
The Dragon King of Equestria

by Ausbrony

Chapter 5: Chapter Four

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Meeting the pony named Fluttershy was an interesting experience. While a small part of him liked the fact that a pony screamed and ran at the mere sight of his fearsome might.

Given how utterly sweet and adorable the filly was, it was also a little heartbreaking.

“Aw come Flutters,” Rainbow Dash pouted from the doorway to her friends home. “He’s not that scary. He’s cool.”

It took about ten minutes for Rainbow to coax the other pegasus filly out of hiding. And eventually, she settled for sitting next to Rainbow, with Bahamut on an armchair nearby.

“S-So, you have a dragon friend?” Fluttershy asked. “I thought… you didn’t want-” That was all the filly could say before Rainbow hopped off of the couch and did a small twirl in front of her.

“Notice anything… different?” she asked coyly, her smirk and mischievous glint in her eyes threw Fluttershy off for a moment. Her teal gaze wandered over her friend, and then she gasped, putting her forehooves to her mouth.

“D-Dashie? Your scar! It’s…”

“Totally healed up and fixed?” the brash little filly concluded. “Yahuh! Baha here totally healed me up with some cool magic! I’m practically as good as new!”

“That’s-That’s wonderful!” Fluttershy cried and flew from her seat, hugging her friend tightly. Bahamut swore the filly was turning even bluer.

“Gak! F-Flutter… can’t… gaaaaah~” Rainbow's head tilted back as her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Fluttershy gasped again and held her at hooves length.

“Dashie? Dashie! Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy was shaking her friend as Bahamut rolled his eyes and waited out the drama. Turns out that Dash was just messing with her, but the shaking had her rose-coloured eyes spinning in circles for a moment or three.

Once they were done, the timid filly seemed to be a little more friendly around Bahamut. He also noticed how tall she was, easily a head taller than Dash, or his three fillies back at the castle.

“So your name is Bahamut?” she asked inquisitively. “That’s a very interesting name.”

“Yes, I doubt you’d find anyone else with it.” Bahamut chuckled to himself. Any other dragon dared call themselves that would be taught what a mistake that was. “I am the King of Dragons!”

“The King?” Fluttershy gasped. She didn’t know he was royalty.

“Yeah right,” Rainbow scoffed. “I mean, you’re cool and all Baha. But you don’t look very-” she rolled her hoof as she looked for the right word. “-kingly. You don’t even have a crown.”

Hmm, maybe he could get Twilight to make him one? Or Moondancer? She was pretty good with arts and crafts.

“Well, my true form is completely awesome!” Bahamut retorted. “I’d be bigger than this house. So it’d be hard to sit here and have tea.”

“Oh yeah?” Rainbow said with a challenging tone. “Prove it!”

“...I’m sorry, what?” Bahamut blinked.

“I said prove it,” Rainbow repeated. “Let’s go outside and we’ll see this true form of yours, unless you’re lying?”

Ah crap, he’d totally talked himself into this one.

“Uh… I can’t,” he replied, digging his hole deeper. “Princess Celestia said I shouldn’t.”

“You know Princess Celestia!?” Fluttershy exclaimed, suddenly staring the dragon directly in the face. “Ohmygoodness! She’s so kind, and pretty and caring, and-”

“Yeah, Flutters is a big Princess fan,” Dash rolled her eyes. “But we live all the way out here, so we’ve never actually seen the princess before.”

“She’s not that great,” Bahamut muttered, not really focused on who his audience was. “She’s short-sighted, impossibly naive and is as stubborn as an irate bull. And Luna’s even worse, but at least she’s cute.” Bahamut finished his mini rant and sighed. “Still, I’m sure she’s a great Princess to you ponies. Just… not to anyone else.”

“You’re wrong!” Fluttershy said with a surprising amount of force. “Princess Celestia tries hard to look after all of us!”

Well, Bahamut had to admit that he could be sealed away again should she decide it. “Okay, I think this is a topic we should steer around for now. Instead, I’ve told you about me. How about you Fluttershy? Parents, or perhaps what you want to do when you grow up?”

It was Rainbow Dash that stepped in, before the butter-yellow pegasus could get a word out.

“Aw man, Flutter’s mom is the coolest! She’s a member of the Wonderbolts! The aerial division of Princess Celestia’s guard!”

“Ah?” He hadn’t met any of them, truth be told. While he’d seen a few of the guards around the castle, he’d never actually met the Wonderbolts yet, though Twilight seemed to be a fan of them.

“Yes,” Fluttershy nodded. “Her name is Spitfire, and my dad is Butterscotch… but, he doesn’t live here anymore.”

“They broke up,” Rainbow said. “I dunno why though, they won’t talk about it.”

“Well, it’s their life to live,” Bahamut said with a small nod. “Still, that must be hard.”

“Mommy’s away a lot because of work,” Fluttershy said with a sad tone. It was clear she missed her. “Daddy comes by when she’s away to check on me, as well as his new marefriend.”

“Sweet Tooth right?” Rainbow asked. “Vanilla Bean’s mom?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy nodded. “She’s very nice, and Vanilla is nice as well. But most of the time, it’s just me and my pet, Angel.”

