
Fractured Love

by hhhhhhh

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Solace

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Applejack beamed as she and her fiancée were embraced by their friends. Her face felt a little squished, but that didn't affect her mood in the slightest.

In addition to the loving support of everyone else, Rainbow seemed to be happy about it. Granted, there really wasn't much that could make one unhappy when one was being hugged by all of one's friends, but even so it was wonderful to see her genuinely grin.

They pulled apart. Twilight was the first to speak, "So, when're you guys actually getting married?"

"Oh, we haven't even made plans yet," laughed Rainbow. "But at some point during...the next month?" She looked at Applejack, who nodded in approval. "Yeah, next month."

"Ooo, I'm going to throw you two the best engagement party ever!" Pinkie squealed. "Pity you'll have to wait 'till the day after you told us, since there's no way it'd be done today, but oh well!"

Discord's claw shot up. "I could help, oh Great Inexplicable Chaos-User And Master Of Parties!"

"Really?!" She blinked at him with a grin on her face.

"Of course!"

"Great, lets go!"

Not even a second had passed before they had teleported elsewhere. Fluttershy was mildly confused as to why Discord had been so eager to help somepony. The draconequus did seem to like Pinkie a lot, but she knew he liked Twilight more...and he he hadn't hesitated to ask her about her crush. The alicorn clearly hadn't been bothered by it, but Discord had definitely been aiming to irritate and embarrass her.

So why had he done it? Fluttershy had lost count of the times she had admittedly nagged him about being more selfless. There was no way he had suddenly decided to take her words to heart, especially since she had --

Fluttershy's heart stopped. Oh. Oh.

He was trying to impress her.

The pegasus shook it off, letting her excitement for her friends take its place. After all, Rarity had just brought up the important question of who was to be their best mare.

"A-Ah don't know...any ideas, Rainbow?" Applejack looked to her fiancée hopefully.

"I'd say it's pretty simple: all of you girls and Pinkie are the bridesmaids, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are flower fillies, Spike is the ring bearer and Macintosh is your stallion of honour."

Applejack thought about it, the other mares staring at her patiently. "Ah kinda thought Twilight could be our best mare, since she's kinda the reason we're together in the first place."

Twilight scratched her head. "Yeah...it's more my fault than anything else, and I don't consider myself very trustwo --"

Dash interrupted the alicorn. "But then Pinkie could also be held responsible, since she's the one who decided to throw Flutters' 'Welcome Home!' party in the first place, to which you invited me as your date."

AJ grinned; she loved having arguments that were mutually light-hearted. "Ah would've asked ya out anyway, since Twilight had already exploited your feelin's for me."

Twilight half-raised her hoof. "I'm legally able to marry you two. Pinkie could be your best mare that way, too."

"But then that ain't fair to Fluttershy and Rarity!" Applejack protested, determined to keep the argument going.

"I don't mind!" the aforementioned mares said in unison.

"Well, I guess that settles it then," said Rainbow grinning triumphantly in her fiancée's face for a few seconds before kissing her on the nose.

"Everything's far from settled, darling. You still have to figure out guests, seating plans for the wedding party, and who's going to give Applejack away!" Rarity squealed, clutching herself she was so excited.

"Say what?" AJ arched an eyebrow.

"Well, you don't have a father -- apologies for putting it so bluntly. You need to decide on who's going to walk you down the aisle -- oh, goodness, just thinking about it makes me giddy with joy!" The unicorn embraced the couple, one of whom was looking far from delighted.

"I have a father, Rarity," Rainbow reminded her, already knowing what Rarity was implying.

Her brow creased in confusion. "Yes, but you're not going to be walking down the aisle, are you? Oh, and that reminds me -- I've already made your dress, Applejack! As for you, Rainbow," she turned to the pegasus, "I'll have to take your measurements sometime this week, otherwise I'll never be able to make your suit in time!"

"Rarity!" Spike yelled, surprising the unicorn profusely as he had been quietly sitting in a corner for quite some time. Unbeknownst to everyone but himself, he had been getting more and more frustrated by what his beloved was saying. "Just stop and think about what you're saying for a second, will you?!"

Rarity cocked her head at him in bafflement. "Whatever do you mean?"

Spike stormed over to where Applejack and Rainbow were stood. He gestured to the former. "Look, Rarity: this here, this is a mare," he said, trying his best not to sound spiteful but ending up with a patronising edge to his voice. He went on the point at Rainbow. "This, this is also a mare -- see, they're both mares."

Rarity remained immensely befuddled while Twilight and Fluttershy edged out the room. She contemplated it for a long while before it finally made sense. To some extent. "Spikey, darling, I am fully aware that they're both of the same gender. You see, sweetie, there are just some roles in relationships that each person takes: there are the stallion's roles and the mare's roles.

"Now, as they are both mares, one of them must take the roles of the stallion and one must take the roles of the --"


Rarity flinched. "I don't know what you me --"

"Rarity," Spike said, calmly but firmly, "what I was trying to say was..." he searched for the words, "Rainbow and AJ are both female. Their relationship consists of femininity, and femininity alone. What you're doing is suggesting that this is not, in fact, true because you believe that every relationship requires a balance of femininity and masculinity to be considered an actual relationship."

"Lets go, sugarcube," AJ whispered to Rainbow, who glared at the whimpering unicorn as she left the room.

