days the sense of urgency had faded away and it had become her escape from the monotony and boredom that filled her days. Truth be told, though, there weren’t two other ponies in the world she would rather be trapped with.

“Does Wubsy seem a little down to you?” Vinyl whispered to Octavia in concern.

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” Octavia whispered back. “She’s been cooped up in this small apartment for two weeks straight. I would be climbing the walls if it were me. Poor dear must be going absolutely batty.”

Vinyl considered this carefully. “Well then we need to get her out of the house. She deserves some fun after everything she’s been through.”

“I agree, of course. But how are we going to manage taking her anywhere with Lyra watching our every move? And where would we take her if we could?”

Octavia sighed heavily. “Well, I have an idea on that. It’s not something I wanted to do but I guess these are desperate times. Alright. Here’s the plan...”


Half an hour later, Octavia emerged from the front door of the apartment looking very shifty. As a matter of fact, even if one weren’t looking for a reason to suspect Octavia of something one might notice she looked suspiciously shifty. Shifty for the sake of looking shifty. Of course, Lyra noticed nothing of the type from her hiding place amongst the shrubs under Octavia’s window. All she saw was her target leaving the house looking as though she were about to do something shifty.

Shifty was exactly what Lyra had been waiting for. Another pony might notice just how conspicuously suspicious Octavia was being, but Lyra’s eagerness for her target to do something suspicious blinded her to common sense. Finally, after two weeks of hiding in the bushes, photographing Octavia’s daily activities, going through her trash, and covertly collecting the occasional hair sample, she would finally have her chance to prove that she was right. (She wasn’t entirely sure what she was looking for in Octavia’s trash, but she was determined to leave no stone unturned.)

It was for the good of Ponyville, really. If Octavia was a changeling, Lyra had to reveal her. Any extreme could be justified in the pursuit of defending her friends. For all she knew, the real Octavia was hidden in away in some cave, trapped in a changeling cocoon and waiting for Lyra to ride out to her rescue. They might have had their share of disagreements, but Lyra would never leave Octavia alone in the dark with those monsters. The way she had...

No. She couldn’t think about that. Just focus on the mission. Reveal the imposter, and save Octavia. Nothing else mattered.

Lyra waited until her target had moved along the street a ways and then emerged from her cover, trying to move quickly from hiding place to hiding place so as not to be seen as she tailed the the supposed imposter.

Once Lyra was safely out of sight, the door opened again and Vinyl and Cloud Kicker made for the park.


Wubsy was in awe at the scene before her as followed Vinyl through the park. It had never before occurred to her that grass could make sound, but she fought not to stop and listen to the odd rustling sounds it made when the wind picked up. A shadow passed overhead, and a trio of young fillies giggled as they chased a strange orange disc as it gently floated by. Vinyl cleared her throat pointedly, and Wubsy followed her to a semi-secluded area further in.

“Ah!” Wubsy sighed contentedly as Vinyl rolled out the blanket onto the fragrant green grass by the lake bed. “It’s so good to be outside again! Sunlight just doesn’t feel the same through a window.”

Vinyl nodded as she began setting out plates for the two of them and then began heaping them both with salad from the well-stocked picnic basket they had brought. “Yeah. I’m glad to see you feeling better. I know it must be a pain in the flank to always be cooped up in that tiny apartment.”

Wubsy flopped back onto the soft grass, letting her body sink slowly into its delicious green embrace.

Vinyl smiled at the changeling’s indulgent actions. “Not bad, right? I remember coming here as a filly and lounging on this grass for hours. They really keep it in good shape.”

Wubsy giggled in Cloud Kicker’s voice. “It’s heavenly. I know this is dangerous, Vinyl. I know you and Octavia are risking a lot just to get me out of the house for a while and I wanted to say thank you. I really appreciate it. I wish I could come out here and lie in the grass every day.”

Vinyl felt a quick pang of guilt at having to keep Wubsy inside all day every day. “I’m sorry, Wubsy. I can’t promise anything, but I want you to know I’ll try to find a way you can get out more often. We have to be safe about it, but I’ll try.”

This was met with a warm smile from the purple pegasus. “Thank you, Vinyl. That means a lot. Now, let’s tuck in.”

With that reprieve, the two of them settled down and enjoyed their meal, chatting about anything that came to mind and laughing at each other’s jokes. Soon enough both ponies were sprawled out on the grass, lazing serenely as they digested the delicious fare Vinyl had prepared.

Neither pony was sure of how much time had passed before Vinyl sat up. “Hey. I have an idea. How about we go for a swim?”

Wubsy also rose from the grass. “A swim? Alright. Sounds like fun.”

The two ponies trotted down to the lake. Wubsy dipped a hoof in cautiously. “Are you sure about this, Vinyl? The water’s pretty co--”

“CANNONBALL!” The white unicorn sailed over Wubsy’s head and landed in the lake, sending a huge spray of icy water to coat the pegasi. Vinyl surfaced and shook out the water from her mane before laughing at Wubsy, who was still sitting on the shore looking like a surprised filly. “Oh c’mon Wubs, It’s not that bad! Jump in already!”

Wubsy glared at her before slowly walking into the lake and lowering herself in. Now that she was submerged, the water didn’t feel nearly as cold. In fact, the warmer surface water took the chill out of the spray she had been treated to. Wubsy dived down and paddled around for a second before coming back up and giggling a little. “Wow, this is great. I’ve never been swimming before.”

Vinyl looked at the purple mare treading water beside her. “You’d never know it. You’re a natural.”

Wubsy looked down at her hooves, which were moving about and keeping her afloat. “Yeah. I was wondering about that. I’m not sure if I got it from Cloud Kicker or if it’s just instinct, but swimming feels familiar.”

“Oh yeah? Well let’s see how good you are.” Vinyl’s head disappeared suddenly and Wubsy looked around the lake. There were no bubbles to give away Vinyl’s location and the water wasn’t calm enough to look for ripples. The changeling looked into the water, trying to see some sign of her friend but unable to see even her own hooves in the murky water.

She was about to strike out for shore when she felt a tug on her back hoof, and she was only just able to take a lungful of air before she was pulled underwater. She playfully wrestled with Vinyl under the surface for a few seconds before they both headed topside and burst from the depths, laughing happily.

“This is too much fun,” Wubsy laughed. “I’m having the time of my life!”

“Yeah,” Vinyl agreed. “There’s nothing quite like getting wet with a friend on a hot summer’s day.”

“You could have just asked,” Wubsy returned. “I would have been glad to get you wet.”

Both ponies looked at each other with the same shocked expressions on their faces. “What did you say, Wubsy?” Vinyl asked.

Wubsy fumbled around an excuse for a second.

“Hey, Wubs. I’m flattered and all and it’s not like I haven’t thought about it before but... I mean I have Tavi to think about and...”

“No! It’s not like that, I swear! It was Cloud Kicker! She thought it and it just slipped out!”

Vinyl knew all too well of Cloud Kicker’s overactive libido and her penchant for hitting on anything with hooves. But the statement, innocent as it may have been, opened a new door that Vinyl had been intentionally ignoring. Vinyl shook the thought from her head. That wasn’t a good way to be thinking. Wubsy was too innocent and naive to take advantage of like that.

“Alright. I’ll let you off the hook because I know what Kicker is like.” Vinyl smiled, trying to play the whole thing off as a joke. But Wubsy had other thoughts.

“Wait just one second, Vinyl Scratch. You’re not getting off that easy. Did I just hear you say you’ve thought about it?” Wubsy asked in a mock scandalized voice. “You’ve been fantasizing about me? Vinyl, I had no idea!”

It was Vinyl’s turn to panic as the accusation landed. “Hey, that’s not what I meant! I was just trying to let you down easy, you know? I have Octavia and--”

“So if Octavia wasn’t around you’d jump me?” Wubsy asked, fluttering her eyelashes playfully.

A frown crossed Vinyl’s face. “You know something, I’m not sure I like you as Cloud Kicker. I forgot just how predatory she can be.”

Wubsy laughed as Vinyl's eyes narrowed in a scowl, the corner of her mouth twitching as she fought back a smile. Soon enough Vinyl couldn’t hold back any longer and started laughing as well. They played in the water a while longer, splashing and giggling, and eventually headed back to dry land to lie out in the warm sun and dry their coats.

Wubsy stretched out with a luxurious sigh, letting her wings unfurl and lay out on the grass at her sides. “Something got you excited, Wubs?” Vinyl teased.

Wubsy looked at her with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well you’re popping a serious wingie there.”

This didn’t help Wubsy’s comprehension in the slightest. “I don’t get it. What’s a wingie, and why are you grinning like that?”

Any further teasing was cut off by the sound of approaching hoof-falls on the gravel path nearby. Two mares walked along the path, chatting merrily through their walk.

“Pull your wings in,” Vinyl whispered urgently. Wubsy complied just as the mares turned the corner and came close enough for Wubsy and Vinyl to overhear the topic of their conversation.

“... think it’s a great idea as far as it goes, I’m just not sure it’s enough.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. These things are dangerous. It seems like we could be a lot more careful about it.”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash rounded the corner and Wubsy looked over to see Vinyl’s concerned expression, which the unicorn quickly hid. Vinyl was well aware that Cloud Kicker worked with Dash on the weather team and knew this could go south very quickly.

“I trust Twilight’s plan obviously,” the posh dressmaker commented. “I’m just not sure it’s enough. Those changelings are crafty. We can’t afford to let our guard down for even a moment.”

The prismatic daredevil nodded her agreement. “I think we should be on the attack! That queen has to be running low on juice after getting zapped by Twi’s brother. I don’t see why Celestia doesn’t just march in there and burn the changeling hive to the ground and be done with it.”

Rarity shrugged. “A bit heavy-hooved, perhaps, but I can’t argue with the sentiment. All we did was repel them. There’s nothing to stop them just coming back and trying again. And we can’t keep the precautions up forever; if we keep playing defensively they’ll eventually find a way through. We need to go on the attack and-- Oh, look who it is.”

Dash followed the unicorn’s hoof and saw Vinyl and Cloud Kicker laying out on the grass. She nodded her head toward them and Rarity obliged, joining her friend as they approached the relaxing ponies.

“Good afternoon Vinyl, Cloud Kicker. Nice to see you both again.”

Vinyl and Wubsy rose to their hooves. “Good to see you too, Rarity. Still keeping cool, Dash?”

Dash and Vinyl shared a quick hoof-pound. “You know it, Vi. And you? Still dropping beats like nopony’s business?”

Vinyl laughed. “You caught me at the wedding, didn’t you? Why don’t you tell me?”

Dash returned the laughter. “Fair enough. And you, Kicker? Trying to score a bedroom mambo with the town’s leading DJ?”

Vinyl was a bit worried about how Wubsy would respond, seeing as she wasn’t aware that the pony she was currently impersonating was Dash’s direct subordinate on the weather team.

“You know it! Can’t keep me down, I’m always on the move!” the changeling crowed in a dead-perfect imitation of Kicker’s usual energy.

Dash smirked. “Well I think you got your work cut out for you. From what I hear, Octavia’s pretty particular about who she lets Vi mess around with.”

Wubsy gave Vinyl a lecherous sidelong glance. “That’s fine; I love a challenge.” Vinyl shuddered at the uncanny accuracy of her performance.

Rarity cleared her throat to change the subject. “Well Dash and I were just discussing the recent changeling countermeasures. I know we’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter.”

Wubsy didn’t miss a beat. “I think they’re great, those changelings sound terrifying. We can’t be too careful in my opinion.”

This single statement petrified Vinyl. Nopony could quite make out her expression with her eyes hidden behind her glasses, but her body tensed at what she had heard.

“You alright, Vi?” Dash inquired with a bit of concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just not sure about this whole thing.”

Rarity and Dash looked at each other in surprise and then back to her. “Care to elaborate, dear?” Rarity prompted gently.

“Yeah. I just think that deciding off-hoofedly that every single changeling is some evil monster just because of what the queen did is a bit shallow.”

Dash chuckled nervously. “Well c’mon, Vi. You gotta admit that--”

“I’m not finished!” Vinyl let frustration crack her facade just slightly. Fortunately she realized she was going down a dangerous path and switched tactics. “You know how I was treated when I came out? I was treated like an outcast. I was ostracised because my family, the ponies I needed to understand most, were so busy trying to put on a good show of accepting me for who I am they forgot to do any of the actual accepting.” She stomped her hoof on the ground as her mouth twisted into an indignant grimace. “I’ve spent my entire life having to fight against the currents of stereotypes and prejudices just to make an impression that’s more than just ‘that fillyfooler’ and you’ll excuse me if I take umbrage at anypony who judges another pony on what they are rather than who. You want them to burn down the hive, Dash? What’s next? Do you want them to start on the fillyfooler bars after they’re done? If you ask me, the entire CLEaR team is nothing more than a hate group!”

Vinyl knew that would hit home. Dash may have been in the closet, but Vinyl had seen her sneaking into the clubs in Canterlot from time to time and hiding close to the walls, desperately trying to pretend she wasn’t there. The distinctive rainbow mane would stand out against the walls of any club, much less the sort Vinyl and Octavia frequented. Seeing Ponyville’s resident daredevil sneaking around like a guilty foal had a tendency to draw the eye.

Dash looked utterly taken aback. “Woah, cool your jets Scratch. I get what you’re saying and you’ve got a point. I dunno that I’d trust a changeling, but I don’t wanna judge somepony just for being who they are. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

The concession was more to calm the enraged unicorn than anything else, but Dash could somewhat see her point as well.

Rarity however was staring daggers. She eyed Vinyl with venom as Dash said her farewells and continued along the path. Rarity turned to follow, choosing a route that took her within whispering distance of Vinyl. “You should be careful what you say Vinyl, or somepony may get it in their head that you’re a changeling sympathizer.”

“Last I checked, a little sympathy was a good thing,” the DJ bit back.

“Remember this and remember it well,” the fashionista hissed. “Twilight Sparkle is a very dear friend of mine. She’s one of the kindest and most understanding ponies I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. If I hear a single whisper about her being the ringleader of a hate group again, I’ll be looking for you.”

“Hey Rarity!” Dash called from a few yards up the path. “Are you coming or what?”

“Of course Dash,” Rarity replied, her aristocratic chill returning like a light switch had been flipped. She cantered with poise to join her friend and the two mares continued their walk along the sunlit path leaving a fuming Vinyl and an extremely worried Cloud Kicker in their wake.

“You didn’t have to do that Vinyl,” Wubsy said as soon as they were alone again. “You didn’t really make things any better.”

“I disagree,” Vinyl said with a hint of a smile. “I’m not going to sit around and watch two ponies who don’t know any better go around bad mouthing somepony they’ve never even met. Besides, if you’re ever going to have a chance to live a normal life, somepony is gonna to have to stand up and point out that the entire town is acting like a bunch of knee-jerk idiots.”

Wubsy smiled. “That’s very sweet of you, Vinyl. You’re a really good friend, standing up for me like that.”

“Yeah well don’t go lauding my virtue just yet. Hearing them talk like that struck a really bad chord with me. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I’m not so sure that if I hadn’t found you, I wouldn’t be agreeing with them wholeheartedly. I guess I kinda snapped because I saw who I could have been and I didn’t like it.”

Wubsy put her hooves around Vinyl’s neck in a hug. “I couldn’t blame you. After everything the changelings have done, everything I’ve done, it’s no wonder everypony is so upset. What matters is you know better and you’re being more supportive than I have any reason to expect.”

The two of them shared a quiet moment together and turned to go. With the sun beginning to dip, Octavia would be expecting home before long.

“That was a pretty impressive speech, Vinyl. I never pegged you as a pony to use words like ‘umbrage.’”

Vinyl blushed. “Well I can’t take all the credit. I actually lifted most of that speech from Octavia. My parents were really cool when I came out.”