At the mention of his name, Angel wandered into the room. He stood about a foot tall, small bat-like wings adorned his back and a large red orb attached to his head.

“Kupo?” Angel inquired.

“Oh yes, Dashie’s here, and her new dragon friend,” Fluttershy smiled as she picked up the moogle. The mog looked at Bahamut and narrowed his eyes.

“Kupo!” he said in a low tone.

“Angel, be nice!” Fluttershy scolded him and placed him on the couch beside her. “Sorry, he’s not to good around strangers.”

“Eh, no big deal,” Bahamut said and returned the gaze.‘You’re just a snack to me.’

‘Just try it, you walking saddlebag.’ Angel ‘glared’ back.

Mm, he had guts. Bahamut respected that.

“So,” Fluttershy turned to Rainbow. “Are you going to try and get your Cutie Mark today?”

“Heck yeah!” Rainbow pumped the air with her hoof. “I’m feeling super great, so it’ll be a snap right?”

“I hope so,” Fluttershy gave a long-suffering sigh. Bahamut noticed she had hers already, a drawn bow with a butterfly perched on the uppermost tip. “So what will it be today?”

Rainbow tilted her head and closed her eyes. “Hmmm…” She tapped her head with a hoof. “How about… dragon catching!”

Bahamut had three seconds before he realised what she was getting at, and bolted, a cackling Rainbow Dash hot on his heels.

“This can’t end well,” Fluttershy sighed as she got to her hooves and put Angel on her back.

“Kupo…” the mog mimicked her sigh.

So far, Bahamut had done well in evading the filly. She still wasn’t used to not having a damaged leg and so she tended to trip and stumble a lot. He laughed when she went face first into a pile of hay as he rounded a corner…

And right into the armoured leg of Mi Amore Cadenza.

Bahamut tumbled back and rubbed his snout as he looked up. “Hey! What’s the big… idea…?”

He saw the face of Death.

And Death looked pissed.

“Nope!” Bahamut turned and ran back, only to be caught by Rainbow. The filly cried out in victory and turned to look at her flank, only to see it blank still.

“Aww,” Rainbow sighed. “Hey, stop squirming!”

“We’re gonna die,” Bahamut yelled as Rainbow looked up and saw Cadenza running towards them.

“Holy Tartarus!” she screamed and the two continued to run.

“Don’t run, it only makes it worse you little brats!” Cadenza screamed. She'd been looking for them all morning in this one-horse town. They weren't going to escape this time.

And then Fate lent a helping hoof in the form of Fluttershy. The second she stepped into view, puffing and panting, Cadenza’s expression changed instantly.

“Wait… up... you—” Fluttershy gasped before she was pulled into a strong embrace. The filly squeaked in surprise and looked at Dash and Bahamut.

“Um, why is there a strange mare hugging me?” she asked, so utterly surprise that she'd slipped right into deadpan snark.

“H’ooohhh my GOSH!” Cadenza squealed happily and nuzzled her. “You are just the cutest little filly ever!”

“Fluttershy, meet Cadenza,” Bahamut said and knew the exact words to turn the tables. “She’s also the adopted niece of Princess Celestia.”

Now it was Cadenza’s turn to be surprised as the filly somehow turned in her grasp and now bombarded the mare with enthusiastic questions about the solar alicorn.

The worst part? Cadenza couldn’t swear about Celestia. She remained so cordial and polite that it gave Bahamut the creeps.

“That mare has issues,” he muttered and looked at Dash. “Well, since Cadenza’s up and about, it’s likely that I have to be off. I have to go back to the Castle now.”

“Awwww…” Rainbow pouted and sat down. “I thought we could play more. I still hafta show you my special spot. And my favourite swing. And all the places I like to nap.”

“Hey, there’s no rule that says I can’t come back,” Bahamut said. Well, until Celestia decided to make one anyway. “And next time, I’ll bring Twilight with me. I bet you’d be friends.”

“Twilight?” Rainbow tilted her head.

“Mhmm, she’s kind of like my super-intelligent and impossibly cute little sister. And she can summon fire demons and Dragon Gods.” Yes he added capitals to his title. he deserved nothing less.

“Coooooooool~” Rainbow said in an awed whisper.

“Bahamut, I’m keeping this one!” Cadenza called out, now back to hugging Flutters. “She’s crazy adorable.”

“Moondancer might get jealous that you’re cutting into hug times,” Bahamut warned.

“I have love for everypony,” Cadenza shot back and snuggled Fluttershy again.

“Oh...kay,” Bahamut sighed and helped Rainbow extract her friend from Cadenza’s grasp. “Let’s get you home before this town turns you into a decent individual.”

Cadenza gasped and nodded. Celestia and Luna would never let her hear the end of it if that happened.

So after a final round of goodbyes, Rainbow and Fluttershy watched the pair head for the city gates.

“So, why were you running from that nice mare?” Fluttershy asked as she poked Angel in the belly. “Aside from the fact she liked hugs.”

