
Final Fantasy MLP

by Just Some Guy

Chapter 17: [Chapter 16] The Shade

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"C'mon! This way, you guys!" Pinkie cheerfully bounced her way through the forest "It's only a little bit further ahead! C'mon, hurry up! Let's go! No time to lose!"

The group had been walking for a good ten minutes listening to their latest addition ramble on about the forest monsters, her ukulele skills, and her family. While Rarity had taken a slight interest in the latter, everyone else had started to find her constant talking rather annoying. They hoped that she would simmer down a bit once they got to Hollow Shades.

"Pinkie, please, wait up for us!" Twilight called out, but Pinkie simply ignored her and merrily went along her way "Well, could you at least help us fight off some of these monsters?"

"Oh! Of course!" Pinkie immediately zoomed back to the others "Why didn't you just say so in the first place?"

"We kinda thought you'd, y'know, figure that out by yourself" Rainbow shrugged "We only have so much stuff, so a healer on our team would be a great thing to have."

"Oki doki loki!" Pinkie smiled.

"Pinkie Pie, if ah can ask ya," Applejack began "do ya mind ifin ya stop talking so much?"

"Now, now, darling, if you wish to spark conversation, or a question in your case, you must not do it so... you-like" Rarity said that the nicest way she could "Try this... ahem... Pinkie Pie, darling? Would you be ever so kind as to quiet down for a few moments? Some of my friends are having difficulty with your personality."

"Okay" Pinkie nodded, now quieting down a bit.

"Thank you, darling" Rarity nodded "Now, could you tell us more about your family?"

"Oh, they're the best!" Pinkie Pie, while calmer, hadn't stopped her habit of talking a bit too much "My hubby's name is Cheese Sandwich, but I like to call him Cheesy because it sounds really cute! We met on a romantic evening while we were planning different parties, so when we found out the people we were planning the parties for were bitter rivals, we made them make up with each other by combining our two plans! It was great, and we got married a few months later!"

"Oh my god, is she still talking?" Rainbow whispered to Twilight.

"Shhh" Twilight hushed her friend "Just a sec..."

"Then, a few years after that, we had our little twin babies, Party Doodle and Streamer!" Pinkie tried her very best to contain her excitement "They're just the cutest babies I've ever had! The best part is that they're the only babies I've ever had!"

"Party Doodle and Streamer?" Rainbow questioned "Steamer I get, but why Party Doodle? That doesn't even- MMPPHHH!"

"What Rainbow is TRYING to say was that those are lovely names" Twilight held her friend's mouth closed before letting go and giving her a harsh stare.

"Party Doodle was a name that came to Cheesy's mind when we saw him munching on a crayon from a party set when he was only two weeks old!" Pinkie recalled, smiling all the while "Streamer's name I thought of when I saw her rolling around in a ball of party streamers when she was only a week and a half old! Isn't that funny?"

"Hilarious..." Rainbow confusingly said before whispering in Twilight's ear again "Twi, promise me that when I have kids, don't tell her anything if I need a babysitter."

"Fair enough" Twilight whispered back.

"Darling, your family sounds absolutely divine!" Rarity grinned "I simply cannot wait until I meet them."

"Me too!" Pinkie ecstatically cheered, no longer being able to contain her excitement "We'll have so much fun together playing board games, swinging on the swing set, and rolling around on the carpet!"

"Wait... What was that last one?" Applejack questioned.

"Look, look! There it is!" Pinkie never even heard Applejack as she saw her hometown getting closer and closer the further they walked "C'mon, you guys! It's really close now! Let's go!"

"Just watching her makes me feel exhausted..." Rainbow rubbed her head.

"Same here..." Applejack shook hers.

"Well, look on the bright side" Twilight brought up "At least only she's like this, right? At least her family is normal, right?"

"Twilight... You're an idiot" Rainbow facepalmed.

(Music Stop)

At last, the team reached Pinkie's hometown of Hollow Shades. It was a small hamlet with rickety wooden houses that seemed to be turning gray with decay, and a small fireplace in the center. Everyone there had simple brown robes that went down to their waist, as well as black pants and gray shoes, and they looked either bored or relaxed, some smoking their pipes on their porch. It seemed like a generally peaceful place. Perhaps Twilight didn't jinx it?

Rainbow Dash dashed those thoughts the moment she saw a smiling man with orange skin, fluffy dark brown hair not unlike Pinkie's style, a yellow vest, black western poncho, black cowboy hat and light brown pants, come into the center of town, looking directly in Pinkie's direction.

"Cheesy!" Pinkie cheered.

"Pinkie!" the man smiled. Both ran towards each other with pure excitement and hugged each other the moment they touched each other. They stayed like that for a good few moments before kissing each other quickly and letting go of their hug.