Wubsy laughed at this and pretty soon had Vinyl chuckling alongside her. Then they both fell silent as they walked towards town, watching the beautiful colors of the sunset light the sky ablaze. They said nothing, just enjoying each other’s company. Until...

“So should we bang now?” Wubsy asked without warning.

“Bwah?” Vinyl almost faceplanted into the gravel path when the shock of the question hit her.

“Sorry. It’s this whole Cloud Kicker thing, it’s really throwing me off.”


They arrived back at the house and opened the door to find Octavia sitting on the couch, a cup of tea in her hooves and a conflicted look on her face. “Oh hello, girls. Why don’t you come have a seat? I’ve got a story to tell you that will knock you off your hooves.”

Vinyl looked at Wubsy, who shrugged and nodded over to the couch. They joined Octavia and turned to her in expectation. “Alright Tavi, spill the beans. What happened?”

Octavia took a long, slow sip from her tea. “You two will not believe the day I had. Get comfortable because you aren’t going to want to miss a moment of this.”

Octavia's Tail

Octavia stepped out of the apartment door and onto the landing. She looked around, exaggerating her movements and taking an unnecessarily long time to check her surroundings. It looked suspicious and she knew it--and moreover, that was the point. She carefully avoided glancing in the direction of the bush where she knew Lyra was badly hidden and waiting for her to come out and act like--well exactly like she was acting, hopefully.

She felt ridiculous pouring on the act so thick, but she had to be sure that she would catch Lyra’s attention and hold it long enough to guarantee that she would follow her. The entire plan hinged on drawing Lyra away while Vinyl and Wubsy could slip out for their day at the park.

Octavia took several exaggerated looks over her shoulder before very blatantly sneaking along the side of her house, taking care to stick to the shadows. She trotted along the side streets for a bit, then paused and listened.

After a few seconds, she heard the telltale rustling in the bushes that could only come from a pony trying to follow her stealthily and being less than entirely successful. She started walking again only to suddenly stop after a few steps. Behind her, Octavia heard hooves hit ground a few times before abruptly cutting off. A quick look behind her showed the edge of a mint-green tail poking out from behind a wall.

The cellist had to stifle a giggle at just how amateurish Lyra’s efforts to shadow her really were. Subtlety had never been Lyra’s strong suit back when they were dating, and it seemed that the passage of time and whatever slipshod training she had received from CLEaR had done nothing to change that. Even Octavia knew it would have been a better idea to wait until she was further down the road before coming out of hiding, but it seemed Lyra’s enthusiasm and unconcealed suspicion that Octavia wasn’t who she claimed was blinding her better judgement.

Octavia spent a couple hours leading her stalker on a merry chase around town on various random errands, pretending to be completely oblivious to the unicorn’s clumsy attempts to follow her. She browsed the farmer’s market, took a little detour by the town hall, and ducked into Sugarcube Corner for a snack, always sure that she began looking around nervously and ducking into back alleys whenever Lyra seemed to start losing interest.

She was just about to make her fifth circuit around Carousel Boutique when a delightfully cunning idea struck her. Octavia cast another furtive glance to pique Lyra's interest and suddenly burst into gallop, triumphantly listening to the rapid hoofbeats behind her.

Octavia made a beeline for the Ponyville library and slowed to a halt, hearing the skittering of gravel as Lyra pulled up short behind her. “Care to join me inside, Lyra?” Octavia asked sweetly. “After all, I think this should interest you greatly.”

Octavia knocked on the door as Lyra angrily trotted up beside her. “How did you know I was following you? How long did you know?”

“Lyra dear, I knew you were going to follow me the moment I set hoof outside. You’re a really bad tail. You crash around like a minotaur in a china shop.”

The door opened and one of the royal guards stood in the doorway, looking large and menacing in his gleaming golden armor. “Yes? Can I help you?”

Octavia smiled pleasantly at the guard. “Yes. I have a matter I need to discuss with the CLEaR team. Are they in attendance today?”

The guard grunted curtly and stepped aside to allow them entry. Octavia nodded her thanks and Lyra followed her closely.

“What’s your game, changeling?” Lyra asked bitterly, resentful about having lost the high ground in this manner. “Planning to turn yourself in? I gotta warn you, that won’t make things any better for you.”

“It’s exactly what it appears to be, Lyra. I just have a matter of policy to discuss with the team.”

“Why don’t you just admit that you’re an imposter and get it over with. We’ll find you out eventually.”

“Lyra dear, I think perhaps you should stop talking before you embarrass yourself further.” Octavia smirked at her fellow musician, who clammed up with a frustrated scowl.

A group of ponies were milling around a table in the middle of the room having a heated discussion about strategy. Soon enough though, they all turned to see the unexpected visitors approaching. Twilight broke off from the group and trotted over. “Hello Lyra, Octavia. I hadn’t expected to see you two today. What brings you to headquarters?”

Octavia confidently stepped forward. “I believe Lyra here is a member of CLEaR? I need to speak to her superior. For two weeks now she has been stalking me and loudly claiming that I am a changeling. I wish to be locked up until it can be proven for sure that I am no such thing.”

Lyra was dumbstruck. Octavia saw a few of the ponies gathered around the table roll their eyes.

“Of course we will make sure you aren’t a changeling since you did request it but I hardly think detaining you will be necessary,” Twilight continued. The librarian turned to the group behind her. “Would one of you kindly cast the detection spell? I cast the first spell on Octavia, and the plan states that it should be a rotation as a precautionary measure.”

Colgate nodded and walked a few paces toward Octavia, leveling her horn at the cellist. Octavia felt the warm purple light of the spell wash over her, and a few moments later the unicorn stood down, satisfied with the results. “Nope. Just a normal pony,” she concluded.

If possible Lyra looked even more shocked. Octavia thanked the CLEaR team for their time and smiled in her victory.

“I don’t know how you did it, but I’m sure you’re up to something. I’ll be keeping an eye on you,” Lyra whispered bitterly to the gray mare.

Octavia was the picture of triumphant satisfaction. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”

“Lyra, could we have a word with you for a moment?” Colgate asked sternly.

“I swear she’s a changeling!” Lyra shouted, a tinge of panic in her voice. “I don’t know how she fooled the spell but there’s just too much about her behavior recently that doesn’t add up!”

The CLEaR leaders shared a knowing glance and once again beckoned her over. Lyra hesitantly complied, walking over to her superiors with a her ears laid back and her tail tucked close to her behind.

“Now Lyra,” Twilight began. “We understand what you’re trying to do and we are very appreciative for your enthusiasm in defense of our town. But you have to realize that going around randomly accusing innocent ponies lessens our credibility. We have to be absolutely sure that somepony is a changeling before we act.”

Lyra opened her mouth to defend herself but Twilight interrupted her with a raised hoof. “I know what you’re going to say, Lyra. I’m aware of the gravity of the changeling threat and I agree that strict measures must be taken. I am going to give you the opportunity to explain yourself, but I need you to grasp that we need actual evidence from you, not hasty conclusions.”

“I have proof!” Lyra almost screamed in frustration. “On the day of the changeling attack, Vinyl was seen with a pony that looked exactly like Berry Punch!”

“And it wasn’t?” a large powder-blue unicorn asked.

“No! Berry Punch was tending her market stall. Bonbon saw both of them and said they looked exactly alike.”

Twilight thought about this for a moment. “And how far away was Bonbon when she saw them?”

Lyra went pale. “Uh... Well she saw them from across the marketplace.”

“I thought so,” Twilight said, nodding. “For one thing, we can’t accept hearsay as evidence in this matter. Also, there are several ponies I can think of that closely resemble Berry Punch. It’s very possible Bonbon simply mistook somepony else.”

The other leaders mumbled in agreement.

Lyra felt her metaphorical hooves slipping out from under her. “Wait! That’s not all. A couple weeks back I ran into Vinyl and Octavia going for a walk in town. I decided to stop and chat with her and she didn’t recognize me. We both play in the symphony. How could she not recognize me? Vinyl tried to pass it off as stress but...” Lyra stopped dead realizing that offering a plausible explanation to oppose her defense wasn’t really the wisest move.

This time it was a pink unicorn mare that spoke up. “About what time of day did you see her?”

Lyra rubbed the back of her neck. “Uh... it was about eleven at night?”

Another round of whispered conferring took place amongst the CLEaR leaders before the pink pony spoke again. “So it was late at night, dark, and she was possibly under a lot of stress and she didn’t recognize you? I think under the circumstances we can safely discount that as well. Do you have any other evidence to present us, Lyra?”

Lyra gaped, her mind working overtime to think of any more evidence to support her suspicions. Octavia had to be a changeling. She knew Octavia better than almost anypony in town, and that thing standing beside her was not Octavia. But convincing the CLEaR leaders of that was going to take hard proof and that was one thing she didn’t have.

The group of ponies questioning her took her silence as an answer. They nodded to each other before Twilight made her decision. “In that case, I have to conclude that you have been using your position to harass another pony without cause. I’m very sorry Lyra, but we cannot excuse that behavior. This council has reached a decision and I am afraid we have no choice but to expel you from--”

“You don’t understand!” Lyra shrieked, her eyes wild. “None of you were there!”

“Lyra, I was there for--”

No you weren’t!” The green unicorn cut Twilight off with a scream. “Sure, you had to deal with changelings, but you were just fine! You had your magic! They didn’t get you! But not everypony is as strong as you! Some ponies can’t get away from the monsters! Some ponies got grabbed by them and dragged into a dark cave and couldn’t do anything to stop them!

“They get inside your head and they make you do things! Things you don’t want to do, but you can’t stop them! They take away your body, your mind, everything!”

Tears gathered in Lyra’s eyes, but she wiped them away with an angry hoof. “I’m not gonna let them get Octavia too! Do you hear me! They don’t get to hurt her too!”

Octavia felt a wave of sympathy mingled with a small helping of guilt. To her Lyra’s suspicions had all been something of a game, something that would have been completely silly if not for the threat that Lyra might accidentally stumble upon Wubsy. She had assumed that the unicorn’s ridiculous belief that she was a Changeling was just some bizarre new manifestation of their not-so-friendly rivalry. That Lyra was just taking advantage of her new powers as a member of CLEaR to get in a bit of legally sanctioned harassment.

But now that she saw the truth, saw just how badly Lyra was hurt...

Octavia took a hesitant step towards the unicorn. There had been a time when she cared for Lyra, before their competitive natures evolved into an out-of-control rivalry. A time when she wondered about and maybe even dreamed of the life she would share with the mint-green unicorn.

Now to see her in such pain... “Lyra.” The earth pony rested a single hoof on Lyra’s shoulder. “I’m right here. This is me, the real Octavia. You don’t need to save me.”

Lyra slapped Octavia’s hoof away. “No, you’re not her!” the unicorn shouted angrily, tears streaming down her face. “You’re a Changeling, a monster! I have to find Tavi. I have to save Tavi. I’m not going to let your little tricks stop me, you hear me changeling?”

Octavia’s heart broke a little. “Lyra, you have to believe me. Remember when we were in school together as fillies? How we would roam the halls getting into all sorts of trouble? Like pouring bubble mix into Mr. Valve’s tuba. Don’t you remember?”

Lyra’s face twisted into a hateful grimace. “Don’t you dare. Don’t you even dare try to sway me with your stolen memories. Not while you’ve got her face. She means the world to me and I won’t sit here while you use her mouth to spit lies at me.”

Octavia started again. “Lyra, you have to believe me. I’m Octavia. Please just--”

Lyra rose and slapped the gray mare unexpectedly. “No! I won’t listen to your lies!”

The cellist rubbed her cheek where she felt the sting of Lyra’s scorn. She knew there was nothing she could do to change the situation now. Lyra was utterly convinced she was an imposter. Nothing she could say or do would alter the mint-green unicorn’s convictions now.

The CLEaR leaders knew it as well. The die had been cast and there was no going back. Lyra’s immediate superior was the one to speak. “I am sorry, Lyra, but at this point it is clear that your personal feelings on this matter have clouded your judgement to the point that you are determined to pursue this, despite all available evidence to the contrary. I’m afraid we cannot allow you to continue as a member of CLEaR. Please turn in your vest.”

Lyra closed her eyes and removed the distinctive brown vest and levitated it to the council. Her tears continued to flow as she rose and walked sadly towards the door. Before she departed, she turned around and said plainly “Just mark my words. There is a changeling in this town and Octavia, the real Octavia, is in danger. And even if I have to do this without the backing of the CLEaR team I’m going to prove it and rescue her.” With, that she left the library and closed the door behind her.

“I’m so sorry, Lyra,” Octavia whispered quietly. “I never knew what this meant to you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Octavia felt a hoof placed over her shoulders in comfort. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Octavia,” Twilight said, her own voice mirroring the cellist’s sadness. “I know you care deeply for Lyra and that couldn’t have been easy to watch but it had to be done. She’ll be alright. Soon enough she’ll accept her mistake and move on.”

The grey mare shared a secret glance with the only pony in the room that knew how close Lyra had come to the truth. Her gaze spoke of distress and guilt unending for her part in causing this pain and Twilight gave her an expression of sympathetic hope in return.

“I hope you’re right, Twilight. For her sake and mine I hope to Celestia you’re right.”


Octavia walked sullenly from the library, her thoughts inescapably consumed with the pain and humiliation her actions had wrought on an innocent pony. A pony she had once loved as she now loved Vinyl. An ember of shame burned in her stomach and flared into flaming life whenever her thoughts turned to Lyra’s motivations. Everything the mare had done to make Octavia and Vinyl’s lives difficult had all been for her. Every suspicious snoop or pointed word had been in her defense and she had returned the favor by robbing the poor pony of everything that had been important to her.

Octavia couldn’t sugar-coat it. She had blatantly lied and in doing so emotionally destroyed a close friend. She tried to tell herself it was to defend Wubsy, but even in her head it sounded like a hollow and pathetic excuse. She did love Lyra despite her foibles and to know her actions had directly inflicted unknowable damage to her heart was unbearable. She had betrayed her former lover in the most shameful and poisonous way imaginable.

She remembered the days when they were growing up together at the music academy. Even after all these years her memory of the times they shared was as vivid as ever. She would never tell Vinyl that she often thought fondly of the times she had shared with her only other marefriend. With a sigh, Octavia retreated into one of her favorite such memories.


Octavia had only been at the Equestria Musical Academy for a month and already she was fed up with the place. Not so much the place itself — ever since she had gotten her cutiemark she had dreamt of attending this school. But rather she was fed up with the circumstances surrounding her arrival.

It had all seemed legitimate enough from the outside. “The nerve of them. They come up to me one day and just tell me ‘Octavia, we’re sending you to the school of your dreams to nurture your talent.’” She recalled her mother’s words and the sound of it in her head fueled her anger even further. “They treat me like some kind of foal. I’m not stupid. If they wanted to get rid of me they just had to say ‘Octavia, we cannot be seen in such proximity to somepony with your oddity. We’re shipping you off to a boarding school so you can’t embarrass us any further.’”

Octavia fumed at the thought as she entered the restroom to find a mint-green unicorn there mixing something in the sink. The other mare started at the sound of the door opening and stood there looking guilty. Octavia’s interest was piqued.

“What are you mixing?” Octavia asked. As the other pony blushed and tried to hide the tools of her mischief behind her, she noted with surprise that the unicorn did not have a cutie mark. It was odd for a mare her age to be a blank flank.

The other pony blushed. “I was just--nothing. It’s nothing.”

Octavia wandered over to the sink and took a look at the frothy compound the unicorn had been laboring over. She pushed aside the unicorn's hoof and leaned in close, breathing deeply to determine what the not-so-innocent substance was. “Soap. You’re mixing a sink of soapy water. So now I have to wonder why you’re being so defensive about being in the bathroom with a sink full of soap. Care to enlighten me?”

The unicorn sighed and slumped her shoulders. “Alright, fine. You got me. This place is boring me to death. I thought I would liven it up with a little prankby pouring some of this into Brass Valve’s tuba before class.”