“Ehh, no reason,” Rainbow said as Fluttershy shrugged and headed back into her house to get a drink of water.

“Come on you fuckin’ maggots!” Cadenza poked Biggs with her spear. “We’re going back to the castle and you better pray that Ol’ Fat Flanks doesn't flay you alive. And that’s if I don’t feed you little cocksuckers to a goddamn monster first!”

“Yes Ma’am!” they yelped as Cadenza poked them again.

“No reason at all…” Rainbow shuddered.

Celestia paced up and down the throne room. It had been three days since Cadenza left to find Bahamut, and the only word she’d gotten was that he’d been located in the Ponyville province. She’d offered to send an airship, but apparently Bahamut adamantly refused.

So they’d walk.

And three days later?

The throne room door swung open as Celestia paused in her pacing. Cadenza pushed two unknown stallions inside, both of which looked like they’d taken a return trip to Tartarus.

Hmm, three days with Cadenza was probably worse actually.

And Bahamut? Well, to say he was pissed would be a mild understatement. The glare the alicorn was getting from him was even greater than the one he wore when he was unsealed.

“Welcome back,” Celestia said calmly, trying to diffuse the situation. “Twilight should be—”

“Stuff it Celly!” Bahamut said, cutting the mare off. “This bullshit wouldn’t have happened if i’d had more of my power. You do realise this yes? The only reason I could even escape in the first place, is because those idiots didn’t know I could cast magic.”

“In our defence,” Biggs started.

“Da boss didn’t tell us nuthin’!” Wedge added.

Celestia raised an eye at the two stallions. “And, these two are…?”

“My new minions,” Bahamut nodded. “Also, you’re going to put them in the Royal Guard. Don’t be afraid to slap ‘em around a little either.”

“Dat’s harsh bossdragon.”

“Life is harsh, get used to it,” Bahamut retorted before turning back to Celestia. “Now look, we can place blame all day, but in the end, if I had my powers, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“You’re using this as a ploy to get more of your powers back?” Celestia surmised. “Denied.”

“Are… are you serious?” Bahamut’s eye twitched. “I had to burn down a fucking airship! And in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t have any bloody wings!!”

“Well, you should have considered that before resorting to fire,” Celestia said.

“I could have killed these morons!” he yelled, pointing at Biggs and Wedge. “Hell, I bet I could have razed a good section of Ponyville too, I even cured a little filly’s leg! Oh, by the way, I only had to, because apparently medical treatments cost out the fucking ass!”

“I’m sure you could have done that,” Celestia replied coolly. “But then, you’re chances at restoring your power would be off the table completely now, wouldn’t they?” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I am sorry Bahamut, the risk is too great.”

Bahamut’s eye twitched again, and Cadenza fully expected him to try and set Celestia on fire. But the dragon did something none of them expected.

He simply turned and walked away. Without sparing any of them so much as a second glance.

“Escort those two to confined quarters,” Celestia said to the guards holding Biggs and Wedge. “I trust Bahamut has some sort of idea regarding them.”

The armoured stallions nodded and shoved them out of the room. Once alone, Cadenza looked at Celestia and spit on the floor.

“You know, Bahamut can be kind of an asshole sometimes… but that was just fucking cold Celestia. I’ve seen him around Twilight and the others. And you should have looked at the filly he fixed up, she was so damned adorable and happy.”

“You think I am not aware of that?” Celestia said, returning to her throne.

“So then what?” Cadenza was not going to let this go. “What the fuck are you so afraid of? Even I don’t think he’s that big a threat.”

“I know that!!” Celestia’s voice reverberated around the chamber. “You assume that I’m not aware of that? I know what he’s like around those girls. I know he’d not hurt them, on purpose anyway.”

“So. Then. WHY?” Cadenza pressed.

“Think Cadence,” Celestia sighed wearily. “Bahamut was not the only monster Luna and I sealed that day. And if Bahamut is getting stronger… then what of him?”

Cadenza paused, before glancing in the direction of the castles other sealed chamber. The one housing the statue of a long-forgotten chimera.


“It worries me,” Celestia said, looking far older than she let on. Cadenza could see the lines of stress and concern under her eyes, the weight of a nation that she carried on her shoulders. “Should he break free… there’d be no stopping him. Luna and I, we cannot use the Elements any more, not without putting the entire country at risk.”

Cadenza nodded, she was one of the few privy to the Elements current purpose. The center of the Canterlot Barrier System. The power that generated the magic for every Barrier in place.

“So then what?” Cadenza finally spoke again. “Is this how things are going to stay?”

“Even I cannot see the future,” Celestia said and sighed. “Tell… Tell Twilight, that a little should be fine. Luna and I will do what we can, make sure the seals around that chamber are in place and try to fortify them.” Still, as long as he remained in Canterlot. The Barrier here served a dual purpose. It kept thing in as well as out.

“Sure,” she replied and left the room. And once more, the solar alicorn was left alone.

Twilight raced through the halls, she’d heard that Bahamut had come back home from Cadence and once she’d finally escaped the mare’s hugs, she run off to find her dragon friend. When she finally found him, he was sitting in the courtyard that was given to them to train in.