"Aww, that is simply adorable..." Rarity placed both her hands on her cheeks and squished her face a bit.

"And I'm guessing he's her husband" Rainbow thought aloud.

"Oh, right!" Pinkie remembered "GUYS!! This is my hubby, Cheese Sandwich, or Cheesy for short!"

"Great to meet you all!" he nodded and quickly shook each and everyone's hand "Nice to see you! Glad you could come! Great you could make it! Awesome, how's it hanging?!"

"Oh no..." Twilight muttered under her breath.

"Oh! Oh! You guys should totally meet my kids!" Pinkie bounced up and down.

"Y-Yes, darling, of course" Rarity smiled nervously "I bet your children are absolutely precious."

"Darn right they are!" Cheese smiled "They're the best kids I have! In fact, they're the only kids I have... Isn't that great?!"

"Yeah, Pinkie mentioned that before..." Rainbow rolled her eyes "Look, I know that you really want to show us your brats, but my friends and I are kinda-"

"PARTY DOODLE!! STREAMER!! COME ON OUUUUUUT~!!" Pinkie shouted, her voice echoing throughout the entire village. No one seemed to notice nor care though. After a little bit of time, two people, a boy and a girl, came out of the biggest house in the village.

The boy had light blue skin, short green hair, bright orange eyes and a great big smile on his face. Like his father, he wore a poncho as well, though it was brown instead, and significantly smaller. Underneath the poncho was a purple sweater that didn't seem to bother him that much, especially in the humid weather forests usually had, especially this one. His pants were bright red and his shoes a shade of yellow, and his entire attire told the team he was crazy, fun, and didn't really care what he wore as long as it was colorful.

The girl, on the other hand, had light gray skin, long, straight blue hair, green eyes and a bored face. She wasn't as vibrant as her parents and brother, if at all, and this was shown by her dark gray tank top, black pants and black shoes. She did, however, wear a bright blue ribbon in her hair, most likely given to her by her parents and more than likely she treasures it.

"HEY!!!" the boy shouted next to the team "How are you doing?! My name's Party Doodle, but you can just call me Doodle! That's what my mom calls me anyway, so I just let everyone else call me that as well!"

"O-Oh..." Rarity smiled, clearly agitated by the three hyperactive party planners "A-And what's your name, young miss?"

"My name is Streamer, miss" she said flatly "I forwardly apologize for my parents' and brother's behavior. They are extremely childish. If you wish for a more relaxing and calm conversation, please, I'm open for any talk. Seriously. Please."

"Ahhhhh..." everyone let out a sigh of relief, happy at least someone in the family wasn't hyper most of the time.

"Pinkie, you have a great family" Twilight began "But we need to ask you-"

"Ask me what?" Pinkie ecstatically hopped around her new friends.

"Well, if you'll let me finish, I-"

"Hey, why don't we talk about it over some tea and cake?" Cheese suggested.

"Oooh! Great idea!" Pinkie grinned "C'mon, everyone! Let's go!"

"You and Doodle go on ahead" Cheese assured "I'd like to have a talk with our new friends!"

"Okay!" Pinkie nodded before looking at her son and urging him to come along "Doodle, we're gonna make the best tea and cake this planet has ever seen for our new friends!"

"Alright!" Doodle raised his fist in the air before running off to join his mother. The moment they entered their house and closed the door, Cheesy let out a sigh and a smile.

"I'm sorry if my wife frightened you on your trip here" Cheese chuckled a bit "She has a tendency of being louder than most other people in this town."

"So... Yer not actually hyperactive?" Applejack wondered.

"Well, I'm not the CALMEST pony ever," Cheese laughed "but at the same time, I'm nowhere near as energetic as Pinkie Pie. But I don't hate her for it; it's one of her alluring qualities... Why do you think I married her?"

"Makes sense" Twilight nodded, understanding the situation so far "But what about her? Streamer, I mean. Is she secretly hyper like her mother or is she-"

"Like this most of the time, yes" Streamer finished Twilight's sentence "I'm more akin to my aunt, who lives all the way out near Dodge Junction in the San Palomino desert. She's quiet and monotone, but she's a great listener, especially when I have a lot to say, which I'll admit is most of the time. I rather enjoy my father's company more than my mother's simply because he knows when to be relaxed sometimes. That's not to say that I don't love my mother, since she makes enjoyable fruitcake when the holidays come around."

"I see at least something rubbed off Pinkie onto you..." Rainbow remarked.

"Forgive me" Streamer bowed "I have a habit of speaking far too much."

"Such a polite young lady" Rarity smiled "Very well. You and I shall have much to talk about."

"Then come, let us begin our conversation" Streamer walked back to her home, urging Rarity to follow her.