Octavia giggled causing the unicorn to smirk uneasily. “Oh, is that all? That sounds like fun actually. Would you mind letting me in on the prank? I could use some entertainment myself.”

The light-green pony extended her hoof. “I’m Lyra. Glad to have you aboard.”

Octavia shook her hoof with a friendly smile. “Octavia. Pleasure to meet you.”

The plan went off without a hitch. Mr. Valve had a bad habit of leaving his classroom door unlocked between classes so Octavia and her new friend were able to sneak in and pour a cupful of the soapy mixture into the bell of his instrument. Then they retreated to the grounds and talked and giggled in anticipation until the bell sounded to mark the end of the break.

The two young mares headed inside to their next class, filing in early so that they could get seats next to each other. They idly swapped gossip with their classmates, not daring to make eye contact for fear that they would burst into laughter and give away the entire scheme. Finally, a saffron-coated stallion with a smart raven mane walked into the classroom, and the mass of students fell silent as he took his place at the podium. Brass Valve directed the class as they played a familiar piece, smiling in satisfaction as they breezed through the song with impressively few errors.

“Very good, class. I’m very pleased with the progress we’ve made. It’s a difficult piece to learn so I’m glad to see you’ve all been practicing at home. Now I’d like to teach you a new piece to practice so listen carefully. You can follow along in your music books on page sixty-nine.”

The rustle of turning pages filled the room while the soft-red band teacher picked up his tuba and prepared to guide the class through the piece. Octavia and Lyra shared a knowing glance and a sidelong smirk as he placed his lips to the mouthpiece of the instrument.

A strange gurgling sound emanated from the tuba followed by a large iridescent soap bubble. The entire class burst out laughing at the prank. Mr. Valve gently laid the tuba aside and tapped his baton on his podium for attention and the laughter gradually died down.

“Yes yes, very amusing,” the teacher chuckled good-naturedly. “Now may I inquire as to who our prankster might be?”

Lyra and Octavia raised their hooves, wide grins splitting their features.

“Ah. Lyra and Octavia. Very well done, girls, a finely executed prank. You will, of course, be rinsing out my tuba after class and making sure it is properly dried, but nonetheless I applaud your fine joke.”

Class paused momentarily as Mr. Valve retrieved his spare instrument, and from there proceeded without incident. He held Lyra and Octavia back after class to remind them that they would be staying to clean up the aftermath of their prank. They took their time, only partially due to the intricacies of disassembling a musical instrument; most of the time spent on their ‘chore’ consisted of them chatting mindlessly about whatever popped into their heads.

“...so she really said that to you?” Lyra asked as she removed one of the smaller pieces and dipped it into the bucket of warm water next to her.

“Yeah! Can you believe it? Right there in front of everypony she just blurts out something like that. I was so embarrassed.” Octavia took the part Lyra had just dipped and carefully dried it off with a soft cloth.

“Ha! Personally I wouldn’t have let her get away with it. If she ever went around saying things like that to my face she’d be walking around school with a few gaps in her smile.”

The two of them hooted in laughter, not so much because the conversation was all that amusing, but more because it was something they could share. After being alone in this school for so long, they were each glad to finally have an ally.

A sudden impulse struck Octavia and when she leaned forward to take the next part out of the bucket, she chanced a quick peck on Lyra’s cheek. Lyra blushed and looked up in surprise. Octavia met her glance with a slightly mischievous smirk. Lyra returned her smirk with an uncertain little smile and pulled her eyes back to the task they had been given, nervously avoiding looking at the gray mare beside her.

They completed their work in relative silence after that, stealing quick looks at each other and occasionally giggling at their new secret. From that moment on, they were rarely seen apart on the grounds of the school.


But that was all in the past now. What was done was done. Now all she could do was move on and try to reclaim her life. After all, the only way to save Lyra was to betray Wubsy and Vinyl in the process. and she had had her fill of betrayal and pain. She took a deep breath and tried to snuff out the ember in her belly by remembering that it was to protect another innocent soul. Tried to convince herself that Lyra had brought it on herself by letting her obsessions get the better of her judgement while cautiously avoiding ruminating on just what those obsessions had turned out to be.

She walked into the apartment and put a pot of water on to boil. She would need a strong cup of tea to help her soothe her own vicarious pain. Then she made her way to the bedroom and locked the door. Vinyl and Wubsy would most likely be out late to make the most of their day together so she knew she had plenty of time. She climbed onto the bed, settled herself on the soft comfort of the sheets, and began freely and loudly to weep in mourning for her lost and now irrecoverable friendship with Lyra.


The sounds of running water filled the apartment. Wubsy dozed contentedly on the bed in a spot of warm sunlight streaming in from the window as the apartment's other two occupants shared a shower a couple rooms away.

"Vinyl, what are you doing?" Octavia's voice filtered through the sound of the hot water falling.

"I wanna try something. Just don't squirm and let me get in position."

"Wait Vinyl, I don't think this is safe. One of us is going to slip and... mmmmm."

"See? I told you to trust me. That's not bad, right?"

"Vinyl, where did you learn... Ah!"

"Just shut up and enjoy it, Tavi."

"That's amazing. Don't stop... Oh Celestia, that feels incredible..."

"I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Not with that look on your face."

Octavia's moans wafted through the apartment thick, heavy and sweet like fragrant honey as Vinyl tended to her under the soothing stream of hot water.

"Vinyl, I'm getting close!"

"Shhhh. Don't talk. Just enjoy it."

Octavia did just that, making a mostly vain attempt to stifle herself. She looked to be on the verge of reaching her ecstasy when the two mares heard a loud knock on the door. Vinyl cursed softly at the interruption.

Octavia sighed. "They always seem to come calling when you're in the shower, don't they?"

"I say we ignore them," Vinyl smiled. "Pretend we're not here."

Octavia very reluctantly shook her head. "And what if it's important? No, I think it would be better to answer it."

Octavia shut off the water and pulled the shower curtain aside and was just about to step out when Vinyl put a hoof on her shoulder. "Wait, let's think about this for a moment. When was the last time we answered the door to good news?"

Octavia shrugged off her hoof with a smile. "Now Vinyl, we can't exactly spend the rest of our lives refusing to answer the door.

Vinyl gave her that trademark mischievous smirk. "I never suggested that. I'm just saying we should spend the rest of our shower refusing to answer the door."

The knock came again, louder and more insistent this time. Octavia hurriedly toweled off and exited the bathroom, followed closely by Vinyl, who was still dripping slightly.

Octavia opened the door and both of them stared in surprise at the mint-green pony currently occupying the doorstep.

"Lyra?" Octavia said, barely believing that the mare currently standing before her would want to have anything to do with her after the events at CLEaR three days prior.

"Hello Octavia, Vinyl." Lyra said softly. "I came to apologize. What you did for me made me see just how mistaken I was. I know now that you're not a changeling, and I'm sorry for accusing you."

Octavia's jaw dropped. If you had asked her that morning to list the ten most improbable things that could happen in Ponyville that day, Lyra coming to apologize would have been listed just under Fluttershy slaying a dragon and Celestia descending from Canterlot in radiant glory to do the chicken dance in the town square.

"I was wrong" Lyra continued. "I thought carefully about everything that happened. For instance I figured out there's no way you could have fooled the detection spell. You really are … well, you."

Octavia was about to speak when Lyra interrupted her. "I also figured out that if you're not the changeling, you must know where it is.” Lyra gave a nod and four royal guards walked up to take their places on each side of her.

The guards stood menacingly beside Lyra and then one of them turned. “Are these the ponies?”

“Eeyup,” came the matter-of-fact voice of a red stallion that walked into view at that moment.

The second guard cleared his throat. “This stallion claims to have spoken to the two of you while you were in the presence of a changeling. He stated that he found you in the presence of one Carrot Top just after the attack on Canterlot and spoke to her at length. He later spoke to Carrot Top and was informed that she was still in Canterlot during the time period in question. Carrot Top has confirmed his testimony. This is sufficient evidence to search your home for changelings–forcibly if necessary,” he added as Vinyl defiantly pawed the ground.

Octavia was shell-shocked and Vinyl defiantly glared as two of the guards marched into their home without invitation and began to thoroughly search the living room, opening closets and cupboards and inspecting every inch of possible hiding place.

Lyra hurried to Octavia. “Octavia, if you can hear me right now I need to thank you. It never occurred to me that the changeling might be mind-controlling you. After you got me removed from CLEaR, I had to think about it very carefully and I finally came up with the solution. If you hadn’t gotten me expelled I would never have thought of looking outside of town for proof. I want to thank you for fighting back and giving me that clue.”

Octavia gaped in utter astonishment. “Lyra, you don’t understand! Wubsy isn’t like the other changelings! she’s nothing like the ones that imprisoned you, I swear. You’re making a huge mistake.”

“Don’t worry, Octavia,” Lyra said soothingly. “It’ll be all over soon. We’ll put an end to the changeling and its spell will be broken. You’ll have your mind back.”

Having finished searching through the living room, the guards began to search the adjoining rooms as well. They searched the bathroom first but quickly moved on after finding only towels there. Then they opened the door to the bedroom and walked inside.

Octavia and Vinyl shared a panicked look and a moment later there was the distinct sound of a minor struggle and Wubsy, vainly disguised as Carrot Top, was dragged out of the bedroom between them looking terrified and confused.

Vinyl and Octavia moved as one, blocking their path to the door. “You can’t take her!” Octavia shouted, surprising even herself. “I won’t let you! She wouldn’t harm a fly and I’m not going to allow you to just drag her off in chains!”

The guards seemed to expect this reaction. “Don’t worry ladies, your feelings in the matter are most likely due to changeling mind-control magic. Once she’s been safely dealt with, you should have your minds to yourselves again and can go about your lives in peace.” With that, they roughly forced their way past the mares and back out onto the street.

Octavia turned desperately to Lyra. “Lyra, please–you don’t know her like we do. You’re persecuting an innocent creature who has never done anything to hurt anypony.”

Lyra grimaced sympathetically. “Oh my poor Octavia. I know what you’re going through. It’s so hard having another mind forced onto yours, hearing their thoughts and being powerless to resist their will. Don’t worry. I’m here to free you.” Lyra motioned to the two other guards who were waiting outside the door. “Take these two into custody–but please, don’t hurt them. With the changeling in control of them there’s a good chance they might try something to allow her to escape. We just need to restrain them until the changeling is dealt with.”

The guards stepped forward and one of them took hold of the nearly-catatonic Octavia. The other guard had a bit more trouble with Vinyl who fought and bucked furiously but eventually he was able to wrestle her to the ground and restrain her.

Lyra and her two guards led Octavia and Vinyl out of the apartment heading in the general direction of the town square. “I know you’re angry now but you’ll thank me for this once the changeling is gone,” Lyra explained as they walked, her voice almost apologetic for the rough measures she had to resort to, even though it was for Octavia’s protection. “Soon you’ll be safe, Octavia. That’s all I want here. I just want you to be safe.”

“We were perfectly safe until you showed up!” Vinyl shouted angrily at her as the guard’s magical restraints forced her to follow. “Every time you show up things just get worse. If I were a different pony I could really grow to hate you, Lyra.”

Lyra looked back to face the DJ currently fighting to resist the magical energies around her hooves, the guards turning to face her as well. “Vinyl, that really hurts. Despite the friction we’ve had in the past, I know you make Octavia happy and that’s all I’ve ever wanted for her. I don’t hold anything against you. In fact I’m hoping that after this ugliness is over we could become friends. Maybe once this is over you’ll see it was all for the–”

Lyra never got to finish the sentence as Vinyl recognized her opportunity and took it. With Lyra and both guards facing her she pushed power into her horn causing it to light up into a blinding flash. Lyra shouted and dove to the ground, expecting something more violent than bright light while the guards shielded their eyes from the flash. In the split second that their focus waned, Vinyl turned her magic on the restraints and was able to force them to dissipate. By the time the guards were able to see again, Vinyl was rushing through the gathering crowd.

“Go after her!” Lyra screamed. “I’ll stay here and make sure nothing happens to Octavia! Go!”

The guard who had been in charge of Vinyl nodded and took off in hot pursuit of the tricky white unicorn.


“Vinyl, what’s going on?” Twilight asked as Vinyl rushed up to her breathlessly, pushing through the crowd that was quickly growing in number.

“You don’t know?” Vinyl almost shouted, prancing in place with anxiety. “Lyra showed up with the royal guard and they just dragged Wubsy off!”

Twilight gasped. “Oh Celestia no... Nopony came to me with it. Each of the CLEaR leaders have the authority to mobilize the guard. Lyra must have gone to Colgate and given her some sort of evidence.”

Vinyl nodded. “Yeah. She showed up with Big Mac. Apparently he got to talking with Carrot Top and realized that she had been in Canterlot when we ran into him. Wubsy was using her as a disguise then.”

Twilight quickly processed this information. “There’s nothing we can do about that now. They know she’s a changeling and we can’t change that. Where is Octavia?”

“The guard have her in custody. They had me too but I was able to make a break for it. I have one of them on my tail so I don’t have long.”

“Alright. Get moving then. Try to keep them busy as long as possible.”

Vinyl agreed. “What are you going to do?”

Twilight turned toward the library. “I’m going to do the only thing I know that might help: I’m calling in reinforcements.”

With that, Twilight galloped off to the library. She threw the door open, screaming for Spike to join her as she rushed to her writing desk and produced parchment and quill. Spike bumbled down the stairs rubbing his eyes sleepily. “What is it, Twilight?”

Twilight fought back tears as she dipped the quill in her inkwell. “We need to send an urgent letter to Celestia.” With that she set the point of her quill to the parchment and began to write.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I write you today to alert you to a matter of grave importance and urgency. Even as I write this letter, one of your most innocent and pure subjects is the target of a horrid injustice and I fear is in danger of losing her life.


Vinyl was marched into town square by the guard, who had finally recovered her and re-implemented the magical shackles. She wouldn’t be able to pull the same trick twice. They were expecting it now and would be ready. Vinyl felt a stab of fear as she saw Wubsy standing on the raised area in the middle of the crowd, likewise shackled and forced to stand there enduring the withering scorn of the angry townsponies as they hurtled their hurtful words at her.

Octavia, having finally overcome the sheer shock, still looked distraught and panicked as Vinyl was guided alongside her.

“Tavi! I found Twilight. She’s calling for reinforcements.”

“I hope she hurries. The crowd is going crazy. There’s whispers that they’re going to execute Wubsy.”

Vinyl froze, a chill running along her spine. “Th-they wouldn’t do that though, right? They wouldn’t just kill her.”

“I’m not so sure. There’s a hefty dose of mob mentality here. Ponies are scared and they don’t know what to do. Add to that the fact that everypony just assumes she’s a mindless and dangerous animal and it may come down to them deciding she needs to be destroyed. I tried to talk some sense into them, but they all think I’m under changeling mind control. A few of the CLEaR leaders are in city hall right now discussing the situation with the mayor. I gotta say, Vinyl, it doesn’t look good.”

Vinyl fidgeted nervously. “Well we gotta do something then! We’ll stop them! We’ll make sure they can’t kill Wubsy!”

Octavia looked even more downtrodden. “Alright. I’m all for it but how? Nothing we can say is going to come off as anything but changeling trickery, and the crowd is hardly in a listening mood as it is. If we push too far they might decide that we... No. I can’t think about it. It’s too horrific to think that way about our friends.”

At that moment the doors to city hall opened and the mayor walked out into the square, followed by three of the CLEaR leaders in their brown vests. She cleared her throat and the crowd fell silent, waiting to hear her decision. “After hearing the situation presented to me by the CLEaR leaders and contemplating it carefully, I have come to the conclusion that this creature presents a real and sizable threat to this town and its inhabitants. As mayor, it is my duty to act in the best interest of this town and its safety. To that end I have granted the CLEaR team discretion in this matter to do as they feel best. They have elected to destroy the changeling.”