The courtyard itself had seen better days. Twilight had tried summoning Ifrit for the first time and received mixed results. While she had been unable to manifest the summoned creature, she’d still be able to manifest the attack itself.

She was pretty certain those guards would get out of the hospital soon.

But now, she just saw the dragon sitting there. Staring up at the darkening sky as the stars slowly came out, one by one. But, something seemed off. He had an aura about him, one that made the unicorn’s approach hesitant.

“It’s fine,” Bahamut said without turning around. “I’m not angry at you Twilight. Just that stupid teacher of yours.”

Twilight looked a little crestfallen. “Are you and Princess Celestia fighting again?”

Bahamut actually snorted in amusement. “You make it sound like two parents fighting.”

“It kinda feels like that,” Twilight replied as she sat next to him. “You’re both my teachers. Wouldn’t it be better to get along?”

“I will, once she stops being a paranoid moron!” Bahamut said and clenched his claws. Twilight placed a hoof over the Garnet in her necklace and focused. Power started to flow through it and Bahamut gasped, his eyes went wide as his breathing hastened. After a few painfully short seconds, she stopped and looked… up at the now taller dragon. He now stood as tall as Cadenza, maybe an inch taller? While he still didn’t possess any wings, his form was now more muscular and lean. His claws were larger and his snout was a little more pronounced. His longer tail now ended in a barbed spike, which glinted in the pale moonlight.

He looked down at the unicorn and sighed. “Celestia’s gonna freak when she finds out you know.”

“She said I could release a little more,” Twilight informed him and then she got a mischievous smile. “She never did give me a precise amount of how much though~”

Bahamut blinked, before he threw his head back and laughed loudly for a good few minutes. He panted lightly once he was finished and rubbed her head. “I am proving to be a most wonderful influence on you.”

“Pretty sure Mommy and the Princesses would disagree.”

Bahamut nodded and shrugged. “Hmm, well I seem to have access to a lot more of my magic and… oh hey! I can use Float now. That would have been useful a few days ago.”

“So… are you okay?” Twilight asked. “You haven't teased me since you got back.”

Bahamut shrugged, then bopped the unicorn on the head with his fist.

“Owie!” Twilight held her head as her eyes watered. “What was that for?”

“Because you could have just summoned me back here, Stupid Starswirl. Actually, he was smarter than that. You're demoted to Chryssy. She's just as thick-headed as you.”

“Wha?” Twilight blinked. Who the heck was that? Well it was still better than-

“So Sparklefairy. Seems you've been practicing at least. Is this Ifrit’s work?”

Twilight glowered at the foalish name before sighing. “Yeah. Sunny and Moonie are doing well. I can't even summon him, just his fire.”

“Well that’s fine, unless you want him fighting in your stead. You'll need a soulbond for that.”

“Like us?” Twilight asked, surprised.

“Why do you think I'm not confined to my gem?” Bahamut pointed out. To be honest, he was guessing here. He still had no idea how half this crap worked. Hell, he’d been making this up as he went along.

“Bahamut?” Twilight’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Did you help her?”

“Huh?” Bahamut blinked and turned to face her. “Help who?”

“Whoever it was you were helping the other night,” Twilight replied. “It probably sounds silly. But it felt like you asked for help in helping her.”

She sensed that? How powerful was this filly?

“Yeah, I helped her out. You should meet her sometime. She says you sound pretty cool.”

“I dunno…” Twilight squirmed uncomfortably. Bahamut just rolled his eyes and got to his feet, picking the filly up.

“Come on, let’s go raid Celestia’s cake stores, find Sunbutt and Moonbutt Jr. And then have a party.”

“Yeah!” Twilight cheered.

“I'm so glad you were able to help that Rainbow Dash filly,” Moondancer smiled and rubbed Bahamut’s head.

“Moondancer… I'm not a dog,” Bahamut frowned.

“I can’t believe you blew up an airship,” Sunset grinned. “I'd have loved to see that sucker burn.”

“You have issues,” Bahamut deadpanned. He then smirked and nodded. “It was pretty fantastic.”

“I'm worried for our future,” Twilight said as she put a forkful of cake into her mouth. This was the best cake ever~

“With me and Bahamut around?” Cadence said innocently, resuming her snuggling of Moondancer. “You should be.”

Bahamut nodded and opened his mouth, swallowing some cake. Huh, no wonder Celestia kept this to herself. It was freaking delicious!

“So… where were you lot when I got kidnapped?” Bahamut asked. “I looked everywhere.”

“At Donut Joe's,” Sunset replied with a mouthful of cake. “Moondancer left you a note.”

Bahamut’s eye twitched.

“Those were some good donuts,” Cadenza sighed happily. “That was the worst thing about the temple. The food there was utter shiii—” Cadenza paused when she realised there were foals present.

“It's okay,” Moondancer said as she tilted her head back to look up at her. “We all know how uncouth you are— Cadence?”

The pink pegasus sat in the corner of the room, making small circles on the floor with her hoof. She pouted and one could almost see the aura of depression around her.

“Uncouth… she says I'm uncouth…” Cadenza mumbled.