"So, forgive me if I sound like I'm intruding your personal information," Rarity began "But how old is your mother? She looks no older than her mid-twenties."

"She's 36" Streamer simply said.

"Goodness... And how old are you and your brother?"


"Birth at 26? Dear me... Simply far too young for children, if I may add..."

"You all seem like nice people" Cheese turned back to the remaining members of the team "Please, join me and Pinkie for some tea and cake. I promise you that our cake is simply the best!"

"I'm game" Rainbow shrugged "Maybe you guys aren't as bad as I thought you were."

"Rainbow, dun be so rude!" Applejack scolded her friend.

"It's quite alright, really!" Cheese laughed "I can fully admit our family isn't the most normal of folks."

"As we've seen" Twilight laughed "But hey, that tea and cake sounds good. Besides, I REALLY need to ask you four some questions about something... or rather someone..."

"Sure, we'll be willing. What could be so important that you need our help anyway?" Cheese nodded and began walking back to his home, motioning the others to follow him. The team all looked at each other before eventually complying and following the not-as-hyper party planner.

(Music Stop)

"SHE WAS WHAT?!" the entire Pie family shouted in surprise and shock "BY WHO?!"

Once everyone entered the admittedly pretty rickety house and sniffed the sweet aroma of freshly baked cake, they sat down on some provided chairs and stools and gotten their slices and tea, preparing to tell the family about what had happened to their friend. They figured they could use as much help as they could get to get Fluttershy back, but unfortunately, it seemed like the Pies knew a lot about the mysterious man.

"We told ya" Applejack repeated herself "Our friend was kidnapped by some guy with a black coat, pale skin and white hair. He was strange, and ah dunno who he is, but ah already want ta kill him."

"Same here" Rainbow added "Fluttershy was closest to me. She never said aloud, of course, but something about her eyes showed me she was always looking up to me. Heh... Not sure who would look up to this idiot."

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Pinkie panicked "This is bad, so very, very, VERY BAD!!!"

"Hold on, Pinks, surely it can't be that bad, right?" Cheese shrugged.

"Not that bad?!" Pinkie began bouncing around anxiously "Cheesy, this is Lord Dario we're talking about here! LORD DARIO!!"

"Pinkie, doesn't he take people all the time?"

"Oh, right!" Pinkie immediately snapped out of her freak out and started smiling again "Heehee! Silly me! Now, who was it again that you said got kidnapped?"

"Um... Our friend Fluttershy, darlings" Rarity reminded.

"Sorry to say, but chances are high she's already dead!" Party Doodle blatantly said with a grin.

"DUDE!!" Rainbow shouted at the 10-year-old.

"Oh, sorry if I pushed a button or five" he apologized seemingly genuinely before a grin once again appeared on his face "But I guess if your reacted that fast to my comment, that must mean you like her~!"

"Grrrrr...." Rainbow growled, blushing all the while.

"OKAY! Before this becomes an unnecessary bloodshed, let's try and get back on topic" Twilight nervously chucked before turning back to Cheese and Pinkie "Now, you seem to know a lot about this 'Lord Dario'. What can you tell us about him? Is he evil? Did he take Fluttershy for a reason?"

"If I may, Pinks?" Cheese began, to which his wife nodded "Lord Dario is the overseer of the water crystal, you see! For many years, he's taken very good care of it and has given us bountiful water, even in this mess of a forest. Unfortunately, this is the part of the story when bad things start to happen..."

"I usually don't enjoy this part" Streamer said with nearly no emotion at all, causing some of the team to wonder if at all she felt happy, sad or affected by this stuff.

"A few years ago, Lord Dario's wife whom he loved very much disappeared from him" Cheesy frowned as he said that "Because of this, Lord Dario has been searching high and low for her, but never found her. Because he's gone so often, the water crystal has stopped getting all the attention it needs to make fresh water. It started with the streams of a nearby forest, but... but..."

"I think what my hubby is trying to say is that if the water crystal doesn't get lots of hugs soon, it'll die out!" Pinkie alerted "Then the rivers will taint, and maybe even... Oh, it's too awful to think about THAT!"

"I think Lord Dario mistook your friend for his wife" Party Doodle added "But, sorry to trample on your rescue party, which I would LOVE to plan for you by the way, once Lord Dario takes a closer look at his victim, they're never seen again!"

"Unfortunately, Party's right" Cheese sighed "In a fit of anger, he kinda... snaps their necks."

"No way!" Applejack gasped "That ain't right! In that case, we gotta save Fluttershy fast!"

"You're actually going after Lord Dario?" Streamer wondered "Good luck, I guess. That castle of his is gigantic. You'll get lost before you even get to it."

"That... doesn't make much sense..." Rainbow confusingly stated.