A sudden cry of triumph erupted from the crowd, completely drowning out the shrieks of horror from two ponies amongst hundreds.

The changeling in her shackles was led up into the center of the square and the crowd parted to allow the CLEaR leaders to approach it. They walked up to the changeling and with solemn purpose lowered their horns. Vinyl and Octavia made a sudden synchronized lunge toward her in a desperate effort to stop the execution, but several guards piled on and wrestled them to the ground before they could even take two steps.

Vinyl hit the dirt of the road and felt the weight of the guard settle on top of her, pulling her front hooves behind her back to keep her placated. “Don’t worry, ma’am. As soon as the changeling is gone you’ll be free and it’ll all be over.” Vinyl bucked and struggled hoping Octavia was putting up just as much of a fight. Through the gaps in the crowd she could see the executioners with their horns glowing lethally. Not like this she thought to herself. I can’t just watch her die and be completely helpless to save her. Please don’t let it end like this.

Vinyl channeled what little power she had remaining after her earlier escape into her horn. Her magic was pathetically weak compared to that of the royal guard but she refused to go down without trying everything possible to save her friend. Her horn sparked and glowed, and desperate tears fell and soaked into the dirt as she heard the lead executioner call over the crowd.

“Ready... Aim...”

Vinyl lifted her horn into the air and prepared to let loose with the strongest blast she could muster, knowing even as she did that it would be completely useless. Just before she was about to release her power, a thunderclap rolled across the square. The crowd jumped and looked toward the direction of the peal of thunder. A voice strong with ancient power and authority echoed through the town, the sheer volume making the thunder sound weak and impotent.


The entire town turned in awe and dropped to a kneeling posture as Princess Celestia strode with purpose towards the assembly, her eyes glowing with unimaginable power. The crowd allowed her and her companion, an extremely satisfied-looking purple librarian, access to the town center.

“What is the meaning of this?” Celestia demanded.

The CLEaR second-in-command stood and stepped forward, facing the princess. “We have located a changeling in town, your highness. The mayor has granted us discretion in this matter, and we have decided that the changeling must be destroyed.”

The stallion didn’t flinch as Celestia turned her icy glare to him. “To end the life of another creature is no small matter and is not to be taken lightly. I trust you have sufficient evidence of wrongdoing if you have chosen to kill this being?”

“It is a changeling. One of the ones responsible for the attack on Canterlot,” the light-brown unicorn said in a matter-of-fact tone. “It poses an imminent danger to the ponies of this town. What more evidence do we need?”

“Good. I’m very glad to hear that. If you have a well-rounded case against this changeling you should have no issue presenting it in a fair trial.”

The stallion looked indignant. “And who would you have preside over this trial? Are you going to be the judge?”

Celestia slowly shook her head. “No. I shall take no part in the trial other than to lend weight to its final judgement.”

Twilight looked up at her in shock. “Princess, you’re not going to be involved with the trial? But I thought you would...”

Celestia dropped her voice so as not to be overheard and spoke to her protege. “Now is neither the time nor the place to discuss this, Twilight. I will explain myself at the library, but for now you just need to trust me.”

Twilight hid her distress and listened as Celestia continued. “There must be an impartial judge to rule on this matter. Ms. Mayor, I have known you since you were but a foal and I know nopony more committed to justice and law. I ask you now to lend us your incorruptible judgement in this matter.”

The mayor stepped forward. “It would be my honor, your highness.”

“There should also be somepony to present the charges against the changeling. Who will stand for the prosecution?” Celestia asked the assembly.

“I will.” called out a familiar voice almost immediately. Lyra stepped up to join the CLEaR team. “This changeling represents a threat not only to my town but to a close personal friend of mine.”

Celestia nodded. “Very well, Lyra Heartstrings. You shall stand for the prosecution. And now there must be one who will stand in defense of this creature. Who will defend the changeling?”

Twilight could hold her tongue no longer. “I will.” The librarian glared at her teacher as she trotted over to the shackled changeling. “I believe this changeling is innocent and deserves the chance to prove it. I want to defend her.”

Celestia nodded. “As you wish. Twilight Sparkle will stand with the defendant. The trial will take place in city hall in one week. And further I would like to propose an alternate punishment. If the changeling is found to be too great a threat to this town I humbly suggest that she be banished from ponyville rather than killed.” Then to Twilight she whispered “Twilight. Please come to the library so we can discuss this matter further.”

Vinyl and Octavia, having been released when Celestia appeared, rushed up into the center of the square as the crowd dispersed. They went to Twilight and embraced her.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Vinyl sobbed, her tears dripping onto the mare’s purple coat. “I was so terrified. I thought we were going to lose Wubsy. Thank you so much.”

“It’s not over yet,” the librarian said, an edge to her voice. “Things here did not go as well as they should have, and now I aim to find out why.”

With that Twilight left to follow Celestia to the library, leaving Vinyl and Octavia to comfort Wubsy while the guard detachment Celestia had appointed to guard the changeling watched carefully.


Twilight and Celestia walked in silence. Celestia walked with her eyes forward, focusing on the library in the distance while her student cast furtive glances up at her from time to time. She felt the strained silence between them stretch on like an eternity. Celestia was hiding something. There was a reason she hadn’t put a stop to this right then and there, and Twilight meant to find out what it was.

As soon as the door to the library had closed, Twilight turned on Celestia. “What are you doing?! You’re asking a town full of paranoid ponies to decide the fate of the very object of their fears? They’re going to murder her and you’re saying you’re not going to do anything to stop it!”

Celestia stood firm, allowing Twilight’s emotional tide of words to break upon her like waves on the rocks.

“I reached out to you because I thought you would help! I thought if anypony could see the innocence in Wubsy and come to defend her it would be you. But no! You just blew it off like it wasn’t worth your time!”

“Twilight, let me explain,” Celestia said, her voice soft and soothing.

“I should hope you’d explain! I thought I could trust you. I thought you would make things right. You’re just postponing the inevitable. There’s not a chance in Tartarus that they’re going to allow her her freedom and you know it!”

Celestia took a deep breath. “Twilight, you have to understand: if I stood in defense of Wubsy, there would be whispers. They would say the judge decided in her favor simply because it was I who defended her. Were I to judge, they would say I was biased towards my student. The only way this trial could possibly end well for Wubsy is if I had no hoof in it.”

“But why have a trial at all?!” Twilight snapped bitterly. “You don’t trust me? I told you Wubsy is harmless. Why couldn’t you just take my word and free her?”

Celestia shook her head. “They would never accept that outcome. They would grumble and bicker and Wubsy would never be allowed to live her life. No, if Wubsy is to be truly free the town must decide it for themselves. I have no right to force them to live with a changeling.”

The betrayal in Twilight’s voice reached a crescendo as the tears ran freely down her face. “But I don’t understand. You were supposed to fix this. you were supposed to make it better.”

“You need to know this, Twilight. there are some problems that cannot just be ‘fixed’ so easily as that. Some problems need to be solved in the correct way and I need you to trust me when I say this is the right way.”

“I don’t understand, princess! I told you she’s harmless. She’s innocent. Why would you even entertain the chance of them murdering her unless–” Twilight broke off and stared at her mentor accusingly, struck by the impossible realization. “Unless you don’t believe me.”

Celestia reached out a hoof to her student, her face twisted in concern. She knew that she was making the right decision for the good of Ponyville, but that did little to salve to the deep sense of loss she felt when her beloved pupil and protege took her choice as a personal betrayal. She couldn’t bear to meet the hurt and angry gaze of her greatest student, lest she see just how much pain the young unicorn was in. “Twilight, that’s not it. You have to realize that–”

“No! I don’t want to hear it! You still think she’s a monster so you’re washing your hooves of it! Let the town decide to kill her so you don’t get any of that icky blood on your conscience. You’re copping out and letting them make the decision for you!”

A tiny look of guilt flashed across Celestia’s face for a moment, then it was hidden by thousands of years of composure. “I do trust you, Twilight. You are my most faithful student. I believe every word you’ve said to me. But I have to consider the possibility that there is.... something else occurring here. I trust you, Twilight, but changelings can deceive even the cleverest of ponies. I can’t afford to trust her.”

A look of utter disbelief had taken up residence on Twilight’s features. She gaped open mouth as though Celestia had just told her the earth rotated around the sun, or something equally preposterous. “So it’s true. You still think she’s a monster.”

Celestia rose and approached the purple mare. “Twilight, I would never abandon you. But I have to think of my subjects. If this thing has fooled you it really is dangerous and I can’t afford to take chances. You need to understand that this is the right way to do this.” She extended her wing to embrace her student but Twilight slapped it away.

Twilight forced all the pain and agony she was feeling to congeal and harden into determined rage. “No. No I don’t. I think you’re wrong. You should never have abandoned her like that; abandoned me like that. I’m going to defend her and I’m going to do it without your help. Because that is the right way. I’m going to stand beside her because she’s innocent and because she’s my friend. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a defense to prepare.”

Although Celestia was expecting this answer, hearing it drove a dagger into her heart. She nodded and made for the door. “Defend her well, Twilight. You have a gift for swaying ponies hearts and minds with the truth. Use it to your full advantage.” And with that, she left Twilight to her preparations.

Twilight sat in the candlelight feeling utterly and completely alone. Ever since she was a filly, she had always been able to lean on Celestia. She had just assumed that whatever was wrong with her life Celestia would be there to save her if it got out of hoof. But now her bastion of safety had abandoned her and turned her back. She needed the only ponies she knew would stand with her no matter what the circumstances. She needed her friends. Luckily, she knew exactly where they would be at this moment.

Twilight went to her writing desk and made a vain attempt to order her thoughts and marshal her arguments for Wubsy’s defense. Her thoughts swirled and fought with each other, and after several minutes holding her quill poised expectantly over her parchment she was glad to hear the knock she was expecting at the door.

The librarian replaced her quill in the inkwell and answered the door finding, as she knew she would, her friends gathered on her doorstep looking worried.

Rarity was the one to voice the question on everypony’s mind. “Twilight, what is going on? What was that scene in the town square about?”

Twilight took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. She knew she would eventually have to explain this to her friends but she had hoped the circumstances would have been a little different. “As you all know, there has been a changeling discovered in town. What you don’t know is that I was aware of it all along.”

This caused something of an outcry as everypony in the doorway all assaulted her with questions at once. Twilight allowed the barrage to peter out before speaking again. “If you would all please come inside I’ll try to explain exactly what has been going on.”

The five ponies tumbled inside and found a place on the floor to sit as Twilight closed the door and turned to address them. She recounted the tale of Wubsy’s arrival from the point where Vinyl and Octavia had brought the changeling to her all the way through her quarrel with Celestia, trying as hard as she could to convey Wubsy’s innocence and her own motivations for helping conceal the creature from the rest of the town. When she finally stopped speaking with a sigh, five shocked pairs of eyes stared at her in disbelief.

Once again Rarity spoke, trying to be as tactful as possible given the situation. “Excuse me, Twilight, but ... can you be absolutely sure that this changeling hasn’t taken control of your mind? You helped us fight them. you know what they are capable of. It seems so unlike you that you would harbor one of the beasts.”

"She is not a beast!" Twilight snapped causing the other five ponies to look at each other in concerned surprise. Twilight took a deep breath to try and regain her composure. "That changeling is one of the sweetest most innocent creatures in Equestria. I admit that I was skeptical myself at first, but having spent a little time with her I realized that she doesn't mean anypony harm. She's just lost and confused and trying to make a place for herself. And we were there in Canterlot. We know the truth about changelings. They can’t just take control of a pony’s mind. Only the queen was able to use mind control magic. It’s just a paranoid rumor. Vinyl and Octavia have been living with her for months and nothing bad has happened to them. There’s no reason to judge her for what she’s done because she hasn’t done anything."

“Yet.” Dash interjected. “She hasn’t done anything yet. But I would trust a changeling about as far as I could throw one under water. If you ask me she’s biding her time until she gets the opportunity to strike.”

“But if that were true she would have gotten to Vinyl and Octavia already! It just doesn’t fit what I’ve seen! There’s more to her, I know it. And I need you to help me prove it.”

“This isn’t like you, Twilight,” Pinkie said, sounding serious enough to draw the attention of everypony in the room. “I mean jeeze, you were all up in a huff trying to prove my Pinkie Sense didn’t exist because you couldn’t see any proof that it did. Now you want us to make this leap of faith because you have a feeling this one is different? Do you even know how silly that sounds?”

This was met with a collective uncomfortable shuffling from the four other mares sitting
around the library. Twilight took the hint. "You all think I'm insane for trusting a changeling and you don't want to help."

Fluttershy was quick to object. "Oh no! I wouldn't say insane. Mabje just a little..." The demure pegasus trailed off trying to find a less offensive way to describe it.

"Taken in," Rarity picked up the thread where her friend had faltered. "It's not that we don't believe you, darling. It's just that changelings are notoriously deceptive and you do have a... slight tendency to become obsessed with new ideas and a proclivity towards..." Rarity also trailed off only to have Rainbow Dash continue her thought with her usual tact.

"Going nuts." said the cyan mare.

"Rainbow Dash! That is not the way to speak to your friends!" Rarity admonished. "Yes, she may have gotten carried away a few times like when she missed that letter to Celestia but I would hardly say she 'went nuts.'"

Applejack cleared her throat politely. "Don't take this the wrong way sugarcube, but mind-controlling the entire town into fightin' over her ratty ol' doll 'cause her homework's late is more'n bein' just a bit carried away"

Twilight gave an aggravated twitch of her ears. “Ugh! I can’t believe you! Don’t you remember what happened when you were all convinced Zecora was an evil witch, or when nopony would believe me when I said Nightmare Moon was returning? For the love of Luna, remember the wedding in Canterlot! I told you there was something wrong with Cadance, and you all told me I was just being crazy and jealous! Then it turned out I was right. This happens every time I ask you to help me!”

“Now Twilight, that ain’t hardly fair.” Applejack walked up to the irate unicorn and put a friendly hoof on her shoulder. “Ah know we might not always agree with you, but–”

Twilight shrugged Applejack’s hoof off with an angry snarl. “You never listen to me when it’s important! It’s always ‘Oh, let’s all ignore Twilight, she’s just being a crazy egghead!’ Well I’m sick of it! That’s not the way friends are supposed to act!”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed and her voice turned stern. “Now look Twilight, ah understand you’re mighty upset right now, but–”

“Besides,” Twilight shouted in Applejack’s face. “The only reason we’re in this mess is because your foalish brother helped Lyra find Wubsy!”

“What’s a Wubsy?” Pinkie frowned quizzically.

“The changeling! She has a name! She’s not just some mindless animal, she has feelings and thoughts! Her name is Wubsy!” By the time she finished Twilight was shouting in Pinkie’s face.

“Ugh!” Rainbow groaned into her hooves. “She’s going all crazy on us again. I’m outta here, before she decides she needs to stop time or whatever!”

“Fine! Leave!” Twilight shrieked. “I didn’t need your help anyway! Maybe you can go find another nimbus to call Cloudsdale, or give a name to some big dumb rock!”

Rainbow grumbled something less than friendly on her way out of the library. A second later, Rarity stuck her nose in the air indignantly. “We swore we would never speak of that,” she whispered venomously before walking out the door with an offended huff. Applejack and Pinkie Pie shared a look and followed her out. Only Fluttershy remained behind. The soft spoken mare approached Twilight and stood just behind her, trying to think of something to say.

Twilight spoke first, sensing her friend's presence behind her. "You don't have to explain, Fluttershy. There's no need to apologize or make excuses. I understand." Her voice was cold and distant as if she were speaking to a stranger instead of one of her closest friends.

Fluttershy stood rooted to the spot for a few moments, still feeling the need to explain herself. "They're just so terrifying," she whispered and then drooped her head and followed the rest of her friends leaving Twilight to her work.

Twilight stayed stock still, the only signs of life being the furious scratching of her quill on parchment as it moved at her telekinetic command. She stayed there writing long into the night, her progress hampered by her frequent need to go back and rewrite certain parts when her falling tears smudged the ink.