“Riiiight, ignoring that,” Bahamut said and turned back to the fillies. “Starting tomorrow, we're gonna be training harder alright? Now that I have access to my tier two magicks, I can start instructing you properly.”

“Finally!” Sunset pumped her hoof in the air.

“Oh dear,” Moondancer looked worried. “I hope it won't be too dangerous.”

“Nah… unless Sparklefairy screws up a spell and kills us all with Ifrit or something,” Bahamut chuckled.

Three fillies just gulped as Cadenza continued to pout.

Later that night, Bahamut lay on a couch in one of the living rooms. He stared up at the ceiling as he flicked an odd gold coin between his claws rapidly.

“So what are you?” he asked it. “You're not an Eidolon, I'd be able to sense you. Plus we can only inhabit gems or living beings… No, you're… different.”

It annoyed him too. He felt as though he should know. But it was like an itch on his brain that he just couldn't scratch. Auric. Golden Sun. These words just didn't ring any bells. And he knew of no Eidolon with that name either.

The coin didn’t answer and Bahamut tossed it into the air before catching it. “Well, you're helpful aren't you.” He felt Celestia’s magic pass by the room, pausing just outside for a moment before continuing onwards.

“I bet you're living it up easier,” he muttered. “I bet you have all the answers. All I have is a thousand years of backseat visions and before that, a whole lot of nothing.” He tossed the coin again and wondered what'd happen if he focused some magic into it.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

He focused his new powers and held the coin. ‘Auric Fulcrum. The Dragon God-King Bahamut calls upon you. Answer my summons.’

There was a moment where nothing seemed to happen. Bahamut snorted and went to toss the coin away. “Figures…”

Then the coin caught the moonlight coming through the window, and started to glow golden as it landed.

“Interesting,” Bahamut mumbled, even as he prepared a charged Thundara spell… just in case.

The coin was no longer visible for the column of golden fire emanating from where it had landed. Bahamut shielded his eyes, surprised at the sheer amount of power that came from it. He had no doubts that this would challenge even his true form. Whatever this ‘Auric’ was, it was a force not to be trifled with.

Still, he was Bahamut. This whelp would learn his place if he stepped out of line.

Eventually, the fire died down, and once it did, there was a form visible over the coin. A human form, clad in golden and orange robes, with a cape and hood, done up in a checkered pattern. The symbol of an eclipsed sun was emblazoned on his chest, and his black hair was streaked with gold. Even his eyes had gold in them, instead of a usual blue or green.

“What in the world…?” Bahamut sat up and blinked. “A human? They exist here?” And dear gods that outfit… “You look like a Hearth's Warming decoration.”

“I’m actually rather fond of this outfit,” the human said as he stood up and looked around, before finally settling on the dragon. “A friend of mine from another world made it for me after I helped him through a quick bit of sticky business, just after I ascended.”

Another world? Ascended?

“Alright,” Bahamut got to his feet, standing a head shorter than the human. Dammit, he'd been feeling nice and tall up until now. “So what… who are you? I assume you are Auric Fulcrum?”

The boy nodded and found a nearby chair, sitting in it and waving a hand around casually as he introduced himself. “Knight of the Eclipse, wielder of Alchemy, and until recently, master of a very nasty blade. Sorta burned out all its energy, but hey! I can do this.” Then a metal staff flowed into existence in his other hand. One that reeked of power as well.

“Matter creation?” Hmm, alchemy… why did that sound familiar. “Do you know a short kid with a metal arm?” Where did that come from? Bahamut growled and rubbed his forehead.

“I’m vaguely aware of what you’re talking about, but no, that’s not the sort of power I wield. At least, I don’t think so, I would have to know more about that series. The sort of strength I have is more...elemental,” the human said. “Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. Those names ring a bell?”

Bahamut paced and tapped his head. He knew this. He should know this…

“Why. Can't I. Remember!!” He roared and slammed the fireplace with a Fira spell, igniting the hearth and filling the room with light and heat.

“Eh, memories going a little weird isn’t anything new to those who’ve been Displaced,” the human said. “At least, I’m assuming that’s what you are. You had my coin and were able to call on me.”

“Displaced?” The dragon found an odd sense of familiarity to that word. Well, more like he felt that it suited him. “Sunbutt would certainly agree that I don't fit…” He sighed and looked at the human. “Well, you can call me Bahamut. Dragon God-King of the Eidolon race.”

“Out of the seven Final Fantasies I got to play, I’d have to say, getting to you in four was a bitch,” the human said. “Who lives on the moon?!”

“I'm sure Luna entertained the idea once or twice,” Bahamut mused. Hmm, a secret base on the moon sounded cool. “Wait, ‘Final Fantasy’?”

“Yeah, it was a game series back on earth,” Auric said. “Spoiler alert: as long as it kept pulling in money, there was never going to be a ‘final’ fantasy.”

“Tch! Square were such sellouts…” Bahamut gasped and stared at the human with an incredulous stare. “How do I know that?”

“Would you like to know a simple fact about the Displaced?” the human asked softly.

The drake nodded, and Auric sighed. “Each and every one of us...used to be a human from Earth. And then, more often than not, we dressed up as one of our favorite characters, and were missing just one part for our costumes. For me it was a sword. I bought it from a shop, attended a party, and made a stupid wish to ‘look this cool all the time.’ Next thing I know…”

“Poof, you’re dragged kicking and screaming into a world you don’t know, where a chimera twists your mind and makes you destroy an entire town. Then a pair of cute soon-to-be princesses seal in a fucking gem for a thousand fucking years!!” Bahamut panted after his little rant, his claws crackling with a Thundara spell.

“Actually,” Auric said. “In my world, Discord and I were friends. Right before my sword drove him around the bend.”

“I'd settle for driving my claws into his heart,” Bahamut muttered angrily. A lot of memories, long forgotten had resurfaced and he couldn't process this right now.

“We share a little something in common,” Auric said. “After all, I had to work damn hard to regain a human form. And the sisters celestial imprisoned me for fifteen-hundred years for things I think were damn well justified.”

“Well, admittedly… I might have very well burned the planet if I hadn't been stopped...” A thousand years was a long time to reach some perspective though. “Still, at least your power isn't sealed by a ten year old filly because Celestia is a paranoid bitch.”

“Try saving the world from an insane god while the sisters still watch everything that you do,” the human dryly replied. “If it weren’t for my ascension at that particular moment, I rather think my world would have been doomed.”

“You’ve mention this ‘ascension’ twice now. Explain.”

“All right, so,” the human said as the staff disappeared and he cupped his hands together. “From the moment I arrived in my world, it was changing in small, subtle ways. My powers come from the Golden Sun series, based on the land of Weyward. There, four elements rule over all.”

A ball of earth appeared, circling above his hands, swiftly followed by a ball of water, a ball of lightning, and a ball of fire. “Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus,” he said. “Four lighthouses, that when lit, produce a miracle. A Golden Sun, that empowers the one that stands beneath it. Their lifespan is extended, their powers become expanded, and most importantly, they become capable of Alchemy.”

The four orbs combined into a blazing golden sphere, that vanished. “I had the lighthouses of my world lit, and stood in the right place, at the right time. Just as I got my powers, I got to use them.”

“Sounds like I was mistaken then,” Bahamut sighed. “Guess I'm the one that has it pretty easy.” He sat down on the couch, pushing his memories away for now. “It's there… I used to be human. I know that now., probably have known for a while... Is… there any way to go back?”

“Finding your exact world in all the Multiverse is like looking for a single grain of sand amidst a sandstorm,” Auric said. “It might take you as long as you live or even longer. And I would say we both had it equally hard. Though, at least you had a body when you arrived.”

“Somehow, I don't know if I want the answer to that question,” Bahamut smirked. “Though given that I lived as a consciousness inside a gem for a millenia, I can sympathise I suppose…”

The door to the room slowly creaked open as Twilight poked her head in.

“Bahamut?” She asked sleepily. “I heard voices…”

“We'll get you a psychiatrist in the morning Starswirl.”

“So mean,” Twilight pouted as she walked in. The second she saw the human, she squeaked in surprise and hid behind the couch.

“Behold, my fearless Summoner,” Bahamut said with mock enthusiasm. “Starswirl Sparklefairy.”

“Argh! Stop calling me that!” Twilight growled.

“Well, this is turning out to be an interesting summon indeed,” the human mused. He was surprised even more, when a speartip came to rest over his shoulder.

“And who the hell is this shiny fucker?” Cadenza demanded.

“He's fine Candy,” Bahamut said with a wave of his claw. The pegasus withdrew her spear as Bahamut smiled. “And this is Mi Amore Cadenza. The pegasus with permanent pms.”

“And you're my soon to be saddlebags,” She shot back. “Fucking scaly little smartass.”

“Yup, this place is definitely interesting,” the human said. “I might even come back to visit.”

“So, who’are you?” Twilight was in front of him, her wide eyes staring up at the human. “I'm Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia and Bahamut.” She sounded so damned adorably proud saying it too.

“And I,” the human said as he summoned his staff once more and leaned on it. “Am Auric Fulcrum. Knight of the Eclipse. Bahamut called me, and we had a nice little chat about a few things.”

“Huh…” Twilight looked him over and nodded. “Okay.”

Then he got a faceful of pink as Cadenza straddled him and licked her lips. “Wanna be friends with me too~?”

“Sorry, I already have a wife,” the human said as he put one hand to her and gently pushed her back a little.

“Aw, she could watch,” Cadenza smiled, not budging.

“Stop being uncouth,” Twilight stated and before he could blink, the human saw the pegasus in the corner of the room, pouting in a depressed state.

“Well, it’s effective, I’ll give you that, but I don’t know if you should keep pushing that button,” Auric said.

“And that is our capable Dragoon,” Bahamut sighed.

“Moondancer and Sunset are asleep,” Twilight said and yawned. Bahamut smiled and rubbed her head.

“As should you be. Now off with you.”

“I wanna sleep with you,” Twilight pouted cutely.

“I can hang around for a while longer if you want answers,” the human said. “I’ve lately developed a bit of insomnia after getting the full measure of my powers back. I might just go out for a walk.”

“I'll go with you,” Bahamut said and got up. “Now go on Twilight. Off to bed.”

“But-” She never got to finish before Bahamut cast Sleep on her, catching her and putting the filly on the couch.

“Look out for her Cadenza. I'm going for a walk as well,” Bahamut said.

“Sure, whatever,” she replied as Bahamut went to follow the human. A human who was sure Cadenza groped his butt as she walked past him.

“Interesting world you have here,” the human said as they began walking the halls.

“That’s one way of putting it,” the drake replied. “Like you, I fear this world changed when I arrived. Ponies hide in protected cities while monsters crawl the world over. And only now, am I giving them the strength to fight back… As long as the Great and Omnipotent Flanklestia approves.”

“At least you’re trying,” the human said with a wave of one hand. “I can think of one way you might be able to influence the world at large, but I would need to look into it myself to see if it’s even viable in this world. I think I’m from about twenty years down the time-stream compared to you. And your river doesn’t even flow the same pathway anymore, so I don’t know if it’s a solution or just an idle curiosity.”

So, he was from another Equestria. And things had happened differently. “Like what?” Bahamut asked. “Well, aside from being buddy-buddy with Discord.”

“Like I said, he went round the bend, and it was my fault in my world,” the human sighed. “But here, there’s a solution, maybe. Depends on if an empire in the frozen north ever existed here.”

“Ah, those guys,” Bahamut nodded. “Not sure. I could only see as far as the castle walls during my imprisonment…”

“The Empire is gone,” A voice said as Luna stepped out of the shadows. “And perhaps try a more subtle entrance next time Mr. Fulcrum. You’re just lucky Tia is a heavy sleeper.”

“Oh, hey cute-flanks,” Bahamut winked and did a twirl. “Like the bigger, sexier me?”

Luna ignored Bahamut completely.

“Still, in my world,” the human replied to Luna, “It came back. Though, it was not alone when it did. However, once that minor obstacle was taken care of, I recalled something I heard from the one placed in charge of it. ‘If good feelings permeate the Crystal Empire, they will spread across all of Equestria.’ I would have looked into replicating whatever keeps the monsters at bay and spreading that instead.”

“I'll not divulge the secrets of our Barriers,” Luna stated. “Not to an unknown entity like yourself. Bahamut trusts you, so that raises my doubt.”

“Harsh…” Bahamut muttered.

“But the power I sense speaks for itself,” Luna continued. “Tis Harmony that keeps the beasts at bay. Though only Starswirl truly knew how it worked.”

“Dear Luna,” the human said with a twinkle in his eye, “You’ve all but told me how your barriers work, or at least, what they’re working off of. I’m not so young as to not know how to read between your words.”

“Is that so?” Luna mused.

“Oh get a room,” Bahamut groaned.

“Nah, I wouldn’t cut into your efforts,” the human said with a wave of his hand. “And like I already said, I have a wife back home. And rest assured, I would never sabotage your only means of keeping the monsters at bay. Then I’d be no better than them.”

“That and I'd eat you before you got the chance,” Bahamut mused. “Though, I doubt Twilight would let me.”

“You could try,” the human said with a small laugh. “But like I said, there are things I just won’t do. So you won’t get to know what that’s not a feasible plan.”

“The Elements of Harmony power the Barriers,” Bahamut said, much to Luna’s shock. “Don’t give me that look Luna. I've known him for about ten minutes, and he trusts me more than you and Fat Flanks combined.”

“Because I empathize with your situation,” the human said. “Ripped out of my own world and stuffed into a headless suit of armor, as its animating spirit. Then chained up in a basement for fifteen hundred years and forgotten about.”

“Wow… that sucks,” Bahamut said. “At least you were only headless, not heartless.”

“Yeah,” the human chuckled. “Still didn’t help my Celestia or Luna to see that I was only a threat when provoked. And even then, the worst I did was rebuke them for being such morons about me. Yeah, I was dangerous. So is anyone when you back them into a fucking corner. I will place ten bits that even if you back the scrawniest colt into a corner and advance on him menacingly, he will strike back.”

Luna stared at him, before deciding that this was a ‘Nope’ situation and turned away. Let Celestia deal with this crap. “There’s bucking two of them,” she muttered as she walked off.

“I yelled at them cause I got kidnapped and burned down an airship midflight,” Bahamut chuckled and patted Auric on the back. “I like you, even if I do have a massive headache from what you've told me.”

“You have a problem,” the human said. “Don’t you think you could have waited for the airship to not be something you were on before you started burning it? Could you have used anything but fire to fight with?”

“If you can't kill it with fire, you're not using enough fire,” Bahamut nodded. “Well, perhaps. Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Besides, I wound up in Ponyville and got to help Rainbow Dash and her messed up leg. And I scored some minions. It was a good day.”

“...I feel like I could hang around here for years and not understand how this world works,” the human sighed. “So, uh, sorry I had to remind you about your origins. Most of the people I meet are quite aware…”

“Nice to see I break the mould,” Bahamut smirked. He raised a hand and focused his power into a shining green gem. “Cure Materia. It'll produce Life and Esuna once it matures. Probably not much to someone of your power, but I bet you'd find a use for it.” He tossed the gem towards him.

“Not bad, I could definitely find a use for that,” Auric said. “Both at once is nice.” He put a hand to his chin and hummed for a moment, before snapping his fingers. “Got it.” With that, a golden mist flowed from one hand as he began constructing a black jet out of thin air.

“Now what are you making?” Bahamut asked. “This is Alchemy?”

“I’m using my Understanding of how things work to call together all the bits and pieces for this particular gem,” the human said. “Funny how knowing how everything works pairs so well with a power based on the manipulation of matter.” Soon enough, the gem was completed.

“You can’t possibly know everything,” Bahamut frowned. “The human brain couldn't comprehend it. You'd go insane… if you're lucky.”

“I did,” the man said softly. “That particular memory is still something I try to avoid fully recalling. Seeing it all at once...drove me mad.”

“Well… you’re looking great for a crazy guy,” Bahamut smirked.

“Yeah, I lost something when I lost my sword,” the human said. “Then again, it captured my moment of madness, so...and there we have it, done.” The jet was now sparking with a bit of power.

“Okay…” Bahamut looked at the gem and shrugged. “What is it?”

“Feed it a little power and see,” the human said as he passed the stone off to the dragon. “Explaining it would take the fun out of it.”

“I feel like this is accepting candy from a stranger,” Bahamut muttered and gave the human a smirk. “Do I need an adult?”

“I am an adult,” the man said with only a slightly creepy voice, before laughing it off. “No, but seriously, try it out. I promise you you’ll love it.”

Bahamut shrugged and made sure he had a Shell and Protect in place, before feeding the gem some magic...and then he turned invisible.

“So… nothing happen-Holy shit I'm invisible!”

“It only works when you’re in shadows, though,” the human said. “Direct light on you will break the illusion. It’s still useful.”

“Mental note, don't use it around Celestia. The sun literally shines out of her ass,” Bahamut said aloud. “Still, interesting. I can think of a few uses.”

“You gave me something, it’s only fair I return the favor,” the human said. “I might even stick around for breakfast, catch a few sights in Canterlot.”

“You're welcome to if you like,” Bahamut said with a small shrug. “Just avoid Celestia, she’s likely to grill you for questions, then likely grill you in the literal sense… Oh, and lock your door. Cadenza seems determined.”

“One of the benefits of being hit with the full power of the Golden Sun is immortality,” the human said. “Celestia could try whatever she wanted. I got to test out dying. It sucks, by the way.”

“Soulbonded to Twilight. If I die, so does she and vice versa.” Bahamut sighed and shook his head. “Come on, you can crash with me.”

“Sounds good to me,” the human said as he followed the dragon. He led him back to the living area to see Twilight sleeping peacefully on the couch, Cadenza standing watch, but left once Bahamut and Auric returned.

“I have a bad feeling…” Bahamut said to no-one in particular. He was right to feel that, before Sunset and Moondancer raced in, some bedding wrapped in their combined magic.

“Sleepover!” they cheered and then stopped dead when they saw Auric.

“Meet Moonbutt Jr, and Sunbutt Jr.” Bahamut made a sweeping motion with his free arm, the other cradling Twilight.

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” the human said as he walked over to one corner.

“So… who’s the Hearth’s Warming decoration?” Sunset asked.

“Hah! Called it!” Bahamut smirked. “His name is Auric and he’s a new friend of mine. Go easy on him though, I haven’t seen what his threshold for cuteness is.”

“I’ve seen cuter,” the human replied. “I teach cuter.”

“Then you know not the power of a filly named Fluttershy,” Bahamut nodded as he climbed onto the couch as Cadenza re-appeared and lay out a few futons. At the mention of that name, the pegasus let out a small ‘squee’.

“Okay, that one, I’ll admit, is plenty adorable,” the human said. “Still, I know cuter.”

“Me?” Cadenza blinked cutely. A pony with a mouth like hers had no right to be so adorable.

“Mmhmm,” the human said as he reclined in a chair, idly observing.

“Hah! he said I’m cute!” Cadenza smirked at Bahamut.

“Maybe the trip addled his brain,” the dragon shot back, which earned him a pillow to the face.

“I can just tell my time here is going to be interesting,” Auric chuckled.

A small pillow fight had broken out… until one hit Twilight…

She opened her eyes and everyone gazed into the bloodshot death they promised as her horn sparked.

There were no survivors. Auric was left alone on the field of battle as Twilight mercilessly shot down each and every pony into the realm of unconsciousness… and one dragon.

“Sleep in Tartarus,” the purple filly muttered before curling up on Bahamut’s chest and going back to sleep.

“On that note, I think I’ll get some sleep as well,” the human said, before focusing his power and walking up the wall, before coming to rest on the ceiling and laying himself down to rest up there.

Celestia’s reaction the next morning would be priceless...

Next Chapter: Chapter Five Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 32 Minutes
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