
The Dragon King of Equestria

by Ausbrony

Chapter 3: Chapter Two

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Twilight Velvet wiped a tear from her eye as she watched her little filly adjust a strap on her saddlebags.

“I can’t believe how much you’ve grown up,” she said through her tears. “My sweet, innocent little filly.”

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. She just knew her mom was going to be embarrassing about this.

“It’ll be alright, I’ll be home on weekends. And I have Bahamut with me as well…” Though, that might have just added to her mother’s worries. Ever since she released a little bit of his power, not only was he now a little taller than her, he’d also become really quiet and kept to himself for the last couple of days.

The carriage that would take her to the castle had finished being loaded up with her luggage. She gave her parents one last hug and climbed aboard. But before Bahamut could get on, Night Light pulled him aside.

“Look Bahamut,” he said. His tone was stern, but caring. “We haven’t known you long, and I don’t know what you think of us ponies…”

Bahamut remained silent, but he was listening at least.

“Can you promise me one thing? Please, no matter what. Keep Twilight safe.”

The dragon opened one eye and looked at the stallion.

“I saw the way you two were on that first day you came here. Please, can you promise me that?”

“I don’t know what the future holds,” Bahamut finally spoke. “But I can tell you one thing. Twilight will be in all of them. I’ll make that promise.”

“Thank you,” Night Light said. “Now go on, before I get sappy.”

“Bit late for that,” Bahamut replied and climbed aboard the carriage. Velvet gave her daughter one last kiss for luck and the carriage pulled away.

The only sounds they could hear was the clickaclacking of the wheels on the cobblestones. Bahamut looked to his left at the unicorn filly and sighed.

“You’re not gonna start crying are you?”

“N-No,” Twilight replied curtly, which was followed by a sniff as she tried and failed to fight back some tears.

“Look,” Bahamut sighed. “Sorry I’ve been quiet the last couple of days. I’ve had a lot to think about. A few… inevitabilities I’ve had to really sit down and accept. I didn’t mean to ignore you okay?”

“Whatever,” Twilight folded her legs and pouted. She missed her parents already.

“Oh come on, I’m trying to apologise here,” Bahamut said and hung his head. “Well… guess I’ll just keep this then.” Twilight’s ear flicked and her curiosity betrayed her as she turned her head slightly to look at him.

And the book that he held.

“L-Like I care about some book,” she said.

“Yeah, I didn’t think this ‘Basic Principles of Alchemy’ would be your thing,” he said and held the book closer.

“Basic… the Updated Edition? By Transmuter?”

“What else?” Bahamut shrugged. “But if you don’t want it…” He flexed his claws as he realised he was holding nothing but air, the filly already flipping through the book with mad glee.

Bahamut just smirked at his victory and looked out of the window. He’d come to like Equestria, well, aside from the Princesses, but he’d just mess with them until he figured they were even.

“Bahamut?” Twilight turned to him as the castle drew closer. “What if the Princess is still mad at me?”

“Why would she… ah, for giving me a little power?”

Twilight nodded and clutched her book tighter.

“Don’t worry about it,” Bahamut said and ruffled her mane. “Let me take care of it okay? Worse comes to worse, I’ll tell her I brainwashed you or something.”

“I’m too smart to be brainwashed,” Twilight nodded. “She’ll never believe that?”

“But how would you know?” Bahamut smirked. “I could have brainwashed you to make you think you weren’t brainwashed?”

Twilight paused as that scenario ran through her head. She came to the most logical conclusion. “I just would.”

“If you say so… little sister.”

Twilight paused again. “Little… sister?”

“Well, I’m older and taller than you now. So that makes me your big brother,” Bahamut nodded. “Sorry Starswirl.”

“Stop calling me Starswirl!” twilight punched his arm with a hoof. She suddenly pitched forward when the carriage came to a sudden stop, but Bahamut caught her.

“Oi, you wanna be a little more careful!” he yelled at the guards pulling the carriage. “We don’t exactly have seatbelts back… here…?” Then he saw why they stopped so suddenly.

Princess Celestia was walking towards the carriage. And she looked pissed.

“Aw hell,” the dragon muttered. “Alright Twibright, stay here for a minute.”