Mrs. Cake was behind the counter at Sugarcube Corner, cleaning up and getting ready to close up shop. She had heard about the drama going on in the town square and had decided it was none of her business so she had stayed behind to tend to the bakery while Pinkie had gone to investigate.

She was just about to go lock the door when it banged open, causing her to jump in surprise.

“The nerve of that mare!” Rarity huffed as she entered the bakery. “She outright attacked me with something she knew would cut deep!” Rarity noticed a startled Mrs. Cake looking confused behind the counter and softened her tone, becoming the picture of sophistication with practiced ease. “So sorry about the abrupt intrusion, darling. Could I trouble you for some scones and tea? If it wouldn't be too much bother.”

The elder baker nodded. “Of course, dearie. It's no imposition. Just give me some time to put the kettle on.” And the baker disappeared into the kitchen to prepare refreshments for her unexpected guests.

“Ah hate to say it but ah think you're right, Rarity.” Applejack said as she came into the bakery with the rest of her friends. “Twilight was acting mighty rude. Ah can understand stress and all but that ain't no reason to go off on her friends. Not to mention insultin' mah kin.”

“You got that right,” Rainbow Dash added. “She's seriously going way too far. I mean we come over to check on her because we're worried and she treats us like the bad guys. I'm starting to think maybe that bug has gotten to her.”

“Yeah. She was acting pretty grumpy,” Pinkie muttered to herself. “Then again, we weren't exactly at our most understanding either.”

“If you ask me,” Rarity continued. “That changeling is influencing her and turning her on her friends. We can't get rid of that bug soon enough for my tastes.”

“Yeah. Get rid of the bug and Twilight will snap out of it.” Rainbow Dash hovered a couple feet off the floor, boxing in the air. “Heck, leave me alone with her for five minutes and I'll take care of the problem myself!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy shouted, garnering the attention of all present. “How could you ever suggest such a thing! You sound like those ponies in the town square! You're really suggesting that you'd be willing to kill another creature with your own hooves?” she yelled, staring the pegasus to the ground.

“Hey, relax Shy,” Dash said plaintively. “I didn't mean it. Not really. I'm not the type who goes in for that kind of thing.”

Fluttershy glared at her. “This isn’t just about that, Dash. The fact that you’d even suggest taking a life is bad enough but... we turned our backs on her just now. Twilight is our friend and she's under a lot of pressure right now. How could we just walk away like that? How could I...” Fluttershy trailed off, her eyes beginning to fill with tears as she began to realize the implications of her actions.

“Oh my goodness. Fluttershy, you're absolutely right!” Rarity shouted as the situation impressed itself on her as well. “I just don't know what could have come over us. Here Twilight is trying to defend the life of somepony the entire town is already willing to execute and all we can think of are our own petty concerns over bruised pride. Oh I feel so ashamed of myself.”

“Alright. That's all well and good,” Rainbow Dash interrupted a little testily. “But you're all forgetting something here. What if the changeling really HAS gotten to her? Are we really going to help set her free?”

“Rainbow Dash, think this through,” Rarity appealed to her. “If Twilight really is under its spell then that's all the more reason for us to be there. We need to be watching for any signs that Twilight isn't herself. And who knows, us just being there for her could give her the strength to break free. We owe it to her to be there in her time of need.”

Rainbow Dash deflated, slowly drifting back to the floor. “Okay. You're right. We did kinda leave her hanging there. I've been feeling pretty rotten about that ever since we left but I was just so sure that she was wrong.” Rainbow Dash hung her head dejectedly. “Some element of loyalty I turned out to be.”

“It's not too late to fix this,” Applejack said, determination in her voice. “Ah ain't gonna let my reputation as the most dependable pony in Ponyville be just an empty title. Ah say we head to the library and apologize properly.”

“Here here!” Rarity agreed, followed shortly by the rest of the ponies in the room. “Right! Off we go then! No time to waste!”

The five friends stampeded out of the front door, dead set on making sure they preserved their friendship come hell or high water.

“Here you are dears,” Mrs. Cake said congenially as she entered the foyer of the bakery again, a fully loaded tea tray and a platter piled high with scones balanced precariously on her back. “Tea and scones enough for six. I hope you don't mind if I join....” The baker looked around the empty room. “Uh... Hello? Rarity? Pinkie? Anypony there?”

Minutes later, the five ponies arrived at the library, panting from the exertion of running all the way there.

“The lights are out!” Rarity said, her face falling in disappointment. “I thought for sure she'd still be awake.”

“Maybe she's working downstairs,” suggested Applejack. She tried the door but it wouldn't budge. “Locked. Guess she really did go to bed.”

Rainbow Dash was in the air in an instant. “Don't worry. I'll get us in.” She pulled back and rushed one of the higher windows, meaning to barrel her way through but was stopped short by a blue aura that engulfed her tail.

“Rainbow Dash! She's rather upset with us as it is!” Rarity chastised her, dangling the stuntsmare in the air with her magic. “Do you really think the best way to start our apology is breaking into her house in the middle of the night?”

“Just trying to be helpful,” she pouted as she hung in the air, Rarity gently lowering her to the ground.

“I know dear, but smashing windows most likely isn't the best course of action at this time.” Rarity explained as she finally released her telekinetic grip. “Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to give her the night to cool off. Maybe we should come back and make our apologies tomorrow.”

This was met with agreeing nods from the rest of the group and they all headed off towards Sugarcube Corner once more, Pinkie giving the door a suspicious look before she departed.

“Dear Celestia, Dash. I could FEEL the knots in your tail,” Rarity said as they walked. “Would it kill you to run a brush through it now and then?”

“I'll have you know I take great care of my tail and mane,” Dash retorted. “I have to keep it streamlined for aerodynamics after all. I use every single tip in the Wonderbolts official biographies.”

The two of them bickered over proper mane care all the way back to the bakery.

“Dash, if it will help I will set aside an hour three times a day to make sure your mane is properly groomed,” Rarity said, getting a little desperate.

“No chance!” Rainbow Dash returned. “If you think for an instant I'm going to let my schedule revolve around your primping you've got another think coming!”

“Well here we are,” Pinkie said, trying to interrupt the heated debate. “Home sweet home. Thanks for walking me back girls.”

“For Luna's sake, Dash! Are you really that opposed to looking decent?”

“No problem Sugarcube,” Applejack said, hugging her friend goodnight. “We'll meet up here tomorrow and head over to see Twilight together, alright?”

“I look just fine! Just because I'm not all done up in ribbons and froofy perfumes doesn't mean I'm some homeless slob!”

“Sounds good,” Pinkie said as she hugged the farmer back. “See you tomorrow.”

She repeated the hug with Fluttershy and the four of them headed into town to disperse to their own homes. The last thing Pinkie heard before she shut the door was Rarity shouting “A broom does not count as a brush! If you're using a broom you're not brushing your mane, you're sweeping it!”

Pinkie chuckled at their antics and then turned and headed to bed, passing Mrs. Cake who was nibbling scones and sipping tea. “That's an awful lot of scones for one pony,” Pinkie observed. “If I were you I'd think about sharing that with somepony.”

“What a novel idea Pinkie,” Mrs. Cake snarked. “I'll be sure to remember that for next time.”

Pinkie headed to her room and climbed into bed but after a few minutes of tossing could not seem to find rest. Her left hind leg was tingling and keeping her awake and she knew it could only mean that one of her friends was coming to visit.

"Quit it," she told her leg authoritatively. "You're all mixed up. My friends just left. You're getting your signals crossed."

Her leg of course did not reply except to sustain the tingling running through it. Pinkie gave up and crawled back out of bed again, walking in circles around her bedroom and trying to work out the phantom sensation.

She was rather surprised when she heard a small tap, followed a few seconds later by another. She looked around the room, searching for the source of the sound and eventually narrowed it down to her window. Something was tapping against it.

She walked to the window and pulled it open and was immediately hit in the nose with a small rock. "OW!"

A deep pleasing baritone followed the rock through the window. "Sorry."

"Macky? Is that you?" Pinkie rushed to the window and peered into the darkness below, able to make out the shape of the large stallion in the dim light of the town.


"It's a little late for you, isn't it?"


“So why are you here so late? Oooh! Is it a guessing game? Oh goodie! I love guessing games! Okay, let's see... You're here because... you're hungry and you're hoping I have some cupcakes to spare?”

“Nnope.” Mac sighed. At this rate she would be guessing until morning.

Pinkie furrowed her brow in deep thought. “Alright... Then... You've been thinking about Wubsy and you realized that the town is overreacting and doesn't really have any proof that Wubsy is bad so you feel guilty about your part in getting her captured so now you want to break her out of jail and you came to me because you need help and I'm the only pony crazy enough to help you?”

Big Mac looked up at her in dumbfounded shock. “Uh... Eeyup.”

Pinkie beamed down at him. “Really? Wow. That was a long shot. Okay. I'll be right down and we can start scheming.”


Wubsy sat on the cold stone floor, curled into a tight ball to try and capture what little warmth she could. She gazed up through the barred window high in the jail cell wall and out into the inky starry blackness of the night. It had only been one day but she still hadn’t been able to get a moment’s sleep since she had been locked up here. She missed Vinyl and Octavia. She could still feel their love for her,but the distance between them reduced the power of their affection to a mere trickle that did little to lift her spirits in this dank and foreboding place.

She lowered her head again and closed her compound eyes, knowing full well she would not be sleeping. All the trouble she had caused weighed on her. She had only wanted to find a place for herself and in the end had become a burden on all those who had tried to help her. Vinyl and Octavia were under house arrest until it could be proven they were not under mind control and Twilight was most likely shut away in her library, trying to prepare a hopeless defense for her. And once the town decided to kill her, what then? What kind of damage would that do to Vinyl and Octavia? Would Twilight blame herself for not being able to do the impossible? She seemed the type.

Wubsy went over it in her mind for the hundredth time since her imprisonment. There was no way around it. She would die and the ponies she loved most would be the ones to suffer. Again, she wished she had landed in some remote desert and been left to starve.

A scuffling sound drew her attention. It was coming from up the hall, towards the main jailhouse. The two guards posted outside her cell looked towards the din, shifting nervously. What came next was completely unexpected.

A pink mare with a curly mane bounced past the guards with a wide grin and an energetic greeting before she got to the end of the hall and turned toward them, looking confused. The guards snapped into action after a second to pick their jaws up off the floor. They stood in front of her, positioning themselves to cut off any escape.

“You there! What are you doing here?” the guard demanded of the strange pink pony who looked between the two with an innocent smile.

“I’m sorry. Is this not the all-night fondue party? I was so excited because I just love fondue so much so I just had to come. Don’t you like fondue? Who doesn’t like fondue? I mean it’s so tasty and yummy and warm not to mention it’s just fun to say! Fondooooo! Fondooooo! C’mon! Say it with me!”

Wubsy and the guards were staring at her in disbelief as she prattled on, seemingly completely oblivious to the position she found herself in. It was such an incredible sight that Wubsy in her position behind the guards was the only one to see the quick red blur that dashed up behind the guards and dropped each one with a quick forehoof to the back of the neck right under where their helmets’ protection ended.

The party mare looked up at the shadowy red figure standing over the guards. “Took you long enough. I was running out of things to say! Well I never REALLY run out of things to say because I just have so much that I always want to talk about and talking with ponies is one of my favoritest things ever but really could you have taken any longer to--”

The stream of babble was cut off by the red pony putting a hoof over her mouth. “Eeyup” he said simply. Then he took the keys from one of the fallen guards and began sorting through them, looking for the one that would open the door to Wubsy’s cell.

Wubsy for her part retreated from the two ponies and sat against the wall furthest from the cell door. She could envision what these two were here for: She didn’t recognize the pink chatty one, but the quiet red one was the pony who had alerted CLEaR to where she had been hiding. If he was here, it was very likely that he intended to make sure Twilight didn’t get the chance to set her free.

The stallion stepped into the cell, noticing the changeling’s reaction. “Easy, critter. Ah... made a mistake. We’re here t’ help.”

So that was it. He was here to make amends. Wubsy rose and took a step towards him before she froze again as a new thought struck her: Vinyl and Octavia. They would be blamed if she left. It would be assumed that they had something to do with it. She wasn’t about to cause them any more grief. Again, she sat down on the cold stone floor.

“C’mon, now. Y’aint safe here.”

“She doesn’t wanna leave, Macky--she’s worried about what’s going to happen to Vinyl and Octavia. If she just disappears it’s going to look like they broke her out since they’re the only ones who have tried to protect her.” She paused and put a hoof to her chin. “Well, besides Twilight.”

The one called Big Macintosh looked the hyperactive one over. “Pinkie, how d’you know that’s what she’s thinking?”

“I dunno. Isn’t it obvious? Here. I have an idea.” The poofy-maned one trotted into the cell and reached under the cot, pulling a stone loose and extracting a black marker.

“How did you know that was there?”

“Oh I have markers stashed all over Ponyville in case of marker emergency.” With that, she walked over to the wall, furiously scribbling for a few moments before standing back to admire her work. “Think that’ll do it?”

“Nnope,” Mac said, frowning. He pointed at the guard. "We should just tell him who we are. Make sure they know who did it."

"Oh, but that's not fun!" Pinkie pouted. “We should just do this. I think it’s a much funnier idea.”

Big mac sighed. “Alright. Do what you wanna. I’m gonna make sure we’re the ones who take the heat.” Big Mac slowly and gently pulled a guard into the cell and closed the door, making sure Pinkie was outside it. Then he reached through the bars and lightly slapped his cheek a few times to bring him back to consciousness.

“Hey there. Sorry about having to knock you out like that,” he said kindly. “Just wanted to make sure you saw that.” He pointed a hoof over to the wall, drawing the guard’s attention to Pinkie’s scribbling. “Right. I’ll let you get back to your nap.”

The guard nodded weakly and once more returned to unconsciousness, causing Mac to feel guilty all over again for having to resort to such methods.


Satisfied that Vinyl and Octavia were in the clear, Pinkie, Mac and Wubsy hurriedly left the jailhouse, leaving behind a drawing of the two conspirators escorting a changeling out of a jail cell with the caption “We did it. Signed, Pinkie Pie and Big Macintosh.”

The two ponies made a beeline for the edge of town, escorting the fugitive changeling. The red stallion stayed close to Wubsy, guiding her while a cotton-candy motion blur dashed around like a caffeinated squirrel keeping watch for any ponies who may see them and alert the guard.

They soon reached the edge of the Everfree Forest and stopped. The large pony smiled down at Wubsy. “Get goin’, critter. And good luck.”

“Yeah!” the other one added. “You better bust flank. They’re going to be pretty sore about waking up to find you missing.”

Wubsy looked back and forth between her new friends. Something about this didn’t seem right. They had helped her and now she was just supposed to leave them to answer for it? She gave a conflicted look from them, to Ponyville, to the forest behind her and back again, trying to come up with a solution that would work out for all involved but none came to her. This was it. This was what she had been dreading: she was going to have to leave everypony she loved behind.

She smiled in silent thanks to the two ponies who were risking everything for her safety. She turned around and was about to leave when a large red hoof fell on her shoulder, holding her back. “I don’t think ya can pack love up t’ go, but the least we can do is fill yer belly.” And with that, his hooves wrapped around her, embracing her in a deep hug while she felt his love trickle into her.

The moment he released her and her hooves hit the ground, she was caught up in another, much tighter hug from the bouncy pink one. The flow of love this time was much freer and flowed readily from the pony’s heart into Wubsy’s. “Good luck, little changeling. Don’t worry your little changeling head about a thing. We’ll let Vinyl and Octavia know you’re safe. Just leave it to your auntie Pinkie.”