The unicorn's pupils contracted. "I-I'm so sorry," Rarity tried to say, but Dash ignored her.

The full force of what she had done hit Rarity, and it hit her hard. Rainbow heard her breaking down into a volcano of tears as her fiancée rushed her out the castle door.

Once outside, Rainbow tore her hoof away and started towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack tried to stop her. "Rainbow, please don't --"

Dash abruptly stopped and growled, "Don't -- don't say anything, AJ. I really don't wanna lose my temper on you."

"Fine, good -- that's great, sugar, just -- please talk to me, don't go stormin' off. Ah was wrong, Ah know, you had better judgement than Ah did. Ah'm sorry."

Rainbow sighed and looked away, too angry to say anything for fear that it would be hurtful and/or idiotic. Freudian slips were her biggest enemy when she got like this.

"Should we go somewhere else?" This drew Rainbow's eyes back to AJ's. The pegasus looked at her expectantly. "Perhaps...Caballus Lake?"

Dash smiled gratefully and began walking slowly, with her fiancée, towards the lake in question; she didn't feel like flying. Caballus Lake was immensely important to both of them. Not only was it next to one of the best woods for moderately risky dares in Ponyville, but it was where they had shared their first 'I love you's.

They stayed silent for the entire journey, but it did not feel like a void as most silences did. Rainbow focused on taking deep, prolonged, refreshing breaths while Applejack focused on listening to her.

When they came to the edge of the lake, AJ looked around and saw that it was deserted, probably due to the grey clouds hanging in the sky; these did not matter to either mare, however.

Dash grinned and did not hesitate to leap into the air and spiral upwards, eventually sealing her wings to her sides to be as streamlined as she could as she shot downwards in a perfect dive. Entering the water sent a fountain of droplets upwards, refracting the little sunlight there was into millions of faint, beautiful rainbows.

Applejack's heart quickened at the sheer sight of it. She reclined at the edge and stared at herself in the water. She spotted ripples appearing in the lake in her peripheral vision; it was raining. But it wasn't cold, so the farm mare stayed there and waited for her fiancée to resurface.

Or, that was what she intended to do. But fate -- or a certain cyan mare -- had other plans.

No less than ten seconds after the rain started to fall, Rainbow sprung up from beneath the water's surface, grabbed hold of AJ's neck and pulled her under with her.

Despite the grey sky making the water seem murky and unclean, it was perfectly alright to swim and open your eyes in it. Rainbow latched her eyes onto her fiancée's -- fiancée. She still couldn't quite get over the fact that she was engaged to somepony this awesome.

Applejack smiled at Rainbow, who was floating a bit above her. She was bathed in what little light there was, with her mane, forelock and tail circling around her in the perfectly imperfect way it usually was. She had a somewhat cheeky grin on her face, one that lifted the contours of her face marvellously.

Applejack unconsciously propelled herself upwards, taking her fiancée with her. She barely wasted a second to take a breath before she pulled Rainbow's lips to hers, feeling Dash's wing beats keep them afloat.

It was a cold day for Ponyville. Most were snuggled in bed, at home, enjoying a warm mug of milk or sleeping in front of a fireplace. But nopony, nopony at all was or could ever be as warm and happy as Rainbow and Applejack were then.


The pegasus' head jerked up to Twilight's, trying to no avail to be nonchalant. The alicorn sat down next to her.

"You seem tense. What's the matter?"

Fluttershy wrapped the blanket she had tighter round her shoulders. "I-I did it. I...broke up with Discord."

"Oh," was all she could say, but she snuck her hood round the pegasus' frame -- mostly to comfort her, of course, but partially to steal some of the blanket. "Does it feel any better?" she asked.

Tears fell from Fluttershy's eyes. "N-no! It does not feel better!"

Twilight tightened her embrace. "Y-you know what this means, right? It's not just you being paranoid."

"I know," she replied in a small voice, letting out a sob shortly afterwards.

"Hey, it's alright." Twilight looked her in the eye. "Everything's fine. I can fix this, I promise you."

"Pinkie Promise?" asked Fluttershy, more out of habit than anything else.

"Cross my -- hold on." Twilight got up and galloped out of the room and returned a minutes later with a cupcake in her magic's grasp. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Her eyes squeezed shut as she slammed the cupcake into them. She licked her face. "Mmmm, chocolate."

Fluttershy giggled. Twilight sat reclaimed her spot next to the pegasus. "Seriously: all I need to do is run a few scans of your brain -- which is nowhere near as horrid as it sounds --, trace everything unnatural I find back to its origin and from that figure out the best way to extract it!"

"That...that sounds so simple," Fluttershy said quietly, mildly surprised.

"Because it is!" Twilight ran a hood through Fluttershy's mane to clear it out of her face and plant a kiss on her forehead. "It'll be over before you know it."

"I know, Twilight." Fluttershy hugged her and closed her eyes, finally feeling comfortable. "I trust you."

Author's Notes:

Caballus Lake -- the Latin name for 'horse' is Equus ferus caballus. Also 'caballo' is Spanish for horse(well duh it's a Latin-based language)
There you go, Missy, now you know part of why. Happy now? Lol probably not because it's only half of why. MWAHAHAHAHA IM SO EVIL XD
Love y'all, constructive criticism is welcome, yadda yadda yadda...you know the rest.

Next Chapter: Chapter 5: Meanwhile... Estimated time remaining: 25 Minutes
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