
Siege of Clovenworth

by PonyJosiah13

Chapter 10: Chapter notes

Previous Chapter

Part 1
—This story was largely inspired by Batman: Arkham Asylum.
"It was a dark and stormy night.": I had to, I'm sorry.
—Clovenworth Prison is a play on Leavenworth Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas, which is sometimes confused with the United States Disciplinary Barracks, a maximum-security facility for the US military. In terms of design, I based it more off of Alcatraz Prison (I wanted to name it after that, but couldn't think of a good pun).
"piker": Australian expression, someone who backs out of a deal.

Part 2
—Like Alcatraz, Clovenworth was originally designed as a fort.
"Care? Why should I care?": taken from dialogue by the Cybermen from the Doctor Who episode, The Tenth Planet.
"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war": quoting Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
"Buckley's chance": Australian expression, "no chance."

Part 3
"It's dangerous to go unprepared": parody of the line "It's dangerous to go alone" from the Legend of Zelda series.

Part 4
"'Who Dares, Wins,'": motto of the British Special Air Service.
—Patella is the scientific name for a kneecap.
—My original idea for this chapter involved Phillip and Shining avoiding detection while sneaking around the hospital by hiding inside a large cardboard box, a reference to the Metal Gear series. I scrapped this as it made the chapter too long and was just silly.
—Being pyrophobic, a possible fire would be a large concern for Phillip.
—Dr. Healspark is based off of Dr. Young from Arkham Asylum, a doctor unknowingly tricked into aiding the villain.

Part 5
"Surprise, motherbuckers!": parody of James Doakes tagline "Surprise, motherf***er" from the Dexter series.
"You slippery little whore!": reference to the horror video game Outlast: an inmate shouts this at the player character following a chase scene midway through the game.

Part 6
"I can't decide whether you should live or die...": lyrics taken from I Can't Decide by the Scissor Sisters. This song is also a reference to the Doctor Who episode Last of the Time Lords, where the Master sings this to the Doctor.
—Purple Heart's name is taken from the award given to US military members who are wounded in action.
—Zugzwang having something of a god complex was not something that I originally included in his character, but I eventually realized that it worked, as it demonstrated his massive ego and love of having power over others.
The grocer, the baker and the candlestick maker: play on "The butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker" from the nursery rhyme "Three Men in a Tub."

Part 7
—Horse code is, obviously, a play on Morse code.
—One of the things that I struggled a lot with when I was designing Phillip was whether or not he should have a no-killing rule. I eventually ruled against it, deciding that while Phillip might not enjoy it, he will kill if he has to.
—This is also the second and third time in my series that a protagonist character killed an enemy (the first was Zipline killing the assassin in The Sun Falls: Part 2)
—As I mentioned before, Phillip's and Zugzwang's battle can only end in one of their deaths.
—Zugzwang's escape plan is similar to the Fulton surface-to-air recovery system, which was used by the US military during the 1950s and 60s.

Part 9
—The Midnight Oil is a local tavern, mentioned in previous stories.
—Meclozine, for those who don't know, is an anti-nausea medication.
—This is the first real father-son moment that I've had between Flash and Phillip. I'd really like to write more for them.

Author's Notes:

Chapter notes from the story.

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