When she pulled away, Wubsy was shocked to see tears streaming down her cheeks. The pony seemed to notice her surprise. “I barely even got to know you. I wish we had gotten more time. I never gave you a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party or anything. I guess once I get out of jail or whatever they’re going to do with me, I’ll just have to invite Octavia and Vinyl to a ‘Wubsy Made a Great Escape Party’ instead.”

The changeling gave a bittersweet smile and nod and once again turned to go. She trotted to the treeline and looked back at her two new friends waving at her, both with tears running down their faces. The changeling returned their waves and then disappeared into the forest.


The next morning, Twilight woke up to the sound of somepony knocking on the door downstairs. She got out of bed and looked over at the basket on the floor which was, as she knew it would be, empty. She smiled to herself and headed downstairs and answered the door finding five ponies with looks of panic on their faces. Twilight chanced a glance up at her clock. No. Not time yet.

"Okay. Something obviously has you all pretty worked up. Why doesn't somepony explain to me what's going on?" This was met with an ear-splitting cacophony as everypony attempted to speak at once.

"Hush!” Twilight said loudly, trying to impose order on the chaotic ruckus (or was that fracas?). “Okay. Rarity, why don't you explain?"

Rarity took a deep breath and let loose. "The changeling disappeared! The guard hasn't released any details but they're combing the town for it! She escaped last night and nopony is sure what happened!"

"I know what happened." Pinkie offered. Everypony in the room turned to look at her in surprise.

"You do?" Rarity asked. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"Because we needed Twilight here to provide a viewpoint for the exposition. Duh."

Twilight gave her a puzzled look. "W-What?"

"Nevermind that," demanded Rarity. "What do you mean you know what happened?"

"Oh that's easy!" she grinned. "Me and Big Mac went and broke her out of the slammer last night!"

Twilight was aghast. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

"I just told you. We freed Wubsy.” Pinkie cocked her head, genuinely curious. “Didn't you hear me? Is something wrong with your hearing? Is that why you're shouting now?"

“Hold up just one apple-buckin’ minute!” Applejack interrupted, snorting and stomping her hoof. “Are you tellin’ me you went off in the middle of the night and dragged my brother off on some durned fool mission to stage a jailbreak?! What in the world was goin’ through your head, Pinkie?!”

“Not a whole lot really,” Pinkie shrugged. “He asked for help and I just decided to go with him.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, utterly shocked at this new information "But... why would you do that?!"

"Well you see, last night I got a new signal on my Pinkie sense. It was an itchy knee, neck-pop, tail twitch which I interpreted as 'the changeling is innocent.'"

Twilight shook herself, struggling to comprehend the pink enigma. "... Really?"

Pinkie laughed and shook her head. "Of course not! That would be terrible writing! Big Mac showed up at the bakery last night and asked me to help him get her out.” Seeing that Twilight still wasn’t following her line of thought--totally understandable, really--Pinkie decided to delve deeper in. “When we came over the other night and you got all angry we decided to leave so you could cool off. We talked it over afterward and decided you needed our help. So when Mac showed up I jumped at the chance to help poor little Wubsy go free."

Twilight paced the floor, looking a lot less thrilled about the news than Pinkie had been expecting. “I see. So she's not here anymore. Hmmm... That does make things a bit more complicated. No other choice. We'll have to push up our plans.”

“Uh... Twilight?” Rarity asked, stepping forward hesitantly and placing a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Are you okay? You seem a little... well gloomy about this. I would have thought you'd be happy that Pinkie took it upon herself to help.”

“Oh I am,” Twilight said, switching back to a cheerful disposition far more quickly than seemed entirely natural. “There's just some information she didn't have that changes the situation a bit. We can't talk about it here. There's no telling who could be listening.” She turned and started walking toward the passage that led to the basement. “If you could follow me downstairs I can explain everything.”

Her friends looked at each other in concern. She was acting strange again... but she had offered to explain what was happening. “Alright Twilight,” Rarity said. “We'll come with you.”

Fluttershy stepped up, a frown creasing her face. “Yes. We trust you,” she said meekly. “We're your friends, I know you would never lie to us if something were bothering you, because you can trust us to listen and help."

Twilight froze, seemingly unable to take the first step down the stairs. “N—no...” she whispered.

“Twilight? Is something wrong?” Applejack asked.

“I... I can't,” the unicorn answered, her responses strained. “I can't do it.”

“What is it, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. “What can't you do?”

“NO! That's not true! They're my friends! I WON'T do it!” Twilight screamed shaking her head violently. Then she turned to her friends and spoke in an urgent voice. “Run! There are changelings in Ponyville! They came in under the shield through one of the diamond dog tunnels!”

“Useless unicorn!” shouted a familiar voice behind them. They all turned to see Chrysalis standing by the front door, her features contorted with rage. “All you had to do was lead them into the basement but you couldn't even do that properly!”

“It's over Chrysalis,” Twilight said, shaking her head to clear the last remnants of the mind-control spell she had been under. “They know your changelings are here. Wubsy is gone. You failed.”

“Far from it,” Chrysalis growled. “I still have this entire town in my grasp. Including all of you. The very elements of harmony.”

A loud buzzing sounded from the basement stairwell and a swarm of changelings burst from the passage, subduing the ponies and dragging them down to the basement.


Six ponies hung upside-down in the basement under Ponyville library, cocooned up to their necks. Rarity and Twilight had had their horns covered in the magic-resistant material to ensure they could not magic their way to freedom. Beside them hung Spike, completely encased and struggling to fight his way free.

“‘Don’t open the window,’ you said.” Rainbow shot bitterly at Rarity. “Would be rude you said. Come back in the morning you said. Next time I‘m opening the bucking window.”

“Agreed,” Rarity sighed. “But I still say your mane could use a little more attention.”

“Oh would you two quit yer yammerin’?!” Applejack shouted. “In case you haven’t noticed we’ve got more important things to deal with!”

Chrysalis paced in front of them, watching her changelings cocooning the ponies with a gloating look on her face. This was delicious. Finally she would have her revenge for being humiliated at Canterlot. “Oh, is this too much for your little pony brains to piece together? Do I need to explain it all in little words?”

“I think it's pretty obvious what's happening,” Pinkie said in an angry voice. “You've had changelings in town this whole time draining all the positive emotions out of everypony. That's why everypony was so quick to call for Wubsy's execution when she was discovered. I thought it was strange that everypony felt killing her was the best option.” Pinkie wriggled in her cocoon, building up steam as she went over her theory. “And I'm guessing some time last night after we left the library you paid Twilight a visit and put her under your control. I was wondering why we were all feeling so negative while we were at the library. Mob mentality and paranoia are believable reasons for everypony to be acting strange, but we’ve been through situations a lot more divisive than last night. It takes more than a minor disagreement to split the Elements of Harmony.” She locked eyes with Chrysalis. “You were there waiting for us to leave so you could take Twilight. You needed her out of the way so you could drop the shield spell she's been maintaining and overrun the town. How's that?”

Chrysalis had a genuinely surprised look on her face, and she clopped her front hooves together in slow applause. “Right on the money, pony. I'm legitimately impressed. It's just a shame you figured it out much too late.”

“There's only one thing I can't put my hoof on,” Pinkie pressed on. “Maybe you could clear it up for me.”

“I don't see why not,” Chrysalis conceded, inspecting a hoof in a bored fashion. “You did earn it by figuring out my plan. I don't see where filling in the gaps could hurt and it's not like the information will be of much use to you at this point.”

Pinkie nodded, an intensity in her eyes that her friends had never imagined she could embody. “Why are you after Wubsy?”

Chrysalis lifted an eyebrow curiously. “After her? Why would I be after her? She was working for me the whole time.”

“I'm not buying that for an instant, Chrysalis,” Pinkie smiled, sensing she was driving the changeling queen into a corner. “You told us yourself this is all about Wubsy. That's why you were so upset when you figured out Mac and I set her free, isn't it? If she was still under your control you'd know she was gone.”

For the second time, Chrysalis looked taken aback at her insight. “I have to admit, I think I underestimated you. You're much cleverer than I gave you credit for.”

“I'm much more clever than most ponies give me credit for,” Pinkie said flatly. “Now if you would answer the question.”

“So this is the part of the story where the villain exposes the details of her evil scheme and provides you with all the information you need to formulate a plan to stop her? I'm afraid I can't,” Chrysalis sighed. “You see little details about how I got in I'm more than happy to share seeing as I'm already in and you can't really stop that anymore. But as to why, I'm afraid that has to be my little secret.” Chrysalis turned and started up the stairs.

“It's because she's getting stronger than you, isn't it?” Pinkie ventured.

Chrysalis wheeled around with fury on her face, fangs bared. She was across the room in an instant, rewarding Pinkie's guess with a back-hooved slap across the jaw. “Get this straight, bubblegum,” the queen hissed, all pretense of sophisticated and aloof detachment stripped away revealing the snarling vicious beast underneath the facade. “The runt is not stronger than me. I'm the queen of this swarm. I'm the powerful one. She's refuse, and I'm here to make sure she remembers that. And once I'm done with that, I'm turning your precious little town into my personal buffet table.”


In the light of morning, two ponies lay on their bed trying to find comfort in their shared embrace.

“Vinyl, are you still awake?” Octavia asked.

“Of course I am. I haven't slept a wink. I can't stop worrying about Wubsy.” Vinyl sighed sadly. “Do you think Twilight will be able to convince everypony to set her free?”

“I honestly don't know, Vinyl. Under any other circumstances I'd say it was a given but it scares me how everypony has been acting lately. I would never have thought that they could be capable of an execution in the first place. We have to be prepared for the possibility that we... could lose Wubsy.”

They lay in silence for several minutes after that, trying to contemplate life without the little changeling that had come into their home just a few months ago. It was strange just how quickly Wubsy had become a member of their family—completely irreplaceable and loved like their own child.

They were ripped out of their ruminations by several shadows passing over the window.

“What was that?” Octavia asked.

Vinyl leapt out of bed and threw open the blinds, staring in horror at the scene before her. The shield around the town was completely gone and changelings were running rampant through town, chasing ponies down and dragging them away. “Octavia! The town is under attack! There are changelings everywhere!

Octavia jumped out of bed as well and looked out the window, watching in disbelief as a young mare she knew as Sparkler was swarmed by the beasts and pulled into a nearby alley. “Vinyl, do you think Wubsy had something to do with this?”

“Not my Wubsy,” Vinyl said adamantly as she moved toward her nightstand. “She's too sweet and loving for it to have all been an act and I'm not hearing a word otherwise.”

“Then... what are we going to do?” Octavia asked with fear starting to build in her voice.

Vinyl grabbed her glasses off the nightstand and put them into place over her eyes. “Saddle up. We're going to go defend our town.”

Author's Notes:

Here it is. The same chapter I posted before but the chronology had to be sped up so events governing the finale could be revealed sooner. Hope this provides a more satisfying explanation for a few events.


The forest seemed so strange to her. So alien. Shadows shifted and reached for her with each step, perfectly reflecting the shadows clawing for her in her own mind. The gnarled and twisted trees looked as though they were conspiring to draw her deeper into the woods before they grabbed her and spirited her away. By far the most terrifying part of the dark woods through which she trod was the absence of the light she had come to associate with the faces of two particular mares. The absence of their loving energy was a gaping void in her heart, not to mention her belly. It struck her as odd that she had ever called such a place home. That she had ever lived without the love Vinyl and Octavia shared with her.

Her hooves squelched through the undergrowth with each step as she contemplated her options. The same three options that she had been presented with when she first arrived in Ponyville. She could go back to the swarm, hunt on her own, or lay down and give up. Again, none of her options were very appealing but this time the reasons for her distaste were very much changed.

She sojourned on regardless, committed to her decision to keep moving until she either discovered a solution or was unable to carry on. Walking seemed the better option than flying. Her destination wasn't a function of distance, so it hardly mattered how fast she moved.

Wubsy's ears perked.

That whisper... What was it?

She strained to filter out the ambient sounds of the forest around her and key in on the sound that had caught her attention. Nothing came through--no hint of the noise that had set off the alarms in her subconscious.

There! There it was again! It was so distinct she was surprised she had had any difficulty hearing it at all. It was a sound that used to inspire hunger in her. It used to drive her. The sounds of screaming. Of running. Of insect wings whipping the air in a thousand-strong chorus.

They're hunting, she realized.

Wubsy stood rooted in place. The swarm is attacking Ponyville. The ponies that tried to kill me are getting what they deserved. Her mind of course went to the ponies that had helped her. That had been kind to her. She toyed with the idea of helping those select few escape. But no; to do such a thing would be putting her own life on the line. The odds of success were minuscule.

One more body isn't going to do anypony any good.

Her instincts buzzed clearly in her head: it was her survival weighed against that of a town of executioners. Even Vinyl, Octavia and their friends didn't tip the balance. They were collateral losses. Just like I was when the swarm abandoned me, she thought bitterly. It's unfortunate, but that's the way the world works.

Wubsy turned her back on the town, walking out deeper into the forest and her fate, thoughts whizzing around her head. They tried to kill me. I have no responsibility to them after what they did to me. I'm totally justified in walking away and saving my own skin.

Wubsy slowed and finally stopped, once more looking back toward the town she had called home for these past few months. But if all that is true, then why do I feel so guilty?


Octavia ran full-tilt through the streets of the town. She chanced a glance behind her. Two changelings literally snapping at her tail. She poured on all the speed she had in reserve, her heart thudding in her chest as she made every attempt to outdistance them. A third changeling appeared in front of her, cutting off her path. She muttered an oath under her breath as she was forced to quickly change direction, darting into a nearby alley with the hoofbeats of three changelings now directly behind her.

I hope you know what you're doing, Vinyl, she thought, kicking back to interrupt a particularly vicious snap from the jaws of one of her pursuers.

A wave of bright blue light swept through the alley from a building to the side. The blast caught all three changelings, throwing them up against the wall opposite and dazing them in the process.

Octavia skittered to a halt, leaning up against the alley wall trying to catch her breath as Vinyl and Big Macintosh, the latter with a coil of rope around his neck, emerged from the doorway.

“Did'ja see that, Tavi?!” Vinyl crowed proudly as she looked over the changelings crumpled on the ground. “I got them all in one shot! And they didn't even get you this time.”

“That's great... Vinyl...” Octavia huffed and wheezed. “But remind me again... why I have to be... the bait?”

“Because I have to be here to knock them out while Mac ties them up and lugs them inside. Speaking of which, get to work, butch.”

“Eeyup,” Mac replied with a lighthearted salute and then unwound his rope, using it to restrain the changelings.

Octavia pouted. “All I'm saying is that the two of you get to wait in the shadows safe and sound while I go out there and play the part of appetizer for a swarm of hungry predators. It hardly seems fair.”

Vinyl threw a hoof over Octavia's shoulder and spoke in a low conspiratorial whisper. “Hey, c'mon Tavi. Don't be like that. We're all a part of this little scheme. Listen, I could tell you that Mac is where he is because of his muscle and I'm where I am because of my magic and that just left you to play the stooge but that wouldn't be true.” Vinyl looked around the small alleyway, as if to make sure nopony was listening. “I'll tell you the truth, Tavi, but this can't get back to Big Mac.”

Octavia leaned in, listening intently to Vinyl's confession. “What is it? What didn't you tell me?”

“I chose all our roles very carefully based on our skills,” Vinyl whispered, her voice dropping lower and lower as she continued. “Mac is obviously the strongest and I'm the only one with magic, but you have something neither of us have that makes you perfectly suited for this mission.”

Octavia leaned in closer, having to strain to hear Vinyl at this point. “What? What is it?”

Vinyl's voice was barely audible at this point. “The reason you're acting as bait -- and it would break Mac's heart if he found out -- is because ... you're more alluring than he is.” Vinyl lunged forward, planting a sloppy wet kiss on Octavia's lips.

Octavia pulled away from the kiss. “Vinyl, can't you ever be serious?!” She realized her mistake too late, hearing her voice echo through the alley and over the town. Her ears flattened against her skull, as if trying to muffle the growing sounds of insectoid wings in the cramped alleyway. A group of changelings appeared over the edges of the roofs on either side of them, crawling slowly down the wall toward the three ponies below.