"Well, you're not going today, I can tell you that" Cheese stated "You guys look like you've just been through a plane crash! You're more tired than Party Doodle when he was two!"

"Dad..." Party blushed, making Rainbow snicker a bit.

"Wait, why not today though?" Twilight questioned "Didn't you say that Lord Dario would... um... k-kill Fluttershy if we didn't hurry? I'm sorry, but we're in no state to rest right now."

"Dario usually likes to make his executions public to people" Cheese sighed "You'll have a few days yet, should something terrible happen to your friend."

"To be honest, darling," Rarity began "I am feeling quite tired..."

"Same here..." Applejack yawned.

"I'm just about ready to hit the hay" Rainbow agreed "Even I'm saying this, Twi! We can't save Fluttershy if we don't even have the energy to make it to whatever screwed up castle Lord Dick-io has."

"...okay, I'll get some sleep..." Twilight agreed.

"Super duper!!" Pinkie Pie smiled "There are some guest rooms upstairs if you need them! Oh, and if you need any midnight snacks, we have some in the freezer and refrigerator!"

"Thanks, but, I think I'll just... sleep" Twilight was very depressed by the situation. Everyone watched as she slowly walked up the stairs to the guest room, wherever it may be. Pinkie tilted her head sideways before following Twilight upstairs.

(Music Stop)

Night had fallen over the tiny village, and the only light shining was that from the moon and that from the slowly dimming fireplace in the center. Twilight looked over the creaky balcony of the Pie household and looked up, watching the shooting stars flash by in the blink of an eye. She let out a sigh. The others were currently sleeping in the guest room, but with so much on her mind, she simply couldn't sleep.

"Hey there, grumpy pants" Pinkie said behind her. Twilight, sort of expecting this by now, turned around to see her with a small but assuring grin on her face. Next to her was Cheese Sandwich, giving Twilight a warming smile.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie. Hey, Cheese Sandwich" Twilight greeted.

"You know, in this entire time I've know you, I have no idea what your names are" Cheese laughed.

"Really? Sorry about that" Twilight chuckled a bit "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and my friends are Rainbow Dash, the cyan one, Applejack, the orange one, and Rarity, the white one."

"I see..." Pinkie nodded curiously "And you're out on a mission to stop King Sombra, right?"

"W-What?!" Twilight was shocked "H-How do you know this?!"

"Just a hunch" Pinkie shrugged "Anyways, whatcha doing out here?"

"I can't sleep" Twilight admitted, still a bit confused as to Pinkie's previous question "How could I after news came by the first person I met on this journey of mine, or rather ours now, may be dead or already put on the chopping block. Oh, and Rainbow was snoring too loudly, like she normally does."

"Hahaha! So I've heard! Literally!" Pinkie laughed.

"Twilight, if there's anyway we can cheer you up, like a party or something, just let us know, okay?" Cheese told her "I know what it's like to go through rough times. Before I met Pinkie here, my entire party business was failing. Without even expecting anything in return, she helped me and got me where we are today: a nice family and a wonderful job. I guess I'm just trying to help anyone I can now."

"You have a wonderful and kind soul, Cheese" Twilight nodded "And I thank you for your offer, but I REALLY gotta get some shut-eye. Know a place that doesn't have snoring Dragoons?"

"You could sleep with us?" Pinkie suggested "Well, not WITH us, because that'd be weird!"

"No, no, of course not!" Twilight laughed a bit "But... Thanks. I'd like that."

"Great! See you in ten!" Pinkie bounced her way back inside. Cheese just rolled his eyes playfully before heading back in with her. Twilight sighed before looking back up into the starry sky.

"Stay strong, Shy..." Twilight encouraged her faraway friend "You've gotten through worse, so I know you can do it!"

(Music Stop)

With that, Twilight as well headed inside to sleep in her hosts' room. As she did, she never noticed the two little sets of eyes of two young kids in the shadows, watching her patiently.

"You think she's the one?" the boy bubbly asked "Twilight's friend, I mean."

"Yes, I do" the girl flatly answered "The pieces of the puzzle fit in too perfectly. I just hope she can survive Lord Dario's castle. Now come, brother, we must rest our heads."

"Do you always have to sound so boring?" the boy wondered.

"Yes" the girl sighed.

Author's Notes:

Slightly shorter chapter, but I think I got the point across. Well then, let's go and save Fluttershy!

If you haven't seen my blog already, linked here, then you should know that a good man died a few days ago that was very important to Markiplier, his fans, and the world. Daniel Kyre, you will be missed.

Moving away from sadness however, it's theory time!

Comment below and discuss your theories or something, I guess!

Be sure to Like, Comment, Favourite and Follow, and until then, dream on everyone!

Next Chapter: [Chapter 17] The Prison Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 33 Minutes
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