All has been peaceful for quite some time in EO, and all is well. At least until fourty players and residents are torn from EO and lost to another server.
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This fanfiction is co-authored by Shadowflame and MidnightChaos

Months have passed since the ELO Incident, where over a thousand players, mostly bronies, were trapped in the MMORPG, "Equestria Legends Online". Now however, life continues peacefully in both the real world and in Equestria Online's server as ELO's veterans are finally recovering from the incident. It finally seems that our heroes have reached the peaceful, 'not-so-normal' life they longed for.

However, trouble calls them again as Shadowflame and MidnightDreams are suddenly snatched out of EO with forty other players and residents alike. The players find themselves lost in another server, able to log out, but unable to log back into EO, instead only able to come back to this unknown world. But as for the residents, they have been kidnapped, and their captor has declared a ransom payment from EO before they return them. If a ransom isn't paid, the residents are in danger of being brainwashed to kill each other.

It's up to Shadow, Midnight, and the other players to band together and return the kidnapped residents back to their senses, take down the captor who rules the server, and return back to Equestria Online. Time isn't on their side, and neither is the server itself. Just how many will die this time?

On Hiatus

6,778 words: Estimated 28 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. Prologue (The Interview) [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 20th, 2015
  2. Feburary 27th (Into The Unknown) [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 20th, 2015
Published Sep 20th, 2015


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