“Run for it!” Vinyl barked and all three ponies bolted for the end of the alley, desperate to escape the approaching changelings.

“Get to the apartment!” Vinyl yelled. “I have an idea!”

The three ponies turned and rushed through the streets of Ponyville, the snarling and snapping of their pursuers serving as excellent motivation not to slow down. They bobbed and weaved through back alleys, making every attempt to slow down the changelings on their tail.

“Split up!” Vinyl shouted. “Everypony go separate ways, see if we can confuse them! We'll meet up at the apartment!”

Octavia and Mac nodded and peeled off, each rushing down a different alley with a group of changelings in tow.

Vinyl lowered her head and rushed headlong through the streets, looping and diving and doubling back. Every trick she could think of to try and shake those changelings who were still doggedly chasing her down. She pulled into a tight left-hand turn into the marketplace and immediately leaped to one side, dodging the market stall she knew was hiding there just out of sight from the corner.

Her pursuers, on the other hoof, had no such knowledge and whipped around the corner at full velocity to slam face-first into the stall. Vinyl chuckled as she heard the crash and gave a quick glimpse back to confirm she had just incapacitated three of the five changelings that had been chasing her.

Halfway across the market she was relieved to be joined once more by Octavia who, she noticed, had managed to rid herself of all but one changeling. “Where's Mac?” Vinyl called to her marefriend.

“I don't know, but I thought I heard him yell. They might have gotten him!”

Vinyl nodded solemnly and added an extra burst of speed which Octavia matched. The two moved in tandem, heading straight for the apartment. Vinyl slammed the security door the moment they passed through and the two musicians dashed up the stairs, stopping breathlessly outside their apartment.

“The door is locked!” Octavia screamed in panic, shuffling through her saddlebag. “Where's the key, where's the key!?”

A pounding sound from downstairs confirmed her fear. The changelings were ramming themselves against the door in an effort to gain entry. Octavia rifled furiously through her bag, getting more and more desperate to find her keys.

“Buck it!” Vinyl shouted. She whipped her head and with a surge of blue light from her horn the wooden door exploded inward in a shower of splinters. A loud metallic bang from downstairs told them the changelings had finally managed to break in there as well. Vinyl and Octavia dashed through the door moments before the changelings swarmed up the stairs and into the entry hall, now joined by several more of the insect-like ponies who had come to investigate the loud banging. The changelings surged like a chittering, clacking wave into the open door, scrabbling to reach the ponies. A split second later they rushed out twice as fast, borne out the door and through the hallway wall by a wave of thunderous bass.

“Woo!” Vinyl cried triumphantly as she emerged from the door, her ears ringing from the explosion of sound. “Did'ja see that, Tavi? Man, I should put some wheels on that setup! It was like a bucking bass cannon or something!”

Her crowing was cut short when a familiar figure rushed up the stairs. “Vinyl! Octavia! I need your help!” Twilight shouted. “Get inside and I'll explain!”

All three of them moved into the bedroom and barred the door. Twilight gave a breathless sigh and in a swirl of green fire was replaced by a black chitinous form. Octavia moved on instinct, grabbing a nearby lamp and smashing it over the changeling's head with a startled scream.

Vinyl leaped over to Octavia, grabbing her hoof before the frightened cellist could strike another blow. “Tavi! Chill! That's Wubsy!”

“How do you know?!” Octavia shouted hysterically. “They all look the same!”

Vinyl knelt down beside the dazed changeling who was rubbing the bump on her head. “You just start to get a feeling for these things, Tavi. I'm not exactly sure how, but I know in my heart that this is the changeling that spent all those months in our home. This is my little Wubsy.”

Wubsy shook her head to clear the stars from her vision and reached up, hugging Vinyl close. The DJ returned the hug, tears dripping from her cheeks and onto Wubsy's carapace. “I thought I'd never see you again. I was so worried.” She sniffed, wiping tears out of her eyes with her hoof. “Gah. Look at me getting all mushy.”

They shared the hug for a minute before Wubsy pulled away, once again becoming Twilight so she could speak. “Guys, we have to get out of here. We need to find Twilight and her friends and get out of town.”

Vinyl and Octavia looked at her in disbelief. “We can't go, Wubsy,” Vinyl said. “This town is in danger. This is our home. Those ponies out there are our family and friends. We can't just abandon them. We have to fight.”

“Fight?” Wubsy scoffed. “You want to fight? Fight to save the ponies who just yesterday were ready to execute me for being a changeling?”

Vinyl sighed, her voice heavy with sadness. “Wubsy, I know your impression of the rest of the town isn't very good right now. But these are my friends. I know them. I don't know what's going on, but the crowd we saw last night wasn't the ponies I know. Please, Wubsy. Give them a chance.”

“Why should I?” the changeling bit back, a snarl crossing Twilight's face. “What kind of assurance do I have that as soon as this is over they aren't going to go straight back to wanting me dead? Why should I give them the chance to hurt me again?!”

Vinyl felt like she had been slapped. Hearing Twilight's voice, and Wubsy's by proxy, filled with such rage and venom cut her deep in her soul. Here was a creature she had shown nothing but kindness and love, a being she had nurtured and defended, that now stood there ready to abandon Ponyville to its fate. Vinyl took a deep breath, steadying herself. “Because you wouldn't be here if somepony hadn't given you the same chance.”

Wubsy flinched at the implication. “That's different. I didn't know what I was doing.”

“Neither do they,” Vinyl explained calmly--pleadingly. “They had no idea what you were. They thought you were one of those things. How could they have possibly known you were different?”

“They could have asked me!” Wubsy screamed. “They could have listened to you! They could have done anything other than immediately trying to kill me!”

“They made a mistake,” Vinyl said, maintaining the calm quiet tone she had adopted. “They aren't perfect. They jumped to conclusions and almost destroyed something precious without realizing it. Please, Wubsy. They don't deserve a second chance but ... please. Give them one? Don't become like them.”

Wubsy growled and turned toward the door. “I'm rescuing the ponies who gave me a chance. After that, I'm leaving. Anypony who wants to go with me is welcome. Anypony who wants to stay and die, that's their choice.” With that, she let her disguise drop, signaling in no uncertain terms that the conversation was over and her mind made up.

Vinyl and Octavia followed Wubsy through town. Apparently, the sight of the two of them being escorted by a changeling was enough to ensure they weren't attacked. It was surreal to the two ponies. They walked through the town in peace, the eye of the storm as destruction and chaos swirled around them: changelings buzzing and darting around, chasing down the few ponies who hadn't already been subdued. Ponies screaming and crying. Vinyl fought the urge to leap to their defense. Right now, the important thing was to free the Elements.

They approached the library undisturbed. The three of them started for the door when Wubsy froze. “What's wrong?” Octavia asked.

Wubsy raised a hoof to her ear. Vinyl and Octavia listened carefully and suddenly realized what was wrong. “They stopped,” Vinyl said. “The buzzing. It's all stopped.” A quick look around confirmed their worst fears. All the changelings around the library were sitting silently staring. Watching.


“What's going on? If they know we're not supposed to be here, why haven't they attacked?” Vinyl asked, nervously pawing the ground.

A haughty voice came from the library door as it swung open. “Because I've told them not to.” The changeling queen, Chrysalis, emerged from the doorway, eying the small group with an expression somewhere between hunger and amusement. She marched straight up to the trio and looked casually at Wubsy, who glared at her in turn. “So this is the little stray that I've been sensing. How pathetic. I suppose you've come to beg me to accept you back into my swarm?” She gestured with her hoof toward the other two. “And look. You've even brought gifts. How very thoughtful.”

Wubsy snarled at the queen, moving into a protective stance in front of her friends.

“No?” Chrysalis asked, faking a pout. “How sad. That means I'll have to kill you. Unfortunately, I'm a little busy conquering this mud hole right now. Besides, I promised the honor to an old friend of hers.” She grinned maliciously as Lyra emerged from the library, a vicious smile on her face and the telltale green glow of mind control magic in her eyes. “Guard the library, Lyra. The changeling and her little puppets are trying to destroy the Elements. And look, she has your darling Octavia in her thrall as well. Don't harm the ponies--but kill the changeling.”

Lyra nodded numbly. Her voice was distant as though she was distracted. “Yes, Princess. I won't let that monster harm the Elements. I’ll free Octavia. The changeling will die.”

Chrysalis giggled. “She's such a good pawn. Her hatred for changelings was so powerful that when I offered her a chance to kill you, her mind opened up to me like a flower. Ironic, really. All that hatred and rage towards changelings made her vulnerable to me.” She patted the mint-green unicorn on the head. “Put that hatred to good use, my little mind-slave.” And with that, her wings buzzed and she flew off towards town hall, chuckling to herself.

Octavia stepped forward, her eyebrows knit in concern. “Lyra, listen to me. I’m safe. You don’t have to--”

Lyra ignored her pleas and launched herself at Wubsy, bellowing an infuriated shriek. Wubsy managed to sidestep her rush and brought her hind hooves up, bucking back and feeling the satisfying impact of her hooves making contact with the unicorn's jaw.

Lyra dropped, spitting blood on the ground as she scrambled back onto her hooves, her jaw at an awkward angle, battered but intact. Octavia and Vinyl shouted urgently from the sidelines, trying to pull Lyra back. But their pleading fell on deaf ears. She lunged again, unable to notice or simply undeterred by the pain. Her hoof swung wide. But she wasn't a hunter--she didn't have the reflexes of a predator, or a fighter's instinct. Wubsy ducked the blow, watching as Lyra spun, having over-committed to the attack. The lyrist seemed to be moving in slow motion as Wubsy brought her left forehoof around and slammed it into her ribs.

Lyra crumpled on the ground, whimpering and writhing. Then she slowly started to stand again. Wubsy decided it was past time she ended this. She delivered a vicious kick to Lyra's face, causing the pony to cringe and scream in pain. Wubsy reared back, ready to bring her front hooves down on the pony's face and trample it into the ground. Her anger and fury making her see red as she prepared to deliver justice and end the life of the one who had tried to end hers.

“Wubsy!” Vinyl screamed.

She stopped.

Her front hooves in the air, she froze before diving for the fatal blow. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Vinyl and Octavia, huddled together and trembling in fear. They were... afraid of her. Of what she might do. Why were they so concerned with the pony that had made their lives so difficult?

Wubsy came down, her hooves striking the dirt on either side of Lyra's head and causing the unicorn to flinch. Wubsy stared at Lyra's bruised and swollen face. She stared into her eyes, searching--questing. She had to know.

She saw the bitter rage that drove Lyra's hatred of her. She saw the need to redeem herself. But deeper than that, hidden in the depths of her eyes, she found something she recognized. Love. Lyra loved this town. She loved the ponies in it. And if it cost her her life, she would give it gladly to protect the ones she loved.

Lyra was right, Wubsy thought bitterly, stepping over her and walking toward the library. I really am a monster. Here I am wanting to be forgiven for what my mother made me do and I’m ready to kill Lyra for the same reason...

Her recriminations were cut short however by the sudden buzzing of a thousand wings. The changelings that had been watching the encounter were closing in, apparently ready to finish the job should Lyra fail. And, Wubsy instinctively knew, to devour the three ponies once she was dead.

The swarm took wing, diving for the fresh meal presented to them. Wubsy looked around desperately, searching for some way out of the desperate situation she was in. Trying to find some way to stop the torrent of changelings intent on consuming her friends.

No. I won't let it happen, Wubsy thought to herself. I won't let them hurt Vinyl or Octavia... or Lyra. The thought of defending Lyra caused a surge in her heart. A swell of love pouring into her from an unknown source, a surge of compassion and strength she couldn't understand the origin of.

Then realization struck.

It was coming from inside her. Seeing Lyra's love for Ponyville had caused her to realize how alike they were. How they would give anything to defend their loved ones. For the first time, Wubsy found she loved the little town and that love swelled inside her, giving her strength. She lunged, putting herself in the path of the swarming attackers and with a voice that had never been heard in the history of Equestria, a voice of her own, shouted “NO!”

Blazing white light erupted from her horn, blinding the oncoming changelings as it washed over them. When the light finally faded, Wubsy was standing over Lyra protectively as the swarm buzzed away in panicked disarray.

Lyra shifted, looking up at Wubsy in disbelief. “You... You saved me?”

“Yes I did,” said Wubsy, her new voice small and weak with the atrophy of a lifetime of disuse.

“But why?” Lyra asked, the green glow in her eyes slowly fading.

“I don't know really. You've made my life hell. At every turn you've made things difficult for me and my loved ones but...” Wubsy looked out over the town, watching the swarm retreat. “But I'm not one of them... I'm a protector, not a killer. And there's good in your heart. Good that deserves protecting.” She looked back down at Lyra, a small unsure smile on her face. “I guess what I'm saying is I love you. And I'm not going to let them hurt the ponies I love.”

The green glow in Lyra's eyes disappeared and she shook her head. “You really do want to help us, don't you?” Lyra bit her lower lip and furrowed her brows, looking away. “Okay, listen. I'm still not totally convinced this isn't all some changeling trick. But we're out of options. I guess...” She extended her hoof towards Wubsy cautiously. “I guess for now we can call a truce until I know for sure, alright?”

Wubsy smiled and shook the offered hoof. At this sign of their reconciliation, Vinyl and Octavia rushed over to join them. “Bucking hell!” Vinyl shouted excitedly. “You can talk! Like for real now, instead of borrowing somepony else's voice. How did that happen?”

Wubsy shrugged. “I'm not sure. I guess I just kinda ... grew up. Let go of the things that were holding me back.”

Vinyl beamed. “I'll say you did! You blasted an entire swarm out of the sky! You've gotta be one seriously heavy hitter!”

“No, not really,” Wubsy said, shaking her head. “I just startled them and they ran off. If they had kept coming I wouldn't have been able to hold them all off. If we're going to save the town we're going to need the Elements to help.”

It was Octavia's turn to smile. “Then you do want to help us save the town?”

“Of course. This is my home.” Wubsy said happily. “Besides, I think I have a plan.”


Chrysalis stood triumphantly in the town square, just outside of town hall. Her changelings swarmed around her and the mayor knelt before her, thoroughly cowed. “Have you considered my offer, Mayor?” Chrysalis gloated. “Turn the town over to me and its inhabitants survive. They'll be very well taken care of. They'll be fed, given lodgings, everything cattle need.”

The mayor raised her head to look at the changeling queen, her eyes glowing a sickly green. “If you promise not to harm them, the town is yours,” she whispered distantly.

“Excellent,” she growled, the thrill of victory flowing through her. “Then with a new mayor, we hardly need the old one, do we?” Her horn glowed a bright poisonous shade of emerald that the mayor seemed not to notice. The wizened gray mare maintained her kneeling posture as Chrysalis leveled her horn and let loose with the bolt of lethal magic. The bolt struck true, kicking up a massive plume of dust as Chrysalis laughed. The town was hers. Nopony could stand in her way now.

Chrysalis stared into the dust cloud, waiting to see the limp corpse of the mayor. But as the dust settled she was astonished to see not one silhouette standing in the square but two. Her eyes bulged in disbelief as she realized there was a changeling standing between her and her target, a shimmering blue barrier emanating from her horn.

“Hello Mother,” Wubsy spat, her voice quivering in rage. “I think it's time we had a little chat.”

Chrysalis snarled and gathered her power once more, this time pulling in enough strength to shatter the pathetic shield and leave both ponies in a smoking crater. But before she could shape and release her spell, a flash of panic rushed through her mind. Her focus wavered and the energy she had gathered dissipated harmlessly as she was forced to turn her attention to the new threat. The report was clear: the Elements of Harmony were battling the swarm elsewhere. And what's more, they were winning.