“Don’t call me that either,” she said, then squeaked when she saw Celestia. Bahamut hopped out of the carriage and closed the door, putting himself between Twilight and Celestia.

“Hey there Sunflanks. Nice morning huh?” he smirked, but Celestia’s unwavering gaze didn’t falter. “Alright, did you steal the stick out of Luna’s flank? What are you so pissed about?”

“I told Twilight not to release your power,” Celestia said through a clenched jaw. “And she breaks that rule, only hours later!”

“I convinced her,” Bahamut said with a wave of his claw. “She’s like what… ten?”

“Eleven!’ Twilight called from the carriage.

“My mistake,” Bahamut nodded. “Anyway, she’s just a kid and I’m almost as old as you Grammy Tia. Besides…”

“Besides?” Celestia took a step forward.

Bahamut held up a claw and it sparked with lightning magic. “It would be a little difficult to teach these filly’s if I can’t use the spells myself, now is it?”

“That is beside the point!” Celestia started.

“No, it’s not,” Bahamut continued. “I can only access basic tier magic. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say I’m at around 12% power. You could still crush me without any effort at all. Well, you’d still kill Twilight along with me though…”

“Still hiding behind that?” Luna asked as she teleported in.

“Oh, heya Moonshine,” Bahamut waved. “Now that we have your combined intellect here, we might be able to have an actual intelligent conversation.”

“I will end you!” Luna growled.

“Meh, you do strike me as the type that finishes quickly,” Bahamut said with a wide smile.

“Of course, I end faster than anypony else,” Luna nodded, utterly missing the innuendo. To her confusion, Bahamut just laughed harder and even Celestia sighed and resisted the urge to facehoof.

“Look Tia,” Bahamut said once he’d calmed down. “It’s not Twilight’s fault alright. I needed a little more to function properly and teach them so they don’t hurt themselves or anypony else. Has that little bacon-haired one burned anything down yet?”

Celestia remained silent.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Twilight owes me five bits,” Bahamut smirked.

“Dang it!” the filly yelled from the carriage.

“Besides, don’t you think my ‘rehabilitation’ would go along if I were to teach them?” Bahamut made air quotes with his claws. “I found that I can get along with Twibright-”

“TWILIGHT. TWI. LIGHT!” the filly roared.

“Sparklefairy,” Bahamut smirked, one that grew when he heard her screams of rage. “So let’s see if I can get along with your other little ponies without feeling the desire to snack on them.”

“You’d eat ponies!?” Luna raged.

“I’d love to eat you Lulu~” Bahamut wiggled his eyebrows. Luna’s eyes widened and she took a step back.

“Bahamut… stop messing with Luna,” Celestia groaned, her earlier anger fading away. “Fine. But Luna and I will be observing all of your lessons. And you are to be within our sight at all times…”

“Oh, so I get to sleep with you as well, so bold of you Tia~”

That one, Luna got. She snorted and smiled at her sister.

Celestia sighed and turned around. “Go mount a cactus Bahamut.”

“Assume the position then,” the dragon smiled again.

“I can’t believe she hit me,” Bahamut groaned as he rubbed his head. Twilight was shuffling along as well, her own head pounding.

“Sorry Twi, I shouldn’t have egged her on like that,” the dragon sighed.

“S’Okay,” she mumbled. Her head hurt. “What did you say, I don’t get it. What position? Like yoga or something? Why did you want the Princess to exercise?”

“Er…” Bahamut paused. he felt as though he’d just encroached on dangerous waters and that Twilight Velvet would very likely cause him a great deal of pain if he didn’t choose his next words carefully.

“...I’ll tell you when you're older.”

“Aw come on!” Twilight yelled and winced when her head throbbed. A gentle light surrounded her and she felt the pain vanish. “Ahhh, that’s better,” she sighed.

“You’re welcome,” the quiet voice replied and the pair turned to see Moondancer standing there, a green glow fading from her horn.

“Moondancer!” Twilight giggled and ran forward, pulling the mare into a hug. The other unicorn looked rather terrified at first, but soon returned the embrace.

“You’ve already gotten pretty good at using Cure,” Bahamut nodded, noting that his own pain had faded. She’d already learned how to cast on multiple targets? “I take it that you’ve been practicing Moondancer?”

“Aw what? You use her name and not mine?” Twilight pouted as she released the hug.

“Moondancer has already reached the first stage of our training and we haven’t even started yet,” Bahamut pointed out.

“How am I supposed to practice?” Twilight riposted. “I can’t summon you!”

“Who said I was the only summonable creature?” Bahamut smirked as he beckoned for Moondancer to follow him.

“...I...WHAT!?” Twilight stood there. “You never told me!”

“You never asked,” Bahamut called back and Moondancer giggled. Twilight pouted again and ran to catch up with them.

True to their word, Bahamut wasn’t left alone with the fillies for long. Luna had first shift it seemed, and Bahamut raised an eye at the massive mug of coffee she was nursing.

“Wow Lunalu. You could drown a hydra in that thing,” he chuckled.

“You’re a dragon, care to test that theory?” Luna sniped.

“So prickly,” Bahamut shrugged. “Well, I guess we’ll wait for Bacon-hair to show up and then we can start on figuring out some sort of lesson schedule.”

“Oh come on!” they heard Sunset Shimmer yell from out in the corridor. “Those buildings asked for it!!”

“Um...wat?” Twilight blinked.

“Oh boy,” Bahamut sighed as the doors flew open and Sunset Shimmer was escorted in by two guards.

“I like this one,” Luna smiled.

“Flamebrain!” Bahamut called out. “What did you blow up?”

“It was one. Time!” Sunset frowned and glared at her guard escort. “Stupid hoity-toity nobles’ll think twice about calling me a commoner!”

“Hah!” Luna pumped her hoof in the air.

“Don’t encourage the little pyro,” Bahamut said. “She’s my student now and it’ll make me look bad if she starts setting ponies on fire.” He turned to the little unicorn and shrugged. “At least learn how not to get caught first…”

Sunset just grinned as she took a seat at the table, and a few minutes later, some of the palace chefs brought them out sandwiches and some juice.

“So, what’s going to happen now?” Twilight asked. “Will we be learning from the Princesses? Or from Bahamut?”

“Both,” Luna said, and shot a small glare at Bahamut.

“She’s just sore that i gave the Job Classes to you three, and not Celestia and Luna,” Bahamut chuckled.

“Why?” Twilight asked. “Why did you give them to us? The Princesses are much stronger…”

“And that’s why,” Bahamut said. “Ever heard the saying, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Moonbutt and Sunbutt have had a thousand years to practice their magic and that’s left them with a particular mindset. Younger ponies with far less experience can take to them much easier. Also…” He turned and looked at Luna. “I just really hate those two. They’re too short-sighted and narrow-minded.”

“Why you insufferable…” Luna went to stand up.

“See, you’re so incredibly easy to anger,” Bahamut said. “I like riling up Starbright, but that’s because her reactions are as adorable as all get out.”

“I am not adorable!” Twilight pouted, puffing out her cheeks.

“Case and point,” Bahamut nodded. “The first thing you’d do dear Loony, is try and find military applications for them. And Celestia would likely just lock the secrets away, deeming them ‘too dangerous’.

“Are they?” Twilight asked him. “Are our new abilities dangerous?”

“If misused, yes.” Bahamut nodded. “It’s like any other magic. What would some well-aimed telekinesis do to a pony? Or a misfired Transmogrify spell?”

Luna shuddered. There were some… graphic horror stories about ponies failing that spell, as well as misfired teleports.

“But, the key here is that your skills? They are highly effective against the monsters outside the shield.”

“I’ve been wondering about that,” Sunset asked. “Why?”

“A good question Sunbutt Jr.” Bahamut cleared his throat and explained. “Those monsters? They’re like me. In a sense anyway. They aren’t from Equus.”

“Not…” Twilight tilted her head. “But monsters have always been around-”

“No,” Luna interrupted her. “They have not. The beasts that reside outside have only existed for a thousand years.”

“Ever since I arrived,” Bahamut clarified. “I don’t know if Discord summoned them along with me. Or if my arrival altered time and space, allowing them entry from wherever they once came.” It was one of the biggest problems that weighed on his mind. That his arrival had drastically altered this world.

“It still makes we wonder if you are the source of all of this,” Luna said and stared at the dragon. “If your… departure from this world will cause the monsters to disappear.”

“NO!” Twilight yelled, causing Luna and even Bahamut to flinch and stare with widened eyes. “You can’t kill Bahamut for something so… unproven for one. Not to mention unethical.”

Well, to say Bahamut was surprised was a massive understatement. The fact that Twilight was standing up to one of her beloved Princesses for him…

Hah! Luna must be friggen pissed right now~

“Y-You’re right,” Luna admitted, causing Bahamut to spit out his juice. Did… Did Moonbutt just cave to the whims of a filly? “I cannot believe a filly has more kindness than I. And to think I call myself a Princess…”

“To be fair, those were self-appointed titles,” Bahamut smirked. “If somepony stronger came along…”

“And then you ruin the mood by irritating me again,” Luna scowled. “Well whatever. Shall we start with what you filly’s are capable of in terms of pony magic? Celestia and I will need to get a gauge on what you can do before we are able to teach you more effectively.”

The three shared a look and nodded.

“And while you do that, I’m going to go and nap,” Bahamut stretched and yawned. “Good luck with Princess Stick-in-her-Butt. I’m outta here.”

The chorus of Luna’s indignant shouts as he left the room was music to his ears.

A few days had passed since the trio of fillies had come to live at the castle. They had taken to their studies like a moth to a flame, and seemed to endlessly soak up knowledge faster than Celestia or Luna could teach them.

The solar alicorn sat upon her throne, taking some time to attend a few royal duties that had piled up since then. No more incidents had come to pass like the Barrier breach, but Celestia knew it was only a matter of time before it happened again. Any and all investigations into the matter had turned up exactly nothing.

“At this rate… if one turns up again…” She wouldn’t rely on Bahamut or those fillies. She would not subject the ponies to that kind of danger.

One of her ears flicked as she heard a commotion from out in the hall. Somepony was shouting and she heard her guards running to the source of the noise.

“What in Equestria…?” Celestia went to stand up, just as the throne room doors crashed open, the unconscious body of one of her guards being the battering ram that did it.

“I thought I fuckin’ told you NOT TO TOUCH ME!” somepony screamed as another guard was hurled. A pink filly in her late teens strode into the room, her striped mane was disheveled and her eyes were narrowed with fury.

Celestia sighed and descended from her throne, first checking the guard that had been tossed. “Hello Cadenza,” she said flatly once she confirmed he was still alive.

“Ah, so the Bitch-God herself descened from fuckin’ heaven to greet me,” Cadenza smirked. “So what’s up Cakebutt? I thought you banished me to that shithole temple! What, miss me already? Or has Luna stopped giving you any?”

Celestia’s eye twitched. This had to be a mistake. There was no way Bahamut wanted her to work with those sweet fillies. “I am not the one that requested your presence…”

“Well now, isn’t that right fecking interesting,” Cadneza mused, casually wiping some of the guards blood from her hoof. “So who is it? Some pompous Prince found out I exist and wants my hoof in marriage? Cause all he’ll get is my hoof feeding him his own bleedin’ lungs.”

Ah yes, how could Celestia have forgotten that incident. Blueblood still had the scars from that encounter. Literal and mental…

“No, actually,” Celestia was trying so hard to remain calm here. “Someone from my past has resurfaced. And he has said that he would like to teach you.”

“Yeah, cause that doesn’t sound like a fuckin’ scam does it?” Cadenza spat. “Out with it Celestia. What. The fuck. Do you WANT!?”

“The Dragon God-King. Bahamut.” Celestia said.

For the first time, the pink pegasus didn’t say a word. She just stood there as the name milled around in her head until it struck a chord of recognition.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” she shook her head. “This is a pretty weak prank Celestia. Or had Luna’s lame-ass jokes finally robbed you of all your humor?”

“This is no joke Cadence,” Celestia enjoyed the visible twitch the pegasus got whenever her fillyhood name was used. “Bahamut has been revived, and by an eleven-year old filly no less. Not only that, he has bestowed some strange new magic upon her and two of her friends.”

Cadenza paced around the room, the remaining guards giving her a wide berth. The last thing they wanted was to mess with a mare half their size that could kick their collective asses with her bare hooves.

“Alright then, where is he?” Cadenza asked. “I failed to see some fecking big dragon on the way in.”

Celestia’s mouth twitched into a smile. This was going to be amazing.

Bahamut snored lightly on the huge bed. He’d been sleeping wherever he felt like the last week and today, he was in Moondancer’s room. These girls had been given a ridiculously huge living space and he had to say that the vanilla incense she burned in here was rather relaxing.

“He’s in here,” he heard Celestia from outside the room and sat up. He could sense somepony else… somepony he thought he recognised…

The door opened and Celestia walked in, followed by a pink pegasus with a chiseled scowl on her face.

“Are you drunk? I don’t see no fuckin’ ‘Dragon God’.” Cadenza frowned deeper and then she spied the small dragon on the bed. “Oi! Fat-Flanks.”

“Yes, you pretentious little bitch?” Celestia smiled sweetly. Cadenza had worn her final nerve.

“You’re kidding right? That little toy-thing there is Bahamut?”

Ahh, Mi Amore Cadenza. Now he remembered her. This was going to be fun. Seems Celestia was in a mood as well. Oh his day suddenly got infinitely better.

“Celestia. I swear I’m gonna break ya fecking jaw if you’re having me on here,” Cadenza said, her jaw set in place as she eyed Bahamut.

The dragon sat perfectly still, before slowly tilting to the side and falling over like a limp toy. He even made a small squeaking sound.

“It is a fucking toy!” Cadenza whirled around as Celestia stared past her.

‘Bahamut, I swear I’m going to eviscerate you!’ Celestia screamed internally. “Cadenza, he’s having a joke at your expense…”

“You’re a fecking joke is what it is,” Cadenza said and then let out the most filly-like shriek as something stung her flank. Celestia caught the flash of Thunder magic that Bahamut had shot.

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!” Cadenza whirled around, seeing only the ‘plush toy’. “Somepony’s gonna fucking die for that!”

“Whatever is the matter dear Cadence?” Celestia smirked.

“Something stung my bloody butt is what’s up!” she growled as she looked around. “And their entrails hanging from the ceiling will be next!”

“Such language, I doubt all the soap in Equestria will be enough to clean that out,” a voice said and Cadenza glared harder. Bahamut sat upright and grinned. “Hello Cadence. So glad you could join us here.”

“Celestia…” Cadenza said slowly.

“Yeee~eesss?” the princess beamed, her wide smile could barely be contained.


“She already did Candy-Flanks,” Bahamut hopped off of the bed. “I am Bahamut, and it is I that requested your presence here in Canterlot.”

The expression on Cadenza’s face was… interesting. Internally, she was wondering how many pieces she could tear this lizard into before she started force feeding them to Celestia.

“As I understand,” Bahamut continued, ignoring her mental debate. “You’ve spent several years in a mountain monastery to try and… tame that wild temper of yours.”

“More like somepony was a little embarrassed her ‘perfect little niece’ wasn’t so bloody perfect. If only they knew what the Bitch-Queen was like when you really push her buttons~”

“Keep going, I dare you,” Celestia said, her horn crackling.

“That sounds like fun for later,” Bahamut said. “So Sunbutt sent you away. Well, I already knew all that anyway. What I don't know is how that little vacation went for you. Did you learn anything useful?”

“I learned some monks don’t take that vow of chastity very seriously~” Cadenza smiled.

“Marvelous,” Bahamut deadpanned. “But I’m talking about fighting. Did they teach you at all?”

“They tried,” Cadenza said and left it at that. Apparently their philosophy of ‘Do not strike out of anger’ was broken a few too many times for their liking. “Was okay I guess.”

“Excellent!” Bahamut smirked and looked at Celestia. “Can you fetch Twilight and meet us outside? I have a little gift for the returning princess.”

“This is only going to end in blood and screams,” Celestia sighed.

“Sounds like a bloody good time,” Cadenza hummed. “Throw in an orgy, maybe some hard cider and fat flanks as a pinata?”

“I like her, she knows how to throw a party,” Bahamut smirked as he walked out of the room. “Come on Cadence. Let’s go~”

“Don’t call me that if you don’t wanna die!” Cadenza roared and headed after him.

“I’m going to need medication for this,” Celestia groaned…

The alicorn soon met them in the courtyard, young Twilight Sparkle in tow. Cadenza spied them and smirked. “Took ya long enough you blo-” Cadenza looked at the little filly that accompanied her and her eyes widened.

A second later, the pink pegasus was hugging and nuzzling the hay out of her. “Oh bloody hell, she’s the most goddamn cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”

“I need an adult!” Twilight cried and held out her hooves for help.

Celestia teleported Twilight to safety and sighed. “So what are we doing here?”

“Easy, I need Twilight to release my power so I can bestow a Job Class upon Cadence,” Bahamut smiled.

“Absolutely not,” Celestia said. “No way is that happening.”

“Well I can’t bestow it upon Cadence,” Bahamut replied. “I don’t have the power.”

“I don’t have a bloody clue what you’re all prattling on about,” Cadence said, but her tone had lost a lot of it’s bite. “I just wanna snuggle that adorable little filly~”

“What’s going on out here?” Sunset asked and Cadenza whirled around.

“More adorable fillies!” she squealed happily and scooped up Moondancer and Sunset into a tight hug. “Oi Fat Flanks, how dare you hoard cute little fillies and not invite me!”

“I swear to me, I’m going to send her to the goddess-damned sun,” Celestia muttered. “And no Bahamut. I am not allowing the release of your power. That is that. End of story.”

“Like he could do anything anyway,” Cadenza said as she stroked Moondancer’s mane. “Lookit the little shrimp. Other dragons would use him as a buttplug.”

CADENZA!” the pink pegasus turned her head and just barely put Sunset and Moondancer down before Luna’s hoof collided with her face, sending her sprawling across the ground. “I am going to tear you to shreds, you pathetic excuse for a pony!”

“Aww,” cadenza wiped some blood from her snout. “Iz widdle Woona still mad that I replaced all her banners with pictures of her butt? Or when I snuck all those stallions into your room on the promise of a royal harem? Or was when I-” She jumped back as a blast of magic struck the ground. “Ooh, almost got me that time. Whats up Princess Loudmouth? getting blind in your old age?”

Bahamut sat back, idly wishing he had some popcorn. “I’m putting fifty bits on Cadence.”

“Why not Princess Luna?” Twilight asked, horrified that the obscene pegasus was getting attacked in the first place.

“Candy’s scrappy, and she probably fights dirty,” Bahamut smirked. “This should be fun, unless…”

“Stop it right this instant!” Celestia yelled as her horn flared, holding both mares in a golden aura. “Honestly Luna, at least try to act like a Princess…”

“She started it,” Luna pouted and poked her tongue out at Cadenza.

“Better use your safeword,” Cadenza smirked back, “Or the big bad princess might get… physical~”

“Goddess above,” Celestia groaned and dropped both mares in the dirt.

“Unless Princess Fun-Police ruins it,” Bahamut concluded. “Alright Twilight, summon my power and we’ll add Candeza to our little gang.”

“Twilight, you are forbidden from doing such a thing!” Celestia warned. “I was lenient when you broke my rule last time. You will not be so lucky for a second.”

“I… uh…” She closed her eyes and looked away. “Sorry Bahamut… I, I can’t…”

“It’s fine,” the dragon shrugged. He wouldn’t have done anything… except vapourise Celestia’s bedroom. “I can use some of the Job’s Abilities, so maybe I can teach her that way until Celestia works that stick out a little…”

“Bahamut!” Celestia lifted him with her magic. “I am not in the mood to deal with your particular brand of attitude today. I expect you to behave, or…”

“Fine,” he shrugged. “And when another monster winds up inside the barrier, you can tell the families, then husbands, wives… children of all the little guards that get themselves killed trying to kill it. You can tell them all about how they might not have died, because you refused to let me train up some ponies that could actually defeat them swiftly and effectively.”

“That. Is not. Fair!” Celestia said, leaning in close. “You will not trick me into releasing your power, and letting you become that very threat!”

“Maybe I will,” Bahamut shrugged. “And when I blow up the city and kill the filly I’m soul-bonded to, I’ll die. Yup, sounds like a real great plan.”

“He’s got you there,” Cadenza laughed. “So what’s the matter Tiiiia? You sealed him away before right? Why don’t you get your little Elements of Harmony and do it again?”

“Cadenza. Don’t.”

“Oh that’s right,” The pegasus said with a small sneer. “You can’t use them anymore!”

The courtyard fell into total silence. The three fillies eyes were almost as big as their heads as they looked at Celestia and Luna.

“You… you can’t use the Elements?” Moondancer spoke up. “Princess Celestia, is-is that true?”

“Didn’t tell them?” Cadenza asked sweetly. “You don't want to admit that if something like Bahamut or Discord happened again, you and Luna are fuckin’ powerless to stop it. You’re scared that if this little toothpick really is Bahamut goes on a rampage… You. Can’t. Stop him!”

“Cadenza!” Celestia roared. “That is enough of your insolence!!”

“Princess,” Twilight had stepped forward and placed her hoof on Celestia’s leg. “Princess Celestia. Please? I promise that Bahamut won’t do anything bad. And… and if he does. If something happens and ponies… might be killed…” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “T-Then all you have to do, is kill me right?”

Celestia’s eyes widened and she took a step back, shaking her head slowly. “Oohh, oh Twilight. No, I could… I could never do that.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “Fine. I will allow it this once. Do not betray this trust Bahamut.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Bahamut shrugged and winked at her. “Don’t worry Sunbutt the First. I’ll be a good little dragon.” He turned to Twilight and gave her a fanged grin. “Alright Twilight. Let’s initiate a summon!”

Twilight nodded and smiled. “You used… my name.”

“Only for today. You showed some real guts standing up to Celestia. That’s a resolve that comes in handy when you get older. But for now, summon my power.”

“How do I do it?” she asked, taking out his Garnet.

“Just like before. But don’t worry about focusing on trickling out the power. Just grab it and let it go!”

Twilight nodded and closed her eyes, the Magicite started to glow brightly as Celestia and Luna stood back, their horns lit in case he tried anything.

Bahamut cackled as a massive magic circle appeared beneath Twilight and he felt his body surge with power. Higher and higher it climbed and he felt his form shift accordingly as he grew larger.

“Well… I’ll be a feckin’ daughter of Discord,” Cadenza whispered as she saw the massive black dragon take shape. “That’s Bahamut!?”

The look of slight fear in the eyes of her aunts confirmed that it was indeed the Dragon King. His roar shook the castle to its very foundations as he took a deep breath and smiled as he looked down.

“Scary,” Moondancer whispered.

“Coooool~” Sunset laughed.

“This… This is soooo much better~” he rumbled as he flexed his claws.

“Bahamut! Do as you said. Bestow Cadenza with the power and return to your bound form!” Celestia said loudly.

“Hmm, I could…” he mused and the glow around the alicorn’s horns grew brighter. “Oh do try and relax, Daughters of Heaven. I jest…” He looked down at Cadenza and then with one claw, lifted her off of the ground as she swore, screamed and struggled.

“Well now, am I regal enough for you now?” he mused and stared into her eyes. “Tell me Mi Amore Cadenza. Would you like to protect this world? Would you like to become more than you are?”

For the first time, Cadenza was stunned into silence. She could only nod and hope the dragon didn’t eat her.

“Oh come now Candy, where’d that spirit go?” He narrowed his eyes and peered into her. Not into her eyes, but into her very being. “Ah, now ‘that’ explains a lot. Not many realise when an Eidolon is housed within them.” He growled and set Cadenza down. “Come now Ifrit. Do you intend to hide yourself from my presence?”

Cadenza screamed in surprise when her body erupted in flames and then a demon took form, causing everypony to shout in surprise.

“So, you have finally graced the world once more,” Ifrit spoke. “So tell me Bahamut, King of Eidolons. What is it you want from me?”

“You will submit yourself to the summoner,” Bahamut ordered and pointed at Twilight. “She is young, and I will not always be able to be called upon. So you shall form a Pact with her.”

“And if I refuse?” Ifrit suggested, before Bahamut’s tail slammed him into the ground, the entire mountain trembled from the impact.

“Then I shall ‘make’ you submit!” Bahamut roared at him. “DO NOT TEST ME!!”

“Bahamut!” Twilight shouted from the ground. “Stop being mean to your friends!”

“I WILL… wat?” Bahamut paused and looked at Twilight. “Oh come on Twilight! He’s a prick and needs to be taught a little respect!”

“No, he just needs a friend,” Twilight said and walked right up to Ifrit. “Mr. Ifrit right? Sorry Bahamut hurt you like that. Moondancer? Could you heal him?”

Moondancer trembled but nodded her head. “S-sure…” she replied and cast a Cure spell.

“There we go,” Twilight smiled and rubbed one of his horns. “Do you wanna be friends Mr. Ifrit? Will you… help us?”

“I am Ifrit, the Lord of Flames,” he replied as he got to his feet. “All where I walk is cinders and ash. My flames are now yours to command Young Summoner. May all your foes feel the Flames of Hell and fear them!” His body burst into light and vanished, a Ruby now sitting on the scorched ground where he once stood.

“I have ‘never’ seen a Eidolon obtained like that…” Bahamut sighed and smiled. “Well, that aside, Cadenza? IT. IS. TIME!” He raised a claw and on it, he held a glowing orb. “I bestow upon you, the power of the Dragoon. The power to crush your enemy on the land or in the sky! The powers of the dragons themselves will be at your command.”

“Ohhh, fuck the hell yes,” Cadenza purred as the orb touched her and merged into her being.

Twilight’s Garnet suddenly begun to glow again, before a dozen replica’s surrounded Bahamut and flashed in sequence. Words filled Bahamut’s mind.

“I am Bahamut, God-King of the Dragons. If you think your pitiful self worthy. Then I may heed your call with my absolute power! I will terraform the very land itself and obliterate all!”

And with that, the gems scattered and vanished, Bahamut sensing some dimensional magic at work.

‘Well now, that’s interesting…’ the dragon mused. ‘I wonder what that was…’

Twilight’s Garnet glowed again and the dragon felt his power leave him, his body shrinking down until he resumed the form he had a moment ago.

“And just as I was getting used to it,” he sighed and he felt something in his claw. He opened it to see a Gold Coin, as another voice echoed in his mind.

‘I am Auric Fulcrum, the light, the candle, the wielder of Alchemy! Reborn by the Golden Sun, I punish the wicked, no matter their form! You who would bring back balance and peace, I call friends to my cause!’

“Well, now that is even more interesting,” Bahamut chuckled to himself. “And what a pretentious name. I think I’ll hang onto this for now. Let Twilight get used to Ifrit first.”

Still… Golden Sun? Why did that sound so… familiar?

Ah well.

“So… what was all that about?” Cadenza finally asked. “What the fack is a… Dragoon?”

“A warrior, a very specialised one at that,” Bahamut said. “So, I’d get started on using a spear if I were you.”

“Those monks taught me a little about their spears~” Cadenza purred. “They thought I handled them very well~”

“You know how to use a spear Miss Cadenza?” Twilight started up at her and the pegasus blushed and coughed.

“W-Well, y-yeah. Sure. A little I guess…”

Well now, that too was interesting. Cadenza was surprisingly normal around foals. Maybe Celestia should have made her a foalsitter instead of a monk.

“Well, I’m tired so I’m going to bed,” Bahamut stretched, before Celestia blocked his path.

“I believe you still owe us an explanation,” she said. “What was that thing you pulled from Cadence?”

“Oh, that?” Bahamut tapped his chin. “That was Ifrit. He most likely lived in in her head because of her fiery spirit. Or maybe because she’s just hot?”

“You know it!” Cadenza said, shaking her rump.

“I didn’t actually know until I held her close enough to feel his presence. But now that I know that other Eidolons exist here, I should be able to sense them a lot easier.” He looked at Twilight, “Plus, when a Summoner obtains more power, her summons will also grow stronger in response. But…” he paused and yawned. “I’m tired so I’ll explain later. And don’t panic, Ifrit will only appear if Twilight summons him. Until then, he exists only as pure energy inside his Magicite. He still possess a consciousness though. We all do.”

And with that, he left the ponies to contemplate what had just transpired.

Next Chapter: Chapter Three Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 32 Minutes
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