“A little distracted, Mother?” Wubsy smirked. “Now you're in a tough spot. You can focus on beating me and let your attack force dwindle to nothing. That would leave you pretty helpless when the Elements finally decide to come for you. You'd be weak. Helpless. Even if you ran they could follow you.

“Or you could focus on them. You could direct the swarm and force the Elements into retreat through sheer numbers, and that would open you up to attack. You wouldn't be able to stay focused on the battle at hoof, and I would kill you.”

Chrysalis barked with laughter. “You? Kill me? I'm the changeling queen! Even with a fraction of my attention I could slaughter you. What makes you think you could come close to stopping me?”

Wubsy crouched into a low attack posture, her horn beginning to glow a bright radiant blue. “You still don't understand, Mother. That was your downfall at Canterlot and it will be your end here. You don't understand what love is. Let me put it in terms you can understand: there are thousands of ponies here and I've been living amongst them undetected. I've been feeding from thousands just for myself while you've had to share what scraps you have left from Canterlot between an entire swarm.” The blue glow intensified, becoming too bright to look at. “I know you've felt my strength growing. It scared you. That's why you're here. You came to make sure I didn't become a threat to your power.

“Well you're too late, Mother. I am a threat to you. I give you one last chance. Withdraw your forces and leave. Never let me hear word of you in Equestria ever again, because I will find you--and I'll only become more and more powerful in the meantime. If you ever get an inkling in your head to attack Equestria again, I want you to remember this.”

A massive wave of magical force pulsed from the small changeling, causing Chrysalis to step back, as much as in shock as to keep her balance.

“IT. IS. PROTECTED!” Wubsy bellowed, her voice amplified far beyond what her diminutive throat should be able to produce.

“You're bluffing,” Chrysalis stammered, fear welling up within her. “You must be. There's no way you could have that kind of power.”

“It's possible,” Wubsy agreed, magical energy still flowing from her. “But I know you, Mother. You're a coward, not a gambler. This town isn't worth the risk to you. Much better to flee and find a new place to feed. You won't risk your own life and we know it. So if you think I'm bluffing, please--feel free to try me.”

For several long seconds the two changelings stared at each other. An eternity seemed to stretch between them. But finally, Chrysalis looked away. The sky blackened as thousands upon thousands of changelings took flight, streaming into the sky in mass retreat. “Fine. I'll let you have your little town. But mark my words, little one. This isn't over. I will find a way to make myself stronger than you and I will return to repay you for this humiliation.”

“I'll be waiting,” Wubsy growled. And with that the hive swarmed away.

The moment they were out of sight, the power thrumming through the air around Wubsy dropped and she collapsed on the ground, panting with exhaustion. Vinyl, Octavia and Lyra emerged from the shadows where they had been hiding, feeding Wubsy their love to power her theatric display.

“You did great, Wubs!” Vinyl shouted enthusiastically. “Really showed her who was boss. We're just lucky she didn't think to turn the swarm on you.”

“It wasn't luck,” Wubsy wheezed, rising to her hooves as Lyra and Octavia steadied her. “She was scared. Thought if she attacked me I'd kill her. Couldn't risk it.”

Lyra looked rather impressed. “Either way, that was a hell of a thing. I think you even managed to... Hey, are you okay? You look a lit--”

Whatever Lyra was saying was cut off as the world span and darkened. Wubsy's world went black. Cold oblivion embraced her.


Octavia stood, clad in a black dress. She made her way to the podium and addressed the ponies gathered there. “Thank you all for coming. As you all know, we're here to honor a true Equestrian hero. Wubsy the changeling showed great courage and loyalty to Ponyville and Equestria, facing down the most impossible odds to save us all. Without her, I can safely say this town would have been overrun.” Octavia turned, gesturing behind her where a framed portrait of a smiling changeling, wreathed with flowers, was resting on a large ornate casket. “And so it is with the greatest of gratitude that we remember her courageous sacrifice and with the heaviest of hearts that we honor her memory.”

Vinyl couldn’t take it any more. She leaped from her seat and rushed to the casket, tears streaming down her face. “No, it’s not true!” she cried hysterically. “It’s not! She’s still alive, I know it!” The unicorn wrenched open the lid of the casket, grabbing Wubsy and embracing her lifeless corpse. “I know it’s not true! Come on, Wubsy! You can’t be dead after everything we did to keep you safe!”

Big Macintosh stepped up behind Vinyl and gently tried to pull her away.

“No!” Vinyl shrieked, thrashing and struggling to break his strong grasp as he pried her off Wubsy’s body and began to pull her away. “No, stop it! Let me go! I have to see her! I need to wake her up! Wubsy! Wake up, Wubsy! WAKE UP!”


“Wubsy. Wubsy, wake up. Come on Kiddo, you’ve been out for days. It’s time to get up.”

Wubsy blinked her eyes open, greeted by the sight of a pair of familiar purple sunglasses perched on the face of a grinning white unicorn. “Hey, there she is,” Vinyl said softly, pure joy in her voice.

“I’m not dead?” Wubsy asked, her own voice still unfamiliar to her.

“Not yet,” humphed a pony Wubsy hadn’t noticed. A white unicorn mare with a red cross cutiemark. “But it was touch and go there for a while. When they brought you in here you barely had enough energy to keep your heart beating. Your friends have been here around the clock for you.” Nurse Redheart walked over to the bed, checking various monitors. “Of course once I realized your vitals got stronger whenever they were around I had to throw the standard visiting hours out the window and upgrade them from guests to treatment.”

“So what do you say, Nurse?” Lyra asked from where she was sitting in the corner with Octavia. “Can she go?”

Redheart frowned at one of the monitors but nodded her head. “Yes, I suppose so. Just keep an eye on her. If she seems weak, I want her back here instantly.”

“Go?” Wubsy asked, not understanding what was going on. “Go where? Vinyl, what aren't you telling me?”

Vinyl gave a wide smile that was mirrored by Octavia and Lyra behind her. “There's a big reception going on for you right now,” Vinyl explained. “Everypony is celebrating you saving the town. There's talk that Celestia is presenting you some kind of award. Plus, Pinkie is throwing a big 'Wubsy Saved Ponyville' party afterwards. Can't be late to your own awards ceremony, can you?”

Octavia chuckled. “How could she be late? The entire ceremony has been waiting for her to wake up.”

Wubsy beamed and threw off the hospital linens, leaving them in a crumpled mess on the floor. She leaped out of bed, feeling lighter than pegasus down and grinned at all her friends. “No, we couldn't have that. Let's go!”

They were heading out the door when Lyra cleared her throat. “Hey guys? Could I get a moment alone with Wubsy? I need to say something.”

Vinyl and Octavia looked at each other knowingly and accompanied Redheart out of the room, leaving Lyra and Wubsy in private.

“Hey... So... Turns out I was right,” Lyra started uncomfortably. “You really did try to kill me.”

Wubsy lifted her eyebrows skeptically. “Excuse me?”

Lyra blushed and drooped her head. “In front of the library. You had me on the ropes and you were about to squash me like a bu... uh... Like a cider apple. Thing is, I deserved it. I was a real mule. No offense.” This last part she directed toward the door where a mule orderly was pushing a laundry cart past.

“None taken,” the orderly assured her, bustling along down the hall.

Lyra took a deep breath. “The point is, you could have killed me right there--but you didn't. You gave me a chance. And I guess... Well I guess I owe you the same. I'm sorry for what I did to you and I hope you can forgive me.” Lyra extended her hoof to Wubsy, a timid little tremble running through her.

Wubsy seized Lyra's hoof and pumped it enthusiastically. “Hey, we all make mistakes. You were protecting the ponies you love That's definitely something I understand. Just remember to look before you leap next time.”

“Thanks Wubsy,” Lyra grinned. “You're a good pony. Changeling. Whatever. Not sure what to call you anymore, guess it's not really important. What matters is .. you're good. I just wish I had realized that sooner. Oh! There is one other thing I wanted to tell you. I tried to let you know before you passed out.” Lyra pointed her hoof past Wubsy's head, pointing at her flank. “Nice cutiemark.”

Lyra left the room with a smirk as Wubsy turned to look at her own flank. True enough, gleaming there on her rump was the image of a bright red shield in the shape of a heart. “I'm a protector,” she whispered to the empty room, instinctively knowing the meaning of the symbol. “I fight to protect what I love... That's what I'm meant to do.”

She straightened up and took a deep breath, filling with pride. Then with a large smile, she set out to start her life with her friends by her side.

“Citizens of Ponyville!” Celestia's voice boomed over the crowed from the top of the town hall steps. “Thank you all for coming. As you all know, we're here to honor a true Equestrian hero: Wubsy the changeling has showed great courage and loyalty to Ponyville and Equestria, facing down the most impossible odds to save us all. Without her, I can safely say this town would have been overrun.”

Wubsy stood to the side with Octavia, Vinyl and Lyra. She was completely astonished. The entire town had come to witness the ceremony, and Celestia herself was presiding over the celebration. It was surreal--dreamlike, almost. Wubsy discreetly bit her tongue to make sure that wasn't still unconscious. She had been thrown from being hated and feared to being a celebrated hero so fast her head was still spinning. As she had made her way down the carpet surrounded by throngs of ponies, she heard shouts of praise and encouragement. Ponies telling her what a good job she had done and how much they appreciated her help. Having ponies happy to see her instead of angry and fearful ... it was a new experience for her. To be honest, it frightened her, though she wasn't entirely sure why.

“And so, it is with the utmost gratitude that we recognize her bravery, and great personal joy that I am able to to be here to offer my thanks,” Celestia continued, beaming over the assembled masses. “However, Wubsy was not the only pony here to act admirably, so I do hope you'll forgive me for saving the mare of the hour for last.” The solar regent turned and addressed Vinyl. “Vinyl Scratch. You took in somepony who was hurt and alone. You looked past her exterior and nurtured her potential, guiding her as she tried to find her place in the world. I present to you the Wayfarer Medal, for your courage in facing the unknown.” Celestia levitated the medal from an ornate wooden box and Vinyl bowed as the medal was slipped over her neck.

The princess moved along the line, coming to Octavia. “Octavia Philharmonica,” Celestia said, earning a snigger from Vinyl. “You were able to move past yourself to help a pony in need. You supported Vinyl in her endeavors and learned the value of trust. You guided Vinyl and Wubsy, and ensured their safety. I present you with the Navigator Medal for your leadership and grace.” Octavia also bowed and accepted her medal.

Celestia turned and approached Lyra, whose ears went flat as she stammered, “I don't deserve any award, Princess. I persecuted an innocent pony due to my own prejudices.”

Celestia smiled. “Lyra, you fought to protect your loved ones. You stuck to your convictions and remained faithful despite the cost. And yet when confronted with the error of your ways you chose to change and grow instead of stubbornly refusing to let go. And in the end, you were able to love even your enemy and put aside your differences. For that I award you the Ambassador Medal.”

Lyra was gobsmacked. She stood for several seconds with her mouth hanging open in shock before she remembered herself, and bowed to accept her medal.

Finally Celestia reached Wubsy. “Wubsy. Your exploits hardly need enumerating but I will make an effort to do so. You turned away from your upbringing and changed who you were for the better. You moved past your birth and learned to be your own pony. You learned the importance of forgiveness and in the process reminded us all of its importance as well. And in the end you faced your past and conquered it to save this land. For you I present the Heart of Equestria, one of the highest honors I am able to award, for your selflessness in defense of this land and her ponies.”

Wubsy bowed and accepted her medal and the crowd exploded into thunderous applause for the ponies on stage. Celestia turned toward the crowd and smiled, extending a wing and lowering it in a gesture for silence. “While I appreciate the outpouring of support from you all, I am not finished quite yet. There are a couple more issues that need to be addressed. In light of recent events and the valorous behavior of Wubsy the changeling, I have a few decrees I would like to announce.

“It is true that Wubsy was involved in the attack on Canterlot castle; she was part of the invasion force and as such is culpable for the actions carried out that day.” Celestia turned and smiled at Wubsy. “However after further investigation into the matter it is my firm belief that she had no control over her actions and was coerced into participating. For this reason and because of her service to Equestria since the attack I decree that the changeling known as Wubsy has completed her reformation and made restitution as is appropriate. I therefore grant her full royal pardon.”

There was another round of thunderous applause as well as whistling and cheering from the crowd. Again, Celestia signaled for silence.

“Thank you,” she continued. “As ruler of Equestria, it is my duty to better Equestria in whatever way I can. I take this duty very seriously and I am constantly seeking ways to improve our nation and make it the best nation it can possibly be. It is my conviction that Equestria is better for having Wubsy in it. So my second decree this day is that the changeling Wubsy is hereby offered Equestrian citizenship with all the rights and permissions that includes.” She smiled before adding, “May she never go hungry again.”

Total silence settled over the assembled ponies for several seconds. Then Celestia giggled. “Oh right. I'm finished now.” The cheering which followed could be heard for miles.


Vinyl, Octavia and Wubsy all stumbled into the apartment, passing the large hole in the hallway wall that was currently coveredby a few old blankets nailed to the wall until it could be properly repaired. There had indeed been a party afterward, thrown by Pinkie Pie to everypony's complete lack of surprise. As a direct result of this, all three ponies were very tired and very sloshed. They all headed for the bedroom, crawling into bed and getting comfortable under the covers, Wubsy in the middle and Vinyl and Octavia embracing her from each side.

“Goodnight Wubs,” Vinyl yawned. “Hope you had a good time.”

Octavia shifted, kissing Wubsy on the forehead. “We're both very proud of you, Wubsy. Get some rest, okay? You earned it.”

Wubsy smiled and laid back in bed, cuddled up against the mares who had made her who she was. She couldn't sleep. She was too excited. After all, tomorrow was the day her life would begin.

-The End-

All Good Things (Epilogue)

Dear Princess Celestia,

It's a little strange writing to royalty, but Twilight says you'd be delighted to hear what I learned recently so I'll give it a try.

I learned a valuable lesson about tolerance recently. I learned that no matter what somepony has done, they have the ability to change. I've learned forgiveness and understanding can go a long way to battle hatred, and that an open mind leads to an open heart.

A changeling named Wubsy was found in town as you know and I was the one leading the charge against her. I let her status as a changeling and the fact that she had been part of the Canterlot attack blind me to her potential. I was too hung up on what she had done and what she was to see who she was inside or how special she really is. Because of her past, I almost took away her future.

I've learned since then that no matter what a pony has done in the past, they have the capacity to change. They have the ability to better themselves and deserve the right to do so. Not allowing a pony to move beyond their past means they will forever be defined by it. Refusing them the chance to improve robs them of their ability to become more than what they were.

I've also learned that no matter what a pony is on the outside, great potential lies inside them. Assuming a pony is a certain way based solely on a label is ignorant and cowardly. It imprisons that pony inside the boundaries of that label. They can never live up to their potential because they are never given the chance.

Vinyl and Octavia are doing very well these days. We’ve finally buried the hatchet, and Bon Bon and I often go on double dates with the two of them. Wubsy has been appointed as something of an unofficial guard for the town. Everypony loves seeing her around town and she has a lot of close friends, whom I count myself lucky to be amongst. I love being able to talk to her and laugh with her. She really is a special pony.

I'm so glad she managed to survive my prejudices and that she was willing to give me the forgiveness I denied her. She's a good mare, and I would have lost something precious if she wasn't in my life. We all would have.

In the end, I guess I learned that love and tolerance should always win out over hatred and prejudice. Not everypony is trustworthy but everypony deserves the chance to earn trust. Knee-jerk reactions and reflex persecution can destroy something precious before you ever realize just how special it was.

Yours truly,
Lyra Heartstrings

Author's Notes:

This chapter dedicated to Texas Voices, a cause near and dear to my heart. (http://texasvoices.org/) And to “Doc” Schafer, a good man with a good heart who took his own life after the weight of needless persecution proved too much for him. No matter what people called you or what mistakes you had made, you were a good friend and you always tried to be the best man you could be. This one's for you, Doc. I hope you finally found peace